A Low Power Low Voltage Rail To Rail Constant GM Differential Amplifier With 150 DB CMRR and Enhanced Frequency Performance

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A Low Power Low Voltage Rail to Rail Constant

gm Differential Amplifier with 150 dB CMRR and
Enhanced Frequency Performance

Article · January 2011


2 authors:

Leila Safari Seyed Javad Azhari

Tehran, Iran Iran University of Science and Technology


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Leila Safari
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 14 May 2016
A Low Power Low Voltage Rail to Rail Constant gm
Differential Amplifier with 150 dB CMRR and Enhanced
Frequency Performance
Leila Safarii and Seyed Javad Azhariii*

This paper proposes a low voltage (±0.55V supply voltage) low power (44.65µW) high common mode
rejection ratio (CMRR) differential amplifier (d.a.) with rail to rail input common mode range (ICMR),
constant transconductance (gm) and enhanced frequency performance. Its high performance is obtained
using a simple negative averaging method so that it cancels out the common mode input signals at the same
input terminals while preserving high frequency operation. The principle of operation, small signal analysis
and the formula of its most important parameters are explained and derived. Simulation results with HSPICE
using TSMC 0.18µm CMOS are presented showing rail to rail operation, CMRR of 150dB, voltage gain of
31.6dB, gain bandwidth of 95.8 MHz and input referred noise of 100.64nv/√Hz. Compared to conventional
amplifier ones those are 94.4dB , 3.4dB, 1.62 times and 1.72 times better, respectively. The CMRR corner

f S
case simulation results are also provided showing from 52.1dB to 74.6dB improvement over conventional

High CMRR Differential Amplifier, Low Voltage, Low Power, Rail to Rail, Quasi Floating Gate

supplies, too. The required voltage to keep all transistors

1. INTRODUCTION of a differential amplifier in saturation has become a
significant fraction of the allowed supply voltages in
In recent years downscaling trend of integrated circuit

modern deep sub micron CMOS technology which
technology in general and increase of portable electronics

results in a reduced room for common mode input
and solar powered systems in particular have
signals. As a result, differential amplifiers greatly suffer
considerably increased the demand for low supply
from reduction of both input common mode range

circuits and systems [1]-[3]. It is predicted that in the near
(ICMR) and common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) in
future, supply voltage of analog and mixed mode circuits
modern CMOS technologies. In deep submicron

will be less than |VTHP|+VTHN(in which VTHP and
technologies output impedance of tail current source is
VTHN are the threshold voltages of PMOS and NMOS

low (due to reduced output impedance of transistors)
transistors respectively)[4].
causing tail current to vary as the common mode signal
Unfavorably supply voltage reduction and transistor
varies resulting in a poor CMRR. This is why cascode
size scaling down, impose serious challenges on the

tail current sources are used for high values of CMRR [9]
design of analog integrated circuits. Transistors high
which in turn increases the required supply voltage to
threshold voltages (threshold voltage reduction is less
values incompatible with today's CMOS technology. Tail
than that of supply voltage), low intrinsic gain and low
current source variation with common mode signals also
output impedance are some of the serious analog
means a non constant transconductance (gm) for
integrated circuit design contrasts in modern CMOS
differential amplifier. A large variation in gm introduces
technologies [5]-[6].
signal distortion and creates difficulty in frequency
Differential amplifiers as the input stage of such
compensation of Op-amps [10], [11]. As a result, a nearly
analog signal processors as operational amplifiers [7]-[8],
constant gm over the rail to rail ICMR is essential for
operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA), filters
differential amplifiers. Some high output impedance tail
and the like have faced with difficulties in low voltage
current sources to achieve higher CMRR and reducing
Leila Safari is with Electronic Research Center, Iran University of Science and Technology (e-mail: [email protected]).
Corresponding Author, Seyed Javad Azhari is with Electrical Engineering Faculty of Iran University of Science and Technology (e-mail:
[email protected]).

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43/ No.1 / Fall 2011
tail current variations have been reported in [12]-[14]. charges are removed and the DC operating point of the
Unfavorably these tail current sources result in a reduced gate is accurately set [1]. Fig.2 shows a QFG based
ICMR in deep submicron CMOS technologies, the same differential amplifier [26].The resistors have to be large
problem which is noticed in [15] concerning [13]. in order to allow the gate terminal to perform as a pseudo
Traditional approach for obtaining rail to rail ICMR is floating gate terminal. Some possible implementations of
using complementary differential pairs (CDP) [16]-[18]. large resistors can be found in [27]. In order to allow rail-
Unfavorably complex circuitry is usually required in to-rail operation, input signals are attenuated by means of
these circuits to ensure a constant gm which increases capacitive dividers implemented with QFGs input
power consumption. On the other hand, there is a dead capacitors. To do so, as shown in Fig.2, one pair of inputs
zone for input CM voltages in the middle band of the (Cm) are connected to ground while other input terminals
supply voltages where the input voltage is able to turn on (C1-C2) are assigned to input signals. The capacitors
none of the differential pairs [19]. connected to ground need to be larger than the capacitors
Multiple input floating gate (MIFG) transistors connected to input signals. In [26] the capacitor
provide a simple way to design low voltage and low connected to ground was made two times larger than
power rail to rail differential amplifiers. A MIFG based those connected to input sources(i.e. Cm=2C1=2C2 )
differential amplifier is shown in Fig.1. In this which has resulted in attenuation of three for input
architecture input signals are attenuated by capacitive
dividers before processing by differential amplifier [20]-
[22]. The input signals are attenuated enough to always
remain in the ICMR of the amplifier. The capacitor ratio D
signals which also means a degradation factor of three in

transconductance, gain bandwidth product and an
increase in input referred noise by the same amount. Due
to the low output impedance of tail current source,
is usually set around five which results an attenuation of
six [21]. Although attenuation of input signals extends
ICMR, it also results in an effective reduction in
differential amplifier transconductance, dynamic range

f S
CMRR is also poor and gm is not constant.
In this paper, a new QFG based low power low
voltage differential amplifier with rail-to-rail operation,
very high CMRR and constant gm is introduced. A novel

and gain bandwidth product and an increase in input negative averaging method is used to suppress the
referred noise. On the other hand, MIFG based common mode signals right at the differential amplifier
differential amplifier exhibit a non constant gm (with input ports which allow a gain bandwidth attenuation

deviation of 3%) due to the output impedance of tail factor of only two, higher CMRR, rail to rail operation
current source as commented in [23]. However, gm and constant gm. Other performance parameters such as

variation is reduced in [15], [23] employing dynamic bias power supply rejection ratio and input referred noise are
approach. In [23] tail current source variation is reduced also improved compared to conventional QFG based d.a..

h i
in a way that any common mode voltage variation on the
tail current source is sensed and compensated at the
differential amplifier inputs which resulted in a CMRR of
88dB and a gm variation of ±0.35% for rail to rail ICMR.
The proposed structure is very compact and power
efficient. This paper is arranged as follows. In Section II
the proposed circuit is explained. The simulation results
are presented in Section III and finally Section IV

r c
Major drawback of this work is its high power dissipation
because of the voltage amplifier employed in the
feedback loop. The same method is implemented in [15]
with reduced number of elements and less complexity
concludes this paper.

which resulted in a CMRR of 108dB and a nearly
constant gm. Unfavorably its gain bandwidth is reduced
from 61MHz in conventional one to 27MHz. The design
procedure is rather complicated in [15], [23] because
negative feedback stability problems have to be
considered. Dynamic biasing method used in [24] to
relax the capacitor ratios and reduce gain bandwidth
degradation effect has resulted in a CMRR of only 88dB
and there is no report on gm variation.
Unfortunately, MIFG based circuits suffer from the
large DC offsets produced by trapped charge on the
floating gates which need expensive processing steps,
special layout techniques[25] or quasi floating gate(QFG)
transistors[1] to be removed. In QFG approach, the gate
is not truly floating, but weakly connected to a DC
voltage through a very large valued resistor so trapped Figure 1: MIFG based differential amplifier [19].

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43 / No.1 / Fall 2011
And inserting (5) and (6) into (3) and (4) yields M1-
M2 gate voltages as:
C V 1 V (7)
V FG 1 = × dm = × dm
C +C m 2 2 2
C V 1 V (8)
V FG 2 = − × dm = − × dm
C +C m 2 2 2
As (7) and (8) imply, only differential mode
components of input voltages are applied to M1-M2
gates and common mode components are easily canceled
out with no need to large value attenuating capacitors or
complicated negative feedbacks but just due to usage of
the proposed method. This means a higher CMRR and
constant gm for the proposed d.a. along with rail to rail
operation. The reason is that, due to cancelation of input
common mode signals at the differential amplifier inputs,

no common mode is sensed with tail current source
resulting in a constant tail current with no need to a high

Figure 2: QFG based differential amplifier [26].


output impedance tail current source.
Negative average of input signals can be simply
implemented by three input amplifier shown in Fig.4-a in
which input signals are applied via C3-C4 inputs while
C5 input is grounded. Grounding C5 attenuates input
The conceptual schematic of the proposed idea is
shown in Fig.3 in which M1-M2 are d.a. input transistors,
M3-M4 are load transistors and MR1-MR2 are large
value resistors connected to VB to provide proper bias
voltage for d.a. transistors and remove trapped charges
signals extending ICMR of the amplifier of Fig.4. Note
that attenuation in the negative averaging circuit of Fig.4

does not have any effect on the main differential
amplifier gain and gain band width product. Biasing of
negative averaging circuit is provided by large value
on M1-M2 floating gates. Input signals are applied via
C1-C2 terminals and their negative average
( −0.5 × (V in + +V in − ) ) are applied via Cm to the input

v e
resistors of MR3 and MR4. Due to large signal swing at
the output of this block, two series connected resistors are
used in this circuit to avoid forward biasing the reverse
ports of differential amplifier. Assuming C1-C2 and Cm
are larger than parasitic capacitors of M1-M2, small
signal floating gate voltages of M1-M2 will be weighted
the sum of two inputs as stated in (1) and (2):

h i biased PN junctions implementing large value resistors

[27]. All large value resistors are implemented using
PMOS transistors in cutoff due to their gates connected
to VDD.

C1 Cm (1) Small signal model of Fig.4-a is shown in Fig.4-b.
V =V in + × − 0.5 × (V in − +V in + ) ×
FG 1
C 1 + Cm C 1 + Cm Since the low cut off frequency, fL, of Fig.4-a is in the

V FG 2

V FG 1 =
=V in − ×
C 1
C 1 + Cm

A r
− 0.5 × (V in − +V in + ) ×

Assuming C1=C2=C, equations (1) and (2) can be

simplified to:
⎡Vin + −V in − ⎤ 1 ⎡V in + −Vin − ⎤
C + Cm ⎣ 2
⎥ = ×⎢
⎦ 2 ⎣
C 1 + Cm

(2) range of sub hertz [26], large value resistors are ignored
in the small signal model which is used for regularly used
frequencies. From Fig.4-b it is understood:

ro = ro 5 ro 6
Co = C ds 6 + C db 6 + C ds 5 + C db 5 + C sbMR 4
C ⎡Vin −Vin ⎤
1 ⎡Vin −Vin ⎤
− + − (4) C3 =C4 =C '
V FG 2 = − ×⎢ ⎥ = − ×⎢ ⎥
C + Cm ⎣ 2 ⎦ 2 ⎣ 2 ⎦ (11)
Arranging input voltages in terms of common mode Writing KCL at nodes (1) and (2) in Fig. 4-b gives:
(V V in + +V in − ) and differential mode
= Vf
+V f .C o .S + gm 5 V
. gs 5 = (V gs 5 −V f ) × (C gd 5 + C 6 ) × S
(V dm =V in + −V in − ) components as:
V dm (5)
V in + = +V cm (V in + +V in − ) × C '× S − 2 ×V gs 5 × C '× S
V (6) =V gs 5 × (C 5 + C gs 5 ) × S + (V gs 5 −V f ) × (C 6 + C gd 5 ) × S
V in − = − dm +V cm
2 (12-b)

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43/ No.1 / Fall 2011

× where: Pss = (2.π .R ss .C ss ) −1 and Css is the output
(V in + +V in − ) 1+
capacitance of tail current source.
P1 The ac gate voltages of M1-M2 in Fig.5 are:
C '× g m 5 × ro C Cm
V FG 2 =V in − × +V f × (15)
2C '+ C 5 + C gs 5 + C gd 5 + C 6 + g m 5 .ro .(C 6 + C gd 5 ) C + Cm C + Cm
−K V FG 1 =V in + ×
+V f ×
Cm (16)
S C + Cm C + Cm
−K (13-a)
Vf ≈ × (V in + +V in − )
C '× g m 5 × ro C '.g m 5 .ro (13-b)

K = ≈
2C '+ C 5 + C gs 5 + C gd 5 + C 6 2C '+ C 5 + C 6

2C '+ C 5 −1 (13-c)
P1 = [ ]

In order to produce negative average of input signals,
K in (13-b) should be set to 0.5.
Complete schematic of the proposed high CMRR,
high frequency and rail to rail d.a. is shown in Fig.5 in
which A1 is the main d.a. and A2 is the negative
averaging block.

o f (a)

v e
h i
r c (b)

Figure 4: Negative averaging block (a) Schematic (b) Small

signal equivalent circuit.

Figure :3 The conceptual schematic of the proposed idea.
Inserting Vf from (13) into (15) and (16) and
considering a common mode voltage of VCM (Vin+=Vin-
=VCM) at inputs, the common mode gate voltage of M1-
M2 becomes as:
(1 −
The CMRR of the proposed d.a. can be calculated (1 − 2K )P4
(V FG 1 )CM = (V FG 2 )CM =V CM × (1 − 2K ) ×
from (14) in which VFGdm and VFGcm are differential S
(1 + )
mode and common mode gate voltages of M1-M2 P1
respectively, Rss is the output resistance of tail current (17)
source, gm1,2 is the transconductance of M1-M2 and λ is It can be seen from (17) that common mode gate
the current gain of M3-M4 load current mirror. voltages of M1-M2 in Fig.5 will be suppressed if the K
S factor is set as close as possible to 0.5. Such resulted
(1 + )
V FG dm Pss (1 + λ ) (14) zero common mode input voltage also provides rail to rail
CMRR = × ×
V FG cm 1 + 2.gm 1,2 .R ss (1 − λ ) operation and constant gm for the proposed differential

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43 / No.1 / Fall 2011
In the case of differential mode inputs (Vin+=-Vin-
=Vdm), Vf approaches zero according to (13-a). Then
using (1) and (2), the differential mode gate voltage of
M1-M2 becomes:
C2 Cm
(V FG 2 )dm =V dm × +V f × =
C 2 +C m C 2 +C m
C2 Cm C2 V
V dm × + 0× =V dm × = dm
C 2 +C m C 2 +C m C 2 +C m 2
In the same way (VFG1)dm is found as:
V (19)
(V FG 1 )dm = dm
Using (17)-(19), CMRR of the proposed d.a. of Fig.5
is given by:
(1 + ) (1 − )
1 (1 + λ ) (1 − 2K )P1

CMRR = × × ×
2(1 − 2K ) (1 + 2.gm1,2 .R ss ) (1 − λ ) S
(1 + )

Figure 5: Schematic of the proposed differential amplifier.
The CMRR boosting of the proposed d.a. can be
clarified by comparing (20) with the CMRR of the
conventional d.a. given in (21) (which is represented by
(1 +
(1 + λ )
The proposed scheme can also be implemented in
fully differential configuration as is shown in Fig.6. This

arrangement can then considerably increase such
parameters as CMRR, PSRR and differential gain of the

Pss (21)
CMRR c = × block. Most favorably those parameters could be
(1 + 2.gm1,2 .R ss ) (1 − λ )
increased over and over by cascading the fully
In the conventional d.a. of Fig.2, the second inputs differential configuration so many times that maintain the
(Cm) of M2 and M4 are tied to ground to provide proper
attenuation for rail to rail operation. This attenuation also
takes place for differential mode signals. Hence common

v e
required values, of course within the allowable limits of
consumed power.

mode attenuation with capacitive dividers does not result
in any increase in CMRR. While in the proposed method,
common mode inputs are extremely canceled out at the

mode input signals are transferred to the differential
gates of M1-M2 as is seen from (17) and the differential

amplifier input transistors by an attenuation of only two

(as is seen from (18) and (19)). Consequently, CMRR in
the proposed differential amplifier will be considerably
boosted as is given by (20). The denominator of (20) can

be close to zero by making K as close as possible to 0.5.
A near zero denominator for (20) results in an extremely
high CMRR for the proposed differential amplifier. The
condition K=0.5 can be simply accomplished by proper
sizing of M5-M6 and C5-C6 values in (13-a).
It is worth noting that unlike the methods used in [15,
23], there is no negative feedback in the proposed
scheme. Consequently, it is not necessary to consider the
circuit stability and design procedure is very simple and
straight forward. On the other hand, high CMRR and rail Figure 6: Proposed d.a. in fully differential configuration.
to rail operation with constant gm for the proposed d.a. is
provided by a very simple method needing the small The circuits of Fig. 5 and Fig.2 to which we will refer
number of components to satisfy the low voltage low as proposed and conventional differential amplifiers
power requirements. respectively, were designed and simulated in 0.18µm
TSMC CMOS technology with nominal threshold
voltages of 0.43V and -0.45V for NMOS and PMOS

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43/ No.1 / Fall 2011
transistors respectively. The transistors dimensions, bias conventional one. Figure 10 is practically a quantitative
settings and elements values are summarized in Tables 1, interpretation of the fact shown in Figure 7. Although
2 and 3 respectively. It is worth noting that since the used these two sets of results seem enough to prove the
capacitors are small, they can be implemented as metal- superiority of the proposed d.a. over the conventional one
metal or metal-poly capacitors in mainstream digital in terms of both CMRR and rail to rail ICMR, to further
CMOS technology without the need of a second poly investigate the issues we also tried the method used in
layer [24]. As a result, we used 0.18µm TSMC CMOS [23] as follows. A common-mode 50-Hz rail to rail
technology for design and simulation. The used aspect triangular signal (whose amplitude is increased to rail-to-
ratios for transistors implementing large value resistors rail, as is shown in Fig.11-a) mixed with a 2 mV peak-to-
are also given in table 1. Observe that current generators peak 200Hz sinusoidal differential one (Fig.11-b) are
were implemented through simple current mirrors with applied to both proposed d.a. and conventional one. The
aspect ratios of 3µm/0.5µm. resulted output voltages (Fig.11-c) show that the output
Fig.7 compares the gate voltages of input transistors of of the proposed d.a. remains unchanged regardless of the
the proposed and conventional differential amplifiers due large amplitude of common-mode signal (ranged from -
to applied sinusoidal common mode inputs of 0.2v peak 0.55v to 0.55v) while the output of the conventional d.a.
to peak. It demonstrates the great strength of the has large variations with common mode level so that as
proposed method in suppression of the common mode
voltages at the gate terminals of the proposed d.a. while
the input transistors' gate terminals preserve their DC bias
voltage of 0.1v. These results are in good agreement with D
the input common signal amplitude increases up the

output combined signal amplitude reduces down point by
The gain frequency responses of the proposed and
(17). DC bias voltage of 0.1v is provided by large value
resistors connected to VB.
In Fig.8 tail current variation versus rail to rail
common mode inputs are compared between proposed

f S
conventional differential amplifiers are shown in Fig. 12
which demonstrate improved low frequency gain and
gain-bandwidth product for the proposed differential
amplifier. Gain bandwidth of the proposed d.a. is

and conventional differential amplifiers. As is shown, tail 95.8Mhz while that of the conventional one is only
current source in the proposed d.a. maintains an 58.9Mhz which shows an improvement of 1.62 times for
approximately constant current over -0.45v to 0.45v input the former one.

common mode range while the conventional d.a. has a Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) simulation
deviation of 16.66% in the tail current source in this results are shown in Fig.13. As can be seen, PSRR+ in

range. Conventional d.a. has a large deviation of 21% the proposed d.a. is 31.6 dB which is 3.4dB higher than
and 3.76% for the common mode voltages equal to the that of the conventional one with superior frequency

h i
negative and positive rails respectively. While in the
proposed d.a. those are only 2.5% and 0.75% which are
mainly due to the fact that in the related region, gain of
negative averaging block deviates from 0.5 causing some
performance. PSRR- is 58dB and 49.2dB in the proposed
and conventional differential amplifiers respectively
which shows an improved value of 8.8dB for the
proposed one.
variation in tail current source.

r c
Although Fig.8 reflects the related information of the
gm of the discussed differential amplifiers (since it is
directly proportional to tail current) however, gm
The input-referred voltage noise at 100 KHz was also
evaluated showed values of 173.57nV/√Hz for the
conventional d.a. and 100.64nV /√Hz for the proposed
one. It exhibits a rather improved noise performance for

variations versus input rail to rail common mode signal is the proposed d.a..
also considered which is shown in Fig.9. These results The proposed d.a. was arranged in unity gain
show that when input common signal varies from configuration with a load of 1pF. Fig.14 shows the short
negative supply value to the value of positive one, gm of circuit input-output transfer characteristic and the
proposed d.a. varies from 2% to 0.62% , respectively, transient response to a 0.3V input step.
while these variations are from 15.72% to 2.56%, To study the effect of technology process (mismatches
respectively, for conventional d.a. Comparing these two and other non-idealities) on the CMRR we also executed
sets of results proves the rather harmony between gm and the corner case simulations the results of which are
tail current as well as the great superiority of the summarized in Table 4. As can be deduced from results,
proposed d.a. over the conventional one in providing a the CMRR of the proposed d.a. remains from 52.1 dB to
constant gm versus a rail to rail input common signal. 74.6dB higher than the CMRR of conventional one.
CMRR behavior of the circuits is illustrated in Fig. 10 To investigate CMRR variation with mismatches
which shows a low frequency value of 150 and 55.6dB Monte Carlo simulation was carried out by considering
for the proposed and conventional differential amplifiers 3% mismatch in threshold voltage, W, L and Tox of
respectively. The proposed solution provides an transistors in 100 runs. The resulted CMRR variation for
improvement of 94.4 dB for the proposed d.a over both proposed and conventional differential amplifiers

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43 / No.1 / Fall 2011
are shown in Fig.15. The average value of CMRR is TABLE .3
110.4445dB and 49.47dB for the proposed and ELEMENT VALUES.
conventional differential amplifiers respectively. The Proposed d.a. Conventional d.a.
Monte Carlo simulation is also carried out by considering Element Value Element Value
5% mismatch which showed CMRR average value of C1- C4 100f C1- C2 100f
93.70dB and 46.92dB for the proposed and conventional Cm 100f Cm 300f
differential amplifiers respectively. As can be seen, the C5 500f - -
average value of CMRR in the proposed d.a. is 60.97dB C6 171.2f - -
and 46.78dB larger than the one for conventional d.a. in CL 100f CL 100f
the case of 3% and 5% mismatch, respectively.
The performance characteristics of the proposed
differential amplifier and the conventional one in 0.18µm
technology are summarized in Table 5 which prove
promising performance of the proposed differential
amplifier over conventional one in terms of CMRR, gain
bandwidth product, PSRR, etc. A comparison of this
work to some other advanced works on this topic is
presented in Table 6. The results in table 6 show that
besides the lower output impedance of the tail current
source of the proposed d.a. compared to those of other
works (due to related limitations of 0.18µm technology
compared to those of 0.5µm technology) it has superior
CMRR over all of other referenced works which proves
strong effectiveness of the proposed structure in this

f S
Figure 7: M1-M2 gate voltages (top curve) resulted by a 0.2Vpp
sinusoidal common mode input (bottom curve) in the proposed

respect. On the other hand, structures reported in [15,
and conventional differential amplifiers.
23], have larger capacitors at the differential amplifier
inputs compared to proposed d.a.. As a result, these

structures need a double poly CMOS process while the
proposed d.a. can be implemented in the less costly

digital CMOS process and provides much larger CMRR
compared to those works.

Aspect Ratio

h i
Aspect Ratio

r c

M5 1.1µm/0.3µm NA
M6 1µm/0.3µm NA Figure 8: Tail current variation versus common mode input
M7 1µm/0.3µm NA voltage.
0.5µm/0.5µm 0.5µm/0.5µm
0.5µm/0.5µm NA

Parameter Value
VDD 0.55V
VSS -0.55V
VB 0.2V
IB 1 µA
Iss 20µA Figure 9: Gm variation versus common mode input voltage.

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43/ No.1 / Fall 2011
TT Corner cases(dB)
Proposed (dB) 150 113 103 123 113

Conventional(dB) 55.6 60.9 46 48.4 47.5

Figure 10: CMRR frequency performances of the proposed and

conventional differential amplifiers.

f S
Figure 12: Gain frequency performances of the proposed and
conventional differential amplifiers.


e o
i v
c h
A (b)
r (a)

Figure 11.(a)Input common mode signal, and (b) differential
mode one applied to both proposed d.a. and conventional one . (b)
(c) the resulted output for the proposed and conventional Figure 13: PSRR frequency performance of the proposed and
differential amplifiers. conventional differential amplifiers a) PSRR- b) PSRR+.

Amirkabir / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Vol . 43 / No.1 / Fall 2011
Phase Margin(º) 71 66

Power Supply(v) ±0.55 ±0.55

PSRR+/-(dB) 31.6/58 28.2/49.2
Input referred
noise(nV/√Hz) at 100.64 173.57
PD(µW) 44.65 42.44

[15] [23] [24]
Figure 14: Transient response of the proposed differential Technology(µm
amplifier. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.18

±1.1 ±1.5 1.9 ±0.55
DC gain(dB)



108 I 3




Power(µW) 410 510 62 44.6
Total capacitor

used at the 6 24 1.6 1.17
inputs (PF)
Two Two Two Single

stage stage stage stage


i v With supply voltages becoming more limited,

differential amplifiers input common mode range and
common mode rejection ratio become extremely critical

parameters. While MIFG and QFG transistors provide a
very simple and accurate way to design low voltage and

r c low power differential amplifiers, the resulted CMRR is

relatively poor and gain bandwidth product is degraded.
A novel low voltage low power rail to rail constant gm
differential amplifier is introduced in this work. Its
CMRR is improved over conventional one and some

A (b)
Figure 15: Statistical distribution of CMRR in presence of
Mismatches in (a) proposed d.a. (b) conventional d.a..
other reported works. Its gain bandwidth attenuation
factor is reduced compared to that of the conventional
d.a. and most other reported works. Moreover, the
proposed d.a. has lower input referred noise compared to
conventional one. Power efficient and compact structure
of the proposed d.a. are other performance merits making
TABLE 5 it more suitable for low voltage low power designs.
COMPARISON OF CHARACTRISTICS OF THE PROPOSED Power consumption is only 2.21µW larger than power
AND CONVENTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIERS. consumption of conventional d.a. which along with other
Parameter Proposed achievements makes the proposed d.a. an attractive
alternative to conventional and other previously reported
CMRR (dB) 150 55.6 topologies. We have demonstrated by simulation a
94.4dB improvement in CMRR, 1.62 times improvement
Ad(Vo/Vd)(dB) 31.6 28.2
in gain bandwidth product, 1.72 time reduction of input
GBW(Mhz) 95.8 58.9 referred noise and an improved power supply rejection
ratio over that of the conventional differential amplifier.

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