Our Lady of The Pillar College-Cauayan Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela

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Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela

Daily Lesson Plan ( July 25-26, 2016)

Content Standards Students will demonstrate understanding in
comparing and contrasting acids and bases.

Performance Standards Demonstrate skills in determining acidity

and alkalinity of common house hold
products and some water samples.

Learning Competency The student can investigate the properties

of acidic and basic mixtures using plant

Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson the student must
A. Identified the characteristics of acid and
B. Determined the acidity and alkalinity of
some household items and water samples
using plant indicator.
C. Relate acid and base to real life

Subject Matter: Acids and Bases

Materials: House hold materials:
Distilled water
Baking soda
Baking powder
Tooth paste
Detergent soap
Fruit juice
Sugar in water
soft drink
20 bbq stick/ drinking straws
20 small plastic cups
Water samples:
Rain water
River, lake or stream,
Pond, canal
Faucet deep well or pump water
Distilled or purified water

References: Ferido, M.B, et al., Diversity of Materials in

the environment, pp 35-42.
Integrated Science text book for first year.
Nature of assessment: Formative,
Assessment activity: Laboratory activity
Valuing: Class for us to suit in this world we need to
be neutral like the distilled water where it
doesn’t react to any substances. It is balance
and we have to balance everything we do.
Teacher’s activity Students activity

A. Preparation activity

All stand up. Ken, kindly lead the prayer. (Ken lead the prayer)

Good morning class.

Good morning Ma’am (Students’ answer)

Before you may take your seat, kindly pick up all

the tiny bits of paper around your chair.

(checking of attendance)

Who’s absent today?

None Ma’am (Students’ answer)

What was our last topic last meeting?

Yes, Syrian?
We have tackled about the minerals found
in the food labels.
Very good!

So what are the macro minerals and micro

minerals that are essential to life? Can you at
least give 3 examples of each?
Yes, Elnie?
For Macro minerals we have Calcium,
Magnesium and Potassium and for micro
minerals we have chromium, copper and
Very good!

And these elements or minerals can be obtained

from the food we eat every day, for examples of
these are the dairy products like cheese and
milk, source of proteins like legumes, fruits like
banana, meat, sea foods and livers.


Class, are you familiar with the game “4 pix 1

Yes, Ma’am (Students’ answer)
Okay, I will post pictures on the board and all
you need to do is to identify the best word that
describes the picture by choosing the jumbled
letters below the picture. Is that clear class?
Yes, Ma’am (Students’ answer)
I need a volunteer.

Who wants to try the game?

Yes, Rjay?
No.1 is “Acid” and no.2 is “Base” (Students’
Very good!

Those pictures have something to do with our

topic today.

B. Presentation of the lesson

Class, our lesson for today is all about Acids

and Bases.

C. Discussion

Class, are you familiar with the word acid and

Yes, Ma’am (Students’ answer)
So what is acid class?
Yes, Ivan?
Any of the various water-soluble
compounds having a sour taste.
Very good! Ok class there are different
definitions of acids according to some well-
known chemist

(The teacher posted readings on the board)

1. Bronsted-Lowry acid wherein this theory,

acids are defined as proton donors
HCl  H+ + Cl-
Hydrochloric acid hydrogen ion Chloride ion

2. Arrhenius acid - acid is a compound that

increases the concentration of H+ ions that are
present when added to water. These H+ ions
form the hydronium ion (H3O+) when they
combine with water molecules.

3.Lewis acid- acids act as electron pair

All of the definitions given by these well known
chemists are related to each other except for
Lewis acid.
Before we move on to the properties and uses
of acids let’s define first what is base.

What is base class? Based on your assignment. Ma’am.

Yes, Kendall? Base can be defined as substance that yields
Hydroxides ions (OH-) in a water solution

Very good! Here is an example of it

HCO3+H+  H2CO3

There is also other definition for base according

to these well-known chemists.

(The teacher posted readings on the boards)

1. Bronsted-Lowry base is a proton (hydrogen

ion) acceptor.

2. Arrhenius base is a compound that increases

the concentration of OH- ions that are present
when added to water. The dissociation is
represented by the following equation:

3. Lewis base act as electron pair donors.

You have noticed that the definitions of base

and acid are related to each other. So it is not
confusing how to determine acid and base in an

Now let’s move to the properties of acids and


(The teacher will post readings on the board)

1.Sour taste 1.Bitter taste
Ex. Lemon Juice, Ex.
grape juice, tomato Ampalaya,mustard
and etc. and etc.
2. Feels like water/ 2.Feel smooth and
sting slippery
Ex. Vinegar Ex. Soap
3. Neutralizes bases 3..Neutralizes acids
Ex. Plaque Ex. Antacids
4. React mostly with 4. Does not react
metals mostly with metals
5.Readily conduct 5.Readily conduct
electricity(aqueous electricity (aqueous
solution) solution)
6.Strong acids 6. Strong base are
corrodes metals caustic
Ex. Rust Ex. Burn
7. Turn litmus paper 7. Turn litmus paper
to red to blue

Therefore, we have to investigate if a mixture is

acidic or basic by using an indicator. I have
prepared a plant indicator, using mayana leaves.
The indicator is a dye that changes into a
different color depending on whether it is in acid
or base. There are many color indicators that
come from plant sources. Each indicator dye has
one color in an acidic mixture and a different
color in a basic mixture.

Are you familiar with litmus paper class? Yes,Ma’am (Students’ answer)

Very good! What is a litmus? Ma’am.

Yes, Lena? Litmus is a dye taken from the lichen plant.

Very good! When a litmus paper turns red the

mixture is? Acidic! (Students’ answer)

Very good! What about if it turns blue? Base! (Students’ answer)

Very good! I think you are all ready for your


D. Application

Activity 1: Part B
1. Place one (1) tsp. of each sample in each well
of the egg tray.
Sample Color Nature of
2. Add 8-10 drops (or ½ tsp) of the plant
indicator sample
indicator to the first sample.
Calamansi Strongly
3. Note the color produced. Record your
observations in column 2 of table 1.
Tap water Weakly
Table 1. Acidic or basic nature of household
Distilled Neutral
Vinegar Strongly
Sample Color Nature of
indicator sample
Sugar in Weakly
water basic
Tap water
Baking Basic
Soft drink Strongly
Toothpast Basic
Shampoo Basic
soap Basic
Sugar in
Baking soda
Soft drink

4. Repeat step number 1 for the other samples.

5. Determine the acidic or basic nature of your
sample using the color scheme below.

Strongly acidic: Red

Weakly acidic: Blue
Weakly basic: Green
Strongly basic: Yellow

Activity 1: Part C
1. Place one (1) tsp. of each sample in each well
of the egg tray.
2. Add 8-10 drops (or ½ tsp) of the plant
indicator to the first sample. Water Color of Nature of
3. Note the color produced. Record your sample from indicator sample
observations in column 2 of table 2. source
Rain water
Table 2. Acidic or basic nature of water from River, lake
different sources. or stream
Water Color of Nature of Pond
sample from indicator sample Canal
source Water from
Rain water faucet
River, lake or
Water from

4. Determine the acidic or basic nature of your

sample using the color scheme below.
Strongly acidic: Red
Weakly acidic: Blue
Weakly basic: Green
Strongly basic: Yellow
They will destroy each other (Students’
(Post discussion) answer)

What do you think will happened class if acid

and base combines?
Very good! And it will produce salt and this type
of reaction is called Neutralization. Sodium
chloride is a salt that is produced from the
reaction of Hydrochloric acid and sodium
Salts hardly affect indicators. Ma’am.

E. Generalization/Summary/ Abstraction We can easily determine it by using an

indicator or litmus paper.
Now, how can you tell that a mixture is acidic or
Yes, Adan?
By using a plant indicator like the mayana
leaves the mixtures can be determined by
Very good! Who can give a generalization with their color and its nature.
our topic today? Strongly acidic: Red
Weakly acidic: Blue
Yes, Ashly? Weakly basic: Green
Strongly basic: Yellow


The litmus paper will turn blue if it is base

and red when it is acidic.
Very good! But when using a litmus paper what
will be the color if it is acidic or basic? Ma’am

Yes, Yves? An acid has the characteristic of having sour

taste and capable of turning litmus red and
reacts with base to form a salt and a base is
Very good! Now who can sum up our lesson? any various water-soluble compounds
capable of turning blue and react with acid
Yes, Kendra? to form a salt and water.

Very good! Therefore, it’s very important to

know the characteristic of a mixture and its
basicity and acidity. When a mixture is both acid
and base it is called amphoteric.

F. Value Integration
Class for us to suit in this world we need to be
neutral like the distilled water where it doesn’t
react to any substances. It is balance and we
have to balance everything we do.


In a ¼ sheet of paper. Identify the following

substance if is a base or acid.
Avoid erasures.

1. Citrus fruit 1.Acid

2. Alkaline water 2.Base
3. Tooth paste 3.Base
4. Cologne 4. Acid
5.Vinegar 5.Acid

For nos. 6-10. Choose the word in the box below

that describes the best answer.

Litmus paper Tartaric acid

6. Acid from Apple.
7. One of the common Malic acid Antacids
Salt Sugar
acid/base indicators.
8. Produce when acid and base combined.
9. Acid from grapes. 6. Malic acid
10. Used to neutralize hyperacidity in the 7. Litmus paper
stomach. 8. Salt
9. Tartaric acid
10. Antacids

Okay class, for your assignment you’ll need

three (3) pieces of small iron nails (about 2.5 cm
I cup vinegar with (4.5 to 5% acidity)

Three (3) small bottles or 100 mL beaker

1 cup water
2 droppers
1. All nails and bottles must be dry.
2. Place one piece of the iron nails in each
3. Put two to three drops of vinegar (enough to
cover the nail) on top of the iron nail in each
4. Put aside the bottles where you can observe
changes for three days.
5. Write your observations after one day, two
days and three days.

Lesson Plan prepared by: LENA BETH T. YAP

(Practice Teacher)

Lesson Plan checked by: LIEH ANN A. FONTANILLA

(Cooperating Teacher)

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