Concentration of Fruit Juices by Vacuum Membrane Distillation: A Review

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International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

ISSN 2248-9924 Volume 3, Number 2 (2013), pp. 49-54

© Research India Publications

Concentration of Fruit Juices by Vacuum

Membrane Distillation: A Review

Shukla Saurabh Kumar1, Mishra Ashish2 and Jain Jyoti3

AIFT, Amity University, Noida, U.P.
WSAET, SHIATS, Allahabad, U.P.
Departments of Chemical Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan.


In order to increase the shelf life of product, as well as reduction in

their bulk weight and their transportation cost, membrane processes
have been widely applied for concentration processes of the food,
dairy, fruits and vegetables and beverage industry. Over the last two
decades, the worldwide market for membrane technology in the food
industry has increased enormously and it’s now the second biggest
industrial market for membranes after water and wastewater treatment
including desalination. Membrane processes such as VMD have gained
an important place in food technology and are being used in a broad
range of applications in it. The key property that is exploited is the
ability of a membrane to control the permeation rate of a chemical
species through the membrane, so it can be used in concentration of
fruit juices. It is observed that concentration of juice by vacuum
membrane distillation have better result on allowing one component of
a mixture to permeate the membrane freely, while hindering
permeation of other components like antioxidant properties and the
sensory properties of the fruit juices. Thus vacuum membrane
distillation has been proved a better, safer, and advance technique to
concentrate fruit juices.

Keywords: Membranes, Concentration, Vacuum Membrane


1. Introduction
In order to increase shelf life of product, as well as to reduce their liquid volume and so
the transportation cost, food products are concentrated by the different type of
membrane processes. Fruit juices have been traditionally concentrated by multi-stage
50 Shukla Saurabh Kumar et al

vacuum evaporation, which results into several adverse effects on the product quality
as degradation of certain natural antioxidant components, loss of amino acids and
discoloration in the final product.
Aroma profiles of different fruit juices usually cover a mixture of a large number
of volatile organic compounds. The individual aroma of any fruit components differs
according to their molecular structure, which defines the solubility, the boiling point,
and the volatility of each type of compound (Ramteke, Eipeson, & Patwardhan, 1990).
Aroma components are present in different concentrations and combinations, where
the concentrations of individual aroma substances in common fruit juices usually range
from less than 1 to 20 ppm (_Sulc, 1984).
The process of concentration of fruit juices are the one of the basic unit operations
of fruit juice technology, in which the solids content of the juice is increased from 10%
to 12% up to 65–75% by weight (Sulc, 1984). The fruit juices are concentrated to
reduce its volume, which in turn lowers storage, packaging and transport costs. The
increased concentration of solids also helps in preventing microbial spoilage of the
juice concentrate (Downes, 1990).
In conventional concentration technique, the juice concentration step is usually
coupled with aroma-stripping and the stripped aroma concentrate is later added back to
the concentrated juice (Sulc, 1984). Nowdays, the predominantly used method for fruit
juice concentration and aroma-stripping comprises one or several multistage falling
film vacuum evaporators are connected to a separate aroma recovery plant. In it, the
volatile aroma compounds are removed in the vapor phase obtained through falling
film evaporation and subsequently trapped by condensation in an aroma recovery unit,
where the efficiency of the trapping varies depending on the particular conditions and
on the aroma compounds in question (Piggott, Paterson, & Clyne, 1993)

2. Membrane Processes in Food Industry

In last few years, membrane processes such as membrane distillation (MD), reverse
osmosis (RO), and pervaporation have been recognized as alternative membrane based
separation and concentration processes in fruit juice and other beverages (Calabr_o,
Jiao, & Drioli, 1994; Girard & Fukumoto, 2000; Lagan_a, Barbieri, & Drioli, 2000).
The key membrane technologies in the food industry are the pressure-driven
membrane processes microfiltration (MF), ultra filtration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and
reverse osmosis (RO). The success of membrane technology in the food and beverage
market is directly linked to some of the key advantages of membrane processes over
conventional separation technologies. Among these advantages, some of them are

 Gentle product treatment due to moderate temperature changes during

 High selectivity based on unique separation mechanisms, for example sieving,
solution-diffusion or ion-exchange mechanism;
 Compact and modular design for ease of installation and extension;
 Low energy consumption compared to condensers and evaporators.
Concentration of Fruit Juices by Vacuum Membrane Distillation: A Review 51

The key disadvantage of membrane filtration is the fouling of the membrane

causing a reduction in flux and thus a loss in process productivity over time. The effect
of fouling can be minimized by regular cleaning intervals.

3. Membrane Distillation for Fruit Juice Concentration

Membrane distillation is a thermally driven separation process in which separation is
enabled due to phase change. A hydrophobic membrane displays a barrier for the
liquid phase, letting the vapor phase (e.g. water vapor) pass through the membrane's
pores. The driving force of the process is given by a partial vapor pressure difference
commonly triggered by a temperature difference.
In last few decades, membrane separation processes have become one of the
emerging technologies especially in the separation processes. They are having a
number of advantages over conventional methods of separation in a vast variety of
applications such as distillation and evaporation. Membranes processes are method of
transfer of specific components selectively; as well as they are energy efficient systems
which are being operated under moderate temperature conditions which ensures gentle
product treatment.
In general processing, fruit juices are traditionally concentrated by vacuum
techniques (multi stage vacuum) which generally have an adverse effect on antioxidant
compounds of the fruit juices. According to Balazs etal., membrane technology, such
as vacuum membrane distillation, have the very good results in processing of
concentration of fruit juices. Vacuum membrane distillation affects the preserving
quality of the fruit juices and helps in maintaining superior and natural quality of the
fruit juices.

4. Vacuum Membrane Distillation

Vacuum membrane distillation is a membrane-based separation process which
removes volatile organic compounds from the aqueous streams. In VMD, Micro
porous hydrophobic Membranes are used to separate the aqueous stream from a gas
phase which are kept under vacuum. The evaporation of the liquid phase takes place on
one side of the membrane, as well as mass transfer occurs through the vapor phase
inside the membrane. According to Serena Bandini etal., the vacuum-side pressure is
the major design factor in the process of VMD since it highly affects the separation

5. Principle of Vacuum Membrane Distillation

The principle of vacuum membrane distillation of the solution with non-volatile solute
is illustrated in Fig. 1. The feed passes through one side of the micro porous membrane
(the feed side), while the other side of the membrane (the vacuum side) is vacuumed.
Because the membrane is hydrophobic and micro porous, the solution in the feed side
will not go into the vacuum side through the membrane because of the interface
tension. When the pressure of the vacuum side is kept below the equilibrium vapor
pressure of the solution on the membrane face in the feed side, the water in the feed
52 Shukla Saurabh Kumar et al

side is evaporated continuously and goes into the vacuum side. At the same time , the
vapor entering the vacuum side is vacuumed outside the membrane cell to be
condensed continuously. The vacuum membrane distillation has greater flux than other
forms of membrane distillation, because a differential pressure lies between the vapor-
liquid interface and the vacuum side.

Figure 1: Theory of vacuum membrane distillation.

6. Comparison of VMD with the Conventional Method

Vacuum membrane distillation (VMD) has been proposed as an attractive membrane
processes allowing very high concentrations (above 65◦Brix) to be reached at
atmospheric pressure and temperatures near ambient temperature. In this process, fruit
juice is separated from a receiving phase by a hydrophobic micro porous membrane to
prevent penetration of aqueous solution, creating air gaps within the membrane
VMD may be a good technique for satisfactory Conservation of the original
qualities of thermo sensitive Aroma compounds in highly aromatic fruit juices like
Black currant juice. In VMD, the vacuum conditions can shift the Equilibria present
between the vapor phase and liquid Phase at atmospheric pressure resulting into the
possible recovery of azeotropic components (bielig & gr€unding, 1985; ramteke etal.,
1993). The complex nature of fruit aroma volatiles makes it very difficult to separate
aroma volatiles from different fruit juices using one and the same aroma recovery
plant. Today, there is no universal aroma recovery plant with which highly and poorly
volatile aroma compounds of every fruit type can be separated, rectified and
concentrated with the same efficiency (Ramteke et al., 1990).
In studies, it is found that, the amount of vapor to be extracted for aroma separation
using the conventional process is 10–45% of feed volume (Bielig & Gr€unding, 1985)
& aroma recovery plant transfers only 40–65% of the total volatiles into the aroma
concentrate (Sulc, 1991), where as in VMD process, the amount of volatiles in the
aroma permeate are substantially higher and the amount of vapor to be extracted is
therefore considerably less.
According to Rico Bagger-Jørgensen etal., When 5% of feed volume had been
extracted, between 68% and 83% of the highly volatile compounds and between 32%
and 38% of the poorly volatile compounds, had been recovered from vacuum
membrane distillation process.
According to Pelin Onsekizoglua etal., (2010) VMD techniques is very efficient
since the concentrated juice presents nutritional and sensorial quality very similar to
Concentration of Fruit Juices by Vacuum Membrane Distillation: A Review 53

that of the original juice especially regarding the retention of bright natural color and
pleasant aroma, which are considerably lost during thermal evaporation. Furthermore,
among all the concentration treatments applied, only thermally evaporated samples
resulted formation of HMF. Phenolic compounds, organic acids and sugars were very
stable against all concentration processes, including thermal evaporation.
VMD is also capable of the concentration of different juice up to a high solid
content. In a study of black-current juice concentration, it was found that final
concentration of the blackcurrant juice reached 58.280 Brix at the end of the batch
measurements. This high concentration prevents the juice from deterioration. In this
study it was found that a few degree centigrade increases in the driving force
influenced significantly the distillate flux and the operation time of the VMD process.
The result of the analytical measurements shows that the density, TAC and AC of the
black-currant juice increase proportionally to the increase of the TSS in the measured
range (Aron etal.).
In concentration of citrus fruit juices and the fruits containing oily constituents
(such as limonene in orange juice), membrane wetting may occur due to high affinity
of hydrophobic membrane material with such compounds. Coating of membrane with
hydrophilic polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) (Mansouri & Fane, 1999) and
alginate (Xu et al., 2004) has been proposed to overcome this problem. Recently,
Chanachai et al. (2010) studied the coating of hydrophobic membrane PVDF with
chitosan, a highly hydrophilic polymer, for protection against wetting by oils from fruit
juice. The results indicated that the coated membrane well protected the membrane
against wetting-out and could maintain stable flux. Coated membranes used to
concentrate the oil solution (limonene 2%, v/v) for 5 h were not wetted out during flux
measurement and no visual damage was observed indicating the stability on the base

7. Conclusion
Studies suggest that VMD is a very promising technique for gentle aroma stripping of
thermally sensitive fruit aroma compounds. However, VMD is the only one of several
known MD techniques. Other MD techniques include sweeping gas MD, osmotic MD
and direct contact MD. VMD results in many advantages, with respect to conventional
separation techniques, and, from an economic point of view, is comparable to
alternative membrane processes, such as pervaporation. With respect to other MD
configurations, VMD allows to reach higher partial pressure gradients and, hence,
higher fluxes and productivity of juices. Thus, VMD can be proposed as the most
promising alternative to conventional thermal evaporation technique for fruit juices.

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