Manage Fuel, Lubricationand Ballast Operations

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4. Mengelola pengoperasian bahan bakar, minyak lumas dan tolak

bara (ballast) (Manage fuel,lubricationand ballastoperations)
1. Prior to bunkering operations it is necessary to check the quantity of fuel remaining
onboard and that there is sufficient room for the fuel that is to be loaded. What is
the best method to use to establish this?
A. Do a complete sounding of all fuel bunker tanks
B. Use the latest figures from the fuel record book.
C. Take a full set of readings from remote content gauges.
D. Sound the tanks which you think might still contain some fuel.

2. Telephones are being used to communicate between personnel onboard and ashore
during a bunkering operation. What instruction would you give to ship personnel
regarding action to take in the event of failure of the telephone communication
during the operation?
A. Stop the bunkering until alternative reliable
communications are established
B. Call the electrician, and get him to repair the telephone
while the bunkering operation continues.
C. Slow down the bunkering rate until alternative reliable
communications are established.
D. Use a crewmember as a messenger between personnel involved in the

3. To avoid overbunkering and oil spill, it is very important that we closely monitor
the progress of the bunkering operation. What is the safest method to use to
minimise the risk of overflow and spillage?
A. Continuously monitor remote guage readings and confirm
with regular sounding of the fuel tanks.
B. The remote gauge system will provide us with the
necessary information
C. Open all the bunker tank lids to manually watch them
D. Use the predicted loading rate to calculate how much oil is being received.


4. When bunkering through the port side of the bunker manifold what action should
be taken with the valves on the starboard side of the manifold prior to bunkering
operations commencing?
A. Blank flanges should be fitted to the closed
starboard side manifold valves.
B. The blank flanges should be removed from the
starboard side manifold valves to check for any
leakage past the closed valves.
C. Just fit the blank flanges then it doesn’t matter if the
valves are closed or not.
D. Just check that the valves are closed.

5. When planning bunkering operations it is preferable to arrange for the new fuel to
be bunkered into empty or nearly empty tanks whenever possible. What is the main
reason for this?
A. To minimise the risk of incompatibility between
different fuels.
B. To make it easier to calculate the quantity of
fueltaken onboard.
C. To minimise the risk of microbial contamination of
the fuel.
D. So that the sulphur content of each fuel is known.

6. Why is it necessary to have an effective ballast water management plan which

includes provision for changing out ballast in open water rather than discharging
ballast in coastal waters?
A. To avoid the introduction of non-indigenous species
of marine life from one area to another.
B. To keep the ballast water fresh in the ballast tanks
during long voyages.
C. To allow ballast tank inspections to be carried out
during ballast passage.
D. To ensure that ballast tanks are always pressed up
during a ballast voyage to avoid free surface effects.

7. You are in charge of a night bunkering operation. The delivery rate from the
supplier is high and you are filling six tanks simultaneously. You lose track of the
progress of the operation and feel that you are losing control of the situation. What
action should you take?
A. Stop bunkering, and establish facts, before bunkering
is resumed
B. Prepare yourself and the crew for an overflow.
C. Request a reduction in the delivery rate to try and
gain some time.
D. Open more tanks to slow down the filling rate of
individual tanks.

8. What are items 'W' ?

A. Ballast water tanks

B. Cargo hold bilge wells
C. Side water tanks
D. Hold deep wells


9. Why are conventional strainers not fitted in the cargo hold bilge wells ?

A. Because the cargo holds are cleaner than the engine room
B. Because they are inaccessible when cargo is loaded
C. Because they might be damaged during loading and discharging
D. Because the engineers are in charge of pumping the bilges

10. How are bilge wells 'W' covered to stop solids entering during cargo carriage or
cargo operations ?

A. There is no covering
B. By perforated plating
C. By sack cloth
D. By steel plates bolted on

11. What type of valves are fitted to cargo bilge lines in front of the Engine Room
bulkhead ?

A. Auto-closing valves
B. Bilge gate valves
C. Non-return screw down valves
D. Manifold valves


12. Here are some capacities of sea water pumps. Which pump is the Fire and Ballast
Pump ?

A. 140 m3/hour x 30 metres

B. 40 m3/hour x 55 metres
C. 110/410 m3/hour x 70/35 metres
D. 410 m3/hour x 20 metres

13. Here are some capacities of sea water pumps. Which one is the Fresh Water
Hydrophore Pump ?

A. 5 m3/hour x 25 metres
B. 40 m3/hour x 55 metres
C. 5 m3/hour x 50 metres
D. 0.5 m3/hour x 40 metres


14. What type of pump do you think is used for the purpose shown here ?

A. A vane pump
B. A piston pump
C. A gear pump
D. A worm wheel pump

15. Air leakage into the packing gland of a condensate pump is prevented by

A. An air seal line from the compressed airline.

B. A water seal line to the packing gland.
C. A special packing in the stuffing box.
D. The vacuum in the pump suction.

16. What is this component called ?

A. A Two way valve

B. A Dynamic valve
C. A Triple flushing valve
D. A lion return value

17. Which way does the fluid pass through the valve ?

A. Neither direction
B. From 13 to A
C. From A to B
D. Either direction


18. What are items "V" ?

A. Vacuum suction boxes

B. Straight bilge gate valves
C. Vacuum flap valves
D. Non-return screw down valves

19. When are the high sea chests used ?

A. When the ship is in shallow water

B. When the ship is deeply laden at sea
C. When the ship is in polluted waters
D. When the ship is in ballast condition


20. What type of filters are fitted to the high and low sea chest suction lines ?

A. Perforated plate fitters

B. Mesh wire filters
C. All flush filters
D. Backflow filters

21. What is item '5" ?

A. The automatic 15 ppm shut-down value

B. The sea suction value of the pump
C. A shut-off value
D. A mesh type strainer

22. What are items ''S" ancl what is their purpose ?

A. Suction valves to pump the wells

B. Suction boxes to retain priming water
C. Elephant shoe to facilitate bilge pumping
D. Strainers to stop dirt from entering the bilge system


23. If you find it difficult to obtain suction whilst pumping bilge well "A" which of the
following actions would you take ?

A. All of these.
B. Prime the pump with sea water
C. Check that bilge well values "B","C" and '9" are properly closed
D. Check that strainer cover of

24. What does the 'instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content "mean according to
Marpol ?

A. The total quantity of oil discharged at any moment

B. The rate of oil discharge in litres per hour at any instant divided by the
speed of the ship in knots at the same instant
C. The total quantity of oil discharged divided by the mileage covered during
the time of discharge by the ship
D. The total rate of oil discharged per hour divided by 3600

25. What is the best description of a "special area" as defined by Marpol ?

A. An area with a particular traffic characteristics where extra precautions are

B. A sea area where for recognised oceanographical and ecological conditions
and in view of traffic special prevention is required
C. An ecological endangered area where no oil mixture is to be discharged at
D. A sea area where in view of its particular dense traffic no overboard


discharged of any oily mixture is allowed

26. What is the meaning of "slop tank" as defined by Marpol ?

A. A tank used for tank cleaning provided with heating coils

B. The two most aftward fitted wing tanks or the most aftward fated centre
C. Any tank where slops or sludges are collected
D. A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank D drainings, washings
or other oily mixtures

27. Which description given below is nearest to the description of clean ballast as
defined by Marpol ?

A. Its oil content is no more than 100 ppm and it will not produce visible traces
on the shore lines.
B. Its oil content is NIL and consequently would not leave any traces upon the
surface of the water or emulsion beneath the water surface.
C. Its oil content is no more than 50 ppm and will not produce visible traces on
adjoining shorelines, nor emulsion in the sea.
D. If discharged from a ship stationary in clean calm water on a clear day will
not produce visible traces of oil on the water surface nor emulsion below

28. Which answer is nearest to the Marpol description of segregated ballast ?

A. The clean ballast water which can only be pumped via segregated lines by
the clean ballast pump
B. Ballast water that cannot be pumped through cargo oil piping and for which
cargo pumps cannot be used
C. The ballast carried in the clean ballast tank via the segregated ballast pump
D. The ballast water introduced in a tank which is completely separated from
cargo or fuel oil system and permanently allocated to ballast


29. According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oil fuel" ?

A. A cargo of Heavy Fuel Oil , Intermediate Fuel or Diesel Oil

B. A cargo of refined oil with flashpoint above 60 degree C
C. Any oil used on board in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary
D. A cargo of refined oil for combustible purpose in thermal machinery or

30. According to Marpol, what does the term "oil "mean ?

A. Petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge oil, oil refuse and
refined products
B. Any grade of crude oil or fuel oil
C. Any grade of crude oil, fuel oil or refined products
D. Any grade of crude oil

31. For the purpose of determining the capacity of the clean ballast tanks in tankers,
which tanks may be Included ?

A. Cofferdams as well as segregated ballast tanks

B. Segregated ballast tanks, fore and after peak tanks as well as cofferdams.
C. Segregated ballast tanks only
D. Fore and after peak tanks as well as segregated ballast tanks

32. Under which conditions are Fore Peak tanks, After Peak tanks and cofferdams
allowed to be included in the total capacity determination of Cars for tankers ?

A. Provided the protective location of the tanks is ensured

B. Provided they are to be connected with permanent piping to the ballast
water system
C. Provided an oily separating system of 15 ppm is to be fitted on board
D. Provided oil discharge monitoring equipment with automatic stop when 15
ppm level is exceeded is to be fitted


33. If a tanker with separate independent piping and pumps for CBT and operating with
COW is to change its designation to product carrier and vice versa, which
provisions will apply ?

A. Two IOPP certificates are issued, only one valid at the time. No survey is
required prior switching trades. Manual for both procedures required.
B. The tanker needs to be surveyed each time its switches trade
C. Crude oil is not allowed to be carried in tanks designated CBT in the crude
oil tra
D. The COW system needs to be blanked

34. If an oil tanker is used for the storage of oil and its machinery modified to
immobilise the ship, what are the requirements for SOT, COT, PL and COW ?

A. The requirements for SBT, PL and CBT do not apply

B. The requirements for SBT do not apply
C. The requirements for SBT and PL do not apply
D. The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply

35. Hi an oil tanker is used to receive dirty ballast from oil tankers, what are the
requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW ?

A. The requirement for SET does not apply

B. The requirements for SBT, PI and CET do not apply
C. The requirement for SBT and PL do not apply
D. The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply

36. One of the requirements for an oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast
shall be that it is e quipped with…….

A. A crude oil washing system.

B. Two separate slop tanks.
C. Segregated ballast tanks and PL.
D. An oil content meter.


37. The regulations for existing tankers for SBT, CBT and COW shall not apply if the
tanker is engaged in specific trades provided reception facilities are existing in
ports. What document is to be endorsed ?

A. The oil record book

B. The bill of lading
C. The charter party
D. The ship's IOPP certificate

38. Annex IV of Marpol, deals with Sewage. How does it affect shipboard operations
concerning processing and treatment of sewage ?

A. Only a collecting tank is required for all countries for the time being
B. It is required by the United States only and an approved sewage plant must
be installed on board
C. Discharge is for the time being allowed anywhere as long a sewage plant is
on board
D. The regulations are not yet universally in force, but a number of countries
have adapted them and have stingent regulations


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