Reflection Paper

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Title: Church as Herald and Servant on Extra-Judicial Killing

Extra-judicial killing is killing a person without due process. After President Duterte
won the presidency last 2016 election, one of his plans was to abolish drugs through
his Drug war campaign. This involves killing users that didn't stop using or selling
drugs. And this brought a lot of problems to the CHR. They're also trying to address
this issue. Somehow, this issue did not only brought problems for the CHR but also
for the church and the citizens due to the traumas of everyday hearing news relating
to killings.

As for me, this is not an issue we should tolerate. Yes it may have an advantage or a
positive side because we're complacent that we'll be walking along the streets safely
without theft and rapes but seeing someone kill just to provide us a safe environment
is never justifiable. It may be justified to kill someone just to protect yourself in the
moment but not to kill someone in order to prevent things that are yet to happen. This
means that your action must be good but there are unavoidable bad effects. God
gave us this life. He even offer His life to save us. No one has the right to take one's
life except Him. We should treasure our life for this is a gift from Him. And according
to one ethical principle in Natural Theory which is the Principle of Inviolability of
Human life that the life of the criminal is as important as the life of an upright person.
Thus, killing someone just because he uses drugs or sells drugs is unjustifiable. I'm a
pro life so I, myself, don't tolerate killings.

As Church, what will I do?

Church as Herald:
Today, our church our doing their best to inform everyone regarding the issue
through their oratio imperata(prayer for those victims of EJK) before the mass ends.
As Church, I'll form a group that will teach young people and even those who are
already old enough regarding the importance of life and how the Lord desires to
preserve our life. Everyone was allowing something like this to happen because they
didn't know how precious our life is. They're not able to know Jesus' journey in saving
us. And it is the Church that will teach us for us to be equipped enough to understand
the value of every person's life, may it be a criminal or not.
Church as Servant:
We must be reminded that the kingdom belongs to God and even our lives belong to
Him, thus we don't have any right to take one's life just because he did an illegal act.
As servant, I'll serve by joining their prayers for the victims. The church today was
doing their best to serve the people by helping them to attain peaceful living and
equal justice for everyone. Thus, as we can see, the church is not in favor with EJK
ever since. They always include it during their sermon every mass and told every
church goers how the church discourages killings and how much we should value
life. As for me, I'll help the victims by providing them small jobs in order to divert their
attention from drugs and enough them to attend mass in order to hear the Word of
the Lord so that they'll be enlighten and hopefully, they'll find their way back which is
in the arms of our Almighty Father.

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