Course Day and Date of Report: Doon Business School Selaqui (Dehradun)

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Day and Date of Report

Summary Report

Name of Team Members

Executive Summary

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has endured towards bringing about phenomenal
growth and change in the Oil and Gas sector of India. Upholding its aspirations and values, the
Company has been working towards fuelling a billion lives. BPCL is delighted to publish its 12th
Annual Sustainable Development Report for FY 2017- 18 centred around the theme 'Energising
Responsible Growth'. BPCL has been on its sustainability journey for more than a decade now. It has
a robust mechanism for reporting on the triple bottom line i.e. Economic, Environment and Social.
Data/information which forms a part of this report is collected on a software tool, p3 (acronym for
People, Planet, Proit) at the corporate and operative levels. 'This report has been prepared in
accordance with the GRI Standards: Comprehensive option'. BPCL needs to report on all indicators of
each identiied material aspect along with their management approach to obtain the
'Comprehensive' criteria. The report has been developed in adherence to all the reporting principles
with respect to content and quality as per GRI Standards. BPCL also adheres to disclose on the Oil
and Gas Sector Supplement (OGSS), the International Petroleum Industry Environmental
Conservation Association (API/IPIECA/OGP) and the American Petroleum Institute’s Oil and Gas
Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting (2010), Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), NVG of SEBI and the Citizen Charter. BPCL has appointed M/s NextGen PMS Pvt. Ltd. for
providing advisory services to develop this report. The information in the report is assured by a third
party, KPMG in India, appointed through e-tendering process. The assurance is conducted as per
International Standard on Assurance Engagement (ISAE) 3000 (revised) and AA1000 (2008)
Assurance Standard Limited (Type 2) at moderate level.

BPCL seeks assurance for their Sustainable Development Report every year and the assurance
process is facilitated by the Corporate HSSE Team. Previous ly publi shed Sus tainability
Development Reports are available on the link below:
bility/sustainability-reports.aspx The most recent Sustainable Development Report was published in
December 2017. Reporting Boundary: During FY 2017-18, there has been no signiicant change in
terms of organization, size, structure, ownership structure or supply chain. Pipeline has been added
to the report boundary of BPCL. The report boundary comprises of the directly controlled seven
Strategic Business Units (SBUs) operating in India, namely Reineries, Retail, Lubricants, Industrial and
Commercial, LPG, Aviation and Gas .In consultation with the Senior Management, it has been
decided that BPCL will report only on the high priority material topics. In the report, local refers to
India. Mumbai Reinery (MR) and Kochi Reinery (KR) are the most signiicant area of operations. The
boundary excludes BPCL's Retail Outlets, LPG Distributers, Joint Ventures, Subsidiaries and In-transit
product movement.As per the requirement of GRI Standards, management approach for each
material topic has been included in each section of this report.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) is India's 'best performing' Maharatna public-sector
enterprise operating in the Oil and Gas sector. BPCL started its journey under the name of Bharat
Reineries Ltd. which was formed when Government of India undertook Important Milestones BPCL
at a Glance BPCL enterprises through seven strategic business segments namely Reinery, Retail,
Lubricants, Industrial and Commercial, Liquiied Petroleum Gas, Aviation, and Gas. It offers a
comprehensive range of products from lubricants, solvents, petrochemicals to aviation fuel. The
Company is head-quartered in Mumba i, Maha ra sht ra ,Indi a with operations across the nation. It
has four regional ofices in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai and has a pipeline network of 2,241
kms. BPCL as a responsible organisation has been enduring numerous initiatives to deliver its soc ial,
economi c and envi ronmental responsibilities. In FY 2017-18, it has advanced to identify further

opportunities to sustain value. Therefore, it has initiated the process of adopting an integrated
approach for formulating its Sustainable Development Report. This process focuses on distinguishing
and enriching the value creation for all stakeholders beyond the inancial value generated. Burma
Shell Reineries Limited (BSR) in 1952. It was later renamed as Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
in 1977. BPCL's refinery was the first in India to process the newly found indigenous crude (Bombay

Objectives of Report

Data Collection & Research Methodology (If used any)

The method of data collection is-

The methodology of calculation of GHG emissions from BPCL operating locations are aligned with
the following standard definitions:

1. Stationary Combustion: Emission factors provided in the IPCC Guideline for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories of 2006 were used to calculate GHG emissions from stationary
combustion sources. Activity data (quantity of fuel consumed) is multiplied with the
respective default energy factor or actual measured Net Caloriic Value (NCVs) and emission
factor to quantify the direct emission from stationary combustion sources. The emission
factor used is 4.184
2. 2. Purchased Electricity: The quantiication of energy indirect GHG emission (Scope 2) is
based on activity data (Purchased Electricity in kWh) multiplied by emission factors speciied
in the 'CO2 Baseline Database for the Indian Power Sector User Guide', issued by Central
Electricity Authority, Government of India for Uniied Grid. The emission factor used is 0.82
3. Transportation: Only transportation considered for calculation of emissions is inplant
vehicular movement of the vehicles. Annexure 2A-GHG Calculation Quantiication

Methodology Emission factors provided in the IPCC Guideline for National Greenhouse Gas
Inventories of 2006 were used to calculate GHG emissions from combustion sources. Activity
data (quantity of fuel consumed) is multiplied with the respective default energy factor or
actual measured Net Caloriic Value (NCVs) and emission factor to quantify the emissions.For
the purpose of this report FY 2017-18 is the Base year.
4. 4. SOx and NOx Emissions: To arrive at SOx and NOx emissions, the average emission rate,
running hours of diesel generators and boilers per month, and the oxide of Sulphur and
Nitrogen are irst computed. a. The exhaust stacks are monitored for the net emission
calculation for the following: b. Concentration of SOx and NOx emission c. Flow rate of
exhaust gases d. Running hours of Diesel Generators(DG) and boilers.
5. GHG Emissions (Scope 3): The Air travel emissions are calculatedbasis the total distance
travelled by the employees for Business related activities (domestic and international). The
calculation of emissions due to the Crude and LNG import is done by considering the
quantity of each of them transported by either VLCC/ULCC/VLGC carriers and smaller
capacity carriers. For the purpose of this report FY 2017-18 is the Base year. Annexure 3:
Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste Breakup The modes of disposal for the below-
mentioned hazardous wastes are mentioned on page no. 90. Reineries Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste transported out of your premises during the reporting period UoM Tonnes
Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes
Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes Quantity 428.3 1,520.1 27.6 20.2 22.2 89.9 2.9 53.4
63.6 237.7 132 128 81.3 29 16.3 2,163.6 13,577.1 Spent Catalyst (Recycled and Reused)
(Hazardous) TSDF Spent Catalyst (Recycled and Reused) (Hazardous): sold to recycling
authority Oily Sludge (Hazardous) Waste Transformer Oil (Hazardous) Spent Resin
(Hazardous) FCC Catalyst Fines (Hazardous) Spent Molecular Sieves (Hazardous) ETP
Chemical Sludge (Hazardous) Alumina Balls (Hazardous) Spent Clay (Hazardous) Sulfur Guard
N HGU(Hazardous) Reformer Catalyst R 67 N HGU(Hazardous) Spent Charcoal (Hazardous)
Spent Coke (Hazardous) Hazardous waste treated by bio-remediation Batteries/Electronic
Waste (Hazardous)

• The emission factor used for Air Travel is 0.1599

• The emission factor used for Crude and LNG import by VLCC/ULCC/VLGC and Other smaller
capacity Carriers is 0.00000359 and 0.0000288 respectively 6. Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS):
The emission factors used for calculating the ODS are taken from GHG protocol.

1. About Technique

2. How Evolved (First Use and Benefit Obtained – Facts cane be referred)

3. How you will implement – Illustration can be used


To be filled by faculty
Marks scored in presentation Remarks if any
Marks scored in report
Total Marks
Average Marks (to each member)
Point/s Noted -

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