Rotational Kinetic Energy

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Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 1

Rotational Kinetic Energy

Consider a rigid body rotating with an angular velocity ω about an axis. Clearly
every point in the rigid body (except where the axis is located) is moving at some
speed v depending upon the distance away from the axis. Hence, the a rigid body
in rotation must possess a kinetic energy. The formula for the rotational kinetic
energy, you will see, is very similar to the formula for the kinetic energy of a
moving point particle once you make the “translation” to the variables describing
rotational motion.
In order to derive this formula, consider the rigid body to be composed of discrete
mass elements mi , where the distance of the mass element from the rotation axis
is given as ri . Then, from the previous notes, you know that the velocity of each
mass element is given by vi = ri ω. Note that each mass element can have a
different amount of mass mi , and can be at different distance ri , but all the mass
elements have a common angular velocity ω. The kinetic energy of the rigid body
is then simply the sum of the individual kinetic energies of all the mass elements
mi :
1 X1 1 1
mi vi2 = mi ri2 ω 2 = mi ri2 ω 2 = Iω 2
Krotational = (10.15)
i 2 i 2 2 i 2
Here we introduce the moment of inertia I of the rigid body which is defined
as summation quantity inside the parenthesis:

mi ri2
I≡ (10.14)

The Moment of Inertia I

The moment of inertia I is the rotational analog of the mass of a point particle.
The moment of inertia depends not only on how much mass there is, but also on
where that mass is located with respect to the rotation axis. So the shape of the
rigid body must be specified, as well as the location of the rotation axis before the
moment of inertia can be calculated. For an arbitrarily shaped rigid body having
a density ρ, then the moment of inertia has to be calculated as an integral. This
has been done for many common shapes (see Table 10.2, page 323)
! Z Z
∆mi ri2 2
ρ2 dV
I = lim = r dm =
∆mi →0 i
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 2

Torque and Angular Acceleration

So far we have seen the rotational analogs of displacement, velocity, angular ac-
celeration, mass, and kinetic energy. The last analog variable to be considered in
this chapter is torque which is comparable to force. Note that all of these “anal-
ogous variables” in rotational motion have different units than the linear motion
variables, and the same is true of torque. It is related to, but not the same thing,
as force.
We introduced force (in Newton’s second law F = ma) as the quantity which
causes a mass to accelerate. We can do the same thing with the concept of
torque. A torque, τ , is the quantity which causes a rigid body to undergo an
angular acceleration with respect to some axis of rotation. In fact we have a very
similar formula relating torque and angular acceleration:
τ = Iα (10.22)
This is closely related to Newton’s second law (see derivation on page 333) where
on the right hand side we are using the rotational motion variables moment of
inertia and angular acceleration, instead of the linear motion variables mass and
linear acceleration.

Torque: a qualitative description

The quantity torque is that which causes a rigid body to have a rotational accel-
eration about some axis. In order to give a rigid body a rotational acceleration, it
is clear that one has to exert a force. However, where the force is applied makes a
difference. If applies a force whose line of action goes through the proposed axis
of rotation, then no rotation will occur. All that will happen is that the axis of
rotation will exert an oppositely directed force and no motion will occur. The
best example is that of a door where the axis of rotation is the door hinges. If
you exert a force on the door close to or right at axis of the door hinges, then
you will have a very difficult time opening a door. Instead you exert the force at
the farthest possible distance from the door hinge, and perpendicular (θ = 90o )
to the distance from the axis. This provides you with the maximum torque for a
given about of force. The general formula for torque is
τ = F r sin θ (10.16)
The angle θ is the angle between the line of action of the force F and the distance
r from the axis of rotation.
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 3

Worked Example in Rotational Equilibrium, pages 330-331

With the use of torques one can solve problems in rotational equilibrium.
Rotational equilibrium is the rigid body equivalent of the equilibrium of a particle
for which the net external force is 0.
Rotational equilibrium of a rigid body is summarized by the following statement:
The net clockwise torque equals the net counterclockwise torque

Statement of Problem
As an example consider a uniform horizontal beam of length 8.00 m, and weight
800 N. The beam is free to rotate about a pivot in a wall on one end of the beam.
The other end of the beam is tied to a cable making an angle of 53 degrees with
respect to the beam. A 600 N man is standing 2.00 m away from the wall. What
is the tension in the cable, and the force exerted by the pivot on the beam?
Method of Solution
Again this is an equilibrium problem. Nothing is being accelerated. So the net
force must be zero in the vertical and the horizontal directions. However, there
is more than that. There is no rotation either. So the clockwise torque must be
equal to the counter clockwise torque. Essentially we have three equations: one
for the vertical forces, one for the horizontal forces, and one for the torques. We
have three unknowns: the horizontal force of the pivot, the vertical force of the
pivot, and the tension in the cable. So we can solve for the three unknowns from
the three equilibrium equations.
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 4

Worked Example in Rotational Equilibrium, pages 330-331

Implementation of Solution
~ and assume that it acts at an angle θ with respect to the
Call the pivot force R,
beam. Call the tension force in the cable T~ , where we are told that T~ acts at
an angle of 53 degrees. So we have the following two net force = 0 equilibrium

Fx = 0 = R cos θ − T sin 53
Fy = 0 = R sin θ + T sin 53 − 600 − 200
Our third equation is for the sum of the torques being 0. We can choose the axis
of rotation any where we want. However, the smart thing to do is chose an axis
corresponding to the location of one of the forces. That way, the torque from that
force is automatically 0. The really smart thing to do is choose an axis where
an unknown force is acting. Then you don’t have to worry about that unknown
force. In this case the really smart axis choice is at the pivot point. That give the
net toque equation as

τ = 0 = (T sin 53)(8.00) − (600)(2.00) − (200)(4.00)
Right away we can solve for T = 313 Newtons. We then plug this value of T into
our force equations to get

R cos θ = 188 Newtons

R sin θ = 550 Newtons

We divide the second of these equations by the first to obtain tan θ = 2.93 =⇒
θ = 71.1 degrees. And with this value of θ we find R = 581 Newtons.
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 5

Worked Example in Rotational Acceleration, page 328

A solid cylinder of outer radius R1 has an inner axis of radius R2 (R2 < R1 )
through its center. A rope wrapped clockwise around R1 exerts a force F1 , while
a second rope wrapped around the radius R2 in the opposite direction exerts a
force F2 . Both forces are exerted perpendicular to the radius vector from the axis
center. What is the net torque exerted on the cylinder?
The force F1 tends to turn the cylinder in a clockwise direction. By convention,
torques which cause clockwise acceleration have a negative sign:

τ1 = −F1 · R1 · sin 90o = −F1 R1

The force F2 tends to turn the cylinder in a counterclockwise direction. Again,
by convention, torques which cause counterclockwise acceleration have a positive
τ2 = +F2 · R2 · sin 90o = +F2 R2
Then total torque on the cylinder is the sum of τ1 and τ2

τnet = τ1 + τ2 = −F1 R1 + +F2 R2

To give a specific case, suppose F1 = 5 N, F2 = 6 N, R1 = 1.0 m, and R2 = 0.5
m. The net torque is then

τnet = −F1 R1 + +F2 R2 = −5 · 1.0 + 6 · 0.5 = −2 N-m

Since the net torque is negative, this means that the cylinder will rotate in the
clockwise direction.
Note that the units of torque are Newton–meters (N–m). So don’t confuse torque
with force; they are different quantities. (You have previously learned another
quantity with units of N–m. Do you recall that quantity?)
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 6

Torque and Angular Momentum

Worked Example A uniform rod of length L and mass M is free to rotate
about a pivot at the left end of the rod. The rod is initially in a horizontal position,
and then is released. What is the initial angular acceleration of the right end of
the rod, and the initial linear acceleration?
From the description of the problem, you should quickly see that the rod will just
swing down (clockwise) much like a pendulum. Physically what is happening is
that the at the center–of–mass of the rod, the force of gravity is exerting a torque
with respect to the pivot point
L M gL
τgravity = (M g) sin 90o =
2 2
(This actually should have a negative sign since it is a clockwise torque, but since
we are not worried about balancing other torques, then the sign is ignored.)
Now the “Newton’s Second Law of Rotational Motion” relates the torque to the
angular acceleration by using the moment of inertia I

τ = Irod α
Irod = M L2 (thin rod about axis at one end)
1 M gL 3g
τ = Irod α = M L2 α = =⇒ α =
3 2 2L
This angular acceleration is common to all points along the rod. To get the
tangential acceleration at the end of the rod, you have to multiply α by the
distance of the end of the rod from the pivot point
atangential = Lα = g
Believe or NOT: This value of acceleration is actually greater than g !.
Finally, does the pivot point exert any force on the rod? Think of the situation
at the end when the rod has come down to a vertical position. If the pivot point
is exerting a force, why don’t we use it too when computing the net torque?
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 7

Worked Example
A wheel of radius R, mass M , and moment of inertia I is mounted on a hori-
zontal axle. A mass m is vertically attached by a light cord wrapped around the
circumference of the wheel. The m is dropping, and the wheel is rotating, both
with an acceleration. Calculate the angular acceleration of the wheel, the linear
acceleration of the mass m, and the tension in the cord.
This is a good example with which to test your comprehension of torques and
rotational motion. You really should understand this solution thoroughly before
being satisfied that you know about rotational motion and torques.
The solution to this problem just requires the use of Newton’s second law both
in its linear and rotational forms. Three equations will be produced. First, for
the mass m, the net force acting on m is
Fm = mg − T = mam
where T is the tension in the cord supporting the mass.
Next, for the wheel, the tension T acts to produce a torque with respect to the
axis of rotation. This torque is given by
τT = T R = Iα = M R2 α
where we have used the expression for I valid for a solid disk.
Finally, because the cord is inextensible, the linear acceleration of the mass m is
communicated to the tangential acceleration of the wheel, which in turn is related
to the angular acceleration of the wheel
am = atangential = Rα
Now work backwards substituting first for α, and then for T
am 1 am M am
α= =⇒ T R = M R2 =⇒ T =
R 2 R 2
Now substitute in the Fm equation
M am
mg − T = mam =⇒ mg − = mam
2gm 2gm M mg
=⇒ am = ; α= ; T =
M + 2m R(2m + M ) 2m + M
Lecture 17, Chapter 10: Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum 8

The Angular Momentum of Rigid Bodies and Single Particles

We define that the angular momentum of a rigid body rotating about an axis is

L = Iω

Angular momentum is a vector. For simplicity we deal with symmetric rigid

bodies rotating about one of their symmetry axes. For these cases, the direction
of the angular momentum is given by the right hand rule. Curl the fingers of your
right hand in the direction that the rigid body is rotating. Your thumb will point
in the direction of the angular momentum.

The angular momentum of a point particle

The basic definition of angular momentum is for a point particle moving at some
velocity v and at a vector distance r away from some reference axis. The angular
momentum of the point particle is given by
~l = ~r × ~p = m(~r × ~v)

Conservation of Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body

You remember that we can write Newton’s Second law as force is the time rate of
change of linear momentum

F~ =
We have the equivalent to Newton’s Second Law for rotations

~τ =
The net toque is equal to the time rate of change of angular momentum.
Now when there is no external torque, then the angular momentum of a rigid
body must remain constant. A great example of angular momentum the spinning
of an ice skater. When there is no external torque angular momentum must be
conserved. We write
L i = Lf

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