Characteristic of Plate and Frame Filter Press

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To determine the characteristic of plate and frame filter press at a constant pressure and
to calculate the filter cake resistance ‘a’ and the filter cake resistance ‘Rm’

Filter is the process where by a solid is separate from a liquid or gas by means of porous
medium which retain the solid but allows the fluid to pass. A filter cake gradually builds
upon the medium and the resistance to flow problem can be regarded as two parts:
1. Through filter medium.
2. Through bed formed by the particles on the medium
3. The plates and frames arranged alternatively are supported on a pair of rails. Plate has a
ribbed surface and press is closed by means of a screw. A chamber is therefore formed
between each pair of successive frames.

Plate and frame filter press, Calcium Carbonate slurry, stop clock.

The plate and frame filter press is arranged by keeping wet filter medium between the
frames. Few liters of water is pour in to the tank by closing the discharge value. The water is
kept agitated by air and the pressure is adjusted to 5 psi using the value in the vessel. The
outlet valve is opened. The pure filtered water is collected in the collection tank. This is just
done to checkout for leakage of the press. If any leakage is there it has to be arrested by
taking care in the tightening of the screws. After ensuring there is no leakages the following
procedure is followed. 5 liters of 3% calcium carbonate slurry is prepared. This slurry is
poured into the tank by closing the discharge valve. The slurry is kept agitated by air and the
pressure is adjusted to 5psi using the valve in the vessel. The outlet valve is opened. The
pure filter water is collected in the collection tank. After seeing the level in the level glass a
stop clock is started. Time is noted for every 1 cm. rise in the level glass. After the
completion of filtration, valves are closed and compressor is switched off. The filter press is
carefully opened. A small quantity of wet cake is taken off the medium And is weighed
using a previously weighed watch glass and dried in a oven. After some time the dry cake
weight is also noted.

Diameter of the filter press, D = m
No. of plate =
No. of frames =
No. of chambers formed,n =
Area offered by one chamber, A = π D2/4 m2
Total filter area, Af = n x A m2
Pressure drop p (observed from pressure gauge) = k/gm2
Diameter of the collection tank, Dc = m
Area of the collection tank, Ac = π Dc2/4m2
Weight of the empty watch class, =
Weight of the watch glass + Wet cake, mw =
Weight of the watch glass + Dry cake, md =
Slurry concentration, Cs =

Height . h (cm) Total time, t (sec) Volume of filtrate t/V (sec/m3)
collected V=Ac x h(m3)

1) Concentration of the feed slurry, C


2) To Calculate the cake and medium resistances the experimental data is used and a graph
is plotted as shown below




The slope of the curve and the intercept are determined

Slope = Kc/2

Intercept = 1/q0

Specific cake resistance,

A=(Kc)(^p)(Af2)(g) ÷ (C x µ) m/kg

Specific medium resistance

Rm=(1/q0)( ^p)Afg ÷ µ m-1

The specific cake resistance, ᾀ=
The filter medium resistance, Rm =


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