Year 9 Health and Physical Education - Components of Fitness

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Year 9 Health and Physical Education – Components of fitness

Key Teaching Points Capabilities, Specific Assessment Teaching and Learning experiences Resources
Priorities Lesson
Lesson objective/s
Lesson: 1. Students Diagnostic: Lesson Introduction:  PowerPoint
Week 1 General
 Purpose of fitness will be  Teacher will  Teacher will check prior knowledge of students presentation on
Lesson programs able to check regarding health-related fitness. purpose of fitness
1 Literacy, define a students for  What are the benefits of regular physical activity? programs.
WA Syllabus Numeracy, fitness prior  What are components of fitness?
content: Critical and program. knowledge.  What activities can promote each of those
 Actions and Creative components?
strategies to Thinking. 2. Students Formative:
enhance health and identify  Teacher will Lesson Delivery:
wellbeing in a range benefits facilitate  Students will research various fitness programs as
of environments of discussions instructed by the teacher.
(ACPPS091) exercise to ensure  Is there a difference between a sport program and a
 Movement skills and to health student fitness program?
sequences within and comprehension  Students will learn to define each terms.
different physical wellbeing. on health and
 Teacher will ensure students understand that fitness
activity contexts wellbeing. programs target individual health and wellbeing rather
 (ACPMP099; 3. Students
than enhancing sporting performance.
ACPMP100) will Informal:
describe  Students will learn how programs can change due to
 Measurement of the  Teacher will physical or sociocultural aspects.
body's response to the monitor
physical  What are some examples?
physical activity student
and  Gender, cultural background, location and
(ACPMP102) progress as
socio- they  socioeconomic circumstances.
 Description of
movement using cultural investigate
aspects programs Lesson Closure:
basic kinematic and
that may online.  Teacher will discuss the relevance of participating in
kinetic terms
change fitness programs.
fitness  Students will discuss ways fitness can become part of
programs their daily routine.
.  Students will be asked to wear PE uniforms for next

Lesson: 1. Students Diagnostic: Lesson Introduction:  List of fitness

Lesson General
 Elements of fitness will  Teacher will  Teacher will discuss the relationship between fitness sessions for a 1-
programs identify check programs and fitness sessions. week program.
2 capabilities:
the three students for  Can a fitness session be used to achieve long term
WA Syllabus Literacy, phases knowledge goals?  Reservation for the
content: Numeracy, of a on how to  In groups, students will organise a series of fitness gymnasium.
 Actions and Critical and fitness plan a sessions, and plan them in a sequence they think is
strategies to Creative session. fitness appropriate.  Music to energise
enhance health and Thinking. program. students as they
wellbeing in a range 2. Students Lesson Delivery: exercise.
of environments will Formative:  Students will identify the three phases of fitness
(ACPPS091) identify  Teacher will sessions.
 Movement skills and the facilitate  What are the three phases of a fitness session?
sequences within physical discussions  Teacher will define the purpose of each phase.
different physical and to ensure  What is the purpose of the warm-up phase? Work-
activity contexts mental student out phase? Cooldown phase?
 (ACPMP099; changes comprehension  Students will learn exercise routines appropriate for a
ACPMP100) that will on the phases warm-up and cooldown phase
 Measurement of the take of fitness.
 What are some warm up/cool downs that target
body's response to place
skeletal muscles for anaerobic-based exercise?
physical activity during Informal:
physical  What are some warm up/cool downs that target
(ACPMP102)  Teacher will
activity. skeletal muscles for aerobic-based fitness?
 Description of monitor
 Students will partake in these exercises.
movement using student
basic kinematic and 3. Students progress as  Students identify the physiological changes that take
will be they place as they work through phases and psychological
kinetic terms effects that may occur.
(ACPMP103) able to participate in
describe physical  How did you know when your skeletal muscles and
a warm- activity. joints are ready for exercise?
up and  How did you feel mentally/emotionally before, during
cool and after?
down.  What effect does this have for aerobic exercise,
muscular strength/endurance and flexibility?

Lesson Closure:
 Teacher discusses safety factors for exercise and ways
to cope with changes in circumstances (travel, illness,
 Students will be informed on the assessment for this
 Students will be informed they are in class and to wear
normal school uniforms again.

Lesson: 1. Students Diagnostic: Lesson Introduction:  PowerPoint on

Week 2 General
 Principles for will list  Teacher will  Students compare the effectiveness of a fitness principles of
developing fitness how check program that only repeats same activities with the same fitness.
exercise students for level of effort vs a fitness program that changes
Lesson Literacy,
WA Syllabus can knowledge activities increasing the level of effort.  Fitness program
3 Numeracy,
content: improve on principles  Which is more beneficial, why? scenarios.
Critical and
 Actions and their of  Why would fitness not be developed effectively if a
strategies to mood and developing fitness program only focused on the same level of  Fitness
enhance health and fitness. fitness. effort? development
wellbeing in a range  What is the consequence to an individual’s worksheets.
of environments 2. Students Formative: motivation?
(ACPPS091) will  Teacher will
 Movement skills and describe facilitate Lesson Delivery:
sequences within the discussions  Students will identify how exercise can enable
different physical acronym to ensure individuals to improve their fitness and maintain
activity contexts FITT. student motivation.
 (ACPMP099; comprehension  Teacher will discuss principles of training and introduce
ACPMP100) 3. Students from their students to the FITT formula;
 Measurement of the will worksheet  Frequency
body's response to analyse
 Intensity
physical activity the Informal:
 Time
(ACPMP102) difference  Teacher will
between  Type
 Description of monitor
various  Teacher will discuss that exercise should be specific to
movement using student
fitness the fitness component and goals of the individual.
basic kinematic and progress as
programs they  Students will answer the following questions on their
kinetic terms worksheets as they investigate into their allocated
(ACPMP103) undertake
their scenarios.
worksheet.  How frequently do the programs recommend fitness
 Why is frequent, rather than infrequent participation
encouraged and what’s the difference?
 Do the programs offer a variety of engaging
 Which specific activities in the programs are there to
 Flexibility?
 Aerobic fitness?
 Strength and endurance?
 How much time is allocated for the fitness session?
 How much time is allocated to each of the phases in
the session and why?

Lesson Closure:
 Students will be asked to wear PE uniforms for next

Lesson: 1. Students Diagnostic: Lesson Introduction:  Quick guide to

Lesson General
 Principles of training will  Teacher will  Students will watch a clip on how optimal target zones heart rate training |
4 capabilities:
identify check within exercise develop fitness. Polar
WA Syllabus Literacy, their students for  Students will identify ways of monitoring optimal target
content: Numeracy, target knowledge zones to suit a various of individuals and fitness om/watch?
 Actions and Critical and heart rate on the use of programs. v=xPFq9EpovNw
strategies to Creative zones optimal  What are the optimal target zones of exercise for
enhance health and Thinking. during target zones. developing aerobic fitness, flexibility and muscular  Calculating heart
wellbeing in a range exercise. fitness? rate sheets.
of environments Formative:  How can you measure this?
(ACPPS091) 2. Students  Teacher will  How is this useful for the elderly or individuals with  Reservation for
 Movement skills and will facilitate respiratory or heart conditions? gymnasium.
sequences within investigate discussions
different physical how to ensure Lesson Delivery:  Exercise
activity contexts principles student  Students will investigate how principles of training are worksheets.
 (ACPMP099; of training comprehension applied in programs to develop aerobic fitness,
ACPMP100) are applied after each muscular fitness and flexibility.
 Measurement of the in exercise. physical  For aerobic, students will be taught to calculate their
body's response to activity. target heart-rate zone and monitor their resting, exercise
physical activity 3. Students and recovery heart rate.
(ACPMP102) will Informal:  Students will do interval running sessions and answer
 Description of describe  Teacher will these questions.
movement using the target monitor  What is your maximum heart rate?
basic kinematic and areas for student
 What is your target heart rate during aerobic fitness?
kinetic terms the three progress as
types of  What are the lower and upper limits of your target
(ACPMP103) they
training heart rate?
participate in
the learn. physical  What do you do if your heart rate is below your target
activity. heart rate?
 What type of activities specifically develop aerobic
 For muscular fitness, students will be given a series of
partner-resistance exercise to monitor their effort and
reflect upon their perceived levels of exertion.
 Did you train strength or endurance, explain why?
 How many repetitions should you perform for each?
 How many sets of these repetitions should you
 How can you improve once it starts to feel easy?
 What other exercise can develop muscular strength
or endurance?
 For flexibility students will practise a range static and
dynamic stretches individually and with a partner.
 They learn how far to stretch, how long to hold a stretch
and how to monitor their effort.
 What is the difference between static and dynamic?
 How far should you stretch a joint?
 How long should a stretch be held?
 How can flexibility be improved?
 What exercises would develop flexibility specifically
at the shoulder joint?

Lesson Closure:
 Students will be informed that the assessment for this
unit will be introduced and started next lesson.
 Students will be informed they are in class and to wear
normal school uniforms again.

Lesson: 1. Students Diagnostic: Lesson Introduction:  Kahoot test

Week 3 General
 Personal programs will  Teacher will  Prior knowledge of previous lessons will be checked
Lesson identify check using a kahoot.  Fitness programs
5 WA Syllabus Literacy, their students for resource sheets.
content: Numeracy, goals knowledge Lesson Delivery:
 Actions and Critical and using the from lessons  Students will devise their own personal health-related
strategies to Creative SMART 1-4 through fitness program.
enhance health and Thinking. principle. a kahoot.  How will you include each of the health-related
wellbeing in a range fitness components in your program?
of environments 2. Students Formative:  Students will list specific exercises to develop their
(ACPPS091) will reflect  Teacher will aerobic fitness, flexibility or muscular
 Movement skills and on what deliver strength/endurance?
sequences within they have feedback as  What are your goals?
different physical learned students  When and at what time of the day will you schedule
activity contexts from prepare their sessions?
 (ACPMP099; lessons programs  How long will you schedule each session?
ACPMP100) 1-4 for
 How have you allowed for an increase in your
 Measurement of the their Informal: intensity of effort?
body's response to fitness  Teacher will
programs  What strategy will you use to monitor the work load
physical activity monitor you accomplished in each session and to record your
(ACPMP102) student progress?
 Description of 3. Students progress as
will  What warm-up and cool-down activities will you do?
movement using they devise
develop  Students will be informed that they will implement their
basic kinematic and their fitness
their personal fitness programs in their own time and in
kinetic terms programs.
fitness scheduled class time.
programs  Students are to monitor their exertion and maintain a
diary to discuss their participation.
 How they felt during each session and why?
 Why they missed or did not achieve a session?
 Did they implement the session as scheduled?
 What barriers did they face?
 How they overcame a barrier or how might they deal
with it another time?
 Do they need to adjust the program, why?
 How do they think they’ll will improve?

Lesson Closure:
 Students will be informed to wear their PE uniforms for
next lesson to do physical activity for their assessment’s
scheduled activity.
 Students will be informed that their participation is part
of their assessment.

Lesson: 1. Students Formative: Lesson Introduction:  Reservation for

Lesson General
 Personal programs will apply  Teacher will  Students are to record their details prior to exercise for gymnasium.
6 capabilities:
(practical) skills from deliver their diary’s.
Literacy, lessons 2 feedback as  Students will be given a warm-up to start the days
WA Syllabus Numeracy, and 4 as students lesson.
content: Critical and they record their
 Actions and Creative partake in exercise Lesson Delivery:
strategies to Thinking. physical results.  Students will be taken through three types of circuit
enhance health and activity. training programs. Each program will target;
wellbeing in a range Informal:  Aerobic exercise.
of environments 2. Students  Teacher will  Muscular strength and endurance exercise.
(ACPPS091) will monitor  Flexibility.
 Movement skills and evaluate student  Students will be working individually or with partners
sequences within their progress as and will be breaks to record their results and rest.
different physical physical the  Teacher will record participation of students to factor in
activity contexts activity in participate in their assessments.
 (ACPMP099; their physical
ACPMP100) diary’s activity. Lesson Closure:
 Measurement of the  Students will be given a cool down to end their lesson.
body's response to  Students will be informed to wear their PE uniforms for
physical activity next lesson to do physical activity for their assessment’s
(ACPMP102) scheduled activity.
 Description of
movement using
basic kinematic and
kinetic terms
Lesson: 1. Students Formative: Lesson Introduction:  Reservation for
Week 4 General
 Personal programs will apply  Teacher will  Students are to record their details prior to exercise for gymnasium.
Lesson (Practical) skills from deliver their diary’s.
7 Literacy, lessons 2 feedback as  Students will be given a warm-up to start the days
WA Syllabus Numeracy, and 4 as students lesson.
content: Critical and they record their
 Actions and Creative partake in exercise Lesson Delivery:
strategies to Thinking. physical results.  Students will be taken through three types of circuit
enhance health and activity. training programs. Each program will target;
wellbeing in a range Informal:  Aerobic exercise.
of environments 2. Students  Teacher will  Muscular strength and endurance exercise.
(ACPPS091) will monitor  Flexibility.
 Movement skills and evaluate student  Students will be working individually or with partners
sequences within their progress as and will be breaks to record their results and rest.
different physical physical the  Teacher will record participation of students to factor in
activity contexts activity in participate in their assessments.
 (ACPMP099; their physical
ACPMP100) diary’s. activity. Lesson Closure:
 Measurement of the  Students will be given a cool down to end their lesson.
body's response to  Students will be informed that next lesson they will be
physical activity back in class and to wear normal school uniform.
(ACPMP102)  Students will be reminded that their programs, diary and
 Description of reflection will be due end of next lesson.
movement using
basic kinematic and
kinetic terms
Lesson: 1. Students Diagnostic: Lesson Introduction:  Reflection booklet
Lesson General
 Reviewing will  Teacher will  Students will reflect what they have learned about for students.
8 capabilities:
knowledge and skills evaluate check devising and implementing fitness programs and the
Literacy, their students for principles of training through a kahoot. Includes
WA Syllabus Numeracy, individual knowledge questions such as;
content: Critical and progress from lessons  What did you learn about devising fitness programs?
 Actions and Creative from the 1-7 through  What are the principles of training and how did you
strategies to Thinking. past a kahoot. learn to use them?
enhance health and week
wellbeing in a range regarding Lesson Delivery:
of environments the unit.  Using a reflection booklet, students will discuss;
(ACPPS091) 2. Students Formative:  How their attitude to fitness has changed and why?
 Movement skills and will apply  Teacher  What skills they have acquired to develop the
sequences within what they facilitate a components of fitness?
different physical have discussion  What skills have they acquired to monitor
activity contexts learned to with students participation in fitness activities?
 (ACPMP099; structure as they  How confident are they that they will pursue physical
ACPMP100) long term reflect on the activity long term?
 Measurement of the goals for unit.  What other skills do they need to develop your
body's response to the health fitness?
physical activity and Informal:  What support do they need to maintain participation?
(ACPMP102) wellbeing  Teacher will  Did they develop useful skills? If so, how? If not,
 Description of of them monitor what activities might better assist developing these
movement using and student skills?
basic kinematic and others. progress as  Overall how did this enhance your physical and
kinetic terms they finalise mental wellbeing?
(ACPMP103) their
reflections Lesson Closure:
on fitness.  Students will be given to finalise their reflections, diary’s
and fitness programs.
 Students are to hand in their reflections, diary’s and
 Teacher will fitness programs to the teacher.
for the unit.

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