"Excellence Is The Norm": Annotation-9 English 3RD CLASSROOM OBSERVATION February 17, 2020

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“Excellence is

the Norm”9 ENGLISH

1. Applies knowledge of content within and  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the lesson plan the  Knowledge related to Performing
across curriculum teaching areas.  Instructional Materials part wherein the teacher applied Arts were employed in the Activity
 Performance Tasks integration to Math ,MAPEH thru during the discovery of the lesson
Arts, and TLE with ICT  Skills related to writing following
 Teacher made use of the IMs (e.g. inverted pyramid (5W1H) signifies
chart and video clips) to carry out relevance to Math lesson on
the performance tasks. geometry.

2. Uses a range of teaching strategies that  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the LP the different  During the motivation and activity
enhance learner achievement in literacy and  Instructional Materials group activities as teaching phases, literacy and numeracy
numeracy skills.  Performance Tasks strategy used targeting the literacy skills were enhanced. Students
and the use of Pictoword strategy were able to form guess the
to address the numeracy skills of lesson by applying their numeracy
the students. skills in guessing the lesson
 PPT presentation and video clip through Pictoword and developed
were also used for engaging group their literacy skills in working out in
activity addressing students’ different group and paired tasks
literacy and numeracy skills. with the help of the instructional
 The reading, speaking, listening
and viewing skills of the students
were also developed through
following the various tasks
instructions in working the
activities- from discovery,
reporting, to watching the video.
3. Applies a range of teaching strategies to  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the LP the group  Group activities were conducted
develop critical and creative thinking, as well  Performance Tasks activities/tasks that promote critical during motivation and activity and
as other higher-order thinking skills. and creative thinking and HOTS. buddy system in application
Interactive approach is evident in phase.
the analysis, abstraction and  Figuring out the motivational
application part of the lesson. activity activates critical thinking
skills which was further
supplemented during the Analysis
phase of the lesson whereupon
they were asked HOTS questions
to validate their discovery of the
lesson. Analysis phase of the
lesson thus further highlighted the
part where students were made to
think critically.
 How and Why questions were also
 Differentiated activities used
promote creative thinking.
4. Manages classroom structure to engage  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the LP the activities  Group activities in motivation,
learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful  Performance Tasks that engage learners in group activity and Pair activity in the
exploration, discovery and hands-on activities tasks. application phase of the lesson
within a range of physical learning environments. enable the students to explore,
discover and perform hands-on
 Variation from Group tasks to,
pair, to individual task is evident
from Motivation phase up to
Application phase.
5. Manages learner behavior constructively  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the LP the part  In the daily routine part of the
by applying positive and nonviolent discipline where the teacher apply positive lesson, the teacher presented the
to ensure learning-focused environments. and non-violent discipline. house rules that will be applied all
throughout the lesson.
 The teacher also give appreciative
remarks to students especially
when correct answers were given.
 Students were allowed to express
their ideas in own dialect so
sharing of ideas and thoughts will
not be impeded.
6. Uses differentiated, developmentally  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the lesson plan the  Utilization of Interactive approach
appropriate learning experiences to address  Performance Tasks use of ICT as instructional through Powerpoint Presentation
learners gender, needs, strength, interests,  IMs materials which helps facilitate time in the performance tasks and the
and experiences. management and achieve the use of Youtube Video Clips in
learning objectives. abstracting out the lesson on
Active and Passive Voice.
 Various teaching strategies were
employed such as brainstorming,
multiple talent show in presenting
 Online resources are tapped and
 Pair work, group or collaborative
work and individual tasking are
7. Plans, manages and implements  Lesson Plan  Highlighted in the lesson plan the  The presentation of the lesson
developmentally sequenced teaching and  Performance Tasks use of ICT as instructional starting from the motivation up to
learning processes to meet curriculum  IMs materials which helps facilitate time the evaluation also promotes
requirements and varied teaching contexts. management and achieve the developmentally appropriate
learning objectives. learning experience in which the
 Highlighted in the lesson plan the students start with the discovery of
developmentally sequenced the lesson (motivation) until the
delivery of the lesson mastery of the lesson as proven in
the evaluation part following the
4As approach.


Signature over Printed Name of the Observer Signature over Printed Name of the Teacher

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