Class-IV Assignment L-1 Food Our Basic Need

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Food our Basic need

All Human being need food. We eat food for getting energy for
doing various activities walking and talking.The food that we eat
have many substances that help us to be strong, stay healthy and
strong. Substances that are needed by our body for energy, good
health growth are called nutrients.
Types of nutrients------ 1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are called energy living foods. for example
cereals, wheat, rice, corn give us energy. People who do a lot of
physical work like labourers, sports person need a lot of energy.

2. Proteins – fish, milk, eggs, cheese ,meat and beans are rich in
proteins. They are called body building foods as they help in
growth and repair of the body.

3 Fats---- Foods such as nuts, oil, ghee and butter are rich in fats
they give us more energy than carbohydrates. They help to keep
our body warm. Extra fat get stored in the body for later use.

Answer the following questions

1. Why do we all need food?
2. What are nutrients?
3. Name the various nutrients that you have studied up till
4. What are the sources of carbohydrates?
5. Name the body building foods.
6. How do fats help us?
7. What are the sources of fats?
4. Vitamins and minerals ---Foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables
milk, eggs and peanuts are source of vitamins and minerals. They
protect us from diseases and their called protective foods.
Vitamins are of various types like vitamin A,vitamin B, C, D, E and
Vitamin A is good for eyesight and skin.
Vitamin B is needed for various body functions.
vitamin C keeps our gums and teeth healthy
Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in our body.
Various types of minerals are iron, potassium, iodine and sodium.

Calcium helps in the formation of bones and teeth. Milk curd

almond and cheese are rich in calcium.

Iron helps in the formation of blood and is found in green leafy

vegetables and pulses.

Roughage and water ---Food items such as cereals, corn, green

leafy vegetables and fruits contain fibre that cannot be digested
by our body.

The part of the plant food that cannot be digested is called

roughage.It helps to remove waste material from our body .

Water----- Water is also very important in a diet .We need to drink

at least 8 glasses of water everyday for proper body functioning.

Balance diet-- A diet that has all the nutrients in the right amount
along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet.

Preservation of food- If food items items are kept for a long time
and do not stop store properly they get spoilt .Such food is not
good for health.
There are various ways by which we can preserve food
Drying---In this method we remove water of the food by keeping in
the sun. example drying grapes to get raisins, drying of any
vegetable chillies or methi which is normally done at home.

Pickling---- Mixing fruits and vegetables with salt and oil is called
pickling. for example you normally make pickles of mango lime
and other vegetables using oil and salt.

Refrigrating---In this method we keep the food in the fridge to

preserve it for a short cooked food and fresh vegetables
and milk is stored in the fridge in our daily life.
Deep freezer ---We can preserve the food by keeping it in the
freezerto preserve it for a long meat and fish is stored in
the freezer.

Canning and bottling ----Storing the food items in cans and

bottles is also one of the method of preserving food. example
bottling of sauces and jam.
Rest, posture and exercise---

Body need proper rest for proper functioning of of the body. We

need at least 6 to 8 hours sleep. We all should make up our habit
to get up early.We should not wake till late night.

Proper posture is also very important .It is very important that we

should keep our back straight while standing or sitting.If we are
having incorrect posture for long time it can cause pain in the
joints and muscles.
Exercise is very important for our health.

Regular exercise and playing outdoor games hockey,football

cricket helps to stay fit.Another way to keep is doing yoga. Doing
breathing exercises improve our concentration which results in
good output in studies.  

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