ESAS Mock Board

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Republic of the Philippines





INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.

1. What is the present worth of two P 100 payments at the end of the third year and
fourth year? The annual interest rate is 8%
A. P 151.09 B. P 153.89 C. P 152.88 D. P 150.56

2. Which of these elements has the highest atomic number? (April 2017)
A. Titanium B. Plutonium C. Uranium D. Radium

3. The following are vector quantities except ONE.

A. Acceleration B. Force C. Current D. Momentum

4. Pluto travels from perhelion to aphelion. What is the work done by gravity on Pluto?
(Sept 2014)
A. zero B. positive C. negative D. undetermined

5. Find the amount of P30,000 at 6 percent simple interest after 5 years. April 2017
A. P40,000 B. P39,000 C. P41,000 D. P42,000

6. Calculate the polar moment of inertia J of a 75 mm-diameter solid circular shaft.

A. 3.1 x 10^6 mm^4 B. 1.3 x 10^6 mm^4 C. 2.1 x 10^6 mm^4
D. 1.2 x 10^6 mm^4

7. The branch of mechanics which deals with bodies in motion is known as _____.
A. Dynamics B. Statics C. Kinetics D. Kinematics

8. For a heat engine operating between two temperatures (T2>T1), what is the
maximum efficiency attainable?
A. 1-T1/T2 B. 1-T2/T1 C. T1/T2 D. 1-(T1/T2)^k

9. Function of data link protocol that coordinates hop-to-hop data delivery where a hop
maybe a computer, a network controller or a network-connecting device such as router.
A. Flow control B. Error control C. Line discipline D. Selection

10. What is the accumulated amount of five-year annuity paying P 6,000 at the end of
each year, with interest rate at 15% compounded annually?
A. P 40,454.29 B. P 40,329.10 C. P 40,519.21 D. P 40,681.29

11. A barrel will rupture when the gauge pressure within reaches 350 kPa. It is attached
to the lower end of a vertical pipe, with the pipe and barrel filled with oil (SG = 0.89).
How long can the pipe be if the barrel is not to rupture?
A. 40.1 m B. 39.2 m C. 41.6 m D. 36.4 m

12. Battery acid is the common name for:

A. sulfuric acid B. formic acid C. hydrochloric acid D. nitric

13. A car moving at 70 kph has a mass of 1700 kg. What force is necessary to decelerate
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it at a rate of 40 cm/s²?
A. 4250 N B. 0.680 N C. 680 N D. 42.5 N

14. When 0.5 g of liquid is completely evaporated and collected in liter manometer, the
pressure is 0.25 atm and the temperature is 27 °C. Assume ideal gas behavior, find the
molecular weight.
A. 2.2 g/mol B. 49.2 g/mol C. 12.3 g/mol D. 64.0 g/mol

15. What is JCPC in EPIRA stands for?

A. Joint Congressional Power Committee B. Joint Congress Power Commission
C. Joint Congressional Power Commission D. Joint Congress Power

16. Fastest internet connection for home users nowadays.

A. DSL B. FTTH C. Dial up D. Broadband Wireless

17. What is the minimum horizontal clearance for open conductors from windows, doors,
porches, fire escapes or similar locations?
A. 1000 mm B. 1800 mm C. 1500 mm D. 1200 mm

18. At STP the density of chlorine is 3.22 kg/m³. What is the weight of this gas if
contained in a flask of 100 cubic centimeters at 24°C and 100 kpa?
A. 0.563 g B. 0.321 g C. 0.292 g D. 0.420 g

19. When a body is subjected to three mutually perpendicular stresses, of equal

intensity, the ratio of direct stress to the corresponding volumetric strain is known as
A. Young's modulus B. Modulus of Rigidity C. Bulk Modulus D.
Poisson's ratio

20. A square bar of Aluminum 2 in on a side and 10 in long is loaded by axial tensile
forces at the ends. Experimentally, it is found that the strain in the direction of the load
is 0.001 in/in. Determine the volume of the bar when the load is acting. Consider μ = 0.3.
A. 38.9864 in³ B. 40.0000 in³ C. 40.0136 in³ D. 39.9728 in³

21. What is the maximum operating temperature of type UF conductor?

A. 75 deg C B. 90 deg C C. 60 deg C D. 110 deg C

22. What is the maximum allowable distance interval between supports securing
A. 1800 mm B. 2000 mm C. 1500 mm D. 1000 mm

23. 1 kWHR is how many kilojoules?

A. 360 B. 3600 C. 1000 D. 100

24. Find the required diameter of steel member if the tensile design load is 6,000
pounds. Assume a safety factor of 5 based on an ultimate strength of 65,000 lbf/
A. 0.98 in B. 0.86 in C. 0.77 in D. 0.69 in

25. A Carnot refrigerator requires 10kW to remove 20 kJ/s from a 20 degC reservoir. What
is Th?
A. 440K B. 400K C. 360K D. 340K

26. A pipe 60 cm in length is connected at the end by a nozzle and the total energy
produced in the nozzle is 250 cm. Compute the velocity of the jet.
A. 70 m/s B. 60 m/s C. 80 m/s D. 90 m/s

27. A polytropic process PV^n = C, where n = 1 is called:

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A. isentropic B. isometric C. isothermal D. isobaric

28. P 1,000 6% bond pays dividend semi-annually and will be redeemed at 110% on June
21, 2004. It is bought on June 21, 2001 to yield 4% interest. Find the price of the bond.
A. P 1,155.06 B. P 1,122.70 C. P 1,144.81 D. P 1,133.78

29. Which of the following are intensive properties? i. temperature ii. Pressure iii.
Composition iv. mass
A. i only B. i and ii C. i,ii,and iii D. iv only

30. Structural steel elements subjected to torsion develop

A. tensile stress B. compressive stress C. shearing stress D. bending

31. The work of polytropic compression of air in a system with moving boundary initially
from 15 psia and 1.0 ft³ to 150 psia and 0.15 ft³ is:
A. 1080 ft-lb B. 6882 ft-lb C. 5050 ft-lb D. 2700 ft-lb

32. A cylinder contains oxygen at a pressure of 10 atm and a temperature of 300 K. The
volume of the cylinder is 10 liters. What is the mass of oxygen in grams?
A. 125.02 B. 130.08 C. 120.04 D. 135.05

33. What is the decimal equivalent of binary number 101.1101?

A. 5.8021 B. 5.8031 C. 5.8125 D. 5.8513

34. The amount of electricity a battery can produce is controlled by:

A. the discharge load B. the strength of the acid C. the thickness of the
plate D. the plate surface area

35. A bar of uniform cross section is subject to uniaxial tension and develops a strain in
the direction of the force of 1/800. Calculate the change in volume per unit volume.
Assume μ = 1/3.
A. 1/1200 decrease B. 1/2400 increase C. 1/1200 increase
D. 1/2400 decrease

36. The element that is practically insoluble in solid copper is known as

A. Lead B. Brass C. Boron D. Neon

37. The property by virtue of which a body resists any attempt to change its state of rest
or motion is called
A. Torpidity B. Passivity C. Inactivity D. Inertia

38. What is the molarity of the solution of 150g of KCL is dissolved in water to make 800
mL solution?
A. 2.51 moles/L B. 2.25 moles/L C. 2.87 moles?L D. 1.53 moles?L

39. The property of a material which allows it to be drawn into a smaller section is called
A. Plasticity B. Elasticity C. Ductility D. Malleability

40. (100) base 10 + (111) base 2 = (______) base 8.

A. 151 B. 153 C. 145 D. 105

41. A 2m long aluminum bar (modulus of elasticity = 70 GPa) is subjected to a tensile

stess of 175 MPa. Find the elongation.
A. 3.5mm B. 5.0 mm C. 7.5 mm D. 9.0 mm

42. A solid cube of aluminum is 2.00 cm on each edge. The density of aluminum is 2700
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kg/m³. Find the mass of the cube?
A. 32.4 g B. 34.2 g C. 21.6 g D. 26.1 g

43. A person invests $450 to be collected in eight years. Given that the interest rate on
the investment is 14.5%, compounded annually, what sum, in dollars, will be collected
eight years hence?
A. $450 B. $972 C. $1014 D. $1329

44. What is the base 10 equivalent of the binary number 0101110?

A. 30 B. 46 C. 47 D. 18

45. A car that travels at 40 kph for 2.0 hrs, at 50 kph for 1.0 hr and at 20 kph for 0.50 hr,
has an average speed of:
A. 40 kph B. 55 kph C. 31 kph D. 45 kph

46. R. A. 7920, Rule 2(f) is defining:

A. Commission B. Commissioner C. CPE D. R. A. 184, Old
Electrical Engineering Law

47. Which of the following is most likely to prove that a substance is in organic?
A. The substance evaporates in room temperature and pressure. B. The substance
floats in water C. Analysis shows that the substance contains hydrogen.
D. the substance is heated together with copper oxide and the resulting gases are
found to have no effect on limestone.

48. Codes are always

A. Eight bits per character B. Either seven or eight bits per character
C. Agreed upon in advance between sender receiver D. The same in all
modern computers

49. You want to invest an amount of P 100,000.00 in bank. Consider your 21 years old
today. Which of the following offers is the best?
A. You can receive an amount of P 200 K at your age of 29. B. You can receive an
amount of P 814 K at your age of 45. C. You can receive an amount of P 1.26 M
at your age of 50. D. You can receive an amount of P 400 K at your age of 37.

50. What structure do both aldehydes and ketones contain?

A. the carbon-carbon double bond B. the carbonyl group C. the hydroxyl
group D. the carboxyl group

51. Which of the following relationships define enthalpy?

A. h=pv+T B. h=u+p/T C. h=u+p/v D. h=u+pv

52. Which of the following thermodynamic cycles is the most efficient?

A. Carnot B. Rankine C. Brayton D. combined Brayton-Rankine

53. A turbine starts from rest to 180 rpm in 6 min at a constant acceleration. Find the
number of revolutions that it makes within the elapse time
A. 540 B. 550 C. 630 D. 500

54. Electrical symbol represented by a broken line.

A. circuit homerun B. emergency wiring C. open wiring D.
underground wiring

55. What does BASIC means?

A. Beginner's Arithmetic System Instruction Code B. Beginner's Algorithmic
Simplified Instruction Code C. Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
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D. Beginner's Application Software Instruction Code

56. What is annuity?

A. The future worth of present amount B. an annual repayment of loan
C. a series of uniform amounts over a period of time D. the present worth of
a future amount

57. The definition of sound is completed by these important things, except ONE.
A. There must be a vibrating body. B. There must be a receiver to detect the
sound. C. There must be a medium to transmit the vibration. D. The
vibration must be within human audible range.

58. A pipe 60 cm in length is connected at the end by a nozzle and the total energy
produced in the nozzle is 250 cm. Compute the velocity of the jet.
A. 70 m/s B. 60 m/s C. 80 m/s D. 90 m/s

59. Which of the following terms is related to the product of "Permittivity and
Permeability in Free Space"
A. Boltzmann Constant B. Faraday's Constant C. Planck Constant
D. Newton's Relativity Constant

60. What is the first coordination number of a body-centered cubic structure?

A. 8 B. 10 C. 6 D. 4

61. In an ideal gas, both pressure and temperature increases to twice the original
pressure and temperature respectively. if the original volume is Vo, then the new volume
A. 2Vo B. Vo C. Vo/2 D. 4Vo

62. Under conditions of very slow deformation at high temperatures, it is possible to

have plastic flows in a crystal at shear stresses lower than the critical shear, What is this
phenomenon called?
A. twinning B. creep C. bending D. slip

63. Calculate the pressure at a depth of 100 m in seawater, for which the specific weight
is 10.1 kN/m³?
A. 1010 kpa B. 1414 kpa C. 1616 kpa D. 1212 kpa

64. A branch of hydraulics which deals with the study of pure motion in liquids.
A. hydrology B. hydrokinetics C. hydrostatic D.

65. Which of the following engines is most efficient?

A. gasoline engine B. diesel engine C. gas turbine D. carnot

66. What is the coal that has been previously burned in an oxygen-poor environment?
A. Tuyere B. Coke C. Diamond D. Hematite

67. What refers to a system in which there is flow of mass across its boundaries? April
A. Open system B. Isolated System C. Closed system D. Steady
flow system

68. An iceberg has a density of 917 kg/m^3. If it floats in freshwater, what percent of
iceberg's volume will be visible?
A. 91.7% B. 93.1% C. 8.3% D. 6.9%
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69. At an annual rate or return of 85, what is the present forth of $100 at the end of four
A. $130 B. $132 C. $135 D. $136

70. Which of the following are intensive properties? i. temperature ii. Pressure iii.
Composition iv. mass
A. i only B. i and ii C. i,ii,and iii D. iv only

71. The abbreviation for a binary digit.

A. bid B. bin C. bit D. byte

72. An object is place 3 feet from the center of a horizontally rotating platform. The
coefficient of friction is 0.30. The object will begin to slide off when the flatform speed is
nearest to:
A. 12 rpm B. 17 rpm C. 22 rpm D. 33 rpm

73. A solid circular shaft is required to transmit 200 kW while turning at 1.5 rev/s. The
allowable shearing stress is 42 Mpa. Find the required shaft diameter.
A. 138 mm B. 148 mm C. 156 mm D. 126 mm

74. A 30 m long aluminum bar is subjected to a tensile stress of 175MPa. Find the
elongation if E= 69116MPa.
A. 8.13cm B. 7.60 cm C. 7.42 cm D. 6.12 cm

75. Find the equivalent of a 2microF and 4 microF capacitors is connected in parallel and
in series with a 3 microF capacitor. (April 2016)
A. 3 microF B. 2 microF C. 4 microF D. 4 microF

76. How long will it take money to double itself if invested at 5% compounded annually?
A. 13.7 years B. 15.3 years C. 14.7 years D. 14.2 years

77. P 1,000 6% bond pays dividend semi-annually and will be redeemed at 110% on June
21, 2004. It is bought on June 21, 2001 to yield 4% interest. Find the price of the bond.
A. P 1,155.06 B. P 1,122.70 C. P 1,144.81 D. P 1,133.78

78. A hydrogen cyanide concentration in the range of 100-200 ppm in air will kill human
within 10 to 60 minutes. A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 2000 ppm (about 2380
mg/m³) will kill a human in about 1 minute. What is the charge of the Carbon ion in the
A. (+) 4 B. (-) 4 C. (-) 2 D. (+) 2

79. Which of following is standard temperature and pressure?

A. 32 °F and 0 atm B. 0 K and 1 atm C. 0 °F and 0 atm D. 0 °C and
1 atm

80. The unit lighting for a dwelling unit expressed in watts per square meter shall be
A. 8 watts B. 16 watts C. 24 watts D. 40 watts

81. Combination of laminar and turbulent flow

A. critical B. continuous C. laminar D. turbulent

82. In Microsoft Excel, columns are named A to Z, then from AA to ZZ and then AAA to
XFD. How many columns are there all in all.
A. 8192 columns B. 24576 columns C. 16384 columns D.
32768 columns

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83. Ergonomics
A. Involves the interface between people and machines, such as terminals B. Is
the application of ergo-economics to communications C. Utilizes three-level ergo-
coding for transmission over certain channels D. All of the above

84. A piece of paper lies on a table 2 m away from a point directly below a bulb of 100
Cd and is 4 m above the table. Calculate the illumination on the center of the paper in
A. 4.5 B. 3.4 C. 6.7 D. 5.2

85. What is HTML?

A. Hypertext Machine Language B. Hypertext Transfer Machine Language
C. Hypertext Transfer Markup Language D. Hypertext Markup Language

86. R. A. 7920, Rule 2(f) is defining:

A. Commission B. Commissioner C. CPE D. R. A. 184, Old
Electrical Engineering Law

87. A 3.2-lb stone at the end of the string 2.0 ft long is whirled in a vertical circle. The
tension of the string is 5.0 lb when the stone is at the top of the circle. The stone's
velocity then is _____.
A. 1.8 ft/s B. 6.0 ft/s C. 10.0 ft/s D. 12.8 ft/s

88. SEPT 2017. The temperature of 105 g of liquid water at 0 degree C is raised by 1
degree C. What is the estimated calories consumed?
A. 100 cal B. 95 cal C. 105 cal D. 110 cal

89. A software that is commonly known as firmware.

A. IO B. OS C. Cache Memory D. BIOS

90. It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

A. mass number B. proton number C. molecular number D. atomic

91. The theoretical velocity generated by a 10-foot hydraulic head is

A. 12.2 ft/sec B. 17.9 ft/sec C. 25.4 ft/sec D. 29.2 ft/sec

92. The rate of doing work is known as

A. power B. potential energy C. kinetic energy D. none of these

93. If an automobile wheel 32 in in diameter rotates at 800 r/min, what is the speed of
the car in mph? (Sept 2014)
A. 12.1 B. 76.2 C. 24.2 D. 152.4

94. What do you call a system in which there is a flow of matter through the boundary?
This system usually encloses the device that involves mass flow, such as compressor,
turbine, or nozzle.
A. Closed system B. Open system C. Isolated System D. Non flow

95. The accounting ability to convert assets to cash quickly known as ______. (REE-Sept
A. Solvency B. leverage C. liquidity D. insolvency

96. A water-tight cubical, 12-inch outside dimensions, is made from 1/4 inch iron plate. If
SG = 7.7 for the iron, will the box float?
A. The box will not float B. The box will float C. The iron will float
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D. The box will sink

97. An impulse of 30 N-s is applied to a 5-kg mass. If the mass has a speed of 100 m/s
before the impulse, its speed after the impulse could be:
A. zero B. 106 m/s C. 250 m/s D. 6.00 m/s

98. Find the required diameter of steel member if the tensile design load is 6,000
pounds. Assume a safety factor of 5 based on an ultimate strength of 65,000 lbf/
A. 0.98 in B. 0.86 in C. 0.77 in D. 0.69 in

99. Which of the following is the standard temperature and pressure (STP)?
A. 0K and 1 atm B. 0C and 1 atm C. 0F and 0 atm D. 32F and 0 atm

100. Conductors must have a clearance from windows, porches, fire escapes of NOT less
A. 900 mm B. 800 mm C. 1000 mm D. 700 mm



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