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P Delta

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May 19, 2020



Tripti Drona– SDEE 03
Ashish Harle – SDEE 04
Amit Auti – SDEE 05




Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction 1
2 P-Delta Effects 2
3 P-Delta Methods 2
4 5
Steps To Do P-Delta Analysis Using SAP 2000
5 9
Problem considered
6 11

1. Introduction.
Engineers today typically use linear elastic static (first order) analysis to determine
design forces and moments resulting from loads acting on a structure. First order
analysis assumes small deflection behaviour; the resulting forces and moments take
no account of the additional effect due to the deformation of the structure under load.
Second order analysis combines two effects to reach a solution:-
 Large displacement theory; the resulting forces and moments take full account
of the effects due to the deformed shape of both the structure and its members.
 “Stress stiffening”; the effect of element axial loads on structure stiffness,
tensile loads stiffening an element and compressive loads softening an

As structures become ever more slender and less resistant to deformation, the
need to consider 2nd order and to be more specific, P-delta effects arises. As a result,
Codes of Practice are referring engineers more and more to the use of 2nd order
analysis in order that P-delta and “stress stiffening” effects are accounted for when
appropriate in design. This is as true in concrete and timber design as it is in the
design of steelwork.

The purpose of P-Delta analysis is to determine the displacements and stresses

due to time-independent loading conditions under the following assumptions:

1. The effect of axial loads (membrane forces) on the stiffness of the structure is
2. Stiffness effects and applied loads do not depend on time.
3. Inertial and damping effects are ignored.
4. Static acceleration fields, such as gravity, may be included (that is dead loads).
5. Time independent loads, displacements, pressures and temperature effects may
be applied.

2. P-Delta Effects.
P-Delta is a non-linear effect that occurs in every structure where elements are subject
to axial load. P-Delta is actually only one of many second-order effects. It is a genuine
“effect” that is associated with the magnitude of the applied axial load (P) and a
displacement (delta).
There are two P-Delta effects:-
 P-“BIG” delta (P-Δ) - a structure effect
 P-“little” delta (P-δ) - a member effect

The magnitude of the P-Delta effect is related to the:-

 Magnitude of axial load P
 Stiffness/slenderness of the structure as a whole
 Slenderness of individual elements

3. P-Delta Methods
Four different analytical methods are considered below. The first two
approximate the P-Delta effect using first order elastic analysis, thus care is needed in
their use:-
 A “pseudo load” approach
 A “pseudo displacement” approach
 The two-cycle iterative method – accounting for geometric stress stiffness.
 Non-linear static analysis - full Newton Raphson.
(Note – the term “pseudo” indicates that fictitious loads or approximate displacements
are applied to the structure to mimic P-Delta behaviour).

“Pseudo” Approaches
Simple elastic analysis (small displacement) takes no account of this
‘secondary’ action on the frame. But, it is possible to begin to approximate the P-Δ
effect in two ways using simple elastic analysis.

A “Pseudo-Load” Approach
Typically this sort of approach relies on the structure being subject to
predominantly gravity (vertical) loading. Often it also relies on there being defined
floor or diaphragm levels within the structure. An additional (Pseudo) horizontal load
(Fh) at each level can be estimated as:
Fh = (P * d) / h
P = the vertical load at that level (Floor).
d = the relative deflection (or drift) between that level and the level below.
H = the distance between levels (Floor to Floor height)
An initial analysis allows the “Pseudo” horizontal loads at each floor to be
determined. The structure is re-analysed with the “pseudo” loads applied. This process
can be repeated (further iteration) with additional adjustment to the pseudo loads. In
the end, the result could be accurate (if the structure fits in with the limitations), but
there will be forces within the structure and base reactions that relate to entirely
artificial loading.
REMEMBER this method does not take account of “stress stiffening”, it only deals
with one P-Delta effect, P-Δ, it is only relevant to structures that are predominantly
gravity loaded, and which have clearly defined floors or diaphragm levels.
A “Pseudo-Displacement” approach
Rather than introducing an artificial load to induce deformation, why not
introduce approximate displacements?
An initial elastic analysis is run to establish nodal deflections. The structural
model is then re-configured using the deflected geometry and is re-analysed
elastically. This process can obviously be repeated progressively but since “stress
stiffening” is not taken into account then solutions may not converge. This approach
will not give a good approximation to the P-Delta effect as it takes no account of the
‘work done’ to move the structure. At best it is a simple approximation. Inaccuracies
increase as P-Delta effects increase.
REMEMBER this method does not take account of “stress stiffening” and it only
deals with one P-Delta effect, P-Δ.

The Two Cycles Iterative Method

The Two-Cycle Iterative Method (Chen and Lui 1991) automates a two-pass
analysis procedure during which nodal displacements are used to determine “stress
stiffening” in structural elements. The resulting element geometric (stress) stiffness
matrix accommodates both the P-Δ and P-δ effects as well as accounting for “stress
stiffness”. Since the geometric (stress) stiffness is used in the method, there are no
significant limitations on its use or applicability unless gross deformation occurs when
a full non-linear iterative solution is more appropriate.

Non-Linear Static (Full Newton Raphson) Analysis

A Full Non Linear Iterative Solution allowing all sorts of other non-linear
conditions to be accounted for simultaneously, in addition to both the P-Δ and P-δ
The system equilibrium equations for the non-linear static analysis are
{F}s – {R}s = 0
Where the system load vector {R}s includes the contributions of all externally applied
nodal forces
1. Applied nodal loads
2. Loading due to static acceleration fields (such as gravity)
3. Element thermal/pressure loads
and vector {F}s includes the nodal forces that correspond to the element stresses in
this configuration. This vector is known as the internal load vector.
The solution of the non-linear equation is carried out in an incremental step-
by-step analysis with the total applied loads divided into a number of load steps (n).
The most popular method of solution for non-linear equations is the Newton Raphson
method. When a general “Geometric (stress) Stiffness Matrix” is used in the method,
there are no significant limitations on its use or applicability.

4. Steps To Do P-Delta Analysis Using SAP 2000

Video on how to do P-Delta Analysis.wmv

1. Click the File menu > New Model command to access the New Model form.

2. Click the drop-down list to set the units to .

3. Click the Grid Only button  to access the New Co-ordinate/Grid
System form. In that form:

 Select the Cartesian Tab.

 Type 1 in the X Direction edit box in the Number of Grid Lines area.

 Type 1 in the Y Direction edit box in the Number of Grid Lines area.

 Type 2 in the Z Direction edit box in the Number of Grid Lines area.

 Type 12 in the Z Direction edit box in the Grid Spacing area.

 Click the OK button.

4. Click the Define menu > Frame Sections command to access the Frame
Properties form.
 Click the Add New Property button to access the Add Frame Section
Property form. In the Frame Section Property Type drop-down list, select

 Click on the Tube button to access the Box/Tube Section form. In that form:

o Type BOX in the Section Name edit box.

o Type 20 in the Outside depth (t3) edit box.

o Type 20 in the Outside width (t2) edit box.

o Type 1 in the Flange thickness (tf) edit box.

o Type 1 in the Web thickness (tw) edit box.

o Click the + (plus) symbol beside the Material drop-down list to access the
Define Materials form. In that form,

  Highlight the A992Fy50 material definition in the

Materials display area and click the Modify/Show Material button to
access the Material Property Data form. In that form:

 Ensure that the Units are set to .

 Verify that the Modulus of Elasticity is 29000 and Poisson’s Ratio is


 Click the OK buttons on the Material Property Data and Define

Materials forms to close the forms and return to the Box/Tube Section

 Click the OK buttons on the Box/Tube Section and Frame Properties

forms to exit all forms.
2. Click the Quick Draw Frame/Cable button  to access the Properties of
Object form. Verify that the Line Object Type is Straight Frame. Then, highlight
(select) BOX from the Section drop-down list.

3. Click once on the grid line located along the Z axis to draw a frame object.

4. Click the Set Select Mode button  to exit Draw mode and enter Select mode.

5. Click on the point located at the origin (0, 0, 0) to select it.

6. Click the Assign menu > Joint > Restraints command to access the Joint
Restraints form. In that form:

 Click the Fixed Base Fast Restraint button  to set all degrees of freedom
(U1, U2, U3, R1, R2 and R3) as restrained.

 Click the OK button.

7.  Click the Define menu > Load Cases command to access the Define Loads
form. In that form:

 Type LAT in the Load Name edit box.

 Select OTHER from the Type drop-down list.

 Click the Add New Load button.

 Type AXIAL in the Load Name edit box.

 Click the Add New Load button.

 Click the OK button.

8. Click on the frame object to select it.

9. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Point command to access the Frame
Point Loads form. In that form:
 Select LAT from the Load Case Name drop-down list.

 Select X from the Direction drop-down list in the Load Type and Direction

 Verify that the Relative Distance from End-I option is selected in the Point
Loads area.

 Type .3333 in the first Distance edit box and type 25 in the first Load edit box.

 Type .6667 in the second Distance edit box and type 50 in the second Load
edit box.

 Click the OK button.

10. Select the point at the top of the column (0, 0, 12).

11. Click the Assign menu > Joint Loads > Forces command to access the Joint
Forces form. In that form:

 Select AXIAL from the Load Case Name drop-down list.

 Type -1 in the Force Global Z edit box in the Loads area.

 Click the OK button.

12. Click the Show Undeformed Shape button  to remove the displayed joint
force assignments.

13.  Click the Define menu > Analysis Cases command to access the Analysis Cases
form. In that form:

 Highlight (select) MODAL in the Case Name list and click the Delete Case

 Highlight (select) DEAD in the Case Name list and click the Modify/Show
Case button to access the Analysis Case Data form. In that form:
o Type LAT in the Analysis Case Name edit box.

o In the Analysis Type area, select the Nonlinear option.

o In the Other Parameters area, click on the Modify/Show button to

access the Nonlinear Parameters form. In that form:

 Select the P-Delta option in the Geometric Nonlinearity

Parameters area.

 Click the OK buttons on the Nonlinear Parameters and

Analysis Case Data forms to return to the Analysis Cases form.

14. In the Analysis Cases form:

 Highlight (select) AXIAL in the Case Name list and click the
Modify/Show Case button to access the Analysis Case Data form. In
that form:

o Select Buckling from the Analysis Case Type drop-down list.

o In the Stiffness to Use area, select the Stiffness at End of

Nonlinear Case option, and verify that LAT is shown in the
drop-down list.

o Type 2 in the Number of Buckling Modes edit box.

o Click the OK buttons on the Analysis Case Data and Analysis

Cases forms to exit all forms.

15. Click on the frame object to select it.

16. Click the Assign menu > Frame > Automatic Frame Mesh command to access
the Assign Automatic Frame Mesh form. In that form:

 Select the Auto Mesh Frame option.

 Check the Minimum Number of Segments box and type 4 in the edit

 Click the OK button.

17. Click the Run Analysis button  to access the Set Analysis Cases to Run
form. In that form:

 Verify that all analysis cases are set to Run in the Action list.

 Click the Run Now button to run the analysis.

18. When the analysis is complete, check the messages in the SAP Analysis Monitor
window and then click the OK button to close the window.

19. Click the Display menu > Show Tables command to access the Choose Tables
for Display form. In that form:

 Click the + (plus) symbol associated with Structure Output item.

 Click the + (plus) symbol associated with Other Output Items.

 Click the Table: Buckling Factors item to select it.

 Click the OK button to display the Buckling Factors table. The product of the
Scale Factors shown times the applied axial load gives the critical buckling
load.  Click the n button to close the form.


 Calculate the critical buckling load of a given frame as shown in figure below
with a column size of 300mm x 300mm and the size of beam is 300mm x
300mm. The length of the beam is 3m and the height of the column is 3m. Grade
of concrete is M25.
The Figure above shows the frame with compressed vertical members which is
free to move laterally at the top. If the frame has vertical axis of symmetry, the
vertical member can be considered separately as a bar free at the lower end and
elastically built in at the upper end.
Using Stephen P. Timoshenko book approach of “Theory of Elastic Stability”,
the critical buckling load is calculated by using the formula given below.
1.82 EI
Pcr 
By using above formula, the critical buckling load is calculated as
6825kN.Then the same frame is modelled in SAP-2000 and the buckling analysis of
frame is carried out in the same manner as that of single cantilever column. From the
above procedure the buckling load is obtained as 6732kN. The result of buckling load
obtained by using equation (I.2) and the SAP are nearly matching with a variation of
only 1.4%. Hence the same procedure can be used to calculate the buckling load of
tank staging.

 Now analysis a 3-D frame as shown in figure below with a column size of
300mm x 300mm and the size of beam is 300mm x 300mm. The length of the
beam is 4m and the height of the column is 3m throughout. Grade of concrete is
Solution: The comparison of results for linear and P-Delta Analysis (Nonlinear) is
tabulated below
P V2 M3
Case Type
(kN) (kN) (kN-m)

Linear Static
22.47 10.26 11.58

Linear Static
23.46 10.26 19.19

57.76 4.87 4.51
Static Max

59.73 4.87 10.33
Static Min


1. SAP 2000 Analysis Reference Manual.

2. Richard Dobson, A Brief Overview of P-Δ Analysis.

3. A. Rutenberg, Simplified P-Delta Analysis for Asymmetric Structures, ASCE

Journal of the Structural Division, Vol. 108, No. 9, Sept. 1982.

4. Z. H. Zhou and S.L. Chan, Refined Second-Order Analysis Of Frames With

Members Under Lateral And Axial Loads, Journal of the Structural Engineering,
Vol. 108, May 1996.

5. Paulay and Priestly, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry


6. Timoshenko, Theory of Stability.

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