Pipe CNS 02

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Is the most common dryer used which consist of rotating cylinder
inside which the materials flow while getting in contact with
hot gas.
A. Tower dryer C. Trey dryer
B. Centrifugal dryer D. Rotary dryer
Answer: (D) Rotary Dryer

Is the ratio of the mass of water-vapor in air and the mass of

air if it is saturated is called:
A. Humidity ratio C. Vapor ratio
B. Mass ratio D. Relative humidity
Answer: (D) Relative Humidity

The hands feel painfully cold when the skin temperature reaches
A. 8 deg C C. 12 deg C
B. 10 deg C D. 14 deg C
Answer: (B) 10 deg C
The refrigerant used in steam jet cooling is:
A. Steam C. Ammonia
B. R-11 D. Water
Answer: (D) Water

The total heat of the air is a function of

A. WB temperature C. DB temperature
B. DP temperature D. WB depression
Answer: (A) Wet Bulb Temperature
Boiling point of Freon-12 at atmospheric pressure is:
A. 21 deg F C. 5 deg F
B. 15 deg F D. 28 deg F
Answer: (A) 21 deg F

Which of the following is NOT a type of water cooled condenser
in refrigeration?
A. Double pipe C. Shell and coil
B. Double shell D. Shell and tube
Answer: (B) Double Shell

Component of absorption refrigeration system in which the

solution is cooled by cooling water.
A. Rectifier C. Evaporator
B. Generator D. Absorber
Answer: (D) Absorber
Cascade refrigeration cycle is often used in industrial process
where objects must be cooled to temperature below:
A. -46 deg C C. -66 deg C
B. -56 deg C D. -76 deg C
Answer: (A) -46 deg C
Type of refrigerant control designed to maintain a pressure
difference while the compressor is operating.
A. Thermostatic expansion C. Automatic expansion
valve valve
B. Using low side float D. Capillary tube
flooded system
Answer: (D) Capillary Tube

As a rule of thumb, for a specified amount of compressed air,

the power consumption of the compressor decreases by ___________
for each 3 deg C drop in the temperature inlet air to the
A. 1 percent C. 2 percent
B. 1.5 percent D. 2.5 percent
Answer: (A) 1 percent
Modern way of detecting air compressor leak is by using
A. Soup and water C. Acoustic leak detector
B. Air leak detector D. Ammonia leak detector
Answer: (C) Acoustic Leak Detector

For foundation of stacks, the maximum pressure on the soil is
equal to the pressure due to the weight and the ___________.
A. Soil movement C. Ground movement
B. Wind movement D. Engine movement
Answer: (B) Wind Movement

Foundation bolts of specified size should be used and surrounded

by a pipe sleeve with an inside diameter of at least
A. 3 times the diameter of C. 3 times the diameter of
engine bolt anchor bolt
B. 2 times the diameter of D. 2 times the diameter of
engine bolt anchor bolt
Answer: (C) 3 times the diameter of anchor bolt

For multi stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, the back

ratio will
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (B) Decrease

Type of turbine that has a specific speed below 5.

A. Impulse turbine C. Francis turbine
B. Propeller turbine D. Deriaz turbine
Answer: (A) Impulse turbine
A high discharge type of turbine
A. Impulse turbine C. Francis turbine
B. Propeller turbine D. Deriaz turbine
Answer: (B) Propeller Turbine

Use to minimize the speed rise due to a sudden load rejection

A. Needle valve C. Shut-off valve
B. Wicket gate shut-off D. Jet deflector
Answer: (D) Jet Deflector
Is the speed of a turbine when the head on the turbine is one
A. Specific speed C. Utilized speed
B. Rated speed D. Unit speed
Answer: (D) Unit Speed

Is a fluid property which refers to the intermolecular
attraction by which the separate particles of the fluid arc held
A. Cohesion C. Surface tension
B. Adhesion D. Hypertension
Answer: (A) Cohesion

Which of the following is NOT the cause of black smoke in diesel

A. Fuel valve open too C. Carbon in exhaust pipe
long D. Overload on engine
B. High compression
Answer: (B) High Compression pressure

Which of the following is not a method of starting a diesel

A. Manual: rope, crank and C. Compressed air
kick D. Using another generator
B. Electric (battery)
Answer: (D) Using another generator

Two-stroke engine performs ________ to complete one cycle.

A. Suction and discharge C. Power and exhaust stroke
stroke D. Suction and exhaust
B. Compression and power stroke
Answer: (B) Compression and power stroke
A type of geothermal plant used when there is a presence of
brine extracted from underground
A. Dry geothermal plant C. Single flash geothermal
B. Double-flash geothermal plant
D. Binary geothermal plant
Ans. (D) Binary geothermal plant

Is the most important safety device on the power boiler.

A. Check valve C. Safety valve
B. Gate valve D. Globe valve
Answer: (C) Safety valve

During hydrostatic test, the safety valves should be
A. Removed C. Closed
B. Open D. Partially closed
Answer: (A) Removed
Where deaerating heaters are not employed, it is recommended
that the temperature of the feed water be not less than ______
A. 197 deg C C. 104 deg C
B. 102 deg C D. 106 deg C
Answer: (A) 197 deg C
Is a reaction during which chemical energy is released in the
form of heat.
A. Cosmic reaction C. Endothermic reaction
B. Ethnic reaction D. Exothermic reaction
Answer: (D) Exothermic reaction

By reheating the steam in an ideal Ranking cycle the heat

rejected will.
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (A) Increase

By increasing the boiler pressure in Rankine cycle the moisture

content at boiler exit will.
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of those
Answer: (A) Increase
Presently the highest steam temperature allowed at the turbine
inlet is about ______.
A. 340 deg C C. 620 deg C
B. 520 deg C D. 1020 deg C
Answer: (C) 620 deg C
Two most common gases employed in Stirling and Ericsson cycles
A. Air and helium C. Hydrogen and helium
B. Oxygen and helium D. Nitrogen and helium
Ans. (C) Hydrogen and Helium

In most common design of gas turbine, the pressure ratio
ranges from
A. 10 to 12 C. 12 to 18
B. 11 to 16 D. 15 to 20
Answer: (B) 11 to 16

In Brayton cycle, the heat is transformed during what process?

A. Constant temperature C. Isobaric process
B. Isentropic process D. Isochoric process
Answer: (C) Isobaric Process
The fuel injection process in diesel engine starts when the
piston ______
A. Is at the TDC C. Approaches TDC
B. Leaving TDC D. Halfway of the stroke
Answer: (C) Approaches TDC

If the cut-off ratio of diesel cycle increases, the cycle

efficiency will
A. Decrease C. Remains the same
B. Increase D. None of these
Answer: (A) Decrease

The fuel used in a power plant that is used during peak periods.
A. Gas C. Liquid
B. Solid D. None of these
Answer: (C) Liquid
Typical compression ratio of Otto cycle is
A. 6 C. 10
B. 8 D. 12
Answer: (B) 8

If joule Thomson coefficient is equal to zero, then the process

will become
A. Isentropic C. Isobaric
B. Isenthalpic D. Isothermal
Answer: (D) Isothermal

If the fluid passed through a nozzle its entropy will:
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (C) Remains the same

Refrigerant consisting of mixtures of two or more different

chemical compounds, often used individuals as refrigerant for
other applications.
A. Suspension C. Blends
B. Compound reaction D. Mixing of refrigerant
Answer: (C) Blends

Pairs of mating stop valves that allow sections of a system to

be joined before opening these valves or separated after closing
A. Check valve C. Safety valve
B. Gate valve D. Campanion valve
Answer: (D) Companion Valve
An enclosed passage way that limits travel to a single path.
A. Corridor C. Lobby
B. Hallway D. Tunnel
Answer: (A) Corridor

For immediate dangerous to life or health (IDHL), the maximum

concentration from which unprotected persons are able to escape
within _____ without escape-impairing symptoms or irreversible
A. 15 min C. 20 min
B. 1 min D. 30 min
Ans. (D) 30 minutes

The volume as determined from internal dimensions of the

container with no allowance for the volume of internal parts.
A. Internal allowance C. Internal interference
B. Internal gross volume volume
D. Internal fits volume

Answer: (B) Internal Gross Volume

A waiting room or large hallway serving as a waiting room
A. Terrace C. Compound room
B. Rest room D. Lobby
Answer: (D) Lobby
A continuous and unobstructed path of travel from any point in a
building or structure to a public way
A. Average of aggress C. Hallway of aggress
B. Mean of aggress D. Pathway of aggress
Answer: (B) Mean of aggress
Any device or portion of the equipment used to increase
refrigerant pressure
A. Pressure relief device C. Pressure lift device
B. Pressure-imposing D. Pressure limiting device

Answer: (B) Pressure-imposing element

The quantity of refrigerant stored at some point is the

refrigeration system for operational, service, or standby
A. Pressure vessel C. Liquid receiver
B. Pumpdown charge D. Accumulator
Answer: (B) Pumpdown charge

Secondary refrigerant is a liquid used for the transmission of

heat, without a change of state, and having no flash point or a
flash point above ______ as determined from ASTM
A. 150 deg F C. 180 deg F
B. 160 deg F D. 200 deg F
Answer: (A) 150 deg F

A service valve for dual pressure-relief devices that allows

using one device while isolating the other from the system,
maintaining one valve in operation at all times.
A. Three-way valve C. One-way valve
B. Two-way valve D. Four-way valve
Answer: (A) three-way valve

Tubing that is enclosed and therefore exposed to crushing,
abrasion, puncture, or similar damage after installation.
A. Protected tubing C. Open tubing
B. Bare tubing D. Unprotected tubing
Answer: (D) Unprotected tubing

Refers to blends comprising multiple components of different

volatile that, when used in refrigeration cycles, change
volumetric composition and saturation temperature as they
evaporate (boil) or condense at constant pressure.
A. Zeolite C. Composition
B. Blending D. Zeotropic
Answer: (D) Zeotropic

Is a premises or that of a premise from which, because they are

disabled, debilitated, or confined, occupants cannot readily
leave without the assistance of others
A. Institutional occupancy C. Residential occupancy
B. Public assembly D. Commercial occupancy
Answer: (A) Institutional occupancy

Is one in which a secondary coolant is in direct contact with

the air or other substance to be cooled or heated.
A. Double indirect open C. Indirect closed system
spray system D. Indirected, verted
B. Indirect open spray closed system
Answer: (B) Indirect open spray system
Refrigerant number R-744 is
A. Butane C. Propane
B. Carbon monoxide D. Carbon dioxide
Answer: (D) Carbon dioxide

Refrigerant number R-1150 is

A. Propylene C. Ethane
B. Ethene D. Methyl formate
Answer: (B) Ethene

Refrigerant R-40 is
A. Chlorodifluoromethane C. Ammonia
B. Difluoromenthane D. Chloromethane
Answer: (D) Chloromethane
When the air duct system serves several enclosed spaces, the
permissible quantity of refrigerant in the system shall not
exceed the amount determined by using the total volume of those
spaces in the which the airflow cannot be reduced to less than
____ of its maximum when the fan is operating
A. One-quarter C. Three-quarter
B. One half-quarter D. One-fourth-quarter
Answer: (A) One-quarter

The space above a suspended ceiling shall not be included in

calculating the permissible quantity of refrigerant in the
system unless such space is continuous and is part of the air
return system
A. Partition C. Separator
B. Plenums D. Plate divider
Answer: (B) Plenums
Which of the following is not a possible location of service
A. Suction of compressor C. Outlet of liquid
B. Discharge of compressor receiver
D. Outlet of condenser
Answer: (D) Outlet of condenser

A coil in series with evaporator that is use to prevent the

liquid refrigerant entering the compressor
A. Accumulator D. Liquid suction heat
B. Liquid superheater exchanger
C. Drier loop
Answer: (C) Drier loop
A type of valve connected from discharge of compressor directly
to suction that is normally closed and will open automatically
only if there is high discharge pressure
A. Check valve C. King valve
B. Solenoid valve D. Relief valve
Answer: (B) Solenoid valve

Use to increase the capacity of condenser
A. Water regulating valve C. Liquid-suction heat
B. Desuperheating coils exchanger
D. Condenser heating coils
Answer: (B) Desuperheating coils
Is use to subcooled the refrigerant from the condenser
A. Liquid line C. Desuperheating coils
B. Condenser subcooler D. Liquid receiver
Anwser: (A) Liquid line*

Which of the following is NOT a part of low pressure side in

refrigeration system?
A. Compressor C. Liquid line
B. Condenser D. Suction line
Answer: (D) Suction Line

Which of the following is NOT a part of condensing unit?

A. Compressor C. Condenser
B. Discharge line D. Liquid line
Answer: (D) Liquid line

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the

compressor power per unit mass will
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (C) Remains the same

Superheating the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the

specific volume at compressor suction will
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (C) Remains the same

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the

specific volume at compressor suction will
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (C) Remains the same

Pressure loss due to friction at the condenser, the compressor
power per unit mass will
A. Increase C. Remains the same
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer: (C) Remains the same

Which of the following is NOT a type of air-cooled condenser?

A. Shell and tube C. Forced draft
B. Natural draft D. Induced draft
Answer: (A) Shell and tube
A type of refrigerant control typically used in household
A. Thermostatic expansion C. Capillary tube
valve D. High side float
B. Automatic expansion
Answer: (C) Capillary Tube

Type of condenser that operates like a cooling water

A. Air-cooled condenser C. Shell and tube condenser
B. Evaporative condenser D. Water cooled condenser
Answer: (B) Evaporative condenser
The major problem of heat pump is
A. Refrigerant used C. Supply air
B. Outside air D. Frosting
Answer: (D) Frosting

Dominant refrigerant used in commercial refrigeration system

A. R11 C. R12
B. R22 D. R502
Answer: ( D) R502
Cascade refrigerant system are connected in
A. Series C. Series-parallel
B. Parallel D. Parallel
Answer: (A) Series

Is use to heat up the solution partially before entering the
generator in absorption refrigeration system
A. Rectifier C. Regenerator
B. Absorber D. Pump
Answer: (C) Regenarator

The COP of actual absorption refrigeration system is usually

A. Less than 1 C. Less than 3
B. Less than 2 D. Less than 4
Answer: (A) Less than 1
Sight glass is often located at
A. Discharge line C. Between condenser and
B. Liquid line liquid receiver
D. Suction line
Answer: (B) Liquid line

Use to detects a vibration in current caused by the ionization

of decomposed refrigerant between two opposite charged platinum
A. Electronic detector C. Bubble method
B. Halide torch D. Pressurizing
Answer: (A) Electronic detector

The ability of oil to mix with refrigerants

A. Carbonization C. Mixing
B. Purging D. Miscibility
Answer: (D) Miscibility

Joints and all refrigerants-containing parts of a refrigerating

system located in an air duct carrying conditioned air to and
from an occupied space shall be constructed to withstand a
temperature of ____ without leakage into the airstream.
A. 550F C. 650F
B. 600F D. 700F
Answer: (D) 700F

Refrigerant piping crossing an open space that affords
passageway in any building shall be not loss than ______ above
the floor unless the piping is located against the ceiling of
such space and is permitted by the authority having jurisdiction
A. 2.2 m C. 4.2 m
B. 3.2 m D. 5.2 m
Answer: (A) 2.2m
Methyl chloride shall not be in contact with
A. Aluminum C. Magnesium
B. Zinc D. All of these
Answer: (D) All of these

Shall not be in contact with any halogenated refrigerants

A. Aluminum C. Magnesium
B. Zinc D. All of these
Answer: (C) Magnesium
Are suitable for use in ammonia system
A. Copper C. Plastic
B. Aluminum and its alloy D. Cast iron
Answer: (B) Aluminum and its alloy

In a pressure-relief device is used to protect a pressure vessel

having an inside dimension of 6 in or less, the ultimate
strength of the pressure vessel so protected shall be sufficient
to withstand a pressure at least ____ the design pressure
A. 2 times C. 4 times
B. 3 times D. 5 times
Answer: (B) 3 times

Seats and discs shall be limited in distortion, by pressure or

other cause, to set pressure change of not more than ____ in a
span of five years.
A. 1% C. 10%
B. 5% D. 50%
Answer: (B) 5%

Liquid receivers, if used or parts of a system designed to
receive the refrigerant change during pumpdown charge. The
liquid shall not occupy more than __of the volume when
temperature of the refrigerant is 90F
A. 80% C. 90%
B. 85% D. 95%
Answer: (C) 90%
The discharge line (B4) shall be vented to the atmosphere
through a ____ fitted to its upper extremity.
A. Nozzle C. Pipe
B. Convergent-divergent D. Diffuser
Answer: (D) Diffuser

Convert fossil fuels into the shaft work

A. Nuclear power plant C. Dendrothermal power
B. Gas turbine power plant plant
D. Thermal power plant
Answer: (D) Thermal power plant

Ultimate strength drops by 30% as steam temperature raises from

____ for unalloyed steel
A. 300 to 400 C C. 600 to 700 C
B. 400 to 500 C D. 700 to 800 C
Answer: (B) 400 to 500 C

Recent practice limits steam temperature to

A. 438 C C. 648 C
B. 538 C D. 738 C
Answer: (A) 438 C
In a closed feed water heater, the feed water pass through
A. Inside the tube C. Inside the shell
B. Outside the tube D. Outside the shell
Answer: (A) Inside the tube

Is use if extracted steam upon condensation gets subcooled

A. Trap C. Filter
B. Deaerator D. Drain cooler
Answer: (D) Drain cooler

Needs only single pump regardless of number of heaters
A. Open heater C. Mono heater
B. Closed heater D. Regenerative heater
Answer: (B) Closed heater
Is also known as deaerator
A. Open heater C. Reheat heater
B. Closed heater D. Regenerative heater
Answer: (A) Open Heater

Dissolve gases like _____ makes water corrosive react with metal
to form iron oxide
A. O2 and N2 C. O2 and CO2
B. O2 and CO D. N2 and SO2
Answer: (C) O2 and CO2

A cycle typically used in paper mills, textile mills, chemical

factories, sugar factories and rice mills
A. Cogeneration cycle C. By-products cycle
B. Combined cycles D. Cascading cycle
Answer: (A) Cogeneration cycle
When process steam is basic need and power is byproduct, this
cycle is known as
A. Cogeneration cycle
B. Combined cycles
C. By-product cycle
D. Cascading cycle
Answer: (C) By-product cycle

A type of turbine employed where steam continuously extracted
for process heating
A. Back-pressure turbine C. Steam turbine
B. Gas turbine D. Passout turbine
Answer: (D) Passout turbine

Which of the following is used for binary cycle power generation

for high temperature application?
A. Mercury C. Potassium
B. Sodium D. All of these
Answer: (D) All of these
Critical temperature of mercury is
A. 1160 c C. 1360 c
B. 1260 c D. 1460 c
Answer: (D) 1460 C

Critical pressure of mercury is

A. 100 MPa C. 128 Mpa
B. 108 Mpa D. 158 MPa
Answer: (B) 108 Mpa
Method used in converting heat directly to electricity by
A. Electromagnetic C. Magnetohydrodynamic
induction D. Thermoelectric
B. Magnetodynamic
Answer: (C) Magnetohydrodynamic

Which of the following is not a material used for thermoelectric

A. Bismuth telluride C. Zinc telluride
B. Lead telluride D. Germanium
Answer: (C) Zinc telluride
a type of coal formed after anthratice
A. Lignite C. Peat
B. Bituminous D. Graphite
Answer: (D) Graphite
Which of the following is lowest grade of coal?

A. Peat C. Sub- bituminous
B. Lignite D. Bituminous
Answer: (B) Lignite

Which of the following helps in the ignition of coal?

A. Moisture C. Fixed carbon
B. Ash D. Volatile matter
Answer: (D) Volatile matter
Is the ratio of fixed carbon and volatile matter.
A. Air-fuel ratio C. Combustion ratio
B. Fuel ratio D. Carbon-volatile ratio
Answer. (B) Fuel ratio

A suspension of a finely divide fluid in another.

A. Filtration C. Emulsion
B. Floatation D. Separation
Answer. (C) Emuslion
Contains 90% gasoline and 10% ethanol.
A. Gasohol C. Gasothanol
B. Gasonol D. Gasethanol
Answer: (A) Gasohol

Process used commercially in coal liquefaction.

A. Tropsch process C. Fisher-tropsch process
B. Fisher process D. Mitch-tropsch process
Answer. (C) Fisher-tropsch process
Is an organic matter produced by plants in both land and water.
A. Bio-ethanol C. Petroleum
B. Biomass D. Biogradable
Answer. (B) Biomass

In thermal power plant, induced draft fans are located at the

A. Exit of furnace C. Above the stack
B. Foot of the stack D. Top of the stack
Answer: (B) Foot of the stack

In thermal power plant, forced draft fans are installed at the
A. Foot of the stack C. Exit of the preheater
B. Top of the stack D. Inlet of the preheater
Answer: (D) Inlet of the preheater

Known as drum less boiler.

A. La Mont boiler C. Force circulation boiler
B. Fire tube boiler D. Once-through boiler
Answer: (D) Once-through boiler
Reduces the steam temperature by spraying low temperature water
from boiler drum.
A. Reheater C. Desuperheater
B. Preheater D. Superheater
Answer. (C) Desuperheater

Carbon dioxide can be removed by:

A. Deaeration C. Evaporation
B. Aeration D. Vaporization
Answer. (B) Aeration
Is often used to absorb silica from water.
A. Sorbent C. Silica gel
B. Rectifier D. Magnesium hydroxide
Answer. (D) Magnesium hydroxide
Presence of excess hydrogen ions makes the water
A. Acidic C. Base
B. Alkalinity D. Hydroxicity
Answer. (A) Acidic
PH of water varies with
A. Pressure C. Density
B. Temperature D. Volume
Answer. (B) Temperature

Ph value of ______ is usually maintained for boiler water to
minimized corrosion.
A. 8.5 C. 10.5
B. 9.5 D. 11.5
Answer. (C) 10.5

What type of turbine that has a degree of reaction of ½?

A. Impulse turbine C. Rarsons turbine
B. Reaction turbine D. Deriaz turbine
Answer. (C) Rarsons turbine
Tranquil flow must always occur
A. Above the normal depth C. Below the normal depth
B. Above the critical depth D. Below the critical depth
Answer. (B) Above the critical depth

Which of the following head loss coefficient among the

following types of entrance?
A. Bell mouth C. Reentrant
B. Square edge D. It depends
Answer. (C) Reentrant
What waste treatment method involves of algae from stabilization
pond effluents?
A. Sedimentation C. Filtration
B. Floatation D. Microscreening
Answer. (D) Microscreening
The number of nozzles will depend on the quantity of steam
required by the turbine. If nozzles occupy the entire ….. the
ring, the turbine is said to have:
A. Partially full C. Maximum peripheral
peripheral admission admission
B. One-half peripheral D. Full peripheral
admission admission
Answer. (D) Full peripheral admission

Tandem compound units may also have two low-pressure castings
that produces:
A. Single flow C. Triple flow
B. Double flow D. Quadruple flow
Answer. (C) Triple flow

A type of turbine used for driving pumps, fans, and other

auxiliaries in power plant commonly operate at exhaust pressure
approximating atmospheric.
A. Tandem compound turbine C. Cross-compound turbine
B. Passout turbine D. Back pressure turbine
Answer. (D) Back pressure turbine

A governor with 0% regulation is termed as:

A. Isochronous governor C. Isenchronous governor
B. Synchronous governor D. Isobarnous governor
Answer. (A) Isochronous governor
The speed regulation for most turbine-generators is adjustable
A. 2 to 6% C. 6 to 10%
B. 4 to 8% D. 8 to 12%
Answer. (A) 2 to 6%

Poppet valves of steam turbine are used for extraction pressure

A. 20 to 120 psig C. 20 to 130 psig
B. 20 to 150 psig D. 20 to 140 psig
Answer. (B) 20 to 150 psig

When both bearings of steam engines are on one side of the of

the connecting rod, the engine is referred to as:
A. Center-crank engine C. Under crank engine
B. Side crank engine D. Standard crank engine
Answer. (B) Side crank engine
When the valve in steam engine is in mid-position of its travel,
it will cover the steam port by an amount known
A. Steam lap C. Full lap
B. Partial lap D. Angular lap
Answer. (A) Steam lap

A type of governor in steam engine that do not control the
actual admission of steam to the cylinder but controls the
pressure of the steam.
A. Flyball governor C. Throttling governor
B. Variable cut-off D. Shaft governor
Answer. (C) Throttling governor

By inter-cooling using two stage compressor of Brayton cycle,

the backwork ratio will:
A. Increase C. Remains constant
B. Decrease D. None of these
Answer. (B) Decrease
On dynamic similitude, the relation which represents the ratio
of inertia force to pressure force is:
A. Froude number C. Euler number
B. Cauchy number D. Reynolds number
Answer. (C) Euler number
What is the maximum velocity in a sewer flowing full?
A. 0.6 m/sec C. 1.2 m/sec
B. 0.9 m/sec D. 1.8 m/sec
Answer. (A) 0.6 m/sec

A temporary structure constructed to exclude water from the side

of the foundation during its excavation and construction is
A. Calsson C. Coffer dam
B. Retaining wall D. Earth dam
Answer. (C) Coffer dam

Which is not a physical characteristic of water?

A. Total suspended and C. Color
dissolve solids D. Hardness
B. Tubidity
Answer. (D) Hardness

Which dam is best for weak foundation?

A. Gravity C. Buttress
B. Arch D. Earth
Answer. (C) Buttress

What is the volume of water which will drain freely from the
A. Specific yield C. Safe yield
B. Reservoir yield D. Secondary yield
Answer. (A) Specific yield

What is the line defined by the water level in a group of

artesian wells?
A. Water table C. Specific yield
B. Peizometric surface D. All of the above
Answer. (B) Peizometric surface
Select the one that is a positive indication of pollution of a
A. Acidity C. Chloride content
B. Oxygen content D. Nitrite content
Answer. (C) Chloride content
The cooling water is made to fall in series of baffles to expose
large surface area for steam led from below to come in direct
A. Spray condenser C. Jet condenser
B. Surface condenser D. Barometric condenser
Answer: (D) Barometric condenser
Show the variation of river flow (discharge) with time
A. Hydrograph C. Mass curve
B. Hyctograph D. Flow duration curve
Answer: (A) Hydrograph

Is an open channel erected on a surface above the ground.

A. Canal C. Pentstock
B. Tunnel D. Flume
Answer: (D) Flume

Type of turbine used up to 300 m head

A. Impulse turbine C. Propeller turbine
B. Francis turbine D. Deriaz turbine
Answer: (D) Deriaz turbine

Oil is atomized either by air blast or pressure jet at about
A. 60 bar C. 80 bar
B. 70 bar D. 90 bar
Answer: (B) 70 bar
Type of solid injection that use single pump supplies fuel under
high pressure to a fuel header.
A. Common rail injection C. Distributor system
B. Individual pump D. Single rail injection
injection system
Answer: (A) Common rail injection

Water flow in diesel engine that is caused by density

A. Thermosiphon cooling C. Pressure water cooling
B. Thermostat cooling D. Evaporative cooling
Answer: (A) Thermosiphon cooling

Type of lubrication system in diesel engine in which oil from

pump is carried to a separate storage lank outside the engine
cylinder and used for high capacity engine.
A. Mist lubrication system
B. Wet sump lubrication
C. Splash system
D. Dry sump lubrication system
Answer: (D) Dry sump lubrication system

Produces extreme pressure differentials and violent gas

A. Vibration C. Explosion
B. Detonation D. Knocking
Answer: (B) Detonation

In a spark ignition engine, detonation occurs near the

A. End of combustion C. Beginning of combustion
B. Middle combustion D. Beginning of interaction
Answer: (A) End of combustion

In a compression ignition engine, the detonation occurs near the
A. End of combustion C. Beginning of combustion
B. Middle of combustion D. Beginning of interaction
Answer: (C) Beginning of combustion

Morse test is use to measure the _______ of multi-cylinder

A. Break power C. Friction power
B. Indicated power D. Motor power
Answer: (B) Indicated power

Ignition delay can be min imized by adding _________ to decrease

engine knocking.
A. Ethel ether C. Ethyl nitrate
B. Ethyl chloride D. Ethyl oxide
Answer: (C) Ethyl nitrate

At any point in fluid at rest, the pressure is the same in all

directions. This principle is known as:
A. Bernoulli principle C. Pascal’s law
B. Archimedes principle D. Torricelli’s law
Answer: (C) Pascal’s law

The hot-wire manometer is used to measure

A. Pressure in gasses C. Wind velocities at
B. Pressure in fluids airports
D. Gas velocities
Answer: (D) Gas Velocities

The pitot static tube measures

A. The static pressure C. The total pressure
B. The gage pressure D. The dynamic pressure
Answer: (A) The static pressure

The terminal velocity of a small sphere setting in a viscous
fluid varies as the
A. First power of its diameter
B. Inverse of fluid viscosity
C. Inverse square of the diameter
D. Inverse of the diameter
Answer: (B) Inverse of fluid viscosity

Pressure drag results from

A. Skin friction
B. Deformation drag
C. Breakdown of potential flow near the forward stagnation
D. Occurrences of wake
Answer: (A) Skin friction

The pressure coefficient is the ratio of pressure forces to:

A. Viscous forces C. Gravity forces
B. Inertia forces D. Surface tension force
Answer: (B) Inertia forces
Which instruments is used to measure humidity of the atmosphere
A. Barograph C. Hydrograph
B. Thermograph D. Thermo-hydrograph
Answer: (C) Hydrograph
Entrance losses between tank and pipe or losses through elbows,
fittings and valves are generally expresses as a function of
A. Kinetic energy C. Friction factor
B. Pipe diameter D. Volume flow rate
Answer: (A) Kinetic Energy

The air that contains no water vapor is called

A. Zero air C. Dry air
B. Saturated air D. Humid air
Answer: (C) Dry Air

In psychrometric chart, the constant-enthalpy lines coincide
with constant-temperature lines at temperature

A. Above 50⁰C C. Below 50⁰C

B. Below 40⁰C D. Above 10⁰C
Answer: (C) Below 50 C

The amount of moisture in air depend on its

A. Pressure C. Temperature
B. Volume D. Humidity
Answer: (C) Temperature
The deep body temperature of healthy person is maintained
constant at

A. 27⁰C C. 47⁰C
B. 37⁰C D. 48⁰C
Answer: (B) 37 C
Air motion also plays important role in
A. Surroundings C. Human comfort
B. Cooling D. None of these
Answer: (C) Human Comfort

During simple heating and cooling process has a ____ humidity

A. Increasing C. Constant
B. Decreasing D. None of these
Answer: (C) Constant
The _____ follows a line of constant wet-bulb temperature on the
psychrometric chart.
A. Evaporative cooling C. Direct cooling process
process D. None of these
B. Condensive cooling
Answer: (A) Evaporative cooling process
A vapor which is not about to condensate is called a
A. mixture of vapor and C. Superheated vapor
liquid D. None of these
B. critical vapor
Answer: (C) Superheated vapor

Passing from the solid phase directly into vapor phase is called
A. Condensation C. Sublimation
B. Fusion D. None of these
Answer: (C) Sublimation
Robert Boyle observed during his experiments with a vacuum
chamber that the pressure of gases is inversely proportional to
A. Temperature C. Volume
B. Pressure D. None of these
Answer: (C) Volume
____ is energy in transition
A. Heat C. Power
B. Work D. None of these
Answer: (A) Heat

Is the mode of energy transfer between a solid surface and the

adjacent liquid or gas which is in motion, and it involves
combine effects of conduction and fluid motion.
A. Conduction C. Radiation
B. Convection D. None of these
Answer: (B) Convection

Radiation is usually considered as

A. Surface phenomenon C. Surface corrosion
B. Surface interaction D. None of these
Answer: (A) Surface phenomenon
Work is ____ between the system and the surroundings.
A. Work interaction C. Heat interaction
B. Energy interaction D. None of these
Answer: (B) Energy interaction

Is a process during which the system remains in equilibrium at

all times
A. Quasi-equilibrium C. Dynamic equilibrium
B. Static equilibrium D. None of these
Answer: (A) Quasi-equilibrium

In the absence of any work interactions between a system and its
surroundings , the amount of net heat transfer is equal
A. The change in total energy of a closed system
B. To heat and work
C. Energy interactions
D. none of these
Answer: (A) The change in total energy of a closed system

The constant volume and constant pressure specific heats are

identical for
A. compressible substance
B. incompressible substance
C. compressible gas
D. none of these
Answer: (B) Incompressible substance

The velocity of fluid is zero at wall aand maximum at the center

because of the
A. velocity effect
B. viscous effect
C. temperature effect
D. none of these
Answer: (B) Viscous effect

For steady flow devices, the volume of the control volume is

A. increase
B. decrease
C. constant
D. none of these
Answer: (C) Constant

Work done in turbine is ____ since it is done by the fluid.

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Zero
D. None of these
Answer: (A) Positive


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