Low-Cost, 16 & 20-Bit Measurement A/D Converter: CS5501 CS5503

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Low-Cost, 16 & 20-Bit Measurement A/D Converter
Features Description
l Monolithic CMOS ADC with Filtering The CS5501 and CS5503 are low-cost CMOS A/D con-
- 6-Pole, Low-Pass Gaussian Filter verters ideal for measuring low-frequency signals
representing physical, chemical, and biological process-
l Up to 4 kHz Output Word Rates es. They utilize charge-balance techniques to achieve
- On Chip Self-Calibration Circuitry 16-bit (CS5501) and 20-bit (CS5503) performance with
- Linearity Error: ±0.0003% up to 4 kHz word rates at very low cost.
- Differential Nonlinearity: The converters continuously sample at a rate set by the
CS5501: 16-Bit No Missing Codes user in the form of either a CMOS clock or a crystal. On-
(DNL ±1/8 LSB) chip digital filtering processes the data and updates the
CS5503: 20-Bit No Missing Codes output register at up to a 4 kHz rate. The converters’ low-
l System Calibration Capability pass, 6-pole Gaussian response filter is designed to al-
low corner frequency settings from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz in the
l Flexible Serial Communications Port CS5501 and 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz in the CS5503. Thus, each
- µC-Compatible Formats converter rejects 50 Hz and 60 Hz line frequencies as
- 3-State Data and Clock Outputs well as any noise at spurious frequencies.
- UART Format (CS5501 only) The CS5501 and CS5503 include on-chip self-calibra-
l Pin-Selectable Unipolar/Bipolar Ranges tion circuitry which can be initiated at any time or
l Low Power Consumption: 25 mW temperature to insure offset and full-scale errors of typi-
cally less than 1/2 LSB for the CS5501 and less than
- 10 µW Sleep Mode for Portable Applications 4 LSB for the CS5503. The devices can also be applied
l Evaluation Boards Available in system calibration schemes to null offset and gain er-
rors in the input channel.
Each device’s serial port offers two general purpose
modes of operation for direct interface to shift registers
or synchronous serial ports of industry-standard micro-
controllers. In addition, the CS5501’s serial port offers a
third, UART-compatible mode of asynchronous

See page 33.


12 11 4
Calibration Calibration 13 CAL
SRAM Microcontroller
14 VA+
10 Charge-Balanced A/D Converter 7 VA-
Analog 6-Pole Gaussian 15 VD+
AIN 9 Modulator Low-Pass Digital Filter 6 VD-
Clock Generator Serial Interface Logic SDATA
2 3 18 16 1 19

Cirrus Logic, Inc.

Crystal Semiconductor Products Division Copyright  Cirrus Logic, Inc. 1997 MAR ‘95
P.O. Box 17847, Austin, Texas 78760 (All Rights Reserved)
(512) 445 7222 FAX: (512) 445 7581
http://www.crystal.com 1


VA-, VD- = -5V; VREF = 2.5V; CLKIN = 4.096MHz; Bipolar Mode; MODE = +5V; Rsource = 750Ω with a 1nF
to AGND at AIN (see Note 1); Digital Inputs: Logic 0 = GND; Logic 1 = VD+; unless otherwise specified.)

CS5501-A, B, C CS5501-S, T
Parameter* Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units
Specified Temperature Range -40 to +85 -55 to +125 °C
Linearity Error -A, S - 0.0015 0.003 - - 0.003 ±%FS
-B, T - 0.0007 0.0015 - 0.0007 0.0015 ±%FS
-C - 0.0003 0.0012 ±%FS
Differential Nonlinearity TMIN to TMAX - ±1/8 ±1/2 - ±1/8 ±1/2 LSB16
Full Scale Error (Note 2) - ±0.13 ±0.5 - ±0.13 ±0.5 LSB16
Full Scale Drift (Note 3) - ±1.2 - - ±2.3 - LSB16
Unipolar Offset (Note 2) - ±0.25 ±1 - ±0.25 ±1 LSB16
Unipolar Offset Drift (Note 3) - ±4.2 - - +3.0 - LSB16
Bipolar Offset (Note 2) - ±0.25 ±1 - ±0.25 ±1 LSB16
Bipolar Offset Drift (Note 3) - ±2.1 - - +1.5 - LSB16
Bipolar Negative Full Scale Error (Note 2) - ±0.5 ±2 - ±0.5 ±2 LSB16
Bipolar Negative Full Scale Drift (Note 3) - ±0.6 - - ±1.2 - LSB16
Noise (Referred to Output) - 1/10 - - 1/10 - LSBrms
Notes: 1. The AIN pin presents a very high input resistance at dc and a minor dynamic load which scales to the
master clock frequency. Both source resistance and shunt capacitance are therefore critical in
determining the CS5501’s source impedance requirements. For more information refer the text section
Analog Input Impedance Considerations.
2. Applies after calibration at the temperature of interest.
3. Total drift over the specified temperature range since calibration at power-up at 25°C (see Figure 11).
This is guaranteed by design and /or characterization. Recalibration at any temperature will remove
these errors.

Unipolar Mode Bipolar Mode

µV LSB’s %FS ppm FS LSB’s %FS ppm FS
10 0.26 0.0004 4 0.13 0.0002 2
19 0.50 0.0008 8 0.26 0.0004 4
38 1.00 0.0015 15 0.50 0.0008 8
76 2.00 0.0030 30 1.00 0.0015 15
152 4.00 0.0061 61 2.00 0.0030 30
CS5501 Unit Conversion Factors, VREF = 2.5V

* Refer to the Specification Definitions immediately following the Pin Description Section.

2 DS31F2


VA-, VD- = -5V; VREF = 2.5V; CLKIN = 4.096MHz; Bipolar Mode; MODE = +5V; Rsource = 750Ω with a 1nF
to AGND at AIN (see Note 1): unless otherwise specified.)

CS5503-A, B, C CS5503-S, T
Parameter* Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units
Specified Temperature Range -40 to +85 -55 to +125 °C
Linearity Error -A, S - 0.0015 0.003 - - 0.003 ±%FS
-B, T - 0.0007 0.0015 - 0.0007 TBD ±%FS
-C - 0.0003 0.0012 ±%FS
Differential Nonlinearity TMIN to TMAX - 20 - - 20 - Bits
(Not Missing Codes)
Full Scale Error (Note 2) - ±4 ±16 - ±4 ±16 LSB20
Full Scale Error Drift (Note 3) - ±19 - - ±37 - LSB20
Unipolar Offset (Note 2) - ±4 ±16 - ±4 ±16 LSB20
Unipolar Offset Drift (Note 3) - ±67 - - +48 - LSB20
Bipolar Offset (Note 2) - ±4 ±16 - ±4 ±16 LSB20
Bipolar Offset Drift (Note 3) - ±34 - - +24 - LSB20
Bipolar Negative Full Scale Error (Note 2) - ±8 ±32 - ±8 ±32- LSB20
Bipolar Negative Full Scale Drift (Note 3) - ±10 - - ±20 - LSB20
Noise (Referred to Output) - 1.6 - - 1.6 - LSBrms

Unipolar Mode Bipolar Mode

µV LSB’s %FS ppm Fs LSB’s %FS ppm FS
0.596 0.25 0.0000238 0.24 0.13 0.0000119 0.12
1.192 0.50 0.0000477 0.47 0.26 0.0000238 0.24
2.384 1.00 0.0000954 0.95 0.50 0.0000477 0.47
4.768 2.00 0.0001907 1.91 1.00 0.0000954 0.95
9.537 4.000 0.0003814 3.81 2.00 0.0001907 1.91
CS5503 Unit Conversion Factors, VREF = 2.5V

* Refer to the Specification Definitions immediately following the Pin Description Section.

DS31F2 3


CS5501/3-A, B, C CS5501/3-S, T
Parameter* Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units
Power Supplies
DC Power Supply Currents
IA+ - 2 3.2 - 2 3.2 mA
IA- - 2 3.2 - 2 3.2 mA
ID+ - 1 1.5 - 1 1.5 mA
ID- (Note 4) - 0.03 0.1 - 0.03 0.1 mA
Power Dissipation
SLEEP High - 25 40 - 25 40 mW
SLEEP Low (Note 4) - 10 20 - 10 40 µW
Power Supply Rejection
Positive Supplies - 70 - - 70 - dB
Negative Supplies (Note 5) - 75 - - 75 - dB
Analog Input
Analog Input Range
Unipolar 0 to +2.5 0 to +2.5 V
Bipolar - ±2.5 - - ±2.5 - V
Input Capacitance - 20 - - 20 - pF
DC Bias Current (Note 1) - 1 - - 1 - nA
System Calibration Specifications
Positive Full Scale Calibration Range VREF+0.1 VREF+0.1 V
Positive Full Scale Input Overrange VREF+0.1 VREF+0.1 V
Negative Full Scale Input Overrange -(VREF+0.1) -(VREF+0.1) V
Maximum Offset
Calibration Range (Notes 6, 7)
Unipolar Mode -(VREF +0.1) -(VREF +0.1) V
Bipolar Mode -40%VREF to +40%VREF -40%VREF to +40%VREF V
Input Span (Note 8) 80% 2VREF 80% 2VREF
VREF +0.2 VREF +0.2 V
Notes: 4. All outputs unloaded.
5. 0.1Hz to 10Hz. PSRR at 60 Hz will exceed 120 dB due to the benefit of the digital filter.
6. In unipolar mode the offset can have a negative value (-VREF) such that the unipolar mode can mimic
bipolar mode operation.
7. The specifications for Input Overrange and for Input Span apply additional constraints on the offset
calibration range.
8. For Unipolar mode, Input Span is the difference between full scale and zero scale. For Bipolar mode,
Input Span is the difference between positive and negative full scale points. When using less than
the maximum input span, the span range may be placed anywhere within the range of ±(VREF + 0.1).

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

4 DS31F2

Parameter Symbol Ratio Units

Sampling Frequency fs CLKIN/ 256 Hz

Output Update Rate f out CLKIN /1024 Hz
Filter Corner Frequency f -3dB CLKIN /409,600 Hz
Settling Time to +0.0007%
_ FS (FS Step) ts 506,880/CLKIN s

Output Amplitude in dB




1 10 100 1000
Frequency in Hz
Frequency Response

j2 jω

S1,2 = -1.4667 ± j1.8199

-σ -2 -1
S3,4 = -1.7559 ± j1.0008

S5,6 = -1.8746 ± j0.32276



S-Domain Pole/Zero Plot (Continuous-Time Representation)

H(x) = [1 + 0.694x2 + 0.241x4 + 0.0557x6 + 0.009664x8 + 0.00134x10 + 0.000155x12]-1/2

where x = f/f-3dB, f-3dB = CLKIN/409,600, and f is the frequency of interest.
Continuous-Time Representation of 6-Pole Gaussian Filter

DS31F2 5

DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Tmin to Tmax; VA+, VD+ = 5V ± 10%; VA-, VD- = -5V ± 10%)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Calibration Memory Retention VMR 2.0 - - V
Power Supply Voltage (VD+ and VA+)
High-Level Input Voltage All Except CLKIN VIH 2.0 - - V
High-Level Input Voltage CLKIN VIH 3.5 - - V
Low-Level Input Voltage All Except CLKIN VIL - - 0.8 V
Low-Level Input Voltage CLKIN VIL - - 1.5 V
High-Level Output Voltage (Note 9) VOH (VD+)-1.0V - - V
Low-Level Output Voltage Iout=1.6mA VOL - - 0.4 V
Input Leakage Current Iin - - 10 µA
3-State Leakage Current IOZ - - ±10 µA
Digital Output Pin Capacitance Cout - 9 - pF
Notes: 9. Iout = -100 µA. This guarantees the ability to drive one TTL load. (VOH = 2.4V @ Iout = -40 µA).


Parameter Symbol Min Max Units
DC Power Supplies: Positive Digital VD+ -0.3 (VA+)+0.3 V
Negative Digital VD- 0.3 -6.0 V
Positive Analog VA+ -0.3 6.0 V
Negative Analog VA- 0.3 -6.0 V
Input Current, Any Pin Except Supplies (Notes 10, 11) Iin - ±10 mA
Analog Input Voltage (AIN and VREF pins) VINA (VA-)-0.3 (VA+)+0.3 V
Digital Input Voltage VIND -0.3 (VA+)+0.3 V
Ambient Operating Temperature TA -55 125 C°
Storage Temperature Tstg -65 150 C°

Notes: 10. Applies to all pins including continuous overvoltage conditions at the analog input (AIN) pin.
11. Transient currents of up to 100mA will not cause SCR latch-up. Maximum input current for a power
supply pin is ± 50 mA.

6 DS31F2


Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
DC Power Supplies: Positive Digital VD+ 4.5 5.0 VA+ V
Negative Digital VD- -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 V
Positive Analog VA+ 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
Negative Analog VA- -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 V
Analog Reference Voltage VREF 1.0 2.5 3.0 V
Analog Input Voltage: (Note 13)

Notes: 12. All voltages with respect to ground.

13. The CS5501 and CS5503 can accept input voltages up to the analog supplies (VA+ and VA-). They
will accurately convert and filter signals with noise excursions up to 100mV beyond |VREF|.
After filtering, the devices will output all 1’s for any input above VREF and all 0’s for any input below
AGND in unipolar mode and -VREF in bipolar mode.

SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Tmin to Tmax; CLKIN=4.096 MHz; VA+, VD+ = 5V±10%;
VA-, VD- = -5V ± 10%; Input Levels: Logic 0 = 0V, Logic 1 = VD+; CL = 50 pF; unless otherwise specified.)

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units

Master Clock Frequency: Internal Gate Oscillator CLKIN 200 4096 5000 kHz
(See Table 1)
Externally Supplied: (Note 14)
Maximum CLKIN - - 5000 kHz
Minimum (Note 15) CLKIN 200 40 - kHz
CLKIN Duty Cycle 20 - 80 %
Rise Times: Any Digital Input trise - - 1.0 µs
Any Digital Output (Note 16) trise - 20 - ns
Fall Times: Any Digital Input tfall - - 1.0 µs
Any Digital Output (Note 16) tfall - 20 - ns
Set Up Times: SC1, SC2 to CAL Low tscs 100 - - ns
SLEEP High to CLKIN High (Note 17) tsls 1 - - µs
Hold Time: SC1, SC2 hold after CAL falls tsch 100 - - ns

Notes: 14. CLKIN must be supplied whenever the CS5501 or CS5503 is not in SLEEP mode. If no clock is
present when not in SLEEP mode, the device can draw higher current than specified
and possibly become uncalibrated.
15. The CS5501/CS5503 is production tested at 4.096 MHz. It is guaranteed by characterization
to operate at 200 kHz.
16. Specified using 10% and 90% points on waveform of interest.
17. In order to synchronize several CS5501’s or CS5503’s together using the SLEEP pin,
this specification must be met.

DS31F2 7

SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (TA = Tmin to Tmax; VA+, VD+ = 5V ± 10%;

VA-, VD- = -5V ± 10%; Input Levels: Logic 0 = 0V, Logic 1 = VD+; CL = 50 pF)

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units

SSC Mode (Mode = VD+)
Access Time CS Low to SDATA Out tcsd1 3/CLKIN - - ns
SDATA Delay Time SCLK Falling to New SDATA bit tdd1 - 25 100 ns
SCLK Delay Time SDATA MSB bit to SCLK Rising tcd1 250 380 - ns
(at 4.096 MHz)
Serial Clock Pulse Width High (at 4.096 MHz) tph1 - 240 300 ns
(Out) Pulse Width Low tpl1 - 730 790
Output Float Delay SCLK Rising to Hi-Z tfd2 - 1/CLKIN 1/CLKIN ns
+ 100 + 200
Output Float Delay CS High to Output Hi-Z (Note 18) tfd1 - - 4/CLKIN ns
SEC Mode (Mode = DGND)
Serial Clock (In) fsclk dc - 4.2 MHz
Serial Clock (In) Pulse Width High tph2 50 - - ns
Pulse Width Low tpl2 180 - -
Access Time CS Low to Data Valid (Note 19) tcsd2 - 80 160 ns
Maximum Data Delay Time (Note 20)
SCLK Falling to New SDATA bit tdd2 - 75 150 ns
Output Float Delay CS High to Output Hi-Z tfd3 - - 250 ns
Output Float Delay SCLK Falling to Output Hi-Z tfd4 - 100 200 ns
Notes: 18. If CS is returned high before all data bits are output, the SDATA and SCLK outputs will complete
the current data bit and then go to high impedance.
19. If CS is activated asynchronously to DRDY, CS will not be recognized if it occurs when DRDY is high
for 4 clock cycles. The propagation delay time may be as great as 4 CLKIN cycles plus 160 ns.
To guarantee proper clocking of SDATA when using asychronous CS, SCLK(i) should not be taken
high sooner than 4 CLKIN cycles plus 160ns after CS goes low.
20. SDATA transitions on the falling edge of SCLK(i).

t scs t sch t sls tfd1

Calibration Control Timing Sleep Mode Timing for Output Float Delay
Synchronization SSC Mode (Note 19)

8 DS31F2


t csd1


t dd1
t fd2
t cd1
SCLK (o) Hi-Z Hi-Z
t ph1 t pl1

SSC MODE Timing Relationships


t csd2 t fd3
t dd2
SCLK (i)
t pl2
t ph2

t csd2
t fd4
t dd2
SCLK (i)
t ph2

SEC MODE Timing Relationships

DS31F2 9

SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (TA = Tmin to Tmax;

VA+, VD+ = 5V ± 10%; VA-, VD- = -5V ± 10%; Input Levels: Logic 0 = 0V, Logic 1 = VD+; C L = 50 pF)

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units

AC Mode (Mode = VD-) CS5501 only
Serial Clock (In) fsclk dc - 4.2 MHz
Serial Clock (In) Pulse Width High tph3 50 - - ns
Pulse Width Low tpl3 180 - - ns
Set-up Time CS Low to SCLK Falling tcss - 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Delay Time SCLK Fall to New SDATA bit tdd3 - 90 180 ns
Output Float Delay CS High to Output Hi-Z (Note 21) tfd5 - 100 200 ns
Notes: 21. If CS is returned high after an 11-bit data packet is started, the SDATA output will continue to output
data until the end of the second stop bit. At that time the SDATA output will go to high impedance.


t css t ph3
t dd3 t pl3 t fd5

High Byte Low Byte

AC MODE Timing Relationships (CS5501 only)

10 DS31F2

GENERAL DESCRIPTION mation in the form of frequency (or duty cycle),

which is then filtered (averaged) by the counter
The CS5501/CS5503 are monolithic CMOS A/D for higher resolution.
converters designed specifically for high resolu-
tion measurement of low-frequency signals. Each
device consists of a charge-balance converter (16- 1-bit
LP Filter
Bit for the CS5501, 20-Bit for the CS5503), Digital Filter
calibration microcontroller with on-chip SRAM, S/H Amp
and serial communications port.
The CS5501/CS5503 A/D converters perform
conversions continuously and update their output Figure 1. Charge Balance (Delta-Sigma) A/D Converter
ports after every conversion (unless the serial port
is active). Conversions are performed and the se- The analog modulator of the CS5501/CS5503 is a
rial port is updated independent of external multi-order delta-sigma modulator. The modulator
control. Both devices are capable of measuring consists of a 1-bit A/D converter (that is, a com-
either unipolar or bipolar input signals, and cali- parator) embedded in an analog feedback loop
bration cycles may be initiated at any time to with high open loop gain (see Figure 1). The
ensure measurement accuracy. modulator samples and converts the input at a rate
well above the bandwidth of interest. The 1-bit
The CS5501/CS5503 perform conversions at a output of the comparator is sampled at intervals
rate determined by the master clock signal. The based on the clock rate of the part and this infor-
master clock can be set by an external clock or mation (either a 1 or 0) is conveyed to the digital
with a crystal connected to the pins of the on-chip filter. The digital filter is much more sophisticated
gate oscillator. The master clock frequency deter- than a simple counter. The filter on the chip has a
mines: 6-pole low pass Gaussian response which rolls off
1. The sample rate of the analog input signal. at 120 dB/decade (36 dB/octave). The corner fre-
2. The corner frequency of the on-chip digital quency of the digital filter scales with the master
filter. clock frequency. In comparison, VFC’s and dual
3. The output update rate of the serial output port. slope converters offer (sin x)/x filtering for high
frequency rejection (see Figure 2 for a compari-
The CS5501/CS5503 design includes several self- son of the characteristics of these two filter types).
calibration modes and several serial port interface When operating from a 1 MHz master clock the
modes to offer users maximum system design digital filter in the CS5501/CS5503 offers better
flexiblity. than 120 dB rejection of 50 and 60 Hz line fre-
quencies and does not require any type of line
The Delta-Sigma Conversion Method synchronization to achieve this rejection. It should
be noted that the CS5501/CS5503 will update its
The CS5501/CS5503 A/D converters use charge- output port almost at 1000 times per second when
balance techniques to achieve low cost, high operating from the 1 MHz clock. This is a much
resolution measurements. A charge-balance A/D higher update rate (typically by a factor of at least
converter consists of two basic blocks: an analog 50 times) than either VFCs or dual-slope convert-
modulator and a digital filter. An elementary ex- ers can offer.
ample of a charge-balance A/D converter is a
conventional voltage-to-frequency converter and For a more detailed discussion on the delta-sigma
counter. The VFC’s 1-bit output conveys infor- modulator see the Application note "Delta-Sigma
DS31F2 11

0 0

-20 -20

Magnitude (dB)
Magnitude (dB)

-40 -40

-60 -60


-80 -80

-100 -100
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
a. Averaging (Integrating) Filter Response (tavg = 100 ms) b. 6-Pole Gaussian Filter Response

Figure 2. Filter Responses

A/D Conversion Technique Overview" in the ap- Clock Generator

plication note section of the data book. The
application note discusses the delta-sigma modu- The CS5501/CS5503 both include gates which
lator and some aspects of digital filtering. can be connected as a crystal oscillator to provide
the master clock signal for the chip. Alternatively,
an external (CMOS compatible) clock can be in-
OVERVIEW put to the CLKIN pin as the master clock for the
device. Figure 3 illustrates a simple model of the
As shown in the block diagram on the front page on-chip gate oscillator. The gate has a typical
of the data sheet, the CS5501/CS5503 can be seg- transconductance of 1500 µmho. The gate model
mented into five circuit functions. The heart of the includes 10 pf capacitors at the input and output
chip is the charge balance A/D converter (16-bit pins. These capacitances include the typical stray
for the CS5501, 20-bit for the CS5503). The con- capacitance of the pins of the device. The on-chip
verter and all of the other circuit functions on the
chip must be driven by a clock signal from the R1 500 k Ω
clock generator. The serial interface logic outputs
the converted data. The calibration microcontrol- 2
ler along with the calibration SRAM (static
10pF 10pF
RAM), supervises the device calibration. Each
segment of the chip has control lines associated g
1500 umho
with it. The function of each of the pins is de-
scribed in the pin description section of the data
C1 * Y1 C2 *
* See Table 1

Figure 3. On-chip Gate Oscillator Model

12 DS31F2

gate oscillator is designed to properly operate and AC (Asynchronous Communication) mode;

without additional loading capacitors when using CS5501 only
a 4.096 MHz (or 4 MHz) crystal. If other crystal MODE pin tied to VD- (-5V)
frequencies or if ceramic resonators are used,
loading capacitors may be necessary for reliable The CS5503 can only operate in the first two
operation of the oscillator. Table 1 illustrates some modes, SEC and SSC.
typical capacitor values to be used with selected
resonating elements. Synchronous Self-Clocking Mode

Resonators C1 C2 When operated in the SSC mode (MODE pin tied

Ceramic to VD+), the CS5501/CS5503 furnish both serial
200 kHz 330pF 470pF output data (SDATA) and an internally-generated
455 kHz 100pF 100pF serial clock (SCLK). Internal timing for the SSC
1.0 MHz 50pF 50pF mode is illustrated in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows
2.0 MHz 20pF 20pF
detailed SSC mode timing for both the
Crystals CS5501/CS5503. A filter cycle occurs every 1024
2.000 MHz 30pF 30pF cycles of CLKIN. During each filter cycle, the
3.579 MHz 20pF 20pF
status of CS is polled at eight specific times dur-
4.096 MHz None None
ing the cycle. If CS is low when it is polled, the
Table 1. Resonator Loading Capacitors
CS5501/CS5503 begin clocking the data bits out,
MSB first, at a SCLK output rate of CLKIN/4.
CLKOUT (pin 2) can be used to drive one exter- Once transmission is complete, DRDY rises and
nal CMOS gate for system clock requirements. In both SDATA and SCLK outputs go into a high
this case, the external gate capacitance must be impedance state. A filter cycle begins each time
taken into account when choosing the value of DRDY falls. If the CS line is not active, DRDY
C2. will return high 1020 clock cycles after it falls.
Four clock cycles later DRDY will fall to signal
Caution: A clock signal should always be present that the serial port has been updated with new
whenever the SLEEP is inactive (SLEEP = VD+). data and that a new filter cycle has begun. The
If no clock is provided to the part when not in first CS polling during a filter cycle occurs 76
SLEEP, the part may draw excess current and clock cycles after DRDY falls (the rising edge of
possibly even lose its calibration data. This is be- CLKIN on which DRDY falls is considered clock
cause the device is built using dynamic logic. cycle number one). Subsequent pollings of CS oc-
cur at intervals of 128 clock cycles thereafter (76,
Serial Interface Logic 204, 332, etc.). The CS signal is polled at the be-
ginning of each of eight data output windows
The CS5501 serial data output can operate in any which occur in a filter cycle. To transmit data dur-
one of the following three different serial interface ing any one of the eight output windows, CS must
modes depending upon the MODE pin selection: be low at least three CLKIN cycles before it is
polled. If CS does not meet this set-up time, data
SSC (Synchronous Self-Clocking) mode; will not be transmitted during the window time.
MODE pin tied to VD+ (+5V). Furthermore, CS is not latched internally and
therefore must be held low during the entire data
SEC (Synchronous External Clocking) mode; transmission to obtain all of the data bits.
MODE pin tied to DGND.

DS31F2 13

fout =1024/CLKIN
Note 1
Status Analog Time 0 Digital Time 0 Analog Time 1 Digital Time1

CS Polled
DRDY (o)

CS (i)

CS5501 Hi-Z Hi-Z

SCLK (o)
CS5501 Hi-Z Hi-Z
CS5503 Hi-Z Hi-Z
SCLK (o)
CS5503 Hi-Z Hi-Z

Note: 1. There are 16 analog and digital settling periods per filter cycle (4 are shown). Data can be output in the
SSC mode in only 1 of the 8 digital time periods in each filter cycle.

Figure 4. Internal Timing

76 CLKIN cycles

DRDY (o)

CS (i)
Hi-Z B15* B14* B1 B0 Hi-Z
SDATA (o) B19** B18**

Hi-Z Hi-Z
SCLK (o)
* CS5501
** CS5503

Figure 5. Synchronous Self-Clocking (SSC) Mode Timing

The eighth output window time overlaps the time (CLKIN = 4.096 MHz) instead of the normal
in which the serial output port is to be updated. If 4 kHz serial port update rate.
the CS is recognized as being low when it is
polled for the eighth window time, data will be Upon completion of transmission of all the data
output as normal, but the serial port will not be bits, the SCLK and SDATA outputs will go to a
updated with new data until the next serial port high impedance state even with CS held low. In
update time. Under these conditions, the serial the event that CS is taken high before all data bits
port will experience an update rate of only 2 kHz are output, the SDATA and SCLK outputs will
14 DS31F2

complete the current data bit output and go to a This insures that CS will be recognized and the
high impedance state when SCLK goes low. MSB bit will become stable before the SCLK
transitions positive to latch the MSB data bit.
Synchronous External Clocking Mode
When SCLK returns low the serial port will pre-
When operated in the SEC mode (MODE pin tied sent the MSB-1 data bit on its output.
to DGND), the CS5501/CS5503 outputs the data Subsequent cycles of SCLK will advance the data
in its serial port at a rate determined by an exter- output. When all data bits are clocked out, DRDY
nal clock which is input into the SCLK pin. In will then go high and the SDATA output will go
this mode the output port will be updated every into a high impedance state. If the CS input goes
1024 CLKIN cycles. DRDY will go low when low and all of the data bits are not clocked out of
new data is loaded into the output port. If CS is the port, filter cycles will continue to occur but
not active, DRDY will return positive 1020 the output serial port will not be updated with
CLKIN cycles later and remain so for four new data (DRDY will remain low). If CS is taken
CLKIN cycles. If CS is taken low it will be rec- high at any time, the SDATA output pin will go to
ognized immediately unless it occurs while a high impedance state. If any of the data bits in
DRDY is high for the four clock cycles. As soon the serial port have not been clocked out, they
as CS is recognized, the SDATA output will come will remain available until DRDY returns high for
out of its high-impedance state and present the four clock cycles. After this DRDY will fall and
MSB data bit. The MSB data bit will remain pre- the port will be updated with a new 16-bit word
sent until a falling edge of SCLK occurs to in the CS5501 or 20-bit word in the CS5503. It
advance the output to the MSB-1 bit. If the CS is acceptable to clock out less than all possible
and external SCLK are operated asynchronously data bits if CS is returned high to allow the port
to CLKIN, errors can result in the output data un- to be updated. Figure 6 illustrates the serial port
less certain precautions are taken. If CS is timing in the SEC mode.
activated asynchronously, it may occur during the
four clock cycles when DRDY is high and there- Asynchronous Communication Mode (CS5501
fore not be recognized immediately. To be certain Only)
that data misread errors will not result if CS oc-
curs at this time, the SCLK input should not In the CS5501, the AC mode is activated when
transition high to latch the MSB until four the MODE pin is tied to VD- (-5 V). When oper-
CLKIN cycles plus 160 ns after CS is taken low. ating in the AC mode the CS5501 is designed to

DRDY (o)

CS (i)

SCLK (i)
B15* B14*
SDATA (o) Hi-Z B19** B18** B1 B0 Hi-Z

* CS5501
** CS5503

Figure 6. Synchronous External-Clocking (SEC) Mode Timing

DS31F2 15

provide data output in UART compatible format. a serial port update. For the second 11-bit packet,
The baud rate of the SDATA output will be deter- CS need only to go low for 50 ns; it need not be
mined by the rate of the SCLK input. The data latched by a falling edge of SCLK. Alternately,
which is output of the SDATA pin will be format- the CS line can be taken low and held low until
ted such that it will contain two 11 bit data both 11-bit data packets are output. This is the
packets. Each packet includes one start bit, eight preferred method of control as it will prevent los-
data bits, and two stop bits. The packet which car- ing the second 11-bit data packet if the port is
ries the most-significant-byte data will be output updated. Some serial data rates can be quite slow
first, with its lsb being the first data bit output compared to the rate at which the CS5501 can up-
after the start bit. date its output port. A slow data rate will leave
only a short period of time to start the second 11-
In this mode, DRDY will occur every 1024 clock bit packet if CS is returned high momentarily. If
cycles. If the serial port is not outputting a data CS is held low continuously (CS hard-wired to
byte, DRDY will return high after 1020 clock cy- DGND), the serial port will be updated only after
cles and remain high for 4 clock cycles. DRDY all 22 bits have been clocked out of the port.
will then go low to indicate that an update to the
serial output port with a new 16 bit word has oc- Upon the completion of a transmission of the two
curred. To initiate a transmission from the port the 11-bit data packets the SDATA output will go into
CS line must be taken low. Then SCLK, which is a high impedance state. If at any time during
an input in this mode, must transition from a high transmission the CS is taken back high, the cur-
to a low to latch the state of CS internal to the rent 11-bit data packet will continue to be output.
CS5501. Once CS is recognized and latched as a At the end of the second stop bit of the data
low, the port will begin to output data. Figure 7 packet, the SDATA output will go into a high im-
details the timing for this output. CS can be re- pedance state.
turned high before the end of the 11-bit
transmission and the transmission will continue Linearity Performance
until the second stop bit of the first 11-bit packet
is output. The SDATA output will go into a high The CS5501/CS5503 delta-sigma converters are
impedance state after the second stop bit is output. like conventional charge-balance converters in
To obtain the second 11-bit packet CS must again that they have no source of nonmonotonicity. The
be brought low before DRDY goes high or the devices therefore have no missing codes in their
second 11-bit data packet will be overwritten with transfer functions. See Figure 8 for a plot of the

SCLK (i)

DRDY (o)

CS (i)

Stop Stop Stop Stop

SDATA (o) Hi-Z Start B8 B9 B14 B15 Start B0 B1 B6 B7
1 2 1 2

Figure 7. CS5501 Asynchronous (UART) Mode Timing

16 DS31F2




0 32,768 65,535


Figure 8. CS5501 Differential Nonlinearity Plot

excellent differential linearity achieved by the (from 1 to 0 or vice versa) every 256 CLKIN cy-
CS5501. The CS5501/CS5503 also have excellent cles. As the input voltage increases the ratio of
integral linearity, which is accomplished with a 1’s to 0’s out of the modulator increases propor-
well-designed charge-balance architecture. Each tionally. The 1’s density of the data stream out of
device also achieves low input drift through the the modulator therefore provides a digital repre-
use of chopper-stabilized techniques in its input sentation of the analog input signal where the 1’s
stage. To assure that the CS5501/CS5503 achieves density is defined as the ratio of the number of 1’s
excellent performance over time and temperature, to the number of 0’s out of the modulator for a
it uses digital calibration techniques to minimize given period of time. The 1’s density output of the
offset and gain errors to typically within ±1/2 modulator is also a function of the voltage on the
LSB at 16 bits in the CS5501 and ±4 LSB at 20 VREF pin. If the voltage on the VREF pin in-
bits in the CS5503. creases in value (say, due to temperature drift), and
the analog input voltage into the modulator remains
Converter Calibration constant, the 1’s density output of the modulator will
decrease (less 1’s will occur). The analog input into
The CS5501/CS5503 offer both self-calibration the modulator which is necessary to produce a given
and system level calibration capability. To under- binary output code from the converter is ratiometric
stand the calibration features, a basic to the voltage on the VREF pin. This means that if
comprehension of the internal workings of the VREF increases by one per cent, the analog signal
converter are helpful. As mentioned previously in on AIN must also increase by one per cent to main-
this data sheet, the converter consists of two sec- tain the same binary output code from the converter.
tions. First is the analog modulator which is a
delta-sigma type charge-balance converter. This For a complete calibration to occur, the calibration
is followed by a digital filter. The filter circuitry microcontroller inside the device needs to record
is actually an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) whose the data stream 1’s density out of the modulator
architecture and instructions execute the filter for two different input conditions. First, a "zero
function. The modulator (explained in more de- scale" point must be presented to the modulator.
tail in the applications note "Delta-Sigma Then a "full scale" point must be presented to the
Conversion Technique Overview") uses the VREF modulator. In unipolar self-cal mode the zero
voltage connected to pin 10 to determine the mag- scale point is AGND and the full scale point is the
nitude of the voltages used in its feedback DAC. voltage on the VREF pin. The calibration micro-
The modulator accepts an analog signal at its in- controller then remembers the 1’s density out of
put and produces a data stream of 1’s and 0’s as the modulator for each of these points and calcu-
its output. This data stream value can change lates a slope factor (LSB/µV). This slope factor

DS31F2 17

represents the gain slope for the input to output Figure 9). System calibration performs the same
transfer function of the converter. In unipolar slope factor calculations as self cal but uses volt-
mode the calibration microcontroller determines age values presented by the system to the AIN pin
the slope factor by dividing the span between the for the zero scale point and for the full scale
zero point and the full scale point by the total point. Table 2 depicts the calibration modes
resolution of the converter (216 for the CS5501, available. Two system calibration modes are
resulting in 65,536 segments or 220 for the listed. The first mode offers system level calibra-
CS5503, resulting in 1,048,578 segments). In bi- tion for system offset and for system gain. This is
polar mode the calibration microcontroller divides a two step calibration. The zero scale point (sys-
the span between the zero point and the full scale tem offset) must be presented to the converter
point into 524,288 segments for the CS5503 and first. The voltage that represents zero scale point
32,768 segments for the CS5501. It then extends must be input to the converter before the calibra-
the measurement range 524,288 segments for the tion step is initiated and must remain stable until
CS5503, 32,768 segments for the CS5501, below the step is complete. The DRDY output from the
the zero scale point to achieve bipolar measure- converter will signal when the step is complete by
ment capability. In either unipolar or bipolar going low. After the zero scale point is calibrated,
modes the calculated slope factor is saved and the voltage representing the full scale point is in-
later used to calculate the binary output code put to the converter and the second calibration
when an analog signal is present at the AIN pin step is initiated. Again the voltage must remain
during measurement conversions. stable throughout the calibration step.

System calibration allows the A/D converter to This two step calibration mode offers another cali-
compensate for system gain and offset errors (see bration feature. After a two step calibration

VREF sys
Signal CS5501 SCLK CLK
Transducer Conditioning CS5503 SDATA DATA
Circuitry CAL SC1 SC2 µC
A0 A1
I/O 1
I/O 2
I/O 3
I/O 4
I/O 5
Figure 9. System Calibration

CAL SC1 SC2 Cal Type ZS Cal FS Cal Sequence Calibration Time
0 0 Self-Cal AGND VREF One Step 3,145,655/fclk
1 1 System Offset AIN - 1st Step 1,052,599/fclk
0 1 & System Gain - AIN 2nd Step 1,068,813/fclk
1 0 System Offset AIN VREF One Step 2,117,389/fclk
* DRDY remains high throughout the calibration sequence. In Self-Cal mode (SC1 and SC2 low) DRDY
falls once the CS5501 or CS5503 has settled to the analog input. In all other modes DRDY falls
immediately after the calibration term has been determined.
Table 2. Calibration Control

18 DS31F2

sequence (system offset and system gain) has VREF, the input offset cannot move more than
been properly performed, additional offset calibra- +0.1 or 0.1 V before an endpoint of the transfer
tions can be performed by themselves to function exceeds the input overrange limit.
reposition the gain slope (the slope factor is not
changed) to adjust its zero reference point to the Initiating Calibration
new system zero reference value.
Table 2 illustrates the calibration modes available
A second system calibration mode is available in the CS5501/CS5503. Not shown in the table is
which uses an input voltage for the zero scale the function of the BP/UP pin which determines
calibration point, but uses the VREF voltage as whether the converter is calibrated to measure bi-
the full scale calibration point. polar or unipolar signals. A calibration step is
initiated by bringing the CAL pin (13) high for at
Whenever a system calibration mode is used, least 4 CLKIN cycles to reset the part and then
there are limits to the amount of offset and to the bringing CAL low. The states of SC1 (pin 4) and
amount of span which can be accommodated. SC2 (pin 17) along with the BP/UP (pin 12) will
The range of input span which can be accommo- determine the type of calibration to be performed.
dated in either unipolar or bipolar mode is The SC1 and SC2 inputs are latched when CAL
restricted to not less than 80% of the voltage on goes low. The BP/UP input is not latched and
VREF and not more than 200% of (VREF + therefore must remain in a fixed state throughout
0.1) V. The amount of offset which can be cali- the calibration and measurement cycles. Any time
brated depends upon whether unipolar or bipolar the state of the BP/UP pin is changed, a new cali-
mode is being used. In unipolar mode the system bration cycle must be performed to enable the
calibration modes can handle offsets as positive as CS5501/CS5503 to properly function in the new
20% of VREF (this is restricted by the minimum mode.
span requirement of 80% VREF) or as negative as
-(VREF + 0.1) V. This capability enables the When a calibration step is initiated, the DRDY
unipolar mode of the CS5501/CS5503 to be cali- signal will go high and remain high until the step
brated to mimic bipolar mode operation. is finished. Table 2 illustrates the number of
clock cycles each calibration requires. Once a
In the bipolar mode the system offset calibration calibration step is initiated it must finish before a
range is restricted to a maximum of ±40% of new calibration step can be executed. In the two
VREF. It should be noted that the span restrictions step system calibration mode, the offset calibra-
limit the amount of offset which can be calibrated. tion step must be initiated before initiating the
The span range of the converter in bipolar mode gain calibration step.
extends an equidistance (+ and -) from the voltage
used for the zero scale point. When the zero scale When a self-cal is completed DRDY falls and the
point is calibrated it must not cause either of the output port is updated with a data word that repre-
two endpoints of the bipolar transfer function to sents the analog input signal at the AIN pin.
exceed the positive or the negative input over- When a system calibration step is completed,
range points (+(VREF + 0.1) V or - (VREF + DRDY will fall and the output port will be up-
0.1) V). If the span range is set to a minimum dated with the appropriate data value (zero scale
(80% VREF) the offset voltage can move ±40% point, or full scale point). In the system calibra-
VREF without causing the end points of the trans- tion mode, the digital filter must settle before the
fer function to exceed the overrange points. output code will represent the value of the analog
Alternatively, if the span range is set to 200% of input signal.

DS31F2 19

Cal Mode Zero Scale Gain Factor Unipolar Bipolar
CS5501 CS5503 CS5501 CS5503
Self-Cal AGND VREF 65,536 1,048,526 65,536 1,048,526
System Cal SOFF SGAIN 65,536 1,048,526 65,536 1,048,526
Table 3. Output Code Size After Calibration

Input Voltage, Unipolar Mode Input Voltage, Bipolar Mode

Output Codes (Hex)
System-Cal Self-Cal CS5501 CS5503 Self-Cal System Cal

>(SGAIN - 1.5 LSB) >(VREF - 1.5 LSB) FFFF FFFFF >(VREF - 1.5 LSB) >(SGAIN - 1.5 LSB)
8000 80000
(SGAIN - SOFF)/2 - 0.5 LSB VREF/2 - 0.5 LSB 7FFF 7FFFF AGND - 0.5 LSB SOFF -0.5 LSB
0001 00001
SOFF + 0.5 LSB AGND + 0.5 LSB 0000 00000 -VREF+ 0.5 LSB -SGAIN + 2SOFF + 0.5 LSB
<(SOFF + 0.5 LSB) <(AGND+0.5 LSB) 0000 00000 <(-VREF+0.5 LSB) <(-SGAIN+2SOFF+0.5 LSB)
Table 4. Output Coding
Tables 3 and 4 indicate the output code size and Underrange And Overrange Considerations
output coding of the CS5501/CS5503 in its vari-
ous modes. The calibration equations which The input signal range of the CS5501/CS5503
represent the CS5501/CS5503 transfer function will be determined by the mode in which the part
are shown in Figure 10. is calibrated. Table 4 indicates the input signal
range in the various modes of operation. If the
input signal exceeds the full scale point the con-
verter will output all ones. If the signal is less
DOUT = Slope (AIN - Unipolar Offset) + 0.5 LSB than the zero scale point (in unipolar) or more
negative in magnitude than minus the full scale
a. Unipolar Calibration point (in bipolar) it will output all zeroes.

Note that the modulator-filter combination in the

CS5501 chip CS5501/CS5503 is designed to accurately
DOUT = Slope (AIN - Bipolar Offset) + 2 + 0.5 LSB16 convert and filter input signals with noise excur-
sions which extend up to 100 mV below the
CS5503 analog value which produces all zeros out or
DOUT = Slope(AIN - Bipolar Offset) + 2 + 0.5 LSB20 above the analog value which produces all ones
out. Overrange noise excursions greater than
b. Bipolar Calibration 100 mV may increase output noise.

All pins of the CS5501/CS5503 include diodes

Figure 10. Calibration Equations which clamp the input signals to within the posi-
tive and negative supplies. If a signal on any pin
(including AIN) exceeds the supply voltage (either
20 DS31F2

+ or -) a clamp diode will be forward-biased. Un- CS5501

der these fault conditions the CS5501/CS5503 CS5503
might be damaged. Under normal operating con-
ditions (with the power supplies established), the +
device will survive transient currents through the -
clamp diodes up to 100 mA and continuous cur-
20 pF
rents up to 10 mA. The drive current into the AIN
pin should be limited to a safe value if an over- Vos ≤ 100 mv
voltage condition is likely to occur. See the AGND
application note "Buffer Amplifiers for the
CS501X Series of A/D Converters" for further
discussion on the clamp diode input structure and Figure 11. Analog Input Model
on current limiting circuits.
the offset voltage of the buffer. Timing allows 64
System Synchronization cycles of master clock (CLKIN) for the voltage
on the sample capacitor to settle to its final value.
If more than one CS5501/CS5503 is included in a The equation which defines settling time is:
system which is operating from a common clock,
Ve = Vmax e ⁄RC
all of the devices can be synchronized to sample
and output at exactly the same time. This can be
accomplished in either of two ways. First, a single Where Ve is the final settled value, Vmax is the
CAL signal can be issued to all the maximum error voltage value of the input signal,
CS5501/CS5503’s in the system. To insure syn- R is the value of the input source resistance, C is
chronization on the same clock signal the CAL the 20 pF sample capacitor plus the value of any
signal should go low on the falling edge of stray or additional capacitance at the input pin.
CLKIN. Or second, a common SLEEP control The value of t is equal to 64/CLKIN.
signal can be issued. If the SLEEP signal goes
positive with the appropriate set up time to Vmax occurs the instance when the sample capaci-
CLKIN, all parts will be synchronized on the tor is switched from the buffer output to the AIN
same clock cycle. pin. Prior to the switch, AIN has an error esti-
mated as being less than or equal to Ve. Vmax is
Analog Input Impedance Considerations equal to the prior error (Ve) plus the additional
error from the buffer offset. The estimate for
The analog input of the CS5501/CS5503 can be Vmax is:
modeled as illustrated in Figure 11. A 20 pF ca-
pacitor is used to dynamically sample the input Vmax = Ve+100mV
signal. Every 64 CLKIN cycles the switch alter-
nately connects the capacitor to the output of the Where CEXT is the combination of any external
buffer and then directly to the AIN pin. When- or stray capacitance.
ever the sample capacitor is switched from the
output of the buffer to the AIN pin, a small packet From the equation which defines settling time, an
of charge (a dynamic demand of current) will be equation for the maximum acceptable source re-
required from the input source to settle the volt- sistance is derived
age on the sample capacitor to its final value.
The voltage at the output of the buffer may differ
up to 100 mV from the actual input voltage due to
DS31F2 21

equation which defines settling time, an equation drift. Charge injection in the analog switches and
for the maximum acceptable source resistance is leakage currents at the sampling node are the pri-
derived mary sources of offset voltage drift in the
converter. Figure 12 indicates the typical offset
−64 drift due to temperature changes experienced after
Rsmax =
 Ve  calibration at 25 °C. Drift is relatively flat up to
CLKIN(20pF+CEXT ) ln  
 Ve + 20pF(100mv)  about 75 °C. Above 75 °C leakage current be-
 ( 20pF+CEXT ) 
  comes the dominant source of offset drift.
Leakage currents approximately double with each
This equation assumes that the offset voltage of 10 °C of temperature increase. Therefore the off-
the buffer is 100 mV, which is the worst case. set drift due to leakage current increases as the
The value of Ve is the maximum error voltage temperature increases. The value of the voltage on
which is acceptable. the sample capacitor is updated at a rate deter-
mined by the master clock, therefore the amount
of offset drift which occurs will be proportional to
For a maximum error voltage (Ve) of 10 µV in
the elapsed time between samples. In conclusion,
the CS5501 (1/4LSB at 16-bits) and 600 nV in
the offset drift increases with temperature and is
the CS5503 (1/4LSB at 20-bits), the above equa-
inversely proportional to the CLKIN rate. To
tion indicates that when operating from a
minimize offset drift with increased temperature,
4.096 MHz CLKIN, source resistances up to
higher CLKIN rates are desirable. At temperatures
84 kΩ in the CS5501 or 64 kΩ in the CS5503 are
above 100 °C, a CLKIN rate above 1 MHz is rec-
acceptable in the absence of external capacitance
ommended. The effects of offset drift due to
(CEXT = 0). If higher input source resistances
temperature changes can be eliminated by recali-
are desired the master clock rate can be reduced
brating the CS5501/CS5503 whenever the
to yield a longer settling time for the 64 cycle pe-
temperature has changed.
10 160
Gain drift within the converter depends predomi-
5 80
nately upon the temperature tracking of internal
capacitors. Gain drift is not affected by leakage
CS5503 Bipolar Offset in LSB
CS5501 Bipolar Offset in LSB

0 0 currents, therefore gain drift is significantly less

than comparable offset errors due to temperature
-5 -80 increases. The typical gain drift over the specified
temperature range is less than 2.5 LSBs for the
-10 -160
CS5501 and less than 40 LSBs for the CS5503 .
-15 -240
Measurement errors due to offset drift or gain
-20 -320 drift can be eliminated at any time by recalibrat-
-55 -35 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 ing the converter. Using the system calibration
Temperature in Deg. C.
mode can also minimize offset and gain errors in
Figure 12. Typical Self-Cal Bipolar Offset vs. Tem- the signal conditioning circuitry. The
perature After Calibration at 25 °C CS5501/CS5503 can be recalibrated at any tem-
perature to remove the effects of these errors.
Analog Input Drift Considerations
Linearity and differential non linearity are not sig-
The CS5501/CS5503 analog input uses chopper- nificantly affected by temperature changes.
stabilization techniques to minimize input offset
22 DS31F2

Filtering filter corner is at 10Hz and the output register is

updated at a 4kHz rate. CLKIN frequency can be
At the system level, the digital filter in the reduced with a proportional reduction in the filter
CS5501/CS5503 can be modeled exactly like corner frequency and in the update rate to the out-
an analog filter with a few minor differences. put register. A plot of the filter response is shown
Digital filtering resides behind the A/D conver- in the specification tables section of this data
sion and can thus reject noise injected during sheet.
the conversion process (i.e. power supply rip-
ple, voltage reference noise, or noise in the Both the CS5501/CS5503 employ internal digi-
ADC itself). Analog filtering cannot. tal filtering which creates a 6-pole Gaussian
relationship. With the corner frequency set at
Also, since digital filtering resides behind the 1 0H z for m ini mi zed s ett li ng t im e, th e
A/D converter, noise riding unfiltered on a CS5501/CS5503 offer approximately 55dB re-
near-full-scale input could potentially over- jection at 60Hz to signals coming into either
range the ADC. In contrast, analog filtering the AIN or VREF pins. With a 5Hz cut-off,
removes the noise before it ever reaches the 60Hz rejection increases to more than 90dB.
c o n v e rt e r. To a dd re s s t hi s i s s ue, the
CS5501/CS5503 each contain an analog modu- The digital filter (rather than the analog modula-
lator and digital filter which reserve headroom tor) dominates the converters’ settling for
such that the device can process signals with step-function inputs. Figure 13 illustrates the set-
100mV "excursions" above full-scale and still tling characteristics of the filter. The vertical axis
output accurately converted and filtered data. is normalized to the input step size. The horizon-
Filtered input signals above full-scale still result tal axis is in filter cycles. With a full scale input
in an output of all ones. step (2.5 V in unipolar mode) the output will ex-
hibit an overshoot of about 0.25 LSB16 in the
The digital filter’s corner frequency occurs at CS5501 and 4 LSB20 in the CS5503.
CLKIN/409,600, where CLKIN is the master
clock frequency. With a 4.096MHz clock, the

1.1 1.0000125
1.0 Vertical scale normalized
to input step size 1.0000100
0.8 See (b) for 1.00000381
expanded view 1.0000050
Settling Accuracy

Settling Accuracy

0.7 Vertical scale normalized

1.0000025 to input step size

0.4 0.9999975
0.3 0.9999950
Settling response is monotonically
0.2 0.9999925 increasing from zero to here, and
then exhibits one overshoot and
0.1 0.9999900 one undershoot as shown.

0.0 0.9999875
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 500 530 560 590 620 650 680 710 740
Filter Cycles (1024 CLKIN cycles) Filter Cycles (1024 CLKIN cycles)

(a) Settling Time Due to Input Step Change (b) Expanded Version of (a)

DS31F2 23

Anti-Alias Considerations Post Filtering

The digital filter in the CS5501/CS5503 does not Post filtering is useful to enhance the noise per-
provide rejection around integer multiples of the formance of the CS5503. With a constant input
oversampling rate [(N*CLKIN)/256, where voltage the output codes from the CS5503 will
N = 1,2,3,...]. That is, with a 4.096 MHz master exhibit some variation due to noise. The CS5503
clock the noise on the analog input signal within has typically 1.6 LSB20 rms noise in its output
the narrow ±10 Hz bands around the 16 kHz, codes. Additional variation in the output codes
32 kHz, 48 kHz, etc., passes unfiltered to the digi- can arise due to noise from the input signal source
tal output. Most broadband noise will be very and from the voltage reference. Post filtering
well filtered because the CS5501/CS5503 use a (digital averaging) will be necessary to achieve
very high oversampling ratio of 800 (16 kHz: less than 1 LSB p-p noise at the 20-bit level. The
2x10 Hz). Broadband noise is reduced by: CS5503 has peak noise less than the 18-bit level
without additional filtering if care is exercised in
eout = ein √2f−3dB ⁄ fs the design of the voltage reference and the input
eout = 0.035 ein signal condition circuitry. Noise in the bandwidth
from dc to 10 Hz on both the AIN and VREF
where ein and eout are rms noise terms referred to inputs should be minimized to ensure maximum
the input. Since f-3dB equals CLKIN/409,600 and performance. As the amount of noise will be
fs equals CLKIN/256, the digital filter reduces highly system dependent, a specific recommenda-
white, broadband noise by 96.5% independent of tion for post filtering for all applications cannot be
the CLKIN frequency. For example, a typical op- stated. The following guidelines are helpful. Real-
erational amplifier’s 50µV rms noise would be ize that the digital filter in the CS5503, like any
reduced to 1.75µV rms (0.035 LSB’s rms at the other low pass filter, acts as an information stor-
16-bit level in the CS5501 and 0.4 LSB’s rms at age unit. The filter retains past information for a
the 20-bit level in the CS5503). period of time even after the input signal has
changed. The implication of this is that immedi-
Simple high frequency analog filtering in the sig- ately sequential 20-bit updates to the serial port
nal conditioning circuitry can aid in removing contain highly correlated information. To most ef-
energy at multiples of the sampling rate. ficiently post filter the CS5503 output data,
uncorrelated samples should be used. Samples
Bits of Filter CLKIN which have sufficiently reduced correlation can be
Output Cycles Cycles
obtained if the CS5503 is allowed to execute 200
filter cycles between each subsequent data word
9 340 348,160
10 356 364,544
collected for post filtering.
11 389 398,336
12 435 445,440 The character of the noise in the data will influ-
13 459 470,016
14 475 486,400 ence the post filtering requirements. As a general
15 486 497,664 rule, averaging N uncorrelated data samples will
16 495 506,880
17 500 512,000
reduce noise by 1/√N. While this rule assumes
18 504 516,096 that the noise is white (which is true for the
19 506 518,144 CS5503 but not true for all real system signals
20 507 519,168
between dc and 10Hz), it does offer a starting
Table 5. Settling Time of the 6 Pole Low Pass Filter in point for developing a post filtering algorithm for
the CS5501 to 1/2 LSB Accuracy with a Full Scale removing the noise from the data. The algorithm
Step Input

24 DS31F2

will have to be empirically tested to see if it meets band-gap references are available which can sup-
the system requirements. It is recommended that ply 2.5 V for use with the CS5501/CS5503.
any testing include input signals across the entire Many of these devices are not specified for noise,
input span of the converter as the signal level will especially in the 0.1 to 10 Hz bandwidth. Some
affect the amount of noise from the reference in- of these devices may exhibit noise characteristics
put which is transferred to the output data. which degrade the performance of the
Voltage Reference
Power Supplies And Grounding
The voltage reference applied to the VREF input
pin defines the analog input range of the The CS5501/CS5503 use the analog ground con-
CS5501/CS5503. The preferred reference is 2.5V, nection, AGND, as a measurement reference
but the device can typically accept references node. It carries no power supply current. The
from 1V to 3V. Input signals which exceed 2.6V AGND pin should be used as the reference node
(+ or -) can cause some linearity degradation. Fig- for both the analog input signal and for the refer-
ure 14 illustrates the voltage reference ence voltage which is input into the VREF pin.
connections to the CS5501/CS5503.
The analog and digital supply inputs are pinned
CS5501 out separately to minimize coupling between the
CS5503 analog and digital sections of the chip. To
+5V VA+ achieve maximum performance, all four supplies
2.5 V for the CS5501/CS5503 should be decoupled to
For Example VREF
their respective grounds using 0.1 µF capacitors.
LT1019 -2.5 AGND This is illustrated in the System Connection Dia-
gram, Figure 15, at the beginning of this data
Figure 14. Voltage Reference Connections sheet.

The circuitry inside the VREF pin is identical to As CMOS devices, the CS5501/CS5503 require
that as seen at the AIN pin. The sample capacitor that the positive analog supply voltage always be
(see Figure 12) requires packets of charge from greater than or equal to the positive digital supply
the external reference just as the AIN pin does. voltage. If the voltage on the positive digital sup-
Therefore the same settling time requirements ap- ply should ever become greater than the voltage
ply. Most reference IC’s can handle this dynamic on the positive analog supply, diode junctions in
load requirement without inducing errors. They the CMOS structure which are normally reverse-
exhibit sufficiently low output impedance and biased will become forward-biased. This may
wide enough bandwidth to settle to within the cause the part to draw high currents and experi-
necessary accuracy in the requisite 64 CLKIN cy- ence permanent damage. The connections shown
cles. in Figure 15 eliminate this possibility.

Noise from the reference is filtered by the digital To ensure reliable operation, be certain that power
filter, but the reference should be chosen to mini- is applied to the part before signals at AIN, VREF,
mize noise below 10 Hz. The CS5501/CS5503 or the logic input pins are present. If current is
typically exhibit 0.1 LSB rms and 1.6 LSB rms supplied into any pin before the chip is powered-
noise respectively. This specification assumes a up, latch up may result. As a system, it is
clean reference voltage. Many monolithic desirable to power the CS5501/CS5503, the volt-

DS31F2 25

10 Ω

+5V 0.1 µF 0.1 µF

Analog 14 15
13 3
CAL CLKIN Optional
Calibration 4 2
17 11 Sleep Mode
CS5501 Control
Bipolar/ CS5503
12 1
Analog Unipolar BP/UP Output
Signal Input Select Mode Select
Source 200 Ω∗ 19
AIN Serial
0 VREF Data
0.0047 µF NPO 20
or SDATA Interface
+2.5V 10 DRDY
Voltage Control
VREF 16 Logic
+5V Reference CS
Analog AGND 5
Supply DGND
Unused Logic Inputs
0.1 µF VA- VD- 0.1 µF must be connected
7 6 to DGND or VD+
Supply 10 Ω

* Recommended to
reduce high
frequency noise

Figure 15. Typical Connection Diagram

age reference, and the analog signal conditioning removed by recalibration. Above 10 Hz the digi-
circuitry from the same primary source. If sepa- tal filter will provide additional rejection. When
rate supplies are used, it is recommended that the the benefits of the digital filter are added to the
CS5501/CS5503 be powered up first. If a com- regular power supply rejection the effects of line
mon power source is used for the analog signal frequency variations (60 Hz) on the power sup-
conditioning circuitry as well as the A/D con- plies will be reduced greater than 120 dB. If the
verter, this power source should be applied supply voltages for the CS5501/CS5503 are gen-
before application of power to the digital logic erated with a dc-dc converter the operating
supply. frequency of the dc-dc converter should not oper-
ate at the sampling frequency of the
The CS5501/CS5503 exhibit good power supply CS5501/CS5503 or at integer multiples thereof.
rejection for frequencies within the passband (dc At these frequencies the digital filter will not aid
to 10 Hz). Any small offset or gain error caused in power supply rejection. See Anti-Alias Consid-
by long term drift of the power supplies can be erations section of this data sheet.

26 DS31F2

The recommended system connection diagram for reading will occur after a rising edge on SLEEP
the CS5501/CS5503 is illustrated in Figure 15. occurs.
Note that any digital logic inputs which are to be
unused should be tied to either DGND or the Battery Backed-Up Calibrations
VD+ as appropriate. They should not be left float-
ing; nor should they be tied to some other logic The CS5501/CS5503 use SRAM to store calibra-
supply voltage in the system. tion information. The contents of the SRAM will
be lost whenever power is removed from the chip.
Power-Up and Initialization Figure 17 shows a battery back-up scheme that
can be used to retain the calibration memory dur-
Upon power-up, a calibration cycle must be initi- ing system down time and/or protect it against
ated at the CAL pin to insure a consistent starting intermittent power loss. Note that upon loss of
condition and to initially calibrate the device. The power, the SLEEP input goes low, reducing
CAL pin must be strobed high for a minimum of power consumption to just 10 µW. Lithium cells
4 clock cycles. The falling edge will initiate a of 3.6 V are available which average 1750 mA-
calibration cycle. A simple power-on reset circuit hours before they drop below the typical 2 V
can be built using a resistor and capacitor (see memory-retention specification of the
Figure 16). The resistor and capacitor values CS5501/CS5503.
should allow for clock or oscillator startup time,
and the voltage reference stabilization time. 1N4148 10 Ω

+5V 0.1 µF 0.1 µF

Vd 14 15
1N4148 VA+ VD+
+5V Vb CS5501
CS5501 8 CS5503
47kΩ (2V+Vd) < Vb < 4.5V
SC1 7 6

Figure 16. Power-On Reset Circuitry 0.1 µF 10 Ω 0.1 µF
(Self-Calibration Only)

Due to the devices’ low power dissipation and

Figure 17. Example Calibration Memory Battery
low temperature drift, no warm-up time is re- Back-Up Circuit
quired to accommodate any self-heating effects.
When SLEEP is active (SLEEP = DGND), both
Sleep Mode VD+ and VA+ must remain powered to no less
than 2 V to retain calibration memory. The VD-
The CS5501/CS5503 include a sleep mode and VA- voltages can be reduced to 0 V but must
(SLEEP = DGND) which shuts down the internal not be allowed to go above ground potential. The
analog and digital circuitry reducing power con- negative supply must exhibit low source imped-
sumption to less than 10 µW. All calibration ance in the powered-down state as the current into
coefficients are retained in memory such that no the VA+ pin flows out the VA- pin. (AGND is
time is required after "awakening" for recalibra- only a reference node. No power supply current
tion. Still, the CS5501/CS5503 will require time flows in or out of AGND.) Care should be taken
for the digital filter to settle before an accurate
DS31F2 27

to ensure that logic inputs are maintained at either

VD+ ar DGND potential when SLEEP is low.

Note that battery life could be shortened if the

Schematic & Layout Review Service
+5 V supply drops slowly during power-down. As Confirm Optimum
the supply drops below the battery voltage but not Schematic & Layout
yet below the logic threshold of the SLEEP pin,
Before Building Your Board.
the battery will be supplying the CS5501/CS5503
at full power (typically 3 mA). Faster transitions For Our Free Review Service
at SLEEP can be triggered using a resistive di- Call Applications Engineering.
vider or a simple resistor network to generate the
SLEEP input from the +5 V supply. C a l l : ( 5 1 2 ) 4 4 5 - 7 2 2 2

Output Loading Considerations

To maximize performance of the CS5501/

CS5503, the output drive currents from the digital
output lines should be minimized. It is recom-
mended that CMOS logic gates (4000B, 74HC,
etc.) be used to provide minimum loading. If it is
necessary to drive an opto-isolator the outputs of
the CS5501/CS5503 should be buffered. An easy
means of driving the LED of an opto-isolator is to
use a 2N7000 or 2N7002 low cost FET.

28 DS31F2




* Pinout applies to both DIP and SOIC packages

Clock Generator
CLKIN; CLKOUT -Clock In; Clock Out, Pins 3 and 2.
A gate inside the CS5501/CS5503 is connected to these pins and can be used with a crystal or
ceramic resonator to provide the master clock for the device. Alternatively, an external (CMOS
compatible) clock can be input to the CLKIN pin as the master clock for the device. When not
in SLEEP mode, a master clock (CLKIN) should be present at all times.

Serial Output I/O

MODE -Serial Interface Mode Select, Pin 1.
Selects the operating mode of the serial port. If tied to VD- (-5V), the CS5501 will operate in
the UART-compatible AC mode for Asynchronous Communication. The SCLK pin will
operate as an input to set the data rate, and data will transmit formatted with one start and two
stop bits. If MODE is tied to DGND, the CS5501/CS5503 will operate in the SEC
(Synchronous External-Clocking) mode, with the SCLK pin operating as an input and the
output appearing MSB-first. If MODE is tied to VD+ (+5V), the CS5501/CS5503 will operate
in its SSC (Synchronous Self-Clocking) mode, with SCLK providing a serial clock output of
CLKIN/4 (25% duty-cycle).

DRDY -Data Ready, Pin 18.

DRDY goes low every 1024 cycles of CLKIN to indicate that new data has been placed in the
output port. DRDY goes high when all the serial port data is clocked out, when the serial port
is being updated with new data, when a calibration is in progress, or when SLEEP is low.

CS -Chip Select, Pin 16.

An input which can be enabled by an external device to gain control over the serial port of the

DS31F2 29

SDATA -Serial Data Output, Pin 20.

Data from the serial port will be output from this pin at a rate determined by SCLK and in a
format determined by the MODE pin. It furnishes a high impedance output state when not
transmitting data.

SCLK -Serial Clock Input/Output, Pin 19.

A clock signal at this pin determines the output rate of the data from the SDATA pin. The
MODE pin determines whether the SCLK signal is an input or output. SCLK may provide a
high impedance output when data is not being output from the SDATA pin.

Calibration Control Inputs

SC1; SC2 -System Calibration 1 and 2, Pins 4 and 17.
Control inputs to the CS5501/CS5503’s calibration microcontroller for calibration. The state of
SC1 and SC2 determine which of the calibration modes is selected for operation (see Table 2).

BP/UP -Bipolar/Unipolar Select, Pin 12.

Determines whether the CS5501/CS5503 will be calibrated to measure bipolar (BP/UP = VD+)
or unipolar (BP/UP = DGND) input signals. Recalibration is necessary whenever the state of
BP/UP is changed.

CAL -Calibrate, Pin 13.

If brought high for 4 clock cycles or more, the CS5501/CS5503 will reset and upon returning
low a full calibration cycle will begin. The state of SC1, SC2, and BP/UP when CAL is
brought low determines the type and length of calibration cycle initiated (see Table 2). Also, a
single CAL signal can be used to strobe the CAL pins high on several CS5501/CS5503’s to
synchronize their operation. Any spurious glitch on this pin may inadvertently place the chip in
Calibration mode.

Other Control Input

SLEEP -Sleep, Pin 11.
When brought low, the CS5501/CS5503 will enter a low-power state. When brought high
again, the CS5501/CS5503 will resume operation without the need to recalibrate. After SLEEP
goes high again, the device’s output will settle to within +0.0007% of the analog input value
within 1.3/f-3dB, where f-3dB is the passband frequency. The SLEEP input can also be used to
synchronize sampling and the output updates of several CS5501/CS5503’s.

Analog Inputs
VREF -Voltage Reference, Pin 10.
Analog reference voltage input.

AIN -Analog Input, Pin 9.

30 DS31F2

Power Supply Connections

VD+ -Positive Digital Power, Pin 15.
Positive digital supply voltage. Nominally +5 volts.

VD- -Negative Digital Power, Pin 6.

Negative digital supply voltage. Nominally -5 volts.

DGND -Digital Ground, Pin 5.

Digital ground.

VA+ -Positive Analog Power, Pin 14.

Positive analog supply voltage. Nominally +5 volts.

VA- -Negative Analog Power, Pin 7.

Negative analog supply voltage. Nominally -5 volts.

AGND -Analog Ground, Pin 8.

Analog ground.

DS31F2 31


Linearity Error
The deviation of a code from a straight line which connects the two endpoints of the A/D
Converter transfer function. One endpoint is located 1/2 LSB below the first code transition
and the other endpoint is located 1/2 LSB beyond the code transition to all ones. Units in
percent of full-scale.

Differential Linearity
The deviation of a code’s width from the ideal width. Units in LSB’s.

Full-Scale Error
The deviation of the last code transition from the ideal (VREF-3/2 LSB’s). Units in LSBs.

Unipolar Offset
The deviation of the first code transition from the ideal (1/2 LSB above AGND) when in
unipolar mode (BP/UP low). Units in LSBs.

Bipolar Offset
The deviation of the mid-scale transition (011...111 to 100...000) from the ideal (1/2 LSB
below AGND) when in bipolar mode (BP/UP high). Units in LSBs.

Bipolar Negative Full-Scale Error

The deviation of the first code transition from the ideal when in bipolar mode (BP/UP high).
The Ideal is defined as lying on a straight line which passes through the final and mid-scale
code transitions. Units in LSBs.

Positive Full-Scale Input Overrange

The absolute maximum positive voltage allowed for either accurate system calibration or
accurate conversions. Units in volts.

Negative Full-Scale Input Overrange

The absolute maximum negative voltage allowed for either accurate system calibration or
accurate conversions. Units in volts.

Offset Calibration Range

The CS5501/CS5503 calibrate their offset to the voltage applied to the AIN pin when in system
calibration mode. The first code transition defines Unipolar Offset when BP/UP is low and the
mid-scale transition defines Bipolar Offset when BP/UP is high. The Offset Calibration Range
specification indicates the range of voltages applied to AIN that the CS5501 or CS5503 can
accept and still calibrate offset accurately. Units in volts.

Input Span
The voltages applied to the AIN pin in system-calibration schemes define the CS5501/CS5503
analog input range. The Input Span specification indicates the minimum and maximum input
spans from zero-scale to full-scale in unipolar, or from positive full scale to negative full scale
in bipolar, that the CS5501/CS5503 can accept and still calibrate gain accurately. Units in
32 DS31F2

Ordering Guide
Model Number No. of Bits Linearity Error (Max) Temperature Range Package
CS5501-AS 16 0.003% -40 to +85°C 20 Lead SOIC
CS5501-BS 16 0.0015% -40 to +85°C 20 Lead SOIC
CS5501-AP 16 0.003% -40 to +85°C 20 Pin Plastic DIP
CS5501-BP 16 0.0015% -40 to +85°C 20 Pin Plastic DIP
CS5501-CP 16 0.0012% -40 to +85°C 20 Pin Plastic DIP
CS5501-SD 16 0.003% -55 to +125°C 20 Pin Cerdip
CS5501-TD 16 0.0015% -55 to +125°C 20 Pin Cerdip

CS5503-AS 20 0.003% -40 to +85°C 20 Lead SOIC

CS5503-BS 20 0.0015% -40 to +85°C 20 Lead SOIC
CS5503-AP 20 0.003% -40 to +85°C 20 Pin Plastic DIP
CS5503-BP 20 0.0015% -40 to +85°C 20 Pin Plastic DIP
CS5503-CP 20 0.0012% -40 to +85°C 20 Pin Plastic DIP
CS5503-SD 20 0.003% -55 to +125°C 20 Pin Cerdip
CS5503-TD 20 0.0015% -55 to +125°C 20 Pin Cerdip

DS31F2 33

APPENDIX A: APPLICATIONS and returns high as the last bit shifts out. There-
fore, the DRDY pin can be polled for a rising
Parallel Interface transition directly, or it can be latched as a level-
sensitive interrupt.
Figures A1 and A2 show two serial-to-parallel
conversion circuits for interfacing the CS5501 in With the CS input tied low the CS5501 will shift
its SSC mode to 16- and 8-bit systems respec- out every available sample (4kHz word rate with
tively. Each circuit includes an optional a 4MHz master clock). Lower output rates (and
74HCT74 flip-flop to latch DRDY and generate interrupt rates) can be generated by dividing
a level-sensitive interrupt. down the DRDY output and applying it to CS.

Both circuits require that the parallel read process Totally asynchronous interfaces can be created
be synchronized to the CS5501’s operation. That using a Shift Data control signal from the system
is, the system must not try to enable the regis- which enables the CS5501’s CS input and/or the
ters’ parallel output while they are accepting shift registers’ S1 inputs. The DRDY output can
serial data from the CS5501. The CS5501’s then be used to disable serial data transmission
DRDY falls just prior to serial data transmission once an output word has been fully registered.

+5V +5V
+5V CS5501

S2 PF D5




PD D11
PE D12
S2 PF D13
PH D15
OE2 Only needed for
interrupt driven systems

(For polling)

Figure A1. 16-bit Parallel Interface

34 DS31F2

In such asynchronous configurations the CS5501 own serial clock. The routine also sets the
is operated much like a successive-approximation CS5501 into a known state.
converter with a Convert signal and a subsequent
read cycle. For each interface, a second subroutine is also
provided which will collect one complete 16-bit
If it is required to latch the 16-bit data, then 2 output word from the CS5501. Figure A5 illus-
74HC595 8-bit "shift register with latch" parts trates the detailed timing throughout the
may be used instead of 74HC299’s. subroutine for one particular interface - the
COPS family interface of Figure A4.
Serial Interfaces

Figures A3 to A8 offer both the hardware and

software interfaces to several industry-standard
microcontrollers using the CS5501’s SEC and
AC output modes. In each instance a system in-
itialization routine is provided which configures
the controller’s I/O ports to accept the CS5501’s
serial data and clock outputs and/or generate its

+5V +5V
+5V CS5501




PC D10


P D11
S1 PE D12 DB4 Q
P D13
PG D14 DB6 Only needed for
P D15
H DB7 interrupt driven systems

(For polling)

Figure A2. 8-Bit Parallel Interface

DS31F2 35

Initial Code:
68HC11 SPINIT: PSHA ; Store temporary copy of A
CS PA6 +5V LDAA #%x1xxxxxx ; Bit 6 = 1, all others are don’t cares
STAA PORTA ; CS = 1, inactive; deselect CS5501
STAA SPCR ; Disable serial port
SDATA MISO LDAA #%xx0110xx ; SS-input, SCK-output,
; MOSI-output, MISO-input
STAA DDRD ; Data direction register for port D
LDAA #$50 ; Enable serial port, CMOS outputs,
Figure A3. 68HC11/CS5501 Serial Interface STAA SPCR ; master, highest clock rate (int. clk/2)
LDAA SPDR ; Bogus read to clr port and SPIF flag
PULA ; Restore A
Notes: RTS ;
1. CS5501 in Synchronous External Clocking mode.
Code to get word of data:
2. Using 68HC11’s SPI port. (Can use SCI and
CS5501’s Asynchronous mode.) SP_IN: LDAA #%x0xxxxxx ;
STAA PORTA ; CS = 0, active; select CS5501
3. Maximum bit rate is 1.05 Mbps. STAA SPDR ; Put data in serial port to start clk
WAIT1: LDAA SPSR ; Get port status
Assumptions: BPL WAIT1 ; If SPIF (MSB) 0, no data yet, wait
1. PA6 used as CS. LDAA SPDR ; Put most significant byte in A
STAA SPDR ; Start serial port for second byte
2. 68HC11 in single-chip mode. WAIT2: LDAB SPSR ; Get port status
3. Receive data via polling. BPL WAIT2 ; If SPIF (MSB) 0, no data yet, wait
LDAB #%x1xxxxxx ;
4. Normal equates for peripheral registers. STAB PORTA ; CS = 1, inactive; deselect CS5501
5. Data returned in register D. LDAB SPDR ; Put least significant byte in B

Initial Code:
CS5501 COPS 444
SPINIT: OGI 15 ; CS = 1, inactive; deselect CS5501
CS5503 CS G0
RC ; Reset carry, used in next
XAS ; instruction to turn SK off
SDATA DI Code to get word of data:
SP_IN: LBI 0,12 ; Point to start of data
(All COPS) ; storage location
SC ; Set carry - enables SK in
Figure A4. COPS/CS5501 Interface ; XAS instruction
OGI 14 ; CS = 0, active; select CS5501
LEI 0 ; Shift register mode, S0 = 0
XAS ; Start clocking serial port
Notes: NOP ;
NOP ; Wait for (first) M.S. nibble
1. CS5501 in Synchronous External Clocking mode. GETNIB: NOP ;
2. COPS 444 max baud = 62.5 kbps. (Others = 500 kbps) XAS ; Get nibble of data from SIO
XIS ; Put nibble in memory, inc. pointer,
3. See timing diagram for detailed timing. JP GETNIB ; if overflow, jump around this inst.
RC ; Reset carry - disables SK in XAS
Assumptions: ; instruction
1. G0 used as CS. XAS ; Bogus read - stops SK
OGI 15 ; CS = 1, inactive; deselect CS5501
2. Register 0 (upper four nibbles) used to store 16-bit word. RET ;

36 DS31F2

Instruction GDAT: GETLP:


(COPS internal)

CS (G0)
Shift in A SIO

DATA (SI) HI-Z B15 (MSB) B14 B13 B12 B11 B10



(COPS internal)

CS (G0)

DATA (SI) B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0


Instruction JP
(COPS internal)

CS (G0)


Figure A5. Serial Timing Example - COPS

DS31F2 37

CS5501 8051
Initial Code:
SPINIT: CLR EX1 ; Disable INT1
CS P1.1 SETB IT1 ; Set INT1 for falling edge triggered
MODE SETB DATA ; Set DATA to be input pin
SCLK P1.2 SETB CS ; CS = 1; deselect CS5501
SDATA P1.3 SETB EX1 ; Enable INT1 interrupt

Figure A6. MCS51 (8051) /CS5501 Serial Interface Code to get word of data:
ORG 0003H
LJMP GETWD ; Interrupt vector
GETWD: PUSH PSW ; Save temp. copy
Notes: PUSH A ; Save temp. copy
1. CS5501 in Synchronous External Clocking mode. MOV PSW,#08 ; Set register bank 1 active
MOV R6,#8 ; number of bits in a byte
2. Interrupt driven I/O on 8051 (For polling, connect CLR CS ; CS = 0; select CS5501
DRDY to another port pin). MSBYTE:SETB SCLK ; Toggle SCLK high
MOV C,DATA ; Put bit of data into carry bit
Assumptions: CLR SCLK ; Toggle SCLK low; next data bit
RLC A ; Shift DATA bit into A register
1. INT1 external interrupt used. DJNZ R6,MSBYTE ; Dec. R6, if not 0, get another bit
2. Register bank 1, R6, R7 used to store data word, MOV R7,A ; Put MSbyte into R7
R7 MSbyte. MOV R6,#8 ; Reset R6 to number of bits in byte
3. EA enabled elsewhere. LSBYTE: SETB SCLK ; Toggle SCLK high
MOV C,DATA ; Put bit of data into carry bit
CLR SCLK ; Toggle SCLK low; next data bit
RLC A ; Shift DATA bit into A register
DJNZ R6,LSBYTE ; Dec. R6, if not 0, get another bit
MOV R6,A ; Put LSbyte into R6
SETB CS ; CS = 1; deselect CS5501
POP A ; Restore original value
POP PSW ; Restore original value

(Assumptions cont.)
CS5501 8051
3. Word received put in A (ACC) and B registers,
A = MSbyte.
SCLK 32 OSC 4. No error checking done.
CS P1.2 5. Equates used for peripheral names.
SDATA RXD Initial Code:
-5V SPINIT: SETB SMOD ; Set SMOD = 1, baud = OSC/32
SETB P1.2 ; CS = 1, inactive
Figure A7. MCS51 (8051) /CS5501 UART Interface MOV SCON,#1001000B ; Enable serial port mode 2,
; receiver enabled, transmitter disabled
CLR ES ; Disable serial port interrupts (polling)
1. CS5501 in Asynchronous (UART-like) mode. Code to get word of data:
2. 8051 in mode 2, with OSC = 12 MHz, SP_IN: CLR P1.2 ; CS = 0, active; select CS5501
max baud = 375 kbps. JNB RI,$ ; Wait for first byte
Assumptions: MOV A,SBUF ; Put most significant byte in A
JNB RI,$ ; wait for second byte
1. P1.2 (port 1, bit 2) used as CS. CLR RI ;
2. Using serial port mode 2, Baud rate = OSC/32. MOV B,SBUF ; Put least significant byte in B
SETB P1.2 ; CS = 1, inactive; deselect CS5501

38 DS31F2

CS5501 TMS70X2 Initial Code:

A0 MOVP %1,ADDR ; A port is output
MOVP %1,APORT ; A0 = 1, (CS is inactive)
MODE MOVP %>10,SCTLO ; Resets port errors
SDATA RXD MOVP %?x1x01101,SMODE ; Set port for Isosync,
MOVP %?00x1110x,SCTLO ; 8 bits, no parity
(TMS70CX2) MOVP %07,T3DATA ; Max baud rate
MOVP %?01000000,SCTL1 ; No multiprocessor;
Figure A8. TMS70X2/CS5501 Serial Interface ; prescale = 4
MOVP %0,IOCNT1 ; Disable INT4 - will poll port
PUSH A ; Store original
MOVP RXBUF,A ; Bogus read to clr receiver port flag
Notes: POP A ; Restore original
1. CS5501 in Asynchronous (UART-like) mode. RET ;
2. TMS70X2 in Isosynchronous mode.
3. TMS70X2 with 8 MHz master clock has max Code to get word of data:
baud =1.0 Mbps. SP_IN: MOVP %0,APORT ; CS active, select CS5501
WAIT1 BTJZP %2,SSTAT,WAIT1 ; Wait to receive first byte
Assumptions: MOVP RXBUF,A ; Put most significant byte in reg. A
1. A0 used as CS. WAIT2 BTJZP %2,SSTAT,WAIT2 ; Wait to receive second byte
MOVP RXBUF,B ; Put least significant byte in reg. B
2. Receive data via polling. MOVP %1,APORT ; CS inactive, deselect CS5501
3. Word received put in A and B upon return, A = MS byte. RET ;
4. No error checking done.
5. Normal equates for peripheral registers.

DS31F2 39
• Notes •
CS5501/CS5503 Evaluation Board
Features Description
l Operation with on-board clock generator, on- The CDB5501/CDB5503 is an evaluation board de-
board crystal, or an off-board clock source. signed for maximum flexibility when evaluating the
l DIP switch selectable or micro port CS5501/CS5503 A/D converters. The board can easily
be configured to evaluate all the features of the
controllable: CS5501/CS5503, including changes in master clock
- Unipolar/Bipolar input range rate, calibration modes, output decimation rates, and in-
- Sleep Mode-All Cal Modes terface modes.
l On-board Decimation Counter The evaluation board interfaces with most microcontrol-
l Multiple Data Output Interface Options: lers and allows full control of the features of the CS5501
- RS-232 (CS5501) or CS5503. DIP switch selectable control is also avail-
able in the event a microcontroller is not used. The
- Parallel Port (CS5501) evaluation board also offers computer data interfaces in-
- Micro Port (CS5501 & CS5503) cluding RS-232 and parallel port outputs for evaluating
the CS5501.
All calibration modes are selectable including Self-Cal,
System Offset Cal, and System Offset and System Gain
Cal. A calibration can be initiated at any time by pressing
the CAL pushbutton switch.

CDB5501 Evaluation Board
CDB5503 Evaluation Board

OSC Counter

CS5503 Micro

Sub D

+5 -5
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
Crystal Semiconductor Products Division Copyright  Cirrus Logic, Inc. 1998 MAR ‘95
P.O. Box 17847, Austin, Texas 78760 (All Rights Reserved)
(512) 445 7222 FAX: (512) 445 7581
http://www.crystal.com 41

INTRODUCTION (1200, 2400, 4800, etc.) when the CDB5501

evaluation board is configured to provide RS-232
The CDB5501/CDB5503 evaluation board pro- data output. If a different operating frequency for
vides maximum flexibility for controlling and the CS5501/CS5503 is desired, three options ex-
interfacing to the CS5501/CS5503 A/D convert- ist. First, a BNC input is provided to allow an
ers. The CS5501 or the CS5503 require a minimal external CMOS (+5V) compatible clock to be
amount of external circuitry. The devices can op- used. Second, the crystal (Y1) in the on-board
erate with a crystal (or ceramic resonator) and a gate oscillator can be changed. Or, third, the on-
voltage reference. chip oscillator of the CS5501/CS5503 can be
used with a crystal connected in the Y2 position.
The evaluation board includes several clock
source options, a 2.5 volt trimmable reference, 2. 5 Volt Reference
and circuitry to support several data interface
schemes. The board operates from +5 and -5 volt A 2.5 volt (LT1019CN8-2.5) reference is pro-
power supplies. vided on the board. Potentiometer R9 allows the
initial value of the reference to be accurately
Evaluation Board Overview trimmed.

The CDB5501/CDB5503 evaluation board in- Decimation Counter

cludes extensive support circuitry to aid
evaluation of the CS5501/CS5503. The support The CS5501/CS5503 updates its internal output
circuitry includes the following sections: register with a 16-bit word every 1024 clock cy-
cles of the master clock. Each time the output
1) A clock generator which has an on-board register is updated the DRDY line goes low. Al-
oscillator and counter divider IC. though output data is updated at a high rate it
2) A 2.5 volt trimmable voltage reference. may be desirable in certain applications to acti-
vate the CS to read the data at a much lower rate.
3) A Decimation Counter. A decimation counter is provided on the board for
4) A parallel output port (for CS5501 only). this purpose. The counter reduces the rate at
5) An RS-232 interface (for CS5501 only). which the CS line of the CS5501 is activated by
only allowing CS to occur at a sub-multiple of the
6) A micro port (for CS5501 or CS5503). DRDY rate.
7) DIP switch and CAL pushbutton.
Parallel Output Port (for CS5501 only)
Clock Generator
The output data from the CS5501/CS5503 is in
The CS5501/CS5503 can operate off its on-chip serial form. Some applications may require the
oscillator or an off-chip clock source. The evalu- data to be read in parallel format. Therefore the
ation board includes a 4.9152 MHz gate oscillator evaluation board includes two 8-bit shift registers
and counter-divider chain as the primary clock with three-state outputs. Data from the CS5501 is
source for the CS5501/CS5503. The counter-di- shifted into the registers and then read out in
vider outputs offer several jumper-selectable 16 bit parallel fashion. The parallel port comes set
frequencies as clock inputs to the up for 16-bit parallel output but can be reconfig-
CS5501/CS5503. The 4.9152 MHz crystal fre- ured to provide two 8-bit reads. The parallel port
quency was chosen to allow the counter-divider supports the CS5501 only, since the CS5503 out-
chain to also provide the common serial data rates puts 20-bit words.

42 DS31DB3

RS-232 Port (for CS5501 only) Jumper Selections

The CS5501 has a data output mode in which it The evaluation board has many jumper selectable
formats the data to be UART compatible; each options. This table describes the jumper selections
serial output byte is preceded by a start bit and available.
terminated with two stop bits. Serial data in this
format is commonly transferred using the RS-232 P1 Selects between the on-board 4.9152 MHz
data interface. Therefore the evaluation board in- oscillator (INT) or an external (EXT) clock
cludes an RS-232 driver and output connector. source as the input to the clock generator/
The CS5503 does not provide this output mode. divider chain.
P2 Allows any of the counter/divider output
Micro Port
clock rates to be selected as the input clock
The CS5501/CS5503 was designed to be compat- to the CS5501/CS5503.
ible with many micro-controllers. Therefore the P3 Allows selection of baud rate clocks when
evaluation board provides access to all of the data the CS5501 is in the UART compatible mode.
output pins and the control pins of the When using the on-board 4.9152 MHz stand-
CS5501/CS5503 on header connectors. ard baud rates between 1200 and 19,200 are
DIP Switch and CAL Pushbutton
P4 Selects the divide ratio of the Decimation
Although all of the control lines to the Counter.
CS5501/CS5503 are available on header connec- P5 Selects one of the three available output data
tors at the edge of the board, it is preferable to not modes of the CS5501 or one of two available
require software control of all of these pins. output data modes of the CS5503.
Therefore DIP switch control is provided on some P9 Enables the output of the Decimation
of these control lines. The CAL input to the Counter to control the CS line of the
CS5501/CS5503 is made available at a header pin CS5501/CS5503.
for remote control, but pushbutton control of CAL
is also provided. P11 Connects the baud clock from the on-board
clock divider as the input to the SCLK pin
of the CS5501/CS5503.
47 k
47 k

R1 C3
10 M 0.1 µF
RN 1.2
RN 1.3

1 74HC00 TP1 P1 TP3

3 5 6 INTCLK 14
U1A 12 11 10 V+
4 U1B U1C 16
2 CL U2
R2 13 C5
4.9152 MHz EXTCLK 7 R 74HC4040 0.1 µF
5.1 k 11 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
C1 9 7 6 5 3 2 4 13 12 14 15 1
30 pF 30 pF P2
TP2 9 8
CLKIN R3 N= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200 10 U1D Master Clock Baud Clock
TP4 TP5 BRCLK (fig. 2)

CLKIN (fig. 2)

Figure 1. Clock Generator

DS31DB3 43

Clock Options Connector P1 allows jumper selection of either an

external clock or the on-board 4.9152 MHz crys-
Several clock source options are available. These tal oscillator (See Figure 1 for schematic) as the
include: clock source for the CLKIN signal on pin 3 of the
1) an external clock (+5 V CMOS-Compatible); CS5501/CS5503 (shown in Figure 2).
2) an on-board 4.9152 MHz crystal oscillator
with a 2n divider (n = 1, 2, …7); If the EXT position is selected, a CMOS-compat-
ible clock signal (5 volt supply) should be input
3) a 4.096 MHz crystal. to the BNC connector labeled CLKIN. If the INT
position is selected the 4.9152 MHz oscillator
output is input to counter/divider IC U2. In either


TP6 V+ 12 S 9
10 16 0.1 µF U8B
CL U3 C5 74HC74
74HC4040 11 8
11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 R
9 7 6 5 3 2 4 13 12 14 15 1
U6 2 V+13
P4 1
N= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R 14 (fig. 3)
Decimation Counter 100 k

2 3 P9 P10
1 CS
1 2
16 74HC126 R17
V+ C15 100 k
CS 0.1 µF
RN 3.8
47 k

(fig. 4) 14
2 DRDY 18 5 6
Y2 U7 4
4 7
3 V+
CLKIN 0.1 µF
(fig. 1) SDATA
TP10 RN 3.5
(fig. 3, 4) 47 k 14
20 4 5
3 6 6
U6 U6 7
U4 74HCT04
CS5503 (fig. 3) U7
SCLK 19 9 8
10 8
R 13 9 V+
V+ 100 k
R 12 U6
100 k RN 3.5
R 11 8 47 k
100 k 13 12
1 3 5 11U7 10
P5 P11
2 4 6 BC NC
V+ V-
MODE: SSC SEC AC* (fig. 1)
*AC Mode available only in CS5501

Figure 2. Decimation Counter / Microport

44 DS31DB3

Data Output from the CS5501/CS5503

P-1 CLKIN Source to CS5501/CS5503 The CS5501 has three available data output
INT CLK On-Board 4.9152 MHz OSC modes (The CS5503 has two available data out-
EXT CLK +5 CMOS CLKIN BNC put modes). The operating mode of the part is
CLKIN Rate Selection (CLK/2n) with INT CLK on P1 selected. determined by the input voltage level to the
CLK = 4.9152 MHz
MODE (pin 1) pin of the device. Once a mode is
selected, four other pins on the device are in-
volved in data output. The first of these is the
DRDY pin (pin 18). It is an output from the chip
P-2 CLKIN Rate which signals whenever a new data word is avail-
0 4.9152 MHz able in the internal output register of the
1 2.4576 MHz CS5501/CS5503. Data can then be read from the
2 1.2288 MHz register, but only when the CS pin (pin 16) is
3 614.4 kHz low.
4 307.2 kHz
5 153.6 kHz+ When CS is low, data bits are output in serial
6 76.8 kHz+ form on the SDATA pin (pin 20). In the Syn-
7 38.4 kHz* + chronous Self-Clocking mode of the
* Exceeds CLKIN Specifications of CS5501. CS5501/CS5503, the chip provides an output data
+ Exceeds CLKIN specifications of CS5503.
clock from the SCLK pin (pin 19). This output
clock is synchronous with the output data and can
Table 1. Clock Generator
be used to clock the data into an external register.
case, the counter divides the input clock by 2n
In Synchronous External-Clocking and Asynchro-
where n = 0, 1, …7. Any of the binary sub-multi-
nous Communications modes of the CS5501, the
ples of the counter input clock can be input to the
SCLK pin is an input for an external clock which
CS5501/CS5503 by jumper selection on connec-
determines the rate at which data bits appear at
tor P2.
the SDATA output pin. In the CS5503, only syn-
The CS5501/CS5503 contains its own on-chip os- chronous external-clocking mode is available.
cillator which needs only an external crystal to
The signals necessary for reading data from the
function. Ceramic resonators can be used as well
CS5501/CS5503 are all available on connector
although ceramic resonators and low frequency
P10 as shown in Figure 2.
crystals will require loading capacitors for proper

To test the oscillator of the CS5501/CS5503 with P-5 Data Output Mode
a crystal (Y2) a jumper wire near crystal Y2 must SSC Synchronous Self-Clocking
be opened and another jumper wire soldered into SEC Synchronous External-Clocking
the appropriate holes provided to connect the AC* Asynchronous Communications
crystal to the chip. Additional holes are provided
* Available in CS5501 only.
on the board for loading capacitors.
Table 2. Data Output Mode

DS31DB3 45

CS5501/CS5503 Data Output Mode Selection registers only if a DACK signal has occurred
since the last update.
Connector P5 (see Figure 2) allows jumper selec-
tion of any one of the three data output modes. The CS line can be controlled remotely at P10 or
These modes are: by the output of the Decimation Counter. If CS is
1) SSC (Synchronous Self-Clocking); controlled remotely, the Decimation divide
2) SEC (Synchronous External Clocking); jumper on P4 should be placed in the "0" posi-
3) AC (Asynchronous Communication). tion. This insures that the DCS signal will occur
(AC mode is available only in the CS5501) at the same rate CS is activated. The positive go-
ing edge of DCS toggles the U8A flip-flop which
SSC (Synchronous Self-Clocking) Mode signals an update to the parallel port.

The SSC mode is designed for interface to those The parallel registers are set up to be read in 16-
microcontrollers which allow external clocking of bit parallel fashion but can be configured to be
their serial inputs. The SSC mode also allows read separately as two 8-bit bytes on an 8-bit bus.
easy connection to serial-to-parallel conversion To configure the board for byte-wide reads, the
circuitry. byte-wide jumpers must be soldered in place. In
addition, for proper "one byte at a time" address
In the SSC mode serial data and serial clock are selection, a connection on the circuit board needs
output from the CS5501/CS5503 whenever the to be opened and a jumper wire soldered in the
CS line is activated. As illustrated in Figure 2, all proper place to determine which register is to be
of the signals are available at connector P10. If read when A0 is a "1" and vice versa. See Figure
the CS signal is to be controlled remotely the 3 for schematic details. The evaluation board
jumper on P9 should be placed in the NC (No component layout diagram, Figure 7, indicates the
Connection) position. This removes the Decima- location of the byte-wide jumpers and A0 address
tion Counter output from controlling the CS line. selection jumpers.
Data Output Interface: Parallel Port (for After data is read from the registers a DACK
CS5501 evaluation only). (Data Acknowledge) signal is required from the
off-board controller to reset flip-flop U8A. This
Whenever the CS5501 is operated in the SSC
enables the registers to accept data input once
mode the 16-bit output data is clocked into two again.
8-bit shift registers. The registers have three-state
parallel outputs which are available at P7 (see The DRB and CSB signals on connector P10
Figure 3). A flip-flop (U8A) is used to signal the should be used to monitor and control the
remote reading device whenever the registers are CS5501 output to the serial to parallel conversion
updated. The PDR (Parallel Data Ready) signal registers. Be aware that an arbitrarily timed
from the flip-flop is available on P7. The Q-bar DACK signal may cause the output data regis-
output from the flip-flop locks out any further up- ters to be enabled in the middle of an output
dates to the registers until their data is read and a word if the CS signal to the CS5501 is not
DACK (Data ACKnowledge) signal is received properly sequenced. This will result in incorrect
from the remote device. data in the output registers.
Activation of the CS line determines the rate at If the Decimation Counter is used to control the
which the CS5501 will attempt to update the out- output of the CS5501 (Jumper on P9 in the DC
put shift registers. Data will be shifted into the position), the CSB signal on P10 can be moni-

46 DS31DB3


RN 3.4
TP18 47 k
5 2 10 11
6 Header
Vcc 3
C14 1
0.1 µF TP17
R 18
100 k
20 A0
Vcc 16 D15
U10 PH
74HCT299 4 D14
9 15 D13
8 5 D12
17 14 D11
12 6 D10
(fig. 2) 18 13 D9
11 7 D8
2 3 19 10

Vcc Byte Wide

C13 Jumpers

0.1 µF
Vcc 16 D7
1 74HCT299 4 D6
9 15 D5
8 QA 5 D4
17 QH 14 D3
12 6 D2
18 A 13 D1
11 7 D0
(fig. 2) V+ RN1.4 OE1 OE2 S2 GND DACK PDR
2 3 19 10
47 k
0.1 µF 14 4
S TP19
2 5
V+ D Q
Q V+
(fig. 2)
R 74HCT04 RN 3.2
7 1 12 13 47 k

Figure 3. 16-Bit Parallel Port

DS31DB3 47

tored to signal when data into the output registers ready bar) signal on P10 indicates to the micro-
is complete (DCS returns high). The DACK sig- controller when data from the CS5501/CS5503 is
nal is not needed in this mode and the lockout available. Clock from the microcontroller is input
signal to the the S1 inputs of registers U9 and into SCI (serial clock input) and data output from
U10 may be disabled by removing the connection the CS5501/CS5503 is presented to the SD (serial
on the circuit board. A place is provided on the data) pin of the P10 connector. Note that the
board for this purpose. A pull-up resistor is pro- jumpers on connectors P9 and P11 must be in the
vided on the S1 inputs of the registers if the NC (no connection) position to allow the micro-
connection is opened. controller full control over the signals on P10.

SEC (Synchronous External Clocking) Mode AC (Asynchronous Communication) Mode

(for CS5501 evaluation only)
The SEC mode enables the CS5501/CS5503 to be
directly interfaced to microcontrollers which out- The AC mode enables the CS5501 to output data
put a clock signal to synchronously input serial in a UART-compatible format. Data is output as
data to an input port. The CS5501/CS5503 will two characters consisting of one start bit, eight
output its serial data at the rate determined by the data bits, and two stop bits each.
clock from the microcontroller.
The output data rate can be set by a clock input to
Connector P10 allows a microcontroller access to the SCI input at connector P10 (see Figure 2).
the CS5501/CS5503 signal lines which are neces- The jumper on P11 must be in the NC position.
sary to operate in the SEC mode. Alternatively an output data bit rate can be se-
lected as a sub-multiple of the external CLKIN
The CSB (chip select bar CS) signal allows the signal to the board or as a sub-multiple of the on-
microcontroller to control when the board 4.9152 MHz oscillator. Counter IC U2
CS5501/CS5503 is to output data. The DRB (data divides its input by 2n where n = 8, 9, ...12. One
of these outputs can be jumper selected at con-
nector P3 (see Figure 1). For example, if the
4.9152 MHz oscillator is selected as the input to
Baud Rate Clock Divider (CLK/2n) with INT CLK on P1 selected. IC U2 then a 1200 baud rate clock can be se-
CLK = 4.9152 MHz lected with the jumper at n = 12. Table 3
indicates the baud rates available at connector P3
P-3 Baud Rate CLK Divider
8 19.2 kHz
when the 4.9152 MHz oscillator is used. If the
9 9.6 kHz on-board baud clock is to be used, the jumper on
10 4.8 kHz connector P11 should be in the BC (Baud Clock)
11 2.4 kHz position.
12 1.2 kHz
Data Output Interface: RS-232 (for CS5501
evaluation only).

The RS232 port is depicted in Figure 4. Sub-D

On-Board Baud Rate Clock Input to CS5501/CS5503 SCLK Input.
connector P6 along with interface IC U11 pro-
P-11 SCLK Input to CS5501/CS5503 vides the necessary circuitry to connect the
NC No Connection CS5501 to an RS-232 input of a computer. For
BC Baud Clock
proper operation the AC (Asynchronous Commu-
Table 3. On-Board Baud Rate Generator nication) data output mode must be selected. In

48 DS31DB3

14 3 DATA
SDATA (fig. 2) U11A 3 Each time a data word is available for output
from the CS5501/CS5503, the DRDY line goes
RN 1.5 47 k 12 5 CTS
DRDY (fig. 2) U11B 5 low, provided the output port was previously
emptied. If the DRDY line is directly tied to the
10 7 DSR CS input of the CS5501/CS5503, the converter
U11C 6
will output data every time a data word is pre-
sented to the output pin. In some applications it is
desirable to reduce the output word rate. The rate
13 RTS
U11D 4 4

11 DTR
U11E 6 20
Decimation Counter Accumulates 2n+1 DRDY Pulses Before CS is
V+ Enabled.
0.1 µF 1
15 16
2 P-4 2n+1
9 1 0 2
8 1 4
0.1 µF 2 8
25 pin 3 16
Figure 4. RS-232 Port 4 32
5 64
6 128
addition, an appropriate baud clock needs to be
7 256
input to the CS5501. See AC (Asynchronous 8 512
Communication) mode mentioned earlier for an 9 1024
explanation of the baud rate clock generator and 10 2048
the data format of the output data in the AC 11 4096

The DRDY output from the CS5501 signals the

CTS (Clear To Send) line of the RS-232 interface P-9 DC Output to CS
when data is available. The Decimation Counter NC No Connection
can be used to determine how frequently output DC Decimation Counter
data is to be transmitted.
Table 4. Decimation Counter Control
The RS-232 interface on the evaluation card is can be reduced by lowering the rate at which the
functionally adequate but it is not compliant with CS line to the chip is enabled. The
the EIA RS-232 standard. When the MC145406 CDB5501/CDB5503 evaluation board uses a
RS-232 receiver/driver chip is operated off of ± 5 counter, IC U3 for this purpose. It is known as a
volt supplies rather than ± 6 volts (see the decimation counter (see Figure 2). The outputs of
MC145406 data sheet for details) its driver output the counter are available at connector P4. The
swing is reduced below the EIA specified limits. counter accumulates 2n+1 counts (n = 0, 2, …11)
In practical applications this signal swing limita- at which time the selected output enables the CS
tion only reduces the length of cable the circuit is input to the CS5501/CS5503 (if the jumper in P9
capable of driving. is in the DC, Decimation Counter, position). The
DS31DB3 49

Switch ON OFF CAL SC1 SC2 Cal Type ZS Cal FS Cal Sequence
SW1-1 SC2 = 0 SC2 = 1 0 0 Self-Cal AGND VREF One Step
SW1-2 SC1 = 0 SC1 = 1 1 1 System Offset AIN - 1st Step
SW1-3 UNIPOLAR BIPOLAR 0 1 & System Gain - AIN 2nd Step
SW1-4 SLEEP AWAKE 1 0 System Offset AIN VREF One Step

Table 5. DIP Switch Selections Table 6. Calibration Mode Table

"D" input to flip-flop U8B is enabled to a "1" at activated any time power is first applied to the
the same time CS goes low. When DRDY returns board or any time the conversion mode (BP/UP)
high flip-flop U8B is toggled and resets the is changed on the DIP switch. Remote control of
counter back to zero which terminates the CS en- the CAL signal is available on connector P8.
able. The counter then accumulates counts until Connector P8 also allows access to the DIP
the selected output activates CS low once again. switch functions by a microcomputer/microcon-
troller. The DIP switches should be placed in the
DIP Switch Selections/Calibration Initiation off position if off-board control of the signals on
connector P8 is implemented.
Several control pins of the CS5501/CS5503 can
be level activated by DIP switch selection, or by Voltage Reference
microcontroller at P8, as shown in Figure 5. DIP
switch SW1 selections are depicted in Tables 5 The evaluation board includes a 2.5 volt refer-
and 6. The CAL pushbutton is used to initiate a ence. Potentiometer R9 can be used to trim the
calibration cycle in accordance with DIP switch reference output to a precise value.
positions 1 and 2. The CAL pushbutton should be
Analog Input Range: Unipolar Mode

The value of the reference voltage sets the analog

CS5501/ input signal range. In unipolar mode the analog
input range extends from AGND to VREF. If the
13 analog input goes above VREF the converter will
SC2 SC1 BP/UP SLEEP output all "1’s". If the input goes below AGND,
17 4 12 11
SW2 the CS5501/CS5503 will output all "0’s".
RN 2.4
RN 2.6

RN 2.5

RN 2.3

R 15

10 k
47 k

47 k

47 k

47 k

CAL Analog Input Range: Bipolar Mode

SW1 1 2 3 4
The analog signal input range in the bipolar mode
is set by the reference to be from +VREF to -
P8 VREF. If the input signal goes above +VREF, the
SC2 SC1 B/U SLP CAL CS5501/CS5503 will output all "1’s". Input sig-
WARNING: Some evaluation boards were produced with the
SC1 and SC2 labels reversed on the silkscreen
nals below -VREF cause the output data to be all

Figure 5. DIP Switch / Header Control Pin Selection

50 DS31DB3

Analog Input: Overrange Precautions limited to ± 10 mA as the analog input of the chip
is internally diode clamped to both supplies. Ex-
In normal operation the value of the reference cess current into the pin can damage the device.
voltage determines the range of the analog input On the evaluation board, resistor R16 (see Figure
signal. Under abnormal conditions the analog sig- 6) does provide some current limiting in the event
nal can extend to be equal to the VA+ and VA- of an overrange signal which exceeds the supply
supply voltages. In the event the signal exceeds voltage.
these supply voltages the input current should be

10 14
C20 VA+
10 µF CS5501/
R6 CS5503
10 15
VD+ U4
C6 C7 5
0.1 µF 0.1 µF DGND
C18 C10 TP14
10 µF 0.1 µF VIN 10
D1 6 C16 C19
6.8 R8
LT1019-2.5 1M 0.1 µF 10 µF
TP13 5 50 k 2.4
4 CW
6.8 7
10 6
-5V VD-
C8 C9
C21 0.1 µF 0.1 µF
R5 0.0047 µF
V- X7R
C17 R16
10 µF 200

Figure 6. Voltage Reference / Analog Input

DS31DB3 51

Oscilloscope Monitoring of SDATA Evaluation Board Component Layout and

Design Considerations
The output data from either the CS5501 or the
CS5503 can be observed on a dual trace oscillo- Figure 7 is a reproduction of the silkscreen com-
scope with the following hook-up. Set the ponent placement of the PC board.
evaluation board to operate in the SSC mode.
Connect scope probes to TP9 (SCLK) and TP10 The evaluation board includes design features to
(SDATA). Use a third probe connected to TP8 insure proper performance from the A/D con-
(DRDY) to provide the external trigger input to verter chip. Separate analog and digital ground
the scope (use falling edge of DRDY to trigger). planes have been used on the board to insure
With proper horizontal sweep, the SDATA output good noise immunity to digital system noise.
bits from the A/D converter can be observed.
Note that if the input voltage to the CS5501 is Decoupling networks (R6, C7, and R7, C9 in Fig-
adjusted to a mid-code value, the converter will ure 6) have been used to eliminate the possibility
remain stable on the same output code. This illus- of noise on the power supplies on the digital sec-
trates the low noise level of the CS5501. The tion from affecting the analog part of the A/D
CS5503 will exhibit a few LSB’s of noise in its converter chip.
observed output in agreement with its noise speci-
The RC network (R10, C16 and C19) on the
output of the LT1019-2.5 reference may not be
needed in all applications. It has been included to
insure the best noise performance from the refer-
ence .

52 DS31DB3

Figure 7. CDB5501/CDB5503 Component Layout

DS31DB3 53

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