Emaco R302: Cementitious Repair Mortar For Non Structural Cosmetic Repairs

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Emaco R302 (formerly known as Patchcrete)

Cementitious repair mortar for non structural cosmetic repairs

Description Epoxy Bonding

Emaco R302 is a modification of Masterflow 524 Mix and apply Concresive 1414 epoxy bonding agent
specially designed for concrete repair work. Emaco in accordance with the recommended procedure
R302 is a fine aggregate and binder combination with contained in the Concresive 1414 data sheet.
grading and chemical additives to allow for superior
trowellability and finish. Or alternatively:
• Prepare Rheomix 111 bond coat as described in
Typical Uses data sheet. Prepare the Emaco R302 mortar by
Emaco R302 is ideal for restoration of adding just sufficient water (or water Rheomix
honeycombed, spalled or otherwise damaged 111 solution, in the case of a thin-set patch), to
concrete. It may be used for flatwork, in-situ or the Emaco R302 powder to produce a good
precast beams, columns and walls. Properly trowelable plaster.
applied, Emaco R302 provides a watertight plaster • Brush on the bond coat and before this dries ram
coat and crack or ferrule hole caulking for reservoirs, the Emaco R302 mortar into place. Build up
channels or other water retaining structures. It may progressively for thich sections to avoid
be applied for mass or thin-set repairs, but should be slumping, roughening intermidiate coats to
used in conjunction with Rheomix 111 bonding provide a key.
agent. Consult the Rheomix 111 data sheet for • Finish by wood float or steel trowel to either
dilution information. textured of smooth finish to match existing
concrete. Allow the product to stiffen before a
Application very smooth steel trowel finish is obtainable.
• Remove all loose, spalled or unsound concrete • Apply a suitable BASF Construction Chemicals
or laitance and wash off all dust oil or other curing compound to unmodified patches, and
residue, which may interfere with bond of the simply protect from direct heat and wind for 24
patch. hours, in the case of modified patches.
• Soak concrete well to reduce “suck” but do not
allow pools of water to stand when the bond-coat Strength
is applied. In normal temparatures (20OC) Emaco R302 in a
• Alternatively if pre-saturation is not viable a wet plaster consistency wil reach 25 MPa in three days
to dry epoxy adhesive should be used. and over ± 40 MPa at 28 days.

Consult BASF Construction Chemicals Technical

Services for alternative bonding with Concresive
1414 wet to dry epoxy bonding.
Emaco R302 (formerly known as Patchcrete)
Limitations Safety precautions
As with all chemical products, care should be taken
Do not use Rheomix 111 modified mortar where
during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes
constant immersion or very high humidity (90OC+) mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be
conditions will prevail before the Rheomix 111 has tainted with vapour until product fully cured or dried).
air-cured (two to three days). Treat splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If
accidentally ingested, seek immediate medical
attention. Keep away from children and animals.
Estimating Data
Reseal containers after use.
5mm thick 10kg/m2
10mm thick 20kg/m2
15mm thick 30kg/m2
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional information
contact your local BASF Construction Chemicals SA
Typical Properties representative. BASF Construction Chemicals SA.
Colour Stadium Grey
reserves the right to have the true cause of any
Wet Density 2200kg/m3
difficulty determined by accepted test methods
Compressive strength 7 days – 40 MPa
28 days – 60MPa Quality and care
All products originating from BASF Construction
Packaging Chemicals’ SA facility are manufactured under a
25kg polylined bags. management system independently certified to
conform to the requirements of the quality,
environmental and occupational health & safety
Storage standards ISO 9001:2000.
Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect
from extremes of temperatures.

Failure to comply with the recommended storage

conditions may result in premature deterioration of
the product or packaging. For specific storage
advice consult BASF Construction Chemicals SA’s
Technical Services Department.

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no w arranty is given or
implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of
any labor involved in the application are beyond our control.
As all BASF’s technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.
BASF Construction Chemicals South-Africa (Pty) Ltd
852 Sixteenth Road, Midrand
P.O. Box 420, Westonaria, 1780
PO Box 2801, Halfway House, 1685
11 Pullinger Street, Westonaria, 1779 Tel: +27 11 203 2405
Tel: +27 11 754 1343
Fax: +27 11 754 1105 Website : basf -cc.co.za

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