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CAPTION: This entry bring closure to journey I experienced and justifies the importance of

this Portfolio as it highlights the stages of professional and personal growth as it relates to the
achievement of my philosophy. As I reflect on the challenges I experienced in putting
together this documented evidence of my journey, I must admit my grown appreciation and
gratitude to this Diploma in Education program, not forgetting the support and motivation of
my Tutor Ms. P. Rudder. I owe my growth and journey to the nurturing and scolding aspects
of her towards me.

Reflective Conclusion:
New learning:
a) Teaching Models:
I have acquired an expansive pool of teaching strategies to refer to in order to continue with
high student engagement within my classes and I can even share this knowledge with my
department and encourage its use by my colleagues as well and hear of the effectiveness of
these strategies.
b) Collaborations and positive critiques:
Personally I was able to develop excellent communication skills (improved my diction and
tone when teaching). I was also introduced and taught how to integrate technology effectively
which I have grown an even greater appreciation for its exposure as I take full use of the
ability to develop websites and share electronically notes, assignments and even administer
tests through this “Covid 19” to all my classes. All my students and their parents are proud to
highlight the continuation of teaching and their engagement during this time since this service
is not provided by a vast majority of teacher Nationally, Regionally and Internationally. I
have also been able to master time management especially with lesson planning and
execution. I was also able to build competence, confidence and the enthusiasm I once had for
teaching has returned. I enjoy and look forward to my self-reflections at the end of each
lesson as I investigate what I could have done differently by taking into account the students
responses and mine throughout the execution of the lesson.
Professionally I have learnt the importance of proper Unit and lesson planning which makes
the entire teaching experience meaningful as our excitement comes when we realise how
efficient and effective our Unit and Lesson planning was. In other words, we become
confident and competent teachers. We also developed interpersonal skills and built new
friendships with the members within our group. I have learnt about the many different models
and their applicability. Scaffolding and alignment of objectives have become two of the most
used words in my teaching journey within this program.
Projection for the future:
I look forward to using cooperative learning, ICT integration, Jigsaw puzzles and
Differentiation in most of my lessons. I look forward to encouraging my peers within the
various departments to use some of these strategies as well, and use my classes and the
positive responses I received from my students as a measure of its effectiveness. The aim is
to have lessons that are less teacher centred and more student centred. Students can also make
better connections to real life which is another type of teaching model (Fusion/ HFLE) which
also identifies curriculum integration. The positives of these strategies will continue to propel
me into becoming the best version of myself which is the main intention of my philosophy.

Relevance to Philosophy:
The development of this portfolio has allowed me to gain an even greater respect for this
DipEd program and the new found knowledge I have received as a result of my experiences
during this journey. This has made me understand my philosophy even better since the
burning fires I quoted are directly linked to the removal of old traditions e.g. “Chalk and
talk”, which was no longer a part of my journey. The occasional removal from the hot
Furness are linked to the many rewards I have witnessed along the way, just from changing
my approach to teaching and the effectives of the incorporation of the many strategies I was
introduced to. The effectiveness was measurable by my students` performance and
engagement in the lessons. This was one of the most life satisfying experiences and geared
me towards my main gaol that is, “a refined slab of clay”. It wasn’t an easy journey I had to
move away from the norms (Traditional methods of teaching) and each stage in refinery
relates to the different learning abilities and age groups. Therefore, how I respond during this
time is crucial for my output “refined slab of clay”. It was truly an amazing experience and
I`m definitely more knowledgeable and humble in comparison to the person I initially started
as, “an impure piece of clay”.

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