967.27 Salmonella en Alimentos - Identificación
967.27 Salmonella en Alimentos - Identificación
967.27 Salmonella en Alimentos - Identificación
Characteristics of Salmonella
AOAC Official Method 967.27 a
Test or substrate Results
Salmonella in Foods
Urease, B(a) – (Orange-red)
First Action 1967 Lysine decarboxylase, C(a) + (Alkaline; purple
Final Action 1968 throughout medium)
Phenol red dulcitol broth, C(b) + (Yellow and/or gas)
A. Cultures
KCN broth, C(c)(1) – (No growth)
Pure cul tures on triple sugar iron (TSI) are re quired for c
inoculation of biochemical test media. Malonate broth, C(c)(2) – (Unchanged green)
(a) Pure cultures.—Proceed to B. Indole test, C(c)(3) – (No red color)
(b) Mixed cultures.—Streak any culture that appears to be mixed Polyvalent flagellar test, B(b) and + (Visible agglutination)
on MAC, 967.25A(q) (see 17.9.01), XLD, 967.25A(d) (see C(d)
17.9.01), or HE, 967.25A(e) (see 17.9.01). Incubate 24 ± 2 h at Polyvalent somatic test, C(f) + (Visible agglutination)
35°C. + = ³90% positive in 1–2 days; – = ³90% negative in 1–2 days.
(c) Appearance of Salmonella colonies.—(1) On Majority of S. arizonae cultures are negative.
MAC.—Typ i cal col o nies ap pear trans par ent and col or less, Majority of S. arizonae cultures are positive.
sometimes with dark centers. Salmonella will clear areas of
precipitated bile caused by other organisms sometimes present in
medium. (2) On XLD.—See 967.26B(b)(1) (see 17.9.02). (3) On
HE.—See 967.26B(b)(2) (see 17.9.02). 17.9.01), and incubate 24 ± 2 h at 35°C or inoculate rapid urea broth,
Pick with needle 2 typical or suspicious colonies and inoculate 967.25A(k)(2) (see 17.9.01) with two 3 mm loopfuls of growth from
TSI slants by streaking the slant and stabbing the butt as in each presumptive-positive TSI slant culture, and incubate 2 h in H2O
967.26C(a) (see 17.9.02). Retest purified cultures as in 967.26C(b) bath at 37° ± 0.5°C. Discard all cultures that give positive test (purple-red
(see 17.9.02), and proceed with identification. color). Salmonella spp. are urease negative (no change in orange color of
As alternative to conventional tube system for Salmonella, any medium).
one of the AOAC-approved commercial biochemical kits can be
used for pre sump tive ge neric iden ti fi ca tion of foodborne (b) Serological flagellar (H) screening test.—To reduce number
Salmonella. See 978.24 (see 17.9.04), 989.12 (see 17.9.05), and of pre sump tive pos i tive TSI agar cul tures car ried through
991.13 (see 17.9.06). identification tests, perform serological flagellar (H) screening test
by transferring one 3 mm loopful of each urease-negative TSI agar
B. Subcultures culture to either: (1) Brain–heart infusion broth, 967.25A(r) (see
(a) Urease test.—Subculture small amount of growth from 17.9.01), (for test on same day) and incubate at 35°C until visible
presumptive positive TSI agar culture to urea broth, 967.25A(k)(1) (see growth occurs (ca 4–6 h); or (2) Trypticase soy–tryptose broth,