Session 3: Session 4 Teaching As A Profession and As Avocation

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Read the paragraph below then choose three phrases that best describe your own
philosophy in the teaching profession. Justify your answer.

1. Teaching is a noble profession as well as a vocation that calls to the heart of

an individual. The teacher plays a vital role in the lives of the learners, hence
they are called heroes of the new generations. They touch lives and influence
others—making a big difference to the lives of the learners. Teachers should
take pride in upholding the qualities of being a professional and to live
according to the expectations of teaching as a profession and as a vocation.

a. Phrase 1: Teaching is a noble profession as well as a vocation that calls to

the heart of an individual.

Justification: Teaching is the noblest among all the professions since all
professionals underwent educations with a teacher, it is the parent of all
professions. We consider teaching as a vocation because of the dedication
that one exerts to provide quality learning atmosphere to their students.

b. Phrase 2: The teacher plays a vital role in the lives of the learners, hence
they are called heroes of the new generations.

Justification: Teachers play a very important role in student's life. A teacher

is a role model person in student's life who bring out the best in them and
encourage them to strive for greatness. Teachers know that students are the
future of the country, so they share the knowledge and helps them to
become a better person.

c. Phrase 3: They touch lives and influence others—making a big difference to

the lives of the learners.

Justification: Teachers have a very significant, lifelong impact on all of their

students. This impact involves not only the teaching of particular academic
skills, but as importantly, the fostering of student self-esteem. Reinforcing
self-esteem in the classroom is associated with increased motivation and
Activities and Assessment

Activity 1. Answer the following:

1. What is a profession?

A profession is an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and advanced

training acquired through higher education on specific knowledge which
provides service to society in that special field.

2. Is teaching a profession? Why?

Yes, teaching is a profession. It is an occupation for which people are paid

(modestly). It involves prolonged training and a formal qualification. It is a
very hard job to do well, especially without an understanding of the science
of learning.

3. What are the requisites by the PRC one should satisfy before he/she
becomes a professional?

 Must be a Filipino citizen, at least 18 to 21 years old and of good

moral character.
 Must be a Graduate or a Holder of a Degree from a school, college or
university duly recognized by the government.
 Has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude with
final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction.
 Passing the licensure exam for the profession you wanted and obtain
the professional license.

4. What are the qualities of a professional teacher?

I feel that to be a professional teacher it is necessary that you have patience,

fairness, respect, empathy, and integrity. I have chosen these five qualities to be
the most important quality and that they should come naturally to a
professional teacher.

5. What is a vocation?

A vocation is an occupation to which a person is specially drawn or for which

they are suited, trained, or qualified.

6. How is vocation different from profession?

A vocation is generally a job that requires a particular set of skills acquired

through experience or through training but not necessarily dependent on a
college degree. Profession requires training and qualification whereas vocation is
the innate ability in an individual towards a particular occupation.

7. When can teaching be a vocation?

We consider teaching a vocation because of the dedication that one exerts to

provide quality learning atmosphere to their students. A teacher spends
most of his or her time teaching inside and outside the four walls of the
8. What are the characteristics of a teacher who takes teaching as a vocation?

 expert communication skills.

 superior listening skills.
 deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter.
 the ability to build caring relationships with students.
 friendliness and approachability.
 excellent preparation and organization skills.
 strong work ethic.
 community-building skills.

9. How can you make teaching both a profession and a vocation?

I will use my ability to solve conflicts, emotional intelligence, creativity and

enthusiasm for teaching. Ability to explain difficult things in a simple way and
to connect with children (or with older students), on a personal level.

10.Write how you manifest the first quality of a professional teacher.

I will take my responsibilities seriously. Because failing to act professionally sets

a bad example and may cause me to lose the trust and respect of my students.
Demonstrating professionalism in all aspects of my career will provide my pupils
with the best education possible.

11.Write the attitude you have that foster learning and genuine human

 attitude toward self-understand your own feelings so you can

understand others/sympathize
 attitude toward children-all students can succeed
 attitude toward peers and parents-accept differences, value other
 attitude toward subject matter-enthusiasm encourages
excitement/enthusiasm among student’s knowledge of subject matter

12.What attitude do you need to improve?

Risk taking, sometimes to get the big reward, you may need to take a risk.
Being a teacher is about finding a way to get kids to learn, and sometimes
these new learning methods can be risky.

13.Write what you do to manifest mastery of subject matter? What do you need
to improve?

I do my best to simplify the topic into main points that can easily be
understood by the learners. However, I need to improve my qualities for the
welfare of my student, so that I can share more to my students.

14.What are the effective teaching strategies that you use to facilitate student
learning? Write them down and share these to your partner.

Visualization, cooperative learning, inquiry-based instruction, differentiation,

technology in the classroom
15.What are some of your personal beliefs, insights, and habits that help you do
your work well?

Believe all children can learn, keep learning, student learns best in different
ways and at different rates and when the classroom and school environment
supports their emotional, social, cultural and educational needs

Activity 2. Read and analyze the following situations then share

your findings to your peer.

1. Situation 1
Mr. Manalo divided his Araling Panlipunan class according to the abilities and
interests of his students. At the end of the lesson, the groups had the following
outputs: The first group composed a song, the second had a skit, and the third
had an artwork.

What professional quality did Mr. Manalo exhibit?

He used Differentiation. Mr. Manalo differentiate his teaching by allocating

tasks based on students’ abilities, to ensure no one gets left behind. Assigning
classroom activities according to students’ unique learning needs means
individuals with higher academic capabilities are stretched and those who are
struggling get the appropriate support.

2. Situation 2
The school principal visited the Science class of Miss Bravo. The principal
observed that Miss Bravo was reading from the textbook and her notes while
explaining the lesson on ecosystem.

What could have been done by Miss Bravo to improve her teaching performance?

She could have used incorporating technology into her teaching, it is a great way to
actively engage your students, especially as digital media surrounds young people
in the 21st century.

Interactive whiteboards or mobile devices can be used to display images and videos,
which helps students visualize new academic concepts. Learning can become more
interactive when technology is used as students can physically engage during
lessons as well as instantly research their ideas,

Activity 3. Let your pupils/students answer this survey form.

Put a check if your teacher manifests the following professional qualities.

Professional Qualities Yes No
Caring attitude
Treat others with respect
Commitment towards work
Love of country

As a newly hired teacher, I am already manifesting the following qualities

like positive relationship with my students and co-teachers, cooperative engagement
with my students, and using technology to make class interesting.
However, I need to improve my adaptability. Different kids learn in different ways,
and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Because good teachers know how to
adapt their lesson plan to their students, so that all the kids learn optimally. This
trait can take some experience and practice in a classroom setting, I know it will
take time.


Resolve the issue.

Is teaching more of a vocation or more of a profession?

Teaching is more than a vocation, it is a means where you have taken a lifetime of what you
have done in your career and the skills developed using practical and theoretical abilities.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Noted by:


School Head

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