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CH10 Surface Area N Volume

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ffi,n t" I tl

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:t Volume ahO Surface

Area of Pyramids,
Cones and Spheres
T're 1:l-ctc s'rc,vs son'te ce creatr] cones
Hoi,,' cloes tr.e rranitfaciLrrer determ ne
the vo[rrne of ce crealr needed to f I

each cone conlp ete y')

C *
\r\ =t


ff,*, .?{rffi
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Xl {}"1J Xtlffifrlf,*tfi'"
ln Book we have learnt about prisms. ln this section, we will learn about pyramids.

What are Pyramids?
The photo in Fig. 10.1(a) shows the Creat Pyramid built by the Egyptians
in Ciza, Egypt around the year 2560 BC. The photo in Fig. 10.1(b) shows two
tetrahedral dice, each with 4 triangular faces. These are real-life examples of pyramids.
When a tetrahedral die with four
sides numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 is
tossed, the score is the number
on the side facing downwards.
However, since it is difficultto reac:
this number, the dice are numberec;
as shown in Fig. 1 0.1 (b). The score-
is the number closest to the base
What is the score on each of thc
dice in Fig. 10.1 (b)?

(a) The Creat Pyramid (b) Tetrahedral Dice

Fig. 10.1

Discuss each of the following questions with your classmates.

1. What are some common features of these pyramids?
2. What do you notice about the slanted /aces of these pyramids?
3. What do you notice about the base-s of these pyramids?
The basr: of a pyramid is al.
4. What is the difference between a vertex and the apex of a pyramid? considered a face of the pyr,rmr'
5. What do you notice about the cross sections of a pyramid? Are they uniform? but it is different from the -s/.rrri'
6. Now, look at the photos in Fig. 'l 0.2. Are they pyramids? Do they have the same laces of the pyramid.

features as the pyramids in Fig. 10..1?

l/ Ea€)
rD b. 1..{'n
'Itd' 6'S\
Fe !-
*E4 -- V
(a) Food Pyramid (b) Human Pyramid (c) Rice Dumpling
Fig. 10.2

7. Cive three more real-life examples of pyramids.

l,.i Types of Pyramids
\ pyramid is a solid in which one of the faces is a polygonal base and the other slanted
faces are triangles joined to the edges (or sides) of the base. The corner points of a
rr ramid are known as vertices (singular: vertex) and the vertex where all the slanted
'aces meet is called the apex, which is opposite the base.

:ig. 10.3 shows some examples of pyramids with different bases.The base of each
:r ramid is shaded. A pyramid is named after its polygonal base. Can you name the
ast two pyramids? Write your answers in the spaces provided in Fig.


(a) Triangular Pyramid (b) Pentagonal Pyramid

Apex Apex

r- - - -tl-
': ..4 -
' 9r
-- t


(c) Square Pyramid (d) Pyramid (e) Pyramid

Fig. 10.3

- -
:or the square pyramid in Fig. 10.3(c), do you notice that the apex is vertically above For the pyramid in Fig. 10.3(e),
do you notice that it is a right
'.-e centre of the base? Such a pyramid is called a right pyramid. Can you identify pyramid and the base is a regular
Ither right pyramids in Fig. 10.3? hexagon? Such a right pyramid w ith
a regular polygonal base is knoir n
as a regular pyramid.

Recall that a n'g,ular polr r,,r is a

polygon with a// side-s ec/uai ani
all angles equa/. Since a r€(u.:'
quaclrilateral has to be a square anc
not a rectangle, then a rectangular
pyramid can never be a regula.
pyramid. Howevet are all square
pyramids regular pyramids?
The perpendicular height (or simply the height) of a pyramid is the perpendicular
distance from the apex to the base of the pyramid (see Fig. 10.4). A stant height of
a pyramid is the distance from the apex to the midpoint of an edge (or side) of the
base. The edges that join the apex to the vertices (or corner points) of the base are
called the slant edges. Use 6 identical matchsticks to
form 4 equilateral triangles without
breaking the matchsticks.

Slant edge

Slant height

Fig. 10.4

What can we say about the slant edges, slant heights and slant faces of regular

ln this section, we will study only right pyramids. Therefore, the term ,pyramid, is used
to refer to a right pyramid. Also, the term 'height' is used to refer to the perpendicular
height unless otherwise stated.

ln Book 1, we have learnt about prisms. Write down three differences between a
prism and a pyramid.

:i.: Votume of Pyramids

ln Book 1, we have learnt:

Volume of prism = dr€€l of cross section x height

= base area x height

We will now learn how to find the volume of a pyramid.

q!ryq.l{)Jqryry Surface Area of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres

consider an open triangurar
pyramid and an nnan +r;^^_..r
base and the sarne
h e ig il('""
pouring it into the
prism, no*
il. ili:ff; rHT,il'r
; ; ^'; ilTr',,T:

open end
open end

pyramid refers ro
li :ff" thar a
ll,llrid is open at ir base
open prism rer-ers ro
pnsm that
is open at one

(a) Triangular
pyramid (b) Triangular prism

Fig. 10.5

Fig. 10.6 shows thr

and pasted on ot," triangular pyramid
of -o"r',."". which ca
b;s;; ;;,"-o',,,1"f to' "ce
obtain an
open pyramid,r rh;;;';
;;;; :l ".:: :llti:ii';:
Fig. 10.s(a).

o The cardboard
is necessarv. lfrre
use only paper,
the pyramid rr ill
De dtstorted due
to the mass or
rne sand and the
result will be
. The tabs are not part
Fig. 10.6 of the ner
as they are for gluing
Similarly, use the net of the triangular prism in Fig. 10.7 to make an open prism as lnternet
..s#- /
shown in Fig. 10.5(b).
Search on the lnternetfor'Dynamic
Faper'for more templates of nets.


Noticethatboth the pyramid in Fig. 10.6 and the prism in Fig. 10.7 havethesame
base and the same height.
Fill the entire pyramid with sand such that the sand is level. Pour the sand into the
prism. How many times must you do this until the prism is completely filled? Do you
get the same result as your classmates? This suggests that:

Volume of pyramid = x volume of corresponding prism

You may want to repeat the experiment in the investigation for different pyramids
and their corresponding prisms (i.e. prisms with the same base and height). Fig. 1 0.8
shows a series of photos where sand is poured from a square pyramid into a square
pnsm with the same base and the same height,The process is repeated until the prism
is completely full. lt shows that it takes 3 times the volume of a pyramid to fill the
prism completely.

l time

(a) 6)

2 times ffi

3 times
itra r'

(e) (0
Fig. 10.8
This suggests that:

Volume of pyramid = x volume of corresponding prism

l The corresponding prism of a
1 pyramid has the same base and
-3 x base area x height
the same height as the pyramid.

Worked I ,iitrriirl litt'\',,llirrri ,1l,t t''.t;ttt:irl. {-,rrr'r: firl Ii.r-, \tt',r

Exampl. I
OABC is a triangular pyramid with a base area of 25 cm2
and a height of 8 cm. Find the volume of the triangular
Volume of triangular pyramid = x base area x height
| Another name for a triangular
1 pyramid is 'tetrahedron'. lf all the
3 edges are of the same length, it is
) called a regular tetrahedron.
=66 ;J c[l'

Exercise l0A Questions 1-3, 8
1. A triangular pyramid has a base area of 36 cm2 and a height of 7 cm. Find the
volume of the triangular pyramid.
2. The height of the Creat Pyramid of Egypt is 146 m and its base is a square of
sides 229 m. Find the volume of the pyramid, leaving your answer correct to
3 significant figures.

\Vorked /'l :

i),,i1.1,.1,,r:..:: rl
Exampl e Z .

VPQRS is a rectangular pyramid where PQ = 30 m and

QR = 20 m. Civen that the volume of the pyramid is
7000 m3, find its height.

Volume of pyramid =
t base area x height
7000 =
I' frO x 20) x height
.'. Height = 35 m

The volume of a pyramid with a square base of length 5 m is 75 m3. Find its height. 51il.'*
10A Questions 'l-5.
:i.: Surface Area of PYramids
Fig. t 0.9(a) shows a pyramid with a square base and Fig. 10.9(b) shows its
net. lf we fold the net along the dotted lines, we will obtain the pyramid. How do we
find the total surface area of the pyramid?
The word 'surface' is pronounced
as sur-fis, not sur-face.


Fig. 10.9

From the net, it can be seen that:

Total surface area of pyramid = total area of all faces

Worked O ,r: !', i'r

'l itirllr:g liitt li:i.ri 5lti1',li t' ,'\i' ,r "
:j.tni i lt.i,.iitl.irrrl Ilrilt(,trni,rn. li ij.l-,

Exampl" OPQRS is a pyramid with a square base of length 14 cm'

Civen that the slant height of the pyramid is 17 cm, draw
its net and hence, find its total surface area.

+14 grn---rQ
When we are requirecl to clr.rrr lrrr.
17 cm net ui,r .olid, lte do,'''',lt'r'.r'
tabs as the,v are for gluit.re pur1t,,', .
(see Fig. 10.6 and Fig. 10. . \\1.
| 14.,n1 just draw the net u'ithout the tab.
(see Fig. 10.9(b)t.

\rea of each triangular face =

|x Ax 11

= l19cmr
\rea of square base =
.'. Total surface area = 4 x area of each triangular face + area of square base
or pvramid

\pyramidhasasquarebaseof length l2m.Civenthattheslantheightof thepyramid Ercrc ist lU,\ Question

s l5 m, draw its net and hence, find its total surface area.
jt .r i' r


. ';i j, r..r
A pyramid has a square base of length 10 cm and a total
surface area of 272 cmz. Find the volume of the pyramid.
P6lya's 4-Stage Problem Solving

Solution: v Model

Stage 1 ( U nderstand the problem t:

You may wish to sketch the pyramid

for better visualisation.

Stage 2 (Think of a plan):

To find the volume of the pyramid,
according to the formula, we need
to know its base area and its height.
We are able to find its base area
easily but how do we find its
height? Which information have
<- 10 cm--) we not used?
Do you notice that there is a right-
angled triangle in the figure? What

Total surface area of pyramid = 4 x area of each triangular face + area of square base ;'JJ:"'"'ff;,1::"r[TL[[1":i*
Total surface area of pyramid - areaof square base Stage 3 (Carry out the plan): Se
Area of each triangular face - 4 solution.
_ 272-10 xlO Stage 4 (Look back): Check your
4 solution.
= 43 cm2

Area of LVBC = xl0xVQ=43

VQ =8'6cm

ln LVPQ, Z.P =90".
Using Pythagoras/ Theorem,
=73.96 -25
= 48.96
:.VP =J4896 (since yp>0)
ln order for the final answer to :r
= 6.997 cm (to 4 s.f.) accurate to three significant figns
any intermediate working mu* *
correct to at least four signirrar
.'. Volume of pyramid =
I r base area x height figures.

=233 cff (to 3 s.f.)
@ 1-16
HPQRS is a pyramid where the length of each side of Exercise 10A Questions 1

its square base is 7 cm. Civen that the total surface

area of the pyramid is 161 cm2, find its
(i) slant height VB,
(ii) volume

P+ 7 cm -*Q


t. OABC is a triangular pyramid with a base area of 3. OXYZ is a pyramid whose base is a right-angled
l5 cm2 and a height of 4 cm. Find the volume of the triangle where XY =7 m and YZ = 4 m. Civen that
triangular pyramid. the height of the pyramid is 5 m, find its volume.

, OABCDEF is a hexagonal pyramid with a base area

of 23 crrf and a height of 6 cm. Find the volume of
the pyramid.

4. VPQRS is a rectangular pyramid where PQ= l0 cm

and QR=6cm. Civen thatthe volume of the pyramid
is 100 cm3, find its height VO.


10 cm
5. A pyramid with a triangular base has a volume of 10. VABCD is a pyramid with a rectangular base of sides
50 cm3. lf the base and the height of the triangular 15 cm by 9 cm. Civen that the slant height Ve of the
base are 5 cm and 8 cm respectively, find the height
pyramid is 16 cm, find its
of the pyramid.
(i) height,
The volume of a square pyramid with a height of
(ii) volume.
l2 m is 100 m3. Find the length of its square base.

7. OWXYZ is a rectangular pyramid where WX = 66 cm

andXY=32cm. Civen thatthe slant heights OAand 16 cm
OB of the pyramid are 56 cm and 63 cm respectively,
draw its net and hence, find its total surface area.
D \-----'c /
"/'q 9cm
,,63 cm 15 cm

11. VPQRS is a pyramid with a rectangular base of sides

10 cm by 8 cm. Civen that the volume of the pyramid
,56 cm is 180 cm3, find its
(i) height,
(ii) total surface area.

A glass paper weight is in the shape of a solid pyramid

/c __R.
with a square base of length 6 cm and a height of
J cm. Civen that the density of the glass is ' 8cm
3.1 glcm3, find the mass of four identical paper ,/,/
weights. P locm O

9. A solid pentagonal pyramid has a mass of 500 g. 12. A pyramid has a rectangular base of sides 16 m
It is made of a material with a density of 6 glcm3. by 14 m. Civen that the volume of the pyramid is
Civen that the base area of the pyramid is 30 cm2, 700 m3, find its
find its height. (i) height,
(ii) total surface area.

13. A solid pyramid has a rectangular base of sides

15 cm by 10 cm and a height of 20 cm. lt is placed
inside an open cubical tank of sides 30 cm. The tank
is then completely filled with water. lf the pyramid
is removed, what will be the depth of the remaining
water in the tank?

.." ; * . ".. : ". .. ,./: t

14. WWYZ is a rectangular pyramid where WX is longer 15. The length of each edge of a regular tetrahedron
than XI'. ls the slant height VA longer or shorter than whose faces are identical equilateral triangles. is

the slant height VB? Explain your answer. 8 cm. Find its
(i) slant height,
(ii) volume.
Hintr All sides are equal. The centre C of an equilater..
triangle is of its height /r.

1l O,2 Xll:ff 3l *.',"
ln Book 'l , we have learnt about cylinders. ln this section, we will learn about cones.

\\'hat are Cones?
Fig. 10.10 shows some real-life examples of cones.

(a) lce-Cream Cone (b) Party Hat

Fig. 10.10

Discuss each of the following questions with your classmates.

1. What are some common features of these cones?
2. What are some similarities and differences between a cone and a cylinder?
3. What are some similarities and differences between a cone and a pyramid?
4. Cive three more real-life examples of cones.
l:.! Types of Cones
A cone is a solid in which the base is bounded by a simple closed curve and the curved
surface tapers into a point called the apex, which is opposite the base. lf the base is A simple closed curve refers to a

circular, the cone is known as a circular cone. Fig. 10.1'l shows some examples of closed curve that does not intersect
cones with different bases.


(a) Circular Base (b) Elliptical Base

Fig. 10.1 1

ln Fig. 10.1 1 (a), the apex is vertically above the centre of the circular base. What do
you think such a circular cone is called?

The perpendicular height (or simply the height) of a cone is the perpendicular distance
from the apex to the base of the cone (see Fig. 10.12). The slant height of a right
circular cone is the distance from the apex to the circumference of the base.


Slant height Height

Fig. 10.12

ln this section, we will study only right circular cones. Therefore, the term 'cone' is
used to refer to a right circular cone. Also, the term 'height' is used to refer to the
perpendicular height unless otherwise stated. The radius of the circular base is also
known as the base radius.


One of your classmates is absent from school and he does not understand what a
cone is. Write in your journal how you would explain to him some features of a cone
and how a cone is different from a cylinder or a pyramid. lnclude some appropriate
diagrams where necessary.
:ilvolume of Cones
xr Eook 1, we have learnt:

Vorume or cyrinder:f#:1H":''':Ti:. x height

r*rere r is the base radius and ft is the height of the cylinder.

\ow, we will learn how to find the volume of a cone by comparing a cone with a
pvramid that has a regular polygonal base.

Comparisonbetween a Cone and a Pyramid

1. Fig. 10.13 shows (a) a regular pentagon, (b) a regular hexagon, (c) a regular
l2-gon, and (d) a regular 16-gon inside a circle respectively.

(b) (c)
Fig. 10.13

lf the number of sides of a regular polygon is increased indefinitely, what will

the polygon become?

2. Fig. 10.14 shows a sequence of regular pyramids, i.e. right pyramids with regular
polygonal bases.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 10.1a
lf the number of sides of the regular polygonal base of a pyramid is increased
indefinitely, what will the pyramid become?
ln many ways, a cone is lke a pyramid. However, a cone is not a pyramid because
the base of a pyramid must be a polygon but the base of a cone is a circle. Although
a regular polygon can become a circle if its number of sides is increased indefinitely,
a polygon must have a finite number of sides and so a circle is not a polygon.

Since a cone is like a pyramid (see Fig. 10.14), by analogy, the formula for the volume
of a cone should be the same as the formula for the volume of a pyramid. We have:

Volume of cone = I " base area x height

= lnfh,
where r is the base radius and ft is the height of the cone.

lf a cone and a cylinder have the same base and the same height, what is the relationship
between the volume of the cone and the volume of this corresponding cylinder?

llxample A cone has a circular base of radius 12 cm and a height
of 30 cm. Find the volume of the cone.


lfthe question does not specify tl:

value of Jr, we use the value of r
stored in the calculator.

+12 cm-->
Volume of cone = ,nfh
=ixnxl22x3O For accuracy, we should rarort
in terms of n in the intermedt
= t{!'Qn steps.

= 4520 cm3 (to 3 s.f.)

l. A cone has a circular base of radius 8 cm and a height of 17 cm. Find the volume Exercise 108 Questions 1(a)-tdr,
of the cone.
2. The volume of a cone with a circular base of radius 6 m is 84n m3. Find its height.

The figure shows a frustum which is obtained by removing

the smaller cone OAB with a base radius of 6 cm from the
bigger cone OCD that has a base radius of 18 cm. Civen
that the height of the frustum is l0 cm, find its volume.


i-et the height of the smaller cone be h cm.

Then the height of the bigger cone is (ft + 10) cm.

*"i*e .-; a
I' i

-ol- ir;-----;p
Since AOPB is similar to A,OQD,

ir+10 18

/r+10 3

.'. Height of bigger cone = 5 + l0
Volume and Surface Area ol PvramiOs.ion**nO Sof,rrr. Chaoter 10
.'. Volume of frustum = volume of bigger cone - volume of smaller cone

= l*,u - I*o
= ln@'zH - fh)
= |n(18'zx 15 - 62 x 5)


= 1560n
= 4900 cm3 (to 3 s.f.)

The figure shows a frustum which is

Exercise 108 Question 16

obtained by removing the smaller cone

OAB with a base radius of 5 cm from the

bigger cone OCD that has a base radius of 12cm
2O cm. Civen that the height of the frustum
is 12cm, find its volume. <-20 cm----->

l:.isurface Area of Cones

As a cone has a curved surface, it is difficult to use the flat slant faces of a pyramid as
an analogy to find a formula for the curved surface area of a cone. lnstead, we will
use the same approach as finding the formula for the area of a circle which we have
learnt in primary school.

Curved SurfaceArea of Cones

Consider the cone as shown in Fig. 10.15(a).

Open up

Fig. 10.15(a)
Unfold the curved surface of the cone to become the sector shown in Fig. 10.15(b).
Divide the sector into 44 smaller sectors and arrange them to form the shape as shown
in Fig.10.1 s(b).

Spread out
P o

Fig. 10.15(b)

lf the number of sectors is increased indefinitely, then the shape in Fig. 10.1 5(b) will
become a PQRS.

Since PQ + RS = circumference of the base circle in Fig. 1 0.1 5(a), then the length of
the rectansle is PO =
Since PS = slant height of the cone in Fig. 10.15(a), then the breadth of the rectangle
.'. Curved surface area of cone = area of rectangle

From the investigation, we have:

Curved surface area of Cofie = xtrlr

where r is the base radius and / is the slant height of the cone.


What is the total surface area of a solid cone?

Worked ,-l tlte iol,ti \Ltii.rt cAt'r'a oi,t (. litr' ( 'rt,'tl l:r' i .,'

Example I R,rciiirr,rrtri Si.rtil ! ieiqirl,

A cone has a circular base of radius 6 cm and a slant height
of 10 cm. Find the total surface area of the cone.

Solution: <- 6 cm -------->

Total surface area of cone = firI + rrf

= 60n + 36n
= 302 crrf (to 3 s.f.)

Exercise l0B Questions 5(a)-{ci,
1. A cone has a circular base of radius 9 cm and a slant height of 5 cm. Find the total
6-8, 11-12
surface area of the cone.

2. A cone has a circular base of radius 8 m. Civen that the total surface area of the
cone is 350 m2, find its slant height. (Take n to be 3.142.)

'l:t;ttjtr-i:.1 liir,'.
fi,,.. irli..... ..,:
iti'.r,r1 \lrii,r'i' \ri'.r ,

A cone has a circular base of radius 3 m and a height of

4 m. Find the curved surface area of the cone.
, , ';t r i, r'r'

A sketch is helpful.

Solution: t ,ri\
4'm / i \/.
Let the slant height of the cone be / m.

Using Pythagoras'Theorem, / =
'(-3 m --+
To find the curved surface ara o
.'. Curved surface area of cofl€ = firl the cone, according to tlre fonr*
=nx3x5 we need to know its slant ld;ts
but it is not given. Horrets. r
= 15n rightq5
notice that there is a
= 47.1m2 (to 3 s.f.) triangle in the figure and so r'er
make use of Pythagoras'Tlro

I !l-\ $
1. A cone has a circular base of radius 8 m and a height of 15 m. Find the curved
Exercise'l0B Questiom
17-18 fi
surface area of the cone.

2. A cone has a circular base of radius 7 cm and a slant height of 12cm. Find the
volume of the cone.
iela Fanao lnd Qnlrarac fi
1. Find the volume of each of the following cones. 6. A cone has a circular base of radius 6 mm. Given
(a) (b) .-,
that the curved surface area of the cone is 84n mm:,
l. find its slant height.
,,,'. ..\? ,,<*5 cm
\c/ i
7. A cone has a circular base of radius 15 cm. Given
6cm that the total surface area of the cone is 1000 crn-,
find its slant height. (Take n to be 3.142.)
Areaof base =l54cnf
8. An open cone has a slant height of 5 m and a cun,ed I

(c) (d) . surface area of 251 m2. Find the radius of the circular r

/ l\ tt
., t
, t, ,'
tl l_. ':,
I \u{ tl 9. A conical funnel of diameter 23.2 cm and depth
ucm -->
Circumference of base
42 cm contains water filled to the brim. The water
is poured into acylindrical tin of diameter 162 cm.
= 132 mm i

lf the tin must contain all the water, find is least


2. The volume of a cone with a circular base of radius possible height.

8 cm is 320ncm3. Find its height.
10. A conical block of silver has a height of 16 cm and
3. A cone has a base area of 20 m2 and a volume of a base radius of 12cm. The silver is melted to form
160 m3. Find the height of the cone. coins cm thick and f cm in diameter. Find the
f ]
number of coins that can be made.
4. A cone has a height of 14 cm and a volume of
I32 cm3. Find the radius of the circular base. 11. An open cone has a circular base of radius l0 cm
(Take nto be
f .) and a slant height of 20 cm. Draw the net of the
cone and label its dimensions.
t. Find the total surface area of each of the following
cones. 12. The semicircle shown is folded to form a right circular
(a) (b) cone so that the arc PQ becomes the circumference
+-7 cm ----+ t -.?n of the base. Civen thatthe diameterof the semicircle.
F --- --

tr'... i "hrn PQ, is 10 cm, find

,-,",1 1 ''\
t ,9
28 mm
(i) the diameter of the base,
.i *r-+cm (ii) the curved surface area of the cone.

\,, L.

(c) t \
.'l '.25 mm
Circumference of base
"\ = 132mm P
L:-:-:'E f
l0 cm I

Vnlrrnrp rnrl $rrrfsnE Arpr nl Fvrnrnirls" Cnnss and Snhgres Chaoter lO f

13. A cone has a circular base of radius 5 cm and a 17. A solid is made up of trruo identical cones, each with
height of 12cm. Find the curved surface area of the a base diameter of 14 cm and a slant height of 15 cm.
cone. Find
(i) the total surface area,
14. A cone has a circular base of radius 8 cm and a slant (ii) the volume,
height of 20 cm. Find the volume of the cone. of the solid.

15. A circular cone has a height of 17 mm and a slant

height of 21 mm. Find
(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area,
of the cone.

16. The figure shows a frustum which is obtained by

removing the smaller cone XRS with a base radius
of 6 cm from the bigger cone XTU that has a base
radius of 15 cm. Civen that the height of the frustum
is 18 cm, find its volume.
+- 14cm +

18. A cone has a circular base of radius 13.5 m. Civen

that the total surface area of the cone is l24fr m2,
find its volume.

15 cm
Volume and Surface

Fig. 10.16 shows some real-life examples of spheres.



/4'' Map projection is a method of
\L representing the surface of a sphere
on a p/ane. ls it possible to draw
the map of all the countries in
the world on a plane accurately
without distorting the shape or the
area? Search on the lnternet to find
out more about conformal (or area-
(a) Soccer Ball (b) Crystal Ball (c) Clobe preservi ng) map projections.
Fig. 10.16


\\'hat is a hemisphere? What are some real-life examples of hemispheres?

i:.: Volume of Spheres

Is the King's Crown Made of Pure Gold?

\rchimedes is one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time. He lived from
)87 B.C. to 212 B.C. in Creece. One day, the King asked Archimedes to find out
nhether his crown was made of pure gold or whether the goldsmith had cheated.
The real problem lies in finding the volume of the crown. Archimedes thought for a
long time but still had no idea. He then decided to take a break by taking a bath. As
he stepped into the bathtub, the water overflowed. Archimedes was so excited by this
discovery that he dashed out into the street shouting 'Eureka!' which means 'l have
:ound it!', but had forgotten that he was unclothed.

{rchimedes realised that a sinking solid displaces an amount of water that is equal
:o the volume of the solid. To find the volume of the crown, we can fill up the Eureka
;an (named as a resu lt of the above story) as shown in Fig. 10.17 (a) with water until
t overflows before putting in the crown. The volume of water displaced into the
container as shown in Fig. 10.1 7 (b) is equal to the volume of the crown.


Eureka can Container Eureka can Container
(a) Before (b) After
Fig. 10.17
Suppose Archimedes found out that the volume of water displaced was 714 cm3
and the mass of the crown was I 1.6 kg. Civen that the density of gold is 19.3 glcm3,
determine whether the crown was made of pure gold. Do you arrive at the same
conclusion as your classmates?

Volume of Spheres
Part l: Archimedes' Discovery of the Volume of Sphere
Using the displacement method mentioned in the class discussion, Archimedes
discovered a formula to find the volume of a sphere. Fig. 10.18(a) shows a sphere
of radius r and Fig. 10.18(b) shows its related circular cylinder of base radius r and
height 2r. Archimedes filled the cylinder with water and placed the sphere inside it

(see Fig. 10.18(c)).

(a) Sphere
!tRelated Cylinder
Fig. 10.18
Archimedes found out that the volume of water displaced was equal to
(c) Sphere inside related

I or tr'e
volume of the cylinder. This was one of his greatest discoveries.
Fart ll: Work out theVolume of Sphere

volume of cylinder
l{!* rr,

Volume of sphere = tr"volume of cylinder


From the investigation, we have:

Volume of sphere =+nf ,

rvhere r is the radius of the sphere.

Hff*9 A ball bearing (which is spherical in shape) has a radius

of 0.3 cm. Find
(i) the volume of the ball bearing,
(ii) the mass of 6000 identical ball bearings if they are
made of steel of density 7.85 g/cm3.

(i) 4,
Volume of ball bearing = 3n'
= x 0.33
= 0.036n
= 0.113 cm3 (to 3 s.f.)

(ii) Mass of 6000 ball bearings = volume of 6000 ball bearings x density
= 6000 x 0.036n x 7.85
= 5330 g (to 3 s.f.)

Exercise 10C Questions 1(a)-(c),

A lead ball bearing has a diameter of 0.4 cm. Find the mass of 5000 identical
ball bearings if the mass of 1cm3 of lead is 11.3 g'

2. A basketball has a volume of 5600cm3. Find its radius'

l:.i Surface Area of Spheres

Surface Area ofSpheres
Part l: Archimedes' Discovery of the Surface Area of Sphere
Archimedes also discovered a formula to find the surface area of a sphere.
Fig. 10.19(a) shows a hemisphere of radius r. One end of a piece of twine is stuck
in the centre of the curved surface of the hemisphere by a pin before the twine is
coiled around the curved surface completely. Fig. 10.19(b) shows a circular cylinder
of base radius r and height r. One end of a piece of twine is stuck at the bottom of
the curved surface of the cylinder by a pin before the twine is coiled around the
cu rved su rface completely.



(a) Hemisphere (b) Cylinder
Fig. 10.19

Archimedes found out that the two pieces of twine were of the same length.

Length of second piece of rwine = 2xTrh


Curved surface area of sphere = 2 x length of first piece of twine

= 2 x length of second piece of twine

Fart ll: Simple Experiment to Find the Surface Area of a Sphere

1. Take an orange and cut it into halves. Place one half flat on a sheet of paper and
draw a circle around it. The area of the circle is nr2, where r is the radius of the
orange, assuming that the orange is spherical.
2. Repeat step 1 and draw a few more circles.
3. Peel the skin of both halves of the orange, tear into small pieces and cover as many
circles as completely as possible with the skin.
4. How many circles are covered completely with the orange skin?
5. What do you think is the surface area of the orange (spherical in shapeX
ln Fart ll, about 4 circles are completely covered by the orange skin.
From the investigation, we have:

Surface area of sphere = 4fif ,

*here r is the radius of the sphere.

What is the total surface area of a solid hemisphere?

r Fi nrl i ng tire SLrrf.tt c,'\rc.t r.ri,t Spl tctc, O ivt'rt il rt' lilrli trs )

*1,i;[10 A solid sphere has a diameter of 14 cm. Find its surface


Radius of sphere = 14 + 2
='l cm
Arrface area of sphere = 4nf
= 4xnx72
= l96n
= 616 crfi (to 3 s.f.)

A solid sphere has a diameter of 25 cm. Find its surface area. Exercise 10C Questions 3(a)-(c),

(,irt'rt litc(
'l-irrtling,tlre li;rrlirrsll'.t llt'rtrislrlrc'rr', Lin'r'tl

#fffl11 \Lrti,rcc. r\tc.r r

A solid hemisphere has a curved surface area of

175 cr*. Find its radius.

Curved surface area of solid hemisphere =
,, 4nf =2nf = 175
*-" _175
:., = tl Zn (since r > 0)
= 5.28 cm (to 3 s.f.)

A hemisphere has a curved surface area of 200 cm2. Find its radius. Exercise 10C Questions 5(a)-(0,
" Exercise
1. Find the volume of each of the following spheres 9. Fifty-four solid hemispheres, each of diameter 2 cm,
with the given radius. are melted to form a single sphere. Find the radius
(a) 8 cm of the sphere.
(b) 14 mm
(c) 4m 10. A sphere of diameter 26.4 cm is half-filled with
acid. The acid is drained into a cylindrical beaker
) Find the radius of each of the following spheres with of diameter l6 cm. Find the depth of the acid in the
the given volume. beaker.
(a) 1416 cm3 (b) 12 345 mm3
(c) 780 mr (d) 972n cml 11. A cylindrical tin has an internal diameter of l8 cm.
It contains water to a depth of 13.2 cm. A heavy
(e) 498n mm3 (0 lsfnm' spherical ball bearing of diameter 9.3 cm is dropped
into the tin. Find the new height of water in the tin,
3. Find the surface area of each of the following spheres leaving your answer correct to 2 decimal places.
with the given radius.
(a) l2 cm 12. A sphere has a volume of 850 m3. Find its surface
(b) 9 mm area.
(c) 3m
13. A basketball has a surface area of l8l0 cm2. Find its
4. Find the total surface area of a hemisphere of radius volume.
7 cm. (Take n to be 3.142.)

5. Find the radius of each of the following spheres with

the given surface area. "14. There are 20 identical solid hemispheres. The curved
(a) 210 cm'] (b) 7230 mm2
surface and the flat surface of each hemisphere
(c) 3163 m2 (d) 64ncm2
are to be painted red and yellow respectively. Find
(e) 91ln mm2 (0 49n m'?
the ratio of the amount of red paint needed to the
amount of yellow paint needed.
6. A hemisphere has a curved surface area of
364.5ncm2. Find its radius. 15. A cylindrical can has a base radius of 3.4 cm.
It contains a certain amount of water such that when
a sphere is placed inside the can, the water just
covers the sphere. lf the sphere fits exactly inside
the can, find
Find the number of steel ball bearings, each of
(i) the surface area of the can that is in contact with
diameter 0.7 cm, which can be made from I kg of
the water when the sphere is inside the can,
steel, given that I cm3 of steel has a mass of 7.85 g.
(ii) the deilth of water in the can before the sphere
was placed inside the can.
B. A hollow aluminium sphere has an internal radius
of 20 cm and an external radius of 30 cm. Civen that
the density of aluminium is2.7 glcm3, find the mass
of the sphere in kg.
Volume and Surface
I nrea of Composite

ln this section, we will learn how to solve problems involving the volume and the
surface area of composite solids.

H:ffi"rz A container is made up of a hollow cone with an

internal base radius of r cm and a hollow cylinder with
the same base radius and an internal height of 2r cm.
Civen that the height of the cone is two-thirds of the
height of the cylinder and 5 litres of water is needed
to fill the conical part of the container completely,
find the amount of water needed to fill the container
completely, giving your answer in litres.

'-'j z,

Height of cone = x height of cylinder --lltv
!" z'
^1+ \
Volume of cone =
4 \
on'" / = 1000 cmr
Since volume of cone = 5l = 5000 cm3,

tn"n = 5000
5000 x 9
f- 4n
tt 250
= 11

Volume of cylinder ==y:n

^ t1250
=22 500 cm3

= 22.5 I
.'. Amount of water needed to fill container completely = 22.5 * 5

Exercise 1 0D Questions 1 -2, 5-6
A container is made up of a hollow cone with an internal
base radius of r cm and a hollow cylinder with the same
base radius and an internal height of 3r cm. Civen that
the height of the cone is three-quarters of the height of
the cylinder and 10 litres of water is needed to fill the I
conical part of the container completely, find the amount
of water needed to fill the container completely, giving
your answer in litres.



A solid consists of a cone and a hemisphere which

share a common base. The cone has a height of 4 cm
and a base diameter of 6 cm.

(a) Find
(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area,
of the solid.
(b) The solid is melted and recast to form a solid
cylinder with a height of 4 cm. Find the radius of
the cylinder.
(c) lf 1000 identical cylinders are to be painted and
each tin of paint is enough to paint an area of
5 m2, find the number of tins of paint needed.

(a) Radius of cone of hemisphere
(i) Volume of solid = volume of cone + volume of hemisphere
= jxnx32x4*r"ixnx33
= l2n+ 78n
= 30n
= 94.2 cm3 (to 3 s.f.)
(ii) Using Pythagoras' Theorem,

Slant height of cone =

Total surface area of solid = curved surface area of cone
+ curved surface area of hemisphere
' =Jf,x3x5+2xnx32
= 15n + l8n
= 33n
= 104 cm2 (to 3 s.f.)
(b) Volume of cylinder = nr2(4) = 30n
4rr2 = 30n
f 4
... r = J-tS
= 2.739 cm (to 4 s.f.)
= 2.74 cm (to 3 s.f.)
(c) Surface area of one cylinder = 2xnx (J7s)t +2 x nx2.739 x 4
= 15n + 2l.9I2n
= 36.912n
= 116.0 cm2 (to 4 s.f.)
Surface area of 1000 cylinders = 116 000 cm2
We cannot round 232 ott to the
= 11.60 m2 (to 4 s.f.) nearest whole number because 2
Since :fI 1.60 =2.32, then 3 tins of paint are needed to paint 1000 cylinders. tins of paint are not sufficient to
paint 1000 cylinders.

A solid consists of a cone and a hemisphere which Exercise 10D Questions 3-4, 7-10

share a common base. The solid has a height of

50 cm and the hemisphere has a diameter of 30 cm.
(a) Find
(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area,
of the solid. 50
(b) The solid is melted and recast to form a solid
cylinder with a radius of 12.5 cm. Find
(i) the height of the cylinder, tr
(ii) the surface area of the cylinder, leaving
your answer in terms of n.

(_ 30 cm __________->

1. A rocket in the shape of a cone is attached to a 3. A solid consists of a hemisphere and a cylinder
cylinder with the same base radius. The cone has a which share a common base. The cylinder has a
slant height of 15 m. The cylinder has a base diameter base radius of 7 cm and a height of 10 cm. Find
of 12mand a heightof 42m. Find the total surface (i) the volume,
area of the rocket. (ii) the total surface area,
of the solid.


10 cm

4. A solid consists of a hemisphere and a cone which

share a common base. The cone has a base radius
of 2l cm, a height of 28 cm and a slant height of
35 cm. Find

2. A cylinder has a radius of 6 cm and a height of

(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area,
15 cm. A hole in the shape of a cone is bored into
of the solid.
one of its ends. lf the cone has a radius of 3 cm, find
the volume of the remaining solid.

3cm 6cm

15 cm

5. A container is made up of a hollow cone with an 7. A storage tank consisg of a hemisphere and a cylinde
internal base radius of r cm and a hollow cylinder which share a common base. The tank has a height
with the same base radius and an internal height of of 16.5 m and the cylinder has a base diameter of
4r cm. Civen that the height of the cone is three-fifths 4.7 m. Find the capacity of the tank.
of the height of the cylinder and 7 litres of water
is needed to fill the conical part of the container
completely, find the amount of water needed to
fill the container completely, giving your answer
in litres.
16.5 m

4r I
+4;l m+

B. A solid metal ball of radius 3 cm is melted and recu

to form a solid circular cone of radius 4 cm. Find
the height of the cone.

9. A solid consists of a cone and a hemisphere wtrich

Find share a common base. The cone has a base radius
(i) the total surface area, of 35 cm. Civen that the volume of the cone is eryd
(ii) the volume,
to r of the volume of the hemisphere, find
of the solid cylinder with conical ends as shown. I
(i) the height of the cone,
(ii) the total surface area of the solid, leaving 1or
answer in terms of n.


--- --l-----
tr- 15- 9{t--


10. A solid consists of a pyramid of height 28 cm
28 cm
attached to a cuboid with a square base of
sides 30 cm and a height of 40 cm. Find
(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area, 40 cm

of the solid.

30 cm

30 cm


1. For a pyramid and its corresponding prism with the same base and the same
Volume of pyramid = ;J x volume of corresponding prism

I Just remember 'volume of pyramid

;J x base area x height =J x volume of prism' and 'volume
of prism = base area x height'.
2. Total surface area of pyramid = total area of all faces These formulae are similar to the
formulae for finding the volume
of a cone and the volume of a
3. For a cone and its corresponding cylinder with the same base radius r and the cylinder.
same height h,

Volume of cone =
I t volume of corresponding cylinder
I r base area x height
4. For a cone with base radius r and slant height /,
Curved surface area of cofi€ = firl
Total surface area of cone = firl + fir2

5. For a sphere with radius r,

Just remember the units of volume
and area are, e.g. cm3 and cm:
Volume of sphere = t*' respectively, so the volume of a
sphere involves t' and the surface
Surface area of sphere = 4fir2
area of a sphere involves l.

l'lhantar 1O Unfurnrp *nrl 9rrr{:rr"p Arp* n{ Fur.*nrrdq I'lnnpe *lra{ tnhpvro<


1. For each of the following solids, find

(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area,
of the solid.
(a) (b)

24 cm i',,. // ,26 cm I

\"'*/li _'___ ..-'-\
\ri!- '0.5 m

50 cm 2.5 m


*20 cm-

(c) (d)

I 4m
40 cm I

40 cm
2. The figure shows a decorative structure made up of a solid cone and a solid hemisphere. The hemisphere has
a radius of 4 cm. The cone has a base radius of 5 cm and a heightof 20 cm. Find
(i) the volume,
(ii) the total surface area,
of the structure.


20 cm

3. A solid metal model of a rocket is made up of a cone attached to a cylinder with the same base radius. The
cone has a height of 49 cm. The cylinder has a base radius of l8 cm and a heighlof 192 cm. Civen that the
mass of the model rocket is2145 kg, find the density, in kg/m3, of the metal which the model rocket is made
of, giving your answer correct to the nearest whole number. (Density = *9:t I
' Volume'

4. Two solid spheres have surface areas of l44ncm2and 256ncmz respectively. They are melted and recast to
form a larger sphere. Find the surface area of the larger sphere in square centimetres.

5. A hollow metal sphere has an external diameter of 12cm and a thickness of 2 cm.
(i) Civenthatthemassof lcm3of themetal is5.4g,findthemassof thehollowsphereinkg.
(ii) The hollow sphere is melted and recast to form a solid sphere. Find the radius of the solid sphere.

6. ln an experiment, a small spherical drop of oil is allowed to fall onto the surface of water so that it produces
a thin film of oil covering a large area. The volume of one drop of oil is 12.5 mm3. Find
(i) the number of drops which can be produced by 5000 mm3 of oil,
(ii) the radius of one drop of oil.
7. A sphere fits exactly into a cylinder, i.e. the sphere touches the cylinder at the top, the bottom and the curved
surface. Show that the surface area of the sphere is equal to the area of the curved surface of the cylinder.

8. A house has a hemispherical roof 10 m in diameter. Find the cost of painting the curved surface of the roof at
$1.50 per square metre.

9. A metal hemispherical bowl has an external diameter of 50.8 cm and a thickness o12,54 cm.
(i)Civen that the empty bowl weigh s 97 .9 kg, find the density, in kg/m3, of the metal which the bowl is made
(ii) lf the bowl is completely filled with a liquid of density 3l.75kglm3, find the mass of the liquid in grams.

t0. Capsule A is 2.4 cm long and is in the shape of a cylinder with hemispheres of diameter 0.6 cm attached to
both ends. Capsule B is in the shape of a cylinder of radius 0.6 cm.
(i) Civen that the surface area of Capsule B is equal to that of Capsule A, find the height of Capsule B.
(ii) Find the volume of each capsule.


o6".1 -io

Capsule A


Capsule B
11. The figure shows a solid cylindrical stone pillar with a hemispherical top. The pillar has a diameter of
40 cm. lf the pillar has the same mass as a solid stone sphere of the same material of radius 40 cm, find the
height of the pillar.

12. A cylinder and a cone are of the same height 2r and of the same base diameter 2r. A sphere has a diameter
of 2r. Find the ratio of the volume of the cylinder to that of the cone and to that of the sphere.

13. During a cooking contest, Huixian melts 40 solid chocolate hemispheres, each of diameter 2 cm, to form a
solid chocolate cone with a base diameter of 6 cm. Find the height of the chocolate cone.

14. A wafer cone filled with 56 cmr of ice cream. The top of the ice cream cone is in the shape of
is completely a
hemisphere. Civen that the diameter of the cone is 4.2 cm, find its height.

{- 4.2 cm ------>
i regular tetrahedron has a volume of 500 cm3. Find its total surface area.

-re figure shows a bowl in the shape of a hemisphere with a radius of r cm. lt is filled with water to a depth
; I cm. Show that the volume of the water is r.nore tnun { of the volume of the bowl.
nplRevision Exercise
1. The figure shows a right-angled triangle where Z.ACB = 90'. Civen that
43 = (2x + 1) cm, BC =2x cm and AC = (x - 5) cm,
(i) write down an equation in x,
(ii) find the value of x,
(iii) find the area of LABC.

(2x + I) cm
(;r - 5) cm

2. ln MMN, MN = 26 cm, ZMNL = 90' and ZMLN = 31'. f/ lies on ZN such that
LH=24cm. Find LMHN.
<-24 *H

3. A cone has a heightof 8.4cm. Civen thatthe cone has a vertical angleof 72',
find the diameter of its circular base.

,a..1 I

_t _,

4. An open rectangular fish tank is 0.6 m long and 0.2 m wide. A solid glass
decorative structure in the shape of a pyramid with a square base of sides
10 cm and height 27 cm is placed inside the tank. The tank is then filled
with water until the water just covers the pyramid. lf the pyramid is removed,
what will be the fall in the water level?
(Hint: Decrease in volume of water = volume of pyramid)

5. Lip balm is sold in hemispherical plastic containers. Civen that the volume of
lip balm in each container is 30 cm3, find
(i) the radius of the container,
(ii) the surface area of the container that is in contact with the lip balm.
(You may ignore the lid of the container.)

Rsrricinn Fvornicc l)"1

Revision Exercise
l. ln MQR, PQ=14.7 cm, QR=9.2cmand
ZPRQ = 90'. K lies on PR such that
KQ--II.8cm. Find
(i) the length of PK,
(i,) LPQK.


L Two poins X and Y,20 m apart on level ground,

are due West of the foot F of a tower TF.
Given thal ZTXF = 56o and ZTYF = 63o, find
the height of the tower.


lra A solid square pyramid has a mass of Z5O g. lt is made of a material with a
density of 8.05 g/cm3. Civen that the height of the pyramid is 13.5 cm, find the
lengh of its square base.

a. A solid cone has a circular base of diameter 7 cm and a height of 4 cm.

(a) Find
(i) the volume,
(ii) the surface area,
of the cone.
(b) The cone is melted to form identical spheres each of radius 0.9 cm.
Find the maximum number of spheres that can be obtained.

The figure shows a rectangle

with its length and breadth as :l* --*-------l:
+ 3y) cm

indicated. Find the length of the

longest line segment that can (2y + 11) cm r
(3x - 17) cm
be drawn on the rectangle.
5(,r - y) cm

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