Leadership Proposal Leadership Proposal: For Curatorship

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About Shafeeq Gigyani
I am a social activist, Cultural Entrepreneur, tech geek and blogger; done my Masters in
Public administration. Being passionate about culture promotion and heritage
preservation, I founded KasabGar a social enterprise promoting local art, artisan and
Being a staunch supporter of Democracy, Peace & Human Rights, I have been part of
major Socio-Political movements in Pakhtunkhwa.
I am also on the advisory board culture and tourism, KP and a Pak-US Exchange Alumni,
visited USA under the Countering Violent extremism in Educated Youth. Beside this I
am voting individual member of CIVICUS youth group.

Peshawar hub is a year old and has already done a lot of what could be expected. Since
its inception, the curator has focused on lying the founding structure of building the
community which is the very essence of Global Shapers. Salman Saeed, the founding
curator, has brought this amazing platform to Peshawar that has connected the
Peshawar shapers to each other as well as to the global leaders through toplink.
This year was a year of great exploration, the shapers were learning about this great
community and what it meant to be a shaper in the first place. I was very ambitiously
learning about the global community and the opportunities a shaper gets to help grow
as a young community leader, which is why I actively engaged in all shaper activities.
Our hub has grown faster as peshawar has a lot of untapped potential and the
youngsters are on their toes to shape the community.
In short, a typical takeaway from this year would be, a meeting a month where all
shapers would made sure their presence, and the meetings had already set agenda
ranging from getting to know each other to brainstorming for our project pitches.

Shafeeq Gigyani, As a SHAPER:
I was one of the earliest shapers to join the group, I have seen the Hub flourished and
In Fact I have also identified and motivated some of the current shapers in the hub.
My objectives clearly were to explore the opportunities this global community of
shapers had and its deep rooted connections with WEF for the youth of my
community. My approach since the start was to help everyone in the hub with all my
expertise.I also remained the facilitator in reserving the venue for many of our monthly
meetings. In our joint event, my mark my city, I provided my services as the main
logistics person too.
My curiosity made me contact Saad Hamid and Neelam Azmat of Islamabad Hub to
understand their work, Furthermore the main purpose of my visit to SHAPE SA19 was
to understand and to seek inspiration from other Hubs of South Asia.

Relevant Experience: I have remained a Student Leader since university. And then
joined Civil Rights Activism as I am passionate about contributing to my community
through youth leadership.I am accredited to be chief contributor to the 3 resolutions
and two bills passed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly regarding Child Rights and
Heritage preservation. I am on the Advisory Board for Culture and Tourism Department
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the promotion of Religious Tourism; An International
Visitors' Leadership Program alumni of the US State Department; and a participant of
SHAPE South Asia 2019.

My Vision:
Salman being the founding curator has beautifully struggled with lying grounds for
building the community. Being a keen observer I have learnt a lot from Salman as a
curator and I have also inquired from international shapers regarding their experiences
and strategies to run their hubs successfully. Having done the research, and having
performed a lot of leading roles in my career I strongly feel I can also contribute in
shaping our community by becoming the curator of Peshawar Hub, And I have always
been good with building teams strategically, seeking support for causes, running
campaigns, taking daring initiatives, branding, Advocacy and community service. I am

also a firm believer of local leadership, as a local leader has the knowledge of the
potentials and is also aware of the problems and is in a better position to address the
sort things out. All of my experiences paired with my skills make me a strong
candidate for the position. I have a lot of plans to develop our hub and set examples
for others to follow. I would now briefly introduce you to my master plan for what I call
a new Hub:

My Commitment As Curator.
I plan to build ties with national and international organizations to help support our
cause, for that it is very important to have a legal status as a hub, so I plan to formally
register our Hub. That would be the first step.
PARTNERSHIPS; ( Public-Private Partnerships)
In future, I plan to host some huge events and run some far reaching campaigns, and
for that I would partner with national and International private partners that are
already working in the field and are looking for youth to contribute. I Would work on
onboarding relevant public partners to upscale our projects. Building connections with
other organizations can help amplify the impact of our hub.
Partnering: with other hubs of Pakistan is also what I would priorities as a curator,
as I believe in working together can not only achieve the ends but also bring people
together for sometimes a lifetime of partnership. The older Hubs and their Shapers are
very talented and there is a lot to learn from each other so I will collaborate with other
hubs to learn from their experiences too.
Network is a social resource and at times I get done with things easily as I have a
wonderful circle of friends. Global shapers community is a great platform, and helps
access a range of world famous profiles in any field to learn from them, as a curator, I
would work on building this network stronger by making opportunities to help interact
with other shapers.
Inclusion: As a curator I would priorities targeted inclusion of gender minorities,
religious minorities and specially-abled persons as I believe that inclusion is the way
Plans for Hub Members?
Capacity Building: Experience, exposure and mentorship can help a lot in building
capacity of people. As I curator I plan to have specific programs for the capacity
building of our shapers through networking, trainings, exposure, role-plays and others.
Networking: Networking with other shapers and Hubs in Pakistan and outside through
exchange programs and through participation in national and international event are
part of my plan for building the capacity of shapers of Peshawar Hub.
Shapers Projects: Following the WEF themes, every shaper came up with their
amazing workable pitches, but due to time and resource barriers we could only take up
one project, my mark my city, in the year 2019. I plan to take up every pitch, refine it
with the help of shapers and other technical experts, and execute the plans based on
their feasibility lead by the respective shaper. This would help shapers own the hub
and give their best to win their projects too.
Governance: Our Hub in its 1st year had more focus on building a centralized
leadership and built exemplary practices of leadership. Now I plan to have more
inclusive hub and have devolved many powers and responsibilities to its shapers. I plan
to have separate committees for the recruitment of new shapers, treasurer, and some
special such committees as per requirements.
Venue: I plan to hold meetings twice a month as i feel meeting more often is necessary
to know each other, discuss, plan and execute those plans. I also believe that the
venue makes a great difference which is why i plan to hold meetings in a more informal
setting ike some open areas that are nearer to nature and where everyone feels happy
& relaxed to come.
Hub Charter: Developing the current charter and adding some more sections as
described in Curator manual.


1. National Shapers Retreat: Peshawar is culturally rich, naturally beautifull and
has great places of historical importance and was once known for tourism. But the
wave of war and terror damaged its tourism industry. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
government has priority the restoration of tourism in KP. This is timely that the

Peshawar Hub joins hands with the public partners to help improve the industry. As a
curator I Plan to arrange a National Retreat by onboarding KP government.
2. My Mark My City: I plan to continue our project, My Mark My City (Which was
pitched by Muhammad Tariq), on a larger scale as our pilot event went very well and
got appreciations.
3. Board Bazar Small Medium Business: Board bazar is the main grocery
market where most of the small businesses are owned by Afghan Refugees, The
market has a large number of small vendors running their informal businesses. If we
can come up with a business plan for each vendor through proper research and submit
the plan to Peshawar Development Authority for an accessible and clean space near
Board bazar. This would help the vendors with increasing their revenues and also
formalising the informal economy of Peshawar. This may considerably help with
solving the environmental issues that arise due to informal setups.

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