Fact Sheet Chillies
Fact Sheet Chillies
Fact Sheet Chillies
Capsicum frutescens/annum
The plant
If you can grow tomatoes successfully, you should be able to
grow chillies. They are a little different in their needs but are
as easy to grow on a sunny patio, a big pot on a windowsill
or in an unheated greenhouse.
Pot on seedlings as they grow: if you are planning to keep Pests, weeds and diseases
the plants inside all summer they will need at least a 30cm Not many things like eating chilli plants - the hot taste tends
diameter pot when fully grown. to put off pests. Attacks by green capsid beetles early in
the season are not uncommon and lead to small holes like
Above, common green capsid and right, its effects on pepper leaves
Growing Chillies
This leaflet is produced as part of the Sowing New Seeds Project.This is funded by
Big Lottery’s Local Food Fund and has produced a resource of information on growing The Sheldon Trust
advice, experiences and seeds to promote growing of exotic produce in the UK.