Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Advanced Lesson
Drew McLean
1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Teacher discusses concept initially but leaves considerable time for unguided learning
for a relatively simple task for this topic
1.5 Metalanguage
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Considerable use of terms relevant to the topic at hand
2.2 Engagement
1–2–3–4–5 Comments: Students seemed to alternate between paying attention to the class and talking with their
3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: A lot of assumed knowledge is required but not mentioned for this task
3.4 Inclusivity
1–2–3–4–5 Comments: All students were invited to ask and answer questions throughout the discussion and the
3.5 Connectedness
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: The topic appears standalone and justification is not provided
3.6 Narrative
1–2–3–4–5 Comments: There is no narrative used throughout
Identify the four NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.
QT model
1) Connectedness 2) High Expectations
3) Problematic Knowledge 4) Background Knowledge
Lesson Plan
30-40 Peer sharing and questioning Teacher: Facilitating T/S
Students peer share and discuss how discussion, providing “what
and “what if?” if?” cases, answering and
Collaborate on proposed solutions to asking questions, guiding
address maths problems. discussion
Teacher leads brief class discussion to
summarise and clarify they applied geometric Student: Engaging in
concepts. discussion, asking and
Lead into discussion based on prior answering questions, taking
knowledge of the relationship between notes of findings
quadratics and binomials
Ask students: What do you think the Resources: Smart board,
relationship between quadratic graphs and student books and
their related binomials is? laptops/tablets
With the plan for the class about graphing parabolas there were several areas in which there was
a lack of attention to problematic knowledge, high expectations, background knowledge and
connectedness. As these are key components to the quality teaching model, I have modified the
plan so as to implement the concepts into the lesson to improve the quality of teaching for the
Within an advanced maths class there should be high expectations as these are students that
should be aiming for tertiary studies involving maths. For a class to have high expectations, there
needs to be the encouragement to perform well and to try harder and more complex tasks. The
original plan lacked extensions for groups who finished the work quickly as well as provided
considerable time for students to complete a task that could realistically be completed in half the
time provided. In the new plan I would give the students multiple tasks in two separate periods so
that there is always something to be working on. In addition, I have provided two example
extension tasks for particularly fast working students so that they are never left without
something to work on. By giving the class high expectations, students will try to keep up with
those expectations and excel within the class (Gershenson & Papageorge 2018).
Background knowledge is a concept that is prevalent in almost all maths classrooms, but it is very
rarely explicitly mentioned as, especially in advanced maths classrooms, most background
knowledge is also presumed knowledge. However, as it is not explicitly mentioned there are cases
where older knowledge can become disassociated with the concept being taught leading to a lack
of understanding on the topic as a whole. While the original plan mentions “Links to prior
learning”, there is a lack of actual explanation of what these links are as well as its mention being
in a short ten-minute section with a considerable number of concepts to get through. In the
updated plan I have integrated the students background knowledge into the class by introducing a
group learning section about binomials which is a concept strongly related to quadratic functions.
This allows students to gain a greater understanding of the topic and helps them retain
information about previously taught concepts (Stevens et al., 2009).
Finally, connectedness is shown by the extent that a student will use a given topic when outside of
the classroom and in real life contexts. This is a concept that mathematics is probably criticised
the most for, however, as this is for an advanced maths class there are many ways in which
students will use the information being taught in this class. As his is an advanced mathematics
class there is significant likelihood that these students are going to go into tertiary studies of
science, engineering, IT or mathematics itself and therefore we can refer to them when providing
uses for this topic in the real world. This topic in particular is a building block subject where many
concepts such as calculus and motion are derived from. From this, students will be more able to
see the relevancy of the subject and hence become more engaged in the classroom.
Clearly by modifying the lesson plan to follow the quality teaching guidelines, students will receive
better quality teaching. From this they will be better able to perform in the classroom as well as
improve their personal level of engagement with the classwork.
Gershenson, S., & Papageorge, N. (2018). The power of teacher expectations. Education
Next, 18(1) Retrieved from
Schukajlow, S., & Krug, A. (2014). Do Multiple Solutions Matter? Prompting Multiple Solutions,
Interest, Competence, and Autonomy. Journal For Research In Mathematics Education, 45(4), 497.
Stevens, T., Harris, G., Aguirre-Munoz, Z., & Cobbs, L. (2009). A case study approach to increasing
teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching and strategies for building students’ maths self-
efficacy. International Journal Of Mathematical Education In Science And Technology, 40(7), 903-