Reading and Cartoon: Picture This! Learning English Through Pictures by Harris.T., and Rowe, A. (2007) - NY: Pearson Education

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Appendix 1

Lesson Plan

Time: 10: 00 A.M to 11:30 A.M (90 minutes class)

Subject: English Language, Conversation (Speaking) in Communicative English Language
Class Level: Intermediate adult students
Prior Knowledge: Learners have learnt vocabulary of jobs and the role of jobs and present
perfect tense
Number of Students: 12
Topic: Job Interview
Terminal objective of this course: Students can exchange their thoughts with confidence.
Objectives for this class:
1. Learners recall personal experience to share with peers
2. Learners demonstrate their planned and spontaneous language skills
3. Learners practice their listening and reading skills
4. Learners practice authentic situation: Job interview
5. Learners focus on language use
6. Learners analysis useful vocabulary and phrase for job interview
7. Learners know how to use present perfect tense
1. Reading and cartoon: Picture This! Learning English Through Pictures by Harris.T.,
and Rowe, A. (2007). NY: Pearson Education.
2. White Board
3. Role card
4. Hand out for Job Interview

Main Activity: Role Play

1. Students are divided into 3 groups ( each group has four students)
2. Students randomly pick the role cards from the small box
3. Each group has 20 minutes for this activity
4. One of the group members are the interviewer and others are interviewees
5. After 5 minutes job interview, interviewees need to decide whether interviewer is
hired or not

Step Time Task Task Skills Interactio Purpose

(Teacher) (Learners) n
Pre Task
Greeting 2mins T greets Listening T ↔ Ss
learners and Speaking T ↔ Ss
ask general S ↔ Ss

Review 5mins T reviews Recall some Listening, T ↔ Ss To structure

previous previous memories Speaking T↔S their lesson
class classes from effectively

Pre-task 5mins T draws Students Speaking, T ↔ Ss Brainstorming,

activities mind suggest Listening S↔T Learners
mapping on possible jobs engage the
the board and some topic
then vocabulary
brainstorm for interview
the (e.g, an
vocabulary experienced
which teacher)
related jobs
and job
5mins T Students Speaking, T ↔Ss T activates
distributes a predicts what Listening S↔S learners’
picture the picture is, schemata
from the what the guy knowledge
Task book is doing Learners
Students can interact each
T asks share their other with
students to personal sharing their
work experience of personal
together as having job experience
a group and interview
asks them with a partner
to predict
and also

3mins T asks S answers T’s Listening T ↔Ss To confirm all

students questions Speaking T ↔S the students do
what the their work
topic of the
picture and
they shared
3mins T highlights
some of
good phrase
on the

Task cycle

Pre- 5mins T Ss read Reading, T ↔ Ss Giving a

speaking distributes a carefully a Listening S ↔ Ss sample
simple given examples to
example material help students
Job do the main
Interview task better
and asks
students to (여기서 이걸 주지
말고, 그냥 내
핸드핸드아 줄것줄
carefully 것인가?)

T explains
the topic
and purpose
of the main

Explanation of
3mins T gives Learners Listening T ↔ Ss the main task
instruction listen
to learners carefully and 여기서핸드아웃을
나눠 줘야할지
about the prepare for
아니면 만화랑
main task: the main Task 둘중에 하나만 주자

Ss are Learners
divided into might need to
3 groups. make notes
Each one
will have
the role
card from
T gives a

exchange their
While- 20mins T monitors Students Listening, S ↔ Ss information by
speaking from a work in 3 Speaking S↔S having task, a
distance groups and learner-centred
doing job activity
interviews without
interrupting by
a teacher
learning and
are involved in
this task
A learner-
Planning 10mins T informs Students Listening T ↔ Ss activity
the students prepare Speaking S↔S Scaffolding
they are report Writing and
going to verbally to (If it is collaborative
have the class but needed) learning are
presentation one person involved
why they should be
hire and chosen as a
why not representativ
e Presentation of
their task and
Report 10mins T arranges Speaking Ss ↔ Ss use of planned
the Learners as language
presentation three groups
present the
reason why
they hire
someone and
why not

To evaluate
their work and
5mins T gives Listening T ↔ Ss develop their
feedback to Learners language
learners receive
Language feedback
Focus on
Language :
Analysing 7mins T asks Listening T ↔ Ss Grammar,
students Learners scan Reading Vocabulary
what tense their memo Speaking
they mostly
used for
their past

some of key
Free activity
T asks with using
Practice 5mins learners Speaking T ↔ Ss target
work in Learners will Writing S↔S grammar and
pairs to work together vocabulary
make to make
sentences sentences
which are
perfect or
T gives
Homework 2mins homework Listening T ↔ Ss
T asks carefully
students to
write short
story of
their dream

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