Ciatto 2013
Ciatto 2013
Ciatto 2013
Background Digital breast tomosynthesis with 3D images might overcome some of the limitations of conventional 2D Lancet Oncol 2013; 14: 583–89
mammography for detection of breast cancer. We investigated the effect of integrated 2D and 3D mammography in Published Online
population breast-cancer screening. April 25, 2013
Methods Screening with Tomosynthesis OR standard Mammography (STORM) was a prospective comparative study.
UO Senologia Clinica e
We recruited asymptomatic women aged 48 years or older who attended population-based breast-cancer screening Screening Mammografico,
through the Trento and Verona screening services (Italy) from August, 2011, to June, 2012. We did screen-reading in Department of Diagnostics,
two sequential phases—2D only and integrated 2D and 3D mammography—yielding paired data for each screen. Azienda Provinciale Servizi
Sanitari, Trento, Italy
Standard double-reading by breast radiologists determined whether to recall the participant based on positive
(S Ciatto PhD, D Bernardi MD,
mammography at either screen read. Outcomes were measured from final assessment or excision histology. Primary M Pellegrini MD,
outcome measures were the number of detected cancers, the number of detected cancers per 1000 screens, the P Tuttobene MD, C Fantò MD,
number and proportion of false positive recalls, and incremental cancer detection attributable to integrated 2D and M Valentini MD); Centro di
Prevenzione Senologica,
3D mammography. We compared paired binary data with McNemar’s test.
Marzana, Verona, Italy (S Ciatto,
F Caumo MD, S Brunelli MD,
Findings 7292 women were screened (median age 58 years [IQR 54–63]). We detected 59 breast cancers (including P Bricolo MD,
52 invasive cancers) in 57 women. Both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D screening detected 39 cancers. We detected S Montemezzi MD); and
Screening and Test Evaluation
20 cancers with integrated 2D and 3D only versus none with 2D screening only (p<0·0001). Cancer detection rates were
Program, School of Public
5·3 cancers per 1000 screens (95% CI 3·8–7·3) for 2D only, and 8·1 cancers per 1000 screens (6·2–10·4) for integrated Health, Sydney Medical School,
2D and 3D screening. The incremental cancer detection rate attributable to integrated 2D and 3D mammography was University of Sydney, Sydney,
2·7 cancers per 1000 screens (1·7–4·2). 395 screens (5·5%; 95% CI 5·0–6·0) resulted in false positive recalls: 181 at NSW, Australia
(Prof N Houssami MBBS/PhD,
both screen reads, and 141 with 2D only versus 73 with integrated 2D and 3D screening (p<0·0001). We estimated that Prof P Macaskill PhD)
conditional recall (positive integrated 2D and 3D mammography as a condition to recall) could have reduced false
†Died May, 2012
positive recalls by 17·2% (95% CI 13·6–21·3) without missing any of the cancers detected in the study population.
Correspondence to:
Prof Nehmat Houssami,
Interpretation Integrated 2D and 3D mammography improves breast-cancer detection and has the potential to reduce School of Public Health, Sydney
false positive recalls. Randomised controlled trials are needed to compare integrated 2D and 3D mammography with Medical School, University of
Sydney, Sydney 2006, NSW,
2D mammography for breast cancer screening.
[email protected]
Funding National Breast Cancer Foundation, Australia; National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia;
Hologic, USA; Technologic, Italy.
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. p value <0·0001 <0·0001
p values are exact for McNemar’s test for paired binary data. *Does not include follow-up data on interval cancers.
Table 2: Outcomes of screening
7292 participants with a median age of 58 years (IQR
54–63, range 48–71) were screened between Aug 12, 2011,
and June 29, 2012. Roughly 5% of invited women
Number Cancer detection p value Incremental cancer
declined integrated 2D and 3D screening and received of cancers rate (cancers per detection rate
standard 2D mammography. We present data for 1000 screens; attributed to
7294 screens because two participants had bilateral 95% CI) integrated 2D and 3D
screening (95% CI)
cancer (detected with different screen-reading
techniques for one participant). We detected 59 breast Overall (7294 screens)
cancers in 57 participants (52 invasive cancers and seven 2D mammography 39 5·3 (3·8–7·3) ·· ··
ductal carcinoma in-situ). Of the invasive cancers, most Integrated 2D and 3D mammography 59 8·1 (6·2–10·4) <0·0001 2·7 (1·7–4·2)
were invasive ductal (n=37); others were invasive special Age <60 years (4044 screens)
types (n=7), invasive lobular (n=4), and mixed invasive 2D mammography 20 4·9 (3·0–7·6) ·· ··
types (n=4). Table 1 shows the characteristics of the Integrated 2D and 3D mammography 27 6·7 (4·4–9·7) 0·016 1·7 (0·7–3·6)
cancers. Mean tumour size (for the invasive cancers with Age ≥60 years (3250 screens)
known exact size) was 13·7 mm (SD 5·8) for cancers 2D mammography 19 5·8 (3·5–9·1) ·· ··
detected with both 2D alone and integrated 2D and 3D Integrated 2D and 3D mammography 32 9·8 (6·7–13·9) <0·0001 4·0 (2·1–6·8)
screening (n=29), and 13·5 mm (SD 6·7) for cancers Breast density 1–2 (6079 screens)
detected only with integrated 2D and 3D screening 2D mammography 34 5·6 (3·9–7·8) ·· ··
(n=13). Integrated 2D and 3D mammography 51 8·4 (6·3–11·0) <0·0001 2·8 (1·6–4·5)
Of the 59 cancers, 39 were detected at both 2D and Breast density 3–4 (1215 screens)
integrated 2D and 3D screening (table 2). 20 cancers were 2D mammography 5 4·1 (3·1–9·6) ·· ··
detected with only integrated 2D and 3D screening Integrated 2D and 3D mammography 8 6·6 (4·1–18·6) 0·25 2·5 (0·5–7·2)
compared with none detected with only 2D screening
Table 3: Breast-cancer detection rates, and incremental detection from integrated 2D and 3D screening
(p<0·0001; table 2). 395 screens were false positive (5·5%, mammography
95% CI 5·0–6·0); 181 occurred at both screen-readings,
were detected by 2D mammography only, although this Recalled at either 2D or integrated 2D and 3D mammography 395 5·5% (5·0–6·0)
result might be because our design allowed an Recalled at both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D mammography 181 2·5% (2·2–2·9)
independent read for 2D only mammography whereas Recalled at 2D mammography only 141 2·0% (1·6–2·3)
the integrated 2D and 3D read was an interpretation of a Recalled at integrated 2D and 3D mammography only 73 1·0% (0·8–1·3)
combination of 2D and 3D imaging. We do not Conditional false positive recalls† 254 3·5% (3·1–4·0)
recommend that such a conditional recall rule be used in Age <60 years (4017 screens)
breast-cancer screening until our findings are replicated Recalled at either 2D or integrated 2D and 3D mammography 259 6·5% (5·7–7·3)
in other mammography screening studies—STORM Recalled at both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D mammography 129 3·2% (2·7–3·8)
involved double-reading by experienced breast Recalled at 2D mammography only 89 2·2% (1·8–2·7)
radiologists, and our results might not apply to other Recalled at integrated 2D and 3D mammography only 41 1·0% (0·7–1·4)
screening settings. Using a test set of 130 mammograms, Conditional false positive recalls† 170 4·2% (3·6–4·9)
Wallis and colleagues7 report that adding tomosynthesis Age ≥60 years (3218 screens)
to 2D mammography increased the accuracy of Recalled at either 2D or integrated 2D and 3D mammography 136 4·2% (3·6–5·0)
inexperienced readers (but not of experienced readers), Recalled at both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D mammography 52 1·6% (1·2–2·1)
therefore having experienced radiologists in STORM Recalled at 2D mammography only 52 1·6% (1·2–2·1)
could have underestimated the effect of integrated 2D Recalled at integrated 2D and 3D mammography only 32 1·0% (0·7–1·4)
and 3D screen-reading. Conditional false positive recalls† 84 2·6% (2·1–3·2)
No other population screening trials of integrated Breast density 1–2 (6028 screens)
2D and 3D mammography have reported final results Recalled at either 2D or integrated 2D and 3D mammography 291 4·8% (4·3–5·4)
(panel); however, an interim analysis of the Oslo trial17—a Recalled at both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D mammography 130 2·2% (1·8–2·6)
large population screening study—has shown that Recalled at 2D mammography only 109 1·8% (1·5–2·2)
integrated 2D and 3D mammography substantially Recalled at integrated 2D and 3D mammography only 52 0·9% (0·6–1·1)
increases detection of breast cancer. The Oslo study Conditional false positive recalls† 182 3·0% (2·6–3·5)
investigators screened women with both 2D and Breast density 3–4 (1207 screens)
3D mammography, but randomised reading strategies Recalled at either 2D or integrated 2D and 3D mammography 104 8·6% (7·1–10·3)
(with vs without 3D mammograms) and adjusted for the Recalled at both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D mammography 51 4·2% (3·2–5·5)
different screen-readers,17 whereas we used sequential
Recalled at 2D mammography only 32 2·7% (1·8–3·7)
screen-reading to keep the same reader for each exam-
Recalled at integrated 2D and 3D mammography only 21 1·7% (1·1–2·7)
ination. Our estimates for comparative cancer detection
Conditional false positive recalls† 72 6·0% (4·7–7·5)
and for cancer detection rates are consistent with those
of the interim analysis of the Oslo study.17 The applied *Did not have breast cancer. †False-positive recalls using positive integrated 2D and 3D mammography as a condition
recall methods differed between the Oslo study (which to recall (ie—positive 2D mammography only would not be recalled).
used an arbitration meeting to decide recall) and the Table 6: False-positive recalls for mammography screening
STORM study (we recalled based on a decision by either
screen-reader), yet both studies show that 3D mammog-
raphy reduces false-positive recalls when added to 2D images. Second, although most screening in STORM
standard mammography. was incident screening, the substantial increase in cancer
An editorial in The Lancet18 might indeed signal the detection rate with integrated 2D and 3D mammography
closing of a chapter of debate about the benefits and results from the enhanced sensitivity of integrated 2D and
harms of screening. We hope that our work might be the 3D screening and is probably also a result of a prevalence
beginning of a new chapter for mammography screening: effect (ie, the effect of a first screening round with
our findings should encourage new assessments of integrated 2D and 3D mammography). We did not assess
screening using 2D and 3D mammography and should the effect of repeat (incident) screening with integrated
factor several issues related to our study. First, we 2D and 3D mammography on cancer detection—it might
compared standard 2D mammography with integrated provide a smaller effect on cancer detection rates than
2D and 3D mammography—the 3D mammograms were what we report. Third, STORM was not designed to
not interpreted independently of the 2D mammograms— measure biological differences between the cancers
therefore 3D mammography only (without the 2D images) detected at integrated 2D and 3D screening compared
might not provide the same results. Our experience with with those detected at both screen-reading phases.
breast tomosynthesis—and a review6 of 3D Descriptive analyses suggest that, generally, breast cancers
mammography—underscore the importance of detected only at integrated 2D and 3D screening had
2D images in integrated 2D and 3D screen-reading. similar features (eg, histology, pathological tumour size,
The 2D images form the basis of the radiologist’s ability to node status) as those detected at both screen-reading
integrate the information from 3D images with that from phases. Thus, some of the cancers detected only at 2D and
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