Refrigeration Cycle: Basic Knowledge
Refrigeration Cycle: Basic Knowledge
Refrigeration Cycle: Basic Knowledge
Basic knowledge
Refrigeration cycle
The refrigeration cycle can be described by a sequence of state technical work or pressure differences of a change of state are
changes of a refrigerant. This sequence runs periodically and shown as measurable lines. Using the log p-h diagram greatly
The refrigeration cycle in the log p-h diagram
always achieves the initial state (cyclic process). In refrigeration, simplifies thermodynamic calculations and is essential for
The distinctive feature of the refrigeration cycle is that it runs one of the four main components of the refrigeration plant. The
the state variables such as pressure, temperature and density understanding how refrigeration plants work.
counter-clockwise, i.e. opposite to the joule or steam cycle. A actual refrigeration cycle consists of the following changes of
are important as is the dependence of these state variables on
On the basis of this knowledge, our software for refrigeration change of state occurs when the refrigerant flows through state:
each other.
equipment displays the respective log p-h diagram in real time.
The thermodynamic processes in the refrigeration cycle are Changes to operating parameters can be read directly in the
1–2 polytropic compression to the
complex. Calculation using formulae and tables requires a con- diagram and allow a valuable insight into the formation of the
condensing pressure (for comparison
siderable amount of effort due to the three different states of thermodynamic states, which otherwise can only be appreci-
1 – 2’ isentropic compression)
the refrigerant from liquid, boiling and gaseous. Therefore, for ated statically.
T const.
reasons of simplification, the log p-h diagram was introduced.
Pressure log p
Using a log p-h diagram, the various state variables can be rep- 2 – 2’’ isobaric cooling, deheating of
resented graphically according to their dependencies. The ther- the superheated vapour
modynamic state variables can be read directly at each state 3 3' 2'' 2' 2
point and are available for further calculations. Heat quantities, 2’’ – 3’ isobaric condensation
T cons
3’ – 3 isobaric cooling, supercooling
In general, a log p-h diagram shows the aggregate state of The log p-h diagram shows the thermodynamic state vari- of the liquid
a substance, depending on pressure and heat. For refrigera- ables in the respective phase. 4 1' 1
tion, the diagram is reduced to the relevant regions of liquid
• 3–4 isenthalpic expansion to the
pressure p
and gaseous as well as their mixed form. evaporation pressure
• specific enthalpy h
The vertical axis shows the logarithmic pressure and the
• temperature T
horizontal axis shows the specific enthalpy with linear scal- Specific enthalpy h
• specific volume v 4 – 1’ isobaric evaporation
ing. Accordingly, the isobars are horizontal and the isen-
thalps are vertical. The logarithmic scaling makes it possible • specific entropy s
to represent processes with large pressure differences. • gas content x 1’ – 1 isobaric heating, superheating
The saturated vapour curve and the boiling point curve of the vapour Refrigeration cycle in the log p-h diagram
meet at the critical point K.
compressor, condenser, expansion valve, evaporator
In addition, pressure losses also occur in the actual refrigeration cycle, so that evaporation and condensation do not take place exactly
horizontally (isobarically).
Pressure log p
Pressure log p
enthalpy h can be read for each separate state
Isotherm T qc point directly from the log p-h diagram.
If the mass flow rate of the refrigerant is known,
Superheated 3 2 the associated thermal output can be calculated
Isovapore x vapour by means of the specific enthalpy at the respective
state point.
Wet vapour • the line h1 – h4 = q0 corresponds to the cooling
and results in the refrigeration capacity by
multiplication with the the mass flow rate.
4 1 • the line h2 – h1 = pv corresponds to the technical
work of the compressor, which is actually trans-
Isochore v
ferred to the refrigerant.
Isentrope s
q0 pv • the line h2 – h3 = qc corresponds to the emitted
heat and results in the condenser capacity by
multiplication with the the mass flow rate.
Specific enthalpy h It is the waste heat from a refrigeration plant.
Specific enthalpy h
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2 Thermodynamics of the refrigeration cycle
Basic knowledge
Representation of a refrigeration cycle in the log p-h diagram
This digression is designed to help you understand the functional relationship between the components of the refrigeration plant
Step 3: plot the isenthalpic expansion
and the thermodynamic processes. The following state variables are required to display a refrigeration cycle in the log p-h diagram:
• p1 evaporation pressure • T1 temperature at the compressor inlet
The expansion process is plotted in the diagram as
• p2 condensing pressure • T2 temperature at the condenser inlet follows:
• T3 temperature at the condenser outlet • identifying the point of intersection of the isobars
p2 with the temperature T3 at the condenser outlet
gives the state point 3.
Step 4: reveal the specific enthalpy values
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