Project Examples
Project Examples
Project Examples
1) Farmer Bob, Farmer Jane and Farmer Jose run a cow farming co-op. For every cow they
keep the cow’s name, age (or date of birth), breed and numbered plastic ear tag. Each of the
three farmers owns many cows and shares some of the cows with one another.
2) An art researcher has asked you to design a database to record details of artists and the
museum in which their paintings are displayed. For each painting, the researcher wants to
Details not Entities know the size of the canvas, year painted, title, and style. The nationality, date of birth and
death of each artist must be recorded. For each museum, record details of its location and artist, museum,
specialty, if it has one. painting
3) A hamburger shop makes several types of hamburgers, and the same ingredient can be used
with several types of hamburgers. This does not literally mean the same piece of lettuce is Hambur,
used many times, but that lettuce is used with several types of hamburgers. Ingre
4) A country can have many official languages and a language can be the official language in
many countries. Each language belongs to a language group.
5) You are working for a consulting company and want to create a very simple database. This
database will be used to track problems clients are having and the consultants who are
working on them. Each client can have many problems and many clients can be facing the
same problems. Each time a client reports a problem you want to track the client, what their
problem is, the consultant who is working on it and the date it was logged into the system, its
status and the date the problem was solved (note this is blank for pending problems).
Consultants also work on many problems at any given time. For each type of problem there
is one consultant who is considered the expert on this problem. A consultant can be an expert
on many different types of problems.
6) You want to track information about 10 departments in your company. Each department has a
unique name, is located on a specific floor and has a phone number. Within each department
there is a department head and a range of additional employees. For all employees we want to
track their name, who their boss is, their salary as well as the unique employee number each
had assigned to them when they started the company. Each employee also has a set of skills.
You need to track this set of skills so you can locate employees with the right skill set to be
part of various cross department project teams. You need to also track information about all
of the projects that are under taken by these various departments. Each project has a unique
id, a name, a start date, and at least 3 employees on it. All teams have a project leader and a
project coordinator. Any employee can be a project leader but they can only lead one project.
Furthermore any employee can be a project coordinator and they can coordinate any number
of projects.