Module 1 and 2

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Rizal Law
Rizal in the 19th Century

This module is divided into three sections, the RIZAL LAW, THE THEORY OF NATIONALISM,
AND THE 19TH CENTURY PHILIPPINES. The first section introduces Republic Act 1425, otherwise
known as the Rizal Law proposed by former Senator Claro M. Recto and supported by former Jose P.
Laurel. Republic Act No. 1425 mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses
about José Rizal. The full name of the law is An Act to include in the Curricula of All Public and
Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal,
Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. This section also highlights the history
of how the bill became a law, particularly what pushes its proponents to propose the bill. The issues
behind the deliberation and approval of the law focusing on the arguments made by both the
proponents and opponents. The section also discusses why RA 1425 is a landmark legislation that
paved the way for the study of Rizal through literature in an attempt to decolonize our Philippine
culture. It also highlights the importance of studying Jose Rizal in the 21 st century.
The second section tackles the Theory of Nationalism where it focuses on the concept of
nation and nationalism in the Philippine context. It discusses the nation as an “imagined community”
in connection with Rizal a popular nationalist. This section also relates how the work of Rizal
influence and awaken the nationalism of every Filipino during his time. It also explains the theory of
nationalism in relation to the enactment of the Rizal Law and its effect to the future generation.

The third section THE 19TH CENTURY PHILIPPINES discuss the different social, political,
economic, and cultural contexts of Philippines in which Rizal was situated.
This tackles different events that awaken Jose Rizal consciousness about the suffering of his fellow
Filipino in the hand of the Spanish like the Cavite Mutiny and the killing of Gomburza and the
industrial revolution and the opening of Suez Canal act as a way transporting liberal information to the
Philippines and were able to reach the perspective of Jose Rizal.

Reaction on Module 1
Module 1 tackles about Rizal Law, nationalism and the scenario in 19 th century where Rizal was born.
It presents the importance of studying and understanding why Rizal does all the sacrifices for our
country. A law was created so that the memory of his work will not be forgotten and the teaching of
Rizal will continue to the future generation. This law will awaken the consciousness of the youth and it
will make them love our country. Teaching Rizal in every school is a good way of spreading his idea
and this will make the students be aware of their surroundings.

We believe that the creation of Rizal law is significant because this will open the mind of the people
towards nationalism which is loyalty towards their own country. Once nationalism is present to every
Filipino, our country will benefit a lot. People will start to patronize our own local product. Especially
now that foreign product is very rampant in the Philippines and our own product were neglected. If
nationalism is present to every one of us then we will believe first to our own creation before we tried
the product of other countries. Aside from patronizing our own product we will cooperate with the
government in every program and laws they will create. We will become a law abiding citizen who
knows the importance of following even just a simple policy created for the benefits of our country.
We will have compassion towards our other people if we know that importance of unity and

We believe in the work and virtues of Rizal. These should be spread to give awareness to the future
generation who become expose to the foreign culture that result in neglecting our beloved country

Values on Module1

Rizal teaches us a lot of lesson in life. In module 1 the values we got from Rizal are the following.

Love your own country.

Rizal at a very young already showed his love for the Philippines. He wrote poems to express
his compassion to our country. He already experience the life outside our country but still he returned
to the Philippines where he truly belongs.

Study our History

Just like Rizal, knowing the history of our country will give us awareness why we are like this at
present. Knowing the history of our roots we can correct the mistake that that had happen before. We
will give importance to what we have today if we know how we become like this.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Rizal was a very observant person. Through observing he notices the unequal and the abusive
treatment of the Spaniards to the Filipino. This result in his desire to freed the Philippines from the
Module 2
The Ascendance of the Chinese Mestizo
Family, Childhood and Early Education of
Agrarian Relations and the Friar Lands

Hacienda De Calamba



This module recalls the life of Jose Rizal through the written works of various historians and
writers. It also presents Rizal’s background, his roots, and the events that were significant in the
formation of his character. The Ascendance of the Chinese Mestizo focuses on the cultural roots of
Rizal’s family having a Chinese descendant. José Rizal was classified as mestizo de sangley due
to his partial Chinese ancestry. But he also had indigenous, Japanese, and Spanish ancestors,
and he asked to be classified as Indio. The Chinese Meztizo has significant contribution in the
Philippine economy, history and governance. They also contribute in decolonizing the Philippines
from the Spanish through their liberal mind.

The section The Family, Childhood, and Early Education of Rizal discusses the hero’s family
background. The Rizal’s is considered one of the biggest families during their time. Domingo Lam-co,
the family’s paternal ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy,
China in the closing years of the 17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name of Ines
de la Rosa. Jose Rizal came from a 13-member family consisting of his parents, Francisco Mercado II
and Teodora Alonso Realonda, and nine sisters and one brother. Jose Rizal family lived in Calamba,
Laguna. He had a lot of childhood experiences in Calamba that help him develop his talent and
personality with the help of his family, his uncles, his tutor and his teachers. The achievement of Rizal
in his studies being a bright student is also included in this section.

The last section is the Agrarian Relations and the Friar Lands. This present the issues on land
ownership during the Spanish colonial period. It provides a short history of the dynamics land
ownership in the Philippines during Rizal’s time. It discusses hacienda system in connection with the
existence of friar lands. Specifically it mentions conflicts arising from the hacienda system and shows
the impacts on Philippine society and on the family of Rizal’s. This also present how the Filipinos
became slave and maltreated by the Friars in terms of land ownership.

Reaction on Module 2
This module is all about the cultural roots of Jose Rizal. In this module it discusses the factors and
people that influence Rizal in his journey. Rizal having a big family got all the support he needed in
his life and his study. His father made sure that he got the education he deserves. He mould and
disciplined Rizal to be a better person. His mother taught him to be a god fearing person. She also
helps Rizal in discovering his talents. His brother taught him to have compassion to others and to our
country. His sisters taught him to be respectful all the times. His uncles also support him in
developing his self. He also learned a lot from his tutor, his teachers and from the environment he
lives in.

We believe that family is a big factor in one’s life. Having a supportive and loving family is a way to
become a good person. If the parents will guide the children correctly they will become an asset of
the society. At a young age children should be taught the importance of being a good person who
have discipline, who knows how to respect others and who knows the importance of helping others in
need. Everything starts inside a home and the family. Family and home shape our personality.

Values of Module 2

Love your family

Rizal loves his family very much. Just like him we should also love our family. They are the
people we can always cling to.

Study well

Rizal believes in the importance of studying. He knows that through studying he can get
the knowledge and idea he can used in helping the Philippines. We should also study well for us to
meet our goals in life. We should not neglect our studies, our parents send us to school to have a
better future. They worked hard for us to get the education we deserve; in return we should always
attend our class and participate in class.

Trust yourself
At a young age Rizal’s mother already mould him to have trust in his abilities. When Rizal
enter the formal school, he was away from his family but that does not stop him from doing his best in
school. He perform well because he believe he can. We should also trust ourselves at all times. If we
have believe in our self we won’t be afraid to try new things.

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