The Rebellion at Baalpeor

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The document discusses the rebellion at Baalpeor in the Bible and draws parallels to recent events within the present truth movement. It warns that secrecy and compromise can lead groups astray.

In 2012, Parminder predicted a Sunday law in 2014 which did not occur, causing the first major separation. Events in 2018, including predictions of the midnight cry, further divided the movement.

The author draws parallels between Balaam's secrecy and Parminder's closed door policies, and between the seduction of the Israelites and actions of Tess. Zimri and Cosbi represent the marriage of church and state.



SEPTEMBER 14, 2019
In the present truth movement that has been led by FFA over these many years, we have developed
an understanding of line upon line that places events in the Bible upon lines that can be laid over top of
each other. Each of these lines give detail that help to explain the significance of present events. From
the beginning it is seen that chronology was part of these lines, though we refused to make future
application of dates.
In the summer of 2018, we began to accept that we had already been time-setting, just as we had
been accused of, though all of our dates were in the past. When the fall trimester began in the fall of
2018, we had not yet made any predictions of specific future dates but were expecting that they would
soon be revealed.
The author, while presenting at the School of the Prophets recognized that 2019 would make the
betrayal of Judas. This occurred in the spring of 2019, just as predicted, though in ways that could not
have been understood in the fall of 2018. That betrayal occurred, as the movement was handed over to
Parminder by Elder Jeff.
There are many lines we can use to show this. In this short study we cannot look at all of the lines.
What we can do is look at the lines of the rebellion at Baalpeor. Before we do this, we need a quick
review of our history.

2012 AND 2014

In 2012, Parminder Biant was teaching in a small Bible study group that the 126 years from 1863
to 1989, which had already been recognised, were also 126 years from 1888 to 2014. 2014 was to mark
a Sunday law in the USA. Though this study was to be kept secret, a video of it leaked out. This was
followed by an open rebuke by Elder Jeff from the pulpit in Lambert Church. This quickly put an end to
this time-setting.
From 2012 to 2018, our understanding of the lines had gone through some major developments.
In 2012, we had not yet understood that there are various groups symbolised by priests, levites and
nethinim. Each group has its own line. The “Sunday law” that Parminder was predicting was simply
midnight for the priests. No literal Sunday law occurred in 2014. What did occur was the first major
separation within the present truth movement. It was not until 2017 that we began to see that this was
a fulfilment of the 126 shekels from Daniel 5. In 2018 this was accepted and opened the door for the
setting of future dates on the line of the priests.
What this has not done is opened the door to time-setting, as it is commonly understood, in
predicting any of the events on the big line, such as the loud cry, the outpouring of the latter rain, the
close of probation, the second coming, or any other promise of special significance. The events that are
being predicted are events in the lines of the priests only.


On October 3, 2018 Tess Lambert presented two studies, Ten Years and The Midnight Cry., during
the morning classes at the School of the Prophets. That evening (a Wednesday), we arrived to find Elder
Jeff and Parminder in a serious discussion. As people braved to enter the classroom, more people
entered the discussion. The discussion centred largely around the idea of the two streams of
information and the implications for this movement.
During the discussion, Daniel Pereira gave testimony that he had made a prediction on July 27 that
on October 13, 126 days from the international camp meeting in Italy, that the midnight cry would be
given in the USA by Parminder or Tess. On October 13, Daniel gave the sermon and presented the
midnight cry, which included the prediction that probation was to close for the priests on November 9,
The date of November 9 came from Tess’s presentations regarding the German, Russian and
French revolutions. These events connected with the date November 9 are; Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates
during the November Revolution in Germany, and becomes a notable date in German history referred to
as Schicksalstag (Day of Fate); Kristallnacht , also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, a pogrom
against Jews throughout Nazi Germany on November 9–10, 1938; Lenin’s decree on the press, that
occurred as part of the October Revolution of 1918; the East German government announced that all
GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin, starting at midnight; the coup of 9 Thermidor
(27 July 1794 or 11/9 on the French Revolutionary calendar); the Coup of 18 Brumaire that brought
General Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France and in the view of most historians
ended the French Revolution.
On October 13, as the author was listening to Daniel’s presentation, it was calculated that there
were 391.5 days from noon October 13 to midnight commencing November 9, 2019. This coincidence
was remarkable, in that there began to unfold positive connexions between the prophecies of Ezekiel,
Revelation 9 and the chronology of Samuel Snow’s letters. For one, the date July 27, which is also the
starting date for Litch’s August 11, 1840 prediction, is both the date of Daniel’s prediction for October
13 and also 9 Thermidor.

APRIL 2019
According to the study on the literal seventieth week, 2019 aligned with 12D 1M. This date was the
date in 31 AD were Judas betrayal occurred. 1 The suggestion was, at the time, that this betrayal would
Judas’ betrayal occurred in three steps, yeah four. First, he went to the priests after watching Mary wash Jesus’ feet at the dinner at
Simon’s house. He then went to them again two days before
(12D 1M) the Passover and again after he left the Passover table. The final act was the kiss of betrayal.
occur in the spring of 2019 but that it would not be known until the fall. We believe that the details of
the betrayal are just now coming out. They occurred right after Elder Jeff passed the mantle of
leadership to Parminder. The dates that were predicted but which are yet to be confirmed are April 8, 2
11, 3 18,4 and May 19.5
What we do know is that Parminder has betrayed the trust given to him. Elder Jeff has presented
some of this information in a series of presentations, the first given on September 7, 2019. We expect
more details and dates to be forth coming.

On September 7, 2019, the events of October 13 were paralleled. The author once again sat in
church making calculations. It is notable that September 7, is 9/7; 9 x 7 = 63, which is the number of
days from September 7 to the close of probation for the priests on November 9. It is exactly 47 weeks
from October 13 and 74 weeks from June 9, 2018, where the 126 days began that Daniel used to predict
October 13. This inversion of 47/74 is also repeated in the fact that the biblical date for September 7,
2019 is the 6D 6M; 6 x 6 equals 36, the number of weeks (252 days) from November 9, 2019 to July 18,
2020. July 18, 2020 is a date that was presented in Arkansas but rejected by Tess and Parminder. It
marks Islam and Panium, which is the midnight cry for the Levites. There are 110 weeks from June 9,
2018 to July 18, 2020. There were 110 stories in each of the buildings of the World Trade Center. We
must also note the two periods of 63 days that divide Daniel’s 126 day prediction. The centre of that
chiasm is August 11. That he made his prediction on July 27, the date that Litch used to commence the
391 years and 15 days that ended on August 11, 1840 is more than a mere coincidence. The attempt by
Tess and Parminder to separate November 9 from July 18 is a mistake.

At the Germany camp meeting running from August 24 – 31 nd the Bible Conferenced that
followed, new developments of a startling nature began to challenge us. This culminated in Sister Tess
advocating the wearing of trousers as a symbol of gender equality and and her ordination.
What then followed was an account from the Bible Conference, of how FFA is in rebellion and that
the leadership of the new movement must be obeyed. In the video Fragen und Antworten / Questions

April 8 is the date on the line in the week of Christ, in that it is April 8, 27 AD that aligns with the years 2019.
It was recognised that April 11 is a symbol of information and that some event was to occur on that date regarding information
warfare. April 11 is the 101 day of the year (a binary number) and 411 is the phone number for information in the USA and Canada
and is a slang term for information or gossip. Also, 101 is the idea of basic information, as in Prophecy 101. On April 11, Julian
Assange was arrested. He is the symbol of information warfare.
April 18 is the 12 D 1M in 2019 on the biblical calendar.
The author has written a paper regarding May 19, 2019. The significance is explained there, for this date.
and Answers,6 the question is asked, should we submit to everything the leaders say? Parminder says
that this is a wise decision. He places before us a false dichotomy that we either submit to everything or
nothing. That is, either the leadership is all right or all wrong. We are told that praying and studying for
ourselves is not enough. It is said that we must submit to the teachers that God has appointed. Of
course, this is a circular logic. How can we know that they are the teachers that God has appointed, if we
cannot pray and study for ourselves? He then tries to frame that idea that we can study for ourselves as
a circular argument, which, of course, it is not. We can know the rules for ourselves and apply them for
ourselves to test whether or not the leaders are correct. Not only can we test these things but we must,
if we are going to be able to stand. We suggest you prayerfully study this video. We quote from minute

Praying is not enough. You need to go to someone who will teach you. Then it (the
question) says, should we just submit to everything the leaders of the movement say?
Until you learn to use the rules, it is probably a wise decision, because your option is to
submit to nothing that the leaders of the movement say. If you frame the question that
you have to accept everything, submit to everything, the opposite is to submit to nothing.
If you are going to say that you accept some things and not others, on what basis would
you accept or reject things? It can’t be upon conviction, because conviction is based upon
rules and principles. So, you are just going through circular arguments.
I suggest that we pray to learn how to use rules. Faith and works go together. Go to a
decent school. Be instructed by good teachers. You will learn to use the rules. When you
do that, you will intelligently submit to everything the leaders of the movement say.

As noted his argument is actually the one that is circular. How can one know what teachers to learn
from? How can I know a school is “decent”, if God cannot teach me individually? The purpose of schools
if not to make us submit to other men. It is to teach independent thought. This reminds of one of
Miller’s thoughts following his fourteen rules.

The divinity taught in our schools is always founded on some sectarian creed. It
may do to take a blank mind and impress it with this kind, but it will always end in
bigotry. A free mind will never be satisfied with the views of others. Were I a teacher of
youth in divinity, I would first learn their capacity and mind. If these were good, I would
make them study the Bible for themselves, and send them out free to do the world good.
But if they had no mind, I would stamp them with another's mind, write bigot on their
forehead, and send them out as slaves!


At present, there are four videos that can be seen on the Future for America and Lambert YouTube
pages, where Elder Jeff begins to lay out the problems with the new leadership. We suggest you watch
these prayerfully and carefully, as well as watch the presentations from Germany and France.
The basic truth is that there is a rebellion prior to the death of Moses and the crossing of the
Jordan by Joshua. This rebellion is described in Numbers 25 and can be read in more detail in
Patriarchs and Prophets Chapter 41 - Apostasy at the Jordan. What we need to know are the events that
precede the rebellion itself. This is the story of Balaam.
Balaam can only prophesy truth. One of the struggles we have had is in understanding how
Parminder and Tess can be presenting lines that are truth, while acting in contradiction to the lines. The
author has personally noted that the lines are correct but that the interpretation of the lines is in error.

As well, the fact that the leadership rejects the light that God gave in October 2018 is hard to explain,
unless we see this in the context of the story of Balaam. Balaam is not a false prophet. He recognises
that his gift comes from God. However, he is consumed by greed.
It is interesting that before his first oracle, we see the number seven three times, with the seven
altars, oxen and rams. They make much of Parminder being the one who laid down our basic arguments
for the seven times in his presentations in 2010. However, the further light that came in regard to the
seven times for literal Israel, Parminder has not accepted. In fact, every contribution of the author has
been rejected by Parminder as not needed, even if true.7
It must also be noted that Parminder’ parable teaching is based upon Balaam’s prophecy regarding
the star. As well, the secrecy of Balaam is paralleled by Parminder’s behind closed doors policy. This
has allowed rebellion to grow, without many of us being aware. We share a few quotes regarding
Balaam from the Spirit of Prophecy.

At Balaam's suggestion, a grand festival in honor of their gods was appointed by the
king of Moab, and it was secretly arranged that Balaam should induce the Israelites to
attend. He was regarded by them as a prophet of God, and hence had little difficulty in
accomplishing his purpose. Great numbers of the people joined him in witnessing the
festivities. They ventured upon the forbidden ground, and were entangled in the snare of
Satan. Beguiled with music and dancing, and allured by the beauty of heathen vestals,
they cast off their fealty to Jehovah. As they united in mirth and feasting, indulgence in
wine beclouded their senses and broke down the barriers of self-control. Passion had
full sway; and having defiled their consciences by lewdness, they were persuaded to bow
down to idols. They offered sacrifice upon heathen altars and participated in the most
degrading rites.
It was not long before the poison had spread, like a deadly infection, through the
camp of Israel. Those who would have conquered their enemies in battle were overcome
by the wiles of heathen women. The people seemed to be infatuated. The rulers and the
leading men were among the first to transgress, and so many of the people were guilty
that the apostasy became national. "Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor." When Moses
was aroused to perceive the evil, the plots of their enemies had been so successful that
not only were the Israelites participating in the licentious worship at Mount Peor, but the
heathen rites were coming to be observed in the camp of Israel. The aged leader was
filled with indignation, and the wrath of God was kindled.
Their iniquitous practices did that for Israel which all the enchantments of Balaam
could not do--they separated them from God.8

While the author does not ascribe to the practise of attaching names to individuals, there is no
doubt that individuals can act our parallels to those of the past. We can see in the actions of Tess the
seducing power of the Midianite women. The symbols of Zimri and Cosbi are apt to describe the
marriage of church as state that has occurred in this movement. The Levites must arise and put a
javelin, the lines pointing to the future, through both.
We attach these words of warning from Sister White.

The fate of Balaam was similar to that of Judas, and their characters bear a marked

Parminder is also the one who has pronounced the seven times curse upon Adventism, in his application of the 126 years. We argue
that there is a mistake in this complete rejection of the Church that the LORD has established, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and
this setting up of a new Church, mistitled as the Church Triumphant. The Church Triumphant will be made up of faithful Seventh-day
Adventists. Our message and mandate it to Adventism. It is a reformation of the Adventist Church.
PP 455
resemblance to each other. Both these men tried to unite the service of God and
mammon, and met with signal failure. Balaam acknowledged the true God, and professed
to serve Him; Judas believed in Jesus as the Messiah, and united with His followers. But
Balaam hoped to make the service of Jehovah the steppingstone to the acquirement of
riches and worldly honor; and failing in this he stumbled and fell and was broken. Judas
expected by his connection with Christ to secure wealth and promotion in that worldly
kingdom which, as he believed, the Messiah was about to set up. The failure of his hopes
drove him to apostasy and ruin. Both Balaam and Judas had received great light and
enjoyed special privileges, but a single cherished sin poisoned the entire character and
caused their destruction.9

PP 452

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