Mastertop Primer 2 PDF
Mastertop Primer 2 PDF
Mastertop Primer 2 PDF
Description Coverage
Mastertop®Primer2 is a high grade, low-viscosity, 0.2-0.3kg/m² depending on surface texture and
solvent-free, two component epoxy resin coating for porosity.
mineral surfaces. Mastertop®Primer2 is used as a
sealer or a filler with and without the addition of Typical properties
quartz sand. Mixing ratio A:B 100 : 45 by weight
Mixed density at 20°C approx. 1.09 gm/cm³
Application time approx. 30 mins. at approx. 20°C
Primary uses Application temperature +8°C - +40°C substrate temp
Mastertop®Primer2 is suitable for the sealing of Recoatable after approx. 3 hours at +30°C
concrete surfaces, as well as for the filling of approx. 5 hours at +20°C
fissures and joints. To improve adhesion approx. 10 hours at +10°C
® Tensile strength DIN approx. 30 N/mm²
Mastertop Primer2 is sprinkled with quartz sand 53455
while still wet to create a mechanical key for Breaking elongation DIN approx. 5%
subsequent coatings. 53455
Compressive strength 90-100 N/mm² (depending on the
® aggregates)
Mastertop Primer2 may be mixed with sand to the Flexural strength 65-70 N/mm²
desired consistency to repair patches or form E-module 3000-3300 N/mm²
covings. In either case the mixed mortar must be
applied to a surface previously coated with Guide to application
Mastertop®Primer2 resin and whilst still tacky. Cement-bound substrates
Consult your BASF Construction Chemicals SA The surface to be coated must be clean and free of
representative. dust, oil and grease; it must be capable of bearing
loads. Laitance must be removed by means of
Advantages captive blasting, grinding or other suitable method.
• Low viscosity
• Solvent free Mixing
• Can be applied on damp cementitious Mix the A and B components together until streak
substrates. free.
• Does not contain Benzyl Alcohol.
Colours Apply by roller brush or airless spray at the required
Colourless coverage to suit the application for which it is being
Mastertop®Primer2 is available in12.43 kg kits.
Storage Note
Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect Field service, where provided, does not constitute
from extremes of temperatures. supervisory responsibility. For additional information
contact your local BASF Construction Chemicals SA
Failure to comply with the recommended storage representative. BASF Construction Chemicals SA.
conditions may result in premature deterioration of reserves the right to have the true cause of any
the product or packaging. For specific storage difficulty determined by accepted test methods
advice consult BASF Construction Chemicals SA’s
Technical Services Department. Quality and care
All products originating from BASF Construction
Safety precautions Chemicals’ SA facility are manufactured under a
As with all chemical products, care should be taken management system independently certified to
during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes conform to the requirements of the quality,
mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be environmental and occupational health & safety
tainted with vapour until product is fully cured or standards ISO 9001:2000.
dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin
immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek
immediate medical attention. Keep away from
children and animals. Reseal containers after use.
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or
implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of
any labour involved in the application are beyond our control.
As all BASF’s technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.
BASF Construction Chemicals South Africa (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 420, Westonaria, 1780 852 Sixteenth Road, Midrand
11 Pullinger Street, Westonaria, 1779 PO Box 2801, Halfway House, 1685
Tel: +27 11 203 2405
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