Leaf Filter EXPT.NO:8: α = 2A² (1-mw) Δp / ρ µ w c (m²/Kg) R ρ α w v / A (1-mw) (m־¹)

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To determine the specific cake resistance and filter medium resistance Rm using a leaf filter.

Filtration is the removal of solid particle from slurry by passing it through a filter medium on
which solids are deposited and the filtrate allowed to pass through. The deposited solids on the filter
cloth from a packed bed and the filtrate flows through the pores are assumed to be in the laminar
range and Kozney – Carmen equation is used. It is a batch filter and is used in the same manner as
that of using vacuum. The specific cake resistance α and filter medium resistance Rm is calculated
using the relations.


α = 2A² (1-mw) Δp / ρ µ w c (m²/Kg)

Rm = ρ α w vf / A (1-mw) (m‫־‬¹)


W =weight fraction of solid in slurry.

Δp =pressure drop in filtration, N/m²

ρ = Density of filtrate, Kg/m³

µ = Velocity of filtrate, Ns/m²

c = Constant from graph, [Δp/Δv vs Vavg]

Vf = Factious volume of slurry, m³

A = Area of filtration.
Weight of the watch glass =

Weight of watch glass + wet cake =

Weight of watch glass + dry cake =

Weight of dry cake =

Diameter of the leaf filter =

Area of the filtrate =

Diameter of the collection tank =

Cross sectional area of the collection tank =

Volume of filtrate =

m = wt. of wet cake

wt. of dry cake

w= wt of CaCO3

wt of CaCO3 + wt of H2O


2 liters of 4% slurry CaCO3 was prepared in the slurry tank and maintaining homogeneously
using a stirrer. The filter leaf was submerged in to the slurry. The vacuum pump is switched on and
adjusted to the required value. The stop watch was started immediately and time required for every 2cm
rise in the filtrate level at filtrate collection tank was noted. After filtration was over, a portion of the
cake is taken in a dish and weighed. The cake is dried and weighed again to determine weight of the
cake. The specific cake resistance ‘α’ and filter medium resistance ‘Rm’ is then calculated using the
following equations.

SL.No H θ Δθ Vf ΔV Δθ/ΔV Vavg

m sec sec m³ m³ sec/m³ m³


The specific cake resistance α =

Filter medium resistance Rm =

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