AungLuTun TP3 Plan

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Teacher’s Name Date Level Lesson Focus Length TP no.

Aung Lu Tun Tue, 7 June Pre - Int Reading 45 mins 3

By the end of the lesson learners will develop : Gist reading, Scanning, Detailed reading in the context
Main Aim
of technology (messaging apps: messenger)

Secondary Aim To Improve learners’ fluency in speaking in the context of the text used.

Personal Aims To be more patient to students. Do not echo or repeat the answers and instructions too much.

Framework Receptive skills

Materials Power point + pictures + self-made text and exercises.

To use the appropriate reading skills when reading about an article on websites, magazines and in the
real world.

** If you need more than seven stages (not advisable for a 45 minute lesson), simply copy and paste the boxes. If you need fewer,
delete any blank boxes **

Stage Name Stage Aim
To grab learners’ attention and to make interest and introduce them to the
1 Lead in + Pre text discussion
lesson’s context and theme.
Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing
Tr show the first slide with 3 app icons. Teacher to 2mins
Elicit knowledge from Ss- What are the app names? Do you know them? Which one do you like the student.
Ensure Ss respond to make this stage more personalized and interesting for the whole class.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Some shy Ss won’t be comfortable enough to Tr should call their names and try to encourage them to speak in a gentle
speak and share their opinions. manner. Give them guided questions if needed.

Stage Name Stage Aim
To introduce gist reading, to learn how to gist read and to give them a
2 Gist Reading
preliminary understanding of the text.
Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing
Before reading: Teacher to 2-3 mins
Instruct Ss to read the text very quickly. Student
Ensure Ss not to read in detail. Limit (45secs) for the whole text.

After reading:
Instruct learners to choose the correct topic for the text. (individually)
Check as whole class.
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Some learners might try to read in detail Give clear instructions step by step.
regardless of Tr’s instructions. Ask ICQS :
Do you have to read quickly or in detail? (quickly)
Should you read all the sentences in the text? (No)
You have 45 secs to read.

Stage Name Stage Aim
To make learners have a better understanding of the text and to identify facts,
3 Scanning (Specific info reading)
people, features and numbers.
Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing
Instruct Ss : Student to 6-7mins
Tr:You are going to read the text again and do the T/F ex. Student
Tr:Can you see the underlined words? Ss: Yes.
Tr:You have to find the underlined words in the text and think whether they are T or F. Ok? Teacher to
Tr:I will send you into the breakout rooms and you have to do the task in pairs. Student
Tr:Try to explain why it is true or false to your friend too. You can use the line numbers to make it

Pair work :
Ss – Ss in breakout rooms.
Do the task together. Check the answers together and give reasons for answers.

Whole class:
Check in main room.
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Ss might only listen to his partner and write When instructing tell Ss to find the reasons for their answers.
down the answers without knowing the (Demo one sentence with reason using the line numbers in the text.)

Stage Name Stage Aim
To make learners get deeper understanding of the task and to answer more
4 Detailed comprehension task
detailed questions.
Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing
Instruct the Ss to read in detail and answer the questions. Student to 7-8mins
Tr:You have to read the text and answer the given questions.(individually)
Teacher to
After doing the exercise. student
Instruct Ss to share their answers and if they are different share their reasons.(pair work)

Tr:Now compare your answers with your friend.

If they are different, share your reasons.
Check answers in Main Room.
Check as a whole class.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Some Ss might take some time to do the To ensure all students are done at the same time, give a time limit which is
comprehension questions. reasonable (6mins).
Also when checking in pairs some pairs might Checking time should be around (2mins).
take time too.

Stage Name Stage Aim
5 Post text discussion To allow learners to respond the text in a more personal way.
Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing
Instruct Ss to ask each other the given questions to each other.(pair work) Student to 4mins
Encourage Ss to use some adjectives. (Referred from previous lessons) student
There will be no specific ways to use adjs in their speech. We will let them use in a free and authentic

Give feedback on the good uses. (if enough time) Teacher to

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Since this is a open task speaking activity pay
If necessary call Ss name and ask about his/her opinion in a gentle manner.
attention to the shy student.

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