Study On The Dynamics of Chitosan/ Cotton Fiber in An Airflow Around Two Rotating Cylinders

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Original article

Textile Research Journal

2018, Vol. 88(18) 2035–2043

Study on the dynamics of chitosan/ ! The Author(s) 2017

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cotton fiber in an airflow around DOI: 10.1177/0040517517715082
two rotating cylinders

Hui Fen Guo1, Chenxiao Yang1 and Li Li2

To predict chitosan/cotton yarn properties in ring spinning, a particle-level simulation method has been used to simulate
the dynamics of the fibers with different initial positions in three-dimensional airflow around counter-rotating cylinders.
The results show that the fibers near the cylinder end-face can leave two cylinders’ nip and move around the top cylinder,
thus form fly waste. It is good to entangle other fibers as this gives the fiber greater bending energy. Compared with
cotton fiber, the axial-direction deflections of the tail-ends of chitosan fibers near the cylinder center are much greater,
while their bending energies are much lower, thus forming a wide triangle zone and reduced fiber–fiber cohesion force
and yarn strength. To demonstrate the simulation results, a series of spinning experiments are completed, which tally
with the predictions.

chitosan, cotton, fiber dynamics, spinning triangle, rotating flow

Chitosan (CS) is an excellent biomaterial, and has to other spinning systems, is used to produce CS–
drawn much attention in research and industry because cotton blended yarn.4 In the ring-spinning process,
it is nontoxic, edible, biocompatible, biodegradable, the drafted fiber strand leaves the front roller nip and
bacteriostatic, and fungistatic.1 All these features is twisted into a yarn. This twist region between the
make CS a promising material for widespread applica- front roller nip and the fiber convergence point is
tions. For example, in the area of textiles, CS can be called the spinning triangle, which is a critical region.
used to make functional materials and fabrics, and also In this triangle zone, the fibers are transformed and
for textile wet processing, including dyeing, printing, transferred around other fibers and enhance friction
durable press, antistatic finishes, etc.2 However, the between fibers, which is beneficial for yarn strength
use of CS is limited due to its poor mechanical proper- and wear resistance.5 Obviously, the motion and inter-
ties, weak barrier properties of the film, and high mois- action of the fibers in the triangle zone are closely
ture sensitivity.3 Moreover, the production cost of CS related to their dynamics. Also, as the front roller
fiber is higher than that of others. Blending of different pairs make an equal high-speed and reverse rotation,
fibers in the textile industry is an alternative way to use
the good properties of the components and incorporate
the more desirable features of the constituent fibers. 1
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University QT702, The Hong Kong
The CS–cotton blend yarn could be an ideal method
Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
to balance cost and functionality. At present, most of 2
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University QT702, The Institute of Textiles
the information available in the literature on CS–cotton and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon,
yarn properties is based on spinning experiments,4 but a Hong Kong
combined theoretical and numerical study of this sub-
ject is rarely reported in the published literature. Corresponding author:
Li Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University QT702, The Institute of
Due to both low strength and poor spinnability of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
CS, ring spinning, which contributes to higher yarn Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
quality and is more flexible in application compared Email: [email protected]
2036 Textile Research Journal 88(18)

a rotating airflow is created. Due to the effects of the joints.9 Based on small deflection theory,10 we have
rotating flow, the flexible fibers are transferred and introduced a bead–rod-chain fiber model,11,12 in
rotated around the neighboring fibers, resulting in the which the rods only serve to transmit forces and main-
fibers twisting into the convergence point to form the tain the configuration of the fiber, to calculate the
triangle zone. Therefore, the dynamics of flexible fibers motion of the flexible fiber in a swirling flow. This
in rotating flows is of great interest to predict the prod- model can also save computational time because
uct properties, and to optimize the design of the spin- fewer beads are used.
ning systems. In this paper, we will set up a fiber model In this study an extended 3D bead–rod-chain fiber
to study the dynamics of CS–cotton fibers in a rotating model of Guo and Xu11,12 is employed to simulate the
flow (the spinning triangle) and analyze the product dynamics of CS–cotton fibers in the 3D rotating flow in
properties using a numerical method. a spinning triangle. To simulate the motion of a flexible
It is known that the textile fibers have a large ratio of fiber in a flow field, the one-way coupling Euler–
length to radius, i.e., aspect ratio, and at the same they Lagrange approach is utilized. The flow field is first
are elastic and flexible. Therefore, the dynamics of obtained by solving Navier–Stokes equations with
flexible fibers are very complicated. The particle-level dynamic meshes using the finite-volume approach,
simulations, in which the fibers are represented by and then fiber dynamics are investigated by solving
multiple rigid-body systems of hydro-dynamically the bead–rod model equations describing the response
simple particles, may be a useful complement to theor- of an elastic fiber to the combined forces exerted on it
etical and experimental investigations. Yamamoto and by the fluid flow. Finally, to verify numerical predic-
Matsuoka6 regarded a fiber as a group of spheres that tions, a set of corresponding spinning experiments is
are lined up and bonded to each neighbor (called a designed.
bead-chain). Each pair of bonded spheres can stretch,
bend, and twist, by changing the bond distance, bond
angle, and torsion angle. Ross and Klingenberg7 repre- Computational method
sented a fiber as a series of rigid prolate spheroids con-
nected end-to-end, whose model eliminated the need for
Numerical simulation of fluid flow
iterative constraints to maintain fiber connectivity in In spinning studies, the drafting system is mostly
the bead-chain6 and represented large aspect ratio inclined at an angle  ¼ 45 with respect to the horizon-
fibers with relatively few rigid bodies. It was further tal plane, and the front top rollers’ central axes are
explored by Dong and colleagues8 to account for displaced forward by 3 mm relative to the correspond-
fiber–wall interaction. A disadvantage of the approach ing central axes of the bottom rollers.5,13 For the con-
of Ross and Klingenberg7 is the difficulty of finding venience of modeling, the rollers are simplified as
interfiber separations among spheroids. To overcome circular cylindrical shapes. Figure 1 shows the profile
such restrictions, Schmid and colleagues modeled flex- with two rotating cylinders used in a 3D simulation.
ible fibers as chains of circular cylinders with hemi- The origin of the 3D Cartesian coordinate system is
spherical end-caps connected by ball-and-socket located at the center of the axis of the upper cylinder

Figure 1. Profiles of the 3D model and z-direction projection for 45 inclination angle and the 3 mm forward offset of the top roller.
Guo et al. 2037

without the offset. The z-axis is along the axial direction updates are obtained through systematic implemen-
of the cylinders and the y-axis is vertical, pointing tations of spring-based smoothing14 and local
downwards. The x–z plane is the horizontal plane and remeshing.15
the x–y plane is parallel to the cross-sections of the
cylinders. The computation constants are given as fol-
Flexible fiber dynamics model
lows: The length of the two circular cylinders is 28 mm,
and their diameters are 25 mm for the lower cylinder The dynamics of a flexible fiber in a fluid field depends
and 28 mm for the upper one. The distance between two on the fiber properties such as stiffness, fiber length, the
cylinder centers is 0.3 mm. The rotational speed of the surface roughness, and cross-sectional deformation. To
bottom roller (lower cylinder) of 240 rpm is used. simplify, the surface roughness and cross-sectional
In this paper, the flow field can be considered to be deformation of the fiber are ignored and a fiber
viscous, unsteady, and incompressible flows; time- with equal diameter and smooth surface is assumed.
averaged conservation equations are used to calculate The fiber extensibility is important here since the fiber
the flows. The governing equations are given as: will be stretched in the textile drafting system.
Therefore, we will extend the bead–rod fiber model of
ru¼0 Guo and Xu by considering the stretching force of the
@u ð1Þ fiber in this study.11,12 The fiber is composed of n beads
þ ðu  rÞu ¼ rP þ Re1 r2 u of radius r, which are connected by n – 1 mass-less rods.
Only beads are affected by the stretching, bending, and
where u  (u, v, w) is the velocity field, t is the time, P is twisting restoring forces, as well as the hydro forces
the static pressure, and Re is the Reynolds number. from the fluid, and the rods only serve to transmit
To perform numerical simulations around two rotat- forces and maintain the configuration of the fiber. In
ing circular cylinders, the dynamic mesh technology this section, only a brief outline of the fiber model is
is adopted.14,15 With respect to dynamic meshes, described. A detailed description of the fiber model
on an arbitrary control volume, V, the integral form and the computational method are available from
of the conservation equation for a general flux, , is Guo and Xu.11
written as: Based on small deflection theory,10 the fiber
Z Z stretch, bend, and twist can be described by
d * changing the displacements of two, three, or four adja-
dV þ ðu  ug Þ  d A
dt V @V cent beads, respectively (Figure 2). The stretching Fis,
Z Z ð2Þ bending Fib, and twisting Fit restoring forces exert on
¼ ~
r  dA þ S dV the bead i:
@V V

where  is the air density, ug is the mesh velocity of the r2 E

moving mesh, is the diffusion coefficient, and S is the Fsi ¼ lei1,i
source term. qV is used to represent the boundary of the 3Elb
control volume. Fbi ¼  3 sb ð3Þ
In the present computation, the finite-volume code
Fluent is used. The computational procedure is simpli- GIt
Fti ¼  st
fied by limiting the deformations to the two rotating ls li2, i1
cylinders’ domain and grids, in which all the computa-
tional domains are set as stationary domains. The mesh

Figure 2. Sketch of the fiber deformations for (a) stretching; (b) bending; and (c) twisting.
2038 Textile Research Journal 88(18)

As shown in Figure 2, l and ei–1,i are the extension Table 1. Physical properties of cotton and chitosan fibers
and unit vectors of the fiber section (i – 1, i), respect-
Breaking Young’s
ively; (i – 1, it) is the equilibrium position of the fiber
Length Fineness Tenacity extension modulus
section (i – 1, i); and the fiber section will be bent (mm) (Denier) (cN/tex) (%) (cN/tex)
when the bead i moves from it to it+t. The fiber section
(i – 1, it+t) is the position after torsion of (i – 1, i) and Cotton (CT) 37 1.6 16.89 12.3 344.22
the line (it+t, it) is normal to the plane comprising the Chitosan (CS) 38 1.81 15.49 23.45 521.24
fiber sections (i – 2, i – 1) and (i – 3, i – 2). sb is
the bending deflection of the section (i – 1, i) and st is
the twisting displacement of the section (i – 2, i – 1).
E and Ib are Young’s modulus and the moment of iner- where Xi and mi are the displacement and mass of the
tia of the fiber cross-section area, respectively. G and It bead i, respectively.
are the shear modulus and the polar moment of inertia, When solving the dynamic (7) of the fiber, due to
respectively. li–1, i and li–2, i–1 are the fiber lengths from numerical errors, the following connectivity of the fiber
its adjacent beads i – 1(i – 2) and i(i – 1), respectively. ls chain, i.e., the nonslip conditions, may be broken.
is the length of the line segment (it+t, i(i–2, i–1)). X
In this paper, only drag force is considered. For the ðXi  Xi1 Þ ¼ lf ð8Þ
bead i, the drag force Fid is contributed by fiber sections
(i – 1, i) and (i, i + 1). It can be calculated by: where Xi–1 and Xi are the position vectors of adjacent
beads i – 1 and i, respectively. lf is the total length of the
Fdi ¼ ðFdi1,i þ Fdi,iþ1 Þ=2 ð4Þ fiber. Similar to the method of Doi and Chen,17 to
remove this problem at each time step the positions
Fdi–1,i and Fdi,i+1 are the drag forces acting on the of the beads are slightly adjusted from Xi to Xi +
bead i, which are devoted to the fiber sections (i – 1, i) Xi in such a way that the quantity of the function
and (i, i + 1), respectively. To obtain these forces, the (Xi)2 becomes minimum.
method of equivalent volume is used when the fiber
section is regarded as a cylindrical rod. Therefore, the Experimental
drag Fdi–1,i acting on the fiber section (i – 1, i) can be
expressed as: For qualitative verification of numerical results of the
fiber dynamics in the spinning triangle, 20 (Ne) yarn
Fdi1,i ¼  d2v CD jVi  Vfi jðVi  Vfi Þ=8 ð5Þ samples including pure cotton (CT), pure chitosan
(CS), and the chitosan–cotton (CS–CT) blend with
where dv ¼ (6r2li–1,i)1/3 is the equivalent diameter of an 50% cotton ratio were produced in the ring-spinning
equal volume sphere. CD is the drag coefficient. Vi and system using the same production conditions. Cotton
Vfi are the fluid and fiber velocities at the mass center of and chitosan fibers were used as raw materials for the
the fiber section (i – 1, i), respectively. preparation of the samples. The raw material properties
In addition, since the gap between two cylinders of the CS and CT fibers used in this study, which were
(roller nip) is very small, the fiber will frequently measured by INSTRON 5566 according to ASTM
touch two cylinder walls, thus, a simple particle-wall standard D1577, are given in Table 1.
collision model is adopted here. In this paper, the All these yarns are tested on an automatic single-
dependence of the normal en and tangential et coeffi- yarn strength tester with a testing speed of 200 mm/
cients of restitution on the collision angle, a, was min under the test standard ISO 2063-93. Mean ten-
assumed to follow the relation obtained by Grant and acity and breaking extension are averaged from 50
Tabakoff:16 observations for each yarn sample.
The properties of the yarns spun using 100% CT,
en ¼ 0:993  1:76 þ 1:562  0:493 100% CS, and 50% CS/50%CT blends are given in
ð6Þ Table 2. The experimental results show yarn tenacity
et ¼ 0:988  1:66 þ 2:112  0:673
increases with rising cotton fiber content. The pure
According to Newton’s second law, the equations cotton yarns show the highest tenacity and elasticity
of motion for the bead i that constitute the fiber are (elongation at break), and minimum irregularity (CV)
given as: values as compared with other yarns. Owing to the low
strength and cohesion of the CS fiber, the pure CS yarn
has the lowest tenacity and highest elongation irregu-
mi dVfi =dt ¼Fsi þFbi þFti þFdi
ð7Þ larity (CV). As CS and CT fibers are blended, except for
dXi =dt ¼Vfi the tenacity irregularity (CV), the tenacity and
Guo et al. 2039

Table 2. Properties of (pure /blended) chitosan (CS)/cotton directions of the fluid around two cylinders are oppos-
(CT) yarns in experimental conditions ites. It is noted that the fluid is asymmetrical, especially
in the roller nip (the inclined plane between two cylin-
Blend ratio Tenacity Tenacity at break Elongation Hairiness ders), due to different rotational velocities and diam-
CS/CT (%) (cN/tex) CV (%) (%) CV(%) index (H) eters of the two rollers and their inclined position.
Therefore, the fiber strands will form an asymmetric
100/0 8.48 8.8 4.97 21.3 7.42 spinning triangle under the action of the asymmetric
50/50 16.73 9 5.44 9 5.1 flow field. Simulation results well supported the spin-
0/100 22.56 6.2 6.43 4 5.51 ning test and theory.18 The fluid motion along the cylin-
der axis (z-axis) in the roller nip is similar to the
magnetic induction line around the cylinder center.
The vortex can be observed in the front upper of the
top roller, and its size increases and the strength
decreases gradually along the z-axis (from the cylinder
center to its end).
It is seen in Figure 4a that due to the centrifugal
force, as the CS fiber (z ¼ 12 mm) lies at the edge of
the cylinders, where the positions of the two end-
planes of the cylinders are at z ¼ 14 mm, its tail-end
part is off the roller nip, i.e., out of the cylinders, and its
leading portion moves around the top roller (upper
cylinder). Therefore, the fibers near the ends of the
cylinder will shift out of the roller’s nip.
Figure 3. The initial positions of the computed fibers. Corresponding to spinning theory and experience,5,18
yarn hairiness or fly will be produced as the head and
tail of the border fiber cannot be involved in the gauze.
elongation of the blended yarn increases greatly and the Similarly, the tail-end of the center CS fiber (z ¼ 0 mm)
hairiness decreases. also deflects gradually from the cylinder center due to
the z-direction asymmetric fluid of the rotating flow
(Figure 4b). However, the fiber is bound into the
Results and discussion roller nip and its head-end moves toward the z-axis
In this section, simulations were conducted to create a center and the bottom roller to form the spinning tri-
rotating flow in the spinning triangle, and to compute angle. Note also that the fiber will straighten gradually
the dynamics of CS–CT fiber at different positions. in the triangle zone. This coincides with the formation
Again, yarn structure and quality with experimental principle of the triangle zone,5,18 that the fiber assembly
and numerical results were also discussed. For all the contains no twist in this zone.
following computer-studied cases, the parameters of the As shown in Figure 4, the fibers with springy and
CS–CT fiber are the same as our spinning experiment. snake-like configurations7,9,19 simultaneously move
The fiber length is 38 mm, and it is placed initially in an along the stream-wise direction and rotate in a spiral
inclined plane between two cylinders (the roller nip), orbit. This is because the rotating flow is helical. The
which has an angle of 45 from the horizontal plane trajectories of two end beads of the fibers in Figure 5
(Figure 3). The trailing end of the fiber is out of the also show this, where all particle trajectories show hel-
front roller nip and its lead-end is still inside. Along the ical shapes with stream-wise direction, especially, the
z-axis, the fibers at the four different initial position tail-end of the fiber for all cases. For the fibers near
(z ¼ 0, 5, 7, 12 mm) are computed. It is noted that the the cylinder center, which is less than half the length
cylinder length is 28 mm and only the fibers at one side corresponding to the cylinder center (z ¼ 0 and 5 mm),
of the cylinder center are simulated. The initial velocity their tail-ends in the negative stream-wise (y-axis) dir-
of the bead that constitutes the fiber is equal to that of ection first move toward the opposite direction of their
the fluid at the location of the bead centroid. positions along the z-axis, i.e., the negative z-axis, and
then toward the cylinder center as they reach the posi-
tive y direction (Figure 5a). Also, with the z-axis, the
Dynamics of the CS–CT fiber
head-ends of the fibers near the center (z ¼ 0 and 5 mm)
As shown in Figure 4, owing to the two cylinders rotat- move first in the opposite direction, and then they both
ing in the opposite direction, the velocity is greatest go toward the cylinder center (Figure 5b). The simula-
near the circular cylinders, and the stream-wise tion results, i.e., fiber trajectories, show the fibers in
2040 Textile Research Journal 88(18)

Figure 4. Fluid velocity vector and evolutions of CS fiber configurations on 3D and the x–y plane with different initial positions: (a)
z ¼ 12 mm; (b) z ¼ 0 mm. The thick color lines indicate the fiber shapes at different times. The short black lines with arrows indicate
the fluid velocity vectors.

inner and outer layers can migrate and interweave with the middle fiber, its tail-end will insert into the yarn in
each other to increase the interfiber friction and form a the triangle zone and the head-end is free, which will
triangle zone. This is in good agreement with the theory form heading hairiness and lead to unevenness.5,18
of the spinning triangle.5,18 It is clear that the deflection The spinning experiment shows that CS–CT fiber
of the tail-end of the fiber at z ¼ 5 mm is larger than blending can improve yarn strength and unevenness
that of the fiber at z ¼ 0 mm (Figure 5a). In addition, (Table 2). To demonstrate this point from the fiber
the tail-end of the fiber at z ¼ 5 mm almost moving to dynamics, Figure 6 shows the trajectories of end
the cylinder edge may lead to form tail-end hairiness. beads of CS and CT fibers with different initial pos-
On the contrary, from Figure 5, the tail- and head- itions. It can be observed from the figure that there is
ends of the fibers (z ¼ 7 and 12 mm) in the middle and no obvious difference between the (head- and tail-end)
edge of the cylinders shift along the positive z- and x- trajectories of CS and CT fibers as they lie in the middle
axes, respectively, due to stronger z directional fluid of the half axis of the cylinders (z ¼ 7 mm). It needs to
and the vortex in the front upper of the upper cylinder be noted that the cotton fiber near the cylinder end also
(see also the fluid field in Figure 4). Also, their lead-end leaves the roller’s nip as the CS fiber, which is not
will cover the surface of the top cylinder. Different from shown in the figure. For all fibers near the cylinder
the edge fiber, the tail-end of the middle fiber center (z ¼ 0 and 5 mm), along z-axis, their tail-ends
(z ¼ 7 mm) does not leave the cylinders; its head-end, first move in the opposite direction of the axis, then
however, moves around the top cylinder. Therefore, for toward the cylinder center. Again, they are bound
Guo et al. 2041

Figure 5. The trajectories of end beads of CS fibers with different initial position: (a) tail-end bead; (b) lead-end bead projection on
the xy plane.

Figure 6. The trajectories of end beads of CS and CT fibers with different initial positions: left, tail-end bead; right, lead-end bead
projection on the x–y plane.

into the cylinder’s nip and, except the cotton fiber at the principle of ring spinning,5 the long and narrow
z ¼ 5 mm, they cover the surface of the bottom cylinder. triangle zone implies a long weak point and causes
Consequently, the triangle zone is formed. It is clear more end breakages; however, the small triangle
that for the cotton fibers near the cylinder center width can make that the edge fibers are better bound
(z ¼ 0 and 5 mm), the z-direction deflections of their in the yarn, which gives smoother (less hairy) and stron-
tail-end are much smaller than those of CS fibers due ger yarns. The spinning experiment also supports this;
to lower rigidity of CT fibers; thus, the pure cotton yarn the pure cotton yarn has the greatest breaking exten-
can form a narrower and longer triangle compared to sion (%) and strength and least unevenness and hairi-
the pure CS yarn. Also, the pure CS yarn will form a ness (see also Table 2). In addition, the simulation
wide triangle zone to decrease the fiber–fiber cohesion results show that CS fibers will migrate outwards in
force, as a result, a lower yarn strength. According to CS–CT blended yarn due to a greater z-direction
2042 Textile Research Journal 88(18)

Figure 7. (a) Deformation energy of CS fiber at different positions; (b) bending potential energy of CS–CT fibers at different

offset of CS fibers. The spinning experiments of Lam Hence, the fiber at z ¼ 7 mm can entangle more
and colleagues4 support this, in which Hamilton migra- fibers and increase hairiness because it moves toward
tion indices of CS fibers are positive (i.e., outward the top roller. This also coincides with the spinning
migration) for all CS–CT blended yarn. Compared experiments (see also Table 2).
with pure CS and pure CT, CS–CT blended yarn has It is clear that the bending energy of cotton fibers is
increased strength due to the inward migration of CT much larger than that of chitosan fibers, except for
fibers, and improved antibacterial properties due to the fibers at z ¼ 7 mm (Figure 7b). Therefore, the cotton
outward migration of CS fibers. fiber near the cylinder center (z ¼ 0 and 5 mm) can
entangle more fibers to produce strength (see also
Table 2). For the fiber at the middle of the half axis
Mechanical energy of the CS–CT fibers of the cylinders (z ¼ 7 mm), the cotton has less bending
The fibers sustain their motion and deformation by energy. As chitosan and cotton fibers are blended, they
exchanging energy with the surrounding fluid. The elas- combine to improve the yarn’s properties (see also
tic potential energy Ep is generated by the stretching/ Table 2).
compression (Es), bending (Eb), and twisting (Et). It has
three components (Ep ¼ Es + Eb + Et), defined by
Eq. (9).10
The extend bead–rod fiber model proposed by Guo and
Z lf
1 Xu11,12 was applied to simulate CS–CT dynamics in 3D
Es ¼ ðFs Þ2 ds rotating airflow around two counter-rotating cylinders.
0 2r2 E
Z lf The effects of different initial positions of CS–CT fibers
Eb ¼ ðMb Þ2 ds ð9Þ on yarn properties were also discussed. The predictions
0 2EIb of yarn properties correspond with the experimental
Z lf
1 and theory results.
Et ¼ ðMt Þ2 ds
0 2GIt For the most cases, the fibers near the cylinder end-
face can leave the cylinder’s nip and move around the
top cylinder, thus form fly waste. The stretching energy
where Mb and Mt are bending and torsional moments, remains constant with time, and the bending energy is
respectively. the largest at z ¼ 0 mm. Compared to chitosan fiber, the
Note that the twisting potential energy, which is not tail-ends of the cotton fibers have a much smaller nega-
shown in Figure 7, may be ignored because it is at least tive direction deflection along the z-axis, and thus form
one order of magnitude lower than the bending energy. a narrower triangle zone and stronger yarns. The bend-
This further demonstrates that the fiber assembly con- ing energy of cotton fiber is much greater than that of
tains no twist in the spinning triangle zone.5 As shown chitosan fiber.
in Figure 7a, for all cases, the stretching energy of CS
fibers remains constant with time. The bending energy Declaration of conflicting interests
is the largest at z ¼ 0 mm. However, it is the smallest at The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
z ¼ 5 mm because it has the largest stretching energy. respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The change of the bending energy at z ¼ 7 mm is largest. article.
Guo et al. 2043

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