Performance Anylisis of r22 Vs r134 On Ice Making PDF

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International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)

Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018, ISSN: 2278 -7798

Performance Analysis of Vapor Compression

Refrigeration System for ice plant with R-22 and
Myint Myint Thein1, Ye Myint2

Abstract— This paper is the performance analysis of a

vapor compression refrigeration system for ice plant. The
design construction of ice plant is used to evaluate
capacity of the ice plant, to calculate the required power
input and coefficient of performance (COP) of the
system, to reduce the refrigeration time and plot the
system performance on pressure enthalpy chart. Result
data of the vapor compression refrigeration system for
R-22-CHClF2 (monochlorodifluoro methane) and R-134a
-CH2FCF3 (Tetrafluoro ethane) are compared.

Keywords— vapor compression cycle, Refrigerant

pressure-enthalpy chart. Brine tank, Ice-plant

1) INTRODUCTION Fig(1) Working principle of vapor compression system

An ice plant consists frame tank, brine tank and three
ice-can. The layer between frame tank and brine tank is
insulation and evaporator coils and three ice-can are within 3) REFRIGERANT
the brine tank. The other components of the ice plant are The refrigerant is a heat-carrying medium, which
compressor, condenser, expansion valves, receiver, drier, undergoes the thermodynamics cycle of refrigeration (i.e
evaporator and measuring gauges. Refrigerants for vapor compression, condensation, expansion and evaporation). In a
compression refrigeration system are R-22 and R-134a. refrigeration system, it absorbs the heat from a
R-22 has the ozone depletion potential (ODP)=0.05 and low-temperature medium and discards the absorbed heat to a
R-134a has zero ODP. Refrigeration is the removal of heat high-temperature environment. Refrigerants may be broadly
from a lower temperature region. The objective of the ice classified into following groups.
plant construction is to study ice formation process to (i) Primary refrigerants and
understand main components and their functions, working (ii) Secondary refrigerants
principle of the vapor compression refrigeration system. The refrigerant which directly undergo the refrigeration
cycle are called primary refrigerants whereas the secondary
2) WORKING PRINCIPLE OF VAPOUR COMPRESSION refrigerant act only as heat carrier.
Refrigerant to the gaseous form of inhalation by the (i) Selection of Refrigerant
compressor, high temperature and high pressure superheated There are contain desirable characteristics which a fluid
stem by the compression of the compressor and then used as a refrigerant should possess. It should be non
discharge from the compressor and then discharged from the poisonous, non explosive , non flammable operate under low
compressor of the exhaust pipe, through exhaust pipe goes pressure ( low boiling point) a stable gas and parts moving in
into the condenser. Condenser is helpful for refrigerant to the fluid should be easy to lubricate.
send out heat to the surrounding air, making the refrigerant In this design refrigerant R-22 or R-134a is used.
from the high temperature and high pressure superheated The relative ability of a substance to deplete the ozone
steam condensing to middle temperature and high pressure layer is called the ozone depletion potential (ODP). R-11 and
liquid and then enter the receiver and expansion valve R-12 have the highest value, ODP=1.0. R-22 has ODP = 0.05
through the filter drier. After expansion liquid refrigerant into and R-134 has zero ODP.
a low temperature and low pressure liquid refrigerant liquid
into the evaporator coil and absorbs outside heat of (ii) Ozone Depletion
vaporization for the saturated vapor from out of the Ozone(O3) gas consists of three atoms of oxygen per
evaporator the refrigerant into a low pressure vapor on the molecule. It is a vigorous oxidizing agent and it cleans the air
suction pipe and then be inhaled by the compressor to start in the atmosphere. Ozone is present in a layer in the earth’s
the next cycle. atmosphere, known as the stratosphere, about 11-50 km
above the earth’s surface. The ozone layer blocks out most of
harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the sun. The

All Rights Reserved © 2018 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018, ISSN: 2278 -7798

ozone layer has been progressively depleting. One chlorine Expansion device – manual expansion valve
atom can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules by a continuous Primary Refrigerant - R-22 (or)R-134a
chain reaction. Secondary refrigerant - Brine
The effects of depletion of ozone layer over the earth Receiver
include the following outside diameter - 7.6 cm
1. The ultraviolet rays in the solar radiation will reach inside diameter -6.8 cm
the earth surface and cause an increase in skin cancer length -30 cm
(most deadly form of cancer).
2. An increase in eye diseases.
3. Reduction in immunity against disease. 3)PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF VAPOUR
4. Harmful effects on crops timber wild life and marine COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM

(iii) Eco-friendly Refrigerants

Refrigerants that are friendly to the ozone layer in the
atmosphere that protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet
rays are called eco-friendly refrigerants. R-134a (CH2FCF3)
Tetrafluoro ethane is a chlorine-free refrigerant and thus it is
on eco-friendly refrigerant.
The chlorine refrigerants react with the ozone layer and try
to destroy the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere by
continuous chain reaction. Hydrocarbons (HCs) and hydro
fluorocarbon groups provide an alternative to chlorinated
refrigerant. They contain no chlorine atom and therefore,
have zero ozone depletion potential. R-22 has ODP= 0.05 and
R-134a has ODP zero.
Fig(2) Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle
(iv) Refrigeration Load p
Refrigeration load is the amount of heat which must be
removed per unit time frame the cold region. It is also known 3 condensation 2
as the refrigeration capacity. It is measured in Tones of
Refrigeration and is designed as RE.

(v)Coefficient of Performance (COP)

The coefficient of performance of VCS is the ratio of the
4 evaporation 1
refrigerating effect (RE) to the working input to the

= Fig ( 3) Pressure –Enthalpy diagram (Saturated condition)

Reading from Ice-plant

Tevap: = -15C
Tcond:= 30C
Refrigerant = R-22
Work input to the compressor = Wc = ( h2-h1) kJ/kg
Refrigerating effect =RE = (h1- h4 ) kJ/kg From pressure-enthalpy diagram
h1 = 276 kJ/kg
(vi) Design Dimension and Specification of Ice-Plant h2 = 310 kJ/kg
h3 =112 kJ/kg
Frame size =123 cm x 64 cm x 63cm h4 = 112 kJ/kg
Brine tank = 102 cm x 41 cm x 51 cm
Ice-can = 31cmx13cmx 31cm
over size = 215 cm x 100cm x 80 cm
COP = 4.8
Evaporator coil
Material - copper tube Refrigerant =R134a
Diameter - 12.7 mm h1 = 395 kJ/kg
Length -1524 cm h2 = 425 kJ/kg
h3 =242 kJ/kg
Condenser coil h4 = 242 kJ/kg
Material – copper tube
Diameter -9.525 mm
Length -1584 cm COP =5.1
Compressor –Rotary type (810W)
All Rights Reserved © 2018 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018, ISSN: 2278 -7798

- R-134a has zero ozone depletion potential.(ODP=0)

- Coefficient of the performance is more than R-22 and
required power is less.
- R-134a refrigerant is non-toxic and non-flammable
3 condensation 2 - It condensate easily at moderate pressure under
atmospheric condition.


The author would like to express my gratitude to all

evaporation 1
colleagues and head of department at Technological
University(Meiktila) who have contributed to the preparation
of this research work.

Fig( 4) pressure-enthalpy diagram (superheated condition)

Reading from ice-plant
evaporator pressure = 0.96 M Pa [1] A.I KhandWaWala(Ex-professor ),Govind Maheshwari (Assistant
Professor) ,Sharad Chaudhary ( Assistant Professor Institute of
condenser temperature = 0.17 M Pa Engineering Technology DeviAhliya university INDORE (MP) A
Thermodynamics Approach To Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Refrigerant= R-22 [2] C P Arora. Formely Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering
h1 = 280 kJ/kg Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi. Refrigeration and
h2 = 320 kJ/kg Air-Conditioning (Second Edition)
h3 =96 kJ/kg [3] C P Arora Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (Mc Graw Hills
Publication, Third Edition)
h4 = 96 kJ/kg
[4] Mc Quiston, Fc and Parker J.D. ‘Heatinng ventilation, Air conditioning
Analysis and Design’ second Edition. John Wiley & Sons
[5] RTHORE, “Thermal Engineering “
[6] S.K.Wang, Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration( McGraw
COP = 4.6 Hills Publication, Second Edition 2000)

Refrigerant= R-134a
h1 = 402 kJ/kg
h2 = 432 kJ/kg Myint Myint Thein1 received her ME(Mechanical) degree from
h3 =250 kJ/kg Yangon Technological University, Yangon, Myanmar. She is currently
a lecturer at Meiktila Technological University.
h4 = 250 kJ/kg
Ye Myint2 received his ME(Mechanical) degree from Yangon
Technological University, Yangon, Myanmar. he is currently a lecturer
at Meiktila Technological University.

COP = 5


Table(1) Performance Analysis of Saturated condition

Refrigerant Tevap: Tcond: RE Wc COP
(kJ/kg) (kJ/kg)
R-22 -15C 30C 164 34 4.8
R-134a -15C 30C 153 30 5.1

Table(2) Performance Analysis of Superheated condition

Refrigerant Pevap: Pcond: RE Wc COP
R-22 0.96MPa 0.17MPa 184 40 4.6
R-134a 0.96MPa 0.17MPa 152 30 5

Performances analysis of vapor compression cycle is based
on the evaporator temperature and pressure, condenser
temperature and pressure , type of refrigerant and type of
equipments (compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion
valve and copper tube). This paper is analyzed with different
refrigerant R-22(monochlorodifluoro methane) and R-134a
(Tetrafluoro ethane). Reasons for using R-134a over R-22,
- R-134a is a chlorine-free refrigerant and thus it is an
eco-friendly refrigerant.

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