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NIH Public Access

Author Manuscript
J Acoust Soc Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 November 16.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

J Acoust Soc Am. 2001 February ; 109(2): 775–794.

Discrimination of non-native consonant contrasts varying in

perceptual assimilation to the listener’s native phonological

Catherine T. Besta,
Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06459 and Haskins
Laboratories, 270 Crown Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511
Gerald W. McRoberts, and
Department of Psychology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 and Haskins
Laboratories, 270 Crown Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511
Elizabeth Goodellb
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269 and Haskins

Laboratories, 270 Crown Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511

Classic non-native speech perception findings suggested that adults have difficulty discriminating
segmental distinctions that are not employed contrastively in their own language. However, recent
reports indicate a gradient of performance across non-native contrasts, ranging from near-chance to
near-ceiling. Current theoretical models argue that such variations reflect systematic effects of
experience with phonetic properties of native speech. The present research addressed predictions
from Best’s perceptual assimilation model (PAM), which incorporates both contrastive phonological
and noncontrastive phonetic influences from the native language in its predictions about
discrimination levels for diverse types of non-native contrasts. We evaluated the PAM hypotheses
that discrimination of a non-native contrast should be near-ceiling if perceived as phonologically
equivalent to a native contrast, lower though still quite good if perceived as a phonetic distinction
between good versus poor exemplars of a single native consonant, and much lower if both non-native
segments are phonetically equivalent in goodness of fit to a single native consonant. Two experiments
assessed native English speakers’ perception of Zulu and Tigrinya contrasts expected to fit those
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criteria. Findings supported the PAM predictions, and provided evidence for some perceptual
differentiation of phonological, phonetic, and nonlinguistic information in perception of non-native
speech. Theoretical implications for non-native speech perception are discussed, and suggestions are
made for further research.

Adults’ perception of speech contrasts is strongly influenced by experience with the
phonological system of their native language (e.g., Abramson and Lisker, 1970). A traditional
account for this phenomenon has been a perceptual version of the concept that a native-
language “phonological filter” operates in production of non-native segments (Polivanov,
1931; Trubetskoy, 1939/1969). That is, it has been assumed that mature listeners have difficulty
discriminating phonetic distinctions that do not occur as a native phonological contrast. Perhaps

[email protected].
bPresent address: Landmark School, 429 Hale St., Prides Crossing, MA 01965.
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the most widely cited example of such perceptual difficulty is the poor discrimination of
English /r/-/l/ by speakers of languages that lack this contrast, such as Japanese (e.g., Goto,
1971; Miyawaki et al., 1975; Mochizuki, 1981; Best and Strange, 1992; MacKain et al.,
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1981). Similarly poor non-native speech perception performance has been documented for
speakers of other languages. For example, English speakers have difficulty discriminating
contrasts such as Hindi retroflex versus dental stops and Nthlakampx velar versus uvular
ejectives (Werker et al., 1981; Werker and Tees, 1984). Discrimination in such cases is near
chance, in striking contrast to the ceiling-level performance typically found with native
language distinctions.

What is it about native language experience that results in such difficulties with non-native
speech discrimination? One type of explanation emphasized exposure in early development as
being critical to the “tuning” of relevant sensori-neural mechanisms. For example, some argued
that innate, linguistically specialized neural mechanisms, initially tuned to universal settings
of phonetic categories and/or boundaries, are modified by early exposure to specific phonetic
features (e.g., Eimas, 1975, 1991). Others posited the nonlinguistic view that early exposure
to specific acoustic properties maintains or enhances the tuning of prewired psychophysical
mechanisms that respond selectively to those properties (e.g., Aslin and Pisoni, 1980). Such
prewired mechanisms are generally assumed, by the latter view, to be components of general
auditory processing skills that are part of our mammalian (or vertebrate) evolutionary
endowment (e.g., Kuhl, 1988; Dooling, 1989).
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It has since become apparent, however, that neither account of critical early tuning can
adequately explain all aspects of adults’ non-native speech perception. Numerous studies have
shown that discrimination of unfamiliar phonetic contrasts can be improved even in adults
through extensive natural experience, intensive laboratory training, or experimental
manipulations that reduce task memory demands (e.g., Logan et al., 1991; Lively et al.,
1993; Pisoni et al., 1982; MacKain et al., 1981; Strange and Dittman, 1984; Werker and Logan,
1985; Werker and Tees, 1984). That is, exposure need not occur early in development—even
limited exposure in adulthood can improve performance to some extent.1 In response to those
findings, some have proposed that language experience affects higher-level processes that
remain malleable, such as phonological encoding or memory retention, rather than lower-level
sensorineural responsivities that are relatively permanently changed by early experience (Tees
and Werker, 1984; Werker and Tees, 1984).

Further damaging to the sensorineural tuning hypotheses is the fact that early exposure to
specific phonetic or acoustic properties, or lack thereof, does not guarantee good versus poor
discrimination, respectively. For example, discrimination of non-native stop voicing contrasts
is poor in American English listeners (Abramson and Lisker, 1970), despite the fact that the
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range of voice onset times (VOTs) involved is amply manifested in English stop allophones
(cf. MacKain, 1982), and adults’ discrimination levels for non-native contrasts are not
systematically related to whether or not the associated phonetic features occur within the
listeners’ native language (Polka, 1992). Native English speakers’ discrimination of four Hindi
dental-retroflex stop consonant contrasts differing in voicing (prevoiced, voiceless unaspirated,
voiceless aspirated, and breathy voiced) varied between poor and excellent, irrespective of
whether the specific voicing type occurs in English (Polka, 1991). Conversely, adults
discriminate certain non-native contrasts quite well, even with virtually no prior exposure to
their distinctive phonetic-acoustic features in speech. American English listeners show very

1Still, it is important to note that laboratory training effects are limited in magnitude in adults (Lively et al., 1994), and that listeners’
discrimination of the critical acoustic properties of nonnative contrasts presented in isolation may fail to generalize to good discrimination
of them within speech contexts (Miyawaki et al., 1975; Werker and Tees, 1984).

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good to excellent discrimination of Zulu click consonants, despite their lack of experience or
training with such clicks (Best et al., 1988).
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Two important conclusions can be drawn from these findings: Adult discrimination of non-
native speech contrasts is not uniformly poor, as the classic view would have it. Instead, we
see wide variation in performance level, from poor to excellent, that does not depend on the
presence or absence of the critical phonetic/acoustic features in native speech.

If early sensorineural tuning fails to explain the variation in non-native speech discrimination,
then what does account for it? Several recent theoretical models posit that native speech
experience provides an organizing perceptual framework that shapes discrimination of
unfamiliar speech contrasts. Best’s perceptual assimilation model (PAM: Best, 1994a, b,
1995; Best et al., 1988), Flege’s speech learning model (SLM: Flege, 1986, 1990, 1995; cf.
Guion et al., 2000), and Kuhl’s Native Language Magnet model (NLM: Grieser and Kuhl,
1989; Iverson and Kuhl, 1996; Kuhl, 1991, 1992; Kuhl et al., 1992) all presume that adults’
discrimination of non-native speech contrasts is systematically related to their having acquired
a native speech system. However, the models differ in how they conceive of the native
perceptual framework, as in ongoing theoretical debates about speech perception. One basic
view is that speech perception depends on the same general-purpose auditory processes
employed for perception of nonspeech sounds (e.g., Diehl and Kluender, 1989; Kluender,
1994; Kuhl, 1988; cf. theorical overview in Best, 1995). An opposing view is that a specialized
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linguistic-phonetic module is involved in perception of speech alone (Liberman et al., 1967;

Liberman and Mattingly, 1989). Also under debate is whether the perceptual mechanisms,
whether general or specialized, operate on acoustic (e.g., Diehl and Kluender, 1989; Kuhl,
1988, 1991, 1992) or articulatory information (e.g., Best, 1995; Fowler, 1986, 1989; Liberman
and Mattingly, 1989).

SLM addresses primarily how adult speakers acquire phonological segments for a second
language (L2), particularly in production and particularly by relatively experienced L2
speakers. It proposes that non-native phones are “equivalence-classified” relative to native
language (L1) phonemes on the basis of phonetic similarity. New L2 phonological categories
are more likely to be developed, hence produced (and perceived) fairly accurately, the more
dissimilar they are from the closest native phonemes. SLM remains neutral regarding general
versus specialized mechanisms and extraction of acoustic versus linguistic-phonetic
information from speech.

NLM instead proposes that early in life, listeners develop acoustic prototypes for native
phonemic categories. NLM assumes that speech perception involves general auditory
mechanisms that process acoustic rather than specifically phonetic information. In NLM, native
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prototypes have magnetlike effects, in which the nearby perceptual space is “shrunk,” making
it more difficult to discriminate phonetic variation around prototypes than around non-
prototypes, or poor exemplars, of the same category. So NLM, unlike SLM, predicts an
asymmetry for discriminating prototypical versus non-prototypical stimuli. Listeners fail to
develop prototypes for non-native categories, due to lack of relevant acoustic experience.
Hence within-category discrimination for non-native phones is expected to be uniform rather
than asymmetrical.

Both SLM and NLM have contributed importantly to our understanding of the perception of
non-native speech segments, and have generated substantial research. In a quest to account for
discrimination of nonnative contrasts, however, they both have limitations. SLM’s primary
shortfall is its focus on individual phonemes—it makes no explicit predictions about
discrimination of non-native contrasts (Flege, personal communication). As for NLM, recent
concerns have been raised that the perceptual magnet effect may not be robust across listener

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groups (Lively, 1993; cf. Frieda et al., 1999). Moreover, given listeners’ frequent identification
of the “non-prototype” stimuli as exemplars of a different category altogether than the
prototype, the asymmetry in discrimination may actually reflect better between-category than
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within-category discrimination (Lotto et al., 1996; Sussman and Lauckner-Morano, 1995), that
is, the classic phenomenon of categorical perception (Lotto et al., 1998). Additionally, NLM
espouses basic principles of the early tuning accounts which, as we summarized earlier, are
problematic. Neither SLM nor NLM comprehensively explains the variations in non-native
discrimination that cannot be traced to the presence versus absence of features in the listeners’
language, as discussed earlier.

Those theoretical gaps are addressed by the perceptual assimilation model (PAM). That model
was originally developed to account for the previously unexpected finding that American
English listeners discriminate Zulu clicks quite well; the authors hypothesized that this was
due to the fact that they had perceived the clicks as nonspeech sounds (Best et al., 1988). Of
the three non-native speech perception models, only PAM makes explicit predictions about
assimilation and discrimination differences for diverse types of non-native contrasts. And PAM
alone incorporates principles of phonological theory, the branch of linguistics that concerns
the linguistic function and structure of the native system of phonological contrasts. The specific
phonological theory that PAM draws from is articulatory phonology (Browman and Goldstein,
1986, 1989, 1990a, b, 1992), which is compatible with PAM’s direct realist (ecological)
position that what listeners detect in speech is information regarding the articulatory gestures
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that generated the signal (e.g., Best, 1995; Fowler, 1986, 1989; Fowler et al., 1990). Gestures
are defined by the articulatory organs (active articulator, including laryngeal gestures),
constriction locations (place of articulation), and constriction degree (manner of articulation)
employed. We will use the term “native phoneme” to refer to a functional equivalence class
of articulatory variants that serve a common phonological function, as evidenced by their
contribution to distinguishing lexical items, identifying morphosyntactic units, and
participating in other phonological alternations such as context-conditioned allophony. PAM
posits that non-native speech perception is strongly affected by listeners’ knowledge (whether
implicit or explicit) of native phonological equivalence classes, and that listeners perceptually
assimilate non-native phones to native phonemes whenever possible, based on detection of
commonalities in the articulators, constriction locations and/or constriction degrees used (Best,
1993, 1994a, b, 1995).

According to PAM (see Best, 1995), a given non-native phone may be perceptually assimilated
to the native system of phonemes in one of three ways: (1) as a Categorized exemplar of some
native phoneme, for which its goodness of fit may range from excellent to poor; (2) as an
Uncategorized consonant or vowel that falls somewhere in between native phonemes (i.e., is
roughly similar to two or more phonemes); or (3) as a Nonassimilable nonspeech sound that
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bears no detectable similarity to any native phonemes. Adults’ discrimination of a non-native

contrast is predicted to depend on how each of the contrasting phones is assimilated. Several
pairwise assimilation types are possible. The non-native phones may be phonetically similar
to two different native phonemes and assimilate separately to them, which was termed Two
Category assimilation2 (TC). Both may, instead, assimilate equally well or poorly to a single
native phoneme, termed Single Category assimilation (SC). Or both might assimilate to a single
native phoneme, but one may fit better than the other, termed a Category Goodness difference
(CG). Alternatively, one non-native phone may be Uncategorized, as defined above, while the

2Terminology for PAM predictions originally referred to “phonetic categories.” However, given the model’s ecological theoretical
perspective, it does not espouse cognitive processing assumptions about mental representations of categories, category formation, etc.
Therefore, in this article we have discussed native phonological influences in terms of functional equivalence classes rather than in terms
of phonetic categories. However, we have retained the assimilation terms used in earlier presentations of PAM, for consistency with
previous publications.

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other is Categorized, forming an Uncategorized–Categorized pair (UC). Or both non-native

phones might be Uncategorized speech segments (UU). Finally, the two phones’ articulatory
properties may both be quite discrepant from any native phonemes, and be perceived as Non-
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Assimilable (NA) nonspeech sounds.

As for discrimination of non-native contrasts, it can be hindered, aided, or unaffected by native

phonology, depending on how the non-native phones relate to native phonemes and contrasts
(Best, 1994a, 1995). Native phonology should aid discrimination when the two phones are
separated by native phonological boundaries, but should hinder it when both phones assimilate
to the same native phoneme. However, discrimination of non-native elements that are heard
as nonspeech sounds is neither helped nor hindered by native phonology. NA contrasts,
therefore, are predicted to show good to excellent discrimination, depending on their perceived
differences as nonspeech sounds. However, TC and UC contrasts should be discriminated quite
well because in both cases the contrasting phones fall on opposite sides of a native phonological
boundary. On the other hand, with CG and SC types, both phones assimilate to the same native
phoneme, so discriminability is hindered by native phonology. If one phone is a good fit and
the other is poor, discrimination will be very good (CG difference), but not as good as in TC
contrasts because it is hindered by assimilating to a single native phoneme. In SC cases, both
non-native phones are equivalent in phonetic goodness, hence discrimination is poor, hindered
both by lack of phonological contrast and by lack of difference in fit. For example, Japanese
speakers are likely to assimilate English /r/ and /l/ as poor examples of a single Japanese
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phoneme (/r/ or perhaps /w/: Best and Strange, 1992; Takagi and Mann, 1995; Yamada and
Tohkura, 1992), and discriminate the /r/-/l/ contrast poorly. For uncategorized-uncategorized
(UU) assimilations, discrimination is less strongly affected by native phonological equivalence
classes, and should range between fair and good, dependent on perceived similarity of the non-
native phones to each other and to the set of nearby native phonemes.

The current research focuses on those contrasts involving only non-native phones that are
perceptually categorized to native phonemes, as defined above, that is, the TC, CG, and SC
assimilation types. PAM predicts the following gradient of discrimination levels for these:
TC>CG>SC (Best, 1994a, 1995). PAM’s predictions about each of these assimilation types
have been supported by a number of cross-language perception studies (see Best, 1994a, b,
1995). As noted, English speaking adults fail to assimilate Zulu click consonants to English
consonants, instead perceiving them as nonspeech sounds, consistent with the NA pattern. In
keeping with PAM’s predictions about non-native NA contrasts, discrimination of the clicks
is good to very good (Best et al., 1988). English listeners’ perception of clicks as non-speech
is supported by recent evidence that whereas Zulu listeners show right ear superiority for click
discrimination in a dichotic listening task, presumed to reflect left hemisphere language
specialization, American English listeners do not (Best and Avery, 1999). Moreover, English-
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learning infants fail to show a developmental decline in discrimination of the clicks by 10–12
months (Best et al., 1988) comparable to that found for other non-native consonant contrasts
(e.g., Werker, 1989; Werker and Pegg, 1992; Werker et al., 1981; Werker and Lalonde, 1988).
In particular, 10–12 month olds discriminated a click contrast but failed to do so with a non-
native contrast from Werker et al. (1981) on which adults’ perception had been consistent with
SC assimilation (Best et al., 1995). In cross-language studies of adults’ non-native speech
perception, Japanese listeners displayed SC assimilation of American English /r/-/l/ and CG
assimilation of English /w/-/r/, with better discrimination of the latter, as predicted by PAM
(Best and Strange, 1992). French listeners categorized and discriminated English /w/-/r/ in a
CG pattern, consistent with French and English /r/ articulatory differences (Hallé et al.,

Studies from other research groups also are consistent with certain PAM predictions. In her
study of English listeners’ perception of four Hindi dental-retroflex stop contrasts differing in

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voicing type, Polka (1991) reported that, based on listeners’ descriptions of the contrasts, SC-
type assimilations were associated with lower discrimination performance than TC-type
assimilations, as PAM predicts. She also found that English listeners tended to assimilate Farsi
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voiced velar versus uvular stops (/g/-/G/) as a CG contrast and Salish velar versus uvular
ejectives (/k′/-/q′/) as a SC (or NA3) contrast, with a tendency toward better discrimination of
the former distinction, as would be expected according to PAM (Polka, 1992).4 In another
recent study, Japanese listeners’ discrimination of UU and UC assimilations of English
consonant contrasts fit PAM predictions in all but one UC case (Guion et al., 2000).
Interestingly, two studies of early bilinguals revealed poor discrimination of contrasts that fit
a SC pattern with respect to the L1, but a TC pattern with respect to the L2, suggesting long-
term effects of L1 phonological organization even in listeners who have been fluent in the L2
from a young age (Calderón and Best, 1996; Pallier et al., 1997).

However, no findings have yet been published on non-native contrasts that clearly fit the TC
pattern, i.e., in which neither non-native phone is a good match for a native phoneme yet the
both are perceptually assimilated to two different native phonological classes. Evidence on the
TC pattern is important, given that the predicted excellent, nativelike (or nearly so) levels of
discrimination and categorization performance would be quite unexpected according to the
more traditional assumption that adults should have difficulty discriminating any contrasts that
do not occur in the native language (Polivanov, 1931). Relatedly, reports are still lacking on
systematic comparison of TC, CG, and SC assimilation types needed to evaluate PAM’s strong
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prediction for significantly better discrimination of TC than CG assimilation types, which in

turn should show better discrimination of SC types. Alternative outcome patterns remain
possible for those three types of non-native contrast. One is that there could be equally poor
discrimination for the three types of contrast, as suggested by traditional claims about non-
native speech perception. As summarized earlier, this outcome is highly unlikely in light of
previous findings that discrimination levels can differ substantially among non-native
contrasts. Another possibility might be that discrimination differences could be determined by
some other factor, such as acoustic differences among the contrasts, and not by their
phonological assimilations. To evaluate these possibilities, Experiment 1 systematically
compared discrimination levels among non-native contrasts that were expected to yield TC,
CG, and SC assimilation patterns.

To optimize comparisons of performance among SC, CG, and TC assimilations, all three
stimulus contrasts were taken from a single language, Zulu. None were phonological contrasts
in English. All three were differentiated by laryngeal gestures. The goal was to include one
non-native contrast that American English (AE) listeners were likely to assimilate to two
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contrasting English phonemes (TC), another that they should assimilate as a noticeable
category goodness difference within a single English phoneme (CG), and a third that they
should assimilate with nearly equal fit to a single phoneme in English (SC). The following
contrasts were selected, based on their articulatory-phonetic characteristics relative to English
(Ladefoged and Maddieson, 1996; Maddieson, 1984; Ruhlen, 1975):
i. voiceless versus voiced lateral fricatives (/ɬ/-/ɮ/);
ii. voiceless aspirated versus ejective (glottalized) velar stops (/kh/-/k′/);
iii. plosive versus implosive voiced bilabial stops (/b/-/ɓ/).

3Based on Polka’s summary of these subjects’ descriptions, the latter assimilations may actually have been UU rather than NA types,
given that they reported hearing consonants and/or vowels rather than nonspeech sounds.
4It should be noted, however, that Polka concluded that certain other aspects of her findings in these two studies may have been guided
by acoustic attributes of the stimuli rather than by phonological/phonetic properties of the listeners’ native language.

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The Zulu lateral fricative contrast uses a place of articulation that is non-native for AE
fricatives, though the articulatory organs and constriction locations involved are similar to AE /
l/. Voiceless–voiced fricative distinctions do occur in AE at other constriction locations. In
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both languages, fricative voicing contrasts are signaled by a laryngeal gesture of glottal
abduction (voiceless), versus a glottal setting that results in vocal fold vibration (voiced), during
frication at the supralaryngeal constriction location. In the other two Zulu contrasts, the
laryngeal distinction itself rather than the constriction location was non-native. Location for
the Zulu velar stop constriction corresponds to that for AE /k/. The glottal abduction for Zulu /
k/ makes it essentially identical to AE /k/; both are narrowly transcribed as [kh], i.e., long-lag
voice onset with positive airflow through the open glottis during release of velar closure,
resulting in aspiration. The distinctive laryngeal gesture for the contrasting ejective /k′/ is a
glottal adduction, with a resulting (near-)cessation of glottal airflow during release of the velar
stop closure. The latter laryngeal gesture is not used in utterance-initial AE stops (although
some speakers produce ejectives in forceful releases of utterance-final voiceless stops). As for
the third Zulu contrast, the glottal setting is similar in Zulu and AE /b/, in that Zulu /b/ displays
a short unaspirated voicing lag (i.e., [p]), as is the case for the common [p] allophone of AE /
b/ (which can also be realized as fully voiced [b]). The implosive Zulu /ɓ/ involves voicing
during bilabial closure and release (as in the AE [b] allophone), but adds a simultaneous rapid
lowering of the larynx, which causes a brief negative airflow during release. Larynx lowering
is not used distinctively in AE; but the fact that voicing continues during Zulu /ɓ/ release makes
the implosive gesturally quite similar to voiced AE /b/ in both location of supralarygneal
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constriction and basic glottal setting.

Based on articulatory similarities and differences between the Zulu consonants and the most
closely corresponding AE consonants, the following assimilation predictions were made: The
lateral fricatives were expected to show two category (TC) assimilation by most AE listeners,
as some phonological contrast in English, such as a voiceless apical fricative (e.g., /θ s ∫/,
perhaps clustered with /l/) versus /l/ (voiced lateral approximant) or some voiced apical
fricative (e.g., /ð z ʒ/, perhaps clustered with /l/), which involve the same articulators (tongue
tip and dorsum, glottis), constriction locations (dental/alveolar and posterior constrictions),
and constriction degree (fricative) as these Zulu consonants. The velar stops were expected to
show a notable category goodness difference (CG) in assimilation to good versus poor AE /k/,
that is, to a native consonant involving the same articulatory organs (tongue dorsum, glottis),
constriction location (velar), and degree (stop). The bilabial stops were expected to show single
category (SC) assimilation as nearly equivalent exemplars of AE /b/ (same organs, constriction
location and degree), at least for most listeners. The associated discrimination predictions were
that performance would be excellent for the lateral fricatives, quite good but significantly lower
for the velar stops, and substantially poorer for the bilabial stops, i.e., TC>CG>SC.
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Discrimination of each contrast was tested before assimilation was assessed, to minimize the
potential influence that labeling or describing the Zulu consonants may have had on
discrimination. Given Werker and Logan’s finding (1985) that short-term memory constraints
affected English listeners’ discrimination of a Hindi contrast that fits the SC definition, but not
Hindi listeners’ discrimination of the same contrast (native ~ TC), we also assessed whether
this factor might influence discrimination more for SC assimilations than for TC assimilations.
A difference in memorial influences would further support the differentiation of SC and TC
contrasts. It must be noted, however, that neither PAM nor the other two non-native speech
perception models (SLM and NLM) make explicit predictions about memorial effects on non-
native speech discrimination.

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A. Method
1. Participants—The listeners were 22 native speakers of American English (15 female, 7
male) with a mean age of 18.4 years (range=18–20 yr), recruited from an Introductory
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Psychology subject pool. Participants received course points for their participation. None of
the participants had experience with Zulu or any other languages employing the consonant
contrasts used in this study. None had a personal or family history of developmental speech,
language, or reading disorders. Five other participants were tested but their data were later
removed due to ear infection on the test day (n=1), delayed language development (n=1), or
familial speech problems (n=1) or reading impairments (n=2).5

2. Stimulus materials—An adult female native Zulu speaker from Durban, South Africa,
was recorded producing multiple tokens of each of the six target consonants in CV nonsense
syllable pairs. The syllables used were [ɮɛ]-[ɬɛ] (lateral fricatives), [kha]-[k′a] (velar stops),
and [bu]-[ɓu] (bilabial stops).6 All syllables had high tone on the vowel.7 The syllables were
read aloud individually from a randomly ordered list containing 20 repetitions of each.

The recording was digitized on a VAX 11-780 computer using the Haskins Laboratories’ Pulse
Code Modulation (PCM) system (Whalen et al., 1990). Individual syllables were extracted and
acoustically analyzed by the third author, using a signal analysis program called HADES,
which was developed at Haskins Laboratories. The measures included the durations of
consonant noise, vowel, and full syllable; rms amplitude of the consonantal noise; VOT (for
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stops only); spectral centroid values at 15%, 50%, and 85% into the consonant noise; and
frequency peaks for F0 and each of the first three formants at 15%, 50%, and 85% into the
vowel. “Centroid” refers to the spectral center of gravity, or amplitude-weighted mean
frequency, calculated as the first moment of a DFT. Centroid values primarily reflect front
cavity size and configuration (see Nittrouer et al., 1989). Only those tokens that our Zulu
speaker identified in a listening task as unequivocal productions of each category were further
considered. Also, any tokens displaying list intonation effects or other odd voice qualities were
ruled out as potential stimuli for the perceptual tests. Six tokens were then selected per category,
matched as closely as possible between the contrasting syllables of each pair for overall
duration, fundamental frequency and contour, and vowel formant frequencies at the 50% point.
The first author then independently remeasured the acoustic properties of the selected stimuli
(see final values, Table I), using the Signalyze program (Keller, 1994) on a Macintosh
computer. Note, however, that centroid values (HADES) could not be computed in Signalyze,
and F0 and formant measures were added for the first pitch pulse of each stimulus. Note also
that final formant values (Signalyze) were based on fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) rather than
linear predictive coding (LPC) estimation (as in HADES), and that final F0 values (Signalyze)
were calculated as the inverse of the period of the glottal pulse nearest to the designated time
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In summarizing the acoustic analyses, we use the term “discrete difference” to describe
measures that showed no overlap in range of values between the contrasting consonants, and
the term “overlapping difference” for measures whose values showed partially overlapping
ranges, thus inconsistently differentiating the contrast. For the remaining measures, the range
of values for one category was completely subsumed within the range of the other (or nearly

5Reading deficits were used as an exclusionary criterion because they are often associated with deficient phonological skills (e.g.,
Scarborough, 1998; Shankweiler et al., 1995). Due to requirements of subject pool use, some screening factors had to be applied after
subject participation. For the same reason, gender was not balanced in the sample. However, this was not deemed critical, as no sex
differences have been reported for speech perception tasks such as those used here.
6Different vowels were used for the three contrasts because we also planned to use these stimulus materials for a within-subjects study
with AE infants. The vowel difference was deemed necessary to maintain infants’ attention across their three required tests (Best et al.,
7Zulu is a tone language with a differentiation between high and low tones on syllable nuclei.

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so). These latter measures are designated as “no difference” even if the means appear to diverge
between the contrasting categories, because of the complete overlap in range.
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The acoustic differences for each stimulus contrast are consistent with their productions (e.g.,
aerodynamic differences). For the lateral fricatives, the discrete differences were that the
voiceless syllables showed a higher F1 at the first vocalic pitch pulse (Mdiff=67.5 Hz), a higher
F0 at 15% into the vowel (Mdiff=18.9 Hz), and a longer duration of frication (Mdiff=43.4 ms,
or 40% longer than voiced fricatives). The overlapping differences were that voiceless stimuli
displayed inconsistently higher mean amplitude (Mdiff=6.5 rms), higher mean centroid
frequency at 50% into the frication (Mdiff=87.7 Hz), higher F2 at 15% into the vowel
(Mdiff=69.5 Hz), higher F0 at the first pitch pulse and at 50% into the vowel (Mdiff=41.4 and
8.5 Hz, respectively), and longer mean duration for the full syllable (Mdiff=35.3 ms or 11%
longer than voiced fricative syllables). The remaining acoustic measures showed no difference.
Thus, 3 of 23 measures showed discrete differences; another 6 showed overlapping differences.

For the velar stops, the discrete differences were that ejective release bursts were higher in
amplitude (Mdiff=12.1 rms), longer in duration (Mdiff=28.8 ms, or 339% longer), and higher
in centroid frequencies at all three measured points in the consonant noise (Mdiff=653.8 Hz)
than the bursts of the aspirated stops. These properties are consistent with phonetic descriptions
of Zulu ejective velar stops (and our own perceptual observations of them) as somewhat
affricated. The overlapping differences were that ejectives also had inconsistently higher mean
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F0 at the first pitch pulse (Mdiff=28.1 Hz) and lower F2 at the first pitch pulse (Mdiff=90.6 Hz),
but higher F2 at 15% and 50% into the vowel (Mdiff=114.3 Hz). All other measures, including
VOT, showed no difference. Thus, 5 of 24 measures showed discrete differences, and another
4 showed overlapping differences.

For the bilabial stops, the discrete differences were that the implosives had higher F0 and F1
frequencies at 15% into the vowel (Mdiff=54.7 and 23.7 Hz, respectively), and had higher-
amplitude bursts (Mdiff=10.9 rms) and substantial prevoicing as compared to the small,
unaspirated voicing lag of the plosives (VOT Mdiff=72.2 ms). The overlapping differences
were that the implosives had inconsistently higher-frequency centroids at 50% and 85% into
the consonant noise (Mdiff=293.1 Hz), slightly shorter vowels (Mdiff=26.5 ms) but longer full-
syllable durations (Mdiff=32.4 ms), higher F0 at 50% into the vowel (Mdiff=17.5 Hz), lower
F1 at the first pitch pulse (Mdiff=13.2 Hz) but higher F1 at 50% and 85% into the vowel
(Mdiff=17.1 Hz), and higher F2 at 50% (Mdiff=46.8 Hz) but lower F2 at 85% into the vowel
(Mdiff=17.8 Hz). The remaining measures displayed no differences. Thus, 4 of 24 measures
showed discrete differences, and another 10 showed overlapping differences.

To summarize, the consonantal portions of all three stimulus sets showed several discrete or
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overlapping differences between the contrasting phone sets. The velar and bilabial contrasts
showed discrete differences in amplitude of consonantal noise; the velar and lateral fricative
contrasts showed discrete differences in consonant noise duration which were proportionally
much larger for the velars, and the bilabials differed in VOT. The velar contrast also displayed
systematic and pervasive centroid frequency differences in the consonant noise bursts, whereas
the lateral fricative and bilabial contrasts showed systematic F0 and F1 frequency differences
early in their vocalic sections. The other acoustic measures showed inconsistent or no
differences between the contrasting consonants. It is noteworthy that English listeners show
low levels of perceptual confusion, across a range of signal-to-noise ratios, for native stop and
fricative voicing distinctions, as well as for native affrication differences (i.e., fricative versus
stop manner). These observations are most relevant to the Zulu contrasts tested here. By
comparison, confusion levels for native place of articulation distinctions are fairly high (Miller
and Nicely, 1955). The similarity in number of discrete acoustic differences for our three

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nonnative contrasts, together with the classic findings of Miller and Nicely, offer little a
priori acoustic basis for predicting discrimination differences.
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3. Procedure—Listeners first completed a categorial AXB discrimination test for each of

the three Zulu contrasts. In this procedure, A and B are tokens of contrasting non-native
phonemes. Listeners are told to circle on their answer sheets for each trial whether the middle
item (X, or target) is the same syllable as the first or third item. The X is a different physical
token than that of the categorially matched A or B item, so that listeners cannot make a simple
acoustic identity judgment (e.g., Best et al., 1988; Polka, 1991, 1992). This procedure was used
for several reasons: (1) Because the categorial approach asks listeners to determine whether
physically different tokens have the same identity or not, it better approximates natural listening
conditions than do tasks that present physically identical tokens for judgment (as in “same”
trials in AX tasks). (2) Observers display much lower, and easily estimated, response bias in
2AFC (two alternative forced choice) tasks such as AXB than in single-interval decision tasks
(e.g., AX), and 2AFC tasks allow measurement of sensitivity to smaller stimulus differences
than may be easily assessed with single-interval yes/no tasks such as AX (MacMillan and
Creelman, 1991, p. 134). (3) The AXB task was used in the previous investigations of PAM
predictions (Best et al., 1988; Best and Strange, 1992).

Each AXB test contained 96 trials in 12-trial blocks (interstimulus interval [ISI] =1 s; intertrial
interval=3.5 s; interblock interval=5 s), presented to listeners via audio tape. This was the ISI
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used in previous PAM reports (Best et al., 1988; Best and Strange, 1992);8 it should also
minimize backward and forward masking between adjacent stimuli. Though this length of ISI
might place a load on memory, we assessed this via analysis of short term memory effects (see
the next section). The four trial types (AAB, ABB, BBA, BAA) were equally represented for
each contrast, and within each test the trial order was randomized. Each of the six tokens per
stimulus set occurred four times in each trial type, twice in A and twice in B position, but never
paired with the same opposing token more than once.

Following the discrimination tests, a second questionnaire task was conducted involving
transliteration of the syllables using English orthography, followed by eliciting additional
descriptions, for each set of syllables, in order to evaluate perceptual assimilations. On each
trial, the six tokens for a given target syllable were presented. Participants were then directed
to write down what the syllable sounded like to them, using English orthography (i.e., “spell
as you would in English”), if and only if the consonants sounded to them like anything
resembling English consonants. The questionnaire then asked them to write any further
description they could give regarding the way the stimuli sounded to them [e.g., “it sounded
like the speaker was doing —— when she pronounced the consonant” or “it sounded like ——
(some nonspeech sound)”]. Participants could not see each others’ responses nor discuss their
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perceptions of the stimuli during the test session.

Listeners were tested in groups of four to six, along one side of a large table in a sound-
attenuated room. Stimuli were presented via an Otari MX5050 BQ-II reel-to-reel tape deck
connected to a Kenwood amplifier, which fed to a Jamo compact loudspeaker. The speaker
was centered on the opposite side of the table, facing the participants (approximately 3 ft from
them). Output from the loudspeaker was set to 70±3 dB, as measured from the participants’

8Note that Werker has often used an even longer ISI of 1500 ms in her investigations of non-native speech perception in infants and
adults, as has Polka (1991, 1992).

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B. Results
1. Discrimination analyses—Percent correct performance was analyzed in a three-way
within-subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the factors stimulus contrast (laterals, velars,
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bilabials)×trial type (whether X matched the first item of the trial [AAB and BBA trials] versus
the third [ABB, BAA])×native similarity (whether X matched the more English-like
comparison item [AAB, BAA] versus the less English-like one [ABB, BBA]). Trial type
provides an index of memory influences. Better performance on trials where X matches the
third item of the trial would suggest a recency-type effect, posited to reflect auditory short-
term memory constraints (see Crowder, 1971, 1973). Native similarity was determined by
considering the phonetic properties of each Zulu phone relative to the closest English phoneme
(s), in addition to considering the listeners’ assimilations (below). In the case of the Zulu velar
stops, the voiceless /k/ is virtually identical to English /k/, whereas ejective /k′/ is obviously
more deviant from English /k/. Listeners’ assimilations were consistent with this phonetic
analysis: they produced more orthographically regular English spellings for Zulu /k/ than for /
k′/. The Zulu plosive bilabial has essentially the same pronunciation as English /b/, whereas
the Zulu implosive /ɓ/ is less English-like in that it employs a non-English larynx-lowering
gesture which results in negative airflow. However, determining native similarity was more
difficult for the Zulu lateral fricatives. Both are deviant from English fricatives in terms of
place of articulation, both using the same tongue constriction locations (which are similar to
AE /l/), and the voicing distinction is virtually identical to that for AE fricatives. However, one
apparent basis of difference in English likeness is evident in the listener assimilations. The
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phonotactically permissible English spellings they wrote for the voiceless lateral fricative (/s
∫ t∫ sl ∫l/) have a higher mean frequency of occurrence in word-initial position
(Mfrequency=0.0166), according to the Francis and Kuçera database (1982), than did their
permissible spellings (/l z/) for the voiced lateral fricative (Mfrequency=0.0037). Given the lack
of other bases for deciding, the voiceless lateral fricative was designated the more English-like
item for the native similarity factor.

The main effect of contrast was significant, F(2,42) =178.91, p<0.0001. Tukey tests revealed
that discrimination for the lateral fricatives was significantly better (M = 95% correct, s.e.
=0.49) than for the velar stops (M = 89.4%, s.e. =1.4), which was significantly better than for
the bilabial stops (M=65.9%, s.e. =1.5) (all p’s<0.01). Nevertheless, even for the bilabials
discrimination was significantly above chance (50% correct), t(21) =11.59, p < 0.001.

The main effect of trial type was only marginally significant (p=0.08). However, the trial
type×contrast interaction was significant, F(2,42) =5.495, p<0.008. Simple effects tests
revealed that trial type was significant only for the bilabial test, F(2,21) =7.29, p<0.01, with
performance higher on recency-type trials (M=69.9%, s.e. =1.9) than on primacy-type trials
(M=61.9%, s.e. =2.1). This suggests that auditory memory influenced discrimination of the
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bilabials, but not of the velars nor of the lateral fricatives, which failed to show recency effects.
Nonetheless, discrimination of the bilabials was significantly above chance for both recency-
type trials, t(21) =10.57, p<0.0001, and primacy-type trials, t(21) =5.57, p<0.001 (see Fig. 1).

The native similarity main effect was also significant, F(1,27) =34.41, p<0.0001.
Discrimination was significantly better when the target (X) was more English-like (M=86.79%,
s.e.=1.78) than when it was less English-like (M=80.13%, s.e.=1.81) (see Fig. 1). Although the
contrast ×native similarity interaction was nonsignificant, we ran a simple effects test on it in
order to determine whether the similarity effect was significant for each contrast individually.
The effect was indeed significant for each contrast: SC, F(1,42)=7.296, p<0.013; CG, F(1,42)
=47.518, p <0.0001; TC, F(1,42)=29.2, p<0.0001. To determine whether the effect differed in
magnitude among the three contrasts, we then calculated difference scores (more-English-like
minus less-English-like) and conducted a contrast×trial type ANOVA. No main effects or

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interactions were significant in this analysis, and Tukey tests among the contrasts were all
ns, indicating a lack of variation in magnitude of the native similarity effect.
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Although response bias is low for AXB and other 2AFC discrimination procedures, we applied
MacMillan and Creelman’s recommended bias-correction procedure to the percent correct data
(1991, p. 127). The formula, q2AFC=[p(c)2AFC −0.5]/(1−0.5), yields the proportion of guessing-
corrected performance above chance, which we multiplied by 100 to obtain corrected percent
above-chance performance. Since this is a linear transformation of the raw percentage data,
the ANOVA results were identical to those for the uncorrected scores. Both the uncorrected
and corrected cell means are listed in Table II.

2. Assimilation patterns—English spellings and descriptions of the Zulu consonants by

each participant, on each contrast, were categorized according to whether the participant used
the same or different consonant spellings for the contrasting syllable onsets, as well as whether
their additional written descriptions identified any differences they noticed in the productions
or sound of the consonants. If both consonant onsets were spelled identically, or were
phonologically equivalent in English orthography (e.g., CA and KA), and the participant’s
additional descriptions failed to note any other consonantal differences,9 the participant’s
assimilation pattern for that contrast was categorized as SC. If instead the contrasting
consonants were spelled with a common letter, yet one member of the pair was further modified
by punctuation marks or by additional letters to emphasize some phonetic feature (e.g., K
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followed by H to indicate aspiration), and/or the participant’s written description noted some
phonetic (or acoustic) discrepancy between the two consonants, then the assimilation of that
contrast was considered a CG difference within a single English consonant. That is, a perceived
goodness difference was inferred from the discrepant notation/ description. But if the two
consonant onsets were spelled with different letters or combinations of letters that indicate
phonologically different English pronunciations, the assimilation pattern was categorized as a
TC type. If the spelling and description had referred to a stimulus set as falling somewhere in
between two or more English consonants (e.g., “between ‘sh’ and ‘th’” or “sometimes sounds
like ‘s’ sometimes like ‘sh’ or ‘zh’”) for one or both Zulu consonants, then the pattern would
have been categorized as UC (uncategorized-categorized) or UU assimilation, respectively.
Alternatively, if the listener gave a name or description only of some nonspeech sound (e.g.,
“snapping” or “popping sound” or “whooshing”), it would have been designated as a NA type.
No participants indicated that any of the Zulu consonants were heard as uncategorized speech
sounds or as NA nonspeech sounds. That is, all were described as English consonants or
consonant sequences.

All 22 participants showed the expected TC assimilation of the lateral fricatives to some
phonological distinction in English. Each labeled the voiceless lateral fricative as some AE
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voiceless fricative or affricate involving the same articulators (tongue tip/body); ten combined
this with /l/, /h/, /t/ or /z/. For the voiced lateral fricative, ten gave the label “l,” five gave “z,”
three wrote a voiced fricative combined with other fricatives involving tongue tip/body, and
the remaining four provided clusters of voiced fricative + “l” (thus combining the same
articulators, constriction locations, degree, and/or laryngeal setting) (see Table III). A few
participants provided additional articulatory descriptions, most involving tongue tip/body
constrictions (silent “n,” unpronounced “l,” soft “c;” stronger “s” or “l”). Only one participant
offered a more acoustic-oriented description, indicating a “slight click on the ‘l’” he had heard
for the voiced fricative.

9Comments that instead identified vowel qualities or intonational properties do not reflect perception of the consonants per se, and so
were not factored into the consonant assimilation determinations.

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For the velar stops, all participants were again consistent in their assimilations, this time
reporting the expected CG difference in goodness of fit to AE /k/. All listed /k/ as their primary
response (same supralaryngeal articulator, constriction location, and degree, and same
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

laryngeal gesture), but all notated the ejective with a q, c, g, ch, or h or a mark such as an
apostrophe or a dash following the /k/. All but 4 participants also wrote further descriptions of
the ejective, with 16 indicating that the ejective included some unusual articulation in the throat
(pharynx) (choke; gagging; gurgle; throaty; clearing throat; in back of throat), and/or involving
the tongue tip/body (clucking; clicking [painful; nasalized; at roof of mouth; Bushman-like]),
and two giving more acoustic-oriented descriptions (slight clacking noise; broken up).

The bilabial stops yielded a somewhat less consistent assimilation pattern, although about of
the participants (n =15) showed the expected SC assimilation to a single AE consonant lacking
any notated differences in goodness of fit. These SC listeners reported both bilabial consonants
as /b/ (same articulatory organ, supralaryngeal constriction location, and constriction degree)
without additional spelling, marking, or descriptive differences; however, a subset of these did
report vowel or intonation differences (n=9). Discrimination performance for SC listeners
overall was poor (M=64.9%, s.e.=1.95); it was no higher for the subset who noted vowel or
intonation differences (M=63.93%, s.e. = 2.55) than for those who did not (n=6: M=65.87%,
s.e. =2.52). Two other participants showed a CG assimilation pattern to /b/, providing added
articulatory descriptions for the implosive (harder; “mb” described as softer /b/). Their
discrimination performance (M=72.23%, s.e.=2.33) was better than that of the SC participants.
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Four others showed TC assimilation as /b/ vs /v/ (different constriction location and degree);
however, their discrimination (M=65.91%, s.e.=2.25) was no better than that of the SC
participants. The remaining participant failed to describe one Zulu bilabial; his assimilation
was not classifiable.

3. Discrimination reevaluated—Given the individual variations in assimilation of the

bilabial contrast, we tested whether the discrimination results would be upheld for just the 15
participants who had shown the predicted assimilation types on all three contrasts: TC
assimilation of the lateral fricatives, CG assimilation of the velar stops, and SC assimilation
of the bilabial stops. The results remained essentially the same as for the full group. The main
effect of contrast was significant, F(2,28) =114.01, p<0.0001, supporting the predicted
performance pattern of TC>CG>SC. The trial type main effect remained nonsignificant, while
the contrast×trial type interaction became marginal, F(2,28)=2.805, p<0.08. However, simple
effects tests again indicated an advantage on recency-type trials for the bilabial contrast, F
(1,14)=4.41, p=0.05, but not for the fricatives or velars. Bilabial discrimination remained
significantly above chance both for recency-type trials (M=68.67%, s.e.=2.36), t(14)=7.92,
p<0.0001, and primacy-type trials (M=60.74%, s.e.=2.83), t(14)=3.8, p <0.002. The main effect
of native similarity also remained significant, F(1,14)=18.99, p<0.0007, and did not interact
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significantly with trial type or contrast. Thus, listeners who showed the predicted assimilation
for all three contrasts performed better on all of them when X was more English-like.

C. Discussion
The assimilation results are largely consistent with the PAM predictions made on the basis of
articulatory-phonetic similarities between Zulu and AE consonants. As expected, the lateral
fricatives were assimilated as a TC contrast, and the velar stops as a CG difference within a
single English consonant, by all listeners. Over of the participants also showed the predicted
SC assimilation of the bilabial stops, reporting no differences in the consonants’ goodness of
fit to AE /b/. The remainder, who showed either CG assimilation of the bilabials to /b/ or TC
assimilation to /b/ vs /v/ or /w/, displayed clear responsiveness to articulatory properties, in
that they always reported hearing consonantal constrictions involving lips as the articulator,
distinguished either by a noncontrastive difference in degree of constriction (e.g., “more pursed

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or tense”) or by a phonotactically permissible AE contrast in constriction degree and/or location

(/v/). Most listeners’ assimilations referred to articulatory properties of the stimuli; that is, the
listeners seem to have approached the task as “naive phoneticians,” with a focus on articulators,
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constriction location, and degree.

The variations in discrimination across the contrasts, considered in light of the assimilation
patterns, also supported the PAM prediction of the performance pattern TC >CG>SC. That is,
the lateral fricatives were discriminated better than velar stops, which were discriminated better
than bilabial stops. By comparison, the Zulu click contrasts tested by Best and colleagues
(1988), which had yielded clear NA assimilation, were discriminated between 80.6% and
99.1% correct. Thus, click discrimination ranged between the TC and CG levels we found here,
and was substantially better than the SC level, again in keeping with PAM predictions.

The native similarity effects with AE listeners are of particular theoretical interest. That
discrimination performance was influenced by the native likeness of the target item in the AXB
trials is consistent with the PAM claim that perceivers are sensitive to variations of a native
consonant. For the CG assimilation case, this effect may appear to be consistent with NLM
predictions (Grieser and Kuhl, 1989; Kuhl, 1992; Kuhl et al., 1992) about goodness-related
discrimination effects (cf. Miller, 1994; Volaitis and Miller, 1992). Specifically, NLM predicts
that discrimination should be worst among tokens that are acoustically similar to the prototype,
and best among tokens that are non-prototypical, of the same native category. However, our
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finding seems to show the opposite pattern—better discrimination performance for more
nativelike targets (i.e., more prototypical) and poorer performance for less nativelike (non-
prototypical) ones. Possibly, methodological differences contribute to this apparent reversal
of NLM findings. We employed a categorial AXB task whereas Kuhl and colleagues tested
detection of stimulus changes against a repeating background. Perhaps the perceived
equivalence between target and matching items in our categorial AXB task are greater when
the target is more English-like (i.e., corresponds to an NLM prototype) than when it is less
English-like (i.e., corresponds to a non-prototype). This might provide an NLM-compatible
interpertation of native similarity effects (see also Polka and Werker, 1994). However, the
native similarity effects for SC and TC assimilations are inconsistent with NLM expectations,
given that these types involve a notable difference in goodness of fit to the associated native
phoneme. That is, NLM should expect a native similarity effect in discrimination only for the
CG contrast, with significant differences in magnitude of the effect between the CG contrast
and the other two types. This expectation was not supported; all contrasts showed the effect,
and its magnitude did not differ significantly among them.

Two aspects of the Zulu bilabial findings must also be addressed: above-chance discrimination
by listeners who showed SC assimilation, and poor discrimination by those who showed TC
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assimilation. SC listeners’ discrimination was poor, as predicted, but was nevertheless

significantly above chance, even according to the bias-corrected scores. This may perhaps seem
unsurprising, in light of ample evidence from studies of categorical perception that within-
category discrimination is usually significantly better than chance. But the important question
is, why isn’t it at chance, specifically in the present SC case? These listeners had failed to detect
any sort of phonological contrast, or even any differences in phonetic goodness of fit to AE /
b/. Obviously, whatever remaining properties they detected did not support very good
discrimination. But what actual stimulus differences might they have heard? There was a
reliable difference in voicing between the unaspirated /bu/ and prevoiced /ɓu/; however, both
voicing values are found in allophones of AE /b/ and are difficult for English listeners to
discriminate (Lisker and Abramson, 1967), and few participants reported such differences. On
the other hand, nine listeners reported differences in vowel quality or intonation, perhaps
associated with slight differences in F1 and F2 onsets, and mid-vowel F0 differences,

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respectively, for /bu/ vs /ɓu/. Still, those who reported such differences discriminated the Zulu
bilabials no better than those who did not.
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The recency-type effect for the bilabial contrast alone may suggest another clue, although as
noted earlier, neither PAM nor NLM and SLM make a priori predictions about auditory
memory effects on discrimination. Discrimination in cases where the listener fails to detect
either a phonological contrast or a phonetic goodness difference would be expected to involve
detection of nonlinguistic auditory differences, and thus to show an influence of auditory
memory reflected in a recency effect (see Crowder, 1971, 1973). Recency effects in
discrimination would not be expected for CG or TC assimilation, which involve detecting
phonetic or phonological differences, respectively, rather than nonlinguistic differences. That
is, we speculate that detection of contrastive phonological distinctions versus non-contrastive
phonetic details versus nonlinguistic auditory properties is somehow differentiated in non-
native speech perception. Although this three-way division is superficially consistent with
Werker and Logan (1985)’s proposal for separate phonological, phonetic, and auditory
processing levels, our own view more closely follows the direct realist position that listeners
detect information in signals about the nature of the event that produced the signal. In the case
of speech signals, listeners could detect several types of event information: articulatory patterns
that signal phonological distinctions in a language, articulatory patterns that are noncontrastive
phonetic variants of phonemes in the language, or nonlinguistic aspects of vocal (or other)
sound-producing events such as breathiness, emotional intonation, murmuring, clacking noise,
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choppiness, etc.

Consistent with the preceding reasoning, recency effects were found for SC but not for CG or
TC assimilations (see Fig. 1). However, the difference in mean discrimination levels for the
three contrasts raises the possibility that the recency effect for bilabials is due simply to the
generally poor performance level rather than to the detection of nonlinguistic, as opposed to
phonetic or phonological, information per se. However, we can assess this possibility by testing
for recency effects in discrimination of the nine NA (nonassimilable) Zulu click contrasts
examined by Best and colleagues (1988). Performance on those clicks was higher than the
current SC discrimination, and comparable to CG and TC discrimination levels in the present
study (80%–99% correct). Yet discrimination of the clicks apparently involved detection of
nonlinguistic rather than phonetic and phonological differences, as with the SC contrast in the
current study. Therefore, we reexamined the click discrimination data in a new ANOVA on
trial type×feature type (voicing contrasts versus place of articulation contrasts)×phonetic
contrast (voicing contrasts: prevoiced/short-lag unaspirated, unaspirated/long-lag aspirated,
prevoiced/aspirated; place contrasts: dental-lateral, lateral/palatal, dental/palatal). Only trial
type was significant, F(1,8)=22.71, p<0.002, indicating a recency effect: better discrimination
for trials in which the target matched the third item of the trial (M=92.95%, s.e. =0.77) rather
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than first item (M=89.92%, s.e.=1.03). So, recency effects appear to be associated specifically
with detection of nonlinguistic as opposed to phonological or phonetic differences, rather than
being associated with poor discrimination.

There is another puzzle, however. The small number of listeners who reported TC assimilation
of the bilabials showed poor discrimination, no better than the SC listeners. Why? We suspect
the reason that these unexpected and infrequent cases of TC assimilation for the bilabials, unlike
the expected and unanimous TC cases for the lateral fricatives, showed an assimilation-
discrimination discrepancy may be attributable to task order. We had listeners complete the
discrimination task prior to the spelling/description task in order to minimize influences of
categorization on discrimination performance; this was a necessary experimental control for
evaluating PAM hypotheses about the influence of perceptual assimilation patterns on
discrimination. However, this minority of listeners may have felt compelled to generate some
AE phonological distinction when presented with the two bilabial categories in the second task,

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even though their poor AXB performance strongly suggests that they had not detected any such
differences during the preceding discrimination task.
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The more pervasive TC effect, however, was the predicted one of excellent discrimination in
the case of unanimous TC assimilations of the lateral fricatives. Here, the order of experimental
tasks was crucial for ruling out any possibility that categorization experience with the stimuli
could have directly affected discrimination performance within the experimental context. This
TC assimilation pattern with near-ceiling discrimination is the most surprising of the PAM
predictions, from the perspective of classic reports that adults have serious difficulties in
labeling and discriminating nonnative phonetic contrasts. Moreover, this TC pattern has
received the least prior research attention, having been reported only by Best and Strange
(1992), and there only for categorical perception of a synthetic continuum rather than of
multiple natural utterances. For these reasons, we conducted a second experiment to extend
our investigation of TC assimilation to another non-native contrast from a different language.

For this study, we chose a stop consonant contrast from a second African language, Ethiopian
Tigrinya, which is from a different language family (Afro-Asiatic: Semitic: Ethiopic) than Zulu
(Niger-Kordofanian: Niger-Congo: Bantu) (Ruhlen, 1975). The contrast was between the
ejective bilabial versus alveolar stops /p′/ and /t′/. The consonants contrasted in constriction
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locations that occur in AE rather than in laryngeal gestures, as in experiment 1; the laryngeal
gesture of both was non-native to English. We also tested discrimination of two native AE
fricative voicing contrasts involving phonemes that had appeared in the experiment 1
participants’ spellings of the Zulu lateral fricatives: /s/-/z/ and /∫/-/ʒ/ and involved tongue tip/
body as the active articulators, for comparison to the results with that contrast. Because the
lateral fricatives had been presented with the lax vowel /ɛ/ in open CV syllables, which is
phonotactically impermissible in English, we used the same vowel and CV context in all
contrasts tested in experiment 2. To directly compare the results to those for the lateral fricatives
(TC) of experiment 1, we used the same testing procedures.

A. Method
1. Participants—The listeners were 19 native speakers of American English (10 female, 9
male) with a mean age of 18.7 years (range=18–20 yr). None had experience with Tigrinya or
any other languages employing ejective consonants. None had a personal or family history of
developmental speech, language, or reading disorders. Eight other participants were tested but
their data were removed from the final data set due to developmental and/or familial speech
impairments (n =5), familial language disorders (n=1), or reading impairments (n=1) (see
footnote 5), or chance-level discrimination of the English control contrasts (n=1).
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2. Stimulus materials—A male native Tigrinya speaker from Ethiopia (Eritrea) was
recorded producing multiple tokens of each of the two non-native CV nonsense syllables /p′
ɛ/-/t′ ɛ/. The supralarngeal articulators, constriction locations, and constriction degrees for
these two stops correspond to those of the AE voiceless stops /p/-/t/; however, the ejective
laryngeal gesture of both is not used in English. The syllables were read aloud individually
from a randomly ordered list containing 20 repetitions of each. The AE contrasts /sɛ/-/zɛ/ and /
∫ɛ/-/ʒɛ/ were recorded according to the same procedure by a female native AE speaker (author
CTB).10 The recordings were digitized and analyzed as in experiment 1. Six tokens were
selected per category, matched as closely as possible between the contrasting syllables of each

10We also recorded, and collected perceptual data, for the same AE C’s followed by /ei/; data on the latter stimuli will not be reported
here because the vowel environment differed from the Zulu lateral fricatives and the Tingrinya stimuli. However, the perceptual results
for those stimuli were virtually identical to those for the AE stimuli reported in experiment 2.

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pair for overall duration, fundamental frequency and contour, and vowel formant frequencies
(see Table IV).
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The discrete differences between the final stimulus sets for the contrasting Tigrinya ejectives
are in the spectrum, duration, and amplitude of the release bursts. The /t′/ bursts were longer
in duration (Mdiff=8.6 ms, or 72% longer), higher in amplitude (Mdiff=9.9 rms), higher in
centroid frequencies throughout (Mdiff=986.3 Hz), and had higher F2 and F3 values at the first
pitch pulse of the vowel (Mdiff =516.0 and 1182.2 Hz, respectively) than the /p′/ bursts. All
other acoustic measures on the syllables, including VOT, showed no difference between the
two categories. Acoustic measures for the AE fricative contrasts were quite similar between
paired stimulus sets, except for the obvious voicing difference.

3. Procedure—As in Experiment 1, listeners first completed categorial AXB discrimination

tests for the Tigrinya and AE contrasts. Following the discrimination tasks, listeners completed
the assimilation questionnaire for each set of Tigrinya syllables, as in experiment 1. Listeners
were tested in groups of four to six in the same experimental setup as before.

B. Results
1. Discrimination analyses—The AXB discrimination data were submitted to ANOVA
for the within-subject effects of contrast (the two AE contrasts versus the Tigrinya contrast)
×trial type (primacy versus recency).11 This time, the only significant effect was contrast,
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F(2,36)=6.792, p<0.003. Discrimination performance was essentially at ceiling for the two AE
contrasts (for /s/-/z/, M=98.8% correct, s.e.=0.33; for /∫/-/ʒ/, M =98.8% correct, s.e.=0.37), but
was somewhat lower and more variable, though still excellent, for Tigrinya /p′/-/t′/ (M=91.4%
correct, s.e.=2.02). The trial type effect and the interaction were nonsignificant. Cell means
for percent correct, as well as for bias-corrected percent performance above chance, are shown
in Table V.

Performance on the lateral fricatives of experiment 1 was compared to performance for each
of the AE fricative voicing contrasts in between-subject contrast×trial types ANOVAs.
Discrimination was significantly lower, though still excellent, for Zulu /ɮe/-/ɬe/ (M=95%
correct, s.e. = 0.49) as compared to both AE /s/-/z/, F(1,39)=26.243, p <0.0001, and AE /∫/-/
ʒ/, F(1,39)=32.14, p<0.0001 (see preceding paragraph for AE means).

We also directly compared performance on the two non-native TC contrasts in a between-

subject contrast×trial type ANOVA. There were no significant differences.

2. Assimilation patterns—Assimilation patterns were determined according to the

experiment 1 criteria. As predicted, the great majority of participants assimilated the Tigrinya
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ejectives as a TC contrast (n=16). Of the 16 who showed TC assimilation, 12 reported hearing /

p/-/t/, that is, their assimilations were consistent with the supralaryngeal articulators,
constriction locations, and constriction degree. Consistent with the notion that listeners can
detect within-category phonetic differences, i.e., between non-native phones and the native
categories to which they are assimilated, some listeners noted deviant articulatory details
involving throat and/or larynx for the /p/-/t/ assimilations (e.g., click in the throat; windy—a
lot of breath behind it; swallowing the consonant; abruptly cut off; sucked in); others noted
deviant supralryngeal articulations (spitting out the syllables; hard or pronounced P and T).
Two other TC listeners reported /p/ vs /pt/ or /pb/, and two reported an isolated vowel (i.e., no
consonant) vs vowel_t. Two of the remaining showed SC assimilation, one reporting

11Native similarity was not included as a factor because neither the non-native contrast nor the native contrasts of experiment 2 involved
differences in English-likeness.

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“EH”-“EH,” the other /p/-/p/. Consistent with PAM expectations, the latter 2 participants
showed substantially lower discrimination (n=2, M=64.58%, s.e.=13.22) than the 16 who
displayed TC assimilation (M=94.09%, s.e.=1.96). The final participant failed to describe one
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Tigrinya consonant; his assimilation was not classifiable.

C. Discussion
The findings from experiment 2 are straightforward. The TC assimilation pattern and its
associated high level of discrimination clearly generalized to another non-native contrast.
Experiment 2 involved a different type of non-native phonetic contrast, and a second unrelated
language, than in experiment 1. Thus, the TC assimilation pattern apparently applies to
constriction location contrasts as well as laryngeal gesture contrasts (voicing).

Note, however, that the TC assimilation of non-native contrasts reported in both experiments
yielded modestly but significantly lower discrimination (low-mid 90% range) than do
comparable native contrasts (near-100% range). Listeners appear to be sensitive,
simultaneously, both to information that may be relevant to a native phonological contrast, and
also to articulatory differences between nonnative phones and the most similar native

Finally, as with the Zulu bilabial results in experiment 1, some individual differences were
apparent in assimilation and discrimination of at least some non-native consonant contrasts.
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Two experiment 2 participants failed to note any phonetic or phonological differences between
the Tigrinya ejectives, showing SC assimilation, with concomitantly poor discrimination.

The results of the reported experiments support the notion that listeners perceptually assimilate
and discriminate non-native consonants with respect to their phonetic similarity to native
contrasts, in accordance with predictions from the perceptual assimilation model (PAM: Best,
1994a,b, 1995; Best et al., 1988). Specifically, for non-native contrasts in which listeners
perceived a correspondence to some native phonological distinction, deemed as two-category
(TC) assimilation, discrimination was excellent—above 90% correct. This TC pattern was
evident for both a laryngeal gesture distinction and a constriction location distinction from two
unrelated languages. By comparison, when the contrasting non-native consonants were heard
as differing in goodness of fit to a single native consonant, indicating CG assimilation,
discrimination was very good though significantly lower than in TC cases. Thus, while listeners
detected variations in the details of items they perceived as variants of a single native consonant,
this did not benefit discrimination as much as did the detection of phonologically contrastive
information. Finally, when listeners perceived a non-native contrast as equally good variants
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of a single native consonant, displaying SC assimilation, discrimination was much poorer, as

expected. The full set of findings is highly supportive of PAM’s proposal of systematic relations
between assimilation and discrimination, confirming the discrimination order of TC>CG>SC.

The assimilations of non-native phones to AE consonants corresponded well, for nearly all
listeners, to the predictions we had developed from principles of articulatory phonology (see
experiment 1 introduction; cf. Browman and Goldstein, 1986, 1989, 1990a,1990b, 1992).
Those predictions focused on the use of the same articulators, constriction locations, and/or
constriction degrees by non-native and native consonants. Consistent with those expectations,
listeners assimilated the Zulu voiced bilabial stops to AE voiced consonants involving the same
articulator, that is, lip gestures. Typically, the same location and constriction degree were
involved (bilabial stop /b/), though sometimes constriction location and degree differed (labio-
dental fricative /v/). Similarly, listeners assimilated the Zulu voiceless and ejective velar stops
to the AE voiceless velar stop (/k/), thus to the same articulators (tongue dorsum and glottis)

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and the same supralaryngeal constriction location and degree, although glottal constriction
degree differed for the ejective /k′/. The voiced and voiceless lateral fricatives strongly tended
to be assimilated to the AE lateral approximant /l/ (same articulators and constriction locations,
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

but different constriction degree), often combined with voiced or voiceless apical fricatives,
respectively (same articulators and constriction degree). And the Tigrinya bilabial versus
alveolar ejectives tended to be assimilated to AE voiceless stops using the same supralaryngeal
articulators, constriction locations and degree (/p/-/t/).

At the same time, participants often noted additional phonologically irrelevant articulatory
features in their written descriptions of the stimulus sets, distinguishing the non-native
consonants from the native consonants they perceived as most similar. To illustrate, in addition
to their English spellings, listeners sometimes described vocal tract sounds resulting from
constrictions of the involved articulators and locations, including tongue body and pharynx
(choking, gagging, gurgling, throat-clearing, throaty, guttural sounds), tongue tip (clucking,
clicking, stronger /s/), lips (lip-pursing, [lip] muscle-tensing, harder /b/), etc. They only rarely
noted nonarticulatory nonspeech sound properties such as clacking noise, broken up.

Three other findings offer several additional insights about nonnative speech perception. First,
the native similarity effect, an asymmetry favoring discrimination when the target (X) is the
more rather than less native-like member of a nonnative contrast, was found for TC, CG, and
SC assimilation types alike in experiment 1. This suggests that familiarity with the typical
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phonetic form of native consonants aids rather than hinders discrimination, whether the listener
is attending for information about phonological contrast, or phonetic goodness of fit to a single
phoneme, or nonlinguistic stimulus variations. This suggests that native speech experience
results in more stable perception of tokens that are more nativelike, regardless of overall
performance level or type of information being discriminated. Evidence of the converse, that
perception of less nativelike utterances is less stable, can be seen in the common experience
that perception of foreign-accented utterances in the listener’s L1, or of utterances in a late-
learned L2, is more effortful and error-prone than perception of native L1 utterances.

A second, and perhaps related, finding is that although discrimination of TC contrasts was quite
high and that of the SC contrast was quite low, performance differed significantly from ceiling
and from chance, respectively. Both observations suggest that listeners retain greater sensitivity
to articulatory-phonetic variants of non-native consonants, i.e., show lower perceptual stability
or lower perceptual equivalence among tokens, than they do for for native consonants. This
burdens discrimination somewhat in TC cases, where the parallel to native phonological
contrasts should otherwise have yielded ceiling performance, but it aids discrimination in SC
cases, where lack of correspondence to a native phonological contrast or to a phonetic
difference in goodness of fit should otherwise have yielded chance performance. These
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discrepancies from the upper and lower performance extremes indicate that listeners detect not
only the presence/ absence of phonological contrast, but also detect phonologically irrelevant
phonetic and/or nonlinguistic details. This finding, together with the native similarity effect,
appears compatible with the notion discussed in experiment 1, that listeners are able to
discriminate three types of information in speech: phonological, phonetic, and nonlinguistic
(see also Hallé et al., 1999; Hallé et al., 1998, 2000; Whalen, 1984, 1991). As argued earlier,
this could simply involve detection of certain types of information, and need not entail three
qualitatively different cognitive processes (see Werker and Logan, 1985).

Third, only the SC contrast elicited recency effects in discrimination. This finding suggests a
qualitative division between detection of linguistic (phonological, phonetic) and nonlinguistic
information in speech. This memory effect, putatively auditory, occurred only when listeners
failed to report hearing phonological or phonetic differences, presumably leaving only a
nonlinguistic basis on which they could have discriminated. The implied relationship between

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recency effects and nonlinguistic auditory discrimination was supported by a reanalysis of

earlier findings with Zulu clicks, which had been perceived as nonassimilable (NA) nonspeech
sounds (Best et al., 1988). Like the SC bilabials, the clicks were also discriminated on a
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nonlinguistic rather than a phonological or phonetic basis; however, they were discriminated
much better than the bilabials. The new analyses revealed a recency effect for click
discrimination. The apparent restriction of recency effects to SC and NA cases further supports
the differentiation of discrimination of nonlinguistic versus phonological and/or phonetic
information in speech. If no such difference existed, the recency effect should have been found
across all assimilation types.

While we have interpreted our findings in terms of the PAM model, the differences in TC, CG,
and SC discrimination may be, in some ways, reminiscent of classical findings on categorical
perception (CP) with synthetic speech continua. Although the original CP claim had been that
listeners discriminate speech stimuli only so well as they identify or label them differently,
much evidence has indicated that within-category discrimination is usually significantly better
than that predicted by labeling functions. In particular, discrimination of tokens near the
category boundary, i.e., inconsistently labeled or ambiguous tokens, is above chance (cf. Best
et al., 1981). Thus, listeners typically display some sensitivity to within-category variations,
though certainly less than that for between-category differences. Those observations might be
extrapolated to the better discrimination of TC than CG contrasts, and of CG than SC contrasts.
It is important to note, however, that CP findings typically involve unnatural synthetic stimulus
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variations, whereas the present research and other non-native speech studies involve perception
of multiple tokens of natural utterances, a situation that better approaches the natural conditions
involved in listening to and learning unfamiliar languages.

It is also important to consider whether and how the findings relate to the other non-native
speech models discussed earlier: the speech learning model (SLM): Flege, 1986, 1989, 1995)
and the native language magnet model (NLM: Grieser and Kuhl, 1989; Kuhl, 1991, 1992; Kuhl
et al., 1992). The SC findings might be seen as consistent with the NLM claim, and the SLM
implication, that two non-native phones which are quite similar to a native phoneme should
each be difficult to discriminate from it. By extension, they should also, presumably, be difficult
to distinguish from each other. Both models might also be extended to account for the TC
findings, as a case of non-native phones that are easy to discriminate because they are similar
to two different native phonemes, and thus virtually identical to a native contrast. That account,
however, is indistinguishable from PAM’s explicit hypotheses about TC assimilations. Turning
to CG assimilation, the results appear consistent with NLM (and SLM) in showing systematic
differentiation of good (closer) versus poor (more distant) examples of a given native phoneme.
The native similarity effect of experiment 1 is particularly relevant to NLM claims about
asymmetries in discrimination of good versus poor exemplars of a native phoneme. However,
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as discussed there, it is uncertain whether the direction of our native similarity effect supports
or conflicts with NLM. Further research would be needed to determine this. Moreover, NLM
should predict a discrimination asymmetry for CG but not for TC or SC assimilations, yet
significant asymmetries were observed for all three types of contrast. Thus, native speech
experience aids categorial discrimination not only when a non-native contrast assimilates to a
phonetic goodness difference within a native phoneme (CG), as emphasized in NLM
predictions, but also when listeners fail to detect goodness differences and hear only some
nonlinguistic difference (SC), as well as when they detect some phonological distinction (TC).

While certain results can be interpreted a posteriori as being compatible with both models, a
more fundamental caveat with respect to how well NLM and SLM can address the present
findings is that both models focus on the attributes of individual phonetic categories. PAM
instead focuses on the functional organization of the native phonological system, specifically
on the phonological distinctions between, and phonetic variations within, native phonological

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equivalence classes. Importantly, neither SLM nor NLM would have generated the current set
of comparisons. And neither offers a singular, coherent account of the findings like PAM does.
Thus, a key contribution of PAM is its provision of a theoretical motivation for systematic
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comparisons among diverse types of non-native contrasts within the broader context of
phonological systems.

Another important theoretical issue, not directly examined here, is how native language effects
on non-native speech perception emerge developmentally. Infant research indicates that some
native language influences appear during the second half-year, with declining discrimination
of at least some non-native consonants by 8–10 months (e.g., Best et al., 1995; Werker,
1989; Werker et al., 1981; Werker and Lalonde, 1989), and of some non-native vowels by 6–
8 months (Polka and Werker, 1994; cf. Kuhl et al., 1992; but see Polka and Bohn, 1996).
Interestingly, there is no developmental decrease for nonnative Zulu click consonants,
consistent with AE adults’ very good discrimination and assimilation of them as NA nonspeech
sounds (Best et al., 1988, 1995). Even more intriguing, however, is that older infants’
perception of both native and non-native speech still differs from that of adults in several
nontrivial ways, suggesting that they do not yet perceive phonological contrasts like adults
(e.g., Best 1991; Hallé and de Boysson-Bardies, 1996; Stager and Werker, 1997). Those
developmental differences have led some to posit that infants are initially responsive to
language-universal properties of speech, then begin to recognize language-specific phonetic
patterns, and only later discover the contrastive phonological functions of native phonetic
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classes, perhaps in relation to increases in size of their early lexicon (e.g., Best, 1993; Stager
and Werker, 1997; Werker and Pegg, 1992). Against the backdrop of our discussion of the
three types of information that adults detect in speech (phonological, phonetic, nonlinguistic)
we suggest that infants progress developmentally from detection of only nonlinguistic (or
perhaps nonspecific phonetic) information in speech, to recognition of how phonetic variants
fit into (or fail to) language-specific phonetic classes, to eventually discovering the
phonologically contrastive functions those phonetic classes serve in distinguishing native
words. Further research on infants’ changing perceptions of diverse nonnative contrasts,
assimilated by adults as TC vs CG vs SC (vs NA) contrasts, will be needed to test those
speculations. We note, however, that the proposed developmental path is consistent with the
classic direct realist view of Gibson and Gibson (1955) that perceptual learning involves the
increasing differentiation of the lawful stimulus information provided by real-world events. In
the case of speech, this differentiation is posited here to involve the emerging recognition of
classes of articulatory gestures employed in native speech, followed by discoveries about how
those gestural classes help to distinguish among native words.

Before closing, we must address some limitations of the present investigation. The primary
methodological limitation lies in our assessment of assimilations. Having listeners give a single
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native spelling and description of each stimulus set, following the discrimination task, may
bias them to search for some between-set difference they were not attending to in the
discrimination task. For a more refined approach, forced-choice or perhaps even open-set
spellings could be obtained for each token in an assimilation task involving multiple,
randomized repetitions. Such data could be easily subjected to standard statistical analyses.
Additionally, listeners could rate the goodness of fit between each nonnative token and their
associated native-language spelling. Such ratings would be especially useful for differentiating
between CG and SC assimilation patterns (see Best et al., 1996; Calderón and Best, 1996).
However, other task adjustments would be needed to evaluate listeners’ perception of
nonlinguistic properties.

Several other aspects of assimilation also deserve further examination, including the basis for
predicting the most likely assimilations of a given nonnative contrast by listeners of a given
language community. Another finding that calls for further study is the striking individual

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variation in assimilation patterns for some non-native contrasts, as we found for Zulu bilabials.
Evidently, the phonetic properties of non-native phones reflect multiple dimensions of
similarity to various native phonemes, and listeners may differ in their attention to specific
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Additional research is also needed to substantiate the proposed differences in perception of

phonological, phonetic, and nonlinguistic information in non-native speech. For example,
native phonotactic rules (phonological), such as constraints on the vowels permitted in open
and closed syllables, versus native coarticulatory patterns (phonetic) such as anticipatory or
carryover coarticulation between vowels and consonants, may influence categorization and
discrimination of nonnative contrasts in different ways (see Avery and Best, 1995).
Neuropsychological studies could also provide insights. To illustrate, in a recent dichotic
listening study, although American English speakers and Zulu speakers displayed similar
overall performance levels in judgments of Zulu click consonants, only the Zulu listeners
perceived them as speech and showed a left hemisphere advantage (Best and Avery, 1999),
indicating one crucial difference in perception of nonlinguistic versus phonological
information in click consonants.

To sum up, the present findings are consistent with the hypothesis that non-native speech
perception is based on detection of articulatory-phonetic similarities to the phonological units
and contrasts of the native language. Discrimination performance levels are strongly linked to
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listeners’ assimilations of non-native phones within their native phonological system. To a

large extent, assimilation and discrimination of non-native consonants reflects listeners’
sensitivity to phonetic and/or phonological similarities to native consonants. The detection of
nonlinguistic properties in speech contributes minimally to non-native speech perception,
being evident only when listeners reported hearing no phonetic or phonological differences
between contrasting non-native consonants, in which case they showed fairly poor
discrimination. The full set of results is most compatible with PAM predictions. While certain
findings may be consistent with other views of non-native speech perception, PAM alone
provided the motivation for the present cross-language comparisons, and it appears to offer the
most coherent account.

Support for this research came from NIH Grant Nos. DC00403 to the first author and HD01994 to Haskins
Laboratories. We gratefully acknowledge the following colleagues for their helpful comments on an earlier version
of the manuscript: Alice Faber, Carol Fowler, and Michael Studdert-Kennedy. We also thank Keith Kluender and
three anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments on our original submission; the final version of the article
benefited substantially from their input.
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FIG. 1.
The AXB discrimination performance in experiment 1 for the factors of contrast×trial
type×native likeness. The three panels display results for (a) Zulu plosive versus implosive
bilabial stops (SC), (b) voiceless aspirated versus ejective velar stops (CG), and (c) voiceless
versus voiced lateral fricatives (TC).
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Acoustic attributes of the stimulus tokens selected for each target category in experiment 1.

Stimulus syllable Syllable durationa Consonant durationa Vowel durationa Consonant VOTa Consonant amplitudeb Consonant centroidc Vowel F1d Vowel F2d Vowel F3d Vowel F0d

Lateral fricatives
Best et al.

/ɮɛ/ (voiced) 309.9 (271–336)e 108.3 (86–131) 197.6 (185–217) 25.3 (22–28)
first pulsef 475.2 (436–499) 2318.9 (2259–2384) 2813.4 (2623–2951) 204.8 (153–233)
15%g 3512.3 (3239–3722) 528.0 (499–592) 2443.6 (2384–2586) 2812.1 (2638–2943) 221.5 (214–232)
50%g 3616.5 (3549–3767) 563.0 (554–608) 2560.4 (2493–2586) 2875.5 (2676–2996) 224.0 (215–233)
85%g 3683.5 (3572–3805) 550.5 (514–592) 2539.7 (2477–2586) 2873.0 (2780–2973) 226.0 (220–231)
/ɬɛ/ (voiceless) 345.2 (299–400) 151.7 (134–179) 187.9 (161–216) 31.8 (24–36)
first pulse 542.7 (530–577) 2279.5 (2228–2322) 2850.6 (2810–2899) 246.2 (212–267)
15% 3654.9 (3621–3685) 579.1 (561–592) 2374.1 (2322–2430) 2800.9 (2705–2907) 240.4 (236–244)
50% 3704.2 (3636–3810) 592.1 (577–608) 2495.5 (2337–2571) 2818.3 (2690–2936) 232.5 (227–239)
85% 3690.3 (3550–3810) 555.7 (514–577) 2557.8 (2509–2633) 2900.3 (2847–2959) 229.8 (221–238)
Velar stops
/kha/ (aspirated) 284.8 (246–314) 8.5 (7–11) 202.8 (158–234) 82.5 (76–88) 30.2 (28–33)
first pitch pulse 1075.7 (1006–1162) 1546.4 (1468–1655) 2439.5 (2325–2534) 225.2 (201–262)
15% 2059.1 (1841–2423) 1076.9 (991–1177) 1519.1 (1431–1610) 2505.3 (2392–2646) 209.7 (201–219)
50% 1972.1 (1876–2268) 1063.2 (1014–1125) 1442.1 (1379–1535) 2523.9 (2467–2673) 197.6 (185–204)
85% 1913.7 (1814–2164) 1049.6 (1006–1095) 1525.3 (1438–1714) 2632.0 (2556–2750) 195.5 (188–203)
/k′a/ (ejective) 263.5 (231–278) 37.3 (23–55) 175.4 (154–194) 88.3 (70–113) 42.3 (38–47)
first pitch puls 1063.3 (1029–1117) 1455.8 (1319–1528) 2514.0 (2400–2661) 197.1 (134–233)
15% 2580.3 (2391–2885) 1104.2 (1029–1178) 1604.8 (1528–1729) 2552.5 (2467–2623) 203.0 (185–213)
50% 2616.5 (2408–2788) 1099.3 (1050–1170) 1584.9 (1431–1729) 2624.6 (2430–2772) 198.3 (189–204)
85% 2709.3 (2477–2937) 1112.9 (1038–1200) 1578.7 (1498–1692) 2613.4 (2452–2743) 194.9 (189–200)
Bilabial stops
/bu/ (plosive) 261.4 (232–278) 9.7 (6–13) 248.3 (211–267) 13.5 (10–23) 15.8 (13–17)
first pitch pulse 463.4 (443–499) 895.0 (836–919) 2461.7 (2337–2586) 227.5 (211–242)
15% 2806.8 (2284–3096) 475.1 (443–494) 935.1 (886–967) 2365.5 (2307–2448) 230.5 (213–239)
50% 2707.0 (2400–3220) 476.8 (453–494) 935.1 (866–987) 2387.4 (2317–2569) 228.5 (213–244)
85% 2758.1 (2378–3216) 478.5 (463–494) 955.3 (917–987) 2424.3 (2226–2851) 232.0 (225–239)
/ɓu/ (implosive) 293.8 (260–341) 12.1 (7–33) 221.5 (204–252) −58.7 (−105/−67) 26.7 (23–31)
first pitch pulse 450.2 (405–483) 907.1 (873–927) 2472.2 (2307–2680) 230.1 (219–255)
15% 2637.8 (2389–2907) 529.8 (499–577) 877.7 (810–982) 2383.9 (2290–2493) 254.2 (238–270)
50% 2591.5 (2250–3022) 496.1 (483–514) 981.9 (935–1044) 2391.7 (2275–2462) 246.4 (227–256)
85% 2287.5 (1982–2782) 493.4 (483–499) 937.5 (826–997) 2370.9 (2275–2462) 237.8 (219–254)

Duration in milliseconds (ms); consonant duration refers to burst for velar and bilabial stops, to frication for lateral fricatives; VOT=voice onset time for stops only.

J Acoust Soc Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 November 16.
Root mean square amplitude across full duration of consonant noise (frication or burst).
Centroid frequencies of consonant noise at onset, middle, and offset of noise (frication or burst).
Frequency in Hz at first pitch pulse and at 15%, 50%, and 85% into vowel for lowest three formants and F0 (LPC estimates).
Minimum and maximum values, to nearest integer.
First pitch pulse of vocalic portion.
Percent into consonant noise (frication or burst) for centroid measures; percent into vocalic portion for formant and F0 measures.
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Mean percent correct discrimination for trial type×native likeness×contrast.

Trial type
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Primacy (AAB, BBA) Recency (BAA, ABB)

Contrast More nativelike Less nativelike More nativelike Less nativelike

Zulu [bu–ɓu] 63.98 (27.97)a 59.32 (18.66) 73.67 (47.34) 67.85 (35.69)
Zulu [kha–k′a] 90.35 (80.71) 86.45 (72.90) 93.68 (87.36) 84.17 (68.34)
Zulu [ɮɛ– ɬɛ] 98.42 (96.86) 91.57 (83.14) 97.52 (95.04) 91.46 (83.29)

Values in ( ) are corrected for guessing/bias (Macmillan and Creelman, 1991; see text), i.e., corrected percent above chance.
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American English-speaking adults’ assimilations of Zulu consonants. Values in parentheses indicate number of participants providing each transcription

Lateral fricatives Velar stops Bilabial stops

Best et al.

Voiceless: /ɬɛ/ Voiced: /ɮɛ/ Voiceless: /ka/ ([kh a]) Ejective: /k′a/ Plosive: /bu/ Implosive: /ɓu/

sa (8) lb (10)kc (19)kc,d (6) b (20)be (16)

sh (3) z (5)kh (2)k_c,f (8) bh (1)v (4)
slg (3) zlh (2)chz (1)cki (4) missed (1)vb (1)
ch (1) thl (2) khj (2) mb (1)
tsk (6) th with z/v (2) kchl (2)
cth (1) szt (1)

Includes “s” or “hs” or “‘soft’ c” or “‘soft’ sc.”
Includes “hl.”
Includes “k” or “‘hard’ c.”
Described by all listeners with additional features: choking, throat-clearing, clacking, clicking, gagging.
Described by four listeners as “harder”’ or “with pursed lips” or “with tensed speech muscles.”
Includes transcriptions of “k” with apostrophe or with epenthetic vowel after “k.”
Includes “shl” or “chl.”
Includes “zhl.”
Includes “qk” or “gk” or “tk.”
Includes “gh.”
Includes “tz” or “tsc” or “zs.”

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Includes “chg.”
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Acoustic attributes of the stimulus tokens selected for each target category in experiment 2.

Stimulus syllableSyllable durationaConsonant durationaVowel durationaConsonant VOTaConsonant amplitudebConsonant centroidc Vowel F1d Vowel F2d Vowel F3d Vowel F0d

Tigrinya ejectives:
Best et al.

/p′ɛ/ 235.0 (223–248)c 12.0 (9–16) 157.9 (144–169) 74.8 (66–92) 40.8 (37–43)
first pulsef 456.7 (318–507)2001.5 (1871–2190)2632.0 (2517–2780)127.1 (104–143)
15%g 3602.3 (3282–3993) 618.7 (593–627)2052.3 (2027–2086)2868.0 (2643–2998)107.3 (105–111)
50%g 3365.8 (2977–3780) 626.3 (612–637)2085.8 (2023–2205)2792.8 (2742–2815) 97.3 (94–101)
85%g 3223.5 (2991–3595) 624.0 (612–630)2068.5 (2028–2209)2872.7 (2815–2998) 90.7 (86–97)
/t′ɛ/ 232.8 (213–248) 20.6 (18–27) 157.1 (135–176) 75.1 (57–105) 48.7 (47–52)
first pulse 478.0 (472–490)2517.5 (2448–2570)3814.2 (3724–3986)126.7 (111–145)
15% 4614.0 (4391–4848) 622.2 (612–631)2078.0 (1885–2195)2863.8 (2805–2937)114.9 (106–123)
50% 4494.2 (3958–5112) 621.3 (612–631)2088.0 (2033–2189)2882.5 (2804–3015) 102.2
85% 4042.4 (3372–4874) 611.2 (551–630)2142.3 (2033–2199)2818.5 (2805–2936) 91.6 (86–101)
Eng. alveolar fricatives
/sɛ/ 487.8 (471–509) 239.3 (221–254) 319.3 (313–329) 50.3 (49–52)
first pitch pulse 319.3 (313–329)1677.2 (1557–1741)2785.2 (2645–2817)218.3 (186–237)
15% 6822.2 (6511–6971) 477.2 (468–487)1731.3 (1713–1756)2693.5 (2505–2821)188.6 (188–192)
50% 7177.2 (6992–7473) 486.7 (475–496)1722.5 (1575–1878)2711.5 (2639–2822)172.8 (165–174)
85% 7348.0 (6965–7750) 476.2 (461–496)1648.2 (1617–1692)2617.0 (2508–2791)166.0 (159–178)
/zɛ/ 465.0 (440–497) 211.8 (197–244) 238.6 (222–253) 48.8 (47–51)
first pitch pulse 308.5 (299–319)1720.3 (1554–1881)2725.8 (2517–2804)185.4 (179–189)
15% 6345.8 (5533–7182) 477.0 (468–483)1781.3 (1713–1881)2810.2 (2801–2821)184.8 (180–190)
50% 7177.6 (6809–7563) 482.3 (466–498)1731.3 (1554–1876)2765.3 (2672–2831)172.6 (168–177)
85% 7402.2 (7175–7768) 466.5 (455–481)1698.5 (1564–1881)2737.5 (2500–2819)158.1 (153–161)
Eng. palatal fricatives
/∫ɛ/ 490.7 (476–500) 256.7 (243–268) 229.1 (223–237) 46.5 (45–48)
first pitch pulse 325.0 (313–348)1618.5 (1541–1866)2474.0 (2203–2657)227.5 (215–239)
15% 5477.5 (5250–5644) 478.2 (458–498)1853.5 (1741–1866)2740.2 (2517–2821)186.4 (180–195)
50% 5629.3 (5473–5818) 483.0 (473–495)1801.3 (1716–1886)2630.7 (2495–2786)171.4 (165–180)
85% 5539.3 (5451–5613) 482.5 (472–490)1732.2 (1724–1744)2714.3 (2508–3129)168.0 (164–174)
/ʒɛ/ 485.6 (467–509) 229.5 (213–256) 242.9 (227–264) 45.3 (43–47)
first pitch pulse 316.4 (313–319)1650.3 (1556–1783)2522.0 (2360–2640)184.5 (175–193)
15% 5134.6 (4912–5619) 479.7 (461–496)1879.2 (1867–1885)2663.0 (2500–2813)179.8 (174–185)
50% 5477.7 (5290–5924) 479.0 (464–490)1795.5 (1709–1876)2672.3 (2477–2809)170.9 (167–177)
85% 5489.3 (5278–5740) 482.0 (471–489)1708.8 (1570–1766)2631.2 (2454–2815)169.3 (166–172)

J Acoust Soc Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 November 16.
Duration in milliseconds (ms); consonant duration refers to burst for velar and bilabial stops, to frication for lateral fricatives.
Root mean square amplitude across full duration of consonant noise (frication or burst).
Centroid frequencies of consonant noise at onset, middle, and offset of noise (frication or burst).
Frequency in Hz at first pitch pulse and at 15%, 50%, and 85% into vowel for lowest three formants and F0 (LPC estimates).
Minimum and maximum values, to nearest integer.
First pitch pulse of vocalic portion.
Percent into consonant noise (frication or burst) for centroid measures; percent into vocalic portion for formant and F0 measures.
Page 31
Best et al. Page 32

Mean percent correct discrimination for trial type×contrast in experiment 2.

Trial type
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Primacy Recency


English [sɛ–zɛ] 97.66 (95.32)a 99.42 (98.83) 99.71 (99.42) 98.25 (96.49)
English [∫ɛ–ʒɛ] 98.24 (96.49) 98.54 (97.08) 99.71 (99.42) 98.54 (97.08)
Tigrinya [p′ ɛ–t′ ɛ] 91.81 (83.62) 88.59 (77.19) 92.11 (84.21) 92.98 (85.96)

Values in ( ) are corrected for guessing/bias (Macmillan and Creelman, 1991; see text), i.e., corrected percent above chance.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

J Acoust Soc Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 November 16.

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