AMP Chap3 Synchronous Design Using VHDL SP2016

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DTR 8431–Architecture des

Microprocesseurs et Open Core

Chapter 3

Synchronous Design using VHDL

Dr. Mohamad Mroué

Presentation Progress

1. Synchronous sequential systems

2. Designing Finite-State Machines (FSM) using VHDL

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 1
Presentation Progress

1. Synchronous sequential systems

2. Designing Finite-State Machines (FSM) using VHDL

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 2
Synchronous sequential systems

 Most sequential systems are synchronous; that is, they

are controlled by a clock.

 Almost all large digital systems have some concept of

state built into them. In other words, the outputs of a
system depend on past values of its inputs as well as
the present values. Past input values either are stored
explicitly or cause the system to enter a particular state.

 Such systems are known as sequential systems, as

opposed to combinational systems.
Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 3
Synchronous sequential systems

 A general model of a sequential system is shown in the

following Figure.
 The present state of the system is held in the registers – hence
the outputs of the registers give the value of the present state and
the inputs to the registers will be the next state.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 4
Synchronous sequential systems

 The present state of the system can be updated either as soon as

the next state changes, in which case the system is said to be
asynchronous, or only when a clock signal changes, which is
synchronous behavior.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 5
D Latch

 A latch is a level-sensitive memory device

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 6
Edge-triggered D flip-flop with asynchronous Set and Reset

 A flip-flop is an edge-triggered device

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 7
Rising_edge and falling_edge functions

 The standard logic package provides a rising_edge and a

falling_edge function. It is strongly suggested that these
functions be used to detect clock edges.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 8
Synchronous set and reset and clock enable

 Flip-flops may have synchronous set and reset functions as well

as, or instead of, asynchronous set or reset inputs.

 A synchronous set or reset takes effect only at a clock edge.

Thus a VHDL model of such a function must include a check on
the set or reset input after the clock edge has been checked.

 It is not necessary to include synchronous set or reset inputs in

the process sensitivity list because the process is activated only
at a clock edge.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 9
Synchronous set and reset and clock enable

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 10
Synchronous set and reset and clock enable

 Similarly, a flip-flop with a clock enable signal may be modeled

with that signal checked after the edge detection

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 11
Registers and shift registers

 Multiple bit register

– A D flip-flop is a one-bit register. Thus if we want a register
with more than one bit, we simply need to define a set of D
flip-flops using vectors:

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 12
Registers and shift registers

 Shift registers
– An extension of the above model of a register includes the
ability to shift the bits of the register to the left or to the right.

– For example, a sequence of bits can be converted into a word

by shifting the bits into a register, and moving the bits along
at each clock edge.

– After a sufficient number of clock edges, the bits of the word

are available as a single word. This is known as a serial-in,
parallel-out (SIPO) register.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 13
Registers and shift registers

 Shift registers

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 14
Registers and shift registers

 Shift registers
– A more general shift register is the universal shift register.
This can shift bits to the left or to the right, and can load an
entire new word in parallel. To do this, two control bits are

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 15
Registers and shift registers

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 16
Registers and shift registers

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 17
Registers and shift registers

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 18

 Binary counter

– A binary counter is a counter in the intuitive sense. It consists

of a register of a number of D flip-flops, the content of which
is the binary representation of a decimal number.

– We can easily model this in VHDL, using the

numeric_std package to provide the ‘+’ operator.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 19

 Binary counter

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 20

 Binary counter
– Note that the contents of the counter are stored as a variable
inside a process. The variable has type unsigned (allowing
the + operator to be used).

– The contents of the counter are assigned to a signal and

converted into a std_logic_vector. Note that the +
operator does not generate a carry out.

– Thus when the counter has reached its maximum integer

value (all 1s) the next clock edge will cause the counter to
‘wrap round’ and its next value will be zero (all 0s).

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 21
Counters - Examples

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 22
Counters - Examples

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 23
Counters - Examples

 A modulo-8 Counter with an Asynchronous RESET

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 24
Counters - Examples

 A modulo-8 Counter with a Synchronous RESET

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 25
Up-Down Counter - Example

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 26
Up-Down Counter - Example

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 27

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity adder is
port ( x, y : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
z : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0));
end prj1;
architecture add of adder is
z <= x + y;
end add;

ERROR: can't determine definition of operator ""+"" -- found 0 possible


Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 28

 This problem can be solved by adding the following

Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
and the operator « + » will be recognized.
 Convert from integer c to std_logic_vector z :
process (c) is
variable tmp : integer range 0 to 255;
tmp:= c;
for i in 0 to 7 loop
if (tmp rem 2 = 0) then z(i)<='0‘;
else z(i)<='1‘; end if;
tmp := tmp/2;
end loop;
end process;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 29

 Convert from std_logic_vector x to integer a

process (x) is
variable sum : integer range 0 to 255;
sum := 0;
for i in 7 downto 0 loop
sum := sum * 2;
if (x(i)='1‘) then sum := sum + 1; end if;
end loop;
a <= sum;
end process;

 By adding Use ieee.numeric_std.all; we can write:

– a <= to_integer(unsigned(x));
– z <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c,8)); -- 8 bits

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 30
Typical Errors

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 31
Typical Errors

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 32
Typical Errors

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 33
Typical Errors: Two solutions

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 34
Typical Errors: Two solutions

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 35
Typical Errors: Two solutions

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 36
BCD Counter

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 37
BCD Counter

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 38
BCD Counter

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 39
Up-Down Counter - Example

Library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity counter is
port ( load : in std_logic;
data : in integer range 0 to 255;
clk : in std_logic;
up_down : in std_logic;
sum : out integer range 0 to 255
end counter;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 40
Up-Down Counter - Example

architecture behavior of counter is

process (clk)
variable cnt : integer range 0 to 255;
variable direction : integer;
if (up_down = '1') then direction := 1;
else direction := -1;
end if;
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (load = ‘1’) then cnt := data;
else cnt := cnt + direction;
end if;
end if;
sum <= cnt;
end process;
end behavior;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 41

 Computer memory is often classified as ROM (read-only

memory) and RAM (random access memory).

 ROM is random access and RAM is better thought of as read

and write memory.

 RAM can further be divided into SRAM (static RAM) and

DRAM (dynamic RAM).
– Static RAM retains its contents while power is applied to the
– Dynamic RAM uses capacitors to store bits, which means
that the capacitance charge can leak away with time. Hence
DRAM needs refreshing intermittently.
Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 42

 The contents of a ROM chip are defined once. Hence we can use
a constant array to model a ROM device in VHDL. Below is the
seven-segment decoder described as a ROM.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 43

 The contents of a ROM chip are defined once. Hence we can use
a constant array to model a ROM device in VHDL. Below is the
seven-segment decoder described as a ROM.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 44
ROM Memory – Example 1

entity program_ROM is
port ( address : in std_logic_vector (14 downto 0);
data : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
enable : in std_logic );
end entity program_ROM;

architecture behavior of program_ROM is

subtype instruction_byte is bit_vector (7 downto 0);
type program_array is array (0 to 2**15 - 1) of
constant program : program_array
:= ( X"32", X"3F", X"03", -- LDA $3F03
X"71", X"23", -- BLT $23


end architecture behavior;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 45
ROM Memory – Example 2

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity ROM_2 is
port (clk : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
data : out std_logic_vector (19 downto 0));
end ROM_2 ;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 46
ROM Memory – Example 2

architecture behavior of ROM_2 is

type rom_type is array (63 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (19
downto 0);
signal ROM : rom_type :=
(X"0200A", X"00300", X"08101", X"04000", X"08601", X"0233A",
X"00300", X"08602", X"02310", X"0203B", X"08300", X"04002",
X"08201", X"00500", X"04001", X"02500", X"00340", X"00241",
X"04002", X"08300", X"08201", X"00500", X"08101", X"00602",
X"04003", X"0241E", X"00301", X"00102", X"02122", X"02021",
X"00301", X"00102", X"02222", X"04001", X"00342", X"0232B",
X"00900", X"00302", X"00102", X"04002", X"00900", X"08201",
X"02023", X"00303", X"02433", X"00301", X"04004", X"00301",
X"00102", X"02137", X"02036", X"00301", X"00102", X"02237",
X"04004", X"00304", X"04040", X"02500", X"02500", X"02500",
X"0030D", X"02341", X"08201", X"0400D");


Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 47
ROM Memory – Example 2

process (clk) is
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (en = '1') then
data <= ROM(conv_integer(addr));
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behavior ;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 48
Static RAM

 A static RAM may be modeled in much the same way as a


 Because data may be stored in the RAM as well as read from it,
the data signal is declared to be of mode inout.
– In addition, three control signals are provided.

 The first, CS (Chip Select), is a general control signal to enable a

particular RAM chip.
– If the CS signal is not enabled, the data output of the RAM
chip should be in the high impedance state.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 49
Static RAM

 The other two signals are OE (Output Enable) and WE (Write

Enable). Only one of these two signals should be asserted at one
– Data is either read from the RAM chip when the OE signal is
asserted, or written to the chip if the WE signal is asserted.
– If neither signal is asserted, the output remains in the high-
impedance state.

 All the control signals are active low. Like the ROM, the
memory array is modeled as an array, this time as a variable in a

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 50
Static RAM

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 51
Static RAM

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 52
Synchronous RAM

 Sometimes we wish to allocate part of an FPGA as RAM.

 In order for this to be synthesized correctly and for ease of use,

it is best to make this RAM synchronous.

 Depending on the technology, there may be a variety of possible

RAM structures, e.g. synchronous read, dual-port.

 Here, we will simply show how a basic synchronous RAM is

modeled. This parameterizable example can be synthesized in
most programmable technologies.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 53
Synchronous RAM

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 54
Synchronous RAM

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 55
Synchronous RAM

 The structure of this code is almost identical to that of a flip-flop

with an enable – in this case, the enable signal is the WE input.

 As with the SRAM example above, the Address input is

converted into an unsigned integer to reference an array.

 This example can be extended to include an output enable and

chip select, as above.

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 56
Presentation Progress

1. Synchronous sequential systems

2. Designing Finite-State Machines (FSM) using VHDL

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 57
Clocked synchronous FSM

 Clocked: all storage elements employ a clock input (i.e.

all storage elements are flip-flops)

 Synchronous: all of the flip flops use the same clock


 FSM: state machine is simply another name for

sequential circuits. Finite refers to the fact that the
number of states the circuit can assume is finite

 A synchronous clocked FSM changes state only when

a triggering edge (or tick) occurs on the clock signal
Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 58
Clocked synchronous FSM structure

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 59
FSM Types

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 60
Clocked synchronous FSM structure

 Mealy machine

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 61
Clocked synchronous FSM structure

 Moore machine

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 62
Comparison of Mealy and Moore FSM

 Mealy machines have less states

– outputs are on transitions (n2) rather than states (n)

 Moore machines are safer to use

– outputs change at clock edge (always one cycle later)
– in Mealy machines, input change can cause output change as
soon as logic is done – a big problem when two machines are
interconnected – asynchronous feedback may occur if one
isn’t careful

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 63
Comparison of Mealy and Moore FSM

 Mealy machines react faster to inputs

– react in same cycle – don't need to wait for clock
– outputs may be considerably shorter than the clock cycle
– in Moore machines, more logic may be necessary to decode
state into outputs – there may be more gate delays after clock

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 64

entity state_machine is
port (clk : in std_logic;
input: in std_logic;
reset: in std_logic;
output: out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) );
end state_machine;

architecture fsm of state_machine is

type state_type is (s0, s1, s2);
signal state: state_type;
/input s1

s0 input
Behavioral description

end fsm;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 65
Behavioral description of the FSM

CF1_Reg : process (clk, reset)

if reset = '1' then
state <= s0;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1')
then when s0=>
case state is if input = '1‘ then
state <= s1;
state <= s0;
end if;
when s1=>
if input = '1' then
end case; state <= s2;
end if; else
end process; state <= s1;
end if;
CF2: process (state) when s2=>
begin if input = '1' then
case state is state <= s0;
when s0 => output <= "00"; else
when s1 => output <= "01"; state <= s2;
when s2 => output <= "10"; end if;
end case;
end process;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 66
Moore FSM: Example – 1

 Sequence detector: sequence to detect “01”

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity edge_detector is
port( clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
tick : out std_logic
end edge_detect;

architecture moore_fsm of edge_detector is

type state_type is (zero, edge, one);
signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;

-- state register
Register : process(clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then
state_reg <= zero,
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
state_reg <= state_next;
end if;
end process Register;
Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 67
Moore FSM: Example – 1

-- next state / output logic

CF1_CF2 : process(state_reg, level)
state_next <= state_reg;
tick <= '0';
case state_reg is
when zero =>
if level = '1' then
state_next <= edge;
end if;
when edge =>
tick <= '1';
if level = '1' then
state_next <= one;
state_next <= zero;
end if;
when one =>
if level = '0' then
state_next <= zero;
end if;
end case;
end process CF1_CF2;
end moore_fsm;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 68
Mealy FSM: Example – 2

 Sequence detector: sequence to detect “01”

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity edge_detector is
port( clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
tick : out std_logic
end edge_detect;

architecture mealy_fsm of edge_detector is

type state_type is (zero, one);
signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;

-- state register
Register : process(clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then
state_reg <= zero,
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
state_reg <= state_next;
end if;
end process Register;
Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 69
Mealy FSM: Example – 2

-- next state / output logic

CF1_CF2 : process(state_reg, level)
state_next <= state_reg;
tick <= '0';
case state_reg is
when zero =>
if level = '1' then
state_next <= one;
tick <= '1';
end if;
when one =>
if level = '0' then
state_next <= zero;
end if;
end case;
end process CF1_CF2;
end mealy_fsm;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 70
Moore vs. Mealy

 Sequence detector: sequence to detect “01”

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 71
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

M2 N-bit
Unsigned Result
Start Multiplier


Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 72
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 Designing a N-bit Unsigned Multiplier based on Add and Shift operations.

– Such an algorithm will require n iterations but the surface of the
multiplier will be reduced.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity multiplier is
generic ( nbr_bits : natural := 4);
port ( M1 : in std_logic_vector
(nbr_bits-1 downto 0) ; -- first number
M2 : in std_logic_vector
(nbr_bits-1 downto 0); -- second number

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 73
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 Designing a N-bit Unsigned Multiplier based on Add and Shift operations.

– Such an algorithm will require n iterations but the surface of the
multiplier will be reduced.

Start : in std_logic; -- new operation

clk : in std_logic; -- clock
Result : out std_logic_vector
(2*nbr_bits-1 downto 0); -- result
Ready : out std_logic);
-- result is available / ready for a new operation
end multiplieur;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 74
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 The data flow can be specified by the following algorithm:

Initialize : n2 = M2 ; n1 = M1 ; accu = 0
While (n2 # 0) do
If (LSB_n2 = 1) then
accu = accu + n1
End if
Shift n1 to left, n2 to right (with 0 at MSB)
End while

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 75
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 Operators: An analysis of the algorithm allows us to deduce

immediately that it requires:

– A 2n-bit accumulator for the result variable (with reset)

– A 2n-bit left shift register for the variable n1 (with parallel


– A n-bit right shift register for the variable n2 (with parallel


Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 76
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 This leads to create three control signals and 2 indicator signals

for these operators.

– Signal Add controls the opening of the accumulator

– Signal initialize commands to reset the accumulator
– Signal shift common to both shift registers
– Signal lsb is the least significant bit of n2
– Signal zero allows the decoding of the value 0 of the set of
bits of n2

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 77
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 This leads to create three control signals and 2 indicator signals

for these operators.
N-bit Unsigned Multiplier

Start add M2
Controller shift Operators
Ready Result


Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 78
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 This makes it very easy to generate RTL code for this part

architecture rtl of multiplieur is

signal n1 : unsigned(2*nbr_bits-1 downto 0);
signal n2 : unsigned(nbr_bits-1 downto 0);
signal accu : unsigned(2*nbr_bits-1 downto 0);
signal add, shift, initialize,
zero, lsb : boolean;
-- . . .
-- . . .

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 79
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 This makes it very easy to generate RTL code for this part

operators: process
wait until rising_edge(clk);
if initialize then n2 <= unsigned(M2);
n1 <= resize(unsigned(M1),n1’length);
accu <= (others => ’0’);
elsif add then accu <= accu + n1;
elsif shift then
n2 <= ’0’ & n2(nbr_bits-1 downto 1);
n1 <= n1(2*nbr_bits-2 downto 0) & ’0’;
end if;
end process operators;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 80
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 This makes it very easy to generate RTL code for this part

result <= std_logic_vector(accu);

zero <= (n2 = 0);
lsb <= (n2(0) = ’1’);

-- . . .

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 81
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 Controller
– The controller has as inputs signals zero , lsb and start and as outputs the
signals initialize, shift and add. It is treated as a Moore machine.


St_Init 𝒛𝒆𝒓𝒐
𝒛𝒆𝒓𝒐. 𝒍𝒔𝒃
𝒛𝒆𝒓𝒐. 𝒍𝒔𝒃

St_Shift St_Add St_End

𝒛𝒆𝒓𝒐. 𝒍𝒔𝒃

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 82
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

-- other declarations

type state_type is (St_Init, St_Add, St_Shift, St_End);

signal state: state_type;


-- other process (operators)

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 83
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

Controller: process
wait until falling_edge(clk);
if (Start = ’1’) then State <= St_Init;
case State is
when St_Init =>
if zero then State <= St_End;
elsif lsb then State <= St_Add;
else State <= St_Shift;
end if;
when St_Add =>
State <= St_Shift;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 84
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

when St_Shift =>

if zero then State <= St_End;
elsif lsb then State <= St_Add;
end if;
when St_End =>
State <= St_End;
end case;
end if;
end process Controller;

end rtl;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 85
Example – Sequential Shift/Add Multiplier

 Outputs of the controller

initialize <= (State = St_Init );

add <= (State = St_Add);
Shift <= (State = St_Shift );
Ready <= ’1’ WHEN State = St_End ELSE ’0’;
END rtl;

Dr. Mroué DTR 8431 – Architecture des Microprocesseurs et Open Core Chapter 3 86

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