Fluid Mechanics Q Bank

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1. Explain briefly the concept of continuum
2. What is a Newtonian fluid? Give example
Fluids which obey the Newton's law of viscosity are called as Newtonian fluids.
Example: Many common liquids and gases, such as water and air, can be assumed to be
Newtonian for practical calculations under ordinary conditions.
3. Differentiate Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids
Newtonian fluids Non Newtonian fluids
Fluids which obey the Newton's law of Fluids which do not obey the Newton's law of
viscosity are called as Newtonian fluids. viscosity are called as Non newtonian fluids.
Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which shear A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which
stress is proportional to the velocity shear stress is not simply proportional solely to
gradient, perpendicular to the plane of the velocity gradient, perpendicular to the
shear. The constant of proportionality is plane of shear. Non-Newtonian fluids may not
known as the viscosity. have a well-defined viscosity.
Water, sugar solutions, glycerin, silicone Most drilling fluids are non-Newtonian. Non-
oils, light-hydrocarbon oils, air and other Newtonian fluid
gases are Newtonian fluids.
4. Give the classification of non Newtonian fluids.
Non-Newtonian fluids can be divided into two broad categories on the basis of their shear
stress/shear rate behavior: those whose shear stress is independent of time or duration of shear
(time-independent) and those whose shear stress depends on time or duration of shear (time-
5. Differentiate compressible fluid from incompressible fluid.
Compressible flow Incompressible flow
The compressible flow is that type of The incompressible flow is that type of flow
flow in which the density of the fluid in which the density is constant for the fluid
changes from point to point i.e. the flow. Liquids are generally incompressible. It
density is not constant for the fluid. is expressed in m3/s.
It is expressed in kg/sec.
6. Define Stream line
A stream line is an imaginary line drawn in a flow field such that a tangent drawn at any point on
this line represents the direction of the velocity vector. In steady flow, a fluid particle will move
along a streamline. Equation of a stream line in a three-dimensional flow is given as
(dx/u) = (dy/v) = (dz/w)
7. Define Velocity Potential
Velocity Potential is defined as a scalar function of space and time such that its negative
derivative with respect to any direction gives the fluid velocity in that direction.
8. List out the properties of a velocity potential function
1. If velocity potential exists, the flow should be irrotational
2. If velocity potential satisfies the Laplace equation, it represents the possible steady,
incompressible, irrotational flow.
9. State the buoyancy principle.
A simpler method follows from the Archimedes principle, which states that the buoyant force
exerted on a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid the body displaces.
10. Define Meta centre.
The intersection of a vertical line through the centre of buoyancy of a floating body at equilibrium
with the formerly ertical line through the centre of gravity of the body when the body is tilted.
11. List out the some important properties of fluids.
Important basic properties of fluids:
Density, Viscosity, Temperature, Pressure, Specific Volume, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity
12. Give the classification of fluids.
The fluids fluid flow can be classified ac according to the rhelogical consideration, spatial
dimensions, dilational tensor, then motion characteristics, the temporal variations and fluid types.
13. What are incompressible fluids?
Incompressible flow
The incompressible flow is that type of flow in which the density is constant for the fluid flow.
Liquids are generally incompressible. It is expressed in m3/s.
ρ = constant
14. Briefly explain rotational and irrotational flow.
Rotational flow
Rotational flow is that type of flow in which the fluid particles while flowing along stream lines
and also rotate about their own axis.
Ir-rotational flow
If the fluid particles are flowing along stream lines and do not rotate about their own axis that
type of flow is called as ir-rotational flow


1. Draw shear stress – shear rate diagram and explain the rheological behavior of different fluids.
Give one example of each. (8)
What is meant by continuum concept of the system? (6)
What is mean by control volume? (2)

2. i) Give any two equations to present non- Newtonian behavior of fluids and explain its
significance (6)
ii) Distinguish between Newtonian and non -Newtonian fluids. (6)
iii) Define density and specific weight, specific volume and specific gravity. (4)

3. i)Distinguish between Newtonian and non -Newtonian fluids with the help of a sketch. (6)
(ii) State the laws of buoyancy. (4)
(iii) Discuss pressure measurements using U- tube manometers. (6)
4. Compare and explain the characteristics of Newtonian and Non newtonian fluids.
5. Derive the hydrostatic equilibrium in a centrifugal field.
6. Explain the velocity profile and shear diagram for Bingham plastic flow.
7. With a neat sketch, derive the shear stress distribution in a cylindrical tube.
8. Elaborate the different types of Non Newtonian fluids in detail.
9. State and prove Pascals law.
10. Represent five types of fluids on the shear stress velocity gradient graphical form.
11. Distinguish between compressible and incompressible fluids with examples
12. Define mass density, surface tension, weight density, specific gravity, dynamic viscosity
and kinematic viscosity of fluids and write the SI units.

1. What is the main use of manometer?
A manometer is an instrument that uses a column of liquid to measure pressure, although the term
is currently often used to mean any pressure measuring instrument.
2. Mention four types of pressure measurement manometers.
Manometers are broadly classified into 2 types 1.Simple manometer 2. Differential manometer
Simple Manometers: a) Piezometers b) U-tube manometers c) Single tube manometers
d) Inclined tube manometers
Differential Manometer: (a) Two piezometers. (b) Inverted U-tube manometer. (c) U-
tube differential manometers. (d) Micromanometers
3. What is hydrostatic equilibrium?
A fluid is said to be in hydrostatic equilibrium or hydrostatic balance when it is at rest, or
when the flow velocity at each point is constant over time. This occurs when external
forces such as gravity are balanced by a pressure gradient force.
4. Write general continuity equation.

5. Write continuity equation applicable to 3-D steady flow of an incompressible fluid.

6. Write down the limitations of Bernoulli’s equation.

i. The equation not valid for flows with mechanical devices
ii. The compressibility effect is not taken into account.
iii. Fluid is in viscid
iv. Rotational effects- care should be taken while applying for flow across stream line.
7. Define fluid velocity and circulation.
Velocity: Velocity is a physical vector quantity; both magnitude and direction are needed to
define it. The scalar absolute value of velocity is called "speed", a quantity that is measured in
Circulation: which is a scalar integral quantity is a macroscopic measure of rotation for a finite
area of the fluid.


1. Differentiate between the simple manometer and differential manometer.

2. What is a manometer? How they are classified? Explain how manometers are used in determining
the pressure of the fluids.
3. Derive the expression of continuity equations in one, two and three dimensional forms.
4. State and explain the Bernoulli’s equations with assumptions. (OR) Derive Bernoullis equation
for real fluids between point 1 and 2.
5. Derive the full form of Bernoulli equation with fluid friction and pump work for the flow of
incompressible fluid.
6. Show that average velocity is one half the maximum velocity for laminar flow of Newtonian
7. Derive the Hagen poiseuille equation.
8. In detail explain the difference between momentum and mechanical energy equation.
9. Starting with the barometric equation derive the pressure variation in atmosphere assuming
isothermal condition.
10. Using the derived equation calculate the pressure at a height 2500m above sea level if the
atmospheric pressure is 101.3kPa, given density of air is 1.208 kg/m3 (clue: Ideal Gas)
11. Through a vertical pipe a liquid of specific gravity 0.8 is flowing up. The vertical pipe at section
A has a diameter 8 cm and at a section B 2 meters above has a diameter 10 cm. the pressure
difference between sections A & B is 9810 N/m2. Calculate the flow rate of the liquid using
mechanical energy balance and equation of continuity.
12. A simple U-tube manometer filled with mercury is installed across venture meter to measure
pressure difference. The liquid above mercury is filled with carbon tetrachloride. The manometer
reads 250 mm. what is the pressure difference over the manometer in newton per square meter?
Specific gravity of mercury and carbon tetra chloride is 13.6 and 1.6
13. Bring out the principles and concepts involved in continuity mechanical energy equation.

1. Give any two uses of dimensional analysis in scale up studies.
(i) Flow around a cylinder and a sphere
(ii) Losses in pipe flow
2. What is dynamic similarity?
Dynamic similarity refers to the phenomenon that when there are two geometrically
similar vessels (same shape, different sizes) with the same boundary conditions (ex. No-
slip, center-line velocity) and the same Reynolds number, then the fluid flows will be
3. List out the laws of dimensional homogeneity
An analytically derived equation representing a physical phenomenon must be valid for
all system of units.
4. List the laws of buoyancy
Archimedes' principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed
in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body
displaces. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics.
5. Define the term dimensional homogeneity
Dimensional homogeneity is the quality of an equation having quantities of same units on
both sides. A valid equation in physics must be homogeneous, since equality cannot
apply between quantities of different nature.
6. Give the main application of dimensional analysis.
It is particularly useful for: presenting and interpreting experimental data; attacking problems
not amenable to a direct theoretical solution; checking equations; establishing the relative
importance of particular physical phenomena; physical modelling
7. State the Pi theorem and give its uses.
The Buckingham π theorem is a key theorem in dimensional analysis. It states that if
there is a physically meaningful equation involving a certain number q of physical
variables, then the original equation can be rewritten in terms of a set of π = q − u
dimensionless parameters π1, π2, ..., πp constructed from the original variables. Where u is
the number of physical units involved)
8. Define similitude and mention three types of similarities.
It is defined as the similarity between the prototype and it’s model.
Types of Similarity Geometric similarity o Kinematic similarity o Dynamic similarity
9. What is the difference between dimensional analysis and similitude?
Dimensional analysis is the analysis of the relationships between different physical quantities by
identifying their fundamental dimensions (such as length, mass, time, and electric charge)
and units of measure (such as miles )
Similitude is a concept applicable to the testing of engineering models. A model is said to have
similitude with the real application if the two share geometric similarity, kinematic similarity and
dynamic similarity. Similarity and similitude are interchangeable in this context.

1. Explain briefly Rayleigh’s method.

2. Explain briefly Buckingham pi method.
3. What is similitude and explain the different similarities in model and prototype analysis.
4. Explain the role of dimensional analysis for scale up studies.
5. Drag force FD (N) has been found to be dependet on length – L (m), Velocity – v (m/s) density of
fluid ρ - kg/m3 , Viscosity of the fluid – μ (kg/m.s) and gravity – g (m/s2).use Buckingham Pi
theorem to show. FD/ ρ υ 2L = fn (L υ ρ/ μ),( υ/√L.g) (clue) Repeating variables (L, υ, ρ).
6. An industrial agitator is to be designed and operated, based on experiment in a model
agitator. What should be the rpm of the industrial agitator, if both the system is dynamically
similar with respect to Reynolds No. Reynolds number is given ( n.Da2. ρ/ μ) (n- speed of
rotation, Da- diameter of impeller, ρ & μ density and viscosity of liquid). The liquid used in
the model has density 1.2 times that of proto type and viscosity 0.9 times that of prototype
liquid. The model is operated at 100 rpm. The industrial agitator has a diameter 10 times that
of model.
7. Bring out the relationship between dimensional analysis and similitude.
8. Discuss the usefulness of dimensionless analysis in scale up.

1. What do you mean by drag coefficient?
The drag coefficient is a number that aerodynamicists use to model all of the complex
dependencies of shape, inclination, and flow conditions on aircraft drag. This equation is
simply a rearrangement of the drag equation where we solve for the drag coefficient in
terms of the other variables. The drag coefficient Cd is equal to the drag D divided by the
quantity: density r times half the velocity V squared times the reference area A.
2. What is the physical significance of Reynolds number?
It is the ratio of inertial force to viscous force.
3. Differentiate between packed bed and fluidized bed.
Fixed bed: The fixed bed or packed bed reactors are most commonly used for study of solid
catalyst. A fixed bed reactor usually consists of a cylindrical vessel packed with catalyst pellets
and easy to design and operate. The metal support grid and screen is placed near the bottom to
support the catalyst. Inert ceramic balls are placed above the catalyst bed to distribute the feed
Fluidized bed: In fluidized bed reactor catalyst pellets of average size less than 0.1 mm are
fluidized by the reactant fluid. The linear velocity is maintained above the minimum fluidization
velocity required to obtain the fluidized bed. As the superficial velocity increases, the bed
expands and become increasingly dilute. At high enough linear velocity, the smallest catalyst
particles escape from the bed and have to be separated from exhaust gases and recycled
4. Define porosity.
It is the ratio of volume of void to volume of entire bed.
5. Distinguish between laminar flow and turbulent flow through circular pipes.
In flow through circular pipes, the fluid flow is streamlined at low velocities but turns chaotic as
the velocity is increased above a critical value. The flow regime in the first case is said to be
laminar, characterized by smooth streamlines and highly ordered motion, and turbulent in the
second case, where it is characterized by velocity fluctuations and highly disordered motion. The
transition from laminar to turbulent flow does not occur suddenly; rather, it occurs over some
region in which the flow fluctuates between laminar and turbulent flows before it becomes fully
6. What is Hagen-Poiseuille law? Give its importance.
(P1-P2) / ρg = hf = 32 µŪL / ρgD2
The expression is known as Hagen poiseuille formula.
Where P1-P2 / ρg = Loss of pressure head, Ū= Average velocity,
µ = Coefficient of viscosity, D = Diameter of pipe,
L = Length of pipe

The equation refers to the value of loss of head in a pipe of length ‘L’ due to
viscosity in a laminar flow.

7. Name the two important velocities which influence the formation of packed bed and
fluidized bed.
Superficial gas velocity
Minimum fluidization velocity
8. Define Laminar flow?
A flow is said to be laminar if Reynolds number is less than 2000 for pipe flow.
Laminar flow is possible only at low velocities and high viscous fluids. In laminar
type of flow, fluid particles move in laminas or layers gliding smoothly over the
adjacent layer.
9. Define Reynolds number.
The Reynolds number (Re) is a dimensionless quantity that is used to help predict
whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. It is the ratio of the inertial force to viscous
NRe = Dvρ / µ
10. Define head loss.
Loss of head represents the losses due to causes such as: friction on the pipe wall (distributed loss
of head, depending mainly on pipe lenght and roughness), or swirls and turbulence near inlets,
outlets, diaphragms, bends, changes of section (concentrated loss of head, depending on flow
11. Define Reynolds number for a packed bed.
The packed bed Reynolds number is dimensionless and describes the ratio of inertial to
viscous forces for fluid flow through a packed bed. It may be used to calculate the
pressure drop though a packed bed via the Ergun equation or identify the boundaries of
flow regimes (laminar, transitional and turbulent) in a packed bed. This article will show
you how to calculate and interpret the packed bed Reynolds number.
12. Define minimum fluidization velocity.
When the packed bed has a fluid passed over it, the pressure drop of the fluid is
approximately proportional to the fluid's superficial velocity. In order to transition from a
packed bed to a fluidized condition, the gas velocity is continually raised. For a free-
standing bed there will exist a point, known as the minimum or incipient fluidization
point, whereby the bed's mass is suspended directly by the flow of the fluid stream. The
corresponding fluid velocity, known as the minimum fluidization velocity.
13. Mention the principle of Doppler effect applied in the flow measurement.
The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave (or other periodic event) for
an observer moving relative to its source.
14. What is mean by Reynolds number regime?
For low Reynolds numbers the behavior of a fluid depends mostly on its viscosity and the
flow is steady, smooth, viscous, or laminar and n = 1.
For high Reynolds numbers the momentum of the fluid determines its behavior more than
the viscosity and the flow is unsteady, churning, roiling, or turbulent and n = 2.
For intermediate Reynolds numbers the flow is transitional — partly laminar and partly
15. Define pressure drag
Drag caused by increased pressure on the front and decreased pressure on the rear of an object
moving through a fluid medium such as air or water or of a stationary object around which the
medium passes
16. A ship having a wetted perimeter of 50m and a length of 140m is tp travel at 5 m/s. If the
density of sea water is 1025kg/m3, calculate the drag force. Take the drag coefficient a
17. Draw the velocity radius-plot in steady, laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in a
circular pipe.
18. How are the force ratios and length ratios considered important in model studies?
Most of the dimensionless groups in fm may be thought of as ratios of lengths or ratios
of forces.
19. Classify the losses in pipe.
Pipe losses can be classified into (1) Major losses, the losses due to the friction and
also viscous effect of the fluids. (2) Minor losses, the losses due to various pipe
fittings or changes in a pipe say, like expansion, contraction and other kind of
20. Define friction factor.
Darcy Friction Factor: The Darcy Equation is a theoretical equation that predicts
the frictional energy loss in a pipe based on the velocity of the fluid and the resistance due
to friction. It is used almost exclusively to calculate head loss due to friction in turbulent flow.

21. What is meant by laminar boundary layer?

Near the leading edge of the surface of the plate the thickness of boundary layer is small
and flow is laminar. This layer of fluid is said to be laminar boundary layer.
The length of the plate from the leading edge, up to which laminar boundary layer exists
is called as laminar zone. In this zone the velocity profile is parabolic.
22. List out the minor losses in pipe flow.
The loss of energy or head due to change of velocity of the flowing fluid in
magnitude or direction is called minor losses. It includes: sudden expansion of the pipe,
sudden contraction of the pipe, bend in a pipe, pipe fittings and obstruction in the pipe,
23. What do you mean by total energy line?
The line showing the total energy at any point in a pipe. The total energy in the flow of the
section with reference to a datum line is the sum of the elevation of the pipe centerline, the
piezometric height (or pressure head), and the velocity head.
24. Name the velocity ranges for which a fluidized bed can exist.
Superficial velocity ranges- 0.3 to 1 m/s
25. Define / Differentiate form drag from skin drag.
Skin drag (skin friction): Drag resulting from the viscosity of a fluid medium, such as air
or water, as a body moves through it or as it moves around a body.
Form drag: Part of the drag on an aerofoil which arises from its shape. It varies according
to the angle of attack and can be decreased by streamlining.
26. List the uses of friction factor chart.
This dimensionless chart is used to work out pressure drop, ΔP (Pa) (or head loss, hf (m)) and
flow rate through pipes. Head loss can be calculated using the Darcy–Weisbach equation
27. List the applications of flow through a packed bed and fluidized bed.
Fluidized beds are used as a technical process which has the ability to promote high levels of
contact between gases and solids. Fluidized beds are also used for efficient bulk drying of
materials. Fluidized bed technology in dryers increases efficiency by allowing for the entire
surface of the drying material to be suspended and therefore exposed to the air. This process can
also be combined with heating or cooling.
The purpose of a packed bed is typically to improve contact between two phases in a chemical or
similar process. Packed beds can be used in a chemical reactor, a distillation process, or
a scrubber, but packed beds have also been used to store heat in chemical plants.
28. Define boundary layer.
When a real fluid flow passed a solid boundary, fluid layer is adhered to the solid boundary. Due
to adhesion fluid undergoes retardation thereby developing a small region in the immediate
vicinity of the boundary. This region is known as boundary layer.
29. Draw the velocity
profile for viscous flow through a
circular pipe.

30. Give the impulse momentum principle.

This change in momentum is called impulse and it describes the quantity that we just saw. The
force times the time interval it acts over. The greater the impulse, the greater the change in
momentum. To change the impulse, you can either change the amount of force or you can change
the time interval in which that force acts.

31. List and explain the types of drag.

There are several types of drag: form, pressure, skin friction, parasite, induced, and wave.
32. How friction factor is calculated for a rough pipe?
1  D 2.51 
 2log   
f  3.7 Re f 
The Colebrook equation can be used to determine the friction factor using absolute roughness and
Reynolds number.
37. What does the equation kozeny Carman equation represents? Explain the terms.
The Kozeny–Carman equation is a relation used in the field of fluid dynamics to calculate
the pressure drop of a fluid flowing through a packed bed of solids.
The equation is given as
where: Δp is the pressure drop; L is the total height of the bed; υ sis the superficial or "empty-
tower" velocity; µ is the viscosity of the fluid; ε is the porosity of the bed; Φ is the sphericity of
the particles in the packed bed; D is the diameter of the related spherical particle.
1. What is meant by priming of pump?
The delivery valve is closed and the suction pipe, casing and portion of the delivery pipe upto
delivery valve are completely filled with the liquid so that no air pocket is left. This is called as
2. What is mean by NPSH?
When the absolute suction pressure is low, cavitation may be the result. To avoid
cavitation, it is necessary to maintain a net positive suction head, NPSH, which is the
total head of the liquid at the pump center line minus vapor pressure of the liquid at the
prevailing temperature, expressed in equivalent of head units.
3. What is single acting and double acting reciprocating pump?
If the water is in contact with one side of the piston the pump then it is known as single
acting reciprocating pump. For one complete revolution one suction stroke and one
delivery stroke occurs. If the water is in contact with both sides of the piston the pump
then it is called double acting reciprocating pump. For one complete revolution two
suction strokes and two delivery strokes occurs.
4. What is meant by Positive displacement pump?
A Positive Displacement Pump has an expanding cavity on the suction side and a
decreasing cavity on the discharge side. Liquid flows into the pumps as the cavity on the
suction side expands and the liquid flows out of the discharge as the cavity collapses. The
volume is a constant given each cycle of operation.
5. Write the difference between fan and blower.
Fans produce a gas flow with less pressure and larger gas volume, while blowers produce a
relatively higher pressure ratio with the larger gas volume flow.
6. Give the applications of weirs and notches.
In open channel flows, weirs are commonly used to either regulate or to measure the volumetric
flow rate. They are of particular use in large scale situations such as irrigation schemes, canals
and rivers. For small scale applications, weirs are often referred to as notches and are sharp edged
and manufactured from thin plate material. The basic principle is that discharge is directly related
to the water depth above the crotch (bottom) of the notch. This distance is called head over the
notch. Due to the minimal installation costs flow rate measurement with a notch is very less
expensive. The rectangular notch is the most commonly used thin plate weir. The V-notch or
triangular notch design causes small changes in discharge to have a large change in depth
allowing more accurate head measurement than with a
rectangular notch.
7. Give the applications of pump.
Early applications include the use of the windmill or watermill to pump water.
Today, the pump is used for irrigation, water supply, gasoline supply, air
conditioning systems, refrigeration (usually called a compressor), chemical
movement, sewage movement, flood control, marine services, etc.

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