TDS - MasterTop 100 PDF

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Natural aggregate concrete surface hardener

MASTERTOP 100 is a premixed, ready to use powder, Supply form : Powder
designed for application as a dry shake over a freshly Colours : Natural (Concrete Grey), French Grey,
floated concrete floor or floor screed to obtain an Tile Red, Sunlight Yellow and Light
aesthetically pleasing, coloured floor with significant Green.
improvement in its abrasion resistance. The product is
based on selected hard wearing mineral aggregates APPLICATION
blended with certain alkali and light fast colouring Preparation
pigments and hydraulic binders. Use a concrete mix with a slump of 75 mm or less and
MASTERTOP 100 is available in five standard colours. maximum 3% entrained air. The design and construction
A Light Reflective grade is available to order. of the floor should be adequate to withstand the traffic,
impact and such other loads the floor is likely to be
Do not use salt water or salt contaminated aggregates for
MASTERTOP 100 is recommended for treating floor making concrete, over which, coloured shakes are to be
areas not exposed to serious chemical attack and where applied.
uniform appearance and enhanced abrasion resistance
are desired. Applications include floor areas of: Placing
• light Industrial and commercial buildings MASTERTOP 100 should be applied in two layers by
broadcasting by hand. Approximately two-thirds of the
• basements and cellars total quantity should be applied in the first broadcast and
• mechanical workshops the balance in the second.
• storage rooms
First shake-on application
• corridors, halls Mark the floor area into bays of convenient size and keep
• educational institutions the required number of bags of MASTERTOP 100 ready
• parking areas for each bay, depending on the rate of application
• loading platforms specified. Broadcast the powder evenly by hand on the
floor surface after the concrete has been floated and
FEATURES AND BENEFITS evaporation of bleed water. Apply first on floor areas
adjacent to walls, columns, joints and doorways where
Uniform and intense Attractive floors. Pleasant the concrete is likely to loose moisture rapidly. After the
colours working environment. applied MASTERTOP 100 darkens in colour indicating
Durable, non-fading colours. absorption of moisture from the concrete and when the
Light and alkali-fast
concrete has stiffened enough to prevent the float blades
from digging into the surface, float the applied surface
Good abrasion Minimised maintenance of floor using wooden hand floats or power floats. Float just
resistance surface enough to bring the excess moisture to the surface.
Dense surface Increased resistance to ingress Second shake-on application
of oil and grease. Easy to Follow with the second application of MASTERTOP 100
clean. as the first application proceeds to next bay.
TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA Broadcast the remaining third of MASTERTOP 100
evenly by hand, compensating with extra material over
Abrasion resistance (ASTM C779) areas under-applied during the first broadcast. As soon
0.65 mm at 60 minutes as the second layer has darkened by moisture
(33 MPa concrete more than 1.4mm at 60 minutes) absorption, float the surface with a power trowel
equipped with float blades or disc floats.
Impact resistance (LA Rattler) If a coarse non slip surface is desired, start curing without
50% loss of weight any more finishing operations.
(33MPa concrete has 70% loss of weight) Finishing
(See Technical Sheet 22 for explanation of abrasion and The extent of further floating or trowelling depends upon
impact tests and how they relate to long-term durability the finish desired on the surface.
of the floor). For obtaining a medium, non slip finish, power float the
surface for the third or fourth time depending on the
setting characteristics of concrete.

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For obtaining a fine non slip finish, trowel the surface CLEANING
after it stiffens further using a hand or power trowel
keeping the blades as flat as possible with out digging in Clean the tools and equipment with water before the
the surface. paste sticking to them hardens.
For a superior smooth finish, trowel again after further
stiffening of the surface with slightly raised blades, but ESTIMATING DATA
avoid raising them to an angle that creates chatter marks
or blisters on the surface. If either start to appear, The rate of application will depend on the service
remove them by reducing the angle of trowel. conditions to which the floor will be exposed and the
For light coloured floors, a stainless steel trowel must be richness of colour required. The minimum recommended
used during the second and subsequent trowellings. rates of application are as below:
When only a little paste starts clinging to the trowel blade, For light traffic : 3 kg/m2
finish with a final trowelling with raised blades. Remove For medium traffic : 5 kg/m2
any pinholes and trowel marks by hand trowel. For heavy traffic : 7 kg/m2
Burnish trowelling For coloured floors : 7 kg/m2
If a shiny smooth finish is desired, burnish trowel the
surface. PACKAGING

Note MASTERTOP 100 is available in 25kg bags.

• Burnish trowelling is suitable only for natural coloured
floors. Do not burnish trowel coloured floors. SHELF LIFE
• During hot, dry or windy conditions trowelling should be
MASTERTOP 100 can be stored for 12 months from
kept to the minimum to obtain the required finish. Start
date of manufacture if stored in tightly sealed original
early curing to prevent damage to the floor from rapid
packaging, in a dry and enclosed place.
Start curing immediately after final finishing using a liquid MASTERTOP 100 is non toxic but alkaline like normal
membrane curing compound such as MASTERKURE cement and can cause irritation to persons with sensitive
181 or MASTERKURE 128. skin. Wear gloves and masks while handling the product.
Floors treated with pigmented shake on topping must not Take all precautions normally taken while handling
be cured with water, wet burlap, damp sand, ponding, cement.
plastic film or moisture resistant curing paper.
Fire : MASTERTOP 100 is not flammable.
Barricade the area after the application of curing For detailed Health, Safety and Environmental
recommendations, please consult and follow all
compound. Immediately after the curing compound dries,
instructions on the product Material Safety Data Sheet
cover the floor surface to protect it from staining,
discolouration, or physical damage.

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are
STATEMENT OF based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a
general nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and
RESPONSIBILITY no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those
required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF
Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner,
engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out
procedures appropriate to a specific application.

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