Uas Prosedur Darurat Sar N Iii C

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1. If a master initially responds to a distress but then, in special circumstances,

decides not to proceed, what must he then do?
A. Inform the appropriate search
and rescue authorities of
his decision and enter the reason in
the ship's logbook.
B. If possible, inform the casualty of
his decision and
communicate his reasons.
C. Inform his owners of his decision

and resume his passage at the earliest opportunity.

D. Contact the SAR Mission Co-ordinator and secure his written

agreement to the release of his vessel from the operation.
2. Who is responsible for the ship being safely manned?

A. The master and the shipowner are responsible for the adequate
manning of the ship.
B. The General of Sea Transportation is responsible for the ship being at
all times adequately manned in accordance with National acts and
C. The shipping company shall ensure that information on the number
and composition of the crew is posted in the ship and has the sole
responsibility for the ship being adequately manne
D. The manning agent is responsible for supplying the ship with
adequately qualified seafarers.
3. What is a passenger ship according to SOLAS regulations?

A. A ship which carries more than 12 passengers

B. A ship which is arranged and fitted for carriage of persons which are
not members of the ship's crew
C. A ship which carries passengers only
D. A purpose-built passenger ship carrying persons only on defined lines
or routes
4. A decision support system for emergency management shall be provided on
the navigation bridge. What type of emergency situations shall as a minimum
be identified in the emergency plans?
A. Fire, Damage to ship, Pollution, Unlawful acts threatening the safety
of the ship and the security of its passenger and crew, Personnel
accidents, Cargorelated accidents, Emergency assistance to other ships
B. Fire, Evacuation, Pollution, Personnel accidents and Ship Security

C. Evacuation, Fire, Pollution and Man-Over-Board

D. Man-Over-Board, Evacuation and Fire

5. Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in
passenger cabins. Which information shall as a minimum be included in the
emergency instructions?
A. The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals

B. Escape routes and alarm signals

C. Name of cabin attendant

D. Where to find thermal protective aids

6. Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel's fire extinguishing systems

be kept on board

A. For 1 year
B. For 2 years

C. Until the next Coast Guard inspection

D. Until the vessel's Certificate of Inspection expires

7. Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containing an inflatable
liferaft has bobbed to the surface upon functioning of the hydrostatic release.
Which action should you take?
A. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container down.

B. Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes
C. Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and
open the container.

D. Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand
8. All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT .

A. Electricity

B. Fuel

C. Oxygen

D. Heat
9. The spread of fire is prevented by .

A. Heating surfaces adjacent to the fire

B. Removing combustibles from the endangered area

C. Increasing the oxygen supply

D. All of the above

10. Most minor spills of oil products are caused by .

A. Equipment failure

B. Human error

C. Major casualties

D. Unforeseeable circumstances
11. A life float on a fishing vessel must be equipped with .

A. A righting line
B. Red hand flares
C. Pendants
D. Drinking water
12. You are Apprentice Deck onboard a merchant vessel. During the night you
have been in a collision with a sail boat and there are no signs of life in the
water. What would you do?
A. Alarm the rescue centre and commence searching for any

B. Leave the position as fast as possible

C. Do nothing and wait for assistance

D. Call the company, explain the situation and ask for orders
13. You are enroute to assist vessel Vessel A is underway at 6 knots on course
133°T, and bears 042°T, 105 miles from you. What is the time to intercept if
you make 10 knots?
A. 12h 30m
B. 12h 44m
C. 12h 58m
D. 13h 22m

14. A yellow signal floating in the air from a small parachute, about 300 feet
above the water, would indicate that a submarine _.

A. Has fired a torpedo during a drill B. Is about to rise to periscope depth

C. Is on the bottom in distress

D. Is disabled and unable to surface

15. The operator of the ship's radiotelephone, if the radiotelephone is

carried voluntarily, must hold at least a .
A. Mate's license

B. Restricted radiotelephone operator permit

C. Second-class radio operator's license

D. Seaman's document
16. The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation by pinching the victim's nostrils and .
A. Cupping a hand around the patient's mouth

B. Keeping the head elevated

C. Applying his mouth tightly over the victim's mouth

D. Holding the jaw down firmly

17. You have abandoned ship and are in an inflatable raft that has just inflate
You hear a continuous hissing coming from a fitting in a buoyancy tube.
What is the cause of this?
A. The saltwater is activating the batteries of the marker lights on the
canopy. B. The inflation pump is in automatic operation to keep the
tubes fully inflate
C. A deflation plug is partially open allowing the escape of CO2.
D. Excess inflation pressure is bleeding off and should soon stop.
18. A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water .

A. Should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder, holding

the righting straps, and leaning backwards
B. Should be righted by standing on the life line, holding the righting
straps, and leaning backwards
C. Will right itself when the canopy tubes inflate

D. Must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself

19. . You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your
vessel. If
possible, you should .

A. Put the vessel's stern into the wind

B. Abandon ship to windward

C. Call for assistance

D. Keep going at half speed

20. Marine Operators, when calling a ship on VHF-FM radiotelephone, normally
call on channel .
A. 13

B. 16

C. 19
D. 23


1. When the vessel on emergency situation, what is the procedure in correctly meaning.

Please describe this topic as your reference of commenced before ?

2. What the procedure in case of emergency situation, example have a fire on port side

hull of the vessel and how to extinguish on board vessel with quick and save ?

3. a.. What is the meaning ‘ Contigency Plan ‘ ?

b. What the arrange procedure all in emergency situation and scope for contingency

4. When your vessel was grounded on narrow channel, and listed to port side due to
unstable your vessel ?
a. What should you do as a cadet to perform that condition ?
b. How to procedure for cast off that grounded vessel ?

5. When the vessel underway at sea, and suddenly the console of steering have failure,
not synchronized with magnetic compass and deviation more than five degree. And
that condition, vessel on steering failure
a. What is the procedure on Failure of Steering ?
b. How to good action to re-arrange in good heading and command ?

Semarang, Desember 2021

Yang menerima Naskah Pembuat Naskah

( ) Capt. Samsul Huda,MM,M.Mar

NIP. 19721228 199803 1001

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