Delegate Handbook

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Delegate's Handbook 


MUN@DPSD 201​9 

Delegate's Handbook 

Delegate’s Handbook  

What is the UN?  

The  United  Nations  (UN)  is  an  international  organization  whose  stated  aims  are  to 
facilitate  cooperation  between  states  in  the  realms  of  international  law,  international 
security,  economic  development,  social  progress,  human  rights  and  achieving  world 
peace.  The  UN  is  central  to  global  efforts  to  solve  problems  that  challenge  humanity.  The 
UN  was  founded  after  World  War  II  to  replace  the  League  of  Nations,  and  to bring an end 
to  war  by  providing  a  platform  for  dialogue.  The  United  Nations  officially  came  into 
existence  on  ​24​th  October  1945,​   when  the  Charter  had  been ratified by China, France, the 
Soviet  Union,  the  United  Kingdom,  the  United  States  and  a  number  of  other  major 
signatories.  The  establishing  document  of  the  United  Nations  is  the  UN  Charter  which  can 
be  described  as  a  constitution  of  sorts.  The  charter  serves  as  the  complete  authority  on  all 
matters with relation to administration at the UN.  

The  United  Nations  currently  has  193  member  states.  All  recognized independent states 
are  a  member  of  the  UN  with  the  exception  of  the  Vatican  City  that  has  gained  observer 
status. The UN charter outlines the rules for the membership.  
They are:  
1. Memberships  in  the  UN  are  open  to  all  peace  loving  states  which  accept  the 
obligations  contained  in the present charter and in the judgment of the organization 
are able and willing to carry out these obligations. 
2. The  admission  of  any  such  state  to  membership  will  be  based  on  a  decision  by  the 
General Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Security Council. 

What is MUN? 
Model  United  Nations  (also  Model  UN  or  MUN)  is  an  academic  simulation  of  the  United 
Nations  that  aims  to  educate  participants  about  current  events,  topics  in  international 
relations,  diplomacy  and  the  United  Nations  agenda.  The  participants  role-play  as 
diplomats  representing  a  nation  or  NGO  in  a  simulated  session  of  an  organ  of  the  United 
Nations, such as the Security Council or the General Assembly. 

Delegate's Handbook 

Welcome to MUN@DPSD  
DPS Dubai proudly welcomes you to MUN@DPSD’19! 
Every  year,  our  school’s  conference  sees  hundreds  of  students  walk  through  its  esteemed 
halls; some nervous, some energized, most hungry, but all eager for what awaits them. 
MUN@DPSD,  however,  is  more  about  what  you  leave  with,  rather  than  how  you  come  in. 
We  hope  to  turn  your  eagerness and enthusiasm into a passion for debating, and a hunger 
for  knowledge.  It  encourages  high  school  students  to play a part in helping us stand united 
against  the  ever-present  forces  that  constantly  seek  to  divide  us.  The  world  is  rife  with  war, 
disease  and  devastation,  which  is  precisely  why  we,  as  the  trailblazers  of  the  next 
generation,  must  understand  the  importance  of  inculcating  the  values  of  collaboration 
and empathy within ourselves. 
Our  conference  is  more  than  a  competition;  it  is  an  experience,  a  way  for  you  to  learn 
more  about  yourself,  your  friends,  and  the  world.  Our  sole  request  to  all  participants  is  this: 
view the world not as it is, but as it could be. It’s what sets us apart. 

Committees at MUN@DPSD’19: 
Security Council 
The  Security  Council  takes  the  lead  in  determining  the  existence  of  a  threat  to  the 
peace  or  act  of  aggression.  It  calls  upon  the  parties  to  a  dispute  to  settle  it  by  peaceful 
means  and  recommends  methods  of  adjustment or terms of settlement. In some cases, the 
Security  Council  can  resort  to  imposing  sanctions  or  even  authorize  the  use  of  force  to 
maintain or restore international peace and security. 

General Assembly 1 
The  First  Committee  of  the  General  Assembly  deals  with  Disarmament  and 
International  Security.  The  First  Committee  meets  every  year  in  October.  The  Disarmament 
Commission  debates  suggestive  measures  to  initiate  reduction  in  dangerous  weaponry  all 
around the world. 

General Assembly 3 
The  Social,  Cultural  and  Humanitarian  Affairs  Committee (SOCHUM) was established 
after  the  development  of  the  Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights  in  1948.  The 
committee’s  main  task  is  to  strive  for  better  compliance  to  human  rights  in  every  region  of 
this world and thus promote international peace and security. 

Delegate's Handbook 

Historic Crisis Committee 

A  committee  that  operates  on  a  variable  timeline,  which  is  unique  in  that  it  is  set  in 
the  past.  Usually  set  in  the  time  of  an  international  crisis  from a bygone era, this committee 
has delegates making new mistakes in old conflicts, attempting to resolve the crisis at hand.  

Futuristic Crisis Committee 

While  traditional  General  Assembly  and  Specialized  committees  operate  on a static 
timeline,  Crisis  does  not.  This  committee  is  set  in  the  future where the actions the delegates 
take directly affect each update and influence the eventual end result of the committee. 

White House National Security Council 

It  is  the  President’s  principle forum for considering the United States’ national security 
and  foreign  policy  matters  with  his  senior  national  security  advisors  and  cabinet  officials. 
Delegates  in  this  cabinet  are  to  advise  and  assist  the  President  on  the  said  matters  and 
serve as the President’s arm for coordinating policies among various government agencies. 

International Criminal Court 

As  part  of  the  judicial  organ  of  the  UN,  students  participate  as  prosecutors, 
defenders  and  judges.  Participants  in  this  committee  enjoy  an  entirely  unprecedented 
experience,  one  that  allows them to delve into the working of an exceptionally integral law 

World Health Organization 

The  World  Health  Organization  (WHO)  is  a  specialized  agency  of  the  United Nations 
that  is  concerned  with  international  ​public  health​.  Working  with  194  Member  States,  the 
WHO  strives  to  combat  diseases  -  those  communicable  like  influenza  and  HIV  as  well  as 
non-communicable, such as cancer. 

United  Nations  Educational,  Scientific  and  Cultural  Organization  - 

Middle School Committee 
This  is  a  ​specialized  agency  of  the  UN  who’s  declared  purpose  is  to  contribute  to 
promoting  international  collaboration  in  education,  sciences,  and  culture.  the  first  ever 
middle school committee at MUN@DPSD. 

International Press Corps 

The  press  serves  as  the  primary  link  between  the  United  Nations  and  the  global 
population.  The  International  Press  Corps  ​will  consist  of  representatives  from  a  variety  of 

Delegate's Handbook 

global publications and media outlets. 

MUN Vocabulary 
Abstain  ​-  During  a  vote  on  a  substantive  matter,  delegates  may  abstain  rather  than  vote 
yes  or  no.  This  generally  signals  that a state does not support the resolution being voted on, 
but does not oppose it enough to vote no. 
Ad  Hoc  ​-  ​Ad  Hoc  refers  to  committees  like  the  Security  Council,  Crisis  and  Historic 
Committees,  where  resolutions  are  not  pre-written  and  then  debated,  but  instead, clauses 
are  submitted  by  delegates,  and  the  committee  debates  the  clause  and  make 
amendments to better the individual clause itself. 
Adjourn  ​-  All  UN  or  Model  UN  sessions  end  with  a  vote  to  adjourn.  This  means  that  the 
debate  is  suspended  until  the  next  meeting.  This  can  be  a  short  time  (e.g.,  overnight)  or  a 
long time (until next year's conference). 
Agenda  ​-  The  order  in  which  the  issues  before  a  committee  will  be  discussed.  ​It  is  the 
committee’s schedule. 
Amendment  ​-  A  change  (addition,  removal  or  adjustment)  to  the draft clause or resolution 
on  the  floor.  Submitted  during  debate,  and  is  debated  on  in  closed  debate,  before being 
voted on.  
Background  Guide/Research  Report  [BG/RR]  ​-  A  guide  to  a  topic  being  discussed  in  a 
committee,  usually  written  by  the  chairs  of  the  committee  and  distributed  to  delegates 
before the conference. The starting point for any research before an MUN conference. 
Binding  ​–  For  a  ‘binding’  resolution  is  a  resolution with the power to be forced into action in 
member states. 
Bloc  ​–  ​A  group  of  member  states  who  share  similar  views  on  the  agenda  at hand, or have 
similarities in cultural or political policy. 
Caucus  ​-  A  break  in  formal  debate  in which countries can be more relaxed, and informally 
discuss a topic. There are two types: moderated caucus and unmoderated caucus. 
Chair  ​-  A  member  of  the  dais  that  moderates  debate,  keeps  time,  rules  on  points  and 
motions,  and  enforces  the  rules  of  procedure.  Chairs  are  the  judges  of  a  delegate’​s 
performance at MUN conference. 
Decorum  ​-  The  order  and  respect  for  others  that  all delegates at an MUN conference must 
Delegate's Handbook 

exhibit.  The  Chair  will  call  for  decorum  when  they  feel  that  the  committee  is  not  being 
respectful of a speaker, of the dais, or of their roles as ambassadors. 
Delegation  ​-  The  entire  group  of  people  representing  a  member  state  or  observer  in  all 
committees at a particular Model UN conference. 
Draft  resolution  ​-  A  document  that  seeks  to  fix  the  problems  addressed  by  a  Model  UN 
committee. If passed by the committee, the draft resolution will become into a resolution. 
Member  State  ​-  A  country  that  has  ratified  the  Charter  of  the  United  Nations  and  whose 
application  to  join  has  been  accepted  by  the  General  Assembly  and  Security  Council. 
Currently,  there  are  191  member  states.  The  only internationally recognized state that is not 
a member state is the Holy See. 
Motion  ​-  A  request  made  by  a  delegate  that  the  committee  as  a  whole  do  something. 
Some  motions  might  be  to  go  into  a  caucus,  to  adjourn,  to  introduce  a  draft  resolution, or 
to move into voting bloc. 
Observer  ​-  A  state,  national  organization,  regional  organization,  or  non-governmental 
organization  that  is  not  a  member  of  the  UN  but  participates  in  its  debates.  Observers can 
vote on procedural matters but not substantive matters. An example is the Holy See. 
On  the  floor  ​-  At  a  Model  UN  conference,  when  a  working  paper  or  draft  resolution  is  first 
written,  it  may  not  be  discussed  in  debate.  After  it  is  approved  by  the  Director  and 
introduced by the committee, it is put "on the floor" and may be discussed. 
Operative  clause  ​-  The  part  of  a  resolution  which  describes  how  the  UN  will  address  a 
problem. It begins with an action verb (decides, establishes, recommends, etc. 
Page  ​-  A  delegate  in  a  Model  UN  committee  that  has  volunteered  to  pass  notes from one 
delegate to another, or from a delegate to the dais, for a short period of time. 
Placard  ​-  A  piece  of  card  with  a  country's  name  on  it  that  a  delegate  raises  in  the  air  to 
signal to the Chair that he or she wishes to speak. 
Point  ​-  A  request  raised  by  a  delegate  for  information  or  for  an  action  relating  to  that 
delegate.  Examples  include  a  point  of  order,  a  point  of  inquiry,  and  a  point  of  personal 
privilege. See our Charts of Rules and Motions. 
Position  paper  ​-  A  summary  of  a  country's position on a topic, written by a delegate before 
a Model UN conference. 

Delegate's Handbook 

Preambulatory  Clause  ​-  The  part  of  a  resolution  that  describes  previous  actions  taken  on 
the  topic  and  reasons  why  the  resolution  is  necessary.  It  begins  with  a  participle  or 
adjective (noting, concerned, regretting, aware of, recalling, etc.). 
Resolution  ​-  A  document  that  has  been passed by an organ of the UN that aims to address 
a particular problem or issue. The UN equivalent of a law. 
Right  of  Reply  ​-  A  right  to  speak  in  reply  to  a  previous  speaker's comment, invoked when a 
delegate  feels  personally  insulted  by  another's  speech. Generally requires a written note to 
the Chair to be invoked. 
Roll  Call  ​-  The  first  order  of  business  in a Model UN committee, during which the Rapporteur 
reads  aloud  the  names  of  each  member  state  in  the  committee.  When  a  delegate's 
country's  name  is  called,  he  or  she  may  respond  "present"  or  "present  and  voting."  A 
delegate responding "present and voting" may not abstain on a substantive vote. 
Rules  of  Procedure  ​-  The  rules  by  which  a  Model  UN  committee  is  run.  See  our  Charts  of 
Rules and Motions. 
Second  ​-  To agree with a motion being proposed. Many motions must be seconded before 
they can be brought to a vote. 
Secretary-General ​- The leader of a Model UN conference. 
Signatory  ​-  A  country  that wishes a draft resolution to be put on the floor and signs the draft 
resolution to accomplish this. A signatory need not support a resolution; it only wants it to be 
discussed.  Usually,  Model  UN  conferences  require  some  minimum  number  of  sponsors  and 
signatories for a draft resolution to be approved. 
Simple  majority  ​-  50%  plus  one  of  the  number  of  delegates  in  a  committee.  The  amount 
needed to pass most votes. 
Sponsor  ​-  One  of  the  writers  of  a  draft  resolution.  A  friendly  amendment  can  only  be 
created  if  all  sponsors  agree.  Friendly  amendments  are  not  in  order  at  MUN@DPSD as they 
aren’t in accordance with THIMUN procedures. 
Substantive  ​-  Having  to  do  with  the topic being discussed. A substantive vote is a vote on a 
draft  resolution  or  amendment  already on the floor during voting bloc. Only member states 
(not observer states or non-governmental organizations) may vote on substantive issues. 
Working  Paper  ​-  A  document  in  which  the  ideas  of  some  delegates  on  how  to  resolve  an 
issue  are  proposed.  Frequently  the  precursor  to  a  draft  resolution.  Not  a  part  of  actual 

Delegate's Handbook 

debate, just a helping tool for delegates during lobbying. 

Veto  ​-  The  ability,  held  by  China,  France,  the  Russian  Federation,  the  United Kingdom, and 
the  United  States  to  prevent  any  draft  resolution  in  the  Security  Council  from  passing  by 
voting no. 
Voting  ​-  The  period  at  the  end  of  a  committee  session  during  which  delegates  vote  on 
proposed  amendments  and  draft  resolutions.  Nobody  may  enter  or  leave  the room during 
voting bloc.

Conference Documents: 
1. Position Papers 
2. Resolutions & Clauses 

​ apers 
Position​ P

Said  simply,  a  position  paper  is  a  document  which  summarizes  a  country’s  stance  on  an 
issue.  It  is  the  culmination  of  hours  of  research,  and  it  gives  the  chair  reviewing  it  an insight 
into the kind of delegate you are. 

A  position  paper  in  the  THIMUN  format  is  expected  to  be  directly  linked  to  your  nation’s 
experience  with  the  issue—  how  it  has  been  affected  by  it,  what  it  has  done  to  resolve  it, 
and  so  on.  Furthermore,  many  delegates  find  their  position  papers  useful  as  a  quick 
reference  to  their  foreign  policy  in  the  middle  of  committee  as  they  are  barred  from 
accessing online information while the committee is in progress. 

Sometimes,  it  occurs  that a delegate must write a position paper for an issue their country is 

only  tangentially  affected  by.  In  such  scenarios,  it  is  advisable  that  delegates  focus on the 
‘possible  solutions’  part  of  the  paper  a  lot  more,  and  try  to  infer  their  country’s  stance  on 
the issue from the stance of its closest allies on the same. 

● Maximum of one A4 size page 
● Single Spacing 
● Paragraph form 
● Font: 11 or 12 
● Font Style: Times New Roman’ 
● 1-inch margin on all sides. 
● Do not include maps, graphs, drawings, etc. 

Delegate's Handbook 

● History of the issue from the point of view of your country 
● History of the issue from the world’s perspective 
Involvement of Your Nation 
● Which sectors or parts of your country does it affect? 
● How long has the issue been affecting your country? 
● ​Organizations your country is a part of that may be linked to the topic. 
Views on Previous Solutions 
● Steps taken by your nation’s government to solve the problem. 
● Policies implemented and treaties signed which are in reference to this issue 
● Your nation’s views on other governments’ approach to the topic. 
●  Actions  by  other  nations  that  your  government  has  supported  or  condemned,  and 
actions taken by your nation through the UN. 
Ideal Solution Your Nation May Have Towards the Topic 
●  Outline  solutions  to  the  issue.  Make  sure  that  the  solutions  proposed  aren’t  anything  that 
would contradict your country’s foreign policy. 
●  Keep  in  mind  that  the  scale  of the solutions you can propose is not limited by the country 
you  are  assigned,  someone  representing  a  smaller  nation  like  the  Marshall  islands  can  in 
fact  propose  a  solution  that  is  grand  is  scale  and depth and affects a larger nation like the 
United States. What matters more is the level of effort that goes into devising it. 
● Discuss possible methods of achieving your nation’s wanted solutions. 
●  Instruments,  mechanisms  and  international  processes  must  be  put  forward  in  your 
solutions (see section on writing resolutions for more detail). 
●  Discuss  involvement  in  the  appropriate  UN  committee  or  international  forum that can be 
beneficial to achieve this solution. 
● Reiterate the current position of your nation regarding the current status of the topic. 
● Reiterate the need to solve the problems caused by the topic. 
Researching  prior  to  an  MUN  conference  is  a  long,  tedious process, and the Position Paper 
must  contain  only  the  crème  de  la  crème  of  your  research.  Do  not  forget  that  the  very 
purpose  of  the  Position  Paper  is  to  have  a  condensed  form  of  what  you  are  going  to 
debate  over  the  course  of  the  conference.  One  look  at  the  Position  paper,  and  you  must 
be  able  to  go  up  and  speak  immediately  on  the  topic  and  give  the  committee  a  good 
idea of what is required! 
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Sample Position Paper 

Committee: Security Council
Topic: Question of prosecution of Mossack Fonseca and the Panama Papers leak
Country: Jordan*
*​This sample position paper was submitted by the delegation of Jordan at the 2016 Interhouse Model UN Conference.

Corruption and tax evasion are problems which have made their mark on the world for generations. The leak of the
Panama Papers sheds light on the veracity of this situation and how it can have an impact on the global community.
The 11.5 million documents, released onto the internet by Suddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), a German newspaper agency,
contained a vast amount of information concerning tax havens, shell companies and their use in malpractices like
tax evasion. The country of Jordan finds an urgency in discussing what these documents mean towards global

A number of major political, sport and entertainment personalities have been accused of procuring and maintaining
offshore shell corporations in order to avoid the payment of taxes. One such political personality is Abu Ali-al
Ragheb, former Prime Minister of Jordan. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan believes that no activities relating to
corruption or tax avoidance have taken place in the country during the last five years. The country of Jordan is
unaware of its involvement in such malpractices and would like to draw attention towards the decreasing rate of
corruption in the country as compared to the rest of the world.

Jordan has implemented several measures which have led to the decline of corruption levels in the country. In
2003, the Jordan Anti-Corruption Commission (JACC) was established. The JACC was responsible for pursuing all
those who violated the Anti-Corruption Commission law, in addition, it also worked on increasing awareness
among the citizens regarding the impact of corruption on the economy as well as eliminating sources of corruption
in the country. Further, in early 2016, a bill was passed in Jordan which facilitates the merger of the JACC and the
Audit Bureau into a financially independent entity known as the National Centre for Integrity and Anti-Corruption.
At the London 2016 Anti-Corruption Summit, Mr. Bassam Talhouni, the Jordanian Minister of Justice, recalled the
laws implemented by the Kingdom of Jordan in order to combat the menace of corruption and punish all corrupt
officials. The country would like to reiterate its relentless efforts to punish all those involved in illegal and vicious
schemes of tax evasion and money laundering.

It is an urgent need for the United Nations to establish and implement solutions to ensure that such large-scale
corruption is brought to a complete end and all those involved in the system are punished accordingly. A common
yet extremely important measure for prevention of corruption is the need to conduct complete and thorough
background checks of individuals who show an interest in purchasing an offshore shell company. Conducting such
due diligence can definitely reduce the chances of misuse of such shell companies. Further, Jordan proposes a
commission to conduct a periodic check on all shell companies and their owners to ensure a stability in order and
prevent any individual, firm or organization from engaging in malpractices. It is important that all articles of the
United Nations Anti-Corruption Commission (UNCAC) be upheld by the member countries and developed
countries dismantle tax havens to ensure such malpractices do not occur on their territory. The Hashemite Kingdom
of Jordan is a firm believer in these prevention methods and stands by the need to curb the menace of global
corruption. In order to ensure such political security and stability, Jordan urges the United Nations to implement the
above-mentioned suggestions.

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Resolutions, Clauses and Directives 

Format of a Resolution 
Resolutions  are  the  tools  with  which  the  United  Nations  aims  to  solve  problems.  They 
are  statements  from  the  international  community  expressing  the  desire  and  need  to 
change a certain situation and the ways in which the same can be accomplished.  
At  the  United  Nations,  a  country  drafts  a  resolution,  and  lobbies  for  it  amongst  other 
diplomats.  In  order  for  a  resolution  to  pass,  more  diplomats  have  to  vote  in  favor  of  the 
resolution  than  against  it.  Thus,  resolutions  are  the  pretext  for  lobbying  and  forming 
alliances, in addition to being the primary basis for debate and discussion.  
Resolutions  at  conferences  need  to  go  deeply  into  the  specifics  of  a  given  topic.  For 
example,  if  financing  were  the  topic,  the  resolution  needs  to say exactly how financing will 
take place, who will finance, etc. 
The  heading  of  a  resolution  needs  to  contain  three  things:  the  forum the resolution is being 
debated  in  (e.g.  Human Rights Council, First Committee of the General Assembly, etc.), the 
topic  or  question  the  resolution  addresses  (e.g.  The  Exploitation  of  African  States  by 
industrialized  and industrializing nations), and the name of the main submitter(s) or author(s) 
of the resolution in full (e.g. The Kingdom of Belgium).  
The  first  part  of  the  resolution  consists  of  preambulatory  clauses.  These  clauses  define  the 
issue,  recognize its importance, state any previous resolutions or action addressing the issue, 
or  mention  important  statistics.  Essentially,  they  acknowledge  and  describe  the  problem. 
Preambulatory  clauses  are  not  numbered,  and  must  start  with  present  perfect  particles 
(e.g.  recalling,  recognizing) or with adjectives (e.g. aware, concerned). They must end with 
a comma (,) and are always separated with a blank line. 
Operative  clauses  are  the  second  and  most  important  part  of  the  resolution.  They  are  the 
clauses  focused  upon  during  debate.  Operative  clauses  indicate  what  action  a  resolution 
calls  for.  Each  clause  must  address  only  one  point  or  issue.  Operative  clauses  can  contain 
sub-points  as  well  as  sub-sub-points  for  the  sake  of  elaboration.  Sub-points  serve  to  detail 
specific  aspects  of  a  point,  and  are  to  be  numbered  (a,  b,  c).  Sub-sub-points  are  to  be 
numbered (i, ii, iii). 
Your  resolutions  should  address the who-what-where-why-when of the issue. They should be 
comprehensive and should ensure the issue is tackled from all possible fronts. 
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Remember  that  a  full  stop  marks  the  end  of  the  resolution.  To  differentiate  between 
different clauses or sub clauses, it is recommended to use semicolons (;). 
  Resolutions  aim  to  provide  solutions  to  problems  discussed  at  the  United  Nations.  It  is  also 
important  to  stay  concrete  and  realistic  whilst  formulating  operative  clauses.  Every  clause 
needs  to  be  viable  in  real  life  situations.  The  final  clause  serves  as  a  conclusion,  tying  the 
whole resolution together. 

Sample Resolution 
Forum:​ Economic and Financial Committee (GA2)
Question Of:​ Globalization and Interdependence: International Migration and Development
Main Submitter:​ Kenya
Signatories:​ Romania, St. Lucia
The General Assembly,

Noting ​that approximately three percent of the world’s population resides outside their place of birth:
as migrants,

Highlighting ​the radical differences in the living standards between More Economically Developed
Countries (MEDC’s) and Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC’s),

Recalling ​resolutions 53/169 (1998), 54/231 (1999), 55/212 (2000), 56/209 (2001), 57/274 (2002),
58/225 (2003), 59/240 (2004) and 60/204 (2005) on the role of the United Nations in promoting
development in the context of globalization and interdependence,

Recalling ​also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that all humans are born and
free and entitled to all rights and freedoms, without any distinction of color, race or origin,

Recalling ​further the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action adopted by the World Conference
on Human Rights,

Realizing ​that globalization effects all countries in many ways, exposing them to progressive and
damaging occurrences,

Recognizing ​that no culture or community be disregarded, in response to avoiding the risk of a

mainstream monoculture for it presents itself as a threat should the developing world remain poor
and omitted,

Concerned ​at the negative outcome of international financial commotion which affects people on a

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social and economic level,

Deeply concerned ​about the insufficiency of courses to increase the similarities of living standards
between More Economically Developed Countries (MEDC’s) and Less Economically Developed
Countries (LEDC’s), thus fuelling poverty particularly in developing countries,

1. Emphasizes ​that the promotion and protection of human rights in all forms is first and
foremost the responsibility of the State;

2. Reaffirms ​that all countries hold primary responsibility for their own development, and that
national policies and development strategies should be persistently active to achieve
sustainable development;

3. ​ equests ​all States and international organizations to thoroughly review their policies and
approaches to migration and apply due methods when considering regional and international
cooperation to combat the problems of undocumented or irregular migration, while granting
priority to the human rights of migrants, in default of discrimination;

4. Urges ​concrete measures are adopted by all States to prevent the abuse and violation of
human rights of migrants during transit, counting airports, ports, migration checkpoints and
borders by

a. Training public officials in the respective facilities to regard migrants with respect and
in accordance to the law of the State, and to only conform according to the applicable
law when prosecuting migrants, especially refraining from forms of torture as it is
violating human rights

b. Only implementing laws which deal with the prosecution of migrants that do not
violate the right to one’s life during the migrant’s transit in the respective State;

5. Strongly condemns ​any and all manifestations of racial, social, discriminatory and
xenophobic prejudice when in contact with migrants in all States by implementing the
existing laws against those who commit racist and xenophobic acts, with special emphasis on
border areas, so as to fully eradicate impunity;

6. Requests ​professionals in developed countries to continue working towards applying

scientific and technical knowledge for developing countries so as to increase their
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7. Urges ​financial and technical assistance be rendered to developing countries so as to

a. Create the human and institutional capacity required when pursuing national policies
that improve modernization systems

b. Encourage investments in science and technology education to equip future

generations with tools to participate in the fast growing industries of the global

8. Further urges ​the critical need to create and establish an unbiased, transparent and democratic
international system in view of building and strengthening the partnership between developed
and developing countries in international financial and economic decision-making and
promoting economic development in a world economy that benefits all people;
9. Decides ​to remain actively seized on the matter;

Format of a Clause 
Ad  hoc  committees  work  on  clauses  rather  than  resolutions.  This  means  that  each 
individual  delegate  will  come  up  with  a  few  clauses  on  their  own,  and  the  committee  will 
debate on individual clauses instead of a resolution.  
The  clauses  made  are  in  the  format  of  operative  clauses,  and  they  require  no  signatories. 
Amendments  made  will  typically  address  the  striking  off  of  sub  clauses,  adding  of  sub 
clauses, or modifying of the language used to frame the clause.  
Moreover,  delegates  will  not  be  expected  to  garner  signatories  for  their  clauses;  they  can 
be directly submitted to the chair. 
However,  owing  to  the  relatively  simple  format,  it  is  expected  that  the  clauses  be 
comprehensive  and  leave  no  questions  to  be  asked  about  how  they  would  be 
Each  clause  that  is  passed  is  added  to  an  overarching resolution which is then voted upon 
by  the  entire  committee.  In  a  way,  the  committee  is  constructing  the  resolution  piece  by 

Sample Clause 
Topic: Question of Prosecution of Mossack Fonseca and the Panama Papers Leak.
Main submitter: Germany*
*This clause was submitted to the Security Council by the delegate of Germany during MUN@DPSD 2016
1) Urges the Member Nations of the United Nations to undertake the following actions:
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a) Harmonizing the various national and international ‘black lists’ of tax offenders;
i) Uniform criteria for the final list will be determined by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development) taking into account tax and money laundering aspects;
b) Establishment of a global register of the beneficiaries of shell companies in tax havens across the world
with the following provisions;
i) The information will be collected by the national governments of these tax havens and will be shared with
the OECD.**
** Ideally, a clause should be slightly more detailed.

Format of a Directive 
  ​ risis  committees  work  on  directives.  In  order  for  anyone  to  carry  out  any  form  of 
action  during  committee,  a  delegate,  a  group  of  delegates,  or  the  committee  itself  must 
send  a  directive.  Directives  are  shorter  versions  of  Resolution  and  their  content  includes 
clauses that usually deal with the issue on a short term basis.  
The  directives  are  made  up  of  operative  clauses,  and  they  require  no  signatories. 
Amendments  made  will  typically  address  the  striking  off  of  sub  clauses,  adding  of  sub 
clauses, or modifying the language used to frame the clause.  
Due  to  the  relatively  short  format,  directives  are  expected  to  be  detailed  and  propose 
solutions  to  deal  with  the  crisis  quickly  and  efficiently.  However,  the  directives  may  be  less 
intricate  and  detailed  than  those  formulated  for  a  conference-wide  crisis  (owing  to  the 
rapid  pace  of  committee  discourse,  of  course).  Passing  a  directive  requires  a  simple 
majority  unless  the  proposed  directive  would  require  the  approval  of  the  dias  i.e  the 
declaration of war and the enactment of sting operations. 
Sample Directive: 
*This clause is obtained from w

To: The Dias

From: The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of State

In reaction to the current hostage situation in Libya, the US National Security Council determines to undertake
the following measures:

1. Direct intelligence sources to find the exact location of these hostages and the level of security and
surveillance in the area.
2. Prepare plans for the deployment of two Blackhawk helicopters and a team of Navy Seals to
commence the rescue mission at the order of this committee.
3. In cooperation with the government of Libya, secure and set up medical aid sites and hospitals outside
Tripoli to provide emergency medical care to the hostages once rescued.

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Once the location has been detected, report back to this committee before commencing the rescue operation.

Occasionally,  such  a  concern  will  arise  that  will  call  for  all  committees  to  pool  their 
resources  and  expertise  to  work  together.  In  such  situations,  delegates  no  longer  act 
individually,  but  rather  as  part  of  a  larger  delegation  comprising  of  all  the  delegates 
representing their country this is known as a conference-wide crisis. 
In  the  context  of  both  the  conference-wide  crisis  and  committee  crisis,  debate  is  shaped 
by  random  updates  that  build  on  their  predecessors,  resulting  in  extremely  vast  and 
dynamic  discussions.  The  ad  hoc  format  is  hence most appropriate, and is followed in such 
crisis situations.  
A  situation  can  change  quite  drastically  from  one  update  to  another,  and  delegates  are 
expected  to  change  with  it.  Although you may start off the crisis as a staunch ally of Russia, 
due  to  the changing circumstances, you may find yourself on the opposing ends of a chess 
A  crisis  also  brings  with  it  a  wider  variety  of  tools  for  delegates  to  experiment  with.  As  it 
develops,  they will be allowed to make joint addresses with other delegations, make official 
declarations  on  behalf  of  their  country’s  leader,  and  directly  attack  other  delegates  with 
significantly less consequence. Some crisis specific tools are as follows:  
1. Communiqués​:  These  are  the  messages  that  delegates  can  send  to  another 
country,  organization,  or  more  importantly  the  external  world.  They  often  include 
negotiations,  threats,  and  requests  for  aid.  ​It  is  written  in  the  form  of  a  note  that 
contains  the  name/post  of  the  recipient,  the  name/post  of  the  author  and  the 
message itself.  
*[At  MUN@DPSD’19  the  use  of  communiques  will  be  limited  and  only  entertained 
under the discretion of the dais] 
2. Press  releases:  A  press  release  is  used to release information to the general public as 
required  by  the  needs  of  the  committee  or  the  situation  at  hand.  ​These  statements 
can  be  made  by  individual  delegates  representing  their  countries  or  can  be  joint  in 
nature with two or more delegates representing nations delivering them together. 
An  important  thing  to  keep  in  mind  during  a  crisis is that a problem brought up in an earlier 
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update  unless  explicitly  resolved  will  still  be  in  effect  with  the  later  updates.  As  such,  it  is 
imperative  that  you  try  to  resolve  as  many  issues  as  you  can  as  they  arise  as  at  it  will  only 
pile up in the end. 
If  it’s  a  conference-wide  crisis,  delegates  are  expected  to  resolve  the  crisis  before  it 
reaches  a  critical  point.  In  the  event  that  the  assembled  delegates  are unable to mitigate 
it,  it  will  be  deemed a failure and it will be referred to the Secretariat. As it reflects poorly on 
the  caliber  of  the  delegates at the conference if this manages to happen, it is advised that 
they do their level best to ensure a quick and effective resolution to the issue. 
Lobbying  is  the  informal  process  before  a  debate,  in  which  you  interact  with  other 
delegates  in  your  committee.  This  opportunity  is  to  be  used  wisely.  Gather  support  for  your 
resolution  if  you  have  one.  If  you  don’t,  seek  out  existing  or  potential  allies  and  work  with 
them  to  amend  a pre - existing resolution, or draft an entirely new one. Here is some advice 
from the Chairs and experienced MUNers followed by some dos and don’ts to help you. 

●  ​“​A  common  rookie  mistake  is to believe that your power is limited by the country that you 

have.  This  is  a  fallacy.  Your  power  is  limited  by  your  initiative.  Don’t  be  held  back  just 
because  you  think  your  country  is  ‘less  important’  than  others.  In  the  UN, all countries have 
an  equal  say,  and  even  a  small  country  like  the  Marshall  Islands  can  come  propose  stiff 
and concrete measures​” 

●  ​“​If  you  want  to  be  the  main  submitter,  try  to  be  the  one  typing  up  the  resolution.  Also 
while  writing a resolution, don’t focus too much on the preambulatory clauses. Instead, pay 
attention  to  the  operative  clauses.  They’re  the  ones  that  matter.  Ensure  that  your  clauses 
suggest  solutions  to the problem at hand and ways to implement the said solutions. Clauses 
that merely outline the problem always end up getting bashed by other delegates” 

●  ​“​Avoid  resolution  with  vague  or  ‘open’  clauses,  which  leave  the  delegates  free  to 
interpret  them  in  their  own  way. Such clauses are inherently weak, and destroy the integrity 
of  the  resolution.  These  resolutions are likely to be shot down by the house. Try to make your 
operative clauses as detailed as possible.”​  

1 Research before you attend a debate session. 
2 Carry a laptop. It helps while researching the topic and while drafting the resolution. 
3 Share your ideas with other delegates. 
4 Encourage those who have co - submitted your resolution to speak about it. 
5 Remember that it’s quality over quantity. 
6 Exercise  your  voting  power.  While  it  is  perfectly  acceptable  to  abstain,  it  is  better to 
pick a side than to straddle the fence. 
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1 Be  afraid  to  merge  resolutions  with  other  delegates.  It  makes  up  for  a  better  overall 
2 Monopolize and prevent other delegates from voicing their opinions. 
3 Support a resolution that you country wouldn't agree with. 

Lobbying  is  the  most  critical  part  since  it  precedes  debate.  Good  lobbying  is  a  must  if you 
want to have good debate. Don’t waste the lobbying session. 

Flow of Procedure 
In  order  to  make  the  conference  a  meaningful  experience  for  everyone  involved, 
there  are  some  rules  of  procedure  that  must  be  followed.  They  are  designed  to  emulate 
those followed by actual UN committees.  

Resolution-based Committee 

1. Chair sets the agenda 

2. The  chair  selects  a  resolution  to  be  debated  and  invites  its  main  submitter to deliver 
their opening remarks. 
3. The  chair  sets  an  open  debate  time  on  the  resolution  as  a  whole  and  selects 
speakers to come up and talk on it. 
4. If  an  amendment  is  submitted,  the  chair  sets  a  closed  debate  time  of  a  certain 
number of speakers for and against it. 
5. After  time  against  elapses,  the  committee  moves  into  voting  procedure  on  the 
amendment.  If  passed,  delegates  make  the  requisite  changes  to  their  copy  of  the 
6. When time on the resolution as a whole elapses, it is voted upon by the committee.  
7. The committee moves on to the next resolution and/or agenda at hand. 

Ad Hoc Committee 
1. Chair sets the agenda 
2. The  chair  selects  a  clause  to  be  debated  and  invites  its  main  submitter  to  deliver 
their opening remarks. 
3. The  chair  sets  an  open  debate  time  on  the  clause  as  a  whole  and  selects  speakers 
to come up and talk on it. 
4. If  an  amendment  is  submitted,  the  chair  sets  a  closed  debate  time  of  a  certain 
number of speakers for and against it. 
5. After  time  against  elapses,  the  committee  moves  into  voting  procedure  on  the 

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6. When time on the clause as a whole elapses, it is voted upon by the committee.  
7. The committee moves on to the next clause and/or agenda at hand. 
Crisis Committee 
1. Chair sets the agenda. 
2. The  chair  selects  a  clause  to  be  debated  upon  and  invites  its  main  submitter  to 
deliver their opening statement. 
3. After  delivering  the  opening  statement, the speaker may choose to entertain POIs, if 
any are present in committee at the time.  
4. The  chair  sets  an  open  debate  time  on  the  clause  as  a  whole  and  selects  speakers 
to come up and talk on it. 
5. After  the  speaker  has  concluded,  they  may  choose  to  entertain  POIs,  if  any  are 
present in the committee. 
6. If  an  amendment  is  submitted,  the  chair  sets  a  closed  debate  time  of  a  certain 
number of speakers for and against it. 
7. After  the  time  against  elapses,  the  committee  moves  into  voting  procedure  on  the 
8. When time on the clause as a whole elapses, it is voted upon by the committee.  
9. The committee may then proceed to move onto the next clause submitted. 
10. A  crisis  update  may  be released by the chairs at any point of time in the committee. 
The update may even be released while a speaker is still on the podium.  
11. Chairs  will  read  and  explain  the  update  and  provide  time  for  the  discussion  of  any 
and all POIs poised in committee for further clarification on the update as a whole. 
12. Chairs  will  set  lobbying  time  as  per  their  discretion  and  request  the  submission  of 
presidential statements and clauses. 
13. Once  lobbying  time  elapses,  the  chair  will  select  the  next  clause  or  presidential 
statement to be discussed in the committee. 

Points  are  questions  that  delegates  can  ask  the  chair  or  speaker  without  having  to 
take the floor. They raise their placard and state their point once recognized by the chair. A 
Point can be regarding the content of debate or procedural matters.  
● Point of information: 
A  point  of  information  is  the  most  common  type  of point. It is used when a delegate would 
like  to  make  an  amendment  or  ask  the  speaker  a  question  on  the  debated  item. 
Delegates  can  ask  for  a  follow  up  once  the  speaker  has  replied,  unless  they  are 
rejected  by  the  chair.  Points  of  information  must  always  be  poised  in  the  form  of  a 
question  and  can  be  an  aggressive  query  to  throw  off  the  speaker,  or  can  support 

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the  speaker  by  asking  them  to  clarify  information,  which is then highlighted for other 

delegates.  Whether  these  points  are  entertained,  and  if  they  are,  the  number  of 
points entertained, is up to the discretion of the Chairs.  
● Point of Personal Privilege: 
This  is  point  is  addressed  to  the  chair  concerning  the  well-being  of  the  delegate.  The 
delegate  may  have  a  problem  with  the  room  temperature  or  something  disturbing 
them.  A  point  of  personal  privilege  cannot  interrupt the speaker unless it is a point of 
personal  privilege  due  to  inaudibility.  A  point  of  personal privilege due to inaudibility 
is  the  only  point  in  the  conference  that  may  interrupt  the  speaker.  On  matters 
affecting  the  committee  as  a  whole,  the  Chairs  may  take  a  vote  to  decide  the 
course of action to be taken. 
● Point of Parliamentary Enquiry: 
This  point  is  addressed  to  the  chair  when the delegate is confused about a procedure rule, 
for  example:  the  delegate  is  confused  whether  time  has  been  allotted  “against”  or 
“for” an amendment. This point may not interrupt the speaker.  
● Point of Order:  
This  point  is  raised  to  the  chair  when  the  delegate  thinks  that  there  has  been  a  mistake  in 
the order of debate.  

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A  motion  is  a  suggestion  of  some  sort  by  a  delegate  to the house and requires a “second” 
as  support  from  another  delegate.  A  motion  tries  to  move  the  committee  from  current 
position  to  the  next  position.  The  idea  is  to  think  of  MUN  debate  as  having  several  layers; 
moving between the layers may be done in two ways: 
1. Through motions 
2. By orders of the chair.  
The  Chair  may,  at  his/her  discretion,  decide  to  vote  upon  the motion, or to adopt/overrule 
it  without  a  vote  in  the  interest  of  debate.  The  Chairs’  decisions  on  these  matters  are 

Different Types of Motions 

The  following  is  the  list  of motions to be entertained at MUN@DPSD’14. No other motions will 
be entertained, unless otherwise instructed during the conference.  
● Motion to Move into Open Debate: 
This  motion  can  be  used  to  during  a  closed  debate  when a delegate would like to turn into an 
open debate.  
● Motion to Move the Previous Question: 
This  motion  can  be  used  by  a  delegate,  if  entertained  by  the  chair,  to end debate time set for 
[or  against],  and  move  straight  into  time  against  [or  voting  procedure  of]  the 
amendment  or  resolution  in question. Note: This motion was previously known as “Motion 
to Move into Voting Procedures” and has since been renamed. 
● Motion to Extend Debate Time: 
A  delegate  can  use  this  motion  if  they  wish  to  extend  the  debate  time  for  in  favor  of,  or  time 
against, once the set time for either has ended.  
● Motion to Adjourn Debate: 
This  motion  is  used  to temporarily suspend the debate on the current resolution and move on to 
debate  the  next  resolution.  This usually happens when a delegate feels they would be in 
a better position to debate, after lobbying some more​.  
● Motion to Divide the House: 
This  motion  calls  for  a  re-vote  in  the  event  that  the  vote  on  a  resolution  is  close.  It  requires that 
the  chair  asks  one  delegate  at  a  time  whether  they  are  for  or  against  a  resolution. 
Delegates  may  abstain  even  if  such  a  motion  passes.  As  of  2017,  the  use  of  this  motion 
has been debarred in conferences in a revisal of official THIMUN procedure. 
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● Motion to Reconsider a Resolution: 

This  motion  can  be  used  to  ask  the  chair  to  reconsider  a  resolution  that  has  been  voted  on 
already.  This  is  often  used  in  the  case  when  a  delegate  feels  that  important  points  of  a 
resolution  were  not  addressed  and  need  to  be  further  debated.  But  this  motion  will  not 
be entertained at MUN@DPSD, unless otherwise instructed by the Chairs. 
● Motion to Extend Points of Information: 
This motion may be called if the Chairs have restricted the number of points of information to be 
entertained  by  the  delegate  who  has  the  floor.  The  House  may  appeal  to  allow  more 
points  of  information  to  be  entertained.  The  motion  requires  that  the  delegate  with  the 
floor agrees, and is at the Chairs’ discretion. 
Dress​ ​Code 
Females  Males 
A  suit  always  looks professional. Be sure 
A  suit  always  looks  professional.  Be  sure 
to keep suits clean and wrinkle free. 
to keep suits clean and wrinkle free. 
A  blouse,  sweater,  or  button-down  shirt 
No t-shirts. A collared/button down shirt 
of  any  kind  is  appropriate.  Dresses  are 
is appropriate and do not forget a tie! 
also  appropriate  as  long  as  they  are 
adequate in length. 
No  jeans  or  shorts.  Slacks  and  suit-pants  No  jeans  or  shorts.  Trousers,  preferably 
are  acceptable.  Skirts  must be worn with  in dark colors, are appropriate 
No sneakers or open-toe sandals.  No  sneakers  or open-toe sandals. Dress 
  shoes are preferred. 
Keep  hair  clean  and out of your face for  Keep  hair  clean  and  out  of  your  face 
a professional look.  for a professional look. 

Academic Honesty 
Academic  honesty  is  a  primary  value  at MUN. Dishonestly claiming authorship is plagiarism, 
which is a form of cheating and stealing.  
Plagiarism  is  defined  as,  “taking  ideas  or  writings  from  another source and presenting them 
as one’s own​”.​ [​ Merriam Webster, Web Dictionary]  
Plagiarism  can  be  considered valid in Position Papers, Speeches, and clauses or resolutions. 
Please  follow  the  guidelines  below  to avoid accidental plagiarism which will result in severe 

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● Closely  sourced  clauses,  statistics  in  clauses,  and  ideas  highly  similar  to  the  original 
clauses  passed  in  the  UN,  must  be  stated  to  chairs  prior  to  using  them  in  speech, 
debate,  or  written  work  (resolutions),  to  avoid situations of delegate accusation and 
or otherwise. 
● Always  cite  (also  cite  in  speech)  statistics,  or  particular  explanations  used  during 
debate. It adds more authenticity to those listening and prevents plagiarism. 
● Avoid  chunks  taken  from  other  sources  (books,  websites)  in  written  work such as but 
not limited to Position Papers. 
● Always  use  other  delegate’s  clause  ideas  with  their  consent  and  otherwise  avoid 
using  them.  Also  always  ensure  that  if  a  particular  delegate  has  submitted  clauses, 
you  acknowledge  them  for  this  through  adding  them  as  sponsors  and  yielding  the 
floor to them in matters with relation to the clause. 

Renewed and Edited by: 

Viraj Mahesh​ (Secretary General - IHMUN’12, MUN@DPSD’12, MUN@DPSD’13) 
Hardik Agrawal ​(Deputy Secretary General – IHMUN’12) 
Akshar Dhondiyal ​(Chair, General Assembly II – IHMUN’12) 
Mudit Gupta ​(Secretary General – MUN@DPSD’14, IHMUN’14 
Deputy Secretary General – IHMUN’13 
Co-chair, GA6 – DIAMUN’14) 
Shradha Ganapathy​ (Secretary General – IHMUN’13 
Deputy Secretary General – MUN@DPSD’14, MUN@DPSD’13 
Jayesh Kaushik ​(Secretary General – MUN@DPSD’15, IHMUN’15 
President of the Security Council – MUN@DPSD’14, IHMUN’14 
President of the Disarmament Commission – THIMUN Qatar 2015 
President of the Security Council - DIAMUN’15) 
Manan Lohia​ (Deputy Secretary General – MUN@DPSD’15, IHMUN’15 
Head Chair, GA3 – MUN@DPSD’14, IHMUN’14 
Deputy President of the Nuclear Security Summit - DIAMUN 2015) 
Karan Wadhwani​ (President of the General Assembly – MUN@DPSD’15, IHMUN’15 
Co-Chair, GA1 - MUN@DPSD’14, IHMUN’14) 
Vatsav Soni ​(Secretary General - IHMUN’16, MUN@DPSD’16, IHMUN’17) 
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Advika Roongta ​(President of the General Assembly – MUN@DPSD’18, IHMUN’18 

Vice President, HRC – IHMUN’17 
Co-Chair, GA1 – MUN@DPSD’17) 
Aman Ganapathy ​(Deputy Secretary General – MUN@DPSD’18, IHMUN’18 
Head Chair, GA3 – IHMUN’17 
Co-Chair, GA2 – MUN@DPSD’17 
Deputy President of GA1 - DIAMUN’18) 
Michael Leo ​(Secretary-General – MUN@DPSD’18, IHMUN’18 
President of the General Assembly – MUN@DPSD’17 
President of the Security Council – IHMUN’17 
Deputy President of the Security Council – Modern MUN 2017 
Deputy President of LOAS - DIAMUN’18) 
Varshini Jayakumar ​(President of the General Assembly - MUN@DPSD’19 
Crisis Director - IHMUN’19 
Chair, FCC - MUN@DPSD’18 
Head Chair, GA3 - WINMUN’18 
Deputy President of LOAS - DIAMUN’19) 
Nitish Gupta ​(Deputy Secretary General - MUN@DPSD’19, IHMUN’19 
Vice President of ITU - MUN@DPSD’18 
Head Chair of GA1 - IHMUN’18) 
Farva Nadim ​(Secretary-General – IHMUN’19, MUN@DPSD’19 
President of the International Court of Justice - MUN@DPSD’18 
Vice President of the International Court of Justice - WINMUN’18 
Vice President, Security Council - NMSMUN’18  
Head Chair, GA6 - IHMUN’18) 

Supported and Guided By: 

Rashmi Nandkeolyar​ (Principal and Director - Delhi Private School, Dubai) 
Rachna Prakash​ (Vice Principal - Delhi Private School, Dubai) 


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