ss313 1807en F

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Authorising a person or organisation

to enquire or act on your behalf

You can use this form to request another person or organisation to

enquire or act on your behalf for Centrelink payments and services.

When to use this form Use this form to request a person or organisation be a:
• Person permitted to enquire, or
• Correspondence nominee, and/or
• Payment nominee.

If you or your nominee have your Centrelink payments income managed, call
1800 132 594 before filling in this form.

Do NOT complete this form for:

• Aged Care
• Medicare, or
• Child Support.
For more information about requesting someone to enquire or make changes about your
Aged Care, Medicare or Child Support, go to

Important information We may review your nominee arrangement from time to time. This is to make sure you are happy
with the arrangement and that your nominee is fulfilling their responsibilities.
If you think your nominee arrangement is being misused, call 132 850 or visit one of our service
If you are affected by family and domestic violence, call 132 850 Monday to Friday, between
8.00 am and 5.00 pm, local time and ask to speak to a departmental social worker. For more
information, go to or call 000 if you are in immediate


Choosing your Authorising a person or organisation to enquire, act on your behalf or receive your payment does
arrangement not prevent you from dealing with us about your Centrelink business.
There are different types of arrangements to help you with your Centrelink business. The
information below may help you choose the arrangement that best suits your needs:
• nominees can do more for you than a person who only has permission to enquire. A nominee
has more responsibilities and needs to be willing to take on the nominee role.
• you can only have one correspondence nominee and one payment nominee, however, they do
not have to be the same person or organisation.
• you can have a person permitted to enquire in addition to a nominee.
• you will need to complete a separate form if you want to have a different correspondence
nominee to your payment nominee or person permitted to enquire.
The person you appoint as a nominee cannot already have a correspondence or payment
nominee acting on their behalf.

For more information Go to


If you need to call us, go to


We can translate documents you need to give us for free.

To speak to us in other languages, call 131 202.
Note: Call charges may apply.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact the TTY service on
Freecall™ 1800 810 586. A TTY phone is required to use this service.
Notes—1 of 2
Person permitted to A person permitted to enquire is required to only use the information we give them according to
enquire the limitations of the arrangement.
They can ask questions about your Centrelink payments and services. This includes asking us:
• your current rate of payment
• the reason your payment has stopped, and
• the reason your payment has gone up or down for example income and assets, debt and back
payment information.

Correspondence You can choose someone to be your correspondence nominee and/or a payment nominee.
nominee They can be a different person or organisation for each nominee type or the same for both.
A correspondence nominee is required to:
• advise us of any changes in your circumstances within 14 days (within 28 days if outside
• respond to notices if required to do so, including reporting notifiable events and must be aware
that failure to respond to a notice means that you have failed to meet your obligations
• act in your best interest, and
• advise us of any changes that may affect their ongoing ability as a nominee.
They will receive copies of all your Centrelink letters from us, can enquire, act and make changes
to all your Centrelink payments and services on your behalf. This includes:
• asking us questions
• telling us about changes to your circumstances
• completing and signing forms and statements, and
• coming to appointments with you or, if appropriate, for you.

Payment nominee A payment nominee is required to:

• receive your Centrelink payments
• use your payments exclusively for your benefit
• keep records on how the money was spent. We can review these records at any time. If the
nominee does not provide this information, financial penalties may be applied
• act in your best interest, and
• advise us of any changes that may affect their ongoing ability as a nominee.
We can give relevant information to them if there are issues with your payment.
If you receive more money from us than you are entitled to, your payment nominee is not
required to repay your Centrelink debt. You will be required to repay this money.

BOTH correspondence A BOTH correspondence and payment nominee arrangement allows your nominee to enquire,
and payment nominee act and make changes AND receive payments on your behalf.

Proof of identity Before the arrangement for an individual can be processed, the nominee or person permitted to
enquire is required to provide proof of their identity. To do this, they are required to provide photo
identification in person to one of our service centres.

Stopping or changing You can cancel or change your arrangement at any time, unless it is a court, tribunal,
your arrangement guardianship or administration appointed arrangement.
To cancel the arrangement:
• call us - go to

• use your online account to cancel or change your correspondence and/or payment nominee
arrangements at any time
• write to us - go to

When you cancel your nominee arrangement, a letter will be automatically issued to you and your
nominee advising that the arrangement has been cancelled at your request.

Notes—2 of 2

Authorising a person or organisation

to enquire or act on your behalf

Filling in this form 5 Is this request for a person or an organisation?

Tick ONE box only
• Please use black or blue pen.
Person Go to next question
• Where you see a box like this Go to 5 skip to the question Organisation Go to 10
number shown. You do not need to answer the questions in
6 Your requested person’s Centrelink Reference Number
• Only one person or organisation can be requested on this form. (if known)
• When you have filled in Part A, make sure Part B is given to
your nominee or person permitted to enquire to complete.
• If you are affected by family and domestic violence,
call 132 850 Monday to Friday, between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm,
local time and ask to speak to a departmental social worker. 7 Your requested person’s name
For more information, go to www. Family name

First given name

Part A – To be completed by YOU
Second given name
1 Your Centrelink Reference Number (if known)

8 Has your requested person been known by any other name(s)?

2 Your name
Family name
• name at birth
• name before marriage
First given name • previous married name
• Aboriginal or tribal name
• alias
Second given name • adoptive name
• foster name.

No Go to next question
3 Your date of birth Yes Give details below
/ / Other name(s)

4 Has your permanent or postal address changed since you last

told us?
No Go to next question
Yes Give details below
Your permanent address 9 Your requested person’s date of birth
/ / Go to 11

Your postal address (if different from above)

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10 Your requested organisation’s details 13 Please read this before you answer questions 13 to 15
Trading name of organisation For more information about the different arrangement types,
This is the name of the organisation, not the contact person. refer to the Notes.
The name of the contact person is to be provided at the end If you have a nominee arrangement of the same type already
of this question. in place, this request will automatically cancel the existing
Your existing nominee will receive a letter advising that the
arrangement has been cancelled at your request.
Business name of organisation
What arrangement are you requesting?
Australian Business Number (ABN) If you want to request arrangements with more than one
person or organisation, you will need to complete a separate
This is mandatory when nominating an organisation. form for each one.

Person permitted to enquire Go to 15

Organisation’s Centrelink Reference Number (if known) Correspondence nominee Go to 15
Payment nominee Go to 14
BOTH payment and Go to 14
Organisation’s email address correspondence nominee

14 Give details of the nominee’s account where your Centrelink
payments are to be paid
Name of contact person It may be easier for your nominee to manage your payments
by having a separate bank account.
Your nominee must tell us if they change this bank account.

11 What is your requested person’s or organisation’s relationship Name of bank, building

to you (e.g. parent, child, guardian, accountant, Public Trustee)? society or credit union

Branch number (BSB)

Account number (this may
not be your card number)
12 Your requested person’s or organisation’s contact details
Account held in the name(s) of
Street address

For organisations only – Group Institution Code

Postcode (if applicable)
Postal address (if different to above)
15 What is the reason for making this request?
Enduring Power of Attorney
Postcode Guardianship order
Contact phone number Financial management / administration order
( )
Attach a copy of the legal documents.

16 How long do you want this request to last?

Indefinitely OR

From / / To / /

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Privacy notice You will need to provide evidence of the person’s inability
to sign if the arrangement is not court appointed.
17 You need to read this Attach a letter from the treating doctor or a copy of
the medical evidence of the customer’s incapacity or
Privacy and your personal information
inability to sign this form.
Your personal information is protected by law (including
the Privacy Act 1988) and is collected by the Australian Name of the person signing on behalf of the customer
Government Department of Human Services for the
assessment and administration of payments and services. This
information is required to process your application or claim.
Relationship to customer
Your information may be used by the department, or given
to other parties where you have agreed to that, or where it
is required or authorised by law (including for the purpose of
research or conducting investigations). Address
You can get more information about the way in which the
department will manage your personal information, including
our privacy policy, at

18 If you have a physical or mental disability and are unable to Contact phone number
sign this form Go to 19
Click to go to 19
( )
Your declaration
I declare that the information I have provided in this form is Third party declaration
complete and correct. I declare that:
I authorise the person or organisation named on this • the information I have provided in this form is complete and
form, to deal with Centrelink on my behalf according to the correct.
arrangement shown on this form. • the customer is unable to sign this form due to physical or
mental disability.
I understand that: • it is in the customer’s best interest to authorise the person
• if my arrangement is voluntary, I can cancel it with or organisation named on this form, to deal with Centrelink
Centrelink at any time. on the customer’s behalf according to the arrangement
• giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. shown on this form.
• the arrangement may be rejected or cancelled at any
time by the Australian Government Department of Human Signature of the person signing on behalf of the customer
Services, if the person or organisation is not able to meet
their responsibilities and obligations.
On completion of this form,
please print and sign by hand
Your signature
On completion of this form,
please print and sign by hand / /

20 Which of the following documents are you providing with this
/ / Go to 20 form?
Where you are asked to supply documents, attach copies only.
The copies will not be returned.
19 Third party authorisation
If the customer is unable to sign this form due to physical
or mental disability and the nominee arrangement is in the Tick ALL that apply
person’s best interest, a third party may sign this section on Original photo identification – your nominee or person
their behalf. permitted to enquire is required to take it in person to
For example, an appropriate third party may be: one of our service centres
• a professional like a treating doctor, nurse, case worker or
social worker, or Copy of the legal document
(if required for question 15)
• the Enduring Power of Attorney if it has been made, or
• the person or organisation appointed by a guardianship A letter from the treating doctor or a copy of the medical
board, court or tribunal as the customer’s guardian or evidence of the customer’s incapacity or inability to sign
administrator. this form
(if required for question 19)

Your nominee or person permitted to enquire

must complete Part B on the next page.

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Part B – To be completed by your NOMINEE or PERSON Returning your form
You can return this form and any supporting documents:
• online (excluding identity documents) using your Centrelink
21 Provide a password online account. For more information, go to www.

We will ask this password every time you contact us.
The password needs to have 4 to 12 letters or numbers. • in person at one of our service centres, if you are unable to use
your Centrelink online account.
If you are outside Australia, you can:
• post to: Department of Human Services
Privacy notice International Services
PO Box 7809
22 You need to read this CANBERRA BC ACT 2610
Privacy and your personal information • fax to: +61 3 6222 2799
Your personal information is protected by law (including
the Privacy Act 1988) and is collected by the Australian
Government Department of Human Services for the
assessment and administration of payments and services. This
information is required to process your application or claim.
Your information may be used by the department, or given
to other parties where you have agreed to that, or where it
is required or authorised by law (including for the purpose of
research or conducting investigations).
You can get more information about the way in which the
department will manage your personal information, including
our privacy policy, at

23 Acceptance by nominee or person permitted to enquire

Make sure your personal and/or organisation details are
correct in Part A.
For more information about your obligations as a nominee or
person permitted to enquire, refer to the Notes.

I declare that I understand and accept the responsibilities and

obligations for the arrangement requested in this form.
I understand that:
• any personal information I am given access to under this
arrangement is protected under Commonwealth legislation.
I agree to access, use or disclose the information only as
authorised by the person to whom the information relates.
• my appointment as a nominee or person permitted to
enquire may be revoked or suspended by the Australian
Government Department of Human Services if I do not
comply with my responsibilities and obligations.
• giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.

Signature of the nominee or person permitted to enquire

On completion of this form,

please print and sign by hand

/ /

Print Clear

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