Spug Pod SMR Evaluation Reports - 2ND Quarter 2019 - Self Monitoring Report Assessment

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Officer-in-Charge, NPC-SPUG POD




Manager, EMD


2"^ QUARTER 2019


The Environmental Management Department (EMD) provides a copy of the evaluation

on the 2"^ Quarter of 2018 Self - Monitoring Reports (SMRs) submitted by the Pollution
Control Officers to the DENR-EMB Region IVB for the following power plants:

1. Busuanga DPP Fuel Hub 10. Culion DPP

2. Roxas DPP Fuel Hub 11. San Vicente DPP
3. Agutaya DPP 12. El Nido DPP
4. Balabac DPP 13. Araceli DPP
5. Rizal DPP 14. Linapacan DPP
6. Cagayancillo DPP 15. Guyo DPP
7. Taytay DPP 16. Casian DPP
8. Biton DPP 17. Paly DPP
9. Nangalao DPP

The following recommendations to improve environmental compliance are included in

the evaluation reports:

1. Timely application/renewal of permits and submission of requirements

2. Compliance with ECC conditions

For your information/consideration.

. a: UMALI

Attachments: a/s

Cf: Mr. L I. Sabellina ~ Acting Dept. Mngr., LOD

National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self- Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region ; Roxas Diesel Power Plant (Fuel hub) : MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates : Brgy. 4, Sitio Umalad, Roxas. Palawan : 10M97.18''N: 119°19'27.82"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division ; Larry 1. Sabellina :POD
Planl-ln-Charge : Ronald B. Del Rosario
Contact No. : (048)-434-5011 E-Mail ; [email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alidity Date ; Ronald B. Del Rosario :2017-R4B-01768 ; 12/11/2020
Contact No. : (048)-434-5011 E-Mail ; [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 07/08/2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt EMAD Code : EMA-19-845

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

• Louie C. Libarra is the new

General Information Sheet * Information was adequately provided Acting Manager for POD. Update
entry in the next SMR reporting

* Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAG 2003-27

Module 1: General Information

* Updated information on actual inventory was provided.

' FOSTs are covered with a valid
General Information
Storage Tank 200kL Cap. - 30.752.93L permit
Storage Tank 40kL Cap. - Waste Oil Storage

Discharge Permit
'Follow up ASAP the DP
DP No.:
PD 984/RA 9275
Date Issued:
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date:
' Provide NPC-EMD a copy of the
permit once issued

ECC/CNC * comply all necessary

ECC/CNC No.: requirements for SEP clearance
Date Issued: application
PD 1586
(EIS System)
* Reported "for application" * Provide NPC-EMD a copy of the
permit once issued. Send thru
[email protected]
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
* Register ASAP once ECC is
Date Issued:
(Toxic Substances &
Hazardous & Nuclear CCO Registry * Put N/A since site operates as
Wastes Control Act) COG Registry No.: fuel hub. However, if there are
Date Issued: inventory of transformers still
subject for testing PCO needs to
* Reported none register still on-line for PCB
Permit to Gperate (PG)
PG No. 1: 2017-PGA-D.0453-042
' Ensure c»mpliance with permit
Date Issued; 12/27/2017
RA8749 conditions and all related existing
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 12/26/2022
environmental laws, rules and
* Reported a valid PTO

Rev, 1 2Q-19-Roxas DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Operation * Reported as "N/A" * None

Operation/Production/ * Details on the operation/ production/ capacity of the power

* None
Capacity plant were provided

Module 2: RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

* Ensure compliance with DAD

2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
CCO Report ' Reported as "N/A" 2015-004 and with other conditions
stipulated in the CCO Registration
HW Generation

HW ID; 1101 * Coordinate with WIADD and

HW Generator HW Class; Used/Waste Oil NPC-EMD for the disposal of
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil: waste oil
- 3,000 L (previous)
- 0 L (current)
HW Generation

HW ID: 1104
HW Generator HW Class; Contaminated materials • None
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil:
- 6 drums (previous)
- n nr rnirrpnt^
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal
• None. Ensure compliance with
RA 6969. DAO 2013-22 and other
HW ID: 1101
pertinent environmental laws, rules
HW Class; Used/Waste Oil
and regulations
* Reported that used/waste oil are stored in drums
* Include other HWs present within
the vidnity of the power plant and
HW Generator
consider implementing an
appropriate disposal plan as per
RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
rules and regulations
On-Site Self Inspection
• Reported that steel drums are In good condition and no * None

HW Treater/Recycler * Information was adequately provided * None

Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollutiondata were provided * None

Cost of Treatment * Reported as "N/A" * None
WTP Discharge Location * Information was adequately provided ' None
Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A" * None
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

Summary of APSE or APCF 1* Reported as "N/A"

Cost of Treatment * Reported as "N/A" • None
Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A" * None
Emission Characteristics

Module S: PD 1586 (EIS System)

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendattcns

Ambient Air Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

• Reported as "N/A"
Monitoring quality monitoring requirements

* Coordinate with NPC-EMD for

Ambient Water Quality
• Reported as "N/A" water quality monitoring

• As per EMD file, comply all

necessary requirements for SEP
Ofrier ECC Conditions ' Reported as "N/A"
clearance, as requirement for
issuance of ECC

1 * As per EMD file, comply ail

Environmental Management 1
necessary requirements for SEP
* No details were reported
PlarVProgram clearance, as requirement for
issuance of ECC
Solid Waste Characterization/
* Provided details is the same as Taytay DPP's report • None

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

* No accidents and emergencies were reported * None

* Details on personnel staff and training were provided • Coordinate with HR-TDD for the
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being
- Basic PCO Training Course (11-15, 2017)
conducted by NPC

DAG No. 26, Series of 1992 (POO Designation/ Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)
DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2017-R4B-01768
Date issued: 12/11/2017 • PCO accreditation is issued
DENR Accredited PCO every three (3) years per DAG
* PCO Accreditation is still valid 2014-02

* SMR was notarized and was received by DENR-EMB

PCO Reporting Requirements * None
Regional Office last 07/02/2018

Sr. CTvi. Mgmt. Analyst ivision Manager

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 3 2Q-19-Roxas DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self' Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Busuanga Diesel Power Plant (Fuel hub) : MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates : Poblacion 6, Coron, Palawan : 12°Q'47.3" N; 120''12'9.7" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry I. Sabellina : POD
Rant-ln-Charge : Eutemio B. Daitol
Contact No. :0920-2513-843 |E-Mail
E-Mail : eutemiodaitol
[email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alidity Date : Eutemio B. Daltol 2017-R4B-C
: 2017-R4B-01773 : 12/11/2020
ContactNo. : 0920-2513-843 E-Mail :; eutemiodaitol
[email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 06/26/2019 D; ofReceipt : 07/08/2019"
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 06/26/2019 EMAD Code : EMA-19-755

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

* Louie C. Libarra is the new

General information Sheet r Information was adequately provided Acting Manager for POD, Update
entry in the next SMR reporting

* Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAG 2003-27

Module 1; General Information

* Updated information on actual inventory(as of June 25,

2018) was provided.
* FOSTs are covered with a valid
General Information
Storage Tank 600kL Cap. - 349,183.6L permit
Storage Tank 50kL Cap. - 14,133.6L
Discharge Permit
DP No.;
PD 984/RA 9275 Date Issued: * Register on-line once ECC
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date: amendment is secured

* No data
ECC/CNC No.: * An ECC amendment application
PD 1586
Date Issued; was filed by EMD for the additional
(EIS System)
*No data
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
* As per EMD file, the plant was
Date Issued:
issued a Hazwaste ID (M-GR-4B-
53-00377). Update entry in the
*No data next SMR reporting
(Toxic Substances &
Hazardous & Nuclear CCO Registry
Wastes Control Act) CCO Registry No.: * As per EMD file, the plant was
Date Issued; issued a CCO (CCO-PCB-R4B-
BUS-42). Update entry in the next
* No data SMR reporting

Permit to Operate (PC)

PC No. 1: 2018-POA-D.0453-013
* Ensure compliance with permit
Date issued: 03/08/2018
RA8749 conditions and all related existing
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 03/07/2023
environmental laws, rules and
* Reported a valid PTO

Operation r Reported as "N/A" r None

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Busuanga DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Operation/Production/ * Details on the operation/ production/ capacity of the

* None
Capacity power plant were provided

Module 2: RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

* Ensure power plant has no

inventory of suspected PCB
CCO Report f Reported as "N/A" containing materials/ equipment.
Otherwise, register on-line for
HW Generation

HWID; (101 ' Coordinate with WIADD and

HW Generator HW Class: Used/Waste 01! NPC-EMD for the disposal of
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil: waste oil
- 4.200 L (previous)
- 0 L(current)
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal
* None. Ensure compliance with
RA 6969, DAO 2013-22 and other
HW ID: 1101
pertinent environmental laws, rules
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
and regulations
• Reported that used/waste oil are stored in drums
• Include other HWs present within
the vicinity of the power plant and
HW Generator
consider implementing an
appropriate disposal plan as per
RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
rules and regulations
On-Site Self Inspection
• Reported that steel drums are in good condition and no * None
HW Treater/Recycler • Reported as "N/A" • None

Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollutiondata were provided * None

CostofTreatment * Reported as "N/A" * None

WTP Discharge Location * Reported as "N/A" * None

Detailed Report of
' Reported as "N/A" * None
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)
Summary of APSE or APCF * Reported as "N/A" * Noted
Cost ofTreatment * Reported as "N/A" * Noted
Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A" * Noted
Emission Characteristics

Module 5: PD 1586 (EIS System)

ECC/CNC No.: * ECC amendment application was

Date Issued: filed by EMD

Ambient Air Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

' Reported as "N/A"
Monitoring quality monitoring requirements

Ambient Water Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for

* Reported as "N/A" water quality monitoring

• Provide details of ECC

Other ECC Conditions r No details were reported
amendment once secured

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Busuanga DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

Environmental Management
r No details were reported EGG amendment still on process

Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provided details on solid waste generation and

Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

* No accidents and emergencies were reported

* Coordinate with HR-TDO for the

* Details on personnel stafl' and training were provided
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being
- Basic PGO Training Course (11-15, 2017)
conducted by NPC

DAD No. 26, Series of 1992 (POO Designation/ Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)
DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2017-R4B-01773 * Apply for PCO accreditation
Date Issued: 12/11/2017 renewal once DENR advance PCO
training is available
DENR Accredited PCO * PCO Accreditation is still valid
* PCO accreditation is issued
every three (3) years per DAO
r, ^ * SMR was notarized and was received by DENR-EMB
PCO Reporting Requirements Regional Office last 06/26/2019 /) / ' None

Prepared by: Noted by:


Sr. Envi. Mgmt. Analyst Date Division Manager

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Busuanga DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self- Monitoring Report Assessment

Mame of Plant/DENR Region ; Linapacan Diesel Power Plant : MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates ; San Miguel, Linapacan, Palawan : 1 r29'26.69" N: 119''5r58.21" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina : POD

Plant-in-Charge ; Larry 1. Sabellina

Contact No. : (048) 434-5011 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alidity Date : Rolando S. Dumayas :2015-R4B-00865 ; 08/07/2018
Contact No, : 0920-2475-011 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date ; 07/02/2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 07/02/2019 EMAD Code : EMA-19-744

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

* Indicate the new official e-mail

address provided for the power
([email protected]'
General Information Sheet * Information provided was inadequate

' Louie C. Libarra is the new

Acting Manager for POD. Update
entry in the next SMR reporting

* Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAG 2003-27

Module 1: General Information

* Updated information on power plant operation was

' Generator sets are covered with
General Information U4 (IBSkW Genset) - Operational
valid permits
U5 (163kW Genset) - Operational
U6 (163kW Genset) - Operational

Discharge Permit
* Apply for DP renewal ASAP
DP No.: 2017-DP.PAL-02-031
PD 984/RA 9275 Date issued: 08/31/2017
• Provide NPC-EMD a copy of the
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date: 08/27/2018
renewed DP was issued. Send
thru f)[email protected]
* Reported DP has already expired
ECC/CNC No.: ECC-4B-088-PA-4110-2005
Date Issued: 04/12/2005 * No need to include these ECC-
PD 1586
4B-027-PA-205-96. Update entry
(EIS System)
in the SMR reporting

DENR Hazardous Waste ID

* Register online for hazardous
DENR ID No.: 04-53-013
waste ID at
Date Issued: 12/16/1998
RA6969 www.phllhazwastetracksys.
(Toxic Substances & Com
Hazardous & Nuclear
* Reported HW ID is invalid
Wastes Control Act) * Once secured, provide NPC-
EMD a copy. Send thru
[email protected]

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Linapacan DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

COO Registry * Ensure compliance with DAO

RA6969 000 Registry No.: 000-POB-R4B-NPO-35 2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MO
(Toxic Substances & Date Issued: 06/07/2016 2015-004 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
stipulated in the COG Registration
Wastes Control Act) * Reported a valid COG registry Certificate

Permit to Operate (PO)

PO No. 1: 2018-POA-D-04S3-059
Date Issued: 09/28/2015
Expiry Date: 09/27/2020

* Reported a valid PTG

Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 2: 2018-POA-D-0453-059 * Ensure
Ensur compliance with permit
RA8749 Date Issued; 12/02/2015 conditions
conditio and all related easting
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 012/01/2020 envlroni
environmental laws, rules and
* Reported a valid PTG
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 3: 2018-POA-D-0453-0S9
Date Issued: 05/24/2018
Expiry Date: 05/23/2023

* Reported a valid PTO

Gperation * Details on the operation of the power plant were provided * None

Operation/Production/ * Details on the operation/ production/ capacity of the

r None
Capacity power plant were provided

Module 2: RA6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

* Ensure compliance with DAG

2004-01. DAG 2013-22, EMB MC
CCG Report r Reported as "N/A" 2015-004 and with other conditions
stipulated in the CCG Registration
HW Generation

HWID: 1101 * Coordinate with WIADD and

HW Class; Used/Waste Oil NPC-EMD for the disposal of
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil: waste oil
- 2,570 L (previous)
- 250 L(current)
HW Generation

HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
* None
HW Generator • Reported the following total quantities of oil contaminated
- 34 kg (previous)
- 0 kg(current)
HW Generation

HW ID: D406
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries
• Reported the following total quantities of lead acid
- 7 pcs (previous)
- 0 pcs (current)
HW Generation

HW ID: D407
HW Generator HW Class: Mercury and Mercury Compounds
* Reported the following total quantities of busted bulbs:
-10 pcs (previous)
- 0 pcs (current)

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Linapacan DPP
SMR Modules / Sectfons Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal * Ensure compliance with RA

6969, DAG 2013-22 and other
HWID: 1101 pertinent environmental laws, rules
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil and regulations
* Reported that used/waste oil are stored in drums
* Include other HWs present within
the vicinity of the power plant and
HW Generator consider implementing an
appropriate disposal plan as per
RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
rules and regulations
On-Slte Self Inspection
* Reported that DOST inside the hazwaste storage area are • None
in good condition and no leakage
HW Treater/Recvcler * Information provided was adequate * None

Module 3: PD 9S4 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollution data were provided ' None
Cost of Treatment * Reported as "N/A" * None

* Reported that effluent is discharged to road canal leading

WTP Discharge Location * None
to creek

Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A" * None
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

Summary of APSE or APCF * Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the * None
Cost of Treatment * Reported as "N/A" * None

Detailed Report of * Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

* None
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided

Module 5: PD 1586 (EIS System)

ECC/CNC No.: ECC-4B-005-PA-205-94 * Prepare corresponding semestral

Date Issued: 03/27/2018 CMR and submit to DENR. Ensure
compliance with the conditions
* Reported "N/A" stipulated in the ECC

Ambient Air Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

" No details were reported
Monitoring quality monitoring requirements

* Coordinate with NPC-EMD for

Ambient Water Quality
* No details were reported water quality monitoring
* Input status of compliance as per
Other ECC Conditions * No details were reported your ECC. Update in the next SMR
* Input status of implementation as
Environmental Management
• No details were reported per your EMP. Update in the next
SMR reporting
Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provided details on solid waste generation and
* None
Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

* No accidents and emergencies were reported * None

• Coordinate with HR-TDD for the

* Details on personnel staff and training were provided
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being
- Workshop on PCB Management (06/06-07/2016)
conducted by NPC

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Linapacan DPP
SMR AAodules / Sections Findings/Observations

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992 (PCO Designation/ Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.:: 2015-R4B-0086S

* Apply for PCO renewal once
Date issued: 08/07/2015 DENR advance PCO training is
DENR Accredited PCO * PCO Accreditation is invalid

* PCO accreditation is issued

every three (3) years per DAO

, „ * SMR was notarized and was received by DENR-EMB

PCO Reporting Requirements 9 * Complied

Prepared by: Noted by:


Sb^nvi. Mgmt. Analyst Date Division Manager

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Linapacan DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Piant/DENR Region : Nangalao Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address : Brgy. Nangalao, Linapacan, Palawan i r 26' 03.6' N, 120' 09' 33.8" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Larry 1. Sabellina
Contact No. : (048)434-5011 E-Mail ; [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date : Gorgonio L. Arboleda 2018-R4B-02246 10 October 2018
Contact No. : (048)434-5011 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 2nd Qtr./01 July 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt :02 July 2019 EAAAD Code : EMA-19-0750

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

• Provided contact information for the NPC President and Indicate [email protected] as
General Information Sheet
CEO was incomplete the President and CEO's e-mail address

• Follow the SMR format prescribed by DENR-

EMB; All questions/boxes should contain
SMR Form/Completeness 1• Details reported in the SMR were incomplete
answers. Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A".
Do not remove/erase any part of the module.

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

General information provided. • None
- 1 X 125 kW CUMMINS genset, operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.:
PD 984/RA9275 Date Issued:
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date:

• No valid DP • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the

application and securing of discharge permit
CNC No. 1:
. A CNC with number CNC-OL-R4B-2019-05-
PD 1586 Date of Issue:
00168 was issued to Nangalao DPP. Update
(EIS System) •Details of the CNC issued by DENR-EMB was not reported.
SMR entries accordingly.
• Please see attached copy
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
Date Issued:

• Details of the DENR HW ID was not reported • Per NPC-EMD Records, an HW ID with
number M-GR-4B-53-00384 was issued to
RA6969 Nangalao DPP. Update SMR entries
(Toxic Substances & accordingly.
Hazardous ft Nuclear • Please see attached copy
Wastes Control Act) CCO Registry
CCO Registry:
Date Issued:

• No valid CCO-PCB Registration Certificate • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the

application and securing of the CCO
Registration Certification for PCB

Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Nangalao DPP

:^MR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

Permit to Operate (PO)

PC No. 1: 2017-POA-D-0453-880
RA8749 Date Issued: 05 April 2017
• None
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 04 April 2022
• Reported a valid PO

Operation Details on the operation of the power plant were provided. • None

Operation/Production/ Details on the operation/production/capacity of the power

Capacity plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

CCO Report • Reported as "N/A"

HW Generation
HW ID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil for the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were adequately

HWID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials were
adequately reported
HW ID: D407
HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the invetory of busted lamps were adequately

HWID: D506
• The correct HW Number for used lead-acid
HW Class: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds
• Reported incorrect HW number batteries is D406. Update SMR entries
HW ID: M505
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container • The correct HW Number for solvent-based
HW Generator
• Reported incorrect HW number
dyes and paints is F601. Update SMR entries
HW ID; L404
HW Class: PCB and PCB-Contamlnated Wastes
• None
• Reported as "N/A"

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HW ID: 1101 • Noted and ensure compliance with RA
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil 6969, DAO 2013-22 and other pertinent
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of used/waste environmental laws, rules and regulations.
oil were appropriately reported.

• None
HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of oil-
contaminated materials were appropriately reported.

HW ID: D407
HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Detailson the method of storage/disposal of busted lamps
were appropriately reported.

Rev. 1
2Q-19-Nangalao DPP
^MR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

HW ID: D506 • The correct HW Number for used lead-acid

HW Class: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds batteries is D406.
• Reported incorrect HW number

HW ID; M507
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container • The correct HW Number for solvent-based
• Reported incorrect HW number dyes and paints is F601.

• Some of the hazardous wastes whose

HW Generator
Inventories are reported in the SMR are not
included in the DENR HW ID. Coordinate with
NPC EMD for the amendment of the HW ID.

• Include all the other wastes reported in the

"HW Generation" Table.

On-Site Self Inspection • Report on the date of inspection and the

• Reported as "N/A" condition of the storage area

HW Treater/Recycler • Reported as "N/A". • None

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data Details on water pollution data were provided • None

Cost of Treatment Reported as "N/A"

• Report on the location of the discharge

WTP Discharge Location Reported as "N/A" outlet and the name of the nearest receiving
water body

Detailed Report of • Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

Nowater analysis conducted for this quarter
Wastewater Characteristics laboratory analysis (if volume is enough)

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF
power plant.

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

Emission Characteristics and the correspondingcomputations were provided.

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

• Nangalao DPP was only issued with a CNC • None

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air quality

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring requirements

Ambient Water Quality

• Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for water quality
Monitoring monitoring requirements

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Nangalao DPP
;^MR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Other ECC Conditions Reported as "N/A • None

Environmental Management
Reported as "N/A

Solid Waste Characterization/ •Provided details on solid v/aste generation and

• None
Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents a Emergency _
Records *Reported None

Personnel/Staff Training • Details on personnel/staff training were reported

DAG No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2018-R4B-02246

Date issued: 10 October 2018
DENR Accredited PCO • PCO is duly accredited by DENR-EMB • PCOAccreditation is renewed every three
years per DAO 2014-02

PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional

• None
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.

Prepared by; Noted by:

Sr. Envtl/wgrnt. Analyst, EIALD 'Manager, EMAD

Rev. 1
2Q-19-Nangalao DPP
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
1515 I. ami S UuiKliiitJ, Uoulcvard. Vlanila
Tel. 4tHl-S%0 I-;u N«i.(02) 4UU-5«W)
iiiimar<»paiU;Cinb.gov.pli and euil> juimiirf>pa{fi.'yahoo.com
Visil us> a( h»p;.-'www.i»iiTiuropa-CiHl>.gov,pli"





issued to

National Power Corporation

May 3,2019
For its

NPC-Nangalao Diesel Power Plant

Nangalao Linapacan, Palawan, R4B

Classified as

Mega watt Total power generating capacity)




Atty. Mlchacl^rake P. Matias

Regional Director

Bank Receipt No.:X9800

Amount Paid: Php 1,126.00
Date Pald:4/1/2019
Application Ref No.:bl226dbb-cb61-4c80-beba-bcd4a5466b4c

I f . I \ 1 I'! \ I • U I ' .1^ ? K \ I H >\ « i uM MM \

Pursuant to Ch^ter 3 ofDENR AdministrativeOrder (DAG) No. 2013-22, the Implementii^

Rules and Regulations of Republic Act (RA) 6969, this Certificate is issued to:


Facility Address Brgy. Nangalao, Linapactm, Palawan

You are hereby assigned with tutaew Mauial ReglstnUoH no:

\ - j i-.• - w

This certifies that ttb above-named Hazardous waste Generator generates the following types
of wastes:

Waste Class Waste Number

Used industrial oil including sludge IlOl
Oil-contaminated Materials 1104
Lead compcmnds D406
PCB and PCB contaminated waste L404

1. The above-named HW Generator shall comply wtd) all the requirements of RA. 6969, its
Implementing Rules and Regulations and the Procedural h^ual for Hazardous Wastes

2. Submission of duly notarized self-mcmitormg report shid! be made within fifteen (IS)
days after the eaad of every period usti^ prescribed format
3. Please refer to this number whenever you make transactions with EMB on matters
pertaining to RA. 6969.

DESIGNATION Regional Director '
DATE 20 May 2019
Dipactiitnlol Enlisnmintind Itittinlfttsourtis
EnvironmtrrtK Win»s*m«nt Bur»M
Rcglonkl Offle* No tv • B MIMAROPA
- m
HUR0n0TlAS0ie28 03 J0N2020ig

• fetl

6th Roor DENR by the Bay Bldg.. 1515 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila
RD's Office 536-9786; Admin/Rnance Division Telel^ No. 400-i5960
PC Division 521-8904. EIA Division Telefax No. 400-5960
EmaM A d d r e s s : y o - ; and'.-'ifi .fi.i-n.iroiL. j'J>•. -• .im •&
•M .
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self - Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region Agutaya Diesel Power Plant MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates Zabalo Rd, Brgy. Bancal, Agutaya, Palawan ir9'6.30"N: 120'56'28.10"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division Louie C. Libarra POD
Plant-ln-Charge George I, Sumondong
Contact No. 0921-2894-042 E-Mail [email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alldity Date George I. Sumondong : 2016-R4B-01258 05/23/2019
Contact No. 0921-2894-042 E-Mail [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date 07/03/2018 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt 07/11/2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt 07/04/2019 EMAD Code EMA-19-742

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

• Indicate the new official e-mail

address provided forteh power
General Information Sheet * Contact information was not updated
([email protected])

* Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAO 2003-27

Module 1: General Information

General Information * Reported as "Not applicable"

Discharge Permit
DP No.: DP-R4B-18-00224
• Follow-up DP renewal. Provide
Date issued; 07/27/2018
NPC-EMD copy of the renewed
Expiry Date: 07/27/2019
permit. Send thru
[email protected]
PD 984/RA 9275
• Reported permit Is invalid
* Permit renewed 07/09/2019
(Clean Water Act)
Discharge Permit
DP No.: 2011-DP-D-0453-046
Date Issued: 09/01/2015 * Permit was already superseded.
Expiry Date: 09/01/2016 Update the entry in the next SMR

* Reported DP was already expired

ECC/CNC No.: 044-PA-205-94 • No need to include these ECCs
Date Issued: 01/03/1994 in the next reporting

PD 1586 * Reported ECC was already superseded • Per EMD file, attached is the
(EIS System) copy of the CNC (CNC-0L-R4B-
ECC/CNC 2016-01-00227) issued on
ECC/CNC No.: 4B-234-PA-4110-2005 01/07/2016
Date Issued: 12/12/2005
• Update the entry in the next SMR
* Reported ECC was already superseded

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Agutaya DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Fi ndt ngs/Observatlons Remarks/Recommendations

DENR Hazardous Waste ID •Update the entry in the next SMR

DENR ID No.; 04-53-0014
Date Issued; 12/16/1998 * Attached is the copy of HW ID of
Agutaya DPP (GR-4B-S3-00084)
* Reported a invalid DENR HW ID issued 02/07/2017 for your
(Toxic Substances &
• Ensure compliance with DAO
Hazardous & Nuclear
2013-22 and with other conditions
Wastes Control Act)
CCO Registry • Ensure compliance with DAO
CCO Registry No.; CCO-PCB-R4B-NPC-36 2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
Date Issued: 06/07/2016
2015-004 and with other
conditions stipulated in the CCD
* Reported a valid CCO registry Registration Certificate
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 1: 2009-POA-D-0453.046
Date issued; 02/04/2015 • Ensure compliance with permit
Expiry Date; 02/03/2020 conditions and all related existing
environmental laws, rules and
* Reported a valid PTO which covers 1 x 183kW and 1 x regulations
54kW aenset
(Clean Air Act)
Permit to Operate (PO) • Per EMD file, include PTO 2018-
PO No. 2; 2016-POA-D-0453-046 POA-D-0453-046 Issued on
Date Issued; 02/23/2016 08/13/2018 in the next SMR
Expiry Date: 02/03/2020 reporting

• Reported a valid PTO which covers 2 x IBOkW genset

Operation • Details on the operation of the power plant were provided

Operation/Production/ , * Details on the operation/ production/ capacity of the

Capacity power plant were provided

Module 2: RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

• Ensure compliance with DAO

2004-01. DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
CCO Report * Reported as "Not applicable" 2015-004 and with other
conditions stipulated in the CCO
Registration Certificate
HW Generation

HW ID: 1101 * Coordinate with WIADD and

HW Class; Used/Waste Oil NPC-EMD for the disposal of
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil: waste oil
- 3,743 L (previous)
-108 L (current)
HW Generation

HW ID; 1104
HW Class; Oil-Contaminated Materials
HW Generator
* Reported the following total quantities of oil contaminated
- 31 kg (previous)
-10 kg (current)
HW Generation

HWID; M507
* Classify "lead-acid batteries" as
HW Class; Lead-Acid Batteries
"Lead and Lead-Containing
* Reported the following total quantities of lead acid Compounds" under HW No. 406
- 29 pcs (previous) * Update entry in the next SMR
- 5 pcs (current) reporting
* Incorrect HW ID number
Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-Agutaya DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

HW Generation
* Classify "busted lamps" as
HW ID: M506
"Mercury and Mercury
HW Class: Busted Lamps Compounds" under HW No. 407
HW Generator
* Reported the following total quantities of busted lamps:
- 29 pcs (previous)
- 8 pcs (current) * Update entry in the next SMR
* Incorrect HW ID number reporting
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal
• Noted and ensure compliance
with RA 6969, DAO 2013-22 and
* Reported "N/A" other pertinent environmental
HW Generator laws, rules and regulations
On-Site Self Inspection
• Reported tiiat steel drums inside the Agutaya DPP are in * None
good condition and no leakage
HW Treater/Recycler * Reported as "Not applicable" * None

Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollution data were provided * None
Cost of Treatment * Reported as "Not applicable" * None
' Reported that effluent is discharged to OWS leading to
WTP Discharge Location * None
Sulu Sea

Detailed Report of
' Reported as "None" • None
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

* Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF * None
power plant
Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" * None
Detailed Report of * Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas
* None
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided

Module 5: PD 1586 (EIS System)

ECC/CNC No.: CNC-OL-R4B-2018-01-00227

Date Issued: 01/07/2016
ECC * None

* Reported "None"
* Noted
Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for
• Reported "none'
Monitoring water quality monitoring services,
If required
* Noted
Ambient Water Quality * Coordinate vwth NPC-EMD for
* Reported "none'
Monitoring water quality monitoring sen/ices,
if required
Other ECC Conditions * Reported "none' • Provide details
Environmental Management
* Reported "none' • Provide details
Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provide solid waste managemen
* Reported "none"
Information/Management details

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Agutaya DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

* No accidents and emergencies were reported * None

• Coordinate with HR-TDD for the

Personnel/Staff Training * Reported "none" schedule of trainings being
conducted by NPC

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992 (PCO Designation/ Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)
DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2016-R4B-0125B • Review PCO accreditation
Date Issued: 05/23/2016 application once advance PCO
training is available
DENR Accredited PCO * PCO Accreditation invalid
• PCO accreditation Is issued
every three (3) years per DAO
PCO Reporting oRequirements
• X *Regional
notarized and was received by DENR-EMB
last 07/03/2019 None

Prepared by: v. Noted by:

Sr. Envl. Mgmt. Analyst Date ivision Manager

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Agutaya DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self - Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Balabac Diesel Power Plant : MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates : Poblacion, Brgy. 1, Balabac, Palawan : ir9'6,30"N: 120°56'28,10"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division I: Louie C. Libarra : POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Gordon L. Talbo
Contact No. : 0908-3032-848 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date : Gordon L. Talbo : 2017-R4B-00011 : 04/03/2020
Contact No. : 0908-3032-848 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 06/29/2018 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 07/08/2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 07/08/2019 EMAD Code ; EMA-19-746 !

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

* Indicate the new official e-mail

General Information Sheet * E-mail information was not provided address provided for the power
([email protected])

SMR Form/Completeness * Submitted SMR is incomplete * Comply with the reporting

requirements per DAO 2003-27

Module 1; General Information

* Updated information on power plant operation was

General Information * Generator sets are covered with
U1 (163kW Dale Genset) - Operational valid permits
U2 (163kW Dale Genset) - Operational
U3 (192kW FG Wilson Genset) - Operational
Discharge Permit
DP No.: 2017-DP-PAL-02-045
Date Issued: 10/06/2017
PD 984/RA 9275
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date: 10/05/2018 * Follow-up permit renewal

•reported DP has already expired

* A DP renewal was already filed last 09/12/2018
ECC/CNC • No need to include these ECCs
ECC/CNC No.: 005-PA-205-94 in the next reporting
Date Issued: 01/03/1994
• Attached is the copy of amended
• Reported ECC was already superseded ECC of Balabac DPP
(EIS System) ECC/CNC
issued 03/27/2018
ECC/CNC No.: ECC-4B-235-PA-4110-2005
Date Issued: 12/12/2005
• Ensure compliance with permit
conditions and all related existing
• Reported ECC was already superseded environmental laws, rules and
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
DENR ID No.: GR-4B-53-00013 * Ensure compliance with DAO
(Toxic Substances &
Date Issued: 10/27/2017 2013-22 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act) stated in the HazWaste ID
* Reported a valid DENR HW ID

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-BalabacDPP
SMR Modules / Sections 1 Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

CCO Registry * Ensure compliance with DAO

RA6969 CCO Registry No.: CCO-PCB-R4B-NAT-74 2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
(Toxic Substances & Date Issued: 12/20/2016
2015-004 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act) stipulated In the CCG Registration
• Reported a valid CCG registry Certificate
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 1: 2017-POA-D-0453-045
loate Issued: 10/04/2017
Expiry Date: 10/03/2022

• Reported a valid PTG which covers 2 x 163kW Perkins * Ensure compliance with permit
RA8749 nenset conditions and all related existing
(Clean Air Act) Permit to Operate (PO) environmental laws, rules and
PO No. 2: 2017-POA-D-0453-875 regulations
Date Issued: 02/20/2017
Expiry Date: 02/19/2022

* Reported a valid PTG which covers 1 x 275kW Perkins

and 1 x 54kW Gnis Visa qenset

Operation * Details on the operation of the power plant were provided * None

Operation/Production/ * Details on the operation/ production/ capacity of the

* None
Capacity power plant were provided

Module 2: RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

* If power plant has transformer,

register on-line for CCO for PCB.
Ensure compliance with DAG 2004
CCD Report * Reported as "N/A 01, DAG 2013-22, EMB MC 2015-
004 and with other conditions
stipulated in the CCG Registration
HW Generation * Coordinate with WIADD and
NPC-EMD for the disposal of
HWID: 1101 waste oil
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil: * Update and indicate the "current"
- 2,565 L (previous) generated used/waste oil in the
-PL (currentl next SMR
HW Generation

HWID; 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
r None
* Reported the following total quantities of oil contaminated
- 0.88 kg (previous)
- 0.035 kg (current)
HW Generation

* Classify "lead-acid batteries" as

HW ID: M507
"Lead and Lead-Containing
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries
Compounds" under HW No. 406
HW Generator * Reported the following total quantities of lead acid
* Update entry in the next SMR
- 26 pcs (previous)
- 0 pcs (current)

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Balabac DPP
SMR Atodules / Sections Findings/Observations

HW Generation
* Classify "busted lamps" as
HW ID: M507 "Mercury and Mercury
HW Class: Busted Lamps Compounds" under HW No. 407
• Reported the following total quantities of busted lamps:
-15 PCS (previous) • Update entry in the next SMR
- 0 PCS (current) reporting
* Incorrect HW ID number
HW Generation
* Update inventory if there Is any
reported online
HW ID: L404
HW Class: PCB Wastes
* Provide EMD status of PCB
* Reported the following total quantities of PCB wastes:
Mgmt. Plan, i.e. PCB test/analysis
- 0 L (previous)
of suspected PCB contaminated
- 0 L (current)
oil, transformers and recloser
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HWID: 1101
HW Class: UsedAVaste Oil
* Reported that used/waste oil are stored in drums and
* Noted and ensure compliance
HW ID: 1104 with RA 6969, DAO 2013-22 and
HW Class: Oil Contaminated Materials other pertinent environmental laws,
* Reported that oil contaminated materials are stored in rules and regulations
* Include other HWs present within
HW ID: M507 the vicinity of the power plant and
HW Generator
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries consider implementing an
* Reported that lead-acid batteries are stored In drums appropriate disposal plan as per
RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
HW ID: M507 rules and regulations
HW Class: Busted Lamps
* Reported that busted lamps are stored In drums

HW ID; L404
HW Class: PCB Wastes
I 11 rs I

On-Slte Self Inspection

* Reported that steel drums inside the hazwaste storage
area are in good condition and no leakage
HW Treater/Recycler 1* Reported as "N/A"
Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollution data were provided

Cost of Treatment * Reported as "N/A"
* Reported that effluent Is discharged to nearby creek
WTP Discharge Location
leading to Balabac Sea
Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A"
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)
Summary of APSE or APCF * Reportedthe details on the fuel burning equipmentof the
Cost of Treatment * Reported as "N/A" * None
Detailed Report of * Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaustgas
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided * None

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Balabac DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findlnss/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 5: PD 1586 (EiS System)

ECC/CNC No.: ECC-4B-005-PA-20S-94

Date issued: 03/27/2018 * Update entry of the submitted
* A CMR was submitted in compliance with the ECC CMR In the next SMR submission

Ambient AirQuality * Refer to NPC-EMD ECM Report

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring Last June 2018 for air quality data

Ambient Water Quality * Refer to NPC-EMD ECM Report

* Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter Last June 2018 for water quality
Other ECC Conditions • No details were reported, a CMR was submitted * None
Environmental Management
* No details were reported, a CMR was submitted • None
Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provided details on solid waste generation and
information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency * Include module in the next SMR

* Missing Module
Records submission

Personnel/Staff Training r Missing Module * Include module in the next SMR


OAO No. 26,Series of 1992 (PCO Designation/ Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)

DENR Accredited PCO Missing Module * Include module in the next SMR

PCO Reporting Requirements * Missing Module * Include module in the next SMR

Sr. tnvi. TOtgmt. Analyst Division Manager

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Balabac DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self- Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region JP Rizal Diesel Power Plant MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates Punta Baja. Rizal, Palawan 9°2'31.96'' N; 117°38'27.95"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division Larry!. Sabellina POD
Plant-tn-Charge Larry I. Sat>ellina
Contact No. (048)434-5011 E-Mail [email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alidity Date Alberto U. Dalonos. Jr. ; 2015-R4B-00568 07/07/2018
Contact No. (048) 434-5011 E-Mail [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date 07/01/2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt 07/02/2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt 07/02/2018 EMAD Code EMA-19-743

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

* Indicate the new official e-mail

address provided for the power
plant ([email protected])
General Information Sheet * E-mail information was not provided
* Louie C. Libarra is the Acting
Dept. Manager of POD, update
entry in the next SMR reporting

* Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAG 2003-27

Module 1: General Information

* Updated information on power plant operation was


U1 (260kW Dale Genset) - Operational * Generator sets are covered with

General Information
U2 (256kW Cumper Genset) - Operational valid permits
U3 (163kW Dale Genset) - Operational
U4 (315kW FG Wilson Genset) - Operational
U5 (305.2kW Stamford Genset) - Operational
Discharge Permit
DP No.: 2016-DP-PAL.02-211
• Follow up ASAP DP renewal
Date Issued: 10/07/2016
PD 984/RA 9275
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date: 10/08/2018
* Provide NPC-EMD a copy of the
renewed DP was issued
* Reported DP has already expired
* Renewal was filed last 09/17/2017
ECC/CNC * No need to include these
ECC/CNC No.: ECC-4B-1709-0023 ECC/CNC in the next reporting
Date Issued: 07/16/2018
* Update entry with new ECC
* This ECC is already superseded (ECC-OL-R4B-2019-0100) issued
(EIS System) on 05/14/2019 per EMDfile
ECC/CNC No.: CNC-R4B-0811-168-4110
* Ensure compliance with permit
Date Issued: 02/05/2010
conditions and all related existing
environmental laws, rules and
* This ECC is already superseded regulations.
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
DENR ID No.: GR-4B-53-00298 * Ensure compliance with DAG
(Toxic Substances &
Date Issued: 07/16/2018 2013-22 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act) stated in the HazWaste ID
• Reported a valid HW ID

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Rizal DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

CCO Registry * Ensure compliance with DAO

RA6969 CCO Registry No.: CCO-PCB-R4B-J.P.-21 2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
(Toxic Substances & Date Issued: 06/07/2016 2015-004 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act) stipulated in the CCO Registration
* Reported a valid CCO registry Certificate
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 1; 2015-POA-D-04S3-357
Date Issued: 09/28/2015
Expiry Date; 09/28/2020

• Reported a valid PTO which covers 1 x 163kW Perkins, 1 * Ensure compliance with permit
X 256kW John Deere, 1 x 260 Perkins qenset conditions and all related existing
Permit to Operate (PO) environmental laws, rules and
PO No. 2: 2016-POA-D-0453-375 regulations
Date Issued: 10/10/2016
Expiry Date: 09/28/2020

* Reported a valid PTO which covers 1 x 300kW Stamford

(Clean Air Act)
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 3: 2017-POA-D-0453-357
Date Issued: 08/07/2017
Expiry Date: 08/06/2022
* Ensure compliance with permit
• Reported a valid PTO which covers 1 x 352kW Stamford
conditions and all related existing
environmental laws, rules and
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 4; 2018-POA.D-0453-357
Date Issued: 01/18/2018
Expiry Date: 08/06/2022

• Reported a valid PTO which covers 3 x 20kL POST

Operation * Details on the operation of the power plant were provided * None

Operation/Production/ * Details on the operation/ production/ capacity of the

* None
Capacity power plant were provided

Module 2: RA6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

* Ensure compliance with DAD

2004-01. DAG 2013-22, EMB MC
CCO Report Reported as "N/A" 2015-004 and with other conditions
stipulated in the CCD Registration
HW Generation * Coordinate with WIADD and
NPC-EMD for the disposal of
HWID: 1101 waste oil
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
• Reported the following total quantities of waste oil; * Update and indicate the "current"
- 6.923 L (previous) generated used/waste oil in the
- 685 L(current) next SMR
HW Generation

HW ID: 1104
HW Class; Oil-Contaminated Materials
HW Generator * None
* Reported the following total quantities of oil contaminated
- 214.5 kg (previous)
- 0 kg (current)
HW Generation

HW ID: D406
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries
• Reported the following total quantities of lead acid r None
-12 pcs (previous)
- 0 pcs (current)
Rev. 1 2Q-19-Rlzal DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

HW Generation

HW ID: D407
HW Class: Mercury and Mercury Compounds r None
* Reported the following total quantities;
- 33 pcs (previous)
- 0 PCS (current)
HW Generation

HW ID: M507
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container
• None
* Reported the following total quantities of chemical wastes:
HW Generator
- 80 pcs (previous)
- 0 pc (current)

HW Generation
• Results of analysis were <2ppm
(considered PCB free). Coordinate
HW ID: L404
with NPC-EMD in disposal of
HW Class: PCS Wastes waste
* Reported the following total quantities of PCB wastes:
- 0 L (previous) • Provide EMD status of PCB
- 0 L (current) Mgml. Plan, i.e. PCB test/analysis
of suspected PCB contaminated
* Transformer oils were analyzed last on 07/18/2018 oil. transformers and recloser
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HWID: 1101
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
* Reported that used/waste oil are stored in UOST

HWID: 1104 * Noted and ensure compliance

HW Class: Oil Contaminated Materials with RA 6969, DAG 2013-22 and
* Reported that oil contaminated materials are stored in other pertinent environmental laws,
drums rules and regulations

HW ID: DS06 * Include other HWs present within

HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries the vicinity of the power plant and
HW Generator
* Reported that lead-acid batteries are stored in drums consider implementing an
appropriate disposal plan as per
HW ID: D407 RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
HW Class; Mercury and Mercury Compounds rules and regulations
* Reported that lead-acid batteries are stored in drums

HWID: M507
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container
* Reported that busted lamps are stored in drums

On-Site Self Inspection

* Reported that UOST inside the hazwastestorage area are * ^one
in good condition and no leakage
HW Treater/Recycler r Reported as "N/A"

Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollutiondata were provided

Cost ofTreatment * Reported as "N/A"
* Reported that effluent is discharged to nearby creek to
WTP Discharge Location
Rancho River leading to West Philippine Sea
Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A"
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)
Summary of APSE or APCF * Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the
Cost ofTreatment *Reported as "N/A"
Detailed Report of * Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided
Rev. 1 2Q-19-Rizal DPP
SMR Modules / Sectfons Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 5: PD 1566 (EIS System)

ECC/CNC No.: ECC-OL-R4B-2019-0100

* Prepare corresponding semestral
CMR and submit to DENR. Ensure
ECC Date Issued: 05/14/2019
compliance with the corKlitions
stipulated in the ECC

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

• Reported "N/A"
Monitoring quality monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for

• Reported "N/A"
Monitoring water quality monitoring services

Other ECC Conditions * Reported "N/A" * Ensure compliance with the

conditions stipulated In the ECC

Environmental Management • Ensure compliance with the

* Reported "N/A"
Plan/Program conditions stipulated in the ECC

Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provided details on solid waste generation and

Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

* No accidents and emergencies were reported * None

' Details on personnel staff and trainingwere provided

- Basic PCO Training Course (12/16-17/2014) & (04/13- * Coordinate with HR-TDD for the
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being
- Oil Spill Management (06/29/2016) conducted by NPC

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992(POO Designation/Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.; 2015-R4B-00568
* Apply for PCO renewal once
Date issued: 07/07/2015
DENR advance PCO training is
DENR Accredited PCO * PCO Accreditation is invalid

* PCO accreditation is issued

every three (3) years per DAO
* SMR was notarized and was received by DENR-EMB
PCO Reporting Requirements * None
Regional Office last 07/01/2019

Sr. ^vi. Mgmt. Analyst ivision Manager

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Rjzal DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self- Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Cagayanclllo Diesel Power Plant : MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates : Convento, Cagayancilio, Palawan : 9°34'53.18"N: 12ri 1'58,13"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division ; Louie C. Libarra :POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Carlo 0. Plagata
Contact No. ; 0908-1818-783 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alidity Date : Carlo 0. Plagata ;2015-R4B-00034 ; 08/07/2018
Contact No. ; 0908-1818-783 E-Mail ; [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 07/02/2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 07/08/2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 07/02/2019 EMAD Code : EMA-19-749

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

General Information Sheet Information provided was adequate * None

* Submitted SMR Is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAO 2003-27

Module 1: General Information

* Updated information on power plant operation was


General Information U1 (163.05kW Dale Genset) - Operational • Generator sets are covered with
U2 (192.50kW FG Wilson Genset) - Operational valid permits
U3 & U4 (100kW Perkins Genset) - Awaiting electrical
parts and test and commissioning
Discharge Permit
DP No.: OP-R4B-18-00286 * Follow-up permit renewal
Date Issued; 08/24/2016
PD 984/RA 9275
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date: 08/24/2019 • Renewal of DP must be
submitted 1 month before expiry to
•reported DP was expired avoid delay or penalty
* Renewal was submitted last 07/29^019
CNC No.: CNC-OL-4B-201S-06-01729
PD 1586
Date Issued: 06/15/2015 •None
(EIS System)

• Renorleri FCC was valid

DENR Hazardous Waste ID
DENR ID No.: GR-4B-53-00046 * Ensure compliance with DAO
(Toxic Substances &
Date Issued: 06/03/2016 2013-22 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act) stated in the HazWaste ID
* Reported a valid DENR HW ID
CCD Registry
RA6969 • Ensure compliance with DAO
000 Registry No.: 00O-P0B-R4B-NAT-25 2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
(Toxic Substances & Date Issued; 05/30/2016
Hazardous & Nuclear 2015-004 and with other conditions
Wastes Control Act) stipulated in the CCO Registration
• Reported a valid CCD registry Certificate
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 1: 2015.POA-D-0453-089
Date Issued: 10/06/2015 * Ensure compliance with permit
RA8749 conditions and all related existing
Expiry Date: 10/05/2020
(Clean Air Act) environmental laws, rules and
* Reported a valid PTO which covers 2 x 100kW Perkins

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Cagayancillo DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Permit to Operate (PO)

PO No. 2: 2016-POA-D-0453-089
Date Issued: 05/13/2016
Expiry Date: 10/05/2020

• Ensure compliance with permit

* Reported a valid PTO which covers 1 x 275kW genset
RA8749 -—^ conditions
condibo and all related existing
Permit to Operate (PO)
(Clean Air Act) environmental
environ laws, rules and
PO No. 3: 2016-POA-D-0453.089 reoulati
Date Issued: 02/23/2016
Expiry Date: 10/05/2020

* Reported a valid PTO which covers 1 x 5kL POST and 1 x

5kW Auxilliary genset
Operation * Details on the operation of the power plant were provided • None

Operation/Production/ * Details on the operation/ production/ capacityof the power ^

Capacity plant were provided

Module 2: RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

• Ensure compliance with DAO

2004-01. DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
CCO Report r Reported as "N/A" 2015-004 and with other conditions
stipulated in the CCO Registration
HW Generation

HW ID: 1101 * Coordinate with WIADD arxJ

HW Class: Used/Waste Oil NPC-EMD for the disposal of
• Reported the following total quantities of waste oil; waste oil
- 3,239 L (previous)
- 30 L(current)
HW Generation

HWID: 1104
HW Class: OlUContaminated Materials
• Reported the following total quantities of oil contaminated r None
- 23.5 kg (previous) -1 kg (current)
-104 pcs (previous) - 2 pcs (current)
HW Generation
HW Generator

* Classify "lead-acid batteries" as
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries
"Lead and Lead-Containing
• Reported the following total quantities of lead acid Compounds" under HW No. D406
- 3 pcs (previous) • Update entries in the SMR
-1 pc (current) reporting
• Incorrect HW ID number
HW Generation
* Classify "busted lamps" as
HW iD: M407 "Mercury and Mercury
HW Class: Busted Lamps Compounds" under HW No. D407
• Reported the following total quantities of busted lamps:
- 35 pcs (previous) * Update entries in the SMR
- 2 pcs (current) reporting
• Incorrect HW ID number

Rev. 1
2Q-19-CagayanciIio DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HWID: 1101
HW Class; Used/Waste Oil ' Noted and ensure compliance
* Reported that used/waste oil are stored in drums with RA 6969, DAO 2013-22 and
other pertinent environmental iaws,
HWID: 1104 rules and regulations
HW Class: Oil Contaminated Materials
* Reported tfiat oil contaminated materials are stored in * Include other HWs present wittiln
drums the vicinity of the power plant and
HW Generator
consider implementing an
HW ID: M507 appropriate disposal plan as per
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
* Reported that lead-acid batteries are stored in drums rules and regulations

HW ID: M407
HW Class: Busted Lamps
On-Slte Self Inspection
* Reported that steel drums inside the hazwaste storage r None
area are in good condition and no leakage
HW Treater/Recycler * Reported as "N/A"

Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

WaterPollution Data *Details on water pollution datawere provided * None

CostofTreatment * Reported as "N/A" * None

* Reported that effluent is discharged to Plant vicinity to

WTP Discharge Location * None
Sulu Sea

Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A"
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4; RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

Summary of APSE or APCF * Reported the details on the fuel buming equipment of the * None
CostofTreatment *Reported as "N/A" *None
Detailed Report of *Data/Information on the characteristics of the exhaustgas ^
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided None
Module 5: PD 1586 (EIS System)

CNC No.: CNC-OL-4B-2015-06-01729

Date Issued; 06/15/2015

Ambient Air Quality ' Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

* Missing
Monitoring quality monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for

Monitoring water quality monitoring services
Other ECC Conditions *Reported as "N/A"
Environmental Management
* Reported as "N/A" r None
Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provided details on solid waste generation and
* None
Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

No accidents and emergencies were reported * None

" Details on personnel staff and training were provided * Coordinate with HR-TDD for the
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being
- Basic PCO TrainingCourse (13-17. 2015)
conducted by NPC

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Cagayancillo DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992 (PCO Designation/ Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2015-R4B-00034

Date issued: 08/07/2015 * Review PCO accreditation
application once DENR PCO
* PCO Accreditation is invalid advanced training is available
DENR Accredited PCO
* PCO accreditation is issued
every three (3) years per DAO

* SMR was notarized and was received by DENR-EMB

PCO Reporting Requirements * None
Regional Office last 07/02/2019 /\
Prepared by:
r 1
FRANe^S-^gislpH S. VELUZ (oK/t')
Noted by: ^
Analyst Diyision Manager

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Cagayancillo DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Taytay Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address : National Hwy., Sitio Nalbot, Taytay, Palawan 10 47' 30.58" N, 119°30' 6.72" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Teodolfo P. Macatangay j
Contact No. : 0908 181 8776 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date :Teodolfo P. Macatangay 2015-R4B-00037 07 August 2018
Contact No. : 0908 181 8776 E-Mail
Reporting Period/Date : 2ndQtr./01 July 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 02 July 2019 EMAD Code : EMA-19-0756

SMR AAodules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

General Information Sheet • Provided contact information is correct and complete • None

• Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format • Complied with the reporting requirements
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB per DAG 2003-27

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

• Ensure all generator sets and other power
- 1 X260 kW DALE PERKINS genset, operational
General Information plant facilities are covered by the ECC
- 1 X 500 kW MAN CXZ genset, operational
- 1 X 400 kW CUMMINS genset (rental), operational
- 2 X800 kW CUMMINS genset (rental), operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.: 2017-DP-PAL-02-026
Date Issued: 18 December 2017
Expiry Date: 18 December 2018
PD 984/RA 9275
• Reported DP already expired; renewal on-process • Follow-up with DENR-EMB on the renewal
(Clean Water Act)
application of the DP
• Provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the DP
once secured

ECC No. 1: ECC-R4B-1708-0018
Date of Issue: 25 September 2017
PD 1586
(EiS System) • Reported ECC is valid • None

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Taytay DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

DENR Hazardous Waste ID

DENR ID No.; GR-4B-53-00045
Date Issued: 03 June 2016

• Reported a valid DENR HW ID • Ensure compliance with DAG 2013-22 and

with other conditions stated in the
HazWaste ID.

RA 6969
(Toxic Substances &
CCO Registry
Hazardous & Nuclear
CCO Registry: CCG-PCB-R2-NAT-6
Wastes Control Act)
Date Issued: 24 August 2016

• Reported a valid CCO Registry. • Ensure compliance with DAG 2004-01,

DAG 2013-22, EMB MC 2015-004 and with
other conditions stipulated in the CCO
Registration Certificate.

Permit to Operate (PG)

PONo. 1: 2016-PGA-D-0453-043
Date Issued: 05 October 2016
Expiry Date: 04 October 2021
• Reported a valid PO

• Ensure compliance with permit conditions

PG No. 2: 2013-PGA-D-0453-043 and all related existing environmental laws,
Date Issued: 02 September 2014 rules and regulations.
Expiry Date: 03 September 2019 • NPC-EMD is in the process of applying for
the PTO of 1 X 455 kW and 2 x 1000 kW
(Clean Air Act) • Reported a valid PO
CUAAMINS gensets (Rental). Continue
coordination with NPC-EMD for the securing
of the Permit to Operate.

PG No. 3: 2017-PGA-D-0453-043
Date Issued: 28 December 2017
Expiry Date: 03 October 2022
• Reported a valid PO

• Details on the operation of the power plant were

Operation • Noted

Operation /Production / • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the

• Noted
Capacity power plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

• Ensure compliance with DAG 2004-01,

DAG 2013-22, EMB MC 2015-004 and with
CCO Report Reported as "N/A"
other conditions stipulated in the CCO
Registration Certificate.

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-Taytay DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

HW Generation
HW ID; 1101 . Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil for the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were
adequately provided

HW ID: 1104 .None

HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the inventory of oil-contmainated materials
were adequately provided

HW ID: D407 . None

HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the inventory of busted lamps were adequately

HW ID: MS07 . None

HW Generator
HW Class: Special Hazardous Wastes ♦ Classify "used lead-acid batteries" as
• Details on the inventory of used-lead acid batteries were "Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds"
adequately provided under HW No. D406
• Incorrect HW Number

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HW ID: 1101 .None
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
• Details on the method of storage/disposal were correctly

• Reporting on the method of storage/disposal of other • Include all the other wastes reported in
hazardous wastes generated by the plant were not reported the "HW Generation" Table.

. Noted but report status on the condition

Dn-Site Self Inspection
of the storage tanks as well as the storage
Reported that waste oil is stored in 20kL used oil tank

• Delete entries. This portion is to be

HWTreater/Recycler • Inaapropriate entries
accomplished only by a recycler/treater.

Module 3: PD 964
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data • Details on water pollution data were provided • None

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

• Reported that outlet is located near the power plant

• Noted but kindly specify the name of the
WTP Discharge Location switchyard and is discharging to a road canal connected to
receiving water body
a creek

• Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

laboratory analysis (if volume is enough) in
Detailed Report of
• No water analysis conducted for this quarter connection with the permit renewal
Wastewater Characteristics
application at least two months before
permit expiration

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of

Summary of APSE or APCF • None
the power plant.

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-TaytayDPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust

• None
Emission Characteristics gas and the corresponding computations were provided.

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

ECC No. 1: ECC-R4B-1708-0018

Date of Issue: 25 September 2017
• A CMR was submitted 19 July 2019 in compliance with the • None
ECC Conditions

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for ambient air

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring quality monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality ♦ Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for ambient
Monitoring quarter water quality monitoring services

Other ECC Conditions • Reported none; a CMR was submitted • None

Environmental Management
• Portion was left blank • All boxes/questions must be answered

Solid Waste Characterization/ •Provided details on solid waste generation and

• None
Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

No accidents and emergencies were reported.

• Noted
• Details on personnel staff and training were provided. . Coordinate with the HR-TDD for the
Personnel/Staff Training
• Planning/Workshop on PCB Management (6-7June 2016) schedule of trainings being conducted by

DAO No. 26, Series of1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2015-R4B-00037

1 Date Issued: 07 August 2018
• PCO Accreditation has already expired; in hold-over • DENR-EMB recognizes validity of PCO
DENR Accredited PCO capacity as per DENR-EMB Accreditation until the release of the
Advanced PCOTraining Module
• PCO accreditation is issued every three (3)
years per DAO 2014-02.

PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional

• None
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Sr. Envtl. Mgmt. Analyst, EIALD / Manager, EMAD

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-TaytayDPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Culion Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address ; Brgy. Osmena, Culion, Palawan 10 32' 7.57' N, 119M6'5.67-E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge 1: Ferdinand B. Manuel
Contact No. : 0939 4614 645 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date : Ferdinand B. Manuel 2015-R4B-00023 07 August 2018
Contact No. : 0939 4614 645 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 2ndQtr./01 July 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt ; 02 July 2019 EMAD Code : EAW-19-748

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General information Sheet

• Kindly update the following entries:

- Indicate [email protected] as the
General Information Sheet • Contact information was not updated President and CEO's e-mail address
- Indicate the official e-mail address of the
power plant ([email protected])

• Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format

SMR Fotm/Completeness • None
prescribed by the DENR-EMB

Module 1;
General Information

• Updated Information on power plant operation was

- 1 X 163 kW PERKINS genset, operational
General Information • None
- 3 X260 kW PERKINS genset, operational
-1 X180 kW PERKINS genset, non-operational
- 2 X672 kW CUMMINS genset, operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.: 2012-DP-08-02-018
Date Issued: 18 May 2017
PD 984/RA9275 Expiry Date: 19 May 2018
(Clean Water Act)
• Reported that DP renewal is on process • Follow-up with the renewal application of the
• Provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the DP once

CNC No. 1: CNC-R4B-1105-0010
Date of Issue: 13 AAay 2011
PD 1586
(EIS System) • Reported a superseded ECC • Per NPC-EMD Records, an ECC with number ECC
OL-R4B-2019-0187 was issued to Culion DPP.
Kindly report in the SMR accordingly.
• Please see attached copy

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-CuIion DPP
* SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Obse^atlons
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
DENR ID No.: 04-53-0012
Date Issued:

• Reported DENR HW ID is already outdated • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the application of
the new DENR HW ID.

(Toxic Substances & CCO Registry
Hazardous 6t Nuclear CCO Registry:
Wastes Control Act) Date Issued:

• Details on the CCO Registration Certification were not • Per NPC-EMD Records, a CCO registration
provided certification with number CC0-PCB-R4B-CUL-37
was already issued to Culion DPP. Report in SMR
• Please see attached copy

Permit to Operate (PO)

PO No. 1: 2009-POA-D-0453-057
Date issued: 24 August 2016
Expiry Date: 23 April 2021
• Misreported permit details
• Per NPC-EMD Records, the reported PO bears
the number 2016-POA-D-0453-057 and was
issued last 25 April 2016
• Please see attached copy

PO No. 2: 2009-POA-D-0453-057
Date Issued: 25 ApHI 2016
RA8749 Expiry Date: 24 April 2021
(Clean Air Act) • Misreported permit details
• Per NPC-EMD Records, the reported PO bears
the number 2016-POA-D-0453-057 and was
issued last 25 April 2016
• Please see attached copy

PO No. 3: 2015-POA-D-0453-057
Date issued: 26 January 2015
Expiry Date: 27 January 2020

• Misreported permit details

• Per NPC-EMD Records, the reported PO was
issued last 28 January 2015
• Please see attached copy

• Details on the operation of the power plant were

Operation • None

Operation/ Production/ • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the

Capacity • None
power plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

CCO Report Reported as "N/A

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-Culion DPP
' SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

HW Generation
HW ID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD for
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil the disposal of waste oil.
• Reported inventory of used/waste oil were adequately

• If other hazardous wastes are present within

the vicinity of the power plant (busted
fluorescent lamps, used lead-acid batteries, oil-
contaminated materials, etc.), report these
wastes accordingly in the SMR.
HW Generator
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal
HWID: 1101
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
• Details on the method of storage/disposal were properly

• Include other HWs present within the vicinity

of the power plant and consider implementing an
appropriate disposal plan as per RA 6969 and
other pertinent laws, rules and regulations.

On-Site Self Inspection •

Reported that waste oil is intact, in good condition, and has
no sign of leakages

HW Treater/Recycler Inappropriate entries

• Delete entries. This portion is to be
accomplished only by a recycler/treater.

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data Some details were not provided. • All boxes/questions shall have answers.
Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A".

Cost of Treatment Reported as "N/A" • None

• Details on the location of the discharge outlet were not • All boxes/questions shall have answers.
WTP Discharge Location
provided Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A".

• Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

Detailed Report of laboratory analysis (if volume is enough) in
• No water analysis conducted for this quarter
Wastewater Characteristics connection with the permit renewal application
at least two months before permit expiration

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF
power plant.

Cost of Treatment Reported as "N/A"

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided.

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Cu[ion DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

•Submit a Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR)

every end of the semester (2nd and 4th quarter)
ECC • Culion DPP was currently issued with an ECC
in compliance with the ECC issued to the power

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air monitoring

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality • Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for water monitoring
Monitoring quarter services

Other ECC Conditions • Reported "None" •None

Environmental Management •All boxes/questions should be answered.

• Details on EMP were not provided
Plan/Program Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A"

Solid Waste Characterization/ • Provided details on solid waste generation and

• None
information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

• No accidents/emergencies were reported this quarter

• Coordinate with the HR-TDD for the schedule

Personnel/Staff Training • Reported as "None"
of trainings being conducted by NPC.

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2015-R4B-00023

Date Issued: 07 August 2015
• PCO Accreditation already expired; valid as per DENR-EMB • DENR-EMB recognizes validity of PCO
DENR Accredited PCO Accreditation until the release of the Advanced
PCO Training Module
• PCO accreditation is issued every three (3)
years per DAO 2014-02.

PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional

Requirements Office last 02 July 2019. • Complied


Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Culion DPP
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Environment and Natural Resource
1515 LanJ SBuikliny, Roxa-; nmilevrird. Pa>.av Ctly
Toll-phone Ni.v.l<i2) 4O0-5%() l-ux 4{10-5^)fi(i
niiiiiiirop^rt.'cmb.gov.ph aiid cmh_tniin5in>)>ivii^yahoo.et»m
Visit «s at http;/Avwv.',nunjarDpa.ctnb.y(>v.plv'

July 22,2019

ECC-OL-R4B-20] 9-0187

Mr. Sergio P. Villafuerte

National Power Corporation
BIR Rd. cor. Quezon Avenue, DiHinan, Quezon City


Dear Mr. Villafuerte;

This refers to the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) application for the proposed NPC-Culion
Diesel Power Plant to be tocaled at Sitio Pilapil, Barangay Osmena Cubon, Palawan.

After satisfying the requirements of the said applicatjon. this Bureau has decided to grant an ECC for the
above-mentioned project.

With the issuance of this ECC, you are expected to implement the measures presented in the Initial
Environmental Examination Checklist (lEEC), intended to protect and mitigate the project's adverse
nnpacts on comtminity health, welfere and the environment Environmental considerations shaQ be
incorporated in all phases and aspects of the project.

This Certificate does not create any rigjit nor be used as an authorization to implement the project you
may proceed with the implementation only after securing all the necessary and relevant permits from
other pertinent Government Agencies. This Office shall be monitoring the project periodically to ensure
strict compliance with the stipulations cited in the attached ECC.

Please be guided accordingly.

Atty. MichaeljDrake P. Matias

Regional Director
Republic of the Phil^pines
Department of Environment and Natural Resource
1515 Land SKuikling, Ro^as Honlevard. Rasav Cily
Telephone 4(Kl-5%U l-ux No-(02) dOO-S'/hd
minuirop:tir«;cnib-y(iiv.ph and oinb_iTiimaropii(a^ya!ioo.coii'»
Visit us at http://\v\v\v.inunan.ipa.cmb.gpv.ph/


(Issued under Presidential Decree 1586)

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPONENT, National Power Corporation, represented

by its Manager, Mr. Sergio P. Vfllafbertc, is granted this Environmental Conpliance Certificate (ECC),
for the proposed NPC-Culion Diesel Power Plant tocated at Sitio Pilapil, Barangay Osmena Cuhon,
Palawan, by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), throu^ tiie Environmental
Management Bureau (EMB).

SUBJECT ONLY to the conditions and restrictions set in this ECC and in the attached document
labelled as Annexes A and B.

This Certificate is issued with the following details:


This ECC covers the NPC-Culion Diesel Power Plant, having a total rated capacity of 3.153
MW and total land area of 3,250 square meters covered by Deed of Donation between Rev.
Moises CapuK and National Power Corporation tocated at Sitio Pilapil, Barangay Osmsna
Culton, Palawaa

Project conponenLs and fociiities enumerated to wit:

3 X260 kW Generator Set, 1 x 163 kW Generator Set, 1 x 180 kW Generator Set, 1 x 600 kW
Generator Set, 2 x 550 kW Generator Set, 1 x 330 kW Generator Sets, 1 x 7 kW (auxiliary
generator set), 1 x 4 kL Fuel Oil Storage Tank (FOST), 1 x 50 kL (FOSTs), 2 x 20kL(FOSTs),
machine shop, fiie! receiving and / fuel punp liouse, switchyard, control building, technical
document control room, power liouse, oil water separator, and septic tank,.
Uie project shall operate and maintain its fecilities and amenities as contained in the submitted
Initial Environmental Examination Checklist (lEEQ Report and Environmental
Management Plan (EMP).

Environmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Culion Diesel PowerPIant
Sitio Pilapil, Barangay Osmena Culion, Palawan
National PowerCorporation
This Certificate is issued in conpliance witfi the requirements of Presidental Decree No. 1586,
and in accordance to DENR Administrative Order (D.A.O.) No. 2003-30. Non-conpliance \vith any of
the provisions of this Certificate shall be a sufficient cause for the cancellation of this Certificate and/or
imposition of a fine in an amount not to exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50, 000.00) for every violation
thereof without prejudice to imposition of fines and penalties under other environmental laws. The EMB.
however, is not precluded fi-om reevaiuating and correcting any deficiencies or errors that rmy be found
after issuance of this Certificate.

Issued at EMB-R4B, 1515 L and S Building, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City this July 22. 2019.

Recommending Approval; Approved:

Atty. Michae^Drake P. Matias

Regional Director

Environmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Cuiion Diesel PowerPlant
SitioPilapil, BarangayOsmena Cullon, Palawan
National PowerCorporatlon
Annex A


All commitments, mitigating measures and monitoring requirements, contained in the Initial Environmental
Examination Checklist Report for the proposed (NPC-Culion Diesel Power Plant) particularly in the
Environmental Management Plan/Environmental Monitoring Plan, including any modifications and/or addkbnal
information as approved by the EMB, shall be instituted to minimize any adverse impact of the project to the
environment throughout Hs implementation, whichshall include among others to wit:

1. That the proponent shall ensure that the project implementation shall NOT COMMENCE unless aU
required/clearances from the concerned government agencies are secured. EMB shall be advised when all
the permits/clearances are securedand when wiD be the actualdate of project implementation;

2. Thattheproponent shall establish areforestation andcarbon sink program using endemic/indigenous species
to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the project in line with the DENR's thrust for GHG
emissions reduction programs and National Greening Program. The program shall be submitted to EMB-
4B (MIMAROPA Region) six (6) months prior to the project in^lementalion;
3. That the proponent sliall conduct an efTective Information, Education and Communicalion (lEC) Program
to inform and educate all stakeholders, especially its contractors, workers, and local residents about the
miti^ting measures embodied inits lEEC, tiic conditions stipulated inthis Certificate andtheenvironmental
andhuman safetyfeatures of theproject for greater awareness, understanding and sustained acceptance of
the project. The program shall be submitted to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Rcgbn) onan annual basis;

4. That the proponent shall strictly manage all external, traffic problems, excessive surfacerunoff, dust, soil
erosion, accidental spillage and health hazards identified in the Initial Environmental Examination (TEE)
Checklist Report and, in case of emergency episodes, appropriate response activities shall be immediately
undertaken for the protection of the workers/ personnel host and nearby communities and the receiving

5. That preservation and easement retention of natural drainage/waterways shall be undertaken and should
conform with the provisions of the DENRAdministrative Order No. 97-05 (Proceduresin the Retention of
Areas within certain distances alongthe Banks of Rivers, Streams, and Shores of Seas, Lakes and Oceare ftr
Environraental Protection). Ifdisturbed, a replacement drainage system shall be constructed within two (2)
months from the disturbance;

6. That the solid waste management scheme as provided in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) shall
be continuously implemented from the startof the project construction as well as the operation.

7. The proponent shaU InstaU adequate and properly maintain effective Water Pollution Control Facility (OB
andwaterSeparator), to ensure maximum efficiency atall times in order toconform tothe prescribe DENR

8. That proper Air Pollution Source andControl Installations (APSCJ) shall be provided by the proponent to
avert poUutant emissions.


Further administrative conditions for the grant of this Certificate sliall be strictly con^lied:

9. That the proponent shall set-up a competent Environmental Unit (EU) with a Pollution Control Officer,
within sixty (60) days from issuance of this Certificate and shall be duly accredited by this Office in
accordance with DAO No. 02, series of 2014 (Revised Guidelines for Polhitbn Officer Accreditation). The
Environmental Unit (EU) shall competently handle the environment-related aspects of the project. In

Environmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Culion Diesel Power Plant
SitioPilapil, BarangayOsmenaCullon, Palawan
National PowerCorporation
addition to the monitoring requirements asspecifed inthe Environmental Management Plan/Environmental
Monitoring Plan, the EU shall have tlie following responsibilities:

9.1 Monitor actual project impacts vis-a-vis the predicted impacts and management measures
in the Generic lEE Checklist Report;
9.2 Recommend revisbns to the EMP/EMoP, whenever necessary subject to the approval of
9.3 Ensure that data gathered during monitoring activities are property documented, assessed,
evaluated and reported to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Region) in accordance with the standard
9.4 Ensure that monitoring and submissions of reports to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Region) are
carried out as required;
9.5 Regular submission of a semi-annual ECC Compliance Monitoring Report (on or before
January IS and July IS of each year the project is operational) provided with supporting
documents andin accordance with theprescribed format stipulated inthe Implementing Rules
and Regulations ofP.D. 1586;
9.6 Submit a quarterly monitoring report using the prescribed format of the Self-Monitoring
Report (SMR) pursuant to DAO 2003-27;
9.7 Submit an Abandonment Plan two (2) months prior to the abandonment activities. It shall
Btclude rehabilitation measures/clean-up, costs, remediation of areas possibty contaminated
with toxic/hazardous substances andpresentation of options on proposed aheraative projects
in the area;

10. That the proponent shall allocate ample budget for the implementation of the proposed
mitigating/ei^ncement measures during the operation and abandonment phases ofthe project;
11. That heahh and sanitation practices shall be observed in all phases of the project and safety & personal
protection equipment/devices shall always beprovided to aQ employees/workers within the premises of the
projectsite to prevent healthand occupational hazards;

12. That a billboard containing this message: "Notice to the Public, NPC-Culion Diesel Power Plant, has
been issued an Environmental Compliance Certificate (I C( -OL-K4B-20l9-t) IS7) bythe Department
of Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management BureauMIMAROPA Region
on July 22,2Q19."shall be installed at ail entry andexit points andin the perimeter of the project site facing
the road durine the construction phase toinform thegeneral public within thirty (30) days from recebt of
the ECC;

13. That a copy ofthe ECC shall be posted ma conspicuous locatbn at the field office ofthe project site clearly
visible to the public and shall be adequately framed or otherwise protected agamst damage and at the
barangay buBetb board of the host barangay(s) withm thirty (30) days from receipt of the ECC;

14. That any authorized DENR-EMBpersonnel,withproper klenlificatbn card(ID)andlravcl/missbn order,

shall be albwcd unconditional access to conduct an on-the-spot inspectbn and monhorbg to the project
without the need for prior notice to the proponent to oversee compliance to the ECC.


1. That no other activities should be undertaken other than what was stipulated b the Generic lEE Checklist
Report. Should there be an expansbn of the project beyond the project descrptbn. construction of other
structures beyond those stated b theGeneric lEEChecklist Report; or any change b the activity or locatbn,
shall be made subject toa new Environmental Impact Assessment (ElA) requirements.

2. That the proponent shall plant an equivalent area of the project with appropriate tree species and shall

Environmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Culion Diesel PowerPlant
SitioPilapil, Barangay OsmehaCulion, Palawan
National PowerCorporation
coordinate with PENRO/CENRO concerned for area identification within thirty (30) days prior to project
implementation. And status of compliance shall be included in the semi-annual submission of CMR.

3. That no treesshall be affectedin all phases of the project, or if there is any, necessarydocuments such as
"Tree Cutting Permit", "Balling Permit" and odier permits/clearances, shall be secured from the
concerned DENR sector pertaining to the nnplementation of the project.

4. That the proponent shall plant an equivalent area of the project with appropriate tree species and shall
coordinate with PENRO/CENRO concerned for area identification.

5. That in case of transfer of ownership/management of this project, these same conditions and restrictions
shall apply and the transferee shall be required to notify this Office concerned within fifteen (15) days as
regards to the transfer of ownership/management.

6. That the proponent (National Power Corporation, represented by its Department Manager, Mr.
Sergio P. Villafuerte) shall be accountable for any misrepresentation and failure to state material
information in the submitted documents.

The conditions st^ulated in this Certificate shall be deemed final within fifteen (15) days from receipt hereofand
aU conditions and restrictions set forth above shall be complied with by the herein ^antee. This ECC is deemed
expired if not imptemented within five (5) years from the date of issuance and the proponent shall have to appfy
for a new ECC if it intends to pursue the project.

Non-compliance with anyof (heprovisions ofthiscertificate shall be a sufficient causefor the

cancellation or suspension ofthis certificate and/or imposition ofa fine in an amount not to
exceed Fifty ThousandPesos (PhP50,000.00) for eve/yviolation thereof.

Environmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Culion Diesel PowerPlant
Sitio Pilapil, Barangay Osmena Culion, Palawan
National PowerCorporation
Annex B


For the assistance of the Proponent, LGUs and other concerned government agencies (GAs) in the
management of the project and for better coordination in miti^tion on the inpacts of the project on its
surrounding areas and to the environment.

By way of recommendation, the foDowing have been taken notice of by this Office and are providing
these reconmendations to the parties and authorities concemed for proper action and inte^ation into
their decision making-process.

Regulatory Conditions

I. The proponent shall conpfy wkh, but not limited to the


1.1 P.O. 856 or the Sanitation Code of the Phil^pines; DOH

1.2 P.O. 442 or the Labor Code of the Philppines
DOLE-Bureau of Working
including occupational health and safety;
1.3 R.A. 6541 or the National Building Code of the '
Phil^pines including adequate storm drainage Municipal Planning & Dev'L
system and other flood control measures and Oflfce/Building
conpliance to the Fire Safety and Emergency OfficiaVBFP/LGU Concemed
1.4 P.O. 705 & DAO 97-05; DENR Sector concenred

2. That aD appropriate construction, operational and

resource-use permits/clearances from other national and (le. PMRB, PNP, LGUs, DPWH,
local government agencies concemed sliaD be secured DOH, NWRB, HLURB, MGB,
pertaining to the implemeniation of the project. DA, DAR, DOLE, DTI, etc.)
Likewise, the proponent shall notify this Office of the
reckoning date of project operation.
3. Preference of emptoyment shall be given to qualified
tocal residents. Adequate public information for jobs DOLE
available to local residents in the area shall be provided;
Environmental Planning Recommendations for the Proponent
2. Cbse monitoring of the project should be undertaken by
the proponent to maintain a high level of safety and
efficiency ataD phases of the project and to immediately Proponent
address any environmental ha2ard that may take place.

For dissemination and proper action of the parties concerned.

Sngr^H^ena Fe A. Rioflorido Atty. MichaeijDrake P. Matias

'legrance & Permitting Division Regional Director

Envi ronmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Culion Diesel PowerPiant
SitioPiiapii, BarangayOsmehaCui ion, Palawan
National PowerCorporation

U Mr. Sergio P. VlUallierte, Manager, rcpre-senting National Power C'oq>oration wkh oflke addr<»!;
located tn BIR Rd. cor. Quezon Avenue, Dilinun, Quezon CiQ' takes ftill responsS)tluy in eonplying
wofa aB cund^ns in (hki Euvronmcma] CuniptianL-e Ccitificatc (ECC).

•Mr. ^erjo) P. Villafucrte

/ Signatitfe


Si&scribcd and sworn before me this ^ 9 2019 the abovc-naired affiant teking oath
prescniBig isst^ on

A7S%fS$^llE0 M. DE GUZMAN, JP..

Ndlary Public tor Quezon City
Comn|ission No. NP-190 (20t8-?0l9^
Cononisaon Expires on December 31. 2U19
IBH No. 078910; 03/22/19: RSM
PTR Nd. 7447993: 1/14/19; Quezon City
Roll No. 44291
MCLE No. VI-0025196; 4/8/19; Pasig Clly
4th Floor NPC Office BuiWiny
Quezon Ave. cor. BIR Road
Dillman 'tli.tBzon C'r\'

Environmental Compliance Certificate

NPC-Culion Diesel Power Plant
Sitio Pilapil, Barangay Osmena Culion, Palawan
National PowerCorporation
tcS.r ••V'T.
•J' "v A'-,-"' ' •

•.*-'5-.-^i Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources

fcinvironmental Management Bureau
Regional Office No. lyl- BMIMAROPA

Registration Certifjcate Numt)er

, V'y<>;.
'> -• •? v-^' 'V

A control
- v" ^®9 Of RA 6969) and DENR Admini^fra« ^ (Implementing Rules and
^ ,i.- ,;.
fiiphenyls), this CCO Registration Certificate is Polychiorinated

Pilapjj, Brgy. POWER
Osmena,- PLAMT

complied With the Chenticai C^tmi OH,, requirements as

: S'ju>;v-..••.<!!-..
• (*7 V '' '* ••'*'
' '

I •• ^ following:
terms and CONDmONS
powiso DiMur

)4M: and PCB Management Plans ^"prescr^

,/ (Clanflcations lo the CCO of PCBs)
bv Iw (PCBs)
©scrtoed by Memorandum Circular 2015-004
• ''iB -^ndsr^. ia.>e.„g
••• •> -"©..'•''••K''.

cm mu rueon '

1^ : 31:1irt misuse, mishandl^^

f Wor damage to
i f? provision of
*V ' •*.• ^.'. '• .' 1
stipulated shall be subjected to the penalty

'naf Director
d Eitta*i«i( Md Uni Kuomi
Jn.trwni v?-4a:nlj«.
»e)r»:*£«•.; ^ju.vjjc«.

E-mailAdjIS •
••"«!• •iiiiiBiiii nil

Department of Environment and INatural Re<(ource$
Environmental Management Bureau
Region Office No. - B MIMAROPA

Permit No
Date 25'Apr-16

A}r Polfution 8ourc« ftnd Control Inetittaligha

PufBuant to Part VI of thaBules and Ragulatior^ of RA 6749, autta^ ia hembygranted to;

^ NPC-CULIONDiee^ POWER PtANT So. PRi^ Brgy. Osmefta, Culion, Palawan

(N«ne of Pfcm. tn^widual. Owneretc.) (AddreM.)

to operate the foUowino:

Two <2) tftits 250 kW Dieeal Oenerator Sele.

Recommerxted by; Approved by;

trr *" ^
OiC.Ctevanoe < nMMg Polhition Corerol DMMon RegionM

Permit CondrtfonS"^
1.Must conform to SourceSpecific Ambient Ar Quality Standards
(Section 1. RuleXXVI. Part VII of RA 8749). Unless sooner revoked,
this permit is valid up to:
2.fcte submit r>otarized Quarterty Solf-Monltorir^ Report (SMR) basedon 24-Apr-21
OAD-27. Series of 2003 on or tofore the filing dates:
Ist Quarter SMR (Jmiuary to March) -15th Day ofApril
2nd Quarter SMR (April toJune) -15th Day ofJuly
3rdQuarter SMR (July to September) -15th Day of OcixAm
4th Quarter SMR (October to December) -15th Day ofJanuary
3.Subject to revocation If f^nd violating thesaid permit conditions and
other provisions of the RtUippine Clean ArAct erf 1999 (RA 8749) and its
imptementing Rules and Reflations.

Tnei4wr»M0rwrn# antf M poMwrj)AI eretKiectotm^ dnwt


O R. No.
2792446 PvnnSFM 2doaoo 4^4/2016
27SB44B FanpFM 4/14/2016
2792446 I


. >; • j, vJf . .


Department of Environment and Natural Resonrccs
Environmental Management Bureau
Region Office No. IV - B MIMAROPA

Permit No
Date 25-Apr-l6

Air Pollution Soureo and Control Inataltatlma

Pursuant to Part VI of the Rules and Regulabom ^ RA 87^ Is hereby granted to;
NPC - CULION DIESEL PCWDER PtANT^-i: t OameAe, Culion, Palawan
(N«m« of Ftrm, Ir , OMinerete.) (Adems)

to Operate the foSoMring

^ •
• -til. . .
••••-IS?. .
One (1) unil 180 KW.F.G- ^ W Generating Set pdwered
•dtan diesei engine
equipp^ wrth exhaust iilerv ^•yetem, .
Recommended by;


OlC. and Of^sion Regional Director

PermH Condjtons^./
1.Must conform to Nattona) Emission Staixlardsfor SourceSpecific Ar
Pollutants (Section 1. Rule XXV, Part VII of RA 8749) and Source Specific Unless sooner revoked,
Ambient Ar Quality Standards (Section 1. Rule XXVI, Part VII off^ 8749). this permit is valid up to
2.Must submit notarized Quarterly Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) based on
DAO-37. Series of 2003 on or t)efore the fifing dates: 4 EiiivMi M «Mm>

1st QuarterSMR (January to March) -15th Day of AprS 'tsri I

2f>d Quarter SMR (April to June) -16th Day ofJuly
3rd Quarter SMR (Julyto September) -15th Dayof October
4th Quarter SMR (October to Decembw) -15th Day of January
3 Subject to revocafion IffQUfKfyfcMngtti^eaidi»ermftc^^
otoer prowsions ofSwIbiBi^ine Clan Air Act of1989(RA andits
Imptemenfing Rules wi^'Re^ations. H
4. Submission of result Ofsladt sampling analyses firbm accrecflted
laboratory (vtorlo renawa) of this permit. 8 t'm W ^ Lw jaJ

Th»qM«»2 •'"Wdawrt eqisjiifeni end to Wimederemw*weiialielid dwntg*
Aflp<H»6»iA»ltoto*iiWWAiwitieOpw»to«rtoaft»fiWS»ryf3t»dweWbi»ff>e«e»e8bfldeto. .

OA No.
2790447 ParmSfas 900.00 4n4O0t6
2790447 Pang P«* 4rt4/20fS
2792447 PO 1856 4/14/2016
A ^SSm Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resonrcca
Envtroomental Management Bureau
^ Region Office No. IV -BMIMAROPA

i 2017-POA-O-0453-057
Peimrt No
Date 18-JUM7

Air Pollution Sourc* and Control tnatallattona

Pursuant toPart V) ofthe Rules andRegulations ofR.A. 8749. authority Is hereby granted to;
NPC- CUUON nrao. POWER PLANT So. PHapO^Brgy. OenieAa. Cutlon, Palawan

of FMn. MMdusi. Owner etc) (Addresa.)

to operate the following:
One (1) unit 600 kWDlMel Generator Sets.

Recommended by: Approved by:


QIC. CW Iand Pwinllttig OMiian Oic. Ovactor

Unless sooner revoked.

PermrtCor«Jrtrons this permit is valid up to:
1.Must conform to National Emission Standards for Source Spedfic Air •\ 7.jui.22
Pollutants (Section 1. Rule XXV, PartVtl of RA 8749} artd Source
Specific Ambient AirQuality Standards (Section 1, Rule XXVI. Part VII of

2.Mu8t submit notarized Quarterly Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) based on s i V::.

CACW7, Series of 2003 on or before the filing dates: t j| '|j||^|lijl|||jj||[jM^
l8t Quarter SMR (January to March) -15th Day of April cftnil . ''''
2rKl Quarter SMR (April to June) -15th D^ of July ;>iCRDAeuooioi56
3rd Quarter SMR (July to September) -15th Day ofOctober
4thQuarter SMR (October to December) -15th Day ^ January

S.Subject to revocation iffoimd vipfating toe said pemiit condBons and

otherproviaions of the ClaanAir Act of 1999(RA 8749) and Its
Implementing RuIm and ReguUlons.
4. Submisaion ofstack aniBsion taat results as required underEMB
rr^morandum circular 2007-003 and prior to renewal of this permit
This operating Pvmttabelf beposted in aconspicuous location near ffie equ^oment and shall beadequately
framed or othePMiae protectedagainst damage. ApplicationfortheraBewalofPermit to Opiate must be fHed
thirty (30)deys before tfieexpiration date.

PdnnlFM 1.SOO.OO


8th Floor DENR bythe BayBWg,. 1515Roxas Blvd., Ermita. Manila

RD's Office 836-9788; Adrnin/Finance Division Tdefox No. 400-5960
PC Division 521-8904; EIADivision Tdefax No.400-5960
E-maUAddress: emb r4bftd«iroovoh and enfo rntmarc»aavahoo cm
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : San Vicente Diesel Power Plant DENR-Reglon IVB
Address : Brgy. New Agutaya, San Vicente, Palawan 10 32- 7.5T'N, 119 16' 5.67" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division ; Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Charles S. Damalerio
Contact No. : 0908 1818 795 E-Mail : csdamalerio ©yahoo.com
PCO/COA No./Validity Date :Charles S. Damalerio 2015-R4B-001144 07 December 2018
Contact No. : 0908 1818 795 E-Mail : csdamalerio ©yahoo.com
Reporting Period/Date :2ndQtr./01 July 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt :02 July 2019 EAAAD Code : EMA-19-0891

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0;
General Information Sheet

General Information Sheet • Provided contact information is correct and complete • None

• Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format • Complied with the reporting requirements
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB per DAD 2003-27

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

provided. • All generator sets and FOSTs reported are
-1 X 163 kW DALE-PERKINS genset, transferred covered by valid permits
- 1 X260 kW DALE-PERKINS genset, for decommissioning • Per EMB MC 2014-005, petroleum storage
General Information
- 1 X 500 kW A\AN genset, operational with more than 20 kL total capacity is required
- 2 X670 kW CUMMINS genset, operational to secure an ECC. Coordinate with NPC-EMD
- 1 X 20 kL FOST for assistance.
-1 X 30 kL FOST

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.: 2017-DP-PAL-02-049
Date Issued: 18 December 2017

PD 984/RA9275 Expiry Date: 18 December 2018

(Clean Water Act)
• Renewal application is on-process
• Provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the DP once

CNC No. 1: CNC-R4B-1407-0016 • Ensure compliance with PD 1586 and all

PD 1586
Date of Issue: 208 July 2014 pertinent environmental laws, rules and
(EIS System)
• Reported a valid CNC regulations.

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19'San Vicente DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

DENR Hazardous Waste ID

DENR ID No.: GR-4B-53-00047
Date Issued: 03 June 2016

• Reported a valid DENR HW ID • None

(Toxic Substances &
CCO Registry
Hazardous & Nuclear
CCO Registry: CCO-PCB-R2-NAT-4
Wastes Control Act)
Date Issued: 22 October 2015

• Reported a valid CCO-PCB

Permit to Operate (PO)

PO No. 1: 201B-POA-D-0453-062
Date Issued: 02 April 2018
Expiry Date: 01 April 2023
• Reported a valid PO which covers a 1 x 163 kw genset, 1 x
263 kW genset, 1 x 500 kW genset

PO No. 2: 2017-POA-D-0453-062
Date issued. 04 October 2017 , Ensure compliance with permit conditions
RA8749 Expiry Date: 03 October 2022 environmental laws,
(Clean Air Act)
• Reported a valid PO which covers 2 x 670 kW generator sets regulations.

PO No. 3: 2018-POA-D-0453-062
Date Issued: 16 January 2018
Expiry Date: 15 January 2023

• Reported a valid PO which covers a 1 x20 kL POST and 1 x

30 kL POST

Operation Details on the operation of the power plant were provided.

Operation/Production/ • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the power

Capacity plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

• Ensure compliance with DAO 2004-01, DAO

2013-22, EMB MC 2015-004 and with other
CCO Report Reported as "N/A conditions stipulated in the CCO Registration

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-San Vicente DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

HW Generation

HW ID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD for

HW Class: Used/Waste Oil the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were adequately

HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials were
adequately reported

HW ID: D407
HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the invetory of busted lamps were adequately

HW Generator

HW ID: D507
HW Class;
• Details on the inventory of used lead-acid batteries were
adequately reported

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HW ID: 1101 • Noted and ensure compliance with RA 6969,
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil DAO 2013-22 and other pertinent
• Details on the mehod of storage/disposal of used/waste oil environmental laws, rules and regulations.
were appropriately reported.

• Include all the other wastes reported in the

"HW Generation" Table.

On-Slte Self Inspection

• Reported that waste oil is intact, In good condition, and • None
has no sign of leakages

HW Treater/Recycler • Reported as "N/A" • None

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data • Details on water pollution data were provided • None

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

• Reported that outlet is located at the back of the power • Specify the name of the receiving water
WTP Discharge Location
plant and effluent is discharged at a nearby creek body

• Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

Detailed Report of laboratory analysis (if volume is enough) in
• No water analysis conducted for this quarter connection with the permit renewal
Wastewater Characteristics
application at least two months before permit

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-San Vicente DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF
power plant.

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" # None

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided.

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

• Per EMB MC 2014-005, petroleum storage

with more than 20 kL total capacity is required
ECC • San Vicente was only issued with a CNC
to secure an ECC. Coordinate with NPC-EMD
1 for assistance.

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air quality

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality

• Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring services

Other ECC Conditions • Reported as N/A"

Environmental Management
• Reported as N/A"

Solid Waste Characterization/ •Provided details on solid waste generation and

Information/Management management

Accidents & Emergency

Reported "None" • None

Personnel/Staff Training Reported "None"

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2015-R4B-01144

Date issued: 07 December 2015
DENR Accredited PCO • PCO Accreditation expired; PCO in hold-over capacity • DENR-EMB recognizes validity of PCO
Accreditation until the release of the
Advanced PCOTraining Module
PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.

Prepared by: ^ Noted by: 5^^


(] f]
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : El Nido Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region iVB
Address : Brgy. Maligaya, El Nido, Palawan i r 10'20.02 " N, 119°23'41"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Jorge T. Valledor
Contact No. : 0908 1818 773 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date tJorge T. Valledor 2015-R4B-00009 07 August 2018
Contact No. ; 0908 1818 773 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date ; 2nd Qtr./OI July 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt :08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 02 July 2019 EMAD Code : EMA-18-0747

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

General Information Sheet • Provided correct contact information • None

• Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format

SMR Form/Completeness • None
prescribed by the DENR-EMB

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

- 1 X 500 kW MAN-CXZ genset, operational
- 2 X 675 kW TIDE POWER genset, 1 of 2 operational
General Information • 2 X670 kW CUMMINS genset, operational
• 4 X 910 kW CATERPILLAR genset, operational
• 1 X 544 kW CATERPILLAR genset, operational
• 3 X 455 kW CATERPILLAR genset. operational
- 1 X 1000 kW CATERPILLAR genset, operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.: DP-R4B-18-00567
Date Issued: 16 October 2018
Expiry Date: 16 October 2019
PD 984/RA 9275
• Reported DP is about to expire • File for the renewal application of the DP
(Clean Water Act)
to the DENR-EMB one one (1) month prior to
date of expiration.
• Provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the DP
once secured

ECC No. 1: ECC-R4B-1709-0022
Date of Issue: 09 September 2017
PD 1586 • Details of the ECC were correctly provided
(EIS System) • ECC was applied for amendment by NPC-
EMD; Continue coordination with NPC-EMD
for the amendment of ECC

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-EI Nido DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

DENR Hazardous Waste ID

DENR ID No.: GR-4B-53-00048
Date Issued: 03 June 2016

- Reported a valid DENR HW ID

(Toxic Substances a
Hazardous a Nuclear
CCO Registry
CCD Registry: CC0-PCB-R4B-EL-34
Wastes Control Act)
Date Issued: 07 June 2016

• Reported a valid CCO Registry.

Permit to Operate (PC)

PO No. 1: 2016-POA-D-0453-054
Date Issued: 24 August 2016
Expiry Date: 23 August 2021
• Reported a valid PO

PO No. 2: 2015-POA-D-0453-717 • As per environmental compliance

Date Issued: 14 December 2015 assessment conducted at El Nido DPP last 19
Expiry Date: 13 December 2020 20 June 2019, the following permits are
• Reported a valid PO (rental units) issued to the power plant;
1. 2014-POA-D-0453-004 issued last 02
September 2014 (2 x 675 kW gensets)
2. 2017-POA-0453-054 issued last 16
February 2017 (1 x 455 kW genset)
(Clean Air Act)
3. 2017-POA-0453-054 issued last 22
November 2017 (2x670 kW gensets)
4. 2018-POA-D-0453-054 issued last 18
January 2018 (1 x 214 kL DOST)
Include the following permits in the next
SMR reporting accordingly.
• The following gensets are not covered by
- Auxiliary genset
- 3 X910 kW gensets
- 2 X455 kW gensets
Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the securing of
the PO.

• Details on the operation of the power plant were

Operation • Noted

Operation/Production/ • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the

• Noted
Capacity power plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

• Ensure compliance with DAO 2004-01,

DAO 2013-22, EMB MC 2015-004 and with
CCO Report Reprorted as "N/A
other conditions stipulated in the CCO
Registration Certificate.

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-EI Nido DPP
SMR Modu{es / Sections Findings/Observations

HW Generation
HWID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil for the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were
adequately reported

HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• None
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials
were adequately reported
HW ID: D406
HW Class: Lead and Lead Containing Compounds
• Details on the inventory of used lead-acid batteries were • None
adequately reported

HW Generator HW ID: M507

HW Class: Special Hazardous Wastes
• Details on the inventory of fluorescent lamps were
adequately reported
HW ID: L404
HW Class: PCS Wastes
• Details on the inventory of PCB and PCB-Contaminated • None
wastes were adequately reported

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

• Specify method of storage/disposal fo

• Details on the method of storage/disposal were not
every hazardous waste reported in the "HW
completely provided
Generation" Table

On-Site Self Inspection

• Reported that drums of waste oil are intact, in good
condition and there are no signs of leakages

HW Treater/Recycler • Reported as "N/A" • None

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data • Details on water pollution data were provided • None

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

• Specify the location of the outlet and the

WTP Discharge Location • Reported as "N/A"
name of the nearest receiving water body

• Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

laboratory analysis (if volume is enough) in
Detailed Report of
• No water analysis conducted for this quarter connection with the permit renewal
Wastewater Characteristics
application at least two months before
permit expiration

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Adequately reported the details on the fuel burning

Summary of APSE or APCF • None
equipment of the power plant.

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-EI NIdo DPP
5MR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

• Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

Detailed Report of
and the corresponding computations were appropriately • None
Emission Characteristics

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

ECC No. 1: ECC-R4B-1709-0022

Date of Issue: 09 September 2017
• A CMR was submitted 19 July 2019 in compliance with the • None
ECC Conditions

• NPC-EMD conducted ambient air quality

Ambient Air Quality monitoring at El Nido DPP last 19-20 June
• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring 2019. include the results of the monitoring
in the next SMR reporting accordingly.

• NPC-EMD conducted ambient water quality

Ambient Water Quality • Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this monitoring at El Nido DPP last 19-20 June
Monitoring quarter 2019. Include the results of the monitoring
in the next SMR reporting accordingly.

Other ECC Conditions • Reported none; a CMR was submitted • None

Environmental Management • Provided details on the Environmental Management

• None
Plan/Program Plan/Program

Solid Waste Characterization/ • Provided details on solid waste generation and

• None
Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents 8t Emergency
• No accidents and emergencies were reported.

• Coordinate with the HR-TDD for the

• Details on personnel staff and training were provided.
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being conducted by
• Basic PCO Training Course (12-18 April 2015)

DAO No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2015-R4B-00009

Date issued: 07 August 2015
DENR Accredited PCO • PCO Accreditation has already expired: valid as per DENR- • PCO in hold-over capacity until the
EMB release of the Advanced PCO Training
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region Araceli Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address SitioTemad, Poblacion, Araceli, Palawan 10 33' 26.73" N, 119 59' 26.2" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division Larry I. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge Jimmy Q. Cacal
Contact No. 0908 1818 775 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date Jimmy Q. Cacal 2015-R4B-00028 |07August 2018
Contact No. 0908 1818 775 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date 2nd Q.tr./01 Jul 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2018
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt 02 July 2019 EAAAD Code : EAU-19-0745

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

• Kindly indicate the new official e-mail

General Information Sheet • Contact information was not updated address provided for the power plant
([email protected])

• Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format

SMR Form/Completeness • None
prescribed by the DENR-EMB

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

General Information - 2 X163 kW DALE-PERKINS genset, operational • None
- 1 X260 kW DALE-PERKINS, operational
- 1 X160 kW FG WILSON genset, for repair

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.: DP-R4B-18-00477
Date Issued: 26 September 2018
Expiry Date: 26 September 2019
PD 984/RA9275
(Clean Water Act) • Reported DP is about to expire • Already applied for renewal last 04
September 2019
• Provide NPC-EMD vrith a copy of the DP
once secured


ECC No. 2: ECC-4B-076-PA-4110-2005

Date of lssue:30 March 2005

• Reported ECC was already amended

• Per NPC-EMD Records, the ECC was
amended last 10 April 2019. Update SMR
entries accordingly.
• Please see attached copy

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 5 2Q-19-Aracell DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

DENR Hazardous Waste ID

DENR ID No.: GR-'4B-53-00099
Date Issued: 25 May 2017
. Reported a valid DENR HW ID

(Toxic Substances 6t
Hazardous & Nuclear
CCO Registry
Wastes Control Act)
CCD Registry: CCO-PCB-R4B-2009-0005
Date Issued: 06 October 2009

♦ Reported an outdated CCO Registration Certification • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the
registration of CCO Registration
• Provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the CCO
Registration once secured
Permit to Operate (PO)
PO No. 1: 2014-P0A-D-0453-169
Date Issued: 02 September 2014
Expiry Date: 03 September 2019
• Reported PO has already expired

PO No. 2: 2017-POA-D-0453-169
Date Issued: 19 July 2017 • File for renewal application of PO to the
RA8749 Expiry Date: 03 September 2019 DENR-EMB as soon as possible
(Clean Air Act) • Provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the PO
• Reported PO has already expired
once secured

PO No. 2: 2017-POA-D-0453-169
Date Issued: 23 November 2017
Expiry Date: 03 September 2019
• Reported PO has already expired

Operation Detailson the operation of the power plant were provided.

Operation/ Production / • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the power

Capacity plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

HW Generation
HW ID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil for the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were
appropriately provided

HW ID; 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials were • None
appropriately reported

HW ID: M507
HW Class: Special Wastes • Classify "used lead-acid batteries" as
• Details on the inventory of used lead-acid batteries were "Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds"
incorrectly reported under HW No. D406

• If other hazardous wastes (i.e.: busted

fluorescent lamps, etc.) are found within
the vicinity of the plant, include in the
next SMR reporting accordingly.

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HW Generator HW ID: 1101
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of used/waste oil
were correctly provided

HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of oil-
contaminated materials were correctly provided

HW ID: M507
HW Class: Special Wastes • Classify "used lead-acid batteries" as
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of used lead-acid "Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds"
batteries were incorrectly reported under HW No. D406

• Include other HWs present within the

vicinity of the power plant and consider
implementing an appropriate disposal plan
as per RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
rules and regulations.

On-Slte Self Inspection

• Reported that UOT is in good condition and there are no • None
signs of leakages

HW Treater/Recycler • Reported as "N/A" • None

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

• Details on WTP discharge location and name of receiving

WTP Discharge Location • None
water body are adequately reported

Detailed Report of
• Reported as "None" •None
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4; RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF • None
power plant adequately.

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

• None
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided.

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

ECC No. 2: ECC-4B-076-PA-4110-2005
Date of IssueiiO April 2019
• ACMR was submitted last 19 July 2019 in compliance with • None
ECC Conditions

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for water

• Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring services

Other ECC Conditions • Details were provided in the submitted CMR • None

Environmental Management
• Details were provided in the submitted CMR • None

Solid Waste Characterization/

•Provided details on solid waste generation and management • Noted and complied

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

• No accidents and emergencies were reported. • None

• Details on personnel staff and training were provided. • Coordinate with the HR-TDD for the
Personnel/Staff Training schedule of trainings being conducted by
- Basic PCQ Training Course (13-17April 2015)

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 5 2Q-19-Araceli DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

DAO No. 26, SeHes of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2015-R4B-00028

Date Issued: 07 August 2015

• PCOAccreditation has already expired; valid as per DENR- • DENR-EMB recognizes validity of PCO
EMB Accreditation until the release of the
DENR Accredited PCO
Advanced PCO Training Module

• PCO accreditation is issued every three

(3) years per DAO 2014-02.

PCO Reporting • SMR v/as notarized and was received by DENR-EMB Regional
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.

Prepared by; ^ . Noted by:


anager, EMAD

Rev. 1 Page 5 of 5 2Q-19-Aracell DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self- Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region ; Cuyo Diesel Power Plant : MIMAROPA
Address/GPS Coordinates ; Suba, Cuyo, Palawan : 10°50'17.16"N: 121° 0'13.39"E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina :POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Romeo S. Andriano
Contact No. : 0908-1818-675 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No.A/alidity Date : Romeo S. Andriano :2016-R4B-00574 : 09/08/2019
Contact No. : 0908-1818-675 E-Mail ; [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 07/02/2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt 107/08/2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 07/02/2019 EMAD Code : EMA-19-752

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0: General Information Sheet

* Indicate the new official e-mail

address provided for teh power

General Information Sheet * Contact information was not updated

([email protected])

* Louie C. Libarra is the Acting

Dept. Manager of POD. update
entry in the next SMR reporting

* Submitted SMR is complete and follows the format * Complied with the reporting
SMR Form/Completeness
prescribed by the DENR-EMB requirements per DAO 2003-27

Module 1; General Information

General Information * Information was adequately provided * None

Discharge Permit
DP No.: 2017-DP.PAL-02-043
Date Issued: 11/23/2017
PD 984/RA 9275
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date: * Follow-up permit renewal

*reported DP was expired

* Renewal was on orocess
EGG No.: EGG-4B-10S-PA-410-2005
Date Issued: 05/05/2005 *None
(EIS System)
* Reported ECC was valid
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
DENR ID No.: GR-4B-53-00257 • Ensure compliance with DAO
(Toxic Substances &
Date Issued: 06/13/2018 2013-22 and with other conditions
Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act) stated in the HazWaste ID
• Reported a valid DENR HW ID
GGO Registry * Ensure compliance with DAO
RA6969 GGO Registry No.: GGO-PGB-R4B-GUY-17
(Toxic Substances & 2004-01. DAO 2013-22, EMB MG
Date Issued: 05/25/2016
Hazardous & Nuclear 2015-004 and with other conditions
Wastes Control Act) Stipulated in the CCO Registration
• Reported a valid CCO registry Certificate
Permit to Operate (PC)
PO No. 1: 2016-POA-D-0453-123
Date Issued: 01/12/2018 * Permit reported was 2018-POA-
Expiry Date: 01/11/2023 D-0453-123. Update entry in teh
(Clean Air Act)
next SMR reporting
'* Reported a valid PTO which covers 2 x 670kW genset

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 3 2Q-19-CuyoDPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Permit to Operate (PC)

PC No. 2: 2017-POA.D-0453-123 * Ensure compliance with permit
RA8749 Date Issued: 11/23/2017 conditions and all related existing
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date; 11/22/2022 environmental laws, rules and
* Reported a valid PTO which covers 4 x SOOkW gensets
Operation * Details on the operation of the power plant were provided

Operation/Production/ *Details on the operation/ production/capacity of the power,

Capacity plant were provided

Module 2: RA6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

* Ensure compliance with DAO

2004-01, DAO 2013-22, EMB MC
CCO Report Reported as "N/A" 2015-004 and with other conditions
stipulated in the CCO Registration
HW Generation

HW ID: 1101 * Coordinate with WIADD and

HW Class: Used/Waste Oil NPC-EMD for the disposal of
* Reported the following total quantities of waste oil: waste oil
- 16,436 L (previous)
- 3,363 L (current)
HW Generator HW Generation

HWID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaniinated Materials
' Reported the following total quantities of oil contaminated r None
- 0.291 tons (previous)
- 0.072 tons (current)
HW Generation

HW ID; D407
HW Class: Busted Lamps
* None
* Reported the following total quantities of lead acid
- 0.007 tons (previous)
HW Generator - 0 tons (current)
HW Generation

HW ID: D406
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries r None
* Reported the following total quantities of busted lamps:
- 0.001 tons (previous)
- 0 tons (current)
Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HWID; 1101
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil
* Noted and ensure compliance
* Reported that used/waste oil are stored in drums
with RA 6969, DAO 2013-22 and
other pertinent environmental laws,
HW ID: 1104
rules and regulations
HW Class: Oil Contaminated Materials
* Reported that oil contaminated materials are stored in * Include other HWs present within
drums the vicinity of the power plant and
HW Generator
consider Implementing an
HW ID: D407 appropriate disposal plan as per
HW Class: Lead-Acid Batteries RA 6969 and other pertinent laws,
* Reported that lead-acid batteries are stored in drums rules and regulations

HW ID: D406
HW Class: Busted Lamps
On-Site Self Inspection
* Reported that steel drums insidethe hazwaste storage r None
area are in good condition and no leakage

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Cuyo DPP
SMR AAodules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

HW Treater/Recyder * Reported as "N/A"

Module 3: PD 984 (Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data * Details on water pollution data were provided *None I
Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" *None
* Input location of outlet (eg. Inside
Plant Vicinity) and receiving water
WTP Discharge Location * Reported as "N/A" body (eg. Bisucay Channel).
Update entry in the next SMR
Detailed Report of
* Reported as "N/A* * None
Wastewater Characteristics

Module 4; RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

Summary of APSE or APCF * Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the * None
CostofTreatment *Reported as "N/A" * None
Detailed Report of * Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas
* None
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided

Module 5: PD 1586 (EIS System)

EGG No.: EGG-4B-105-PA^10-2005

• None
Date Issued: 05/05/2005

Ambient Air Quality * Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air

* Reported none
Monitoring quality monitoring services

Ambient Water Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for

r Reported none
Monitoring water quality monitoring services

* Input status of implementation

Other ECC Conditions * Reported blank based on the ECC conditions.
Update entry In the SMR reporting

Environmental Management * * Input status of implementation

Reported informationwas inadequately provided based on the EMP. Update entry in
the SMR reporting
Solid Waste Characterization/ * Provided details on solid waste generation and
* None
Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

* No accidents and emergencies were reported r None

• Details on personnel staff and training were provided * Coordinate with HR-TDD for the
Personnel/Staff Training - Basic PCO Training Course (13-17,2015) schedule oftrainings being
- BasicPCOTraining Course(16-20, 2018) conducted by NPC

•AO No. 26, Series of 1992(PGO Designation/Accreditation and Reporting Requirements)

DENR PGO Accreditation No.: 2016-R4B-00S74
* Review PCO accreditation
Date Issued: 09/08/2016
application once DENR PCO
advanced training is available
DENR Accredited PCO * PCO Accreditation is valid

* PCO accreditation is issued

every three (3) years per DAO

B .
PCO Reporting Requirements *SMR was
Regional notarized
Office and was received by DENR-EMB
last 07/02/2019 * None

iPrepared by: Noted by:


'Analyst division Manager
Rev. 1 2Q-19-CuyoDPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Paly Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address ; Natl. Hwy., Brgy. Paly, Taytay, Palawan 10 49' 12.8" N, 119" 37 16.0" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Larry 1. Sabellina
Contact No. : (048) 434-5011 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date : Elias T. Buenaflor ' 2018-R4B-02243 03 September 2021
Contact No. : (048) 434-5011 i E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 2nd Qtr./ZS June 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 02 July 2019 i EAAAD Code : EMA-19-0753

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

• Provided contact information for the NPC President and Indicate [email protected] as
General Information Sheet
CEO was incomplete the President and CEO s e-mail address

• Follow the SMR format prescribed by DENR-

EMB; All questions/boxes should contain
SMR Form/Completeness ' • Details reported in the SMR were incomplete
answers. Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A".
Do not remove/erase any part of the module.

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

General Information provided. • None
- 1 X125 kW CUMMINS genset, operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.:

PD 984/RA 9275 Date Issued:

(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date:
• No valid DP • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the
application and securing of discharge permit
CNC No. 1:
Date of Issue:
• .no update on CNC secured
• A CNC was already secured for the power
PD 1586 plant
(EIS System) • Per NPC-EMD Records, a CNC with number
CNC-OL-R4B-2019-08-0D437 was issued to
Paly DPP. Update SMR entries accordingly.
• Please see attached copy
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
Date Issued:
• No valid DENR HW ID • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the
application and securing of the DENR HW ID
(Toxic Substances 6
CCO Registry
Hazardous & Nuclear
CCO Registry:
Wastes Control Act)
Date Issued:

• No valid CCO for PCB Registration Certificate • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the
application and securing of the CCO
Registration Certification for PCB

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-PalyDPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations

Permit to Operate (PC)

PC No. 1: 2O17-POA-D-0453-861
RA8749 Date Issued: 27 January 2017
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 26 January 2022
• Reported a valid PC

Operation • Details on the operation of the power plant were provided. • None

Operation/Production/ • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the power

• None
Capacity plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

CCD Report • Reported as "N/A" • None

HW Generation
HW ID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil for the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were adequately

HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• None
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials were
adequately reported
HWID: D407
HWClass: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the invetory of busted lamps were adequately • None

HW ID: D506
• The correct HW Number for used lead-acid
HW Class: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds
batteries is D406. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number
HW ID: M505
• The correct HW Number for solvent-based
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container
HW Generator dyes and paints is F601. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number
HW ID: L404
HW Class: PCB and PCB-Contaminated Wastes
• None
• Reported as "N/A"

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HWID: 1101 • Noted and ensure compliance with RA
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil 6969, DAO 2013-22 and other pertinent
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of used/waste environmental laws, rules and regulations.
oil were appropriately reported.

• None
HW ID: 1104 1

HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials 1

• Details on the method of storage/disposal of oil-

contaminated materials were appropriately reported.

HW ID: D407 • None

HWClass: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of busted lamps
were appropriately reported.

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-Paly DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations
HW ID: D506 • The correct HW Number for used lead-acid
HW Class: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds batteries is 0406.
• Reported Incorrect HW number
HW ID: M507
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container • The correct HW Number for solvent-based
• Reported incorrect HW number dyes and paints is F601f <. _L-
HW Generator

• Incwde all the other wastes reported in the

"HW Generation" Table.

On-Site Self Inspection • Report on the date of inspection and the

• Reported as "N/A" condition of the storage area

HW Treater/Recycler Incorrect entries.

• Delete entries. Paly DPP is not a treater
and/or recycler.

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data Details on water pollution data were provided • None

Cost of Treatment Reported as "N/A"

• Report on the location of the discharge

WTP Discharge Location Reported as "N/A" outlet and the name of the nearest receiving
water body

Detailed Report of • Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

Nowater analysis conducted for this quarter
Wastewater Characteristics laboratory analysis (if volume is enough)

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF • None
power plant.

Cost of Treatment Reported as "N/A"

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided.

Module 5: PD 1586
(EiS System)

• Paly DPP was only issued with a CNC • None

Ambient Air Quality

Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter *Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air quality
monitoring requirement

Ambient Water Quality

Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter ' Coordinate with NPC-EMD for water quality
monitoring requirement

Rev. 1 2Q-19-Paly DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Other ECC Conditions Reported as N/A

Environmental Adanagement
Reported as N/A • None

Solid Waste Characterization/ -Provided details on solid waste generation and

Information/Management management

Module 6; Others

Accidents 6 Emergency
• Reported "None"

Personnel/Staff Training • Details on personnel/staff training were reported

DAD No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2018-R4B-02243

Date issued: 03 September 2018
DENR Accredited PCO • PCOis duly accredited by DENR-EMB • PCOAccreditation is renewed every three
years per DAO 2014-02

PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional

• None
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.

Sr. Envtl. Mgmt. Analyst, EIALD Manager, EMAD

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-PalyDPP
^ ' '

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources
1515 1 and SlUiildinji RdXiW Hciulcvuid, Maiiilti
id. No.(02)4on-5'Jf»ii N(>.{u2M""-5y6U
mirTuiropar,ci;cmb.gr>\ .ph ami i:ml>_mimaiopiitojyalioo.coin
Visit iisai htl|);''Avw\v.miiii;iropa.tfinb-jS3\ .piv




Issued to

National Power Corporation

August 8,2019

For its

NFC-Paly Diesel Power Plant

Brgy. Paly Taytay, Paiawaa R4B

Classifted as

Mega watt Total power generating capacity)


Atty. MichaeltJrake P. Matias

Regiona' Director

g Bank ReceiptNo.:12960
K Amount Paid: Php 1,126.00
P Date Paid:4/ll/2019
fs Application Ref No.:71cfb2b9-laf4-4e6c-baaf-e322bb3181d5
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Biton Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address : Icandambanuan Is., Palawan 10 49-12.0" N, 119 37 16.2" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry 1. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge : Larry 1. Sabellina
Contact No. : (048)434-5011 E-Mail : lansabel®yahoo.com
PCO/COA No./ValidityDate : Dante M. Namia 2018-R4B-02242 -

Contact No. : (048) 434-5011 E-Mail : [email protected]

Reporting Period/Date : 2nd Qtr./28 June 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt ; 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 02 July 2019 EAAAD Code : EMA-19-0754

SMR AAodules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

• Provided contact information for the NPC President and Indicate [email protected] as the
General Information Sheet
CEO was incomplete President and CEO s e-mail address

• Follow the SMR format prescribed by DENR-

EMB; All questions/boxes should contain
SMR Form/Completeness • Details reported in the SMR were incomplete
answers. Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A". Do
not remove/erase any part of the module.

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

General Information provided. • None
• 1 X125 kW CUMMINS genset, operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.:
PD 984/RA 9275 Date Issued:
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date:
• No valid DP • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the application
and securing of discharge permit
CNC No. 1:
PD 1586 Date of Issue:
(EIS System) • No CNC secured • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the application
and securing of CNC.
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
Date Issued:

• No valid DENR HW ID • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the application

RA6969 and securing of the DENR HW ID
(Toxic Substances 8l
Hazardous & Nuclear
CCO Registry
Wastes Control Act) CCO Registry:
Date Issued:

No valid CCO-PCB Registration Certificate • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the application
and securing of the CCO Registration
Certification for PCB

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Biton DPP
SMR Modufes / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Permit to Operate (PO)

PO No. 1: 2017-POA-D-0453-891
RA8749 Date Issued: 11 July 2017
• None
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 10 July 2022
• Reported a valid PO

Operation • Details on the operation of the power plant were provided. • None

Operation/Production/ • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the power

• None
Capacity plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

CCD Report • Reported as "N/A" • None

HW Generation
HW ID: ilOl • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD for
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the Inventory of used/waste oil were adequately

HWID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• None
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials were
adequately reported

HW ID: D407
HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the invetory of busted lamps were adequately • None

HW ID: D506
• The correct HW Number for used lead-acid
HW Class: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds
batteries is D406. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number
HW ID: M505
• The correct HW Number for solvent-based
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container
HW Generator dyes and paints is F601. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number

HW ID: L404
HW Class: PCB and PCB-Contaminated Wastes
• None
• Reported as "N/A"

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HW ID: 1101 • Noted and ensure compliance with RA 6969,
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil DAO 2013-22 and other pertinent
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of used/waste environmental laws, rules and regulations.
oil were appropriately reported.

• None
HW ID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Matenals
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of oil-
contaminated matenals were appropriately reported.

HW ID: D407 • None

HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of busted lamps
were appropriately reported.

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-Blton DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

HW iD: 0506 • The correct HW Number for used lead-acid

HW Class: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds batteries is D406. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number accordingly
HW ID: M507
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container • The correct HW Number for solvent-based

• Reported incorrect HW number dyes and paints Is F601. Update SMR entries
HW Generator

• Include all the other wastes reported in the

"HW Generation" Table.

On-Site Self Inspection • Report on the date of inspection and the

• Reported as "N/A" condition of the storage area

• Delete entries. Biton DPP is not an HW

HW Treater/Recycler • Inappropriate entries.

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water PoUution Data • Details on water pollution data were provided • None

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

• Report on the location of the discharge

WTP Discharge Location • Reported as "N/A" outlet and the name of the nearest receiving
water body

Detailed Report of • Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

• No water analysis conducted for this quarter
Wastewater Characteristics laboratory analysis (if volume is enough)

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF • None
power plant.

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A" • None

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

• None
Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided.

Module 5; PD 1586
(EIS System)

• Biton DPP is to comply with PD 1586 and

other related environmental laws. Cooridnate
with NPC-EMD for the application and securing
of the CNC

Ambient Air Quality • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for air quality

• Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring requirements

Ambient Water Quality

• Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for water quality
Monitoring monitoring requirements

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Biton DPP
SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Other ECC Conditions Reported as N/A'

Environmental Management
Reported as 'N/A'

Solid Waste Characterization/ ^Provided details on solid waste generation and

Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

Reported "None

Personnel/Staff Training Reported on pen'oryiel <cQn6 • None

DAG No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO AccrediUtlon No.: 2018-R4B-02242

Date issued:
DENR Accredited PCO • Please provide NPC-EMD with a copy of the
PCO Accreditation

PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional

• None
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.
A /

Prepared by: Noted by:


Sr. Envtl. Mgmt. Analyst, EIALD Manager, EAAAD

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Bitan DPP
National Power Corporation
Power Engineering Services
Environmental Management Department

Self-Monitoring Report Assessment

Name of Plant/DENR Region : Casian Diesel Power Plant DENR-Region IVB
Address : Purok II, Brgy. Casian, Taytay, Palawan i r 02-21.4" N 119'42'40.6" E
Area Manager/SPUG Division : Larry I. Sabellina POD
Plant-ln-Charge ; Larry 1. Sabellina
Contact No. : (048) 434-5011 E-Mail : [email protected]
PCO/COA No./Validity Date ; Ederly de Guzman 2018-R4B-(X)247 18 September 2021
Contact No. : (048) 434-5011 E-Mail : [email protected]
Reporting Period/Date : 2nd Qtr./27 June 2019 NPC-EMD Date of Receipt : 08 July 2019
DENR-EMB Date of Receipt : 02 July 2019 EA(\AD Code : EAAA-19-a758

SMR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Module 0:
General Information Sheet

• Provided contact information for the NPC President and Indicate [email protected] as
General Information Sheet
CEO was incomplete the President and CEO's e-mail address

• Follow the SMR format prescribed by DENR-

EMB; All questions/boxes should contain
SMR Form/Completeness • Details reported in the SMR were incomplete
answers. Otherwise, write "None" or "N/A".
Do not remove/erase any part of the module.

Module 1:
General Information

• Updated information on power plant operation was

General Infotmation provided. • None
-1 X 125 kW CUMMINS genset, operational

Discharge Permit (DP)

DP No.:
PD 984/RA 9275 Date Issued:
(Clean Water Act) Expiry Date:

• No valid DP • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the '

application and securing of discharge permit
CNC No. 1: 1
PD 1586 Date of Issue:
(EIS System) • No CNC secured • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the
application and securing of CNC.
DENR Hazardous Waste ID
Date Issued:
• No valid DENR HW ID • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the
RA6969 application and securing of the DENR HW ID
(Toxic Substances &
CCO Registry
Hazardous 8t Nuclear
Wastes Control Act)
CCO Registry:
Date Issued:

• No valid CCO-PCB Registration Certificate • Coordinate with NPC-EMD for the

application and securing of the CCO
Registration Certification for PCB

Rev. 1 Page 1 of 4 2Q-19-Casian DPP
:^R Modules / Sections Findlngs/Obiervattons

Permit to Operate (PC)

PO No. 1: 2O17-POA-D-0453-892
RA8749 Date Issued: 11 July 2017
(Clean Air Act) Expiry Date: 10 July 2022
• Reported a valid PO

Operation • Details on the operation of the power plant were provided. • None

Operation/Production/ • Details on the operation/production/capacity of the power

• None
Capacity plant were provided.

Module 2: RA 6969
(Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes)

CCO Report • Reported as "N/A"

HW Generation
HW ID: 1101 • Coordinate with the WIADD and NPC-EMD
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil for the disposal of waste oil.
• Details on the inventory of used/waste oil were adequately

HWID: 1104
HW Class: Oil-Contaminated Materials
• Details on the inventory of oil-contaminated materials were
adequately reported
HW ID: D407
HW Class: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the invetory of busted lamps were adequately

HW ID: D506
• The correct HW Number for used lead-acid
HWClass: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds
batteries is D406. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number
HW ID: M505
• The correct HW Number for solvent-based
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container
HW Generator dyes and paints is F601. Update SMR entries
• Reported incorrect HW number
HW ID: L404
HW Class: PCS and PCB-Contaminated Wastes
• Reported as "N/A"

Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal

HW ID: 1101 • Noted and ensure compliance with RA
HW Class: Used/Waste Oil 6969, DAG 2013-22 and other pertinent
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of used/waste environmental laws, rulesand regulations,
oil were appropriately reported.

• None
HWID: 1104
HW Class: Oll-Contamlnated Materials
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of oil-
contaminated materials were appropriately reported.

HW ID: D407 . None

HWClass: Mercury and Mercury-Containing Compounds
• Details on the method of storage/disposal of busted lamps
were appropriately reported.

Rev. 1 Page 2 of 4 2Q-19-Casian DPP
HW ID: D506 • The correct HW Number for used lead-acid
HWClass: Lead and Lead-Containing Compounds batteries Is D406.
• Reported incorrect HW number

HW ID: M507
HW Class: Paint, Paint Thinner, Varnish Container • The correct HW Number for solvent-based
• Reported incorrect HW number dyes and paints is F601.
HW Generator

• Include all the other wastes reported in the

"HW Generation" Table.

On-Slte Self Inspection • Report on the date of inspection and the

• Reported as "N/A" condition of the storage area

HW Treater/Recycler • Reported as "N/A". • None

Module 3: PD 984
(Water Pollution)

Water Pollution Data Details on water pollution data were provided

Cost of Treatment Reported as "N/A"

• Report on the location of the discharge

WTP Discharge Location Reported as "N/A" outlet and the name of the nearest receiving
water body

Detailed Report of • Submit effluent samples to NPC-EMD for

No water analysis conducted for this quarter
Wastewater Characteristics laboratory analysis (if volume is enough)

Module 4: RA 8749
(Air Pollution)

• Reported the details on the fuel burning equipment of the

Summary of APSE or APCF
power plant.

Cost of Treatment • Reported as "N/A"

Detailed Report of • Data/information on the characteristics of the exhaust gas

Emission Characteristics and the corresponding computations were provided.

Module 5: PD 1586
(EIS System)

• Casian DPP is to comply with PD 1586 and

other related environmental laws.
Cooridnate with NPC-EMD for the application
and securing of the CNC

Ambient Air (iuality • Coordinate with NPC-EAAD for air quality

Reported no ambient air quality monitoring this quarter
Monitoring monitoring requirements

Ambient Water (Iuality

Reported no ambient water quality monitoring this quarter ' Coordinate with NPC-EMD for water quality
monitoring requirements

Rev. 1 Page 3 of 4 2Q-19-Casian DPP
9MR Modules / Sections Findings/Observations Remarks/Recommendations

Other ECC Conditions Reported as "N/A' • None

Environmental Management
Reported as 'N/A'

Solid Waste Characterization/ 'Provided details on solid waste generation and

Information/Management management

Module 6: Others

Accidents & Emergency

Reported "None

Personnel/Staff Training • Reported dkstnilr o peiOrnel • None

DAG No. 26, Series of 1992

(PCO Designation/
Accreditation and
Reporting Requirements)

DENR PCO Accreditation No.: 2018-R4B-02247

Date issued: 18 September 2018
DENR Accredited PCO • PCO is duly accredited by DENR-EMB ' • PCO Accreditation is renewed every three
years per DAO 2014-02

PCO Reporting • SMR was notarized and received by DENR-EMB Regional

• None
Requirements Office last 02 July 2019.

Noted by:


t, EIALD ^Manager, EMAD

Rev. 1 Page 4 of 4 2Q-19-Casian DPP

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