DLL English 9 June 17 - 21, 2019

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School Gov. F.

Leviste Memorial NHS Grade Level 9

Teacher Sarah Mariel C. Abanto Learning Area ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time June 17 - 21, 2019 Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature serves as a means of enhancing the self through using strategies in summarizing, assessing, and processing
information in texts listened to and viewed; word derivation and formation strategies; distinctions between and among informative, journalistic, and literary writing ;and appropriate and creative
use of word order, punctuation marks, and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standard The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body
Movements/Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competency/ies / 1. Define onomatopoeia, 1.Define imagery and its 1. Watch an epic and 1. Watch an epic and 1. Process information
Objective/s alliteration, assonance and different types. extract the information extract the information based on the material
consonance. 2. Classify words conveyed in the story. conveyed in the story. viewed.
2. Determine the literary according to which 2. Process information 2. Process information 2. Share insights.
devices used in each line or sense they appeal to. based on the material based on the material
passage. 3. Express appreciation viewed. viewed.
3. Show appreciation of the to sensory images by 3. Share insights. 3. Share insights.
literary piece discussed by writing a poem that
recognizing the presence of contains imagery.
literary devices and its effect
to the totality of the poem.

II. CONTENT Literary Devices:

Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Sensory Images “The Battle with Grendel” “The Battle with Grendel” BEOWULF
Assonance and from Beowulf from Beowulf Analysis
Consonance (Continuation of the


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page/s TG pages 7-8 TG pages 10 – 11 TG pages 27 - 31 TG pages 27 - 31 TG pages 27 - 31
2. Learner’s Materials page/s LM pages 11-12, 20 - 21 LM pages 13 - 14 LM pages 34 - 41 LM pages 34 - 41 LM pages 34 - 41
3. Textbook page/s Lesson Exemplar pages 43 - 49 Lesson Exemplar pages 43 - 49 Lesson Exemplar pages 43 - 49
4. Additional Materials photocopies/, pen, paper, photocopies/, pen, paper,
laptop, speaker, tarpapel laptop, speaker, tarpapel
B. Other Learning Resources watch?v=f1b5kCvVBo8 https://www.google.com.phwebhp?
https://www.youtube.com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?
sourceid=chromeinstant&ion= ?v=bS0jy64T9PQ ?v=bS0jy64T9PQ v=bS0jy64T9PQ
ation% 20rap%2

A. Reviewing previous lesson Ask the students: What are the literary "Maximizing one ‘s Ask the students:
Are you familiar with the devices that were strength means making 1. Who are the characters in
sound devices used by discussed yesterday? the best use of one ‘s the story?
poets? Do these devices Define each. strong point. This 2. Where did the story
add to the beauty of a happens when you focus happen?
literary piece? on the areas you are most
skilled, talented and
strong in while avoiding
your weaknesses."

B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the students play the In literature, writers
lesson game called Maze Runners employ techniques to
on page 19 of the lesson make the description of
exemplar. their pieces more
effective. The use of
these techniques gives
life to literary pieces.
How do they capture in
words, things and
experiences that are
supposedly seen, tasted,
heard, smelled and felt?

C. Presenting examples/ Ask the students to "Ask the students to study

instances of the new lesson Present the video clips to identify their senses and the photos that will be
the class in order for them to the organs responsible shown. Do you know the
understand the meaning of for them. characters in the
the jumbled letters in the photos? In a paper, list
previous activity. down the traits common
to the characters in the

D. Discussing new concepts and Ask the students to recall Ask the students to "Ask: "Ask:
practicing new skills #1 the definition of each device proceed to their 1. Who among the 1. Who among the
based on the video clip that respective groups and characters do you like characters do you like most?
they have just watched. accomplish the activity most? Why? Why?
that will posted on the 2. Do you have what it 2. Do you have what it takes
board about different takes to be like any of to be like any of them? Why
words to be classified them? Why do you say do you say so?
based on the senses that so? 3. Based on their
they appeal to. LE, page 3. Based on their characteristics and
23. Task 2 Group the characteristics and intentions, what other names
Words. intentions, what other could be associated with
names could them?"
be associated with them?"
E. Discussing new concepts and Let the students listen to the Presentation and Movie Viewing. Continuation of the The teacher will flash
practicing new skills #2 son Fireworks by Katy Perry checking of the students' viewing. illustrations that happened in
and from the definition that answers the story, the teacher asks
was discussed in the the students to narrate the
previous activity, ask them significant event that
to identify the examples of happened based on the
each literary device. picture that will be shown.

F. Developing mastery Group the students into five Let the students answer Let the students answer Let the students
them ask them to read the the WORD Bank activity the Task 3 at the Lesson answer the Task 3 at
poem again and identify the on page 24 in the lesson Exemplar on page 44. the Lesson Exemplar
lines that contain exemplar. Task 3. on page 44.
onomatopoeia, alliteration,
assonance and consonance.

G. Finding practical applications Ask the students to answer Write On. Show pictures If you were the one with If you were the one with the
of concepts and skills in daily the activity on page 21 in the to the class. Ask them to the same power as same power as Beowulf,
living lesson exemplar. Items 1-10 construct five sentences Beowulf, would you have would you have done the
about each picture that done the same as he did? same as he did?
will be shown using any
of the types of imagery.

H. Making generalizations and Let the students do Task 5 Get the students familiar What was the lesson that What was the lesson that
abstractions about the lesson on page 20 in the lesson with the different types of you learned from the story you learned from the story of
exemplar. sensory images by of Beowulf? Beowulf?
discussing the meaning
of each.

I. Evaluating learning Answer Task 7, Checkpoint Students will be asked to Let the students answer Let the students answer
on page 20 in the lesson count off 1 - 5. each Task 5 Into the Hero at Task 5 Into the Hero at the
exemplar. number corresponds to the Lesson Exemplar, Lesson Exemplar, page 44.
the imagery that the page 44.
students will write about
in a stanza of four lines
with rhyme.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other


REGINA I. AMEN ______________________


MARY JANE D. BARAL ____________________ APRILITO C. DE GUZMAN, Ed. D. ____________________


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