360 Degree Manager Effectiveness Evaluation
360 Degree Manager Effectiveness Evaluation
360 Degree Manager Effectiveness Evaluation
In keeping with [Company Name]’s goal to continuously improve, we are asking for your candid
feedback on the performance of your manager this past year. A summary of all feedback
received will be prepared for each individual manager so that he or she can use the feedback to
learn and develop as a manager. Your individual feedback will be averaged into all the
responses received in order to protect your anonymity and ensure that the results each
manager receives are completely confidential. HR will also prepare an overall summary to
assess areas for additional company-provided management training.
Thank you for your contribution to this very important process.
Name of Manager:_________________________________________________
Completed by (optional):____________________________________________
Date: __________________
Using the following rating scale, please circle the number that best reflects your rating of your
manager’s performance during the past year.
Rating Scale
1 Unacceptable
2 Needs improvement
3 Meets standard
4 Exceeds standard
5 Outstanding
Valuing Behaviors
Cares about me 1 2 3 4 5 6
Protects confidentiality 1 2 3 4 5 6
Interdependent Behaviors
Communication Behaviors
Leadership Behaviors
Uses actions and behaviors that are consistent with his or her words 1 2 3 4 5 6
Is trustworthy 1 2 3 4 5 6
Supports a customer service approach for both internal and external 1 2 3 4 5 6
General Feedback
Optional: Type or print your answers; add additional pages if needed. Please be as specific as
possible by including examples.
1. What activities, behavior, feedback or coaching would you like your manager to stop doing?
Please explain.
2. List and briefly describe examples of the behavior, activities, feedback or coaching your
manager has provided that makes your job and work environment more enjoyable and
meaningful to you.
3. Please provide comments that you feel will be meaningful for your manager to sustain or
improve his or her effectiveness.