Chapter 6 Compressor Exercises

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Chapter 6 Compressors Problems

6.1 (a) Calculate the clearance volumetric efficiency of an ammonia compressor (ɣ = 1.31) operating
between a condenser temperature of 35°C and an evaporator temperature of – 15°C. The
clearance factor is 0.07.
(b) If the throttling losses are 0.15 bar in the suction manifold and valve and 0.25 bar in the
discharge valve, calculate the volumetric efficiency.
(c) The measurement of the output of compressor showed an overall volumetric efficiency of 65.2
per cent. The temperature at the suction flange is 10°C but that in the beginning of compression
is 30°C. What were the leakage losses in the compressor?

6.2 Catalogue data of 4.8% clearance R 134a compressor with piston displacement of 2 m3/min shows
the capacity to be 12.7 TR with a bhp of 13.5 when the suction conditions are 18°C and 3.19 bar and
the condensing temperature is 35°C. The refrigerant leaves the condenser as saturated liquid.
Calculate the actual and clearance volumetric and adiabatic compression efficiencies of the
compressor at these conditions.

6.3 An R 22 compressor is working at –18°C evaporating and 40°C condensing temperatures. The
superheat at the bulb of the thermostatic expansion valve is 7°C and the temperature of the suction
vapor is increased by 22°C in a heat exchanger by simultaneous cooling of the liquid refrigerant. The
efficiency of the heat exchanger is 0.75. The temperature of the suction vapor is 20°C at the
compressor inlet. The liquid refrigerant is subcooled by water to 35°C. Estimate the dimensions of
the cylinders of the compressor.
Given: Bore/stroke ratio 1
Compressor speed 1420 rpm
Compressor capacity 15 TR
Number of cylinders 4
Assume a pressure drop of 5 per cent of the value of the pressure at the compressor valves. Also
assume for the compression process, n = 1.13 and for the expansion process, m = ɣ = 1.148.

6.4 A single-stage centrifugal compressor, operating at 5000 rpm, receives saturated R 134a at 6°C and
discharges it at a pressure of 1.0166 MPa. If the conditions of the suction gas remain unchanged, to
what pressure can the compressor discharge if the speed is increased to 5500 rpm? 6.5 A single-
wheel centrifugal compressor has an impeller with a diameter of 60 cm. The speed of the impeller is
5000 rpm. The working substances are R 11, R 123, R 245fa and R 134a. If the suction vapor is at 5°C
saturation, determine the saturated discharge temperatures in each case.

6.6 A single-stage R 123 centrifugal compressor is running at 5000 rpm. The suction condition is 5°C dry
saturated. The condenser temperature is 35°C. The outlet blade angle is 32°. The flow coefficient
may be selected as 0.3 at which the polytropic efficiency is 0.8. Determine the diameter of the
impeller. Assume no prewhirl and negligible velocities at inlet and outlet.

6.7 The variation of volumetric efficiency with pressure ratio for a R 134a compressor of an automotive
air conditioner is as follows:
pk/p0 2 3 4 5 6 7
Пv 80 79.5 72.5 66.5 61 56.7
Somehow, the air flow over the condenser of the air conditioner gets completely blocked. Estimate
the maximum pressure at discharge if the evaporation temperature is 5°C.

6.8 (a) Given for an R 134a centrifugal compressor:

Suction state 8°C saturated vapor
Condensing temperature 40°C
Estimate the minimum tip-speed required for a single stage compressor, and the impeller
diameter and width of shrouds at discharge for a refrigerating capacity of 500 TR. Take rpm as
(b) If instead a 2-stage compressor is used running at 2800 rpm, and if both wheels are to be of the
same diameter, estimate the new impeller diameter and the widths of shrouds at discharge for
the two stages for 500 TR capacity.

6.9 (a) Determine the evaporator temperature at which a single-stage R 22 plant will cease to produce
any refrigerating effect in Delhi where the condenser temperature is 42°C. The compressor has
5% clearance, and the index of compression is 1.15.
(b) For a particular condenser pressure, how does the power requirement of a reciprocating
compressor vary with change in evaporator pressure? Explain giving reasons.

6.10 The particulars of a 20 TR R 22 food freezer are as follows:

Evaporator temperature – 30°C
Condenser temperature 40°C
Temperature of vapor leaving evaporator – 25°C
Subcooling of liquid with vapor in heat exchanger 5°C
Polytropic index of compressor 1.15
Superheating of suction vapor after passing through suction valve 15°C
Compressor clearance factor 0.05
Pressure drop in valves 0.2 bar suction
0.5 bar discharge
The compressor has 6 cylinders with bore equal to stroke. Its rpm is 1500, and mechanical
efficiency is 0.75. Determine
(i) Mass flow rate of refrigerant.
(ii) Piston displacement of compressor.
(iii) Cylinder diameter.
(iv) Motor horse power.
(v) Cooling requirement of compressor in kW.

6.11 Typical operating conditions of a 1/8 TR domestic refrigerator are as follows:

Condenser temperature 55°C
Evaporator temperature – 25°C
Temperature of vapor at evaporator exit – 15°C
Heat gained by suction vapor in cooling motor windings 15% of motor power input
The compressor bore/stroke ratio is 0.8. It runs at 2800 rpm. Pressure drops in suction and
discharge reeds are 10% of absolute pressure. Isentropic efficiency of compressor is 85%, and
clearance is 5%. Making appropriate assumptions, if necessary, estimate if the refrigerant is (a) R
134a, (b) R 600a;
(i) Power drawn from mains.
(ii) Bore, stroke and piston speed of the compressor.

6.12 Catalogue data of a compressor is as follows:

No. of cylinders 2 Bore 45 mm Rpm 4000
Displacement 121 cc Stroke 38 mm Refrigerant R 134a

Evaporation Condensing Temperature

Temperature 40°C 60°C
Capacity Power Capacity Power
+ 10°C 4.68 3.68 (a) (b)
– 20°C (c) (d) (e) (f)

Fill in the blanks in the above table. Make appropriate assumptions. Compare calculated values with
those cited in the catalogue, viz., (a) 3.68 (b) 6.0 (c) 1.33 (d) 2.4 (e) 0.78 (f) 3.6.

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