Interior Lighting: M CM V F

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The velocity of propagation of radiant energy (light) =

3  108 m / sec , for all practical purposes .
The wavelengths which can produce the sensation of sight have a
−5 −5
range from about 4  10 to 7.5  10 cm .
For wave motion , we have : f =

Where f -frequency , v -velocity of propagation ,  -wavelength
Another unit for wavelength of light is used called Angstrom unit
1 (A.U.) = 10 cm
Since the wavelength of light is 4000 A.U. to 7500 A.U.

1. Definition Of Terms
❖ Plan Angle : A plan angle is subtended at a point and is
enclosed by two straight lines lying in the same plan , as shown :

Plan angle ( ) = (radians) 

❖ Solid Angle : A solid angle (  ) is subtended at a point in

space by an area and is the angle enclosed in the volume
formed by an infinite number of lines lying on the surface of
the volume and meeting at the point as shown :
Area (A)

area A
Solid angle ( ) = = (steradian s)
(radius) 2 r 2
( if A = r 2 , then  = 1 steradian ) . Hence , steradian is
defined as the angle subtended at the center of a sphere by a
part of its surface having an area equal to (radius ) .
Obviously , the solid angle subtended at the centre by whole
of the spherical surface is :
4 r 2
 = 2 = 4 steradian
The relationship between Solid and plan angle is :

 = 2 (1 − cos )
❖ Luminous Flux (  )
Is the rate of energy radiation in the form of light waves . . or
It is the magnitude of a ray which produces a luminous sensation.
The unit of luminous flux is Lumen (LM)

❖ Luminous Intensity or Candle Power ( I )

It is the quotient of luminous flux leaving a source (in any
direction) in the form of solid angle, divided by this solid angle.



The unit of luminous intensity is Candela (cd) or candle power
(CP) .
Candle power (CP) of source is the number of lumen emitted in a
unit solid angle in a given direction .
Therefore , Lumen : is defined as the luminous flux (  ) emitted in
a unit solid angle by a source of one candle power .
i.e. Lumens = Candle power x Solid angle
Lumens = CP  

❖ Illuminance or illumination level (E)

The quantity of luminous flux received on a surface, divided by
the area of that surface .
The unit of Illuminance is Lux .

Flux Lumen CP  ω
 Illuminanc e ( E ) = = = Lux =
Area m2 m2
❖ Laws of illumination :
1- E is directly proportional to the luminous intensity (I) of source
i.e. E  I .
2- Inverse square law : The illumination of a surface is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance of the surface from the

source . i.e. : E  1 / r

From 1 and 2 can be concluded that : E = I / r


3- Lambert's cosine law : According to this law , E is directly
proportional to the cosine of the angle made by the normal to the
illuminated surface with the direction of the incident flux.

1 2

 A

Let  be the flux incident on the surface of area A when in poison

1 , when this surface is turned back through an angle  (poison 2)
, then the flux incident on it is  cos , Hence , illumination of
the surface when in poison 1 is :
  cos
E1 = but when in position 2 E2 =
 E2 = E1 cos

Combining all above factors (Laws) together , we get :

I cos 

Consider a lamp of uniform luminous intensity suspended at a high
(h) above the working plane as shown in fig below . Let us
consider the value of illumination at point A immediately below the
lamp and at the other points B,C,D etc. laying in the working plane
at different distances from A .

I cos 0 I
EA = =
h2 h2
I cos 1 I h
EB = = 
( LB) 2 ( LB) 2 ( LB)
h I h3 I  h 
=I = =  
( LB)3 h 2 ( LB)3 h 2  ( LB) 
I h
EB = E A cos 3 1 where E A = 2 and cos 1 =
h ( LB)

Similarly , EC = E A cos  2 ED = E A cos3 3


Example 1: A lamp giving out 1200 lm in all directions is
suspended 8m above the working plane . Calculate the illuminations
at a point on the working plane 6m away from the foot of the lamp .

Solution : I = = 95.5 cd

LB = 82 + 6 2 = 10m
cos  = 8 / 10 = 0.8
I 95.5
E A = 2 = 2 = 1.492 lm / m 2 or lux
h 8
EB = E A cos3  = 1.492  (0.8)3 = 0.764 lux

Example 2 : A corridor is lighted by 4 lamps spaced 10m apart and

suspended at a height of 5m above the center line of the floor . If
each lamp gives 200 cp in all directions below the horizontal . Find
the illumination at the point on the floor midway between the
second and third lamps .

Solution :
illumination due to 1 h 2 (cos 1 )
= 3
i- L

cos 1 = = 0.316
5 + 15
2 2

200  (0.316)3
 illumination due to L1 = 2
= 0.253 lm / m 2
illumination due to 2 h 2 (cos  2 )
= 3
ii- L

cos  2 = = 0.707
5 +5
2 2

200  (0.707)3
 illumination due to L2 = 2
= 2.83 lm / m 2

 illumination at C due to L1 and L2 = 0.253+2.83=3.08 lm / m


illumination at C due to all the four lamps :

EC = 2  3.08 = 6.16 lm / m 2

❖ Utilization Factor or Coefficient of Utilization (UF)

It is the ratio of the total flux ( lumens) actually received by a

particular surface to the total flux (lumens) emitted by a luminous
source (lamp) .
lumens actually received on working plane
UF =
lumens emitted by the light source

The value of this factor varies widely and depends on the following
factors :
1- The type of lighting system , whether direct or indirect etc.
2- The type and mounting height of the fittings .
3- The colour and surface of walls and ceilings .
4- The shape and dimensions of the room .
Determination of (UF )
1. Calculate the ROOM INDEX (K)
The ROOM INDEX is a measure of proportions of the room .
L *W
Hm (L + W )

In the above equation :-

L – Room Length
W – Room Width

Hm – Mounting Height (the distance between the light source
and working plane)
Working plane height is 0.8 to 0.85 meter above finished
floor level.
2. Decide on the values of Room Raflectances. c , w , wp.
Room Reflectances
The ratio of the luminous flux reflected by a room surface to the
flux incident upon that surface is called the reflectance of that
w - wall reflectance
c - ceiling reflectance
wp - working plane reflectance
The surface reflectance depends on its color, material &
texture. For guidance the following scale could be used :-

0.7 - for white and very light colors.

0.5 - for light colors.
0.3 - for medium colors.
0.1 - for dark colors.
The utilization factor tables include combinations of different values
of reflectance for the ceiling, walls and working plane as
recommended by the CIE: e.g. 751 indicates a reflectance
combination – ceiling 0.7, walls 0.5, working plane 0.1.

The designer is frequently faced with the situation that the
reflectance of room surfaces are not known at the time when the
lighting design is made. In such cases it is recommended to use for
offices the triplet 0.7 / 0.5 / 0.3 for the reflectance of ceiling,
walls and working plane respectively, and for other premises the
triplet 0.7 / 0.5 / 0.1

3. Decide on luminaire – lamp combination (type, size, and

❖ Lamp Type :
Mounting type ➔ Surface Mounting
Recessed Mounting
Semi-Recessed Mounting
Suspended type
Screening Attachment ➔ Opal Diffuser
Prismatic Light Controller
Mirror Reflector
Metal Louvre
❖ Lamp Size
The size of some standard Fluorescent Tubes :
Power consumed : 20W; 40W; 65W or (18W; 36W; 58W)
Diameter of tube : 38mm or 26mm
Length of tube : 600, 1200, or 1500 mm

❖ Lamp Color
The light output of some standard Fluorescent Tubes :
(40 Watt 120 cm)
Lamp color Light Output (Lumen)
Universal White (UW) 2500
Warm White (WW) 3200
Warm White Deluxe (WWX) 2000
Daylight (D) 2500
Daylight-Deluxe (DX) 1950
Cool White (CW) 3200

Comparison Between Fluorescent (Warm White) Tubes and

Incandescent Lamps of Various Sizes

Size Output flux Efficiency

(Watt) (lumen) (Lumen / Watt)
Fluorescent (Warm White) Tubes
20 1250 62.5
40 3200 80.0
65 5100 78.5
Incandescent Lamps
40 430 11.0
60 730 12.0
100 1380 14.0

❖ Number of Lamps per fitting : (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . 6)
4. Select the Utilization Factor table appropriate for the type of
luminaire and lamp under consideration and read the value of
UF from the table at the corresponding calculated value of the
room index (K) and the particular combination of room
Example 3 A room 10m x 15m is lighted by 20 lamps to give
uniform illumination of 150 lm / m 2 on the working plane . If the
output of each lamp is 1800 lumens . Calculate the utilization factor
of the room .
Solution : The flux emitted by the lamps = 20 x1800 = 36000 lm
The flux received by the working plane of the room
= 10 x 15 x150 = 22500 lm
Utilizatio n Factor = = 0.625 or 62.5%
❖ Lighting Maintenance
The lighting installation will continue to operate efficiently
only when it is well maintained. Poor maintenance can reduce
illuminance levels considerably. This is due to :-
i) Accumulation of dust and dirt on lamps and luminaries.
ii) Accumulation of dust and dirt on room surfaces which
affects the light reflected from these surfaces.
iii) Reduction in the luminous flux due to aging of lamps.

iv) Poor lamp replacement.
At the design stages the above factors are included in what is
called the Maintenance Factor (MF) .
❖ Maintenance Factor (MF)
It is the ratio of average illuminance on the working plane after
a specified period of use of lighting installation to the average
illuminance obtained under the same conditions for a new
The maintenance factor depends on the type of lamps/
luminaire combination used, the proportions of the room, the
degree of pollution present and the effectiveness and frequency
of the maintenance. For rough guidance, the following values
could be used at the design stage :
MF = 0.85 for clean locations
MF = 0.80 for moderate location
MF = 0.75 for dirty locations
Taking into consideration the utilization and maintenance factors
the expression for the gross lumens (flux) required is :
E A
Total lumens ( ) =

Example 4 A bed-room 6m x 10m is illuminated by 10 lamps of
250 W each . The luminous efficiency of each lamp is 20 lm/W. IF
the maintenance factor and utilization factor are 0.8 and 0.6 , find
the illumination on the working plane .
Solution : Total flux available (  ) = 10 ( 250 x 20 ) = 50000 lm
E A
Total lumens ( ) =
  UF  MF 50000  0.6  0.8
 E= = = 400 lm / m 2 or lux
A 6  10

❖ Illumination required for different purpose

At full noon , sun provides about 120000 lm / m2 , diffuse day-light
near a window is of the order of 600 lm / m 2 , and full moon-light
gives 0.1 to 0.3 lm / m .
For reading , usually 20 to 30 lm / m is generally considered
sufficient , some persons can read without much strain even when
illumination is as low as 3 lm / m . Because of this , it difficult to
lay down definite values of illumination for various purposes , but
the following summary will be found useful :

Purpose and places lm / m 2

Precision work, displays, task required rapid above 500

discrimination , for worked by sewing machine
Fine engraving , inspection of fine details , proof- 200-500
reading , drawing , fine assembling , skilled bench-
Drawing offices , art exhibition , usual reading 60-100
In museums , for work of simple nature not 40-60
involving close attention to fine details .
Usual observation as in bed-rooms , waiting rooms 20-40
auditoriums and general lighting in factories .
Hospital wards , yards , railway platforms , and 5-10
corridors .

Example 5 A football pitch 120m x 60m is to be illuminated for

night play by similar banks of equal 3000 W lamps supported on
four towers which are installed in corner of pitch to provide
approximately uniform illumination of the pitch . If the illumination
necessary for television purposes is 1000 lm / m2 , calculate the
number of lamps on each tower . Assuming that the utilization factor
is 0.4 and the luminous efficiency of lamp is 25 lm/W .

Solution : The area of pitch to be illuminated = 120  60 = 7200 m


The total flux required = 7200 x 1000 = 7.2  10 lm

The UF = 0.4 i.e. ( only 40% of the flux emitted from the lamps
reaches the ground of pitch )
Therefore, the total flux required to be emitted by the total lamps=
7.2 106
= 18 106 lm
The Total flux required to emitted by each tower bank =
18 106
= 4.5 106 lm
The total flux emitted by the lamps on each tower bank =
25  3000 = 75  103 lm
Hence , the number of lamps on each tower is =
4.5 106
= 60
75 10 3

❖ Spacing To Height Ratio (SHR)

horizontal distance between two lamps

It is given by the following ratio =
mounting heigh of lamps

The value of SHR , depends entirely on the type of reflector used .

For obtaining uniform illumination on the working plane it essential
to choose a correct value for this ratio .
For reflectors normally used in indoor lighting the value of SHR lies
between 1 and 2 .

2. Type of lamps

• Incandescent lights:
which produce light with a glowing filament heated by electric current.
These are very inefficient, having a luminous efficacy of 10-17
lumens/W, and also have a short lifetime of 1000 hours. incandescent
lamps come to full brightness without need for a warm-up time, They
work well with dimmers

• Fluorescent lamps:

which produce ultraviolet light by a glow discharge between two

electrodes in a low pressure tube of mercury vapor, which is converted to
visible light by a fluorescent coating on the inside of the tube. These are
more efficient than incandescent lights, having a luminous efficacy of
around 60 lumens/W, and have a longer lifetime 6,000-15,000 hours, and
are widely used for residential and office lighting. However
their mercury content makes them a hazard to the environment, and they
have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Fluorescent lamps required
warm-up time to full brightness . the life of fluorescent lighting is also
reduced by frequent switching on and off.
Advantages of Fluorescent Tubes Over Incandescent Lamps
in Lighting Systems
❖ Incandescent lamps convert 95% of electricity into heat and only 5%
into light. Fluorescent tubes convert more than 75% of electricity into
light, hence less energy losses as heat.
❖ Fluorescent lighting generate 75% less heat, hence reduces load on air-
❖ Fluorescent lighting consume less energy (70-75)% , thus saving on
electricity bills.
❖ Fluorescent lighting have longer life which reduces the maintenance

Fluorescent Lamp circuit Fluorescent Lamp circuit
using Thermal Starter using Glow Starter

Fluorescent Lamp Color

The color of the light illuminating a room, and the appearance of
surface colors within the room, are important considerations in the design of
many lighting schemes. In most working interiors, the lamps used may be
described broadly as “WHITE”, but there light output and the colors of
surfaces illuminated by them differ considerably.
The appearance of colored surfaces is related to the spectral power
distribution of the light source, not to its color appearance.
Standard Fluorescent Tubes Color :
Universal White (UW) , Warm White (WW), Warm White Deluxe (WWX),
Daylight (D), Daylight-Deluxe (DX) , Cool White (CW)

Lamp Color Selection Chart

The following lamp selection chart gives the most suitable colors
recommended for the various applications.

Conference Rooms

• Metal-halide lamps :
which produce light by an arc between two electrodes in an atmosphere of
argon, mercury and other metals, and iodine or bromine. These are more
efficient than Fluorescent lights, having a luminous efficacy of 75–100
lumens/W and have a relatively long bulb lifetime of 6,000-15,000 hours,
but because they require a 5 - 7 minute warm up period before turning on,
are not used for residential lighting, but for commercial and industrial
wide area lighting, and outdoor security lights and streetlights.

• LED lamps :
are an electric light or light bulb for use in light fixtures that produces
light using Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs). LED lamps have a lifespan
and electrical efficiency which are several times greater than incandescent
lamps, and are significantly more efficient than most fluorescent lamps,
LEDs come to full brightness without need for a warm-up time; The
initial cost of LED is usually higher.

Some LED lamps are made to be a directly compatible drop-in

replacement for incandescent or fluorescent lamps.

Most LEDs do not emit light in all directions, and their directional
characteristics affect the design of lamps.

The light output of single LED is less than that of incandescent and
compact fluorescent lamps; in most applications multiple LEDs are used
to form a lamp, although high-power versions (see in table below) are
becoming available.
LED chips require controlled (DC) electrical power and an appropriate
circuit as an LED driver is required to convert the AC from the power
supply to the regulated voltage DC used by the LEDs. LEDs are
adversely affected by high temperature, so LED lamps typically
include heat dissipation elements such as heat sinks and cooling fins.

LED drivers are the essential components of LED lamps or luminaries. A

good LED driver can guarantee a long life for an LED system and
provide additional features such as dimming and control. The LED
drivers can be put inside lamp or luminaire, which is called a built-in
type, or be put outside, which is called an independent type. According to
different applications, different types of LED drivers need to be applied,
for example an outdoor driver for street light, an indoor point driver for a
down light.

Qualification of LED

• Reduces energy costs — uses at least 75% less energy

than incandescent lighting,
• Reduces maintenance costs — lasts 35 to 50 times longer than
incandescent lighting and about 2 to 5 times longer than fluorescent
• Reduces cooling costs — LEDs produce very little heat.
• Is guaranteed — comes with a minimum three-year warranty
• Offers convenient features — available with dimming on some indoor
models and automatic daylight shut-off and motion sensors on some
outdoor models.
• Is durable – not break like a bulb.

• Brightness is equal to or greater than existing lighting technologies

(incandescent or fluorescent) and light is well distributed over the area lit
by the fixture.
• Light output remains constant over time, only decreasing towards the end
of the rated lifetime).
• Excellent color quality. The shade of white light appears clear and
consistent over time.
• Efficiency is as good as or better than fluorescent lighting.
• Light comes on instantly when turned on.
• No flicker when dimmed.
• Power factor of at least 0.7 for all lamps of 5W or greater.

Lamp Life and Efficiency

Efficiency Lamp Life

Lamp Type (Lumens per (Hours)
Reflector Incandescent 7 – 19 2000 - 5000
Standard Incandescent 8 – 24 750 - 2500
Metal Halide 56 – 125 10000 – 20000
Fluorescent Tubes 41 – 91 7500 – 24000
Compact Fluorescent 50 – 83 7500 - 15000
LED 90-125 15000-25000
Tungsten-Halogen 12 – 36 1000 – 3000
Mercury Vapor 20 – 63 12000 - 24000
High-pressure Sodium 61 – 140 12000 – 24000
Low-pressure Sodium 100 – 183 10000 – 18000

3. Interior Lighting Design

In many working interiors an average illuminance level has to
be created on the working plane by a regular pattern of ceiling-
mounted luminaries. In order to determine the necessary number
of lamps and luminaires to provide a specified lighting level .
A well designed lighting scheme is one which :
1- provides adequate illumination .
2- avoids glare and hard shadows .
3- provides sufficiently uniform distribution of light all over the
working plane .
Example 6 :
Design a suitable lighting scheme for factory 80m x 30m
with a high of 7m . Illumination required 60 lux . Assuming that
the working plane is 0.8 m above the floor level and the fitting are
fixed 0.9m below the ceiling , UF = 0.625 , MF = 0.8 . State the
number , location , and mounting height of 40W fluorescent tubes
giving 50 lm/W.
Solution :
E A 60  80  30
Total lumens required ( ) = = = 288000 lm
UF  MF 0.625  0.8
The flux emitted by one tube = 40 x 50 = 2000 lm
Number of fluoresent required = = 144
If twin-tube fitting are employed , then number of such fitting
required = 144/2 = 72
These can be arranged in 6 rows of 12 fitting each .

check that the SHR conditions are not exceeded.
5 5 6.75
SHR = = = 0.94 and = 1.27 O.K
7 − 0.9 − 0.8 5.3 5.3

Example 7 Design a suitable lighting scheme for Chemical factory

40m x 20m with a high of 4m . Illumination required 75 lux .
assuming that the working plane is 0.8 m above the floor level and
the fitting are fixed directly on the ceiling , UF = 0.625 , MF = 0.8 .
State the number , location , and mounting height of 40W
fluorescent tubes.
Solution :
E A 75  40  20
Total lumens required ( ) = = = 117647 lm
UF  MF 0.6  0.85
From lamp color selection chart , for chemical factory , we can
be select the color (D) , and from the table , the output light of
this color is 2500 lm .

Number of fluoresent required = = 47.1
So we select 48 luminaires.
If twin-tube fitting are employed , then number of such fitting
required = 48/2 = 24 , These can be arranged in 3 rows of 8 fitting
each .

check that the SHR condition is not exceeded.

5 5 7
SHR = = = 1.56 and = 2.2 not O.K
4 − 0.8 3.2 3.2
Therefore , must be change the scheme by arrangement of 4 rows
of 7 fitting each .

check that the SHR condition is not exceeded.
5 5 6
SHR = = = 1.56 and = 1.87 O.K
4 − 0.8 3.2 3.2
Example 8 :
Calculate the number of luminaires required to provide an office
with an average illuminance of 400 Lux on the working plane.
Office dimensions are:-
Length L = 12 m ; Width W = 8 m ; Height H = 3.25 m
assuming that the working plane is 0.85 m above the floor level .
Solution :

L W 12  8
Room Inde x ( K ) = = =2
Hm (L + W ) (3.25 − 0.85)(12 + 8)

➢ We select from the lighting catalogue (Thorn Lighting) a
luminaire suitable to operate with (2x40) Watt fluorescent
tubes type (Arena 2)
➢ Tube colour ➔ White
➢ Lighting design lumen = 2800 lumen
➢ Since the reflectances of room surfaces are not known we
select the triplet 0.7/0.5/0.3
➢ For the selected room reflectances and the calculated room
index , we find the Utilization Factor from table of the selected
luminaire in lighting catalogue (Thorn Lighting ) which is UF
= 0.65
➢ The location is assumed to be clean, so the MF = 0.85

➢ Calculate the required number of luminaires :-

E*A 400  12  8
Total lumens required ( ) = = = 69502.26 lm
UF  MF 0.65  0.85

Number of fluoresent required = = 24.8
If twin-tube fitting are employed , then number of such fitting
required = 24.8/2 = 12.4
So we select 12 luminaires.
➢ A suitable layout is to use 3 rows with 4 luminaires in each

1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.5





Luminaire Layout

➢ Check if a practical layout is possible :

For the selected luminaire , and from lighting catalogue

(Thorn Lighting we have :- SHR MAX = 2.04
3 3 2.66
SHR = = = 1.25 and = 1.1 O.K
3.25 − 0.85 2.4 2.4

4. Lighting Fittings
A lighting fitting may be one out of a large number of shades,
reflectors , refractors , diffusers and the like and is helpful in
controlling and directing the luminous flux from a lamp . It performs
the functions of directing the luminous flux , reducing the observed
brightness of the lamp and of protecting the lamp .

❖ Symmetrical Fittings :
A) Direct Fittings :
In this type of fittings , not lees than 90% of the total luminous
flux is directed in the lower hemisphere ( Working plane ) and
only 10% of the total flux goes in the upper hemisphere . It is
generally used in industrial applications . The reflector may be
of plastic or vitreous enamel . The SHR generally used is 1.5 .

Direct Lighting Fittings Angle of cut off

B) Semi-direct Fittings :
In this type of fittings , more than 60% , and less than 90% of
the total luminous flux is directed in the lower hemisphere (
Working plane ) , and remaining flux goes up . Such fitting are
suitable for commercial use .

Semi-direct Fitting

C) General Diffusing Fittings :
In this type of fittings , not less than 40% , and not more than
60% of the total luminous flux is directed in either hemisphere (
Working plane ) . An example is a fitting of opal glass sphere .
They find application in offices and schools and in commercial
establishments .

General Diffusing Fitting

D) Semi-indirect Fittings :
In this type of fittings , more than 60% , and less than 90% of the
total luminous flux is directed in the upper hemisphere ( Working
plane ) , since major flux is directed up wards . Such fittings are
used for decorative purposes with high voltage lamps .

Semi-indiret Fitting

E) Indirect Fittings :
In this type of fittings , not less than 90% of the total luminous
flux is directed in the upper hemisphere ( Working plane ) , since
practically all the flux is directed towards the ceiling and upper
portions of the walls .

Indirect Fitting
❖ Asymmetrical Fittings :
There are requirements in industry where the flux may have to
be directed at a particular angle and the lighting will have to be
provided with a directional feature by having parabolic and
elliptical reflectors and some such devices . They may have to be
watertight and vapourproof also .

Asymmetrical Fittings
5. Residential Lighting

Lighting for the home should tie in with family life and activities.
Factors such as family size, living habits, social activities, sports,
hobbies, etc…., affect greatly the residential lighting design.
Therefore, home lighting should be CUSTOM-DESIGNED to
meet the specific requirements and preferences of the individual

The basic requirements for residential lighting design are :-

❖ To provide comfortable seeing for work, play, and relaxation.

❖ To enhance the appearance of various decorative treatments
such as indoor plants, paintings, and other pieces of art.
❖ It should be flexible to permit a wide variation in lighting
levels and lighting effects, to enable the proper environment to
be created for each family activity, and to meet the varying
psychological moods.

Recommendations for Residential Lighting Design

➢ Give the proper attention to the appearance and artistic features
of the lighting fixtures.
➢ Use basically lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps and
minimize the use of fluorescent tubes to some special and
circular types.
➢ Use modern switching and dimming controls.
➢ Use rotating and tilting spotlights and lighting tracks.

➢ Use rise and fall pendants.
➢ In bathrooms provide two wall-mounted fixtures, one on each
side of the mirror ( or one fixture mounted above the mirror ).
➢ The kitchen should always receive careful attention, because it
is an area where the lady of the house spends a great deal of
➢ Reserve the central point of the room for the ceiling fan.
➢ In bedrooms provide sufficient light at the dressing table.
➢ Provide a light point outlet directly over the dining table.
➢ Provide suitable lighting fixtures outdoors and in the garden.
➢ In bathrooms switches shall be so situated as to be normally
inaccessible to a person using fixed bath or shower.


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