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Program : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Mechanical (EM220)

Course : Applied Mechanics Lab (Material Science Lab)
Code : MEC424
Lecturer : Mohamad Zulfazli bin Abd Latif
Group : EMD4M13


Title : The Jominy End-Quench Test


1 Ahmad Ali Albustami bin harun 2016229534
2 Mohamad Najmi bin Mohd Moni 2016229386
3 Mohamad Haiqal Amin bin Mohamad Izhar 2016218458
4 Mohamad Faris Hasif bin Mohd Johari 2016218488



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The Jominy End Quench Test measures Hardenability of steels. Hardenability is a measure of
the capacity of a steel to be hardened in depth when quenched from its austenitizing
temperature. The Hardness of a steel refers to its ability to resist deformation when a load is
applied, whereas hardenability refers to its ability to be hardened to a particular depth under a
particular set of conditions. Information gained from this test is necessary in selecting the
proper combination of alloy steel and heat treatment to minimize thermal stresses and
distortion when manufacturing components of various sizes.

To perform the Jominy Test: First, a sample specimen cylinder either 100mm in length and
25mm in diameter, or alternatively, 102mm by 25.4mm is obtained. Second, the steel sample
is normalized to eliminate differences in microstructure due to previous forging, and then it is
austenitised. This is usually at a temperature of 800 to 900°C. Next, the specimen is rapidly
transferred to the test machine, where it is held vertically and sprayed with a controlled flow
of water onto one end of the sample. This cools the specimen from one end, simulating the
effect of quenching a larger steel component in water. Because the cooling rate decreases as
one moves further from the quenched end, you can measure the effects of a wide range of
cooling rates from vary rapid at the quenched end to air cooled at the far end.

Table of Content

Table of Content........................................................................................................................iii
List of Table..............................................................................................................................iv
List Of Figure.............................................................................................................................v
Experimental Procedure.............................................................................................................4
Result, Discussion and Conclusion............................................................................................6
Ahmad Ali Albustami bin Harun............................................................................................7
Mohamad Najmi bin Mohd Moni...........................................................................................8
Mohamad Haiqal Amin bin Mohamad Izhar..........................................................................9
Mohamad Faris Hasif bin Mohd Johari................................................................................10

List of Table

Table 1: Result Group 1...........................................................................................................12

Table 2: Result Group 2...........................................................................................................12
Table 3: Result Group 3...........................................................................................................12

List of Figure

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Jominy End Quench Process.................................................3

Figure 2: Correlation of Hardenability and Continuous Cooling...............................................3
Figure 3: Vickers Hardness Machine.........................................................................................4
Figure 4: Optical Microscope.....................................................................................................4
Figure 5: Jominy End Quench Mchine......................................................................................4
Figure 6: Graph Hardness vs Distance.....................................................................................13


In engineering field, the properties and behaviour of metals and alloys play a vital role
especially during manufacturing and performance during their service life. The most common
example of properties enhancement is heat treatment of metals and alloys. Such treatment
modifies microstructure, producing a variety of mechanical properties that are important in
manufacturing, such as improved formability and machinability.

The Jominy end quench test is used to measure the hardenability of a steel, which is a
measure of the capacity of the steel to harden in depth under a given set of conditions.
Information about the hardenability of steels is necessary to be able to select the appropriate
combination of alloy steel and heat treatment to manufacture components of different size to
minimize thermal stresses and distortion. The Jominy end quench test is the standard method
for measuring the hardenability of steels. This describes the ability of the steel to be hardened
in depth by quenching. Hardenability depends on the chemical composition of the steel and
also be can affected by prior processing conditions, such as the austenitizing temperature. It is
not only necessary to understand the basic information provided from the Jominy test, but
also to appreciate how the information obtained can be used to understand the effects of
alloying in steels and the steel microstructure.
Hardenability is the ability of a steel to partially or completely transform from austenite to
some fraction of martensite at a given depth below the surface, when cooled under a given
condition. For example, a steel of a high hardenability can transform to a high fraction of
martensite to depths of several millimetres under relatively slow cooling, such as an oil
quench, whereas a steel of low hardenability may only form a high fraction of martensite to a
depth of less than a millimetre, even under rapid cooling such as a water quench.
Hardenability therefore describes the capacity of the steel to harden in depth under a given set
of conditions.

Steels with high hardenability are needed for large high strength components, such as large
extruder screws for injection moulding of polymers, pistons for rock breakers, mine shaft
supports, aircraft undercarriages, and also for small high precision components such as
diecasting moulds, drills and presses for stamping coins. High hardenability allows slower
quenches to be used (e.g. oil quench), which reduces the distortion and residual stress from
thermal gradients. Steels with low hardenability may be used for smaller components, such as

chisels and shears, or for surface hardened components such as gears. Hardenability can be
measured using the Jominy end quench test.


The Jominy End-Quench test determines hardenability of any variety of steel, and is
straightforward due to its simplicity and minimization of variables. The size and shape of the
sample are standardized as well as the quench process, so the extent of martensite formation
can be compared quantitatively between different steels. And since steels have similar
thermal conductivity, the distance from the quenched end correlates to a certain cooling rate.
Knowing this, the hardness of a metal cooled at a given cooling rate can be accurately
predicted from the Jominy test results.

The procedure for the Jominy End-Quench test is as follows: place the Jominy sample upright
in a 1000° C furnace for 30 minutes to create a phase known as austenite completely through
the sample. Before removing the sample from the furnace, prepare the water for the
quenching the end of the sample in the Jominy setup. The water spray should extend
vertically 2.5” without the sample in place, and the bottom of the sample should be 0.5”
above the water opening. Remove the sample using extreme caution and place it into the
mounting fixture, as seen in figure 1, taking no longer than 5 seconds for the transfer. Apply
water for at least 10 minutes, and if the sample is still warm, place sample in room
temperature water until cool. The next task is to measure the hardness of the sample. Using
the chop saw, cut the cap from the sample to create cylinder and mark the top. Create a flat
edge, using a grinder, at least 0.015” deep running along two opposite sides of the cylinder, as
seen in figure 2. Grind at a low speed setting to avoid creating too much heat, as heating may
change the material properties achieved during the quench; this should be accompanied by
water spray to keep the sample cool.

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Jominy End Quench Process

Figure 2: Correlation of Hardenability and Continuous Cooling

Experimental Procedure


Figure 3: Vickers Hardness Machine

Figure 4: Optical Microscope

Figure 5: Jominy End Quench Mchine

1. Preheat the furnace to 900 C.
2. Place the Jominy specimen in the furnace and soak for one hour.
3. Turn the water on at the Jominy sink. Adjust the free water column to about 2.5 in.
Swivel the baffle plate to block the water column so that there is no contact between
water and the test specimen when the test specimen is initially placed on the fixture.
4. Remove the Jominy specimen from the furnace and place it in the fixture. Swivel the
baffle out of position so that the water impinges on the bottom of the specimen
without wetting the sides of the specimen. Leave water running for about 15 minutes.
5. Remove the Jominy specimen from the fixture and grind a flat on the side of the
6. Take readings at an interval of 1mm up to 10mm by measuring the Vickers hardness.
7. Repeat the step 6 with the interval of 5 mm up to 50 mm and interval 0f 10 mm up to
100 mm.
8. Plot the data for Vickers Hardness versus Distance from quenched end.

Result, Discussion and Conclusion

Ahmad Ali Albustami bin Harun

Mohamad Najmi bin Mohd Moni

Mohamad Haiqal Amin bin Mohamad Izhar

Mohamad Faris Hasif bin Mohd Johari


Jominy Test ASTM A255

“Jominy End Quench Test” University of Cambridge DoITPoMS



Table 1: Result Group 1

Distance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D1 68.5 68.3 64.2 72.1 71.1 82.5 92.4 95.6 90.2 88.6 92.7
D2 63.9 67.8 63.5 80.1 71.9 90.2 93.8 95.5 94.0 90.5 95.1
Hardnes 423.3 401.0 455.3 320.5 362.3 248.5 214.0 203.1 218.7 231.3 210.3
s (HV)

Table 2: Result Group 2
Distance 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
D1 89.2 96.7 96.5 81.3 78.8 74.3 72.5 73.9
D2 91.9 105.2 98.2 82.4 80.5 75.4 75.8 80.0
Hardnes 226.3 181.9 195.8 280.0 292.5 331.0 337.2 313.2
s (HV)

Table 3: Result Group 3

Distance 50 60 70 80 90 100
(mm) 6: Graph Hardness vs Distance
D1 95.6 106.9 102.3 104.5 105.4 109.8
D2 103.6 109.1 107.0 105 103.8 110.3
Hardness 186.9 178.2 176.4 174.3 172 153

Hardness vs Distance

Hardness (HV) 250

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Distance (mm)


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