Contemporary World

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Mary Ann Y.

Dela Cruz
ASEAN (Association Of Southeast Asia Nation)
ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of what
became known as the ASEAN Declaration or the Bangkok Declaration, signed by the 5 founding
fathers of the regional organization: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.
ASEAN replaced the Association of South East Asia (ASA), which was formed in 1961 by the
Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia.
Aim and purpose
To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region,
promote regional peace and stability, promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on
matters of common interest, provide assistance to each other in the form of training and
research facilities, collaborate more effectively for the greater utilization of agriculture and
industries, expansion of their trade, improvement of transportation and communications
facilities, and raising the living standards of their peoples promote Southeast Asian studies,
maintain close cooperation with existing international and regional organizations with similar
aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation
The disadvantages of ASEAN are the risk of an influx of cheap imports flooding local markets
and the existence of poor governance structures in some member countries. As a free trade
area, member countries expect ASEAN to ease the flow of goods and services in the region by
liberalizing services such as air transport within the region.
APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC, was formed in 1989 in Australia as an informal
forum in which member nations could discuss free trade and economic cooperation along the
Pacific Rim. From the perspective of the United States, it has been a crucial institution for
economic engagement within the region.
Aims and Purpose
APEC was established in 1989 to further enhance economic growth and prosperity for the
region and to strengthen the Asia-Pacific community.Since its inception, APEC has worked to
reduce tariffs and other trade barriers across the Asia-Pacific region, creating efficient domestic
economies and dramatically increasing exports. Free and open trade and investment helps
economies to grow, creates jobs and provides greater opportunities for international trade and
At present, APEC is confronted with a series of problems and in its implementation of the many
commitments in advancing free and open trade and investment, reduces trade barrier, and
building one economic community in the Asia Pacific region.

ATP (Asean Plus Three)

ASEAN+3 cooperation began in December 1997 and institutionalized in 1999 when the
Leaders issued a Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation at their Third ASEAN+3 Summit in
Manila. The three countries added in this are China, Japan and Korea.
Aims and Purpose
The ASEAN+3 leaders expressed greater resolve and confidence in further strengthening
and deepening East Asia cooperation at various levels and in various areas, including energy,
transport, and information and communications technology (ICT). ASEAN agreed to strengthen
partnership with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Republic of Korea (Korea) and Japan
to address mutual issues and concerns in energy security, natural gas development, oil market
studies, oil stockpiling, and renewable energy.
Economic integration has come to the forefront of economic policy making in East Asia,
finally. After lagging behind in forming a comprehensive regional integration area for various
historical, political, cultural and economic reasons, today the discussion ranges from the
introduction of bilateral Free Trade Agreements through currency and financial market
cooperation to a full fledged economic community.
EAS (East Asia Summit)
The East Asia Summit (EAS) is the region's premier forum for strategic dialogue. It is the only
leader-led forum at which all key partners meet to discuss the full range of political, security and
economic challenges facing the Indo-Pacific, and has an important role to play in advancing
closer regional cooperation.
Aim and Purpose
The EAS has also developed its own process and character, centered around an inform
“leader-led” process. This provides an opportunity to exchange ideas as well as to establish and
strengthen personal relationships between the leaders. These efforts were aimed at promoting
community and confidence-building in the region with the hope of realizing an East Asian
The creation of the East Asia Summit (EAS) was once seen as a significant step forward in
building a regional community in East Asia. Contrary to popular perception, however, the EAS
has not contributed to forming the much-heralded regional community in the region. The EAS
has not been able to reach its potential of becoming the key architecture for community building
in East Asia due to disagreement and competition among regional countries that were triggered
by China's withdrawal of support.
Issues and Corcern of Asian Regionalism
They have not played a role in major and longstanding regional conflict. Second criticism
relates to their failure to make use of available instruments of conflict prevention and resolution.
On the economic front, there has been no regional free-trade area under the auspices of APEC.
While the region is regularly visited by natural calamities, there is no standing regional
humanitarian and disaster assistance mechanism in place, despite periodic attempt to create one.
Transnational threats such as illegal migration, terrorism and pandemics continue to be dealt with
on an ad hoc or bilateral basis, without significant multilateral action. There is no regional
peacekeeping force or even a more-limited stand-by arrangement. On human rights and social
issues, Asia continues to lag behind other regions,in developing regional human rights promotion
and protection mechanism.

National Libraty Board (2019). Formation of ASEAN - Singapore History. [online] Available at: (2019). Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian. [online] Available at: (2018-2019). Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - Purpose and Goals.
[online] Available at:

Francisco, K. (2017). LOOK BACK: How ASEAN was formed. [online] Available at:

Coronacion, D. and Calilung, F. (2018 p.101-103). Convergence: A College Textbook in

Contemporary World.

Schönfisch, K. and Seliger, B. (2004). ASEAN plus three (China, Japan, Korea) – towards an
economic union in East Asia?. [online] East Asia Integration Studies. Available at:

Teacher, Law. (November 2013). Major Problems Faced By APEC Since Formation. Retrieved

Reference. (2019). What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of ASEAN?. [online] Available

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade(2018).


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