Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of X70 HF-ERW Pipes

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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2018, Article ID 2358038, 10 pages

Research Article
Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of the X70 High-Frequency
Electric-Resistant Welded Pipes

Peng Tian,1,2 Kai Xu,1 Guang-ping Lu,2 Gui-ying Qiao,1,3 and Fu-ren Xiao 1

Key Lab of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Yanshan University,
Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Yangzhou Subsidiary, North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., CNPC Bohai Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,
Yangzhou 225128, China
School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Fu-ren Xiao; [email protected]

Received 5 May 2018; Accepted 27 June 2018; Published 24 July 2018

Academic Editor: Marek Sroka

Copyright © 2018 Peng Tian et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The strength, toughness, corrosion, and fatigue resistance are the main requirements for evaluating the integrity of a pipeline. In
this study, the tensile strength, impact toughness, and fatigue properties of the pipe body and weld joint of an X70 high-frequency
electric-resistant welded (HFW) pipe were measured and the effects of microstructure and surface defects at weld joint on
properties were discussed. Results show the appearance of a weakened zone at the weld joint of the X70 HFW pipe. Nevertheless,
all mechanical properties, including strength and impact energy, were superior to the specified values of the API specifications for
the X70 line pipe. The reduced strength, toughness, and resistance to S-N fatigue of the weld joint caused the microstructural
coarsening at the weld junction zone. However, for the specimens without surface finishing, the resistance to S-N fatigue for the
weld joint was further reduced. This phenomenon was mainly attributed to the burring defects and microstructural coarsening at
the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Therefore, to improve the quality of the X70 HFW pipe, refining the microstructure of weld joint
and reducing the deburring defects by optimizing the postweld heat treatment (PWHT) and deburring processes should be firstly
considered in the future research works.

1. Introduction [5–9]. High-strength HFW line pipe of API X70 and/or X80
grade is acceptable for use in extremely demanding and
High-frequency electric-resistant welded (HFW) pipe severe environments [10, 11].
presents many benefits, such as higher dimensional toler- However, in practical applications, fatigue is a main
ance and lower prices, compared with seamless pipe and failure mode for gas transmission pipes because of the wave
submerged-arc welded pipe. HFW pipes have been suc- loading caused by daily fluctuations in pressure, such as
cessfully applied for oil and gas transport [1, 2]. However, the working pressure, that stop and start during the operation
relatively low toughness of weld seam produced by HFW [12, 13]. Fatigue properties are some of the main re-
compared with other pipes severely limits the application of quirements for evaluating the integrity of a pipeline [14].
HFW in high-pressure gas transport. With the escalating gas Hence, the fatigue of pipeline steels and weld joints has been
consumption, the strength of pipeline steel should be im- widely investigated [15–19]. However, previous studies
proved to achieve high transmission efficiency and low mainly focused on the effect of microstructure on the fatigue
operational costs. High-strength welded pipes necessitate crack propagation and the remaining life of steel and weld
high toughness to assure the operation security of high- joint using standard fatigue test and/or numerical simula-
pressure gas transmission pipelines [3, 4]. In recent years, tion [18, 19]. Fatigue processes involve crack initiation,
the strength and toughness of HFW pipes have been sig- propagation, and final fracture [20]. The total life of a cyclic
nificantly improved with the application of new technology loaded component with a flaw depends on the propagation
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

rate of the flaw from its original size to a critical size. This Table 1: Chemical composition of the X70 pipeline steel.
process induces the final fracture. The major part of the life is C Si Mn P S Cr Al Ti Nb
expended during crack propagation in the near-threshold
0.07 0.24 1.55 0.011 0.002 0.15 0.028 0.014 0.051
ΔK region [21]. Therefore, the life of crack initiation and
propagation at the flaw in the near-threshold ΔK region
determines the total life of a cyclic loaded component. The
fatigue crack is usually generated at the structural and used for all tests. The maximum stress was applied as
mechanical defects on the surface in the component because a controlled load at each of the seven stress levels. Each
repeated loading induces continuous accumulation of lo- fatigue specimen was examined, until it fractured. The total
calized irreversible slip at the stress concentration sites. This fatigue cycles were calculated and served as the fatigue life
phenomenon eventually triggers material separation, that is, measurement.
crack formation. The microstructures and fractography were analyzed
In the modern pipeline design for oil and gas trans- with an optical microscope and an S-3400N scanning
mission, the submerged-arc welded pipes are prioritized electron microscope to understand the fatigue crack initi-
over the HFW pipes. However, fatigue resistance frequently ation, propagation, and final rupture.
decreases at the weld joint of the pipes because of the strong
stress concentration caused by the variation in chemical 3. Results
composition and microstructure between the weld metal and
base metal, as well as the remaining weld reinforcement [22]. 3.1. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the X70
Hence, the weld joint of HFW pipes will have higher fatigue HFW Pipe. The microstructure of the X70 pipeline steel is
resistance because the weld joint does not have weld re- a typical acicular ferrite obtained by advanced thermal-
inforcement. Meanwhile, the microstructure and mechan- mechanical control process (Figure 2(a)). Thus, high
ical properties can be improved by online postweld heat strength and toughness were obtained (Table 2). The yield
treatment (PWHT). In this study, these properties of an X70 and tensile strengths of the pipe body (i.e., steel plate) were
HFW pipe were evaluated. The effects of the surface defects 525 MPa and 620 MPa, respectively, and the average Charpy
on the fatigue crack initiation were considered. The results impact energy was approximately 192 J. However, the
will provide beneficial experimental data to improve the acicular ferrite microstructure in the weld seam was dis-
quality of the HFW pipe and expand its application. turbed by the HFW and PWHT. The microstructures of the
weld junction and heat-affected zone (HAZ) changed to
2. Experiment Procedures a mixture of ferrite and pearlite (Figures 2(c) and 2(d)). The
ferrite grain size gradually coarsened from the base metal to
Hot-rolled API X70 microalloyed steel strips with 7.9 mm the weld junction (Figures 2(b)–2(d)), and the coarsest
thickness were welded by HFW to fabricate a pipeline with microstructure appeared at the weld junction (Figure 2(d)).
457 mm external diameter. The chemical composition of the The coarse microstructure resulted in reduced mechanical
X70 steel is provided in Table 1. The main manufacturing properties of weld seam (Table 2). The tensile strength of the
process of the X70 HFW pipes includes forming, HFW, weld seam approximately decreased by over 10 MPa than
deburring, online postweld heat treatment (PWHT), and so that of the pipe body, and the Charpy impact energy was
on. The welding speed of 15 m/min, extrusion of 8%, and reduced to 130 J. Nevertheless, the values of the mechanical
heat input of 520 kW were employed in HFW processes. The properties for the X70 HFW pipe remained superior to the
normalizing was performed on weld joint as online postweld specified value of the API specifications for the X70 line pipe.
heat treatment. The weld joint was heated to 930∼940°C by
online high-frequency induction heating, then air cooled to
400°C, and subsequently water cooled to room temperature. 3.2. Stress-Number of Fatigue Cycle (S-N) Curves of the X70
The weld seam and pipe body specimens were cut from HFW Pipe. The pipeline pipes, except the surface coating, do
the weld seam and prepared from 180° along the circum- not require any other surface finishing, when they are ap-
ference of the pipe in accordance with the API specifications plied in transmission pipelines. Hence, the fatigue test
for fabricating pipelines as schematically shown in Figure 1. specimens without surface finishing could better reflect the
Then, the plate fatigue specimens were machined. The size of fatigue properties of a pipeline. The stress (S)-number of
the fatigue specimens is also shown in Figure 1. To assess the fatigue cycle (N) curves obtained from the load control
integrity of the X70 line pipe, two typical full-thickness plate fatigue tests for the pipe body and weld joint without surface
fatigue specimens were used, that is, with or without surface finishing were first determined (Figure 3). A considerable
finishing (the surface means as-rolled surface of the steel decrease (by over 50 MPa) in the resistance to S-N fatigue of
plate). This process was performed to reflect the actual fa- the welded joint was observed than that of the pipe body.
tigue life of the pipe and demonstrate the effect of the weld Kim et al. [23] suggested that the resistance to S-N fatigue
and PWHT, as well as the surface defects, on the fatigue life was largely determined by the yield strength or arguably by
of the X70 HFW pipe. the tensile strength of metals. However, the tensile strength
The fatigue life tests were performed with an MTS servo- of the welded joint was lower by approximately 10 MPa than
hydraulic universal testing machine. A stress ratio (R � σ min/σ max) that of the pipe body. This result indicates the presence of
of 0.1, a sinusoidal wave form, and a 10 Hz frequency were other factors that affect the resistance to S-N fatigue.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

Sampling location



Weld junction

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) Schematic illustration of the locations of cut and preparation of the test specimens. (b) The critical dimensions of the fatigue
test specimens (all dimensions are in millimeter).

(a) (b)

20 µm 20 µm

(c) (d)

20 µm 20 µm

Figure 2: Optical microstructure of the weld joint: (a) base metal, (b) heat-affected zone (HAZ) close to the base metal, (c) HAZ close to the
weld junction, and (d) weld junction.

Athanasios et al. [24] reported that fatigue cracks generally clear cut sections, namely, the flat rupture section and
originated on the surface of the sample, and this phenomenon ductile rupture section.
greatly affected the fatigue life. To estimate the effect of surface “The flat rupture section” corresponds to the typical of
breaking irregularities, the S-N curves of the pipe body and fatigue failure. Within this section, the accumulation of
weld joint with surface finishing were also measured (Figure 3). microstructure defects and mechanical property defects in
The results show that the surface finishing strongly improved materials may have been caused by cyclic loading [23–25].
the fatigue performance of the HFW pipe. The resistance to S-N Nucleation and propagation of microdefects occurred; that
fatigue of the welded joint and pipe body was higher than that is, a fatigue microcrack was initiated at the accumulated
of the specimens without surface finishing. The resistance to S- defects. Then, microcracks propagated perpendicular to the
N fatigue of the welded joints was still lower than that of the cyclic loading and left crack-like tear on the surface of fatigue
pipe bodies, with an approximate reduction of 20 MPa. Nev- damage [26]. Nucleation of fatigue failure processes always
ertheless, the resistance to S-N fatigue of the welded joints was begin from the surface [27]. Therefore, fatigue crack initi-
higher than that of the pipe bodies without surface finishing. ation is sensitive to the micro- and/or macrodefects of the
microstructure and mechanical properties near the surface
3.3. Macrofracture Analysis. The typical macrofractography of specimens [26, 27]. Only one of the fatigue cracks was
of the specimens after fatigue fracture at same stress is shown initiated on the fracture surface of the pipe body specimens
in Figure 4. In all cases, the fracture surface contained two with surface finishing (Figure 4(a)). By contrast, more than
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 2: Mechanical properties of the X70 HFW pipes.

Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Impact energy (J)
Tested value Specification Tested value Specification Tested value Specification
Pipe body 525 481–621 620 565–758 209 120
130 (weld junction)
Weld seam — 605 565–758 60
172 (HAZ)

one fatigue crack was initiated on the surface of the pipe 560
body specimens without surface finishing (Figure 4(b))
because more surface defects may have existed on the surface 520
of the hot-rolled steel plate. The weld joint apparently fol-

Stress (S, MPa)

lowed similar rules. Only one of the fatigue cracks initiated
at the weld seam was observed on the fracture surface of the 440
weld joint with surface finishing (Figure 4(c)). However, for
the weld joint without surface finishing, fatigue crack was 400
apparently generated along the weld seam (Figure 5(d)). The
appearance of the fatigue crack initiation may be related to
the effect of deburring on the cross-sectional geometry and 320
surface of the weld joint.
The ductile rupture section is considered a quasistatic 105 106
fracture when the bearing capacity of specimens is less than Number of fatigue cycle (N cycle)
the maximum cyclic loading because fatigue crack propa- Weld joint without Pipe body without
gation reduces the loading area [26]. In this section, larger surface finishing surface finishing
ductile deformation was observed, and the fracture was Weld joint with Pipe body with
similar to static tensile. However, variations in the de- surface finishing surface finishing
formation of the specimens were noted between the pipe Figure 3: Stress-number of fatigue cycle curves evaluated at R � 0.1,
body and weld joint. The deformational manifestations at 10 Hz, and room temperature for the pipe body and the welded
the macro level were mostly pronounced in the pipe body joint with and without surface finishing.
than in the weld joint. This phenomenon indicates that the
weld joint ruptured at the weld seam because the weld seam
may have low plasticity [28]. more than one fatigue crack nuclei were generated at a surface
defect of the pipe body specimen without surface finishing
and grew to a large fatigue crack (Figure 5(e)). The micro-
3.4. Microfracture Analysis. The macrofractography shows fractography showed the fine transgranular tear facets on the
that the fatigue failure processes included fatigue crack fracture surface (Figure 5(f)). This result is similar to the pipe
initiation, propagation, and final rupture (Figure 4). In these body specimen with surface finishing (Figure 5(b)).
processes, the fatigue crack initiation and propagation are In addition, the fatigue crack of specimens of weld joint
the most important processes that determine fatigue en- was generated with a long line-like crack along the weld
durance [20]. Therefore, the microfractures caused by crack seam (Figures 5(g) and 5(h)), and a linear defect was ob-
initiation and propagation were analyzed in detail by SEM served on the surface along weld seam (Figure 5(h)).
(Figures 5 and 6). Meanwhile, coarse transgranular cleavage facets compared
with the other specimens were observed on the fracture
surface (Figure 5(h)). The notable variations in the brittle
3.4.1. Fatigue Crack Initial States. Figure 5 shows the frac- fracture mechanism may be relative to the “burring” surface
tography of the initial crack side of all specimens. In the pipe defects and coarsening microstructure of the weld seam.
body or weld joint specimens with surface finishing, the fa-
tigue cracks were generated at a small dot scope on the surface
and grew inward in radial directions, which were clearly 3.4.2. Fatigue Crack Propagation States. Figure 6 shows the
displayed by the river pattern (Figures 5(a) and 5(c)). At the microfracture surface at the crack propagation section of the
initial crack zone, fine transgranular tear facets were observed pipe body and weld joint specimens with and without
on the fracture surface of each specimen in the pipe body or surface finishing. The microfracture surfaces were uniform
weld joint with surface finishing. No notable difference was and contained transgranular cleavage facets and rough relief
observed in the morphology of the fracture mode (Figures 5(b) [26]. Simultaneously, fatigue striations were found on sev-
and 5(d)). The change in failure mechanism from ductile tear eral transgranular cleavage facets and/or on the steps of the
manner was responsible for the increased fatigue resistance of roughness reliefs. In addition, certain secondary cracks
pipe body to the weld joint [25]. caused by microtear appeared were found on the surface.
However, several differences were found between the pipe However, the facet size on the fracture surface of the pipe
body and weld joint without surface finishing. For example, body was smaller than the pipe body, and several dot-like
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

(a) Fatigue cracks (b) Fatigue crack

Fatigue cracks

(c) Fatigue crack (d) Fatigue crack

Figure 4: Typical macrofractures of the pipe body (a) without surface finishing and (b) with surface finishing and those of the weld joint
(c) without surface finishing and (d) with surface finishing.

reliefs were observed in the facets and at the side of sec- crack was initiated at a line defect on the surface of weld joint
ondary cracks. The specific different rupture characteristics without surface finishing, which resulted in reduced fatigue
presented between the pipe body and the weld joint may be resistance (Figure 4). However, the fatigue crack initiation
related to the variation in the microstructure at the fracture side in the HAZ was confirmed by the microstructural
zone. The microstructure of the pipe body was refined observation of fracture cross section (Figure 7). All results
acicular ferrite, whereas the microstructure of weld joint was suggest that the weld seam as the weakest location for the
coarsened polygonal ferrite (Figure 2). X70 HFW pipe was not caused by oxide and other in-
clusions, which were assumed to be the primary reason for
reduced mechanical properties of the weld seam [6]. The law
3.5. Microstructure of the Fracture Section of the Weld Joints. of cause and effect should be considered in searching for
The fractographic results show that the change in fracture a cause to improve the mechanical properties of HFW pipes.
manner between the pipe body and the weld joint may be The key processes that affect the microstructure and
related to the difference in microstructures (Figures 5 and 6). mechanical properties of a weld seam mainly included pipe
Thus, the fatigue fracture of the weld joint should be the weld forming, welding, deburring, and online PWHT. The key
seam and HAZ. Figure 7 shows the microstructure near the processes are illustrated in Figure 8. During welding, the
fracture surface of weld joints with and without surface dual edge of the steel plate from the upstream side of the
finishing, as well as the microstructure of the weld seam and welding spot was first heated by joule heat. Then, the melting
HAZ. Figure 7(a) shows that the microstructure near the metal was generated at the approximate welding abutting
fracture of weld joint with surface finishing was coarsened point of the dual edge of the plate. Finally, the melted metal
polygonal ferrite and pearlite. By contrast, the microstruc- was pressed together by squeezing (Figure 8(a)), whereby
ture near the fracture of weld joint without surface finishing a metallurgical bond formed with the extruded melt metal
was polygonal ferrite and pearlite with a banded micro- including oxide inclusions, and the formed weld seam is
structural characteristic (Figure 7(b)). Figure 2 shows that illustrated in Figure 8(b). Many investigations and
the zone with coarse microstructure of polygonal ferrite and betriebspraxis studies [1, 2, 10, 11] have demonstrated that
pearlite corresponded to the weld junction, whereas the zone high weld quality could be guaranteed by optimizing the
with banded polygonal ferrite and pearlite corresponded to welding process parameters, such as the electrical power
the HAZ. The results were further confirmed by the scanning input, welding speed, plate thickness, apex angle, and
electron micrographs in Figures 7(c) and 7(d). squeezing force. Therefore, high weld quality of the X70 pipe
was obtained. For example, no oxide inclusions were ob-
4. Discussion served in the microstructure. Meanwhile, the mechanical
properties at the weld joint decreased, and the key factors
The X70 HFW pipe had high strength, impact toughness that affect the weld quality were discussed.
(Table 2), and fatigue resistance (Figure 3). Lower me- Fatigue, as the most important parameter for integrity
chanical properties appeared in the weld joint. The tensile evaluation, can better evaluate the weld quality of HFW
strength of the weld joint decreased by approximately pipes because fatigue crack initiation and propagation are
15 MPa than that of the pipe body, and the impact energy more sensitive to the structure and properties of metals [25].
was reduced from 209 J for the pipe body to 130 J for the Oxides and other inclusions at the weld junction could
weld seam. Meanwhile, fatigue resistance also decreased. The facilitate fatigue crack initiation and propagation and de-
microstructural results showed that the coarsened polygonal crease fatigue resistance. Figure 3 shows that the fatigue
ferrite and pearlite were obtained in the weld seam, whereas resistance of the weld joint with surface finishing was lower
no obvious oxide and other inclusions were observed than that of the pipe body, while the reduction was only
(Figure 2). The fatigue fractography shows that the fatigue observed near the tensile strength. Jung et al. [26] suggested
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 5: Typical fractures at the crack initiation zone of (a–d) the pipe bodies and (e–h) weld joints (a, b, e, f ) with and (c, d, g, h) without
surface finishing.

that fatigue resistance was largely determined by the yield mechanical properties of the weld junction and its HAZ [29].
strength or arguably by the tensile strength. Meanwhile, no In this study, online normalization was performed as PWHT
oxide inclusions were observed in the microstructure processes for the X70 pipe. The PWHT process parameters
(Figure 2) and fracture surface (Figure 4). Thus, X70 HFW were as follows: heating temperature, 950°C; and cooling rate
pipe exhibited improved weld quality. from 950°C to 500°C, 3–5°Cs−1. At the lower cooling rate, the
However, the weld junction and its HAZ formed by joule weld seam displayed mixed microstructure of coarsened
heating and squeezing were disturbed and deteriorated polygonal ferrite and pearlite (Figure 2). This characteristic
because of the high temperature. Thus, PWHT processes caused the lower strength and toughness of weld joint than
play an important role in improving the microstructure and those of the pipe body with fine acicular ferrite. We showed
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6: Typical fractures at the crack propagation zone of (a, b) the pipe bodies and (c, d) weld joints (a, c) with and (b, d) without surface

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7: Microstructures of the fracture section of the weld joint specimens (a) with and (b) without surface finishing, and the mi-
crostructures of (c) weld junction and (d) HAZ.

in our previous study [30] that the heat treatment process microstructure and mechanical properties of the weld seam.
parameters, such as the austenitizing temperature and This process needs further investigation.
cooling rate, especially the latter, greatly affect the micro- In addition, the pipe body or weld joint with surface
structure and mechanical properties. From this point, in- finishing showed higher resistance to S-N fatigue than those
creasing the cooling rate would help improve the without surface finishing. Meanwhile, the decreasing degrees
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Weld junction Deburring Deburring

and burr
Extruded metal
High frequency (external burr)

4 Extruded
Weld junction

Extruded metal
(inner burr)

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Schematic illustrates (a) the welding processes and (b) the structure of weld joint.

of the resistance to S-N fatigue for the weld joint were higher Hence, the X70 HFW pipe exhibited good mechanical
than those of the pipe body (Figure 3). Fatigue is always properties. All mechanical properties were superior to the
generated on the surface [23–26, 31, 32], which implies that specified API specifications for the X70 line pipe. Although
fatigue crack initiation is more sensitive to the surface defects a weakened zone appeared at the weld joint, the resistance to
[32]. Thus, fatigue cracks of all specimens were generated on S-N fatigue of the pipe body and weld joint specimens with
the surface, and more nuclei of fatigue cracks appeared on the surface finishing showed that the weld joint had high weld
surface of the pipe body specimens without surface finishing quality. The reduced strength, toughness, and fatigue re-
(Figure 4). Moreover, several small oxidized pit defects on the sistance of the weld joint could be ascribed to the micro-
as-rolled plate surface facilitated the fatigue crack initiation structural coarsening at the weld junction zone. This
(Figure 5), which resulted in a small reduction in the resistance phenomenon was more mainly related to the PWHT pro-
to S-N fatigue for pipe body without surface finishing (Fig- cesses. Moreover, the resistance to S-N fatigue of the weld
ure 3). Conversely, a bigger reduction in the resistance to S-N joint specimens without surface finishing was further re-
fatigue occurred in the weld joint specimens without surface duced than the specimens with surface finishing. The re-
finishing (Figure 3). Meanwhile, the fatigue crack nucleus duced resistances were mainly attributed to deburring
became line-like along the weld seam (Figures 4 and 5). defects and microstructure coarsening in HAZ. Therefore,
Figure 8(b) shows that a raised upset of melted metal formed at future key works to improve the X70 HFW pipe quality
the weld seam by squeezing. This formation was named should focus on refining the microstructure and improving
“burr,” and the burr should be removed online by deburring the surface quality of the weld junction and HAZ.
machines. In this case, line-like defects possibly formed along
the side of the burr. The orientation for the long surface defect 5. Conclusions
has a great effect on the fatigue crack initiation and propa-
gation [33, 34]. Given that the long surface defect is per- In this work, the mechanical properties of the X70 HFW
pendicular to the principal stress direction, the fatigue cracks pipe were comprehensively assessed. The following con-
will be easily generated at the sharp corners of the long surface clusions were drawn:
defect and quickly propagated in the depth direction [34]. The
(1) High weld quality can be achieved in the HFW pipe.
results of the microstructural observation of the fracture
Although a weakened zone appeared at the weld joint
section verified that the fatigue crack of the weld joint spec-
of the X70 HFW pipe, all mechanical properties were
imens without surface finishing was generated at the HAZ
superior to the API specifications for the X70 line pipe.
(Figure 6). This result was consistent with the burring in
Figure 7. Hence, the trails and defects caused by deburring in (2) The resistance to S-N fatigue of the weld joint
HAZ were the main reasons for the reduced resistance to S-N specimens with surface finishing decreased by ap-
fatigue of the weld joint without surface finishing. Never- proximately 20 MPa compared with that of the pipe
theless, compared with our previous work on the X80 body. This result is similar to the decrease in the
submerged-arc welded pipe [22], the decreasing degrees of tensile strength between the pipe body and the weld
resistance to S-N fatigue between the weld joint and pipe body joint. The resistance to S-N fatigue was largely de-
were comparable, which were approximately 80 MPa for the termined by the tensile strength of the materials.
X70 HFW pipe and 100 MPa for the X80 submerged-arc (3) The reductions in the strength, toughness, and fa-
welded pipe [22]. The results indicate that the HFW pipes tigue resistance of the weld joint were mainly related
and submerged-arc welded pipe had similar weld qualities. to the microstructural coarsening at the weld
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9

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