Second Quarter Vertical Articulation

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Peninsula Place, Sudtunggan Rd. BasakLapu – Lapu City


SY: 2019- 2020

Learning Competencies Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10

1. Explain basic concepts in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services I
2. Discuss the relevance of the course I
3. Explore on opportunities for Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services as a career I
4. Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits I
5. Compare one’s PECS with that of a practitioner/entrepreneur I
6. Discuss SWOT analysis I
7. Generate a business idea based on the SWOT analysis I
8. Classify the tools and equipment used in nail care I
9. Identify the uses of tools and equipment in nail care according to task requirements I
10. Use tools and equipment according to task requirement I
11. Observe safety procedure of using tools and equipment I
12. Sterilize/sanitize nail care tools I
13. Classify non-functional tools and equipment I
14. Clean tools according to standard procedures I
15. Inspected defective tools and equipment I
16. Conduct the inventory of tools, and equipment I
17. Store tools and equipment safely I
18. Identify protective outfit for nail care I
19. Identify hazards and risks I
20. Explain workplace hazards and risks I
21. Observe preventive precaution in the workplace I
22. Identify nail structure and shapes I
23. Perform nail trimmings to varied shapes I
24. explain basic concepts in cookery M
25. discuss the relevance of the course M
26. explore opportunities for cookery as a career M
27. assess one’s pecs: characteristics, lifestyle, skills, traits M
28. compare one’s pecs with those of an entrepreneur M
29. discuss SWOT analysis I
30. generate a business idea based on the SWOT analysis I
31. identify types of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia M
32. classify the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses M
33. describe the various types of kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernalia M
34. select various types of chemicals for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools, equipment, and M
35. clean and sanitize kitchen tools and equipment following manufacturer’s instructions M
36. use cleaning tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in accordance to standard operating procedures M
37. maintain kitchen tools, equipment, and work areas M
38. store or stack cleaned equipment and utensils safely in the designated place M
39. give the abbreviations and equivalents of measurements M
40. identify the types of measuring tools M
41. describe the functions of measuring tools M
42. measure ingredients according to recipe requirement M
43. convert systems of measurement according to recipe requirement M
44. perform substitution of ingredients M
45. discuss principles of costing R
46. compute cost of production R
47. validate computed cost of production R
48. read and interpret architectural kitchen symbols and layout according to specifications in the blueprint I
49. determine parts and functions of a kitchen layout I
50. prepare a sketch and layout according the type of kitchen I
51. recognize the importance of OHSP M
52. explain safety regulations, hazard control practices, and procedures based on organization procedures M
53. determine the types of hazards and risks the workplace R
54. Follow consistently OHS procedure for controlling hazards/risks R
55. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with OHS M
56. Conduct emergencyrelated drills and training R
57. Maintain OHSP awareness R
58. explain core concepts in cookery AO
59. discuss the relevance of the course AO
60. explore opportunities for a career in cookery AO
61. explain dimensions/clusters of PECs and the different characteristic traits per cluster AO
62. evaluate one’s PECs M
63. explain how different factors influence the business environment M
64. explain procedures for generating business ideas or identifying business opportunities M
65. recognize kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned and sanitized M
66. identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment M
67. prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions M
68. clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards M
69. store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated space M
70. recognize kitchen premises to be cleaned and sanitized M
71. classify and describe the uses of cleaning agents M
72. clean the kitchen area hygienically in accordance with food safety and occupational health regulations M
73. clean surfaces without damaging property and adversely affecting health M
74. use cleaning agents in sanitizing kitchen premises safely M
75. follow cleaning schedule based on enterprise procedures M
76. follow safety and first aid procedures M
77. identify tools and equipment needed in the preparation of appetizers M
78. clean, sanitize, and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment based on the required tasks M
79. classify appetizers according to ingredients M
80. identify ingredients according to the given recipe M
81. differentiate between hot and cold appetizers M
82. prepare a variety of appetizers M
83. evaluate the finished product M
84. rate the finished product using rubric M
85. follow workplace safety procedures M
86. identify the fundamental of plating M
87. identify the accompaniments of appetizers M
88. present appetizers attractively M
89. observe sanitary practices in presenting appetizers M
90. utilize quality trimmings M
91. keep appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain their freshness, quality, and taste M
92. identify tools and equipment needed in the preparation of salad and dressing M
93. clean, sanitize, and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment based on the required tasks M
94. identify ingredients according to the given recipe M
95. prepare ingredients based on the required form and time frame M
96. identify the components of a salad M
97. identify the factors to consider in salad preparation M
98. select and use correct equipment in preparing salads and dressings M
99. prepare a variety of salad M
100. identify the different kinds of salad dressings and their ingredients M
101. prepare salad dressings M
102. follow workplace safety procedures M
103. Present salads and dressings attractively M
104. Observe sanitary practices in presenting salad and dressing M
105. Identify the accompaniments of salads and dressings M
106. Rate the finished products using rubrics M
107. Utilize quality trimmings M
108. Store appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain their freshness, quality, and taste M
109. clean, sanitize, and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment based on the required tasks M
110. identify ingredients according to the given recipe M
111. identify culinary terms related to sandwiches identify type/classification of sandwiches M
112. Identify sandwich component M
113. Identify bread suited for sandwich making M
114. Suitable filling and spreads M
115. Select and prepare glazes/sweet sauces M
116. Prepare sandwiches using sanitary practices M
117. Portion and control of sandwiches and their ingredients M
118. Present sandwiches attractively M
119. store sandwiches properly M
120. keep sandwiches in appropriate conditionsto maintain their quality and taste M
121. Identify tools and equipment needed in preparing desserts M
122. Importance of dessert in a meal M
123. Classify desserts according to types of ingredients used M
124. identify characteristics of desserts M
125. identify ingredients for desserts M
126. select and prepare sweet sauces M
127. prepare variety of desserts and sauces using sanitary practices M
128. follow workplace safety procedures M
129. Identify dessert accompaniments and hygienic procedures M
130. Present desserts attractively M
131. Identify factors in plating and presenting desserts M
132. Keep desserts in appropriate conditions to maintain their quality and taste M
133. Define packaging, its importance and functions M
134. Select packaging materials in accordance with enterprise standards M
135. Package food items in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Procedures M
136. Adopt appropriate packaging method according to enterprise standards M
137. Label food according to industry standards M
138. explain concepts in cookery M
139. discuss the relevance of the course M
140. explore career opportunities in cookery M
141. identify areas for improvement, development, and growth M
142. align one’s PECs according to his/her business/career choice M
143. create a plan of action that ensures success of his/her business/career choice R
144. identify what is of “value” to the customer R
145. identify the customer M
146. explain what makes a product unique and competitive M
147. apply creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product R
148. employ a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to the product/service R
149. enumerate various criteria and steps in selecting a business idea R
150. apply the criteria/steps in selecting a viable business idea R
151. determine a business idea based on the criteria/techniques set R
152. identify the benefits of having a good brand R
153. enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province R
154. enumerate the criteria for developing a brand R
155. generate a clear and appealing product brand R
156. clean, sanitize, and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment needed in preparing egg dished M
157. identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value R
158. identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes R
159. identify the market forms of eggs R
160. explain the uses of eggs in culinary arts R
161. cook egg dishes in accordance with the prescribed salad R
162. select suitable plates according to standards R
163. present egg dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable garnishing and side dishes R
sequentially within the required time frame
164. rate the finished products using rubrics R
165. prepare the tools, equipment, and ingredients based on prescribed standards M
166. determine the sources and kinds of starch and cereals R
167. identify the ingredients in the preparation of various types of starch and cereal dishes R
168. cook various types of starch and cereal dishes R
169. prepare sauces and accompaniments of selected starch and cereal products R
170. follow safety and hygienic practices while working in the kitchen R
171. present starch dishes with suitable plating and garnishing according to standards R
172. store starch and cereal at appropriate temperature R
173. maintain optimum freshness and quality of starch and cereal dishes according to standards R
174. store starch and cereal according to standard operating procedures R
175. identify ingredients according to standard recipe R
176. prepare ingredients according to a given recipe, required form, and timeframe R
177. thaw frozen ingredients and wash raw vegetables following standard procedures R
178. identify market forms of vegetables R
179. select various kinds of vegetables according to a given menu R
180. cook variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods to preserve optimum R
quality and nutrition
181. prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in serving vegetable dishes R
182. present vegetable recipes with appropriate sauces and accompaniments R
183. store vegetables based on the prescribed location and temperature R
184. demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance with FIFO operating procedures R
185. follow standard safety and hygiene procedures R
186. rate the finished products using rubrics R
187. prepare the kitchen tools, equipment, and ingredients based on required standards M
188. identify types, varieties, market forms, nutritive value, and composition of fish and seafood R
189. assemble ingredients according to recipes, recipe card, or enterprise standard R
190. identify steps in processing fish I
191. handle seafood hygienically I
192. thaw frozen seafood correctly to ensure maximum quality and maintain nutritional value I
193. clean, cut, and fillet seafood I
194. prepare ingredients according to a given recipe I
195. demonstrate various methods of cooking fish and shellfish I
196. prepare and present fish and seafood dishes I
197. perform guidelines in serving fish andseafood dishes I
198. ensure that trimmings, fish, and seafood are stored hygienically I
199. check date stamps and codes where applicable to ensure quality control I
200. store seafood in accordance with FIFO operating procedures and standard storage I
201. rate the finished products using rubrics I
202. use ingredients and flavoring according to enterprise standards I
203. produce variety of stocks according to enterprise standards I
204. select and assemble correct ingredients in preparing soups, including stocks and garnishes I
205. prepare variety soup recipes according to enterprise standards I
206. present and evaluate soup recipes in accordance with the criteria I
207. classify various types of sauces and their corresponding I
208. prepare a variety of hot and cold sauces based on the required menu items I
209. identify the types of thickening agents and convenience products used in preparing sauces I
210. use thickening agents and convenience products appropriately I
211. evaluate sauces for flavor, color, and consistency I
212. identify and deal with problems in the preparation of sauces I
213. maintain optimum quality and freshness of stocks, sauces, and soups I
214. reconstitute stocks, sauces, and soups I
215. rate the finished products using rubrics I
216. prepare the tools, equipment, and ingredients based on standards I
217. identify the market forms of poultry M
218. determine poultry cuts in accordance with prescribed dish M
219. prepare poultry and game birds hygienically to minimize risk of food spoilage and cross- M
220. cook various poultry and game bird dishes appropriately I
221. identify the type of service ware to be utilized in serving poultry and gamebird dishes I
222. present plated poultry and game-bird dishes with appropriate sauces, garnishes, and I
223. store and maintain poultry and game bird according to standards I
224. rate the finished products using rubrics I
225. prepare the tools, equipment,ingredients, and other supplies based on the given recipe I
226. identify the market forms and cuts of meat M
227. prepare meat cuts according to the given recipe M
228. prepare and use suitable marinades for a variety of meat cuts M
229. identify appropriate cooking methods for meat cuts M
230. apply the different techniques in meat preparation M
231. cook meat-cut dishes according to the given recipe M
232. present meat dishes aesthetically, based on classical and cultural standards M
233. select suitable plate according to standardin serving meat dishes M
234. present meat dishes hygienically and sequentially within the required timeframe M
235. utilize quality trimmings and leftovers in storing meat I
236. store fresh and cryovac-packed meat according to health regulations I
237. use required containers and store meat in proper temperature to maintain quality and freshness I
238. store meat in accordance with FIFO operating procedures and meat storage requirements I
239. rate the finished products using rubrics I

Legends: I – Introduce R- Reinforce M-Mastery AO- Assessment Opportunity

Prepared by:


TLE 7, 8, 10 TLE 9

Checked by: Approved by:

Academic Coordinator Asst. Principal School Principal

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